Hei was not just top tier in multiplayer but in single player too thanks to d+1,2 being a universal CPU-beater. But, yeah, Hei was ridiculous in competitive play. It’s no wonder he lost Twin Pistons after this because you were punishing -13 stuff with a full launch. Imagine that crap with Bound hits. He has the old Twin Pistons in his ultimate form in Tekken 7’s story and there’s no doubt he’d be god tier if he just had that regularly.
Hei was not just top tier in multiplayer but in single player too thanks to d+1,2 being a universal CPU-beater.
But, yeah, Hei was ridiculous in competitive play. It’s no wonder he lost Twin Pistons after this because you were punishing -13 stuff with a full launch. Imagine that crap with Bound hits. He has the old Twin Pistons in his ultimate form in Tekken 7’s story and there’s no doubt he’d be god tier if he just had that regularly.