Investigative programs like this are one of the few remaining tools that citizens have to shine a light on corporate and government corruption, well done Fifth Estate!
Leo Elshof - media businessmen are the biggest tax avoiders in the world! They are the ones who are billionaires/multi-billionaires after all- far wealthier than any KPMG accountant (or any other financial services type). There is nothing media businesses won't do for money! The Media Mafia lie/manipulate/mislead 24 hours per day- working to their own corporate agenda!
For the last 40 years, the Canadian government have lost over $500 billion from wealthy Canadians not paying their fair share of taxes. Here is the kicker, the Canadian government gave KPMG $92 million dollar of taxpayers money while KPMG were helping wealthy Canadians to evade paying taxes.
Bobby Bobby, same in Britain. We legally bound to suppourt these wealthy elites while they live off hard working folks who see no financial stability for our futures while these gits hide money and sponge off company profits, bully family start ups into bankruptcy. I say enough is enough. these "elite" laze abouts our us some serious tax!
I work for one of the big accounting firms.. I myself have made some money while I was in Canada 3 years back... I helped draft agreements regarding shady deals 👍 Am proud of the money that I made😀
This has been going on for years now, I'm so ashamed. I have been audited numerous times by CRA, when I was in high school and college, making only about $15,000/year or less, just struggling to survive. The weirdest thing is, when I did file my taxes I would always end up owing money...... I went years upon years, always owing and paying back. It breaks my heart as an honest tax payer, who pays my part and always have, that I have been paying back for years, and the rich with millions get to pull scams like these and nothing happens to them...... it's because of scams like these why so many people quit their jobs and decide to live on social assistance - for some reason the government only goes after poor people, who cannot afford high powered lawyers, while the rich get to pull as many scams as they want, yet, they go unpunished. Canada is subsidized by the poor for the benefit of the rich. We the poor are the ones who pay the police to harass us- we the poor we pay for the roads, that the rich could speed on and not get ticketed.....We the poor are the back bone of the Canadian economy.
The same goes for virtually every country in the world these days. The rich make the rules then don't stick to them because they can afford to pay other people to protect them from their own laws.
The reason you owed money could be due to lack of tax knowledge. You could've been missing out on benefits you were entitled to. Therefore going to a good accountant or knowledgeable tax preparer is important. Don't depend on turbo tax, because you will surely miss out on tax savings. - Your Friendly neighborhood Bookkeeper / Tax Preparer
Defensive weapons, like the Police and Military controlled or "governed" by the Law, are always turned against those unable to defend themselves. If power exists it gets used, that's the lessons of History restated every day. "The easiest person to fool is yourself ", so either adopt the principle of self-management and defence, starting from scratch with your own responsibility, or expect to be fooled into thinking that a "Representative" can do it for you when there's no transparency about what actual representation means. I used to believe Democracy was like a generalization of trusting parents to protect us, but have only recently realised that, in principle, it's the net sum of all individuals, democratic or not.
People like you who play victim in life, just dont get far.. you probably filed your taxes wrong if your making 15k and having to pay back.. find a professional and dont file them yourself!
@@MrHumza45 Co-worker did his own taxes last year and it showed he owed a small amount. We are not high income so I told him to get someone else to do it - boom $1,000 in his pocket.
Trudeau speaks about equality for all Canadians. Clearly, this is not equally. One set of rules for the rich and one set of rules for the general population. The Finance Minister should be released of his duties. This tax payers money not the governments. This is not in the best interest of Canada.
@@irisha4ka We are talking about taxes; obviously tax law. I did not judge, but answer the question. You do not have to pay more taxes than necessary anywhere, using this law smartly is anybody's right. If too many people do not agree with the results reforms are necessary. If law is broken too often it has to be made sure that it is enforced better. But what is not needed is people who point at others who do not break the law.
Tanja Volz you call tax as a law, the problem is, that you think that legislation or commercial rules, are the law. Well if you didn’t know the law in counties like uk or us is called common law! So if common law is the law of the land, that means anything else is business rules.... and here is my point! What law states that We have to pay tax or share of profit (what profit?)
Absolutely discusting! If the committee couldn't investigate without jeopardising the Court Case, then they should have had the RCMP do the investigation with a view to laying charges after the Court rendered its decision.Anew investigation needs to take place. This cannot be allowed to stand!
They came to my equivalent to a college in the Netherlands offering scholarships of €10,000 to a handful of students. I was one of the students introduced for the scholarship. But I refused to be part of their philanthropy PR campaign and walked away from €10,000 eventhough my bank account wished otherwise. It made me sick that they offered pocket change whilst inable people to steal millions in unpaid taxes from under our noses. Proud day for me.
Why my comment over the substantial absence of these issues in mainstream TV and newspapers keep on disappear? I posted it about 5 times and it's never shown ...a comment about the preventive systematic autocensorship in TV and newspapers is even censored on RUclips?
Do you want to drive your fancy cars on good roads, across safe bridges, children raised in safe cities, where fire trucks arrive when called, police walk a beat, military stand at the ready to fight for your country, schools are funded, arts are funded? I don't get why people are so goddamned determined to avoid taxes. Where do they think the money goes? I get not wanting to pay for some of the idiots making laws, but that's what your vote is for. The world is bonkers.
paying taxes is stupid when the government waste so much money. these legacy countries like the UK and US continues to live beyond their means and want to tax their way to prosperity.
Some of them do it because they understand that governments don't actually need tax income to pay for the things the nation needs, they can pay for them out of thin air just like the banks make loans out of thin air (and if you think banks make loans out of the money people have deposited/invested there you need to educate yourself). Others don't understand that of course and just avoid taxes because they are mean spirited and expect the rest of their countrymen to pick up the tab for them. But in reality ... taxes are an instrument governments use to control the economy, not a means of income from which they pay the bills, even though they sell it to the public that way.
The only thing that will send a message to wealthy criminals is treating them like common criminals and putting them behind bars. Until that is done this will go on business as usual....
The divorce laws, unfair to men, are one more reason. In a country with such high divorce, it is essential to re visit these outdated laws and stop "alimony"
A disclosure is extremely hard in this case. It's a universal accounting ethic where the accountant is suppose to keep complete confidentiality about their client, unless it's involved in money laundering, drug trafficking, treason, and terrorism. And there are far more complex consequences when asking the accountants to open their records for the clients. In short, if the Canadian court had required KPMG to do so, they could create a great havoc and none of listed companies (and the others) will want to open their books to auditors. As a result, the government will have to pay a much heftier bills when it comes to tax evasion or bail-out on corporate tax.
I made $320,000 in 4 years and was taxed approximately $150,000. I lost my job and I recieved $970.00 every 2 weeks for 46 months and then shut off completely. The government should be charged for lack of compassion.
The people at the top of this scheme are dirty. Nothng will wash that money clean. Basically it is theft from the community. They have no place in Canada any longer. Exile is one answer. Exile without the money.
I was injured by faulty equipment worn out beyond repair with no investigation and totally screwed over by a corrupt WCB system with WCB doctors medical opinions contradicting my specialists when they had no training of any kind on how to treat my issues and never seen any of my medical specialist's reports. Screwed for life with no pension or wageloss and no retraining. To top that off WCB invests billions into Canadian companies every year, take from small business and invest in the large businesses that were billed earlier in the year for injury costs, now is that not a conflict of information? Our leaders are in politics for their own benefit as when they leave office they will be paid dearly to join the boards of huge companies they represented while in office. GREED
You received 1940.00 a month for almost 5 years and you call your government uncompassionate! That is really crazy! First you would have never gotten that in the 🇺🇸! Second who ever said you are supposed to get back every dime that you pay into the government via taxes? It is not the governments' job to hold onto the taxes that you pay into government until you are ready to go and get that money; governments are actually supposed to use the tax money to pay for the services the population is using at that time in the present and the people employed to provide those services.
Bro - Try being an entrepreneur, made more than you did, had people on the payroll etc.. If you fall down and fail, you end up with nothing (or tax debts) and they will take everything and give you nothing. You should consider yourself lucky you got 970$ every 2 weeks for 46 months. I haven't received a cheque from the gov for a decade+.
Only in Canada can we expect no criminal prosecution. This is becoming a common occurrence. We have the Law Society of Ontario obstructing justice by ignoring evidence thus fixing complaints for their friends, Ontario police forces obstructing justice by refusal to take information on suspected corruption but ignoring the Charter when it is a poor person, municipalities that ignore laws like they are above the law and a Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario that also fixes criminal investigations for their friends. There is something very wrong with how this country is run. I'm sick of hearing media like the CBC keep pointing the finger at the United States as if they are more corrupt. There is no possible way.
The ignorance of the rich thinking they don't have to pay their share of taxes to support a country they live is absolutely disgusting. While the middle class pays more than their fair share. These people should be stripped of their wealth and put in jail.
I wish you can also make a report on Duterte's war on drugs, which recently the Philippine Senate have investigated the President's appointed chief of police involved in drug recycling and switching of suspect. His national chief of police Gen. Oscar Albayalde was implicated in a 300 plus kilos of shabu or methamphetamine. drug recycling scandal.
If Stephanie Henderson could not identify her signature was she saying she knew nothing about the Isle of Man deal and if Wayne Easter was appointed to enquire into it how was he forbidden to do so on any point of it implying that someone else other than the legislature's appointee was controlling his enquiry? In refusing to take questions on KPMG was MP Easter protecting it from justice since any evidence would surely see KPMG acquitted of wrongdoing unless it was guilty? Are the police prevented from inquiring into crimes committed by someone already charged and in court with different crimes and must not all citizens with evidence offer it to the police? Why would a government committee refuse to accept evidence against a company the parliament thought fit to inquire into unless it was set up to deceive the public or not to know the truth and if the, latter why not? Is it fair to assume that someone in government or even Mr Easter, is afraid of the truth and prioritizes that over protecting the public from financial malpractice and tax avoidance? What could KPMG possibly fear from questions concerning its accounting practices - the subject of the other court cases in question - unless they were not totally lawful and why would it not take the opportunity of displaying them in public to the inquiry and to the public and thus end its other costly litigation when everyone knew the truth - good for business - unless it wasn't the truth? What Mr Easter did showed that his legal advice has authority over the legislature and can prevent it inquiring into matters the parliament wants investigated. Is that not saying that the MPs do not have freedom of speech and can be financially penalised if they say something members of the public object to?
it's clear some of the clients of this KPMG deal were highly influential and were able to persuade the investigators to close the issue without having to admit wrongdoing or even risk exposing them as clients. There is literally no other reason the investigators would have looked the other way.
I dont wanna pay tax, but I want to benefit from the things that taxes pay for. For example the roads that my expensive car travels on. None of us want to pay it, but we have to! Disgusting!
Imagine what nations could accomp!ish in mediical research, health care, new infrastructure and childhood education without tax evasion. Same companies like to play "we'll match your contribution." The latter two make doing business feasible using taxes.
I say what I've said for many many years, NDA aren't worth the paper its printed on. If you break it, nothing happens. The law should also apply to those who talk, they are not whistle blowers, they PARTICIPATED in it. What's the use of asking people to sign NDAs if they can be broken with impunity.!! Also: one more reason to NEVER have a wife or a long term relationship and specially no live-in girlfriend. That way you never have to "circumvent divorce laws..." and don't have to give half to someone you had the hots for for a few months with nothing else to offer. Ito is incredible to me that they don't create the money or company and can walk away with half, THAT is the real crime!!
If the government committee stops questions concerning KPMG, then one might conclude that some of the committee members were involved in the tax evasion schemes?
that minister guy was probably bribed by kpmg, has an interest in the scheme (ie he himself invested or has close family members who did), or was pressured by someone higher up with aligned interests with kpmg. you all know who im talking about.
Whenever a corporate entity is fined, I want to know what their profits were for the crimes committed… Let’s see what the fine is worth as opposed to the profit… Bottom line, $500 million is not a big fine when opposed to the billions in ILLEGAL PROFITS!! The business entity should be fined DOUBLE THE VALUE of the profits which would probably put them out of business and show other companies what the outcome is for criminals… Lose everything and be in debt the rest of your life while you serve time in jail. That is fair.
KPMG the firm has a lot going on . Partners can place money all over the place . It takes a hired professional to locate all of a partner's personal income . The IRS has it's work cut out for them when dealing with partners . I am not saying the firm is hiding money but some of the partners are. Partners need to be audited .
The minute the current "general pool" anti-wealth model of taxation was implemented, stuff like this KPMG obscenity was born. If income taxes were confined to funding healthcare, education, transportation/roads, fire and law enforcement, and if the tax model used was the Singapore system, a larger proportion of "ordinary" Canadians would retain more of their income. And if, over the span of an average person's working life, all wage deductions for things like EI and CPP were deposited into an account bearing that person's SIN number (i.e. like a personal bank account), that person would have over $1M in retirement income. However, Tall Poppy Syndrome is deeply entrenched in Canadian culture and it is reflected in the tax regime. In addition to funding the necessary and legit. things like infrastructure and healthcare, the average working Joe also has to fund the state's futile attempts to finance every vicissitude of the human condition. And so, the very rich will continue to shunt their money offshore, and the ordinary taxpayer will continue to find his efforts at honest wealth accumulation to be stymied by the state's intentional design.
Imaging, just imaging, what the regular Joes and Janes, all over the world, think about making money out of money. This whole system is based on making money, no matter how, and that's the whole concept about it. Working real hard to achieve goals to make our society better and stronger is not the goal, making money is. Obviously, climate changes are not an issue when these criminals are all about MONEY. And that's why we are where we are today. Greetings from Toronto.
it should be illegal to give money...make an AI that gage the price of everything, to prevent money laundering and tax havens i might also add that the concept of "Gross domestic product" is flawed because the government doesn't value materials as a form of currency.
There is a duty of confidentiality to clients but this is very much overridden by various other duties for example, reporting to the tax authorities and making adequate disclosures in legal proceedings.
"...calculating the risk of getting caught..." That's what all insurance companies do all day long playing and putting a price to people's lives, and they are legal. That's how they price you how much they are going to charge you for anything. Of course other companies and businesses should be able to do that too, why not??
The narrative talks about how smart the accountants were. The other large accounting firms use intelligent planning to lessen their clients' taxes. This firm, lacking the intellectual horsepower of the other large firms, takes shortcuts. For a tax accountant, this didn't take intellect; it took hubris.
Settlements are normal in these situations and generally involve no jail time so the risk vs. rewards balance is skewed. The government does not want to be too onerous because it doesnt want capital flight to other countries so they say pay as much as you can.
Investigative programs like this are one of the few remaining tools that citizens have to shine a light on corporate and government corruption, well done Fifth Estate!
And I love her boldness!
Leo Elshof - media businessmen are the biggest tax avoiders in the world! They are the ones who are billionaires/multi-billionaires after all- far wealthier than any KPMG accountant (or any other financial services type). There is nothing media businesses won't do for money! The Media Mafia lie/manipulate/mislead 24 hours per day- working to their own corporate agenda!
This one is just cherry pick.
@@guppy0112 taxes are for loser like you 😂😂
yeah, not much like this left...the pitchforks will soon come out...looking forward to it. will be a great series.
For the last 40 years, the Canadian government have lost over $500 billion from wealthy Canadians not paying their fair share of taxes. Here is the kicker, the Canadian government gave KPMG $92 million dollar of taxpayers money while KPMG were helping wealthy Canadians to evade paying taxes.
Wicked people. They act like blood sucking vampires.
Bobby Bobby, same in Britain. We legally bound to suppourt these wealthy elites while they live off hard working folks who see no financial stability for our futures while these gits hide money and sponge off company profits, bully family start ups into bankruptcy. I say enough is enough. these "elite" laze abouts our us some serious tax!
It is happening everywhere. We can't stop them unfortunately.
I work for one of the big accounting firms.. I myself have made some money while I was in Canada 3 years back... I helped draft agreements regarding shady deals 👍 Am proud of the money that I made😀
@@shivakumar499 Dirty Troll
One of the best pieces the Fifth Estate has done in a while! Excellent! Thank you!
This has been going on for years now, I'm so ashamed. I have been audited numerous times by CRA, when I was in high school and college, making only about $15,000/year or less, just struggling to survive. The weirdest thing is, when I did file my taxes I would always end up owing money...... I went years upon years, always owing and paying back. It breaks my heart as an honest tax payer, who pays my part and always have, that I have been paying back for years, and the rich with millions get to pull scams like these and nothing happens to them...... it's because of scams like these why so many people quit their jobs and decide to live on social assistance - for some reason the government only goes after poor people, who cannot afford high powered lawyers, while the rich get to pull as many scams as they want, yet, they go unpunished. Canada is subsidized by the poor for the benefit of the rich. We the poor are the ones who pay the police to harass us- we the poor we pay for the roads, that the rich could speed on and not get ticketed.....We the poor are the back bone of the Canadian economy.
The same goes for virtually every country in the world these days. The rich make the rules then don't stick to them because they can afford to pay other people to protect them from their own laws.
The reason you owed money could be due to lack of tax knowledge. You could've been missing out on benefits you were entitled to. Therefore going to a good accountant or knowledgeable tax preparer is important. Don't depend on turbo tax, because you will surely miss out on tax savings.
- Your Friendly neighborhood Bookkeeper / Tax Preparer
Defensive weapons, like the Police and Military controlled or "governed" by the Law, are always turned against those unable to defend themselves. If power exists it gets used, that's the lessons of History restated every day.
"The easiest person to fool is yourself ", so either adopt the principle of self-management and defence, starting from scratch with your own responsibility, or expect to be fooled into thinking that a "Representative" can do it for you when there's no transparency about what actual representation means.
I used to believe Democracy was like a generalization of trusting parents to protect us, but have only recently realised that, in principle, it's the net sum of all individuals, democratic or not.
People like you who play victim in life, just dont get far.. you probably filed your taxes wrong if your making 15k and having to pay back.. find a professional and dont file them yourself!
@@MrHumza45 Co-worker did his own taxes last year and it showed he owed a small amount. We are not high income so I told him to get someone else to do it - boom $1,000 in his pocket.
Trudeau speaks about equality for all Canadians. Clearly, this is not equally. One set of rules for the rich and one set of rules for the general population. The Finance Minister should be released of his duties. This tax payers money not the governments. This is not in the best interest of Canada.
"The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall."
- Denis Healy, Former British Chancellor of the Exchequer.
shelleypoco isn’t tax voluntary?
@@irisha4ka As long as you can avoid it without breaking laws, it is.
Tanja Volz what law? Is there on? Isn’t legislation related to commercial rule?
@@irisha4ka We are talking about taxes; obviously tax law. I did not judge, but answer the question. You do not have to pay more taxes than necessary anywhere, using this law smartly is anybody's right.
If too many people do not agree with the results reforms are necessary. If law is broken too often it has to be made sure that it is enforced better.
But what is not needed is people who point at others who do not break the law.
Tanja Volz you call tax as a law, the problem is, that you think that legislation or commercial rules, are the law. Well if you didn’t know the law in counties like uk or us is called common law! So if common law is the law of the land, that means anything else is business rules.... and here is my point! What law states that We have to pay tax or share of profit (what profit?)
this channel is great, deserves more subs, views and likes.
Absolutely discusting! If the committee couldn't investigate without jeopardising the Court Case, then they should have had the RCMP do the investigation with a view to laying charges after the Court rendered its decision.Anew investigation needs to take place. This cannot be allowed to stand!
Why get rcmp to investigate brenda luckie and bill blaire are useless corrupt puppets of the elites
The Last Real Investigation Show. Non bias Truth. All My Life I've been Watching.
KPMG is still alive and well. Nothing really happened in US, even though it was criminal.
Half a billion in fines is nothing? Lol
This was great investigative journalism!!! Top notch
They came to my equivalent to a college in the Netherlands offering scholarships of €10,000 to a handful of students. I was one of the students introduced for the scholarship. But I refused to be part of their philanthropy PR campaign and walked away from €10,000 eventhough my bank account wished otherwise. It made me sick that they offered pocket change whilst inable people to steal millions in unpaid taxes from under our noses. Proud day for me.
The ads here are terrible watching this video for a class assignment. Thank you so much Dr. Ariail
I'm sick to death of the good old boys clubs, protecting each other's wealth, having a different standard and immunity for their own actions.
Get the IRS to forgive tax liens and tax related wage garnisments !! Get the IRS off your back. Avoid the scams go to
Put the IRS in prison and those politicians who concocted tax laws to feed the banksters.
IRS lol
The judges, the lawyers, the scammers, the rich dirt bags, and politicians - they are all on the same team, we the poor are the suckers.
You sad it brother...not only are we suckers we are stupid for letting them get away with it.
That’s because the “poor” never get involved, they prefer Sunday football to voting.
Get away with it , their house , their rules SSDD
And don't forget the medical industry and big pharma
How wonderful the world would be without all these rich people.
Didnt even have to watch till the end, Going to guess: No charges laid, No jail time served, Minimal/No Fines paid?
I agree completely. Just skip to the end of the program.
KPMG, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, Ernest & Young, etcetera.. know all the tricks of the trade.
Why my comment over the substantial absence of these issues in mainstream TV and newspapers keep on disappear? I posted it about 5 times and it's never shown ...a comment about the preventive systematic autocensorship in TV and newspapers is even censored on RUclips?
Some high up or Seniors from KPMG are goverment treasures for countries. Imagine the curruption
i'm watching tax evasion docu from you guys. That says something. That says The Fifth Estate know their stuff and they show it well! Thanks!
this could be one of the reasons the UK is getting out of the EU as new tax avoidance and transparency laws for shell company's are coming in or were
How many senators, MPs and Canadian government members are clients of KPMG?
Do you want to drive your fancy cars on good roads, across safe bridges, children raised in safe cities, where fire trucks arrive when called, police walk a beat, military stand at the ready to fight for your country, schools are funded, arts are funded? I don't get why people are so goddamned determined to avoid taxes. Where do they think the money goes? I get not wanting to pay for some of the idiots making laws, but that's what your vote is for. The world is bonkers.
Bedazzle Juju exactly and thank you! An ex-boyfriend once said to me “I don’t mind paying taxes, as long as they are going to the right things.”
paying taxes is stupid when the government waste so much money. these legacy countries like the UK and US continues to live beyond their means and want to tax their way to prosperity.
When they get robbed by the homies, they will want to pay their taxes then. "We need more police!"
Some of them do it because they understand that governments don't actually need tax income to pay for the things the nation needs, they can pay for them out of thin air just like the banks make loans out of thin air (and if you think banks make loans out of the money people have deposited/invested there you need to educate yourself). Others don't understand that of course and just avoid taxes because they are mean spirited and expect the rest of their countrymen to pick up the tab for them. But in reality ... taxes are an instrument governments use to control the economy, not a means of income from which they pay the bills, even though they sell it to the public that way.
The only thing that will send a message to wealthy criminals is treating them like common criminals and putting them behind bars. Until that is done this will go on business as usual....
The divorce laws, unfair to men, are one more reason.
In a country with such high divorce, it is essential to re visit these outdated laws and stop "alimony"
That man said he didn’t want to pay taxes I hope he doesn’t complain when his fancy car hits potholes
I love your comment. I'd add I hope he hits as many potholes as possible.
Its ok we poorer people will pay your taxes for you.
This whole episode is a shame on the government of Canada working with criminals - KPMG
A disclosure is extremely hard in this case. It's a universal accounting ethic where the accountant is suppose to keep complete confidentiality about their client, unless it's involved in money laundering, drug trafficking, treason, and terrorism. And there are far more complex consequences when asking the accountants to open their records for the clients.
In short, if the Canadian court had required KPMG to do so, they could create a great havoc and none of listed companies (and the others) will want to open their books to auditors. As a result, the government will have to pay a much heftier bills when it comes to tax evasion or bail-out on corporate tax.
I made $320,000 in 4 years and was taxed approximately $150,000. I lost my job and I recieved $970.00 every 2 weeks for 46 months and then shut off completely. The government should be charged for lack of compassion.
The people at the top of this scheme are dirty. Nothng will wash that money clean. Basically it is theft from the community. They have no place in Canada any longer. Exile is one answer. Exile without the money.
I was injured by faulty equipment worn out beyond repair with no investigation and totally screwed over by a corrupt WCB system with WCB doctors medical opinions contradicting my specialists when they had no training of any kind on how to treat my issues and never seen any of my medical specialist's reports. Screwed for life with no pension or wageloss and no retraining. To top that off WCB invests billions into Canadian companies every year, take from small business and invest in the large businesses that were billed earlier in the year for injury costs, now is that not a conflict of information? Our leaders are in politics for their own benefit as when they leave office they will be paid dearly to join the boards of huge companies they represented while in office. GREED
You received 1940.00 a month for almost 5 years and you call your government uncompassionate! That is really crazy! First you would have never gotten that in the 🇺🇸! Second who ever said you are supposed to get back every dime that you pay into the government via taxes? It is not the governments' job to hold onto the taxes that you pay into government until you are ready to go and get that money; governments are actually supposed to use the tax money to pay for the services the population is using at that time in the present and the people employed to provide those services.
Bro - Try being an entrepreneur, made more than you did, had people on the payroll etc.. If you fall down and fail, you end up with nothing (or tax debts) and they will take everything and give you nothing. You should consider yourself lucky you got 970$ every 2 weeks for 46 months. I haven't received a cheque from the gov for a decade+.
@@Xinterp its 46 weeks, not months
Wealth inequality and global corruption based on secretive tax laws are by far the most important issues facing the average human being today.
And we have to live off food banks and struggle for years and years.
Dunning Kruger Lm l.P. plp
..... Food banks that these guys ultimately pay for lmao.
@@kodisummerville5366 exactly, blaming rich for self misfortune is ludicrous. Its just avoiding the responsibility of their situation.
get an education - get a skill - work hard and stop moaning - then maybe your life wont suck...
Zachary Willison u don’t get it - did u even watch this video?
Only in Canada can we expect no criminal prosecution. This is becoming a common occurrence. We have the Law Society of Ontario obstructing justice by ignoring evidence thus fixing complaints for their friends, Ontario police forces obstructing justice by refusal to take information on suspected corruption but ignoring the Charter when it is a poor person, municipalities that ignore laws like they are above the law and a Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario that also fixes criminal investigations for their friends. There is something very wrong with how this country is run. I'm sick of hearing media like the CBC keep pointing the finger at the United States as if they are more corrupt. There is no possible way.
The ignorance of the rich thinking they don't have to pay their share of taxes to support a country they live is absolutely disgusting. While the middle class pays more than their fair share. These people should be stripped of their wealth and put in jail.
We the people elect and empowered these people that tell us what to do, forget not.
I wish you can also make a report on Duterte's war on drugs, which recently the Philippine Senate have investigated the President's appointed chief of police involved in drug recycling and switching of suspect. His national chief of police Gen. Oscar Albayalde was implicated in a 300 plus kilos of shabu or methamphetamine. drug recycling scandal.
Until people go to jail it will continue.
Only the poor go to jail, and the poor pay the taxes. Canada is more corrupt than the U.S..
If Stephanie Henderson could not identify her signature was she saying she knew nothing about the Isle of Man deal and if Wayne Easter was appointed to enquire into it how was he forbidden to do so on any point of it implying that someone else other than the legislature's appointee was controlling his enquiry?
In refusing to take questions on KPMG was MP Easter protecting it from justice since any evidence would surely see KPMG acquitted of wrongdoing unless it was guilty? Are the police prevented from inquiring into crimes committed by someone already charged and in court with different crimes and must not all citizens with evidence offer it to the police?
Why would a government committee refuse to accept evidence against a company the parliament thought fit to inquire into unless it was set up to deceive the public or not to know the truth and if the, latter why not? Is it fair to assume that someone in government or even Mr Easter, is afraid of the truth and prioritizes that over protecting the public from financial malpractice and tax avoidance? What could KPMG possibly fear from questions concerning its accounting practices - the subject of the other court cases in question - unless they were not totally lawful and why would it not take the opportunity of displaying them in public to the inquiry and to the public and thus end its other costly litigation when everyone knew the truth - good for business - unless it wasn't the truth?
What Mr Easter did showed that his legal advice has authority over the legislature and can prevent it inquiring into matters the parliament wants investigated. Is that not saying that the MPs do not have freedom of speech and can be financially penalised if they say something members of the public object to?
Greed trumps everything. Love the Fifth Estate. BTW what wrong with the Canadian justice system? This is a multiple choice question.
Make them tell you by putting them in jail for CONTEMPT that's what you do to us.JUSTICE IS ONLY FOR THE RICH.
Trugarez Fifth Estate♡♡♡ much respect, admiration & appreciation♡♡♡
How many of those guys in Congress were sweating, I wonder.
None. They bought all the participants in advance.
it's clear some of the clients of this KPMG deal were highly influential and were able to persuade the investigators to close the issue without having to admit wrongdoing or even risk exposing them as clients. There is literally no other reason the investigators would have looked the other way.
Politicians are tools for corporation a tool that can bite or a tool that obeys...
I dont wanna pay tax, but I want to benefit from the things that taxes pay for. For example the roads that my expensive car travels on. None of us want to pay it, but we have to! Disgusting!
that was a great lucky7 show..
19:27 and I didn't think it was necessary to be more forceful aka he got a payout #boughtoff
Imagine what nations could accomp!ish in mediical research, health care, new infrastructure and childhood education without tax evasion. Same companies like to play "we'll match your contribution." The latter two make doing business feasible using taxes.
I say what I've said for many many years, NDA aren't worth the paper its printed on. If you break it, nothing happens. The law should also apply to those who talk, they are not whistle blowers, they PARTICIPATED in it. What's the use of asking people to sign NDAs if they can be broken with impunity.!!
Also: one more reason to NEVER have a wife or a long term relationship and specially no live-in girlfriend. That way you never have to "circumvent divorce laws..." and don't have to give half to someone you had the hots for for a few months with nothing else to offer. Ito is incredible to me that they don't create the money or company and can walk away with half, THAT is the real crime!!
What a beautiful subject!
Tax evasion!!!!
KPMG showed the middle finger to Canadian taxpayers.
I guess in front of Canadian Tax Authority not all Canadians are equal.
If the government committee stops questions concerning KPMG, then one might conclude that some of the committee members were involved in the tax evasion schemes?
Time to clean house!
that minister guy was probably bribed by kpmg, has an interest in the scheme (ie he himself invested or has close family members who did), or was pressured by someone higher up with aligned interests with kpmg. you all know who im talking about.
It does not mean they won't pay any alimony. And in Canada, we call it spousal support, not alimony.
Excellent show this.
KPMG: the worlds best rincer. Its a Mafia.
37:23 Its gets more interesting when they talk about St. Kitts (in the Caribbean)
This story is very important to see...we all regular people work hard..every day.. We pay taxes.. And some people do not have to do anything..
The G stands for greeeaaasssyyy!
I'd say by the greed in society today that the devil is winning and I'm not even religious.
All capitalist countries must learn from these little islands and stop extorting its people in the guise of "taxation"
The strong do as they please and the weak do as they must.
Thucydides; 388 BC.
I disagree with canadian forced divorce law, compltely. It's unfair!
I don't hate on people but Canada is becoming US Jr .... So much for the Canadian Promised Land .
public companies and big companies of public intrest are collapsing here in Kenya thanks to the big 4
This is a form of civil engineering. These people are snakes
Whenever a corporate entity is fined, I want to know what their profits were for the crimes committed… Let’s see what the fine is worth as opposed to the profit… Bottom line, $500 million is not a big fine when opposed to the billions in ILLEGAL PROFITS!! The business entity should be fined DOUBLE THE VALUE of the profits which would probably put them out of business and show other companies what the outcome is for criminals… Lose everything and be in debt the rest of your life while you serve time in jail. That is fair.
KPMG the firm has a lot going on . Partners can place money all over the place . It takes a hired professional to locate all of a partner's personal income . The IRS has it's work cut out for them when dealing with partners . I am not saying the firm is hiding money but some of the partners are. Partners need to be audited .
The minute the current "general pool" anti-wealth model of taxation was implemented, stuff like this KPMG obscenity was born. If income taxes were confined to funding healthcare, education, transportation/roads, fire and law enforcement, and if the tax model used was the Singapore system, a larger proportion of "ordinary" Canadians would retain more of their income. And if, over the span of an average person's working life, all wage deductions for things like EI and CPP were deposited into an account bearing that person's SIN number (i.e. like a personal bank account), that person would have over $1M in retirement income. However, Tall Poppy Syndrome is deeply entrenched in Canadian culture and it is reflected in the tax regime. In addition to funding the necessary and legit. things like infrastructure and healthcare, the average working Joe also has to fund the state's futile attempts to finance every vicissitude of the human condition. And so, the very rich will continue to shunt their money offshore, and the ordinary taxpayer will continue to find his efforts at honest wealth accumulation to be stymied by the state's intentional design.
Not all rich people are tax evaders. Most just work hard, live within their means and pay their normal taxes.
It's sort of comforting to see that Canadian politicians are just as slimy & pathetic as the ones we have in the US.
Judge & crooks are scratching each other's backs. Little gift here & there to look the other way. This has been going on USA for long, long time
Imaging, just imaging, what the regular Joes and Janes, all over the world, think about making money out of money. This whole system is based on making money, no matter how, and that's the whole concept about it. Working real hard to achieve goals to make our society better and stronger is not the goal, making money is. Obviously, climate changes are not an issue when these criminals are all about MONEY. And that's why we are where we are today. Greetings from Toronto.
Let an average Canadian citizen welch on $300 bucks. He'll never get away with it - probably jail time and penalties.
Yup I believe I owe 167 and it’s at collections they calling me everyday and these fuckers scammed millions
Even judges need interpretations of tax law because so few understand it because it's written in hieroglyphics.
no injured party = no crime
27:20 just as I suspected KPMG was in bed with the prime Minister. SHAMEFUL
it should be illegal to give money...make an AI that gage the price of everything, to prevent money laundering and tax havens
i might also add that the concept of "Gross domestic product" is flawed because the government doesn't value materials as a form of currency.
KPMG is just one of the Big 4, I wonder how the other is doing?
Guess not one of those rich Canadians mentioned that evaded taxes ever had any problem?
The RCMP is still investigating the Blueberry guy in BC that had niece murdered in India, they will drag their feet with KPMG as well
Lol. do you think that just kpmg was doing that.
it's the CBC presumably no links to the "wrong people" would be exposed
These things happen because of the system of regulation and will always be circumvented.
There is a duty of confidentiality to clients but this is very much overridden by various other duties for example, reporting to the tax authorities and making adequate disclosures in legal proceedings.
I worked for them as an admin assistant. One of the worst jobs of my life.
Mel Holmes why , explain
"...calculating the risk of getting caught..."
That's what all insurance companies do all day long playing and putting a price to people's lives, and they are legal. That's how they price you how much they are going to charge you for anything. Of course other companies and businesses should be able to do that too, why not??
This is the way with the well off. looks like no one cares about it. Only need to look at the UK. Looks like all are at it. shameful. Tax what Tax
Anyone else seeing that multinational corporations get to play by a different set of rules than you and me? I'm f*cking pissed.
Important for Tax Authorities and Tax Auditors. Bless all
I remember this company in my audit
Way too many commercials!
The narrative talks about how smart the accountants were. The other large accounting firms use intelligent planning to lessen their clients' taxes. This firm, lacking the intellectual horsepower of the other large firms, takes shortcuts. For a tax accountant, this didn't take intellect; it took hubris.
Kong's letter, we have a account outside of Canada for you.
He didn’t look into it because his money is over seas.
Settlements are normal in these situations and generally involve no jail time so the risk vs. rewards balance is skewed. The government does not want to be too onerous because it doesnt want capital flight to other countries so they say pay as much as you can.