For all the people in the comments trying to say I said the characters weren't bad and then they were. No. The opinion of if they look bad or not is subjective meaning it's personal opinion. Some of these characters look great. Some of them look like clown vomit. Writing off the entire game and not learning from what did and did not work would be a mistake. Always investigate things and always brush past the general "everything is bad and that's a fact" takes. All that happens when you parrot along is you miss out on learning something new.
I think the reason a lot of people think you said they’re not bad, and then described the ways that you thought some characters were bad, is because you made some general statements that were true for many of the characters, but not all of them, such as the comment about color choice and composition, which you did cite a counter example or two for. I think there’s massive respect for your wisdom on a lot of topics from a majority of your audience, and I think that translates into a lot of people treating your opinions as facts, or more specifically, claims that are either to be agreed with objectively or disagreed with objectively. So the idea that your claims are subjective and personal is lost as a result of that mindset. Modern social media has trained that into a lot of us in different ways that I don’t know how to describe. It’s hard to get out of that mindset.
another thing that really discouraged people from buying this game is the fact that the characters were given pronouns, which has absolutely 0 gameplay relevance or bearing
Fun story: In the time when concord launched, i was on vacation without internet. I have been gone for just two weeks and when i returned concord was already dead, so i missed The WHOLE lifespan of a game that i didnt even know had been released, failed miserably and dissapeared before i came home
The game didn't even last the average lifespan of a housefly apparently, so if any bugs got into your house during vacation they probably had a more fulfilling lifespan than Concord ever would have.
I don't think people are appreciating the budget that this game had. You have to understand what $400 million is. For reference: -Overwatch cost about 1/4 and made over $1 billion -Filming Dune 2 (physical set designs, paying A list actors, flying all over the world, VFX work, lights and sound design, Hans Zimmer composing (he's expensive as hell)) cost _less than half_ what Concord cost There are no reasons that could possibly excuse this game.
I could theorethically buy hundreds of airplanes (including fighter jets) in flight ready condition for that much money. Or buy entire villages. It's ridiculous.
@@googleisevil8958 a very specific demographic, who loves unconventional hair colours and whatnot. Unfortunately for Sony that demographic is not particularly devoted to arena FPS
@@derigel7662 they do, the game is just bad, the design are a perfect exemple of what not to do, it honestly feel like the artists gave up along the way
Can’t remember who said it but someone pointed out that the sort of vibe for the aliens is “humans in makeup”. Which is fine for movies, they benefit from that tactile nature. but with the limitless potential of animation why would you make it look like people playing dress up?
Could be the original scope of the game vs. development hell. Someone said they re-used a lot of motion capture animation with drastically different character proportions as well. I've also heard that humanoid aliens could have been an older design intention where they were trying to emulate older sci-fi art and film.
Yup, Thor spoke without understanding how much the game sucked ass. He just presumed after that first visual impression that it was just another run-of-the-mill hero shooter that was simply late to the trend and presented nothing new. Did he do zero research before speaking with such confidence? At least be a little skeptical if you're still learning about the thing. I nearly lost all respect for Thor now.
@@ethanfreeman1106 oh come on, he said the game must have had issues with the gameplay mechanics, he just hadn't played it so didn't know what they are but he was assuming they existed.
@@garethdewhurst1499fair point. Guess I just tried to dismiss his subjective opinion in the same way be initially dismissed that random chatter. I felt that was rather unfair, so I was compelled to try doing the same thing. Thanks for calling me out. With that said, would Thor thank us for calling him out? Because I feel like that's what most of the people who have this same sort of reaction to his take this time are trying to do, in all honesty. I'm no exception.
Two main things to take away from this: Visual noise in a shooter is a problem. In actuality, any game with visual noise is bound to fall into a bad pitfall. From skins to model themselves, clarity is always a requirement. If the colours break the outline of a character, that's an advantage. Reminds me of how there are meta skins in League of Legends because they have less visual clarity, makes your champion look like a different one, or have less defined edges of the skillshots, or even gives the player a visual or audio signal. The second main issue is that Concord came out in a market that is not only saturated, but already striving for excellence. It's not an *awful* game. It's a mid game. A mid game that is now sandwiched between Overwatch 2, and Deadlock. Which are both not only free, but widely better games.
The genre also has a reputation for games shutting down quickly after release. Had it been free-to-play, people might have been willing to give it a shot anyhow and the gameplay would've been able to speak for itself. But at $40 people will probably be asking themselves whether the game has any longevity.
Fun fact; I had the opposite effect with Concord. I knew about it since early this year, because I saw it fuckin' *everywhere* on the PS Store. I saw it so much, so often, I genuinely got sick of seeing it every single time I looked in the store on my Playstation. Not surprised it failed. A small, spiteful part of me is glad I won't see it anymore.
Same. I couldn't get away and instead of forgetting how much it didn't appeal to me, I was forced to see it multiple times a day every day for a month.
It was like the original Destiny marketing IMO. When destiny was first announced, but without actual story elements, it was all just photos of the traveler but with the coming soon, or destiny awaits tagline. Everywhere I looked I saw mini ads for Concord too, but just with like the logo and a charlies angels pose of two characters.
Interesting. I saw more about Deadlock online while it was under an NDA than I did anything about Concord. I wonder if they tried to use an algorithm to heavily market to a select group and the algorithm just wasn't broad enough. Do you play a lot of shooters/have a heavy time investment in one specific shooter?
@@wowRichtoad That might be it. The difference is pretty crazy actually. Sometimes you look at a thing once one a website and ads for a similar thing follows you all over the place. The even crazier thing is when RUclips shows you ads for things that was talked about in the comments of a video you have watched.
Overwatch did it, the difference is it looked ab-so-lutely dope on release and the betas were insane. Also I think the launch price was like $20? Like depending on the amount of cosmetics it would cost either $20 for no cosmetics or $40 for more cosnemtics.
Pretty much. A lot of veteran concept artists have analyzed and studied each character and you can see all the flaws in their study.. not only they look like average NPCs in an average story driven game, they tell nothing about their role in the game. Giving a flank/assassin character a bloated, bright, easily spottable red coat was not the best choice, just to name one.
basically this all the characters have no character or at least none that you can identify at first glance. Compare this to overwatch where at first glance you are actually get at least the impression of a theme. What also helps is that overwatch heavily leans on established "cultural" themes or archetypes, the western gunslinger, the japanese cyber ninja and so on which brings a bit more flavor. Concord just dosn't have that.
All in the same breath, 3 things happened in regards to my relationship to Concord: 1. I discovered the existence of Concord 2. I discovered that Concord had shit the bed 3. I decided that I wasn't interested in Concord in any capacity.
Laura Fryer put up a video called "Culture Killed Concord" that explains how a toxic work environment probably caused the people with the insight to identify and correct these problems to leave the team, or if they couldn't leave, to shut down and quietly do what was asked of them.
@myuzu_ yeah, watched it the other day. Really informative. Especially since it reminded her of the live service game the studio she worked with created a while back. Good vid.🙂👍🏾
After digging up tweets from the senior staff, you can clearly see who killed that game. The arrogant twat who called himself "The professor" is probably to blame a lot in this, I've never seen someone this obnoxious. Of course it was a magical pronouns person and he probably made all the dissident voices shut down or leave. There's always a pattern of delusion with these "talentless freaks".
I wonder if it's like that in most AAA game studios. I'm interested to work in the industry, but I don't think I could comply with terrible directions that I know in my heart are bad artistic choices. Maybe AA studios or indie are the best bet going forward.
1:14 - designers specifically pointed out exactly why the designs were bad, they screwed up many things. The characters are ugly, even if it's "subjective" yet over 90% of people agree
The characters in Concord look like they've never held a gun in their entire lives. Pristine armor with no scuffs, no visible scars on the characters, all rounded corners, that LIFE PRESERVER... it was all so cringe.
Well I think its also the fact that in "woke" space culture they are more likely to encourage whatever they are all doing so as to appear "non-judgemental" which also means that there is an extreme lack of useful criticism. The character designs really emphasize that, it seems like the result of shoulder patting rather than critique.
On a fundamental artistic level the characters were terrible designs. Color, shapes, silhouettes, contrast, role portrayal, etc. This isn't even touching preference or characterization. A couple are borderline ok but the rest are just objectively bad. Common Thor you say its preference when you see Madam Tupperware and NPC rocket lady?
I tried to burger shop called Conburg, where the burgers cost $35. The bun is green, the meat is purple, and the cheese is grey. The fries will be teal and cost $5. No seasoning will be added to any of the food, as everything must be very bland. We tried to compete with other established burger chains, but unfortunately, we had to shut down our store we worked very hard on. It's your fault as consumers we failed, not our decisions along the way. You all are talentless food critics that don't understand modern food design. This is the story of Conburg.
This metaphor is a bit off because hamburgers cost money. Concord's competition doesn't. So it's like charging money for tap water that doesn't taste right and randomly burps at you.
One thing I’ve learned about spectacular failures in history, is that it is never just one thing on its own. Things tend to fail catastrophically as the result of a perfect storm, a precise combination of unfortunate events which by themselves aren’t devastating but collectively have a huge impact. The term “a recipe for disaster” is exactly that. I wonder if that’s the main reason this blindsided them into releasing the game to no fanfare, they didn’t zoom out to see how bad things actually were.
I'm of the opinion concord's characters look like a bunch of middle age parents were going to a guardians of the galaxy themed costume party and there was a like $20 limit on how expensive your costume could be. So they went and slapped together whatever they had lying around at home and used left over paint to colour it.
Also thor saying "tHeRe'S LiTtLe aDvErTiSeMeNt" when in reality, a fkton of gaming news websites was literally shoving this game on people's mouth for like 2 weeks. IGN, Kotaku, PCGamer, etc, they all kept tweeting and writing articles about Concord about how great it is and ranked it above average. Even the "gaming" journalists themselves kept tweeting how good the gameplay was and how they kept playing it lmao.
I love this channel but idk if he does his own art assets. Character design is hard, but also there are some short sighted mistakes made like inoffensive silhouettes etc. It's bad because it's very bland.
You know you've failed when even the Rule34 artists stay away from your characters. They couldn't even make characters interestingly ugly. I mean half of the races in World of Warcraft are ugly as hell but they at least look scary or dangerous. Most of the characters in Concord look like they were rejects from a Steven Universe fanfic.
To be fair the races in WoW, some might be ugly but they got their quirks and little details which make them great or sometimes even cute tbh. Trolls for example, if they got these big ass teeth on their side of the mouth sticking out it looks kinda cute now if an orc has that it looks kinda menacing just by the shape of their head and their overall looks. (Troll small elongated head kinda shaped.) (Orc bulky more roundish appearance and head shape) These small details make a really big difference when designing characters. But apparently Sony just thought wuhuu let's just make SOMETHING Edit: okay I forgot about orc babies and that they kinda look cute but overall orc = menacing, and, trolls = kinda cute but still menacing if u get what I mean
Because even if the WoW races are ugly in a conventional way, they still appealed to people. Rule 34 hit Warcraft orcs too, after all. It's all about knowing what appeals to different groups of people. Orcs appeal to people who want to play a huge, menacing monster of a man. They ALSO appeal to people who like looking at exaggerated hyper-masculinity, because let's face it, they're giant walls of muscle with deep voices and brutish appearances. That's going to appeal to some people. Concord designs don't seem to be targeted at many people. Some of them seem to be targeted at certain political extremists who don't play video games, but that's not exactly going to help with sales. Not all of the designs are bad, but I don't think they're as effective at appealing to different groups of people like Warcraft designs have always been.
@@Grakor456 Yeah, they definitely had a target audience in mind, but it's one that doesn't actually play competitive shooters. To spend 200 million without considering your actual audience is insane.
For once I’d say be glad you’re colorblind. The stuff is made of every ugly color one could imagine for many of the characters. This is most true, beyond all the others, for the first character he showed, the girl in armor that looks is made of a yellow that can best be described as piss yellow, a green that is the muted version of futurama’s electric mucus, blue lips, and the only color that would even be good on its own was the violet and it doesn’t save the character.
And none with any art experience or basic colour knowledge will like it. i still cant believe they had actual designers. cause the values are wrong, and the colour combinations are completely off. Maybe the design leader was the equalent of tonedeaf for colours and ruined em all. its the only logical explanation i can think of
@GoalOrientedLifting they are just propagandized to the point their brains are mush... they adhere to the Judeo-American Empire regime lies so much that they actually believe the lie. It's an act of Faith to deny reality... so them denying reality demonstrates their religious fervor for Transhumanist Liberal Capitalism.
@@GoalOrientedLifting based on some fan designs that the lead designer made, they're just a hack who has no business designing characters for anything.
Pirate: The character design is subjective. Pirate a few minutes later: The Characters are too colorful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if all who behold it says it isn't beautiful, at what point does one accept it's ugly?
The characters in Concord look like they've never held a gun in their entire lives. Pristine armor with no scuffs, no visible scars on the characters, all rounded corners, that LIFE PRESERVER... it was all so cringe.
the answer is still never. its irrelevant how many people agree with something, its still subjective matter, both opinions can coexist, i can recognize something as subjective while also sharing the popular opinion. for me the character designs werent necessarily bad if they were presented in like a show setting, for a game context they are boring, i feel the same way for stuff like apex legends. having that said the character design really wasnt the nail in the coffin for the game, it was in fact that its not bringing anything new to an already saturated genre that in itself is fairly "niche" in the sense that who plays these games already has found their comfortable corner, and it charged 40 bucks upfront, probably with intent on still charging players for stuff like skins and alternate in game currencies as all these games do. not to mention the piss poor marketing, i didint even know about this game until the last trailer that came out wich was when? last summer fest? cant remember. not saying it never counts, cause ofc it does, but in this context character desing was the least of this game problem.
did you miss the half dozen times in his conclusion to the character designs where he used the phrases “to me”, “i feel”, and “in my opinion”? stating the color composition is merely him using reasoning to support *his opinion*, not to make an objective statement
It was literally in every single ad break for EVO this year...the biggest fighting game tournament with the highest overall viewership. If that's not advertising, I don't know what is.
@@Sheuts22 Seems like it was advertised but only to outside markets. Personally never saw like a twitch/youtube ad for it, only heard about it from other people. It'd be like if the next Blues Clues was coming out but they blew their ad budget for a superbowl spot. A ton of views, but not necessarily your target audience.
It died because: A) £50 for 6 game modes and no campaign is stupid. B) They had next to 0 advertising. C) They made a game for an already saturated market. D) The characters were not memorable. E) Sony already fucked their reputation as a producer with HD2. F) They expected people to make PSN accounts.
You really don't need much advertising these days. Get working copies into streamers hands before release, "content creators" will do the advertising job for you. Traditional advertising still matters but it's a much smaller piece than it used to be. Agree on all points though, didn't see anyone trying this or excited for it before release.
If they had good advertising, released this as a free game, released this game 8 years ago so the market wasn't saturated, Sony had a better reputation, and made no PSN requirement the game still would have failed because of the terrible character design and trying to cram DEI into games.
Helldivers debunks the notion that the pricetag had anything to do with the failure. It was the crap game design + forced woke politics. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.
Another problem I have with Concord designs: A lot of them don't tell me anything about the character I look at Reinhardt from Overwatch and I instantly know what he is big, tanky and hard hitting with his hammer I look at Scout from Team fortress 2 and I instantly know what he is fast, nimble and attacks at short range with his scattergun 6:10 Designs like this don't tell me anything
@@maxparece4155And it isn't even a handgun, lol. It is a crossbow and slingshot combination type thing. That's how badly they convey information through their designs.
Honestly, I was interested in it from the reveal trailer, up until they revealed what kind of game it was. Interest went from "This looks kinda neat, could be fun" to "oh... meh" instantly.
The $40 cost was the final nail in the coffin all the biggest hero shooters are free. Valorant,Ow2,and paladins all of which have long time players and are on all platforms so this game had 0 qualities to pull players looking 4 hero shooters away from these and to them.
It was 8 years in development, back when it started this type of game was very popular but now yeah it's weird how it seems they didn't even do a research to see if people were interested and willing to pay for it, besides the fact that the character design is odd, the game doesn't bring anything to the table that OW or any other already do.
I disagree with this. Good hero shooters are very hard to make well. Concord had Good concepts, but failed to actualize them. Plenty of people payed for OW one. But the feel, look, and execution of Concord was terrible. Concord also came out when You only have 3 other major competitors, and 3 other minor competitors. Concord was released in the perfect spot to maximize profit, right before Marvel Rivals come out but people are more interested in Deadlock but getting access to deadlock is iffy. OW was the only really hard hero shooter that is a direct competitor because Apex and Valorent are all very try hardy. The other competitors were just the standard soldier shooter with gimmicks, IE; Furry shooter, Blackops, and Battlefield, and their past and better versions that people are probably burnt out on. Concord was in the near perfect spot to max profit with only a few things holding it down, IF it was any good. It just wasn't that interesting.
I do wonder if they released before OW went f2p, that more people may have been more open to trying it Sounds like it was definitely a timing issue (or that the price point was too high)
I will speak for myself here... The reason why I didn't touch Concord, was because the character designs were bland. If a game doesn't look attractive to me, I don't care how well it plays. I'm not going to get into it. Shallow as that may come off. If it doesn't look kick ass, then it's a pass. Too much competition out there for a 40 dollar game with lousy design elements.
Have you tried Project Zomboid? Genuine question. For me it's the best zombie survival game I've played. Maybe not for you cause it looks "bland" I guess, but damn is the gameplay good.
I gotta disagree on some points, I do think that the character design (regardless of color) has something to do with it. Just look at some of em, like Daw (is his name) for example. He looks like a plumber in ski-gear for some reason, but then has bright orange latex cleaning gloves??? It just make no sense. The tank (forgot her name) looks like she's wearing a rugby outfit with the most heinous color combination that has ever assaulted my retina's or the rocket lady, who is the exact opposite where it's literally all muted beige color all over with no defining features bar from the golfball helmet. Combine that with all the weird color choices that don't match with eachother, in an over-saturated market at a $40 price point
Well his first argument was right, it's all subjective. He then realized he agrees with the popular opinion of "these characters are pretty ugly" and went on to explain why that may be. His first point still stands, there's probably an audience these characters are appealing to, it's just nowhere near big enough to carry such a big game.
Also the "it wasn't marketed very well" is hilarious. This thing was marketed to the edges of the Earth and back. It's just no one cared. Why is Thor coping?
@@shykorustotora To be fair, I never heard of it before it launched. I frequent various social media, RUclips and so on. Not a single ad or banner seen for this thing. And if I did, it was not memorable at all.
@@shykorustotora Yeah I very clearly remember seeing the trailer for this game in showcase stream with many other game trailers. And even back then the trailer didnt impress me and chat seemed to have the same opnion too.
@@gracefool yawn, more incel garbage. All of you are like seagulls screaching "WOKE WOKE" like that's the problem. Didn't realize Baldurs gate 3, fallout new Vegas/fallout 4/Fallout 3, Celeste, Undertale/Deltarune, Stardew valley, the last of us, Hades, and cyberpunk 2077 were all bad because they would be considered Woke. Never knew some of the most popular and most impactful games (Fallout 3 and 4 are meh, but they still have huge and active fan-bases still) in history were terrible? Concords bad, but to blame it on "woke" is dumb. How many "non-woke" garbage games are there? Should that be proof that all non-woke games are garbage?
you know what the concord character designs remind me of? the meme "that moment when my character apears in the cutscene" and you have picture of pimp vader. thats the energy i get from most of these. its goofy but not the "im laughing my ass off" kinda goofy but more the "stares puzzled at the character for 10 minutes to try and figure out what exactly you are looking at" kinda goofy. and for me it lies 95% in the colors. also concord really tries to be like guardians of the galaxy but "we have guardians of the galaxy at home" edition.
The entire marketing I saw from Concord was a Vanossgaming video that also relatively kinda...tanked as far as his viewcounts. He was averaging about 1.5M views over the first week from the video, and the concord video has yet to break 400k. And that's MONTHS after this debacle when a number of people probably went and watched it to see what happened.
Yeah, he's quite wrong here. There are objective standards of beauty and Concord fails at most of them. Fat, ugly freakshows will not make people want to play the characters.
Yea bro spent solid minutes pointing out how every opinion is subjective before stating his opinion which is actually the same. Basically he just wanted to point out something obvious like "opinions are subjective" which is completely pointless. He also got hyper focused on the color theory like that's the only thing wrong with the character designs, and as if the character designs were the only thing wrong with the game. I like Thor for many of his calm and collected insights but dude is just way out of the loop this time. He would've been a lot better off not talking about concord at all. 🤐
Yeah he really missed hard with his take on this game. It was just pure ass, plain and simple. He's talented enough to recognize that, even if he's trying to be nice to fellow devs. No reason to sugar coat this one.
@@pixelman2626that's exactly what's happening here. He's afraid of being called racist or bigoted. That comes from a place of ego and narcissism. Unfortunately things like this are sort of a test for peoples' intellectual honesty. Lots of creators whose content I enjoy are failing that test currently and essentially selling out to modern leftist ideology.
@@Mytelefe I'm sorry, but these characters are objectively ugly. Beauty isn't 100% subjective, there's a reason why there's "ideal" bodyshapes in movies, TV and games, etc. These characters look way too much like liberal urban college attendees and no one wants to get that close to the ugly side of real life many have to contend with.
@@Mytelefe oh well, I'm sure this thoughtprocess will make many a more game like Concord, since everyone is even more unhinged than Thor is in the western video game market, NO one can just "say it", they all have to play emperor's new clothing.
@@keithfilibeck2390 It's hard for people to admit the game was ugly through and through, full of woke garbage that is unappealing to most. It was made for those people, and they didn't even buy it themselves.
The character designs look exactly like the worst design by committee slop where some out-of-touch executive kept demanding they design for some sort of caricature dubbed a "modern audience." Then everyone found out that it's a $40 game in an over-saturated genre where the standard marketing model is F2P.
The character designs looks like something you'd find out of a urban liberal college campus' students and professor staff. Beyond ugly, and completely out of touch with the world outside.
"Out of touch" is the most apt term to describe it. Just like how I'd describe Thor after watching this clip. I probably should shut up and go away instead of ranting like a madman and making a fool of myself, but man, I'm rather disappointed in this pirate dev guy. Devastated, even. He was supposed to save gaming... How dare he come out with such an L take when it matters most 😂
You can all admit that this has nothing to do with video games. It's okay. Nobody will be surprised. If you were actually worried about the game, you would be talking about the gameplay instead of signaling your political beliefs over the character designs and the ways they are presented. Of the work that was put into this game, 1% of it was spent on pandering character design. But here you are, making sure everyone knows that the reason the game was bad was because it was woke. "Virtue signaling" used to be the buzzword, and all you know how to do is signal your virtues in response. It was never really about video games for you. Just be honest that you're fighting for your political worldview to be the dominant one in a rapidly changing society, and video games just happen to be the setting that you're doing it in. You're not fooling anybody into believing this is about saving your hobby, and you aren't going to undo societal changes by crying when they're reflected in a piece of media.
@@ethanfreeman1106 What exactly is his "L take"? He didn't say it was "because the designs were woke" or anything, he criticized the character designs in nearly everything *but* that political jargon. His main point was "the color theory is completely off", something based in pretty solid facts, some of the models in the game could look pretty cool if they got a new coat of paint
@@Amybnunny The gameplay could be some of the best out there, but if nobody picks it up because the character designs suck then the gameplay is irrelevant. The character designs were an obvious attempt at marketing towards "modern audiences" that don't actually exist in cost effective numbers. The films that pander to "modern audiences" fail, and as we've just seen with Concord, a huge part of the reason it also failed was this obsession with creating characters for a "modern audience".
Pretty much this lmao. I have at least a dozen games on steam I have yet to fully play through. If some hero shooter turns out to be trash I'm not sweating or sad one bit.
Please keep in mind that developpers react like that because they've spent at least 5 years of their lives on this project. They are emotionnaly attached to it like any humans would be. Their reactions is misguided but understandable because how much backclash concord got. So please don't make too much fun of them, they're just passionate, overworked people lashing out because they just lost 5 years of their work life.
Let's not forget that the character designs weren't the only thing that didn't land. The sound design for *every* gun sounded weak. Most had less impact than a paintball gun, and the rocket launcher sounded safe to hand to an eight year old unsupervised.
@RealityRogue It all looks really "flat", everything stands out, which in return, nothing really does. I'm not really an artist but what I remember in design, it's really important for a design to have some focal point, which should catch your eye, but as I said earlier, nothing does.
"Some" that like those character designs number in the couple thousand tops. Otherwise this game would've succeeded. Thor can say whatever about liking the characters being subjective but when your game doesn't even make enough to stay alive more than 2 weeks and one of the biggest criticism heard everywhere is that your characters are ugly, I think you found the limit to that "subjectivity" cope.
The first time i heard a developer go with the line "if you dont like it then dont buy it" was with battlefiend 5 And the guy that said it killed his career, EA lost a lot of value, and battlefied 5 underperformed badly. It took them a lot of effort to turn things around. I thought then, well game developers will clearly learn to never insult their audience, and this wont happen ever again. But 6 years of DEI hires later, now this type of lines became the Main response developers give. Murphy's law Really likes making fun of us.
@@Scary_Balthazar The point is still legit. The game isn't even officially announced, has no known release date and it's steam page isn't even 10% finished. Somehow clocking in 150 thousand players daily already. NO MARKETING. Concord actually had a lot of marketing done, but no one cared to share the trailers with their friend because the cast is full of ugly-ass, woke, DEI-looking freakshows out of a urban liberal college campus. Both the students and the professors, because you got granny with a plastic bag on her head who escaped the asylum and more. Fat, freak-show-coloured freaks is the cast of characters in this game. No one wanted to share that with their friends.
"subjective" Sure art is subjective, just like music, games or movies, but you are lying if you say there isn't a standard, a good designer/director (be it game designer, quest designer, character designer, etc) knows what will appeal to the major audience. And whoever throws colour theory around being the biggest problem with character design is trying their hardest to ignore the elephant in the room, tho there's definitely some really bad colour choices for sure.
Art is subjective and everybody has their own way of doing things. HOWEVER! In order to break the rules, one must first learn the rules before breaking them. The character designers clearly didn't.
I'm on the same page. A hot girl in an ugly dress is still a hot girl. This game had ugly girls in ugly dresses... edit, maybe not ugly, but they really didn't try...
People who can be cancelled for having the wrong thoughts can't address that elephant. Thor would've been better off just not talking about this game at all. Complicit in their woke games.
God save me from youtube commenters that are completely unable to recognize or use nuance. Let me simplify this for you. Thor said "art is subjective". This does not, in any way or form, imply "art is subjective therefore any opinion on the art is invalid." For god's sake get off of twitter and learn how to interact with people without drawing erroneous conclusions!
The main things that killed Concord are: The boring and generally bad character design. The fact a Hero team Shooter cost $40 despite not seemingly doing anything different And the Terrible PR by the developers on twitter.
That one character that wears the green power armor looking suit here 4:27 reminded me of that Captain Cosmos CC pack from the Fallout 4 Creation Club store. I think there's even a camo for that power armor that uses a similar shade on it. I just think the colors and some of the designs needed tweaking in my opinion, other than that I thought the characters looked fine.
Yeah the thing is that whether the character looks good or not is subjective, but there are certain objective qualities to character design. In a game like this, characters are meant to visually convey information about what they do so that you can better understand their abilities and make the game more intuitive. If you go through and try to guess what most of these characters actually do, they utterly fail to convey that in that regard. Like that purple and gold lady? She builds walls and does area denial. It’s bonkers.
@@Snxgur nailed it. Characters designed by nothing but Woke Ideology. As a professional it's very hard to accidentally make such repulsive characters. They intentionally made them ugly to fit woke perspectives. Issue is, people who scream for woke inclusion dont actually play games.
They presented this to the customer base early on and their entire potential customer base said "This looks terrible, we don't want this". They responsed with "You're a bigot, istaphobe, etc." and they marched forward. They showed it later and the people with the money said the same thing. "we don't want this". The dev response was unchanged. They did a paid beta for preorders followed by a free beta. The free beta had less players than the paid one (likely meaning a ton of refunds). The game came out and failed because of the exact reasons the customer base stated. Studio goes surprised Pikachu. It's clearly the bigots. They made a game for a customer that doesn't exist and blamed the people they had been shunning all along for its failure. The "modern audience" doesn't exist and the devs can't understand that they are part of an extremely loud extremely small minority with no money to spend on games. They actually came out after the game exploded on the launch pad and announced that one of the characters was actually transgender because they thought that was going to bring in a wave of sales. Some projects fail because they deserve to.
There is a big difference between saying "these characters look bad" and "these characters look bad because they're LGBT/minorities/fat". The first is fine, the second is bigoted and is unfortunately a lot of what people who never even touched the game are complaining about. One of the characters was trans from the get-go but Sony did marketing that felt like pandering rather than genuine inclusivity (Catalyst in Apex Legends for example).
Correction Devs do not make these decisions. Producers do. Devs produce the game that producers tell them to make. Designers draw the skins producers tell them to draw. Animators animate the models producers tell them to animate. It is the producers that tanked this game, not the devs. Blaming devs for a bad production is like blaming the cook for a restaurant's decor.
@@scofrona Don't get it twisted. Not wanting obese alphabet people of color on the screen is a completely legitimate opinion, held by the majority of the market, that stakeholders in this and other industries ignore at their (sometimes catastrophic) financial peril.
@@scofrona I think the big problem is that most people can't really tell why they don't like something when they don't, so they latch onto the obvious things. Like, they don't like the fat dude that looks kinda feminine in the face, so they latch onto that - fat and not masculine. Meanwhile, Roadhog in OW has (as far as I know) never really gotten criticism for being fat.
@@scofrona There is exactly ZERO reason to aggressively shove gender identity into the game characters, leave that to the rule 34 artists. To then attack your potential customers with your personal hatred of anyone not like you for not genuflection to your magnificent creation is not a winning move anymore. I'll support someone who doesn't hate me instead.
I was in a focus group back in the early eighties, when I was a young buck, where they brought a bunch of us kids into an elementary school gym to have us try both atari's ET and the A-Team game that they were making for the 2600. The overwhelming consensus was the A-Team game was fun and E.T. was confusing as all heck.
The first time I saw the trailer for Concord via a RUclips ad, I thought it was another Raid: Shadow Legends commercial. It wasn't until I saw a post-mortem analysis on RUclips, that I realized it wasn't so. To say the game wasn't marketed would be an understatement. If anything, it was anti-marketed.
*criticizes chat for saying character designs are ugly by saying that’s just an opinion* *immediately explains his opinion that the characters are ugly*
@@MrHerky61 context dude. The characters looking ugly is subjective, and he was moreso explaining OBJECTIVELY why the game failed. It's difficult to point to character design here and say it's the "reason" the game failed.
@@VBandit47 yeah saying “art is subjective you just think it’s bad” is a very lazy cop out. There are fairly grounded critiques you can make and he even makes some. The designs don’t communicate quickly what each character does. Take Lucio from OW, he’s got a music shirt on and skates and headphones. You instantly know he’s gonna be a quick moving buff provider. Reaper is edgy with a ghastly mask, he probably has abilities that let him appear as a ghost. Mei is straight up an ice climber, you know she’s going to have ice abilities. The designs are stupid simple and clear. I challenge anyone to look at Concords characters and explain what ANY of those characters do based on their design.
@@TypeCeruleanthey preach at you the player about problems they made up in their head, while you're just trying to have fun. That's what the character design tells me.
Anything is art, and of course art is subjective. What these people, who defend shitty IPs, fail to understand is that art doesn't sell among the masses, but well made products often based on good designs do.
@@TypeCerulean You're spot on, visual story telling is super important in media. Movies have to follow this so that at a glance the audience can know exactly who is who on screen. Think about Star Wars... all of the "bad guys" have the same visual style so without being explicitly told you know that Darth Vadar, a Storm Trooper, and an Imperial Guard are all on the same side. Concord is just visually messy beside the fact that the characters are ugly, the designs are boring and the color schemes are weird.
It is subjective, but some rules in art exist for a reason. They're not objective but when 90% of people find something unappealing the difference doesn't matter much.
@@TheGeekFactor i think they brought it up because early in the video someone says that the character design it ugly and he says "no, you think the character design is ugly. you didn't like it for you" *and then* thor explains why he thinks it's ugly. so it kinda sounds like thor is shitting on that guy for having that opinion and then thor goes and has that same opinion. its kinda funny.
I would love to see a documentary about the internal situation of the studio as this was going on. Would be an amazing case-study, because how it went down so quickly is extremely bizarre.
I played in the closed beta and what I took away from it was the game modes were not fun, the character mechanics felt clunky, the menu's weren't all that fantastic either (leaning towards confusing at times). And there was some super confusing weird mechanic with picking your roster to get certain bonusses that would then benefit your team. Before even jumping into the game I looked into some gameplay footage of what the game modes were to communicate this to my team and discuss strats: Trophy hunt mode, player deaths drop a trophy. -> quick respawn Cargo run: capture the flag / extraction -> No respawn, Team deathmatch Clashpoint: King of the hill?? -> No respawn, Team deathmatch The no respawn modes basically meant if you worked together and just focused on making kills, the objective meant nothing. You just win by wiping the other team, then worry about the objective. We were playing with a full premade team and all of us had either lots of experience in valorant or overwatch so we didn't have much resistance. The Trophy hunt felt more balanced (it wasn't), we did still play against people that had no idea what was going on most of the time, you had to actually pick up a token after you killed someone and a lot of people didn't. But at the very least the game kept going for a while rather than just wiping the other team. The characters either felt not that impactful to play or clunky. I started mostly on Roka, basically Pharah from Overwatch but with the hoverpack from Spelunky 2. How it worked is: you jump into the air, then you activate the hoverpack, locking you at your height, you couldn't gain more height once you enabled the hover. That wasn't the most clunky part though. Roka's Blast Dive ability, comparable to Doomfist's Seismic Slam: You slam into the ground from above. However with Roka, you had no control. It was a set location based on your height and looking direction. You couldn't aim it to be more below you or further away. In the Deathmatches, healing characters like Daw meant you had a much higher chance of winning. This may sound obvious but, with everyone being able to freely pick, the odds of people picking Daw were pretty low. In Trophy hunt you could switch between characters, if you started out as Daw and placed healing pads, the pads would remain if you swapped to a different character until the opponent destroyed them. Basically you could have heals without a healer. My favourite character to play was probably Kyps, as it was pretty much Sombra from Overwatch and you could carry entire lobbies. However, multiplayer games are always more fun with friends and even though the close beta was pretty short, none of us felt really compelled to keep playing after a day. I did continue a bit with solo games to try different characters and settled on Kyps but it was already clear to us that nobody would care for the game if it came out. Not sorry for the pants comment, bread for the mods. PS. The character designs had no impact on the gameplay for me. I do believe It took away a lot of the appeal to buy the game for people that didn't get a chance to play it.
"ugly" might be subjective but t concord's designs certainly weren't very distinct. I've never played Valorant or Overwatch or Genshin but even if you showed me new characters from those games they all have strong enough senses of style that I could tell you what game they're from that alone
I'm one of the people who played it. I loved the game and liked it even more like Valorant or Overwatch gameplaywise. The massive downers were the slow movement speed and the 40 $ entry price.
@@nims5537 I liked them well enough except for Emari's helmet, but that's just because I don't like open helmets like that without a visor of some kind.
I didn't know about it at all. When I heard Concord was cancelled and being refunded, I immediately was like "wait didn't the Concord jet get grounded like 10 years ago?"
* No marketing * No innovation * SONY (free space) * Saturated Market * High budget production That's a video game production failure BINGO! (edit) Notice how "dev talent" isn't on the card?
I'm sorry, but this doesn't work as the excuse. Deadlock from Valve is no different and they struggled keeping the game a secret, it's not even announced yet and is doing well. I'm seeing the exact same list you're making there for Concord. No marketing, no innovation (at a glance), Valve ('free space'? Whatever that means), saturated market, high budget production. Difference is that Concord is full of ugly-ass freakshows of characters and DEI Woke garbage and Deadlock doesn't seem to share those specific flaws. Meanwhile Deadlock, which has yet to get it's Steam page set up properly, enjoys 150k player peaks daily at the moment.
You can always tell the quality of a game's character design by the amount of Rule 34 they have after a week. Overwatch ended up with so much Rule 34 that they had to change the tag for it on Paheal in order to avoid a lawsuit.
8 years ago this probably sounded like a better idea. On the other hand, it also means they had tons of games to compare to and improve on. Maybe they didn’t have the code but they knew the mechanics and what made those games fun. Instead they just made a poor copy.
@@Alacritous fairly sure Overwatch existed when they started their Overwatch clone. also, 2 years in you can do another check and go "ok, so people are actually sticking with Overwatch, what is the negative and positive things about it" and add that to your game. it's literally the same BS people said when the Epic Game Store launched and it was just bad, it missed and still missing some very basic features and they went "well, steam had so many years to improve!" yeah ok, but at what point did someone go "what is Steam doing well and what can we improve on what they aren't doing well?" the same with Concord, they for some reason did 8 years of just tunnel vision and then are surprised when their game flops.
@@Alacritous But they had the time to adjust the design over the years that had hero shooters. Even during development cycle, you can iterate on the design based on the outside inputs like how is competitor doing etc. There was TF2 when they started and the characters in there are iconic. Simple in design but you can recognize them and their color schemes wasn't hurting your eyes.
I'm an Overwatch player. I am THE TARGET demographic and I didn't hear about the game until I heard it flopped. Major misstep by marketing. Even bad games have more preorders than this.
Marketing has little to do with it. Deadlock is in the same situation as Concord (Actually worse, they've done literally zero marketing) and already has 150k players daily without being officially announced with a release date yet, not even available for a public beta. Concord actually put out trailers and cinematics, etc, but people just didn't share them because ugly. The game is ugly, the characters are ugly, and that's why no one talked about it or got hyped for it. They marketed it, just no one cared to share the trailers with their friends, etc, because the cast of characters is the ugliest to date in any hero shooter. Also costs money, when all the competition is free. It's a woke DEI garbagefest.
@LethalOwl I don't think that this is a good comparison. Concord was made by a brand new studio, so they didn't have any brand recognition. Valve on the other hand is Valve they have a reputation of not putting something out unless it's top tier quality. This Gane failed because it was generic, expensive for the market it's in and undermarketed.
There are objective, quantifiable ways of making a pretty face versus an ugly face, and if you can’t admit that then you’re beyond hope. A choice that makes a face ugly can be made up for by turning the dial one way on other features, but you would be objectively filling in for somewhere that was intentionally taken away from or otherwise obscuring the ugly. Sincerely, a 3D Modeler.
@@scofronaThe hunchback of notre dame has an intentionally uglified facial structure. The movie proceeds to make him appealing by virtue of its 2D makeup and fluidity of animation. He is ugly, on purpose. He is appealing to watch because he is well animated and surrounded by beautiful scenery. So you are right that Ugly does not equal unappealing But these character designs are ugly on purpose.
@@alexandergreene461 What does "ugly on purpose" mean to you? If it's the clothing and color scheme I'd agree, but if it's because a character is trans or fat then I'd have to say that's bigotry rather than a design critique.
@@alexandergreene461 he's not appealing to watch because the other things are good. He's appealing to watch because the character serves a purpose that is well executed. The design speaks to you, tells you a story, which is then contradicted by the actions of the character, thus making a very nice character journey and kind of a touching story. These characters have none of that. It doesn't have much to do with the rest being beautiful. There's many games, like Binding of Isaac, that have almost exclusively grotesque, hideous characters, yet are super charming.
@@scofrona If the character designs aren't interesting enough for you to learn their sexuality in the first place, finding that character gross and unappealing isn't bigotry
About Concord's character designs being perceived as "bad" : It's not that Concord's designs were unbearably ugly, it's just that they failed at communicating special characteristics of each character.
1:20 The only actual arguments that talked about the game being in any way good were "its game play feels alright", that's all. Unless you want to believe the video game media outlets like Kotaku or IGN who have made themselves clear to be biased to malicious extent, this game failed on every front except *maybe* the game play feeling OK which isn't enough. There are also rules or rather trends in art that do define if something looks good or on a base line appealing to look at, if there weren't we wouldn't have art schools so the argument of subjectivity in this case is pretty poor. Theres more than enough videos and clips of artists going over why games characters look bad with great explanations.
"Looks ugly" isn't the same as "unappealing design with poor colour and design theory choices", both are opinion but one of them is opinion with some reasoning. It's still subjective over all but objective points to back it up, like "this goes against colour theory" or such, vs "It's ugly" or "It's woke" or whatever other brain rot.
@@NikiGothBunneh I mean if the game gets a peak player base of 700 and the most agreed upon take is "it's ugly" it's not really brain rot it's just common consensus. When making a product, you listen to the people you want to buy your product (obviously) but the management for this games production called any criticism of the character design both from online for the early access and QA "White noice". If 90% of people agree "this is ugly" it doesn't matter if it's an opinion or not in practice, same way as with "Rings of Power" or other corporate slop.
TLDR: I think Thor has a natural instinct to go against the current of popular opinion, but in this video it really shows that he had to eat his own words after saying the design was subjective. It was a bad take from the viewer... until it was his. I initially thought that Thor was able to give some good advice and observations from time to time, but after this video I really find myself deeply mistrusting of a person that just snaps opinions like this. I've been accompanying the Concord case for a good while now and from my perspective in this video Thor is just yapping about something that I think he doesn't entirely understand. This is especially shown how he firstly takes a somewhat defensive take about how "design is subjective" (which is mostly a false statement imo, but that's another story), saying that the game was trying a weird unconventional art style ( 1:08 ), only to then just completely lose his own argument by his own words by saying the design is faulty by itself ( 8:07 ). For as much as I want to be understanding that he's streaming and it's easy to lose your train of thought while talking live to thousands of people, I feel like Thor likes to go against the current just to sound more intelligent or maybe cause controversy? Saying shit adverse to popular opinion can be nice from time to time, but doing it so many times and the way he usually does it with a sense of authority ("I've been in the gaming industry for x number of years, therefore my opinion matters more") is really disappointing. Does anyone else think about him this way or am I just reaching? lmao
Yeah he's very wrong about "beauty being subjective", etc. There are objective standards of beauty, and Concord ain't it. The characters are just plain ugly, unappealing, morbidly obese or whatever else have you. One looks like she's wearing a plastic bag over her head, like she walked out of an elder care home all deranged. It's a freakshow of the worst sort. Then we got androgynous fatty macgee and the cyan-red wierdo with a malformed skull, like come on. They're ugly, objectively.
I get the sense that Thor is terrified of saying anything bad about woke culture, which is what ruined this game. Everyone saw those character designs and the pronouns and the performative inauthentic corporate DEI "inclusiveness" and knew that the game would be trash.
Agreed. What we just saw here is a very standard case of "woke hostage syndrome" that every single person working in the video game industry is suffering from. At best he (like everyone else in this industry) is deathly afraid of speaking up against wokeness, at worst he drunk the koolaid. The problem is that all these character designs follow the far left woke guide book that dictact that nobody can be attractive (unless its homoherotic), everyone has to check has many "diveristy" check boxes as possible (which mean non-white, non-male, non-attractive) and everything has to drown in "millenial writing" that induce reflexive cringe from anyone looking at the result. THIS is the problem, it's okay, you can admit it.
Something that was obvious from the beginning is the art design. Art does not appear like that, it has to go through some refinement process to appear as such. With a little bit of google searching, you can find that the old designs for concord had a lot more flair and personality, that were likely squashed and trampled over by some higher up executive. Second of all, there was a big gamble in selling narrative, and they were likely going to give us more information about the lore of the story AFTER it had released... which depended on the game being taken up... which never happened. This is nothing else than the fault of executives.
@@bipolarminddroppingshe talks about some very obvious stuff using some big boy words. Big deal. He still doesn't get why people react so negatively to the game. His knowledge is only surface level but you'll still worship him like the nordic god he is. Which is fair, actually.
@@bipolarminddroppings My guy. The "color and composition" are not the main problem here. It's like pretending the problem with the monocycle you've entered to the nascar race is the paintjob. The problem is that all these character designs follow the far left woke guide book that dictate that nobody can be attractive (unless its homoherotic), everyone has to check has many "diversity" check boxes as possible (which mean non-white, non-male, non-attractive) and everything has to drown in "millennial writing" that induce reflexive cringe from anyone looking at the result. THIS is the problem, it's okay, you can admit it.
Concord hasn't been marketed? Wut. SONY literally ordered all their owned developement companies to make fan arts and prasising posts about the game on their repsective accounts. It got a series style production in a HIGHLY marketed and preview'd series of game short stories with Keanu Reeves. This is possible the single most marketed game this year, they spent an absurd amount on media shilling to get news articles gaslighting people. To say this didnt get any marketing is insane.
I look at every single one of those characters and can't get a drop of personality at all. I can't even place them in the same reality whatsoever. Legitimately it looks like a placeholder.
Also thor saying "tHeRe'S LiTtLe aDvErTiSeMeNt" when in reality, a fkton of gaming news websites was literally shoving this game on people's mouth for like 2 weeks. IGN, Kotaku, PCGamer, etc, they all kept tweeting and writing articles about Concord about how great it is and ranked it above average. Even the "gaming" journalists themselves kept tweeting how good the gameplay was and how they kept playing it lmao.
A majority of people can hold the same opinion. That doesn't make it a fact. An objective fact isn't an opinion that a majority agrees on, it's something that can be proved without any opinion or bias present.
I don't normally disagree with you but "The Characters are ugly" is (as you say) subjective. But the criticism is "The Character were deliberately made to be ugly" which is either a fact or it isn't. No subjective opinion required.
@@Megaman231122 Sure they were. Pink-hair-side-shave-green-skin girl? That's a deliberate choice, and no person alive would think it's actually not ugly.
@@Megaman231122 every possible attempt was made to make the characters the antithesis of "traditional beauty". As a way to virtue signal for inclusion. Which backfired HARD, because they ended up with an entire roster of unlikeable, unnattractive, unrelatable characters that very few people get excited about BEING for a couple hours. I don't get excited about playing a character based on an overweight trans woman. Doesn't mean I hate trans people, doesn't mean I don't think characters like that should exist. Means I don't get excited, by inhabiting one. And there are many, many, many other people. In fact MOST of the gaming community as is evidenced here, who feel the same way. The problem with Concord is they didnt provide ANY relatable characters to their primary audience. Not even one. Tired of this comment section pretending it ain't what it is.
its the same response. Imagine a blind Horse playing a guitar solo just wacking on the strings , and it sounds terrible. everyone says its terrible. then some guy who doesnt want Horses to be mad him comes and says "well actually it isnt terrible its just that the discordant notes and noise floor, creates negative receptor respones in the brain, the guitar wasn't in tune, horses shouldnt be expected to tune gutiars... yaddayadda" etc.
I actually feel like we need more colourful environments, mainly because our surroundings have been lacking bright colours. Grey buildings, grey vehicles, grey weather quite frequently. Kinda boring. I personally feel one of the reasons Concord failed is because there's just way too many team shooters similar to Concord. If I remember correctly, Lawbreakers had the same issue, hence it failed because people were playing different games of the same genre.
I think it had a fighting chance better than 200 players. Lots of people pulled back from Overwatch 2 because of Blizzards failed promises. But the gameplay feels slow. Sniper headshots don't kill. The time-to-kill is too long. Characters with big weapons you don't get that screenshake feedback to show your attack is powerful, or the recoil to show the gun is strong. That combined with over-the-top designs and the whole game feels wrong. Slightly better designs, slightly better gunplay, no microtransactions from launch and this game could have lived a few more months at least.
Very true. In real life there is an issue with monotone and flat buildings and environments because our eyes just gloss over it and don't receive any stimulus unlike in nature where you have fractal patterns like trees and geology that trigger your brain. It's really good for the brain to see complex structures and natural patterns. Keep this in mind the next time you see an old building, art piece or even a modern apartment building.
@@tatuvarvemaa5314 Yeah, even newer cars just simply don't exist in interesting colors. It's all black, white, gray, silver, or some other dark "understated" color. It's just boring.
Gameplay: clunky Weapons: unsatisfying Character designs: offensive to those they were meant to represent Advertising: abysmal Map design: actually good.
"You THINK the character design is bad" proceeds to scroll through character list, and awkwardly realizing the character design does suck; but wants to appear objective 😅
I'm shocked at how many people in the same breath keep saying it's the character design that was the problem while also saying they never heard of the game until *random RUclipsr* made a video about how big of a failure it was. Like they're so close to putting the square peg in the square hole but instead they just chuck the whole box across the room and blame it on the color of the blocks.
The biggest problem I had with the character designs are not that they were ugly, it was that all but MAYBE one of them looked like they were background characters from a better game. They felt generic, lifeless, designed by committee
Of course they were designed by committee. The whole point of designing by committee is spreading the blame so no one person is singularly responsible for a foreseeable failure.
I’m an artist and have done character designs. It’s definitely bad. No strong silhouettes, clashing color schemes, and body types that just scream of pandering. None of them are memorable. I literally forget how they look when I’m not looking at the game. If a design is good if at least remember aspects of it. I haven’t played overwatch in years and I can tell you what most characters do and look like.
Absolutely correct on the aesthetics. It's entirely subjective. Anyone who thinks the polarising art style killed it needs to know that Warframe has 40 million players 🤣🤣.
The bottom line of why it failed is the culture they tried to encapsulate was one most gamers do not nor shouldn't appreciate. They've also the same devs who insulted gamers. People need to actually mention that
1:20 The character design was awful in its fundamental core, the appreciation of art such as character design, direction, or photography is subjective, yes, but the basic rules are not, color composition, for example, is something teachable.
There's also a number of minor nuances which, while they definitely didn't help Concord, were also FAR from the cause of its demise: - The Ranked mode FORCES players to swap characters. Each round you win, the winning character is greyed out and cannot be used by you for the rest of the match. This means you can not one trick/main a character, and you need a hero pool of at least 5 different characters. - Despite the first problem, you do not have access to the whole roster in-game - you must select a "deck" of characters to have available, and there are not enough slots in a deck for each character to be available. - The only cosmetic alteration to the characters is for unlockable variants of them. These variants come with stat changes to their weapon/abilities, meaning they aren't "cosmetic" at all.
If the game's art style wasn't so garish, if the game's pacing wasn't so slow, and if the developers were actually open to criticism (they weren't), then it's these flaws that would've tanked Concord's success, simply because who'll accept such limitations in a hero shooter that costs $40 when you don't get screwed this hard by games that are f2p?
Pirate: no, it was ugly for you. In your opinion its ugly. Also pirate: these character models are very unappealing to me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 So argueably the characters are ugly. 😂😂😂😂 bruh contradicted himself in 2 minutes
@@ammmrefreshing8690 In other words, they're ugly. The cast of characters in this game are objectively ugly. Beauty isn't 100% subjective, Thor is wrong on that one. He ain't always right, and he's wrong here. Concord is an objectively ugly game with fat, miscoloured, freakshow characters. Beyond ugly.
@@mattman3122 iam not saying you're wrong about the characters being ugly I in fact agrees with that 100% but iam talking about how pirate said that people have different opinions about what looks good or not and when he said that they look bad he always said "i" or "in my opinion"
For all the people in the comments trying to say I said the characters weren't bad and then they were. No.
The opinion of if they look bad or not is subjective meaning it's personal opinion.
Some of these characters look great.
Some of them look like clown vomit.
Writing off the entire game and not learning from what did and did not work would be a mistake.
Always investigate things and always brush past the general "everything is bad and that's a fact" takes.
All that happens when you parrot along is you miss out on learning something new.
The blue lips remind me of when I sucked on a blue Popsicle
I think you're right, I think the main problem is market saturation, if I'm right then "marvel rivals" will also fail
I think the reason a lot of people think you said they’re not bad, and then described the ways that you thought some characters were bad, is because you made some general statements that were true for many of the characters, but not all of them, such as the comment about color choice and composition, which you did cite a counter example or two for.
I think there’s massive respect for your wisdom on a lot of topics from a majority of your audience, and I think that translates into a lot of people treating your opinions as facts, or more specifically, claims that are either to be agreed with objectively or disagreed with objectively. So the idea that your claims are subjective and personal is lost as a result of that mindset.
Modern social media has trained that into a lot of us in different ways that I don’t know how to describe. It’s hard to get out of that mindset.
another thing that really discouraged people from buying this game is the fact that the characters were given pronouns, which has absolutely 0 gameplay relevance or bearing
@@aznfooso... reactionary bs completely unrelated to gameplay?
Fun story: In the time when concord launched, i was on vacation without internet. I have been gone for just two weeks and when i returned concord was already dead, so i missed The WHOLE lifespan of a game that i didnt even know had been released, failed miserably and dissapeared before i came home
The game didn't even last the average lifespan of a housefly apparently, so if any bugs got into your house during vacation they probably had a more fulfilling lifespan than Concord ever would have.
They made basically every cryptoslop game look successful by comparison...
@@Subpar1O1 a fly lives 15 to 30 days, concord released on august 23 and was shut down September 6 giving it a lifespan if 16 days
@@panda__king365 cool, so it had the lifespan of a house fly
@@marcodiashd1844 Nice to meet one of the lucky ones. I heard some escaped.
I don't think people are appreciating the budget that this game had. You have to understand what $400 million is. For reference:
-Overwatch cost about 1/4 and made over $1 billion
-Filming Dune 2 (physical set designs, paying A list actors, flying all over the world, VFX work, lights and sound design, Hans Zimmer composing (he's expensive as hell)) cost _less than half_ what Concord cost
There are no reasons that could possibly excuse this game.
I could theorethically buy hundreds of airplanes (including fighter jets) in flight ready condition for that much money. Or buy entire villages. It's ridiculous.
@@Soridan Yeah it's even worse when you think of it like that 😂
It could be really really bad. You can start the second wave of is is with that much money.
Everyone is asking “How could Sony put out such a dud?”
The guys who backed Morbius and Madam Web?
But also the people that made astrobot,last of us,and spiderman Sony’s highs and lows are drastic
I honestly liked madam web, but it wasnt one of those i can watch 100 times and not get bored of it
Why did bro jump into the ambulance.
Sony Pictures and Sony Interactive Entertainment are functionally different companies
I actually liked Morbius and Madam Web lol. It's not 10, I will not watch it again, but solid 6-7 for me.
"Its not made for you"
Me. "OK"
The question then would be "Who is this made for?" Because apparently it was made for no more than 300 people.
Its like the people they keep pandering to.....dont game or watch nerdy comic book stuff
@@googleisevil8958extreme wokists
@@googleisevil8958 a very specific demographic, who loves unconventional hair colours and whatnot. Unfortunately for Sony that demographic is not particularly devoted to arena FPS
@@derigel7662 they do, the game is just bad, the design are a perfect exemple of what not to do, it honestly feel like the artists gave up along the way
The skins are like "Baby's first Warhammer figure paintjob"
@@CaliHime omg I can't UNSEE it
My first Warhammer models were orders of magnitude better than how this game looked.
They very much look like a classic clown fiesta paint job
More like Sweet Baby's first Warhammer FIgure
@@waffleswafflson3076 sweet babys first warhammer figure inkjob? i see what you did there
Can’t remember who said it but someone pointed out that the sort of vibe for the aliens is “humans in makeup”. Which is fine for movies, they benefit from that tactile nature. but with the limitless potential of animation why would you make it look like people playing dress up?
Honestly my first reaction to the characters was "Live-action series with limited costume budget"
@@Garbageman28 I think it was sort of a feature. Realistic design. Someone pointed out that it was for easier mock up for cinematics
Could be the original scope of the game vs. development hell. Someone said they re-used a lot of motion capture animation with drastically different character proportions as well. I've also heard that humanoid aliens could have been an older design intention where they were trying to emulate older sci-fi art and film.
it worked for mass effect tho..
You say it looks fast paced, but that's one of the big problems; It's not. Characters move really slow, especially compared to it's competitors.
Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks that. I swear it looked like the game was in slow mo or low gravity
Yup, Thor spoke without understanding how much the game sucked ass. He just presumed after that first visual impression that it was just another run-of-the-mill hero shooter that was simply late to the trend and presented nothing new.
Did he do zero research before speaking with such confidence? At least be a little skeptical if you're still learning about the thing. I nearly lost all respect for Thor now.
@@ethanfreeman1106He only spoke in the perspective of a dev and not a consumer ngl.
@@ethanfreeman1106 oh come on, he said the game must have had issues with the gameplay mechanics, he just hadn't played it so didn't know what they are but he was assuming they existed.
@@garethdewhurst1499fair point. Guess I just tried to dismiss his subjective opinion in the same way be initially dismissed that random chatter. I felt that was rather unfair, so I was compelled to try doing the same thing.
Thanks for calling me out.
With that said, would Thor thank us for calling him out? Because I feel like that's what most of the people who have this same sort of reaction to his take this time are trying to do, in all honesty. I'm no exception.
Two main things to take away from this:
Visual noise in a shooter is a problem. In actuality, any game with visual noise is bound to fall into a bad pitfall. From skins to model themselves, clarity is always a requirement. If the colours break the outline of a character, that's an advantage. Reminds me of how there are meta skins in League of Legends because they have less visual clarity, makes your champion look like a different one, or have less defined edges of the skillshots, or even gives the player a visual or audio signal.
The second main issue is that Concord came out in a market that is not only saturated, but already striving for excellence. It's not an *awful* game. It's a mid game. A mid game that is now sandwiched between Overwatch 2, and Deadlock. Which are both not only free, but widely better games.
The genre also has a reputation for games shutting down quickly after release. Had it been free-to-play, people might have been willing to give it a shot anyhow and the gameplay would've been able to speak for itself. But at $40 people will probably be asking themselves whether the game has any longevity.
Fun fact; I had the opposite effect with Concord. I knew about it since early this year, because I saw it fuckin' *everywhere* on the PS Store. I saw it so much, so often, I genuinely got sick of seeing it every single time I looked in the store on my Playstation. Not surprised it failed. A small, spiteful part of me is glad I won't see it anymore.
Sony kept emailing me almost every week about it. Ass game, glad it’s dead.
Same. I couldn't get away and instead of forgetting how much it didn't appeal to me, I was forced to see it multiple times a day every day for a month.
It was like the original Destiny marketing IMO. When destiny was first announced, but without actual story elements, it was all just photos of the traveler but with the coming soon, or destiny awaits tagline. Everywhere I looked I saw mini ads for Concord too, but just with like the logo and a charlies angels pose of two characters.
Interesting. I saw more about Deadlock online while it was under an NDA than I did anything about Concord. I wonder if they tried to use an algorithm to heavily market to a select group and the algorithm just wasn't broad enough. Do you play a lot of shooters/have a heavy time investment in one specific shooter?
@@wowRichtoad That might be it. The difference is pretty crazy actually. Sometimes you look at a thing once one a website and ads for a similar thing follows you all over the place. The even crazier thing is when RUclips shows you ads for things that was talked about in the comments of a video you have watched.
Trying to charge AAA price for a game in a group of games that are generally free to play was not a wise choice.
Same thing happened with Battleborn
Wasn't only 40$?
In all fairness it wasn't priced like AAA games usually are. But that doesn't devoid it of issue
you consider 40 dollars AAA price?
Overwatch did it, the difference is it looked ab-so-lutely dope on release and the betas were insane. Also I think the launch price was like $20? Like depending on the amount of cosmetics it would cost either $20 for no cosmetics or $40 for more cosnemtics.
The characters almost look like they pressed "random" on a character selection screen and called it a day.
Pretty much. A lot of veteran concept artists have analyzed and studied each character and you can see all the flaws in their study.. not only they look like average NPCs in an average story driven game, they tell nothing about their role in the game.
Giving a flank/assassin character a bloated, bright, easily spottable red coat was not the best choice, just to name one.
@@BAD_222 Nah, the videos of AI generated images of the Concord characters actually look better.
basically this all the characters have no character or at least none that you can identify at first glance. Compare this to overwatch where at first glance you are actually get at least the impression of a theme. What also helps is that overwatch heavily leans on established "cultural" themes or archetypes, the western gunslinger, the japanese cyber ninja and so on which brings a bit more flavor. Concord just dosn't have that.
Its corporate memphis in videogames. Characters designed to offend no one... In reality they attract no one.
This, but instead of it being funny, it's just depressingly ugly
All in the same breath, 3 things happened in regards to my relationship to Concord:
1. I discovered the existence of Concord
2. I discovered that Concord had shit the bed
3. I decided that I wasn't interested in Concord in any capacity.
Laura Fryer put up a video called "Culture Killed Concord" that explains how a toxic work environment probably caused the people with the insight to identify and correct these problems to leave the team, or if they couldn't leave, to shut down and quietly do what was asked of them.
@myuzu_ yeah, watched it the other day. Really informative.
Especially since it reminded her of the live service game the studio she worked with created a while back.
Good vid.🙂👍🏾
Culture war also killed Concord, the elephant in the room.
After digging up tweets from the senior staff, you can clearly see who killed that game. The arrogant twat who called himself "The professor" is probably to blame a lot in this, I've never seen someone this obnoxious. Of course it was a magical pronouns person and he probably made all the dissident voices shut down or leave.
There's always a pattern of delusion with these "talentless freaks".
I wonder if it's like that in most AAA game studios. I'm interested to work in the industry, but I don't think I could comply with terrible directions that I know in my heart are bad artistic choices.
Maybe AA studios or indie are the best bet going forward.
Man thats sad. Morally very sad.
1:14 - designers specifically pointed out exactly why the designs were bad, they screwed up many things. The characters are ugly, even if it's "subjective" yet over 90% of people agree
The characters in Concord look like they've never held a gun in their entire lives. Pristine armor with no scuffs, no visible scars on the characters, all rounded corners, that LIFE PRESERVER... it was all so cringe.
Are those artists the same ones who think turning a giant armour behemoth into a tall women wearing bikini is peak?
Well I think its also the fact that in "woke" space culture they are more likely to encourage whatever they are all doing so as to appear "non-judgemental" which also means that there is an extreme lack of useful criticism. The character designs really emphasize that, it seems like the result of shoulder patting rather than critique.
@@adamhollow5620 no
On a fundamental artistic level the characters were terrible designs. Color, shapes, silhouettes, contrast, role portrayal, etc. This isn't even touching preference or characterization.
A couple are borderline ok but the rest are just objectively bad.
Common Thor you say its preference when you see Madam Tupperware and NPC rocket lady?
I tried to burger shop called Conburg, where the burgers cost $35. The bun is green, the meat is purple, and the cheese is grey. The fries will be teal and cost $5. No seasoning will be added to any of the food, as everything must be very bland. We tried to compete with other established burger chains, but unfortunately, we had to shut down our store we worked very hard on. It's your fault as consumers we failed, not our decisions along the way. You all are talentless food critics that don't understand modern food design. This is the story of Conburg.
That's such a coincidence! 😂👍
Such a beautiful story, makes me happy
Shoulda called it conburger
Miller's maxi buns bad ending
This metaphor is a bit off because hamburgers cost money. Concord's competition doesn't. So it's like charging money for tap water that doesn't taste right and randomly burps at you.
One thing I’ve learned about spectacular failures in history, is that it is never just one thing on its own. Things tend to fail catastrophically as the result of a perfect storm, a precise combination of unfortunate events which by themselves aren’t devastating but collectively have a huge impact. The term “a recipe for disaster” is exactly that.
I wonder if that’s the main reason this blindsided them into releasing the game to no fanfare, they didn’t zoom out to see how bad things actually were.
I'm of the opinion concord's characters look like a bunch of middle age parents were going to a guardians of the galaxy themed costume party and there was a like $20 limit on how expensive your costume could be. So they went and slapped together whatever they had lying around at home and used left over paint to colour it.
Also thor saying "tHeRe'S LiTtLe aDvErTiSeMeNt" when in reality, a fkton of gaming news websites was literally shoving this game on people's mouth for like 2 weeks. IGN, Kotaku, PCGamer, etc, they all kept tweeting and writing articles about Concord about how great it is and ranked it above average. Even the "gaming" journalists themselves kept tweeting how good the gameplay was and how they kept playing it lmao.
@@randovid1 true
I love this channel but idk if he does his own art assets. Character design is hard, but also there are some short sighted mistakes made like inoffensive silhouettes etc. It's bad because it's very bland.
@@LeBellmont I believe he's mentioned in the past he has an artist he works with. But yeah, Concord's characters are a design mess.
@@LeBellmont there's also a lot of resources on good character design, any game dev course that's worth their salt teaches it
You know you've failed when even the Rule34 artists stay away from your characters.
They couldn't even make characters interestingly ugly.
I mean half of the races in World of Warcraft are ugly as hell but they at least look scary or dangerous. Most of the characters in Concord look like they were rejects from a Steven Universe fanfic.
To be fair the races in WoW, some might be ugly but they got their quirks and little details which make them great or sometimes even cute tbh. Trolls for example, if they got these big ass teeth on their side of the mouth sticking out it looks kinda cute now if an orc has that it looks kinda menacing just by the shape of their head and their overall looks. (Troll small elongated head kinda shaped.) (Orc bulky more roundish appearance and head shape)
These small details make a really big difference when designing characters. But apparently Sony just thought wuhuu let's just make SOMETHING
Edit: okay I forgot about orc babies and that they kinda look cute but overall orc = menacing, and, trolls = kinda cute but still menacing if u get what I mean
Because even if the WoW races are ugly in a conventional way, they still appealed to people. Rule 34 hit Warcraft orcs too, after all. It's all about knowing what appeals to different groups of people. Orcs appeal to people who want to play a huge, menacing monster of a man. They ALSO appeal to people who like looking at exaggerated hyper-masculinity, because let's face it, they're giant walls of muscle with deep voices and brutish appearances. That's going to appeal to some people.
Concord designs don't seem to be targeted at many people. Some of them seem to be targeted at certain political extremists who don't play video games, but that's not exactly going to help with sales. Not all of the designs are bad, but I don't think they're as effective at appealing to different groups of people like Warcraft designs have always been.
@@Grakor456 Yeah, they definitely had a target audience in mind, but it's one that doesn't actually play competitive shooters. To spend 200 million without considering your actual audience is insane.
perfect comparison. the gayest cartoon ever made is very similar.
@dominikborno4133 Fleek said it best the charscters look like the average population of Seattle.
As a colorblind person, a lot of these characters just look like blobs of incoherency.
Looks about like that without colorblindness too
For once I’d say be glad you’re colorblind. The stuff is made of every ugly color one could imagine for many of the characters. This is most true, beyond all the others, for the first character he showed, the girl in armor that looks is made of a yellow that can best be described as piss yellow, a green that is the muted version of futurama’s electric mucus, blue lips, and the only color that would even be good on its own was the violet and it doesn’t save the character.
I might be colorblind now after experiencing concord
@@feartheghus I am colourblind and I didn't realize it was that bad, it looked bad to me as well, but I didn't realize it was piss yellow
I just made my own colorblind comment lol so when I saw this I felt the spider man meme.
"Some People" liked the character design... yes, all 700 people online.
And none with any art experience or basic colour knowledge will like it. i still cant believe they had actual designers. cause the values are wrong, and the colour combinations are completely off. Maybe the design leader was the equalent of tonedeaf for colours and ruined em all. its the only logical explanation i can think of
@GoalOrientedLifting they are just propagandized to the point their brains are mush... they adhere to the Judeo-American Empire regime lies so much that they actually believe the lie. It's an act of Faith to deny reality... so them denying reality demonstrates their religious fervor for Transhumanist Liberal Capitalism.
Less than that cuz I bet at least a hundred of them are playing it so their subscribers don’t have to😂😂😂😂😂
@@GoalOrientedLiftingDEI hires in art.
@@GoalOrientedLifting based on some fan designs that the lead designer made, they're just a hack who has no business designing characters for anything.
Pirate: The character design is subjective.
Pirate a few minutes later: The Characters are too colorful.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if all who behold it says it isn't beautiful, at what point does one accept it's ugly?
The characters in Concord look like they've never held a gun in their entire lives. Pristine armor with no scuffs, no visible scars on the characters, all rounded corners, that LIFE PRESERVER... it was all so cringe.
the answer is still never. its irrelevant how many people agree with something, its still subjective matter, both opinions can coexist, i can recognize something as subjective while also sharing the popular opinion. for me the character designs werent necessarily bad if they were presented in like a show setting, for a game context they are boring, i feel the same way for stuff like apex legends. having that said the character design really wasnt the nail in the coffin for the game, it was in fact that its not bringing anything new to an already saturated genre that in itself is fairly "niche" in the sense that who plays these games already has found their comfortable corner, and it charged 40 bucks upfront, probably with intent on still charging players for stuff like skins and alternate in game currencies as all these games do. not to mention the piss poor marketing, i didint even know about this game until the last trailer that came out wich was when? last summer fest? cant remember. not saying it never counts, cause ofc it does, but in this context character desing was the least of this game problem.
@@jacobwiren8142 Just curious. Why are you posting the same comment over and over again to people who make any comment about character designs?
did you miss the half dozen times in his conclusion to the character designs where he used the phrases “to me”, “i feel”, and “in my opinion”? stating the color composition is merely him using reasoning to support *his opinion*, not to make an objective statement
Pirate at the end: the characters aren't pleasant to look at for most of the people.
Pirate, internally: holy shit, my eyes! I can taste the colors!
As a GameStop manager, this game was constantly advertised.
But everytime I brought it up, no one knew about it.
It was literally in every single ad break for EVO this year...the biggest fighting game tournament with the highest overall viewership. If that's not advertising, I don't know what is.
Ads are regional, not everybody sees them but good advertising is people talking about the game which no one did @@Sheuts22
@@Sheuts22 Seems like it was advertised but only to outside markets. Personally never saw like a twitch/youtube ad for it, only heard about it from other people. It'd be like if the next Blues Clues was coming out but they blew their ad budget for a superbowl spot. A ton of views, but not necessarily your target audience.
@@Sheuts22 On top of multiple videos and interviews last year.
Yeah i saw advertisement everywhere on twitch RUclips and game sites. The issue is none of the ads made the game looking appealing
It died because:
A) £50 for 6 game modes and no campaign is stupid.
B) They had next to 0 advertising.
C) They made a game for an already saturated market.
D) The characters were not memorable.
E) Sony already fucked their reputation as a producer with HD2.
F) They expected people to make PSN accounts.
The list goes on at least twice or 3 times longer. But yeh. All of these are correct.
You really don't need much advertising these days. Get working copies into streamers hands before release, "content creators" will do the advertising job for you. Traditional advertising still matters but it's a much smaller piece than it used to be. Agree on all points though, didn't see anyone trying this or excited for it before release.
@@Hapkins-le6xf Fair point. I never saw HD2 official marketing. Found out about the game from RUclips
If they had good advertising, released this as a free game, released this game 8 years ago so the market wasn't saturated, Sony had a better reputation, and made no PSN requirement the game still would have failed because of the terrible character design and trying to cram DEI into games.
Helldivers debunks the notion that the pricetag had anything to do with the failure. It was the crap game design + forced woke politics. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.
All these characters models scream “look mom, didnt I do great in drawing class today?” “Yes Jimmy amazing, don’t forget your carrots”
Another problem I have with Concord designs: A lot of them don't tell me anything about the character
I look at Reinhardt from Overwatch and I instantly know what he is big, tanky and hard hitting with his hammer
I look at Scout from Team fortress 2 and I instantly know what he is fast, nimble and attacks at short range with his scattergun
6:10 Designs like this don't tell me anything
Also the fucking stock on a handgun lol. That shit just looks weird.
All you can tell from them is that they're not straight.
because the culture behind it is all about subverting expectations and rejecting visible reality.
@@maxparece4155And it isn't even a handgun, lol. It is a crossbow and slingshot combination type thing. That's how badly they convey information through their designs.
@@maxparece4155 yea funny thing is that stocks on hand guns were a actual thing.
I remember watching the reveal trailer. and my immediate reaction was " oh another lesser Overwatch clone, I don't care"
The reaction from jesse Cox was exactly that and it did rounds.
Honestly, I was interested in it from the reveal trailer, up until they revealed what kind of game it was. Interest went from "This looks kinda neat, could be fun" to "oh... meh" instantly.
That was the real killer
The $40 cost was the final nail in the coffin all the biggest hero shooters are free. Valorant,Ow2,and paladins all of which have long time players and are on all platforms so this game had 0 qualities to pull players looking 4 hero shooters away from these and to them.
Yea specially at this time because ow didnt used to be free but now they do have all these free options
It was 8 years in development, back when it started this type of game was very popular but now yeah it's weird how it seems they didn't even do a research to see if people were interested and willing to pay for it, besides the fact that the character design is odd, the game doesn't bring anything to the table that OW or any other already do.
I disagree with this. Good hero shooters are very hard to make well. Concord had Good concepts, but failed to actualize them. Plenty of people payed for OW one. But the feel, look, and execution of Concord was terrible. Concord also came out when You only have 3 other major competitors, and 3 other minor competitors. Concord was released in the perfect spot to maximize profit, right before Marvel Rivals come out but people are more interested in Deadlock but getting access to deadlock is iffy. OW was the only really hard hero shooter that is a direct competitor because Apex and Valorent are all very try hardy. The other competitors were just the standard soldier shooter with gimmicks, IE; Furry shooter, Blackops, and Battlefield, and their past and better versions that people are probably burnt out on. Concord was in the near perfect spot to max profit with only a few things holding it down, IF it was any good. It just wasn't that interesting.
Not a fan of this game but even Apex is free
Fort for gods sake is free
I do wonder if they released before OW went f2p, that more people may have been more open to trying it
Sounds like it was definitely a timing issue (or that the price point was too high)
The fact sony dropped a crossover between infamous and prototype for this “game” is an absolute cardinal sin
What?! :( ( i dont game anymore but that could have been an amazing game)
Holy crap I can’t believe that
As someone who loved infamous and prototype: WHAT? I hadn't heard about this. omg
That's why people will cheer this failure giving up 2 banger titles and years to persue this hogde podge
That wasn't real.
I will speak for myself here... The reason why I didn't touch Concord, was because the character designs were bland.
If a game doesn't look attractive to me, I don't care how well it plays. I'm not going to get into it. Shallow as that may come off. If it doesn't look kick ass, then it's a pass.
Too much competition out there for a 40 dollar game with lousy design elements.
Bland?....I mean bad or a dumpster fire would be understandable but bland? How much more flavouring do you want?
Have you tried Project Zomboid? Genuine question. For me it's the best zombie survival game I've played. Maybe not for you cause it looks "bland" I guess, but damn is the gameplay good.
Go play gacha games, it's for people like us
bland and lame, that's the gist of it, and all the Journo's want to play the game of not knowing this obvious fact, even Thors here.
Not just bland, they're literally hideous.
I gotta disagree on some points, I do think that the character design (regardless of color) has something to do with it. Just look at some of em, like Daw (is his name) for example. He looks like a plumber in ski-gear for some reason, but then has bright orange latex cleaning gloves??? It just make no sense.
The tank (forgot her name) looks like she's wearing a rugby outfit with the most heinous color combination that has ever assaulted my retina's or the rocket lady, who is the exact opposite where it's literally all muted beige color all over with no defining features bar from the golfball helmet.
Combine that with all the weird color choices that don't match with eachother, in an over-saturated market at a $40 price point
*immediately launches into colour composition theory*
"Wow, interesting" -Me, being colourblind.
There's actual specific colour composition theory for colourblind folks
"their characters werent bad" "ok guys so heres why these characters were bad" lol
True his argument went into the toilet when he looked at the character designs 😂
Well his first argument was right, it's all subjective. He then realized he agrees with the popular opinion of "these characters are pretty ugly" and went on to explain why that may be. His first point still stands, there's probably an audience these characters are appealing to, it's just nowhere near big enough to carry such a big game.
Also the "it wasn't marketed very well" is hilarious. This thing was marketed to the edges of the Earth and back. It's just no one cared. Why is Thor coping?
@@shykorustotora To be fair, I never heard of it before it launched. I frequent various social media, RUclips and so on. Not a single ad or banner seen for this thing. And if I did, it was not memorable at all.
@@shykorustotora Yeah I very clearly remember seeing the trailer for this game in showcase stream with many other game trailers. And even back then the trailer didnt impress me and chat seemed to have the same opnion too.
It looks like someone ate a rainbow, washed it down with sand, and just projectile vomited on all the characters.
Like they spilled bleach all over the game
That's exactly what happened, you described how wokism works.
@@gracefool yawn, more incel garbage. All of you are like seagulls screaching "WOKE WOKE" like that's the problem. Didn't realize Baldurs gate 3, fallout new Vegas/fallout 4/Fallout 3, Celeste, Undertale/Deltarune, Stardew valley, the last of us, Hades, and cyberpunk 2077 were all bad because they would be considered Woke. Never knew some of the most popular and most impactful games (Fallout 3 and 4 are meh, but they still have huge and active fan-bases still) in history were terrible?
Concords bad, but to blame it on "woke" is dumb. How many "non-woke" garbage games are there? Should that be proof that all non-woke games are garbage?
you know what the concord character designs remind me of?
the meme "that moment when my character apears in the cutscene" and you have picture of pimp vader. thats the energy i get from most of these. its goofy but not the "im laughing my ass off" kinda goofy but more the "stares puzzled at the character for 10 minutes to try and figure out what exactly you are looking at" kinda goofy. and for me it lies 95% in the colors.
also concord really tries to be like guardians of the galaxy but "we have guardians of the galaxy at home" edition.
The entire marketing I saw from Concord was a Vanossgaming video that also relatively kinda...tanked as far as his viewcounts. He was averaging about 1.5M views over the first week from the video, and the concord video has yet to break 400k.
And that's MONTHS after this debacle when a number of people probably went and watched it to see what happened.
1:08 Thor brother.. Everybody agrees it's ugly.. Come on now
Yeah, he's quite wrong here. There are objective standards of beauty and Concord fails at most of them. Fat, ugly freakshows will not make people want to play the characters.
Yea bro spent solid minutes pointing out how every opinion is subjective before stating his opinion which is actually the same. Basically he just wanted to point out something obvious like "opinions are subjective" which is completely pointless.
He also got hyper focused on the color theory like that's the only thing wrong with the character designs, and as if the character designs were the only thing wrong with the game.
I like Thor for many of his calm and collected insights but dude is just way out of the loop this time. He would've been a lot better off not talking about concord at all. 🤐
Yeah he really missed hard with his take on this game. It was just pure ass, plain and simple. He's talented enough to recognize that, even if he's trying to be nice to fellow devs. No reason to sugar coat this one.
I think he's being carefully for not defending his "fellow" dev feeling (read: rainbow mafias in western game industry)
@@pixelman2626that's exactly what's happening here. He's afraid of being called racist or bigoted. That comes from a place of ego and narcissism. Unfortunately things like this are sort of a test for peoples' intellectual honesty. Lots of creators whose content I enjoy are failing that test currently and essentially selling out to modern leftist ideology.
I like how you said "No, you THINK the character design is ugly." and then you give examples of the character design being ugly.
@@Mytelefe I'm sorry, but these characters are objectively ugly. Beauty isn't 100% subjective, there's a reason why there's "ideal" bodyshapes in movies, TV and games, etc. These characters look way too much like liberal urban college attendees and no one wants to get that close to the ugly side of real life many have to contend with.
@@Mytelefe oh well, I'm sure this thoughtprocess will make many a more game like Concord, since everyone is even more unhinged than Thor is in the western video game market, NO one can just "say it", they all have to play emperor's new clothing.
@@keithfilibeck2390 It's hard for people to admit the game was ugly through and through, full of woke garbage that is unappealing to most. It was made for those people, and they didn't even buy it themselves.
You only THINK the game is ugly.
But really, you think correctly.
he's trying so hard to appeal to everyone.
The character designs look exactly like the worst design by committee slop where some out-of-touch executive kept demanding they design for some sort of caricature dubbed a "modern audience."
Then everyone found out that it's a $40 game in an over-saturated genre where the standard marketing model is F2P.
The character designs looks like something you'd find out of a urban liberal college campus' students and professor staff. Beyond ugly, and completely out of touch with the world outside.
"Out of touch" is the most apt term to describe it. Just like how I'd describe Thor after watching this clip.
I probably should shut up and go away instead of ranting like a madman and making a fool of myself, but man, I'm rather disappointed in this pirate dev guy. Devastated, even. He was supposed to save gaming... How dare he come out with such an L take when it matters most 😂
You can all admit that this has nothing to do with video games. It's okay. Nobody will be surprised.
If you were actually worried about the game, you would be talking about the gameplay instead of signaling your political beliefs over the character designs and the ways they are presented. Of the work that was put into this game, 1% of it was spent on pandering character design. But here you are, making sure everyone knows that the reason the game was bad was because it was woke. "Virtue signaling" used to be the buzzword, and all you know how to do is signal your virtues in response.
It was never really about video games for you. Just be honest that you're fighting for your political worldview to be the dominant one in a rapidly changing society, and video games just happen to be the setting that you're doing it in. You're not fooling anybody into believing this is about saving your hobby, and you aren't going to undo societal changes by crying when they're reflected in a piece of media.
@@ethanfreeman1106 What exactly is his "L take"? He didn't say it was "because the designs were woke" or anything, he criticized the character designs in nearly everything *but* that political jargon.
His main point was "the color theory is completely off", something based in pretty solid facts, some of the models in the game could look pretty cool if they got a new coat of paint
@@Amybnunny The gameplay could be some of the best out there, but if nobody picks it up because the character designs suck then the gameplay is irrelevant. The character designs were an obvious attempt at marketing towards "modern audiences" that don't actually exist in cost effective numbers. The films that pander to "modern audiences" fail, and as we've just seen with Concord, a huge part of the reason it also failed was this obsession with creating characters for a "modern audience".
"This game isnt made for you"
Me: "Okay? my gaming backlog is dozens of games long so no loss. Best of luck"
"OMG why didnt you buy our game? 😡"
Pretty much this lmao. I have at least a dozen games on steam I have yet to fully play through. If some hero shooter turns out to be trash I'm not sweating or sad one bit.
Please keep in mind that developpers react like that because they've spent at least 5 years of their lives on this project. They are emotionnaly attached to it like any humans would be.
Their reactions is misguided but understandable because how much backclash concord got. So please don't make too much fun of them, they're just passionate, overworked people lashing out because they just lost 5 years of their work life.
Let's not forget that the character designs weren't the only thing that didn't land. The sound design for *every* gun sounded weak. Most had less impact than a paintball gun, and the rocket launcher sounded safe to hand to an eight year old unsupervised.
Some might be fine character designs, but they seem like background characters. No matter what colors you give them
100% Agree. They look like one scene wonders in a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
@RealityRogue It all looks really "flat", everything stands out, which in return, nothing really does. I'm not really an artist but what I remember in design, it's really important for a design to have some focal point, which should catch your eye, but as I said earlier, nothing does.
Background characters in the release version of Cyberpunk 2077 for the nintendo switch maybe
"Some" that like those character designs number in the couple thousand tops. Otherwise this game would've succeeded. Thor can say whatever about liking the characters being subjective but when your game doesn't even make enough to stay alive more than 2 weeks and one of the biggest criticism heard everywhere is that your characters are ugly, I think you found the limit to that "subjectivity" cope.
@@JGD714 It's quintessentially "le meme face I was just PRETENDING to be tarded all along" - The video game
The first time i heard a developer go with the line "if you dont like it then dont buy it" was with battlefiend 5
And the guy that said it killed his career, EA lost a lot of value, and battlefied 5 underperformed badly.
It took them a lot of effort to turn things around.
I thought then, well game developers will clearly learn to never insult their audience, and this wont happen ever again.
But 6 years of DEI hires later, now this type of lines became the Main response developers give.
Murphy's law Really likes making fun of us.
Deadlock being popular indicates that it's not a market saturation issue.
But, but... Deadlock is a moba, is more like Dota 2 with guns
@@Scary_Balthazar The point is still legit. The game isn't even officially announced, has no known release date and it's steam page isn't even 10% finished. Somehow clocking in 150 thousand players daily already. NO MARKETING. Concord actually had a lot of marketing done, but no one cared to share the trailers with their friend because the cast is full of ugly-ass, woke, DEI-looking freakshows out of a urban liberal college campus. Both the students and the professors, because you got granny with a plastic bag on her head who escaped the asylum and more. Fat, freak-show-coloured freaks is the cast of characters in this game. No one wanted to share that with their friends.
Deadlock has an interesting idea and character roster
@@Scary_Balthazar Marvel Rivals had closed beta the same time Concord had open one, and it pulled 25 times the number of players Concord did.
Deadlock proves its not a genre issue
Helldivers proves its not a monetization issue
Its the politics.
"subjective" Sure art is subjective, just like music, games or movies, but you are lying if you say there isn't a standard, a good designer/director (be it game designer, quest designer, character designer, etc) knows what will appeal to the major audience. And whoever throws colour theory around being the biggest problem with character design is trying their hardest to ignore the elephant in the room, tho there's definitely some really bad colour choices for sure.
Art is subjective and everybody has their own way of doing things. HOWEVER! In order to break the rules, one must first learn the rules before breaking them. The character designers clearly didn't.
I'm on the same page. A hot girl in an ugly dress is still a hot girl. This game had ugly girls in ugly dresses... edit, maybe not ugly, but they really didn't try...
People who can be cancelled for having the wrong thoughts can't address that elephant. Thor would've been better off just not talking about this game at all. Complicit in their woke games.
God save me from youtube commenters that are completely unable to recognize or use nuance.
Let me simplify this for you. Thor said "art is subjective". This does not, in any way or form, imply "art is subjective therefore any opinion on the art is invalid." For god's sake get off of twitter and learn how to interact with people without drawing erroneous conclusions!
The main things that killed Concord are:
The boring and generally bad character design.
The fact a Hero team Shooter cost $40 despite not seemingly doing anything different
And the Terrible PR by the developers on twitter.
Exactly. Anybody trying to say it was genders or woke is just outing themselves as a smooth brain/culture warrior.
I will add oversatured market to that list!
@@jaggerjack91 You could squeeze that on the 2nd on the list. Too many team pvp hero like fps, and a good bunch are free.
$40 tag has nothing to do with it's failure. No one even wanted to play during its free weekend either.
@@battlerifle8642 It certainly helped, It doesn't look good to have that high a price for a game of it's kind.
That one character that wears the green power armor looking suit here 4:27 reminded me of that Captain Cosmos CC pack from the Fallout 4 Creation Club store. I think there's even a camo for that power armor that uses a similar shade on it. I just think the colors and some of the designs needed tweaking in my opinion, other than that I thought the characters looked fine.
Yeah the thing is that whether the character looks good or not is subjective, but there are certain objective qualities to character design.
In a game like this, characters are meant to visually convey information about what they do so that you can better understand their abilities and make the game more intuitive. If you go through and try to guess what most of these characters actually do, they utterly fail to convey that in that regard. Like that purple and gold lady? She builds walls and does area denial. It’s bonkers.
“The characters aren’t ugly”
*goes on to describe the characters being ugly *
@@Snxgur nailed it. Characters designed by nothing but Woke Ideology. As a professional it's very hard to accidentally make such repulsive characters. They intentionally made them ugly to fit woke perspectives. Issue is, people who scream for woke inclusion dont actually play games.
its crazy bro
@@Snxgur "dei" has nothing to do with shit design. Shit-looking armor is a shit-looking armor.
@@Snxgur nothing to do with DEI, it's all specifically the clothing and accessories, and colour profiles of the characters.
@@SnxgurOverwatch designs are great and they have always aimed for inclusivity and a wide range of representation. DEI is clearly not the issue
They presented this to the customer base early on and their entire potential customer base said "This looks terrible, we don't want this". They responsed with "You're a bigot, istaphobe, etc." and they marched forward. They showed it later and the people with the money said the same thing. "we don't want this". The dev response was unchanged.
They did a paid beta for preorders followed by a free beta. The free beta had less players than the paid one (likely meaning a ton of refunds). The game came out and failed because of the exact reasons the customer base stated. Studio goes surprised Pikachu. It's clearly the bigots. They made a game for a customer that doesn't exist and blamed the people they had been shunning all along for its failure. The "modern audience" doesn't exist and the devs can't understand that they are part of an extremely loud extremely small minority with no money to spend on games.
They actually came out after the game exploded on the launch pad and announced that one of the characters was actually transgender because they thought that was going to bring in a wave of sales. Some projects fail because they deserve to.
There is a big difference between saying "these characters look bad" and "these characters look bad because they're LGBT/minorities/fat". The first is fine, the second is bigoted and is unfortunately a lot of what people who never even touched the game are complaining about. One of the characters was trans from the get-go but Sony did marketing that felt like pandering rather than genuine inclusivity (Catalyst in Apex Legends for example).
Devs do not make these decisions. Producers do. Devs produce the game that producers tell them to make. Designers draw the skins producers tell them to draw. Animators animate the models producers tell them to animate.
It is the producers that tanked this game, not the devs. Blaming devs for a bad production is like blaming the cook for a restaurant's decor.
@@scofrona Don't get it twisted. Not wanting obese alphabet people of color on the screen is a completely legitimate opinion, held by the majority of the market, that stakeholders in this and other industries ignore at their (sometimes catastrophic) financial peril.
@@scofrona I think the big problem is that most people can't really tell why they don't like something when they don't, so they latch onto the obvious things. Like, they don't like the fat dude that looks kinda feminine in the face, so they latch onto that - fat and not masculine. Meanwhile, Roadhog in OW has (as far as I know) never really gotten criticism for being fat.
@@scofrona There is exactly ZERO reason to aggressively shove gender identity into the game characters, leave that to the rule 34 artists. To then attack your potential customers with your personal hatred of anyone not like you for not genuflection to your magnificent creation is not a winning move anymore. I'll support someone who doesn't hate me instead.
The minigun girl looks like someone let their little sibling paint their space marine figurine.
They lost more money than E.T. for Atari
Even adjusting for inflation?
I was in a focus group back in the early eighties, when I was a young buck, where they brought a bunch of us kids into an elementary school gym to have us try both atari's ET and the A-Team game that they were making for the 2600.
The overwhelming consensus was the A-Team game was fun and E.T. was confusing as all heck.
holy shit lol
Then this really has taken the throne as the worst failure in gaming holy hell
> makes hero shooter
> makes heroes unheroic
The first time I saw the trailer for Concord via a RUclips ad, I thought it was another Raid: Shadow Legends commercial. It wasn't until I saw a post-mortem analysis on RUclips, that I realized it wasn't so. To say the game wasn't marketed would be an understatement. If anything, it was anti-marketed.
*criticizes chat for saying character designs are ugly by saying that’s just an opinion*
*immediately explains his opinion that the characters are ugly*
@@MrHerky61 context dude. The characters looking ugly is subjective, and he was moreso explaining OBJECTIVELY why the game failed. It's difficult to point to character design here and say it's the "reason" the game failed.
Didn't do too well in English class huh?
@@profozpin227 They are objectively ugly, from color pairing down to how random their outfits are.
I disagree. These character designs were not subjectively shit, they were VERY objectively shit.
@@VBandit47 yeah saying “art is subjective you just think it’s bad” is a very lazy cop out. There are fairly grounded critiques you can make and he even makes some. The designs don’t communicate quickly what each character does. Take Lucio from OW, he’s got a music shirt on and skates and headphones. You instantly know he’s gonna be a quick moving buff provider. Reaper is edgy with a ghastly mask, he probably has abilities that let him appear as a ghost. Mei is straight up an ice climber, you know she’s going to have ice abilities. The designs are stupid simple and clear.
I challenge anyone to look at Concords characters and explain what ANY of those characters do based on their design.
@@TypeCerulean FACTS
@@TypeCeruleanthey preach at you the player about problems they made up in their head, while you're just trying to have fun. That's what the character design tells me.
Anything is art, and of course art is subjective. What these people, who defend shitty IPs, fail to understand is that art doesn't sell among the masses, but well made products often based on good designs do.
@@TypeCerulean You're spot on, visual story telling is super important in media. Movies have to follow this so that at a glance the audience can know exactly who is who on screen. Think about Star Wars... all of the "bad guys" have the same visual style so without being explicitly told you know that Darth Vadar, a Storm Trooper, and an Imperial Guard are all on the same side.
Concord is just visually messy beside the fact that the characters are ugly, the designs are boring and the color schemes are weird.
Says "character design is subjective", then immediately goes into why the character design is bad 😂😂😂
And that's his subjective take.
Yeah that’s… what subjective means… what?
It is subjective, but some rules in art exist for a reason. They're not objective but when 90% of people find something unappealing the difference doesn't matter much.
It does matter. Everyones opinion matters. @SaHaRaSquad
@@TheGeekFactor i think they brought it up because early in the video someone says that the character design it ugly and he says "no, you think the character design is ugly. you didn't like it for you" *and then* thor explains why he thinks it's ugly. so it kinda sounds like thor is shitting on that guy for having that opinion and then thor goes and has that same opinion. its kinda funny.
It's like Concord was developed in an alternate universe where TF2 didn't exist.
I would love to see a documentary about the internal situation of the studio as this was going on.
Would be an amazing case-study, because how it went down so quickly is extremely bizarre.
I vaguely remember reading an article about the development hell of this game like 3+ years ago, and how it had shifted focus and style multiple times
I played in the closed beta and what I took away from it was the game modes were not fun, the character mechanics felt clunky, the menu's weren't all that fantastic either (leaning towards confusing at times). And there was some super confusing weird mechanic with picking your roster to get certain bonusses that would then benefit your team.
Before even jumping into the game I looked into some gameplay footage of what the game modes were to communicate this to my team and discuss strats:
Trophy hunt mode, player deaths drop a trophy. -> quick respawn
Cargo run: capture the flag / extraction -> No respawn, Team deathmatch
Clashpoint: King of the hill?? -> No respawn, Team deathmatch
The no respawn modes basically meant if you worked together and just focused on making kills, the objective meant nothing. You just win by wiping the other team, then worry about the objective. We were playing with a full premade team and all of us had either lots of experience in valorant or overwatch so we didn't have much resistance. The Trophy hunt felt more balanced (it wasn't), we did still play against people that had no idea what was going on most of the time, you had to actually pick up a token after you killed someone and a lot of people didn't. But at the very least the game kept going for a while rather than just wiping the other team.
The characters either felt not that impactful to play or clunky. I started mostly on Roka, basically Pharah from Overwatch but with the hoverpack from Spelunky 2. How it worked is: you jump into the air, then you activate the hoverpack, locking you at your height, you couldn't gain more height once you enabled the hover. That wasn't the most clunky part though. Roka's Blast Dive ability, comparable to Doomfist's Seismic Slam: You slam into the ground from above. However with Roka, you had no control. It was a set location based on your height and looking direction. You couldn't aim it to be more below you or further away.
In the Deathmatches, healing characters like Daw meant you had a much higher chance of winning. This may sound obvious but, with everyone being able to freely pick, the odds of people picking Daw were pretty low. In Trophy hunt you could switch between characters, if you started out as Daw and placed healing pads, the pads would remain if you swapped to a different character until the opponent destroyed them. Basically you could have heals without a healer.
My favourite character to play was probably Kyps, as it was pretty much Sombra from Overwatch and you could carry entire lobbies.
However, multiplayer games are always more fun with friends and even though the close beta was pretty short, none of us felt really compelled to keep playing after a day. I did continue a bit with solo games to try different characters and settled on Kyps but it was already clear to us that nobody would care for the game if it came out.
Not sorry for the pants comment, bread for the mods.
PS. The character designs had no impact on the gameplay for me. I do believe It took away a lot of the appeal to buy the game for people that didn't get a chance to play it.
None of the gameplay matters when nobody wanted to touch the game in the first place.
8 years to make, 2 weeks to kill it so hard there won't be a game in any form to go back to in a year.
"ugly" might be subjective but t
concord's designs certainly weren't very distinct. I've never played Valorant or Overwatch or Genshin but even if you showed me new characters from those games they all have strong enough senses of style that I could tell you what game they're from that alone
I'm one of the people who played it. I loved the game and liked it even more like Valorant or Overwatch gameplaywise. The massive downers were the slow movement speed and the 40 $ entry price.
I want to hear more of these opinions, like actual game experience.
If the devs weren't bashing players like many in the industry do these days, it would have had a better turnout.
That ttk tho. I couldn't after 1 match (played at friend's acc)
Did you like the character designs?
@@nims5537 I liked them well enough except for Emari's helmet, but that's just because I don't like open helmets like that without a visor of some kind.
1:25 “some people like the character design”. No. Not enough to buy it.
I didn't know about it at all. When I heard Concord was cancelled and being refunded, I immediately was like "wait didn't the Concord jet get grounded like 10 years ago?"
* No marketing
* No innovation
* SONY (free space)
* Saturated Market
* High budget production
That's a video game production failure BINGO!
(edit) Notice how "dev talent" isn't on the card?
I'm sorry, but this doesn't work as the excuse. Deadlock from Valve is no different and they struggled keeping the game a secret, it's not even announced yet and is doing well. I'm seeing the exact same list you're making there for Concord. No marketing, no innovation (at a glance), Valve ('free space'? Whatever that means), saturated market, high budget production.
Difference is that Concord is full of ugly-ass freakshows of characters and DEI Woke garbage and Deadlock doesn't seem to share those specific flaws.
Meanwhile Deadlock, which has yet to get it's Steam page set up properly, enjoys 150k player peaks daily at the moment.
Paid game in a genre where the leading contenders are F2P was also a *big* deal as well.
@Femtoisbackandbetterthe fact that they didn't list 2 main problem is just laughable at this point
3:35 i still cant get over that she's wearing an actual red flag on her. The most heavy-handed character design.
You can always tell the quality of a game's character design by the amount of Rule 34 they have after a week. Overwatch ended up with so much Rule 34 that they had to change the tag for it on Paheal in order to avoid a lawsuit.
Bruh 8 years for a game we didn't need in the first place. The free games do it just fine we didn't need this. It's sad.
8 years ago this probably sounded like a better idea. On the other hand, it also means they had tons of games to compare to and improve on. Maybe they didn’t have the code but they knew the mechanics and what made those games fun. Instead they just made a poor copy.
Those games didn't exist when they started.
@@Alacritous fairly sure Overwatch existed when they started their Overwatch clone.
also, 2 years in you can do another check and go "ok, so people are actually sticking with Overwatch, what is the negative and positive things about it" and add that to your game.
it's literally the same BS people said when the Epic Game Store launched and it was just bad, it missed and still missing some very basic features and they went "well, steam had so many years to improve!" yeah ok, but at what point did someone go "what is Steam doing well and what can we improve on what they aren't doing well?"
the same with Concord, they for some reason did 8 years of just tunnel vision and then are surprised when their game flops.
@@Alacritous But they had the time to adjust the design over the years that had hero shooters. Even during development cycle, you can iterate on the design based on the outside inputs like how is competitor doing etc.
There was TF2 when they started and the characters in there are iconic. Simple in design but you can recognize them and their color schemes wasn't hurting your eyes.
@@Alacritous and yet they had all that time to look at the ones that did come out and yet still made garbage?
I'm an Overwatch player. I am THE TARGET demographic and I didn't hear about the game until I heard it flopped. Major misstep by marketing. Even bad games have more preorders than this.
Yup, the marketing of this game was basically everything you don't want to hear about a game. Truly dead before arrival
Marketing has little to do with it. Deadlock is in the same situation as Concord (Actually worse, they've done literally zero marketing) and already has 150k players daily without being officially announced with a release date yet, not even available for a public beta. Concord actually put out trailers and cinematics, etc, but people just didn't share them because ugly.
The game is ugly, the characters are ugly, and that's why no one talked about it or got hyped for it. They marketed it, just no one cared to share the trailers with their friends, etc, because the cast of characters is the ugliest to date in any hero shooter. Also costs money, when all the competition is free. It's a woke DEI garbagefest.
@LethalOwl I don't think that this is a good comparison. Concord was made by a brand new studio, so they didn't have any brand recognition. Valve on the other hand is Valve they have a reputation of not putting something out unless it's top tier quality. This Gane failed because it was generic, expensive for the market it's in and undermarketed.
Overwatch players are playing Overwatch 2. Mind blown.
There are objective, quantifiable ways of making a pretty face versus an ugly face, and if you can’t admit that then you’re beyond hope. A choice that makes a face ugly can be made up for by turning the dial one way on other features, but you would be objectively filling in for somewhere that was intentionally taken away from or otherwise obscuring the ugly.
Sincerely, a 3D Modeler.
Ugly =/= Unappealing. Not every character needs to be beautiful to have a good design.
@@scofronaThe hunchback of notre dame has an intentionally uglified facial structure.
The movie proceeds to make him appealing by virtue of its 2D makeup and fluidity of animation.
He is ugly, on purpose. He is appealing to watch because he is well animated and surrounded by beautiful scenery.
So you are right that Ugly does not equal unappealing
But these character designs are ugly on purpose.
@@alexandergreene461 What does "ugly on purpose" mean to you? If it's the clothing and color scheme I'd agree, but if it's because a character is trans or fat then I'd have to say that's bigotry rather than a design critique.
@@alexandergreene461 he's not appealing to watch because the other things are good. He's appealing to watch because the character serves a purpose that is well executed. The design speaks to you, tells you a story, which is then contradicted by the actions of the character, thus making a very nice character journey and kind of a touching story.
These characters have none of that. It doesn't have much to do with the rest being beautiful. There's many games, like Binding of Isaac, that have almost exclusively grotesque, hideous characters, yet are super charming.
@@scofrona If the character designs aren't interesting enough for you to learn their sexuality in the first place, finding that character gross and unappealing isn't bigotry
About Concord's character designs being perceived as "bad" : It's not that Concord's designs were unbearably ugly, it's just that they failed at communicating special characteristics of each character.
1:20 The only actual arguments that talked about the game being in any way good were "its game play feels alright", that's all. Unless you want to believe the video game media outlets like Kotaku or IGN who have made themselves clear to be biased to malicious extent, this game failed on every front except *maybe* the game play feeling OK which isn't enough.
There are also rules or rather trends in art that do define if something looks good or on a base line appealing to look at, if there weren't we wouldn't have art schools so the argument of subjectivity in this case is pretty poor. Theres more than enough videos and clips of artists going over why games characters look bad with great explanations.
"Looks ugly" isn't the same as "unappealing design with poor colour and design theory choices", both are opinion but one of them is opinion with some reasoning. It's still subjective over all but objective points to back it up, like "this goes against colour theory" or such, vs "It's ugly" or "It's woke" or whatever other brain rot.
@@NikiGothBunneh I mean if the game gets a peak player base of 700 and the most agreed upon take is "it's ugly" it's not really brain rot it's just common consensus.
When making a product, you listen to the people you want to buy your product (obviously) but the management for this games production called any criticism of the character design both from online for the early access and QA "White noice". If 90% of people agree "this is ugly" it doesn't matter if it's an opinion or not in practice, same way as with "Rings of Power" or other corporate slop.
TLDR: I think Thor has a natural instinct to go against the current of popular opinion, but in this video it really shows that he had to eat his own words after saying the design was subjective. It was a bad take from the viewer... until it was his.
I initially thought that Thor was able to give some good advice and observations from time to time, but after this video I really find myself deeply mistrusting of a person that just snaps opinions like this.
I've been accompanying the Concord case for a good while now and from my perspective in this video Thor is just yapping about something that I think he doesn't entirely understand. This is especially shown how he firstly takes a somewhat defensive take about how "design is subjective" (which is mostly a false statement imo, but that's another story), saying that the game was trying a weird unconventional art style ( 1:08 ), only to then just completely lose his own argument by his own words by saying the design is faulty by itself ( 8:07 ).
For as much as I want to be understanding that he's streaming and it's easy to lose your train of thought while talking live to thousands of people, I feel like Thor likes to go against the current just to sound more intelligent or maybe cause controversy?
Saying shit adverse to popular opinion can be nice from time to time, but doing it so many times and the way he usually does it with a sense of authority ("I've been in the gaming industry for x number of years, therefore my opinion matters more") is really disappointing. Does anyone else think about him this way or am I just reaching? lmao
Nah, I definitely got that vibe from this as well. Feels more contrarian than actually intelligent.
Yeah he's very wrong about "beauty being subjective", etc. There are objective standards of beauty, and Concord ain't it. The characters are just plain ugly, unappealing, morbidly obese or whatever else have you. One looks like she's wearing a plastic bag over her head, like she walked out of an elder care home all deranged. It's a freakshow of the worst sort. Then we got androgynous fatty macgee and the cyan-red wierdo with a malformed skull, like come on. They're ugly, objectively.
I get the sense that Thor is terrified of saying anything bad about woke culture, which is what ruined this game. Everyone saw those character designs and the pronouns and the performative inauthentic corporate DEI "inclusiveness" and knew that the game would be trash.
He sure as shit wanted to do that since the whole Stop Killing Games thing.
Agreed. What we just saw here is a very standard case of "woke hostage syndrome" that every single person working in the video game industry is suffering from.
At best he (like everyone else in this industry) is deathly afraid of speaking up against wokeness, at worst he drunk the koolaid.
The problem is that all these character designs follow the far left woke guide book that dictact that nobody can be attractive (unless its homoherotic), everyone has to check has many "diveristy" check boxes as possible (which mean non-white, non-male, non-attractive) and everything has to drown in "millenial writing" that induce reflexive cringe from anyone looking at the result.
THIS is the problem, it's okay, you can admit it.
Drinking game: take a shot everytime Thor says Colour
Good thing he's not British. I'd be destroyed. He just said color. Phew
Uhm 🥴🥃 what is a colour anyway?!?!?
he's american, he doesnt say colour, he says color 😊
1:10 no EVERYONE thought that. they intentional made the ugliest characters possible. dont try to defend them on that one lmao
Something that was obvious from the beginning is the art design. Art does not appear like that, it has to go through some refinement process to appear as such. With a little bit of google searching, you can find that the old designs for concord had a lot more flair and personality, that were likely squashed and trampled over by some higher up executive. Second of all, there was a big gamble in selling narrative, and they were likely going to give us more information about the lore of the story AFTER it had released... which depended on the game being taken up... which never happened. This is nothing else than the fault of executives.
Love how he expertly avoids saying they are just ugly unattractive character design =D
he also talks about colour theory and composition and explains why it's bad. Therein lies the difference.
@@bipolarminddroppingshe talks about some very obvious stuff using some big boy words. Big deal.
He still doesn't get why people react so negatively to the game. His knowledge is only surface level but you'll still worship him like the nordic god he is.
Which is fair, actually.
@@ethanfreeman1106 Gross
Yeah, I have lose a lot of respect on him on this one.
@@bipolarminddroppings My guy. The "color and composition" are not the main problem here. It's like pretending the problem with the monocycle you've entered to the nascar race is the paintjob.
The problem is that all these character designs follow the far left woke guide book that dictate that nobody can be attractive (unless its homoherotic), everyone has to check has many "diversity" check boxes as possible (which mean non-white, non-male, non-attractive) and everything has to drown in "millennial writing" that induce reflexive cringe from anyone looking at the result.
THIS is the problem, it's okay, you can admit it.
"Some people like it" yea that's the issue. You cant be spending 9 figures for some to like it.
Concord hasn't been marketed? Wut. SONY literally ordered all their owned developement companies to make fan arts and prasising posts about the game on their repsective accounts. It got a series style production in a HIGHLY marketed and preview'd series of game short stories with Keanu Reeves. This is possible the single most marketed game this year, they spent an absurd amount on media shilling to get news articles gaslighting people. To say this didnt get any marketing is insane.
I look at every single one of those characters and can't get a drop of personality at all. I can't even place them in the same reality whatsoever. Legitimately it looks like a placeholder.
when majority of potential customers agree that character design is ugly that ceases to be subjective and becomes an objective fact
That was my point
No it doesn't
Not even a little bit...That's not what objective means. 😂
Also thor saying "tHeRe'S LiTtLe aDvErTiSeMeNt" when in reality, a fkton of gaming news websites was literally shoving this game on people's mouth for like 2 weeks. IGN, Kotaku, PCGamer, etc, they all kept tweeting and writing articles about Concord about how great it is and ranked it above average. Even the "gaming" journalists themselves kept tweeting how good the gameplay was and how they kept playing it lmao.
A majority of people can hold the same opinion. That doesn't make it a fact. An objective fact isn't an opinion that a majority agrees on, it's something that can be proved without any opinion or bias present.
I don't normally disagree with you but "The Characters are ugly" is (as you say) subjective. But the criticism is "The Character were deliberately made to be ugly" which is either a fact or it isn't. No subjective opinion required.
This, this should be all the way at the top
The characters weren't deliberately designed to be ugly though are you insane
@@Megaman231122 Sure they were. Pink-hair-side-shave-green-skin girl? That's a deliberate choice, and no person alive would think it's actually not ugly.
@@Megaman231122 every possible attempt was made to make the characters the antithesis of "traditional beauty". As a way to virtue signal for inclusion. Which backfired HARD, because they ended up with an entire roster of unlikeable, unnattractive, unrelatable characters that very few people get excited about BEING for a couple hours. I don't get excited about playing a character based on an overweight trans woman. Doesn't mean I hate trans people, doesn't mean I don't think characters like that should exist. Means I don't get excited, by inhabiting one. And there are many, many, many other people. In fact MOST of the gaming community as is evidenced here, who feel the same way. The problem with Concord is they didnt provide ANY relatable characters to their primary audience. Not even one. Tired of this comment section pretending it ain't what it is.
@@Megaman231122 lol
Appreciate Thor taking time to make a measured response to something far too many people had a knee jerk reaction.
its the same response. Imagine a blind Horse playing a guitar solo just wacking on the strings , and it sounds terrible. everyone says its terrible. then some guy who doesnt want Horses to be mad him comes and says "well actually it isnt terrible its just that the discordant notes and noise floor, creates negative receptor respones in the brain, the guitar wasn't in tune, horses shouldnt be expected to tune gutiars... yaddayadda" etc.
I actually feel like we need more colourful environments, mainly because our surroundings have been lacking bright colours. Grey buildings, grey vehicles, grey weather quite frequently. Kinda boring.
I personally feel one of the reasons Concord failed is because there's just way too many team shooters similar to Concord. If I remember correctly, Lawbreakers had the same issue, hence it failed because people were playing different games of the same genre.
I think it had a fighting chance better than 200 players. Lots of people pulled back from Overwatch 2 because of Blizzards failed promises. But the gameplay feels slow. Sniper headshots don't kill. The time-to-kill is too long. Characters with big weapons you don't get that screenshake feedback to show your attack is powerful, or the recoil to show the gun is strong. That combined with over-the-top designs and the whole game feels wrong.
Slightly better designs, slightly better gunplay, no microtransactions from launch and this game could have lived a few more months at least.
I plan to fix this by painting my cars in nice bright paints, maybe a nice apple green (:
Very true. In real life there is an issue with monotone and flat buildings and environments because our eyes just gloss over it and don't receive any stimulus unlike in nature where you have fractal patterns like trees and geology that trigger your brain. It's really good for the brain to see complex structures and natural patterns.
Keep this in mind the next time you see an old building, art piece or even a modern apartment building.
@@tatuvarvemaa5314 Yeah, even newer cars just simply don't exist in interesting colors. It's all black, white, gray, silver, or some other dark "understated" color. It's just boring.
@@oddforoddssake3751 hell yeah, that sounds awesome! Good luck with that.
Gameplay: clunky
Weapons: unsatisfying
Character designs: offensive to those they were meant to represent
Advertising: abysmal
Map design: actually good.
"You THINK the character design is bad" proceeds to scroll through character list, and awkwardly realizing the character design does suck; but wants to appear objective 😅
I'm shocked at how many people in the same breath keep saying it's the character design that was the problem while also saying they never heard of the game until *random RUclipsr* made a video about how big of a failure it was. Like they're so close to putting the square peg in the square hole but instead they just chuck the whole box across the room and blame it on the color of the blocks.
The biggest problem I had with the character designs are not that they were ugly, it was that all but MAYBE one of them looked like they were background characters from a better game.
They felt generic, lifeless, designed by committee
Of course they were designed by committee. The whole point of designing by committee is spreading the blame so no one person is singularly responsible for a foreseeable failure.
The trailers made it look fast paced, and then you watch actual gameplay and it's slooooow as shit.
Time to kill is also slow as s**t, lol!
This game was made for people who think at a snail's pace.
I’m an artist and have done character designs. It’s definitely bad. No strong silhouettes, clashing color schemes, and body types that just scream of pandering. None of them are memorable. I literally forget how they look when I’m not looking at the game. If a design is good if at least remember aspects of it. I haven’t played overwatch in years and I can tell you what most characters do and look like.
Absolutely correct on the aesthetics. It's entirely subjective. Anyone who thinks the polarising art style killed it needs to know that Warframe has 40 million players 🤣🤣.
Everybody says it was a bad game. Nobody talked about hitboxes, maps, guns, balance, server tick rates, and more technical staff.
The "It was badly marketed" argument falls flat when you see Deadlock exists.
Anyone who played Destiny knows 95% of the shaders you got were like this. Garish.
"Glowhoo would like to know you're location" 😂
The bottom line of why it failed is the culture they tried to encapsulate was one most gamers do not nor shouldn't appreciate. They've also the same devs who insulted gamers. People need to actually mention that
1:20 The character design was awful in its fundamental core, the appreciation of art such as character design, direction, or photography is subjective, yes, but the basic rules are not, color composition, for example, is something teachable.
Not to mention making your characters morbidly obese or super androgynous and generally ugly AF to look at.
There's also a number of minor nuances which, while they definitely didn't help Concord, were also FAR from the cause of its demise:
- The Ranked mode FORCES players to swap characters. Each round you win, the winning character is greyed out and cannot be used by you for the rest of the match. This means you can not one trick/main a character, and you need a hero pool of at least 5 different characters.
- Despite the first problem, you do not have access to the whole roster in-game - you must select a "deck" of characters to have available, and there are not enough slots in a deck for each character to be available.
- The only cosmetic alteration to the characters is for unlockable variants of them. These variants come with stat changes to their weapon/abilities, meaning they aren't "cosmetic" at all.
If the game's art style wasn't so garish, if the game's pacing wasn't so slow, and if the developers were actually open to criticism (they weren't), then it's these flaws that would've tanked Concord's success, simply because who'll accept such limitations in a hero shooter that costs $40 when you don't get screwed this hard by games that are f2p?
I think you meant nuisance not nuance but overall a good comment
Pirate: no, it was ugly for you. In your opinion its ugly.
Also pirate: these character models are very unappealing to me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
So argueably the characters are ugly. 😂😂😂😂 bruh contradicted himself in 2 minutes
No he didn't he said "to you" and then when he side he didn't like them he side " don't find them appealing "
@@ammmrefreshing8690 In other words, they're ugly.
The cast of characters in this game are objectively ugly. Beauty isn't 100% subjective, Thor is wrong on that one. He ain't always right, and he's wrong here. Concord is an objectively ugly game with fat, miscoloured, freakshow characters. Beyond ugly.
@@ammmrefreshing8690 exactly. So they are argueably ugly. Im missing the part where im wrong.
@@mattman3122 iam not saying you're wrong about the characters being ugly I in fact agrees with that 100% but iam talking about how pirate said that people have different opinions about what looks good or not and when he said that they look bad he always said "i" or "in my opinion"
@@mattman3122 oh I just realised that I didn't but the litter i in my first comment
Gollum: I'm worst game of the year!
Concord: Hold my beer...