Homeless in Vancouver, Canada - Rainy Day - June 10, 2023

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • A Day in a Life in Vancouver, Canada - 15℃ Drizzling - June 10, 2023

Комментарии • 116

  • @kids123123123
    @kids123123123 Год назад +28

    Toronto's upcoming new mayor, Olivia Chow, will soon be bringing this same utopia to Toronto.

    • @truthadvocacy
      @truthadvocacy Год назад +5

      Toronto already has homeless problem.

  • @abu-zaiter
    @abu-zaiter Год назад +12

    east hastings and kensington philadelphia is the same sheet spot

  • @TheWolfsnack
    @TheWolfsnack Год назад +8

    I see that Work BC is the busiest storefont service in Vancouver.....not.

  • @tedandress2741
    @tedandress2741 Год назад +9

    some people work all their lives to retire with dignity and comfort many of these people partied and got high and this is their retirement Really Sad

  • @alanlopez5971
    @alanlopez5971 Год назад +8

    With the safe injection sites they have failed to set up a de-tox center along with it. This will help get them off the fentanyl and other drugs China is shipping here.,

    • @Disrtict6
      @Disrtict6 Год назад

      The most well known safe injection site, insite, has an onsite de-tox center called onsite

  • @timwebster6151
    @timwebster6151 Год назад +5

    Am I looking at Canada or china

  • @sunsensational
    @sunsensational Год назад +22

    This is tragic. They’re like walking drug addicted zombies. I’ve never seen anything like this, and i’ve seen a lot in the US.

    • @larryborsa4396
      @larryborsa4396 Год назад +13

      All self inflicted.

    • @BenJAMin-o1i
      @BenJAMin-o1i Год назад +8

      ​@@larryborsa4396 yes but not entirely. There's a social cleansing going on in Canada.

    • @karlabritfeld7104
      @karlabritfeld7104 Год назад +9

      Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, san Francisco...

    • @julied7546
      @julied7546 Год назад +9

      The problem lies with politicians who don't want to solve the homeless issue.

    • @parkerbohnn
      @parkerbohnn Год назад +2

      The Chinese put them all there pal. I know its hard to fathom because your real estate market in America wasn't destroyed by the Chinese at least not yet. The locals blame the homeless not the people who put them out on the streets.

  • @drklaus1276
    @drklaus1276 Год назад +14

    Очень познавательно..Можете продавать это как туристический маршрут)

    • @thomasauslander3757
      @thomasauslander3757 Год назад +1

      We are proud of ourselves presentation for tourism management

  • @danh-RedSwan
    @danh-RedSwan Год назад +14

    How can we as humans, accept this travesty of suffering and loneliness.

    • @ahmedahm1
      @ahmedahm1 Год назад

      because the sick western society has become very capitalist and self-centered. They only answer calls if they have some direct or indirect benefit (not all , but most people)

    • @shaund36
      @shaund36 Год назад +2

      It’s not a question of acceptance. Because clearly we don’t feel accepting of it. It’s a question of choice and action. First though we must choose what action to take.
      What the hell do we do about this. I mean after watching this video I’m shocked. I know it’s edited…but still. It’s pretty shocking. It’s nothing any one person can alter much. What should we do as a society to fix this glaring mistake? I mean I’m at a loss for words as to what to do myself it’s deeply shocking to see.

    • @bobjames6622
      @bobjames6622 Год назад +3

      By NOT accepting perversion, drug taking, deviant behaviour as normal. Get RID of such monsters or it will only ever get worse.

    • @Тамара-г8в
      @Тамара-г8в Год назад +2

      Я в шоке.Я русская.Не все и у нас хорошо но полиция очень жёстко гоняет за наркотики.Может они прячутся в помещениях и там все хуже, я не знаю
      .Будь я властью , я бы помогла этим людям.Выделить какую то территорию , вылечить, обеспечить работой и чтоб ни малейшего доступа наркотиков.Думаю некоторые стали зависимы от отчаяния, от слабости.Причин очень много.Все равно их жалко.И город. Я думала Канада это круто, это культура и чистота.Но город такой страшный в России ещё поискать.Есть заброшенные ,у нас тоже не все в порядке, но там люди не живут.Увас в городе в основном чёрные цвета, все безобразно раскрашено и расписано, мусор, грязь,люди одеты очень плохо, безвкусно.Это печально.

    • @Begemot-l1c
      @Begemot-l1c Год назад

      ​@@Тамара-г8вЯ раньше тоже думал ,что запад это рай а оказалось утопия😮

  • @drumitar
    @drumitar Год назад +11

    shipping container looks like the place to be.

    • @Disrtict6
      @Disrtict6 Год назад +1

      I think those are behind gates and they have their own security force called Port Authority. This security force will not agree with you that shipping containers are a place to be. The reason this jumped out at me is because Marshall Smith claimed to live in a shipping container and I suspect he is lying or given it for being an informant lol.

  • @pdkrace
    @pdkrace Год назад +8

    they all must get good deals on bikes. LOL

    • @BludShotiiiiis
      @BludShotiiiiis Год назад +1

      got a great deal on some fishing gear once but it was hot to the touch. Mountain bikes yes cheap and the couriers on the bmx for easy ducking, dodging & weaving

  • @redleaderone8429
    @redleaderone8429 Год назад +7

    looks the same in downtown Trail

  • @phillboot9259
    @phillboot9259 Год назад +8

    Zombie apocalypse

  • @renataostertag6051
    @renataostertag6051 Год назад +7

    What's the meaning of these bouncy moves that so many of them are making?1

  • @parkerbohnn
    @parkerbohnn Год назад +9

    Where the Chinese go homelessness follows. Yet no one blames the Chinese for putting these people onto the streets with sky high rents compliments of the Chinese bidding home prices to the moon.

  • @ClemensGesell
    @ClemensGesell Год назад +8

    People look very relaxed 🤣 not bad, how nice and calm people are standing around there in the area

  • @eastman40
    @eastman40 Год назад +20

    Hahaha, what a bad state of Canada we are witnessing through with.
    I have noticed how people go to third world countries and make fun of poverty while being there forgetting the fact that their own home is full of issues and poverty and homelessness.
    Sad state of affairs.
    I feel sad for law abiding citizens.

  • @jryorg453
    @jryorg453 Год назад +4

    the city needs a larger streetsweeper .

  • @rogerbrendabowman4808
    @rogerbrendabowman4808 Год назад +6

    Why are so many homeless people in a humped over positions. Is it a certain drug that causes that ? As you can tell I’m ignorant in all this. But I have feelings of sympathy for them all. If our government wasn’t so selfish they would help these people instead of fighting among themselves. But they want power, control and filling their pockets. I hope someday they get their just rewards. SO SAD 😢. GOD HELP US to seek change. After seeing this I feel ashamed! Even tho this is in Canada it’s also in America. Our whole world is in a state of decay ❤

    • @ahmedahm1
      @ahmedahm1 Год назад

      I wish I would know....

    • @mathewnordli1522
      @mathewnordli1522 Год назад

      opiate use

    • @F_U23
      @F_U23 Год назад

      Xylazine....a live stock sedative. 😨

    • @abrahamtio
      @abrahamtio Год назад +1

      users say things "feel heavy" so it's less work for them to not hold upright posture. also, when high, they can get dizzy so they don't trust themselves to stand erect, ie. safer to bend over, sitdown & hunch over.

    • @brandenburg2388
      @brandenburg2388 Год назад

      I believe this is caused by taking Fentanyl.....

  • @raiinfluence2239
    @raiinfluence2239 Год назад +5

    this is shame its just humans like us why ignoring them?

  • @BenJAMin-o1i
    @BenJAMin-o1i Год назад +6

    Ok so they are not all homeless. Some are. This is a milk bar.

    • @truthadvocacy
      @truthadvocacy Год назад +1

      They are homeless. Living in shelters still qualify as homeless!

    • @Disrtict6
      @Disrtict6 Год назад

      The Korova Milk Bar couldn't afford it's liquor license
      So it sold milk plus Drencrom, or Synthmesc
      It would sharpen you up for a bit of the ol' ultraviolence
      Which plagued all minds for the evening
      And so kiddies... death for all, right right?!

    • @Disrtict6
      @Disrtict6 Год назад +1

      @@truthadvocacy and the brandiz is still open, empress, astoria, ect

  • @Praksifey_Sofronin
    @Praksifey_Sofronin Год назад +5

    Чернокожих правильно отправить всех в Республику Либерия
    поднимать экономику!

  • @johndemeen5575
    @johndemeen5575 Год назад +4

    This is a choice. These people want to live like this. No responsibility, no taxes, no house payments. No bills. Just drugs.

    • @johndemeen5575
      @johndemeen5575 Год назад

      @@TheMightyPilgrim Well that figures. You explain why.

  • @tedandress2741
    @tedandress2741 Год назад +2

    Yes its very sad, however no one has the right to destory an area like this. Maybe we need to buy camp grounds and move them and the services they need to there

  • @warrenscarlett9302
    @warrenscarlett9302 Год назад +2

    It’s just as bad in Australia mate

  • @Praksifey_Sofronin
    @Praksifey_Sofronin Год назад +9

    Заметили, что ролики про тихие летние пустующие центры городов это завуалированная реклама миграции из одной страны в другую ?
    Скоро этой рекламы станет ещё больше - в штатах много людей переселили из городов в концлагеря как должников и банкротов!
    С 2008 года разразился знаменитый банковский кризис, который вызвал новую Великую Депрессию и вал наркомании по всему миру и баранобесие!
    5 миллионов жителей в штатах были вышвырнуты из покупных, но невыплаченных домов и квартир и конца этому не видно этому ужасу!
    Освободилось много недвижимости!
    Простые обветшавшие домики правительство решило сносить, а капитальные каменные здания решено консервировать по всем территориям Северной Америки!
    Чтобы впоследствии продавать новым покупателям из числа новых иммигрантов, которых усиленно зазывают и привлекают как рабов на каменоломни и на плантации Римского Понтифика как главного рабовладельца на планете Земля!
    Если покупная недвижимость не выплачена, то банкстеры просто списывают убытки и это одна из причин банкротства крупных и ранее устойчивых банков в штатах!
    В каждом стэйте свой концлагерь построен в эпоху Обамы на деньги, полученные под обеспечение эмиссии под драгоценные паспорта Граждан СССР с 2004 года!
    Крупнейший концлагерь построен на Аляске - на два миллиона койкомест!
    Плюс те самые 8 миллионов пластиковых гробов для умирающих восставших рабов в всемирном государстве Иезуитов дополняют картину!
    Относительно того, что численность бомжей и наркош на улицах городов в одном стэйте намного больше, чем в других стэйтах, то таковое обстоятельство объясняется так :
    Между экспертными группами парламентских партий был большой и долгий спор и в конце концов решили, что партия респов (слонов) будет зачищать должников и банкротов и быстро их выселять тёмными ночами спецавтотранспортом в местный заранее подготовленный для заселения концлагерь в данном штате!
    А Демпартия (ослы) решила, что тратиться на эти спецоперации не будут, и просто выгонят всех должников и банкротов на улицы городов и пусть им дадут палатки и если амеры сдохнут, то они и так сдохнут!
    А если не сдохнут, то ещё какое-то время будут приносить косвенный доход для институциональных инвесторов !
    Тем более что по плану изверга Шваба предлагается на планете Земля оставить всего лишь 600 городов и остальные уничтожить как убыточные или превратить в музеи на потеху хозяевам!

  • @Landis_Grant
    @Landis_Grant Год назад +3

    Lots of homeless Indigenous people in Vancouver.

  • @simonhough
    @simonhough Год назад

    look at how many of these people are not glued to mobile phones all day,and are near to someone who has the time of day to talk to them. just imagine if the internet and phones went down for good.then where would we all be.?

  • @geeknat8981
    @geeknat8981 Год назад +2

    I was there back in 1997-1999. It was so different.... Now Vancouver is becoming US territory or what...

  • @Apple-oz8wm
    @Apple-oz8wm Год назад

    Hi RUclipsr, can you show us how the China Town in Vancouver looks like next time ? Thanks in advance.

  • @raiinfluence2239
    @raiinfluence2239 Год назад +4

    Trudeu will give you help for free just relax 💉💤

  • @raiinfluence2239
    @raiinfluence2239 Год назад +2

    Vancouver Watcher
    go deeper people are crazy of this kind of videos may be for a warning to them selves

  • @user-li4xn6gm1f
    @user-li4xn6gm1f Год назад +1

    Wow, Free Food here !!!

    • @Disrtict6
      @Disrtict6 Год назад

      rice pudding still hot!

  • @Nedvig1978
    @Nedvig1978 Год назад +10

    Приезжайте к нам в Россию. У нас нет наркоманов и бомжей.

  • @timmartino7269
    @timmartino7269 Год назад

    Its the world everything could be happend.

  • @JC-xg4hv
    @JC-xg4hv Год назад

    very close to ground

  • @typicalrockhound9887
    @typicalrockhound9887 Год назад +2


  • @glen6945
    @glen6945 7 месяцев назад

    thats nice compared to the yellers on granville streety

  • @irene1655
    @irene1655 Год назад +2

    My grandson is mentally ill and homeless in the US. He gets $1000 per month SSI. Yet he chooses to live like this in a tent on the streets. He wouldn't take his medicine. His person in charge of his money as the government wont give it to him directly, mails a check to the Salvation Army there and he gets his money. He gives most of it away.

  • @ahmedahm1
    @ahmedahm1 Год назад


  • @karlabritfeld7104
    @karlabritfeld7104 Год назад +5

    If Canada is such a socialist country, then why are there so many homeless people? Oh wait, it's not a socialist country after all. It's striving to be just like the USA.

    • @truthadvocacy
      @truthadvocacy Год назад

      Canada was never and will never be a socialist country, as long as market economy rules.

  • @abrahamtio
    @abrahamtio Год назад +1

    i suspect that with many of these people, if they could stop using, they still would have nothing of value to offer, ie. knowledge & skill, that would allow them to make a living. where "making a living" means showing up somewhere daily, M-F and providing that value so someone can pay for it.
    regardless though, i don't see any difference between them being useless on vancouver streets vs being useless on, say, one of the many islands off the BC coast. if we're going to do nothing to change what they do here every day, we should just regularly ship them out to an island so they can do what they do there. at least that way, vancouver gets its downtown back.

    • @abrahamtio
      @abrahamtio Год назад

      @@TheMightyPilgrim i agree. i've treated quite a few in hospital. there's nothing anyone can do to help them until they decide to change. in the meantime, we should have them hang out some place else.

  • @missroxanne7123
    @missroxanne7123 Год назад +1

    Did America and Canada get together and decide to do the same stupid stuff? Seems like. They need to do better!!! This is freaking ridiculous! We need to take our countries back! This is just nuts!!!

  • @stephenrioux6821
    @stephenrioux6821 Год назад +1

    Hastings St. looks like Robson St. would look without the boutiques. Why do you slander people that you don't know?

    • @Disrtict6
      @Disrtict6 Год назад

      NIMBYS are way dumber than drug consumers IMO. Druggies look like zombies - but NIMBYS dispise and eat BRAINS for real

  • @unacceptablemichaelroberts7462
    @unacceptablemichaelroberts7462 Год назад +2

    It's always been slimy on those streets. If I had a go-pro in the 80's it be more or less the same picture. I guess recording it and posting it on RUclips makes it real, but I would like to know what you are trying to prove? What point are you making? There is nothing new here. Vancouver has always been the place to be if you want to drop out in Canada.

    • @stephenrioux6821
      @stephenrioux6821 Год назад +1

      These videos are sponsored by real estate developers to depress land prices. Professional production quality twice a day.

    • @unacceptablemichaelroberts7462
      @unacceptablemichaelroberts7462 Год назад +1

      @@stephenrioux6821 Is it working?

    • @tomcervenka7883
      @tomcervenka7883 Год назад

      I've lived in Vancouver for eight years, and it certainly is new to see an army of zombified addicts using hard drugs out in the open, in broad daylight right on the street, fully supported by the government and police. Vancouver has just become the world's largest open air drug market. Maybe the people of Vancouver deserve to see this new reality, brought to us in the name of "harm reduction". Hint: Big Pharma is making a literal killing.

    • @truthadvocacy
      @truthadvocacy Год назад

      "If I had a go-pro in the 80's it be more or less the same picture." It has got much worse, as any social stats will tell.

    • @Disrtict6
      @Disrtict6 Год назад

      you can probably find old episodes of "To Serve and Protect" that show Hastings in 1993 when everyone was bangin' coke - it was pretty nuts

  • @LenutaAnd-gd4hk
    @LenutaAnd-gd4hk Год назад

    This look ba I man what's the hell you doing to this country poor people hook on staff really no homes for them look bad I be not walking thath streets

  • @youkoimamura1994
    @youkoimamura1994 Год назад


  • @stephenrioux6821
    @stephenrioux6821 Год назад

    These videos are sponsored by real estate developers to depress land prices. Professional production quality twice a day. Go figure.

    • @tomcervenka7883
      @tomcervenka7883 Год назад +2

      well it's not working, unfortunately.

    • @RamBo-yh3kz
      @RamBo-yh3kz Год назад +2

      Prices keep going up.

    • @Disrtict6
      @Disrtict6 Год назад +1

      inflated views too, either OP is SEO savy or sposored.

  • @user-vc6fl6dd5x
    @user-vc6fl6dd5x Год назад +2


  • @july77773
    @july77773 Год назад

    Stop showing this

  • @Shutupbootlicker
    @Shutupbootlicker Год назад +1

    Pretty sure the zombie apocalypse is here!