Jonathan Harvey: Speakings (2007/2008)

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • Jonathan Harvey (1939-2012): Speakings, for large Orchestra and electronics (2007/2008).
    BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra diretta da Ilan Volkov
    Cover image: Photo by Dolorès Marat.
    The music published in our channel is exclusively dedicated to divulgation purposes and not commercial. This within a program shared to study classic educational music of the 1900's (mostly Italian) which involves thousands of people around the world. If someone, for any reason, would deem that a video appearing in this channel violates the copyright, please inform us immediately before you submit a claim to RUclips, and it will be our care to remove immediately the video accordingly.
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Комментарии • 51

  • @benjaminkapp3729
    @benjaminkapp3729 3 года назад +5

    Imagine an orchestra who could speak with the expressiveness of the human voice. That is what this piece is after.

  • @Rhinegoldt
    @Rhinegoldt 10 лет назад +23

    A very beautiful piece! From reading the comments below I see that some listeners are not stimulated by this music. It's true that a certain appreciation for this style must be cultivated before it brings enjoyment. The good news is that the education required to attain this appreciation is available to all listeners through-- quite simply-- repeated listening. In the words of Bernard Rands "Most things in the human experience are accessible if you're willing to access them" As for those who would bluntly call what they don't understand, or what isn't to thier personal taste "garbage" or "shit," you are shamelessly ignorant.

    • @davidarteagamusic5991
      @davidarteagamusic5991 7 лет назад +2

      AMEN! Shamelessness and ignorance are indeed on the ascent today! :)

    • @julianbroadhurst8287
      @julianbroadhurst8287 6 лет назад +2

      I've loved this area of music and Jonathan Harvey since I discovered him as a young teenager in in music school. I think if you don't just love for it's own sake you can't really teach someone to. I a professional composer now. If you haven't got that hunger to know more and explore - I don't think you can teach it in to someone. I don't like Bel Canto Opera - I know people do like it - and I know why but no one can teach me that I do.

  • @renaldoramai-musiccomposer7399
    @renaldoramai-musiccomposer7399 4 года назад +2

    Magnificent use of Orchidea. Surely a piece that makes its mark on history.

  • @blaken6662
    @blaken6662 10 лет назад +6

    Harvey's awesome. No big deal for people who don't dig it. But this is the internet, and it's pretty easy to find something you do like. So... go do that.

  • @MegaCirse
    @MegaCirse 7 лет назад +3

    Une très belle pièce à écouter avec modération! A lire les commentaires ci-dessous, je vois que certains auditeurs ne sont pas forcément stimulés par cette musique. Il est vrai qu'une certaine appréciation de ce style doit être cultivée avant qu'elle n'amène à la jouissance. La bonne nouvelle est que l'éducation requise pour atteindre cette appréciation est à la disposition de tous les auditeurs tout simplement... Dans les propos de Bernard Rands "La plupart des choses dans l'expérience humaine sont accessibles si vous êtes réellement disposé à y accéder"............... :-)

  • @OperaCantata
    @OperaCantata 12 лет назад +51

    It bothers me that many people who have "studied" music have no understanding of modern works while the "unprofessional" music lovers tend to be much more sensible and competent. The thing that is worse is that these "professionals" tend to be very impolite outspoken and, quite often, persistent in expressing their "objective" opinion on every possible "avatgarde" video. Such behaviour makes me question the quality of their education.

  • @bobbuckingham7253
    @bobbuckingham7253 7 лет назад +8

    @castelmanx. It is though to define what New Music is in a few words. Go to Google and type that name in. It is not simple electroacoustic, that is like defining the ocean as a place with lots of water. Harvey tries to express speech analysis. In this piece, special technology was developed to allow the analysis of speech to be realized in an orchestral context, using complex algorithms which can process multiple combinations possible in an orchestra setting. He used a program called Orchidée that computed such analyses and provided possible orchestrations for the composer.

  • @davidarteagamusic5991
    @davidarteagamusic5991 7 лет назад +2

    WOW Unspeakably awesome! thank you!

  • @PalumboComposer
    @PalumboComposer 4 года назад +1

    masterpiece of the music history

  • @alfredneubert1288
    @alfredneubert1288 Год назад

    Some passages give me Dutilleux vibes... just beautiful and out of this world...

  • @LomlukaMusic
    @LomlukaMusic 11 лет назад +2

    I like it. I "studied music" and continue to do so.

  • @afreen5058
    @afreen5058 4 месяца назад

    It scary how sometimes you think you hear a voice or sounds like a crowd cheering.

  • @GustavoDiazJerez
    @GustavoDiazJerez 13 лет назад

    Thank you for uploading this! The making of this work is unbelievable.

  • @OperaCantata
    @OperaCantata 12 лет назад

    great response

  • @jclarkccc
    @jclarkccc 12 лет назад +1

    Don't encourage the trolls. People who feel compelled to complain about the music in youtube videos aren't worth talking to.

  • @machida5114
    @machida5114 2 года назад

    so good...

  • @johnminster3205
    @johnminster3205 3 года назад

    I like it.

  • @ayaneyamanaka
    @ayaneyamanaka 11 лет назад

    Just great.

  • @polszik
    @polszik 8 лет назад

    I love the whispering begining

  • @Ubik1810
    @Ubik1810 11 лет назад


  • @kuang-licheng402
    @kuang-licheng402 6 лет назад +1

    rare music

  • @machida5114
    @machida5114 3 года назад

    quite good ...

  • @Symbioticism
    @Symbioticism 12 лет назад

    Just because somebody says they have studied music in youtube comments doesn't really tell you anything. Firstly, they might be lying, secondly, you have no information regarding how much they have studied music and thirdly, even if they have studied to a very high level (phd and post doctoral) you often don't know in which area. The academics in music that I know have broad knowledge, understanding and appreciation of music, and don't spend their time arguing on RUclips. They have journals.

  • @ElvisHoman
    @ElvisHoman 9 месяцев назад

    Is there some sort of a max patch for that ?

  • @stephenjablonsky1941
    @stephenjablonsky1941 2 года назад

    A highly inventive trip to the haunted house.

  • @MrInterestingthings
    @MrInterestingthings 10 лет назад +1

    Those of you who know and are stimulated to know more -bravo.Those who must read andare uninformed and too lazy to read or open their souls or JUST LISTEN enjoy be open to experience . It's supposed to be a different experience not the Eroica . Dont critique just feel and like Scarlatti said your pleasurewill be increase AND you will have found a NEW WORLD With some of us it simply takes time-with others they will never arrive. It has always been this way since Mesopotamia and Ur. Now vivos voco again!

    • @truthlivingetc88
      @truthlivingetc88 4 года назад

      Yet it can be quite dangerous to employ aesthetics to demonstrate superiority. Harvey would have disapproved of the utilisation of his music for purposes of this kind.

    • @willshogren604
      @willshogren604 4 года назад

      Yes, you are very intelligent and belong to a special club that "gets" Jonathan Harvey, unlike all those idiots who don't "get" this music and thus are stupider than you.

    • @MrInterestingthings
      @MrInterestingthings 4 года назад

      @@willshogren604 I think 5 years ago I was still fighting others to listen . Insecurity or a need to feel "elected " Well I found the cure since then . Wish I could go and change so many of these . It's ok . We can all be ourselves at whatever place on da journey we are at !

  • @arunaszizys5225
    @arunaszizys5225 6 лет назад

    i like it & as with much of the music i enjoy it gets targeted by trolls so i remind them - 'de gustibus non disputandum est' - & get a life, no one forces you to listen to music you don't like

  • @smijification
    @smijification 4 года назад

    Part 3, however, seems to be more palatable - eerily atmospheric . . . like the last flickers of life.

  • @runnowhere
    @runnowhere 3 года назад

    Very beautiful and devastating. I'm not sure about the subject or theme of this piece but it sounds like it has something to do with Buddhism.

    • @JuicyYew
      @JuicyYew 3 года назад +4

      just saw a talk of Bruno Bossis, a close friend and colleague of Hearvey and he mentioned that the piece was subdivided in 3 main parts on the processing part. First, baby screeches and noises were used for the formant envelopes for the speaking orchestra, then a mature human with clear syntax and articulation. The end, he mentions, enfolds into a is a sort of spiritual, buddhistic revelation which is present in a lot of Harvey's pieces.

  • @MuseDuCafe
    @MuseDuCafe 12 лет назад

    Waaaaah. You need the Wambulance (.com)

  • @anvilseler
    @anvilseler 9 лет назад


  • @tubafatness
    @tubafatness 13 лет назад

    First off, what makes you assume that Berg and Webern's music had to be "forced" on to "legitimate" musicians? And what about the fact that their music is played all the time now by equally as "legitimate" musicians and ensembles?
    Also, the Schoenberg quote is unsourced, and it is highly doubtful that it was "said on his deathbed."

  • @shawnmcintire4093
    @shawnmcintire4093 6 лет назад +1

    11:09 has me shook

  • @darrex999
    @darrex999 12 лет назад

    "The making of this work is unbelievable." - I personally can't see the entertainment in this piece and it doesn't invoke a "wow" response within me; can someone who does appreciate this music clarify why this piece has this effect on them?

    • @davidarteagamusic5991
      @davidarteagamusic5991 7 лет назад +2

      WOW!!! :) I think for those who really love art, it is not at all about entertainment…

    • @masoodyazdi
      @masoodyazdi 2 года назад

      ten years is passed from your comment I hope you got it . or maybe not

  • @PiEndsWith0
    @PiEndsWith0 12 лет назад

    for understanding the piece: watch?v=muuNTBFSzzc
    for "wow" listen to more modern classical, it takes time getting used to its harmony(ies)

  • @b-r-a-i-n-r-o-t
    @b-r-a-i-n-r-o-t 3 месяца назад

    this music is definitely designed to be written about and thought about but not listened to. it's so utterly painful, sonically, that it begs the question whether it's music at all. it's orchestral music for people who listen to Field Recordings and Musique Concrete. i can't describe it as anything other than a joyless thought experiment made manifest in sound. it is the radical and absurd conclusion of "expression" in music: all expression, no music. it seems to revel in the fact that it has the timbre of a crying infant. the noises produced here (i do not want to call it music) would cause distress in the average person; if this is not the case for you, i figure that it reflects poorly on your character. this work is remarkable insofar as it achieves nothing that music is supposed to and everything that it's not. for those undergraduates looking for thesis material, this is red meat. for someone who wants to listen to either orchestral or electronic music, this is flatly torture. i can only imagine that was the goal of Jonathan Harvey in producing this work, a fact itself that seems designed to counter any criticism of this work as torturous. at the risk of repeating myself, i simply find this work almost maliciously self-important and thoughtlessly frivolous; indeed, something this academic and unlistenable could only have emerged from academia. i hated this.

  • @cheesemongerinF
    @cheesemongerinF 13 лет назад +1

    AAACCH!!! PAIN!!
    At least Berg and Webern had lived through the trauma of WW1 and were expressing that pain through the sounds they forced legitimate musicians to produce. If music is supposed to evoke emotions, I now know what the composer was feeling like when he had diarrhea migraine simultaneously.
    Thank goodness this stuff will hardly ever be inflicted on audiences many more times.As Schoenberg said on his deathbed,"there are 1000s of beautiful melodies left to be written in C Major."

    • @willshogren604
      @willshogren604 4 года назад

      But without this, how will music snobs be able to smugly look down on all the normies?

  • @smijification
    @smijification 4 года назад

    I enjoyed Mortuos Plango, Vivos Voco - but this is harsh and meaningless IMHO; and I speak as someone who has listened to/endured a considerable amount of avant garde music.