I believe there's marriage after death. This reminds of my late non member grandparents and greatgrandparents from father's side who are now sealed as I made those sacred ordinances inside the temple. So grateful that by covenant and ordinances we are made to be eternal families here and hereafter. 💛
i believe the same thhe idea of nop progression between kingdoms was a big boo boo in sunday school lessons even all telestial kingdom are cleansed every whit from their sins the 7 heavens are progressionn peer tutor networks some achueve celestial in one lifetime some take longer why would you ever want to not repent of the misery of sin
I reacon there is no need for marriage in the afterlife. People who where together in life who went to heaven are still reunited, but their love is just more like a friendship.
from the video, "he rites and ordinances we have access to like4:52 baptism and eternal marriage have to be performed by mortals in this life or the4:57 Millennium. If someone dies before having the opportunity to be married, their5:02 spirit resides in the spirit world and we mortals can perform those ordinances5:06 vicariously in our temples. At that point they can't do it for themselves."
The mere presence of the question to Jesus indicates a belief that she would be married to someone in the next life. As usual, Jesus'answers generally have deeper significance and meaning than on the surface. The wonderful thing is that latter-day revelation clarifies any potential for misunderstanding of marriage doctrine and makes it clear that marriages can be eternal.
Maybe the Sadducees should have said wife 1 marries husband 1, then he dies and she marries husband 2, then he dies and she marries husband 3, then she dies and he marries wife 2, then he dies and wife 2 marries husband 4. That would stump someone more. Do you know why?
There are tons of BIBLE scriptures which support eternal marriage. I am not a Latter Day Saint but the topic intrigued me so I did some research and here's what I found out: 1. Gods first 'doctrine' to mankind was that Adam and Eve be married so they could obey God by "multiplying and filling the earth" with sinless human offspring. At this stage humanity was immortal and would not die, hence the 1st marriage was eternal, God married them, and they dwelt with him in Gods presence. After the era of sin concludes and satan is destroyed, it seems logical that God would return his focus to his first command to mankind, allowing eternal marriage to be restored so humankind could multiply and fill the earth. This poses a little problem in that, with no one aging or dying, the earth would fill up pretty fast. This may be why there are so many empty planets throughout the universe: as immortals with the same powers as Jesus, we would easily he able to ascend into the heavens and reside on other planets, which God would restore as well (everything seems to have been put on hold after the devil tempted Adam & Eve, including making the planets habitable). The scripture in the Book of Job states that the "God's sons and daughters will sing from the stars" indicating not only the creation story but also a future time when the universe will be filled with righteous humanity singing God's praises. 2. MALACHI states that "God hates divorce". Another scripture says "what God has joined together let no man divide". This indicates that God won't be divorcing us, as he hates divorce, and apparently mankind won't be able to officialize divorce either. If no one is divorced, then we are still married, even in eternity. 3. Scripture says "the man is not without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord", and that "the two will become one flesh", and that "whatever is bound earth is bound in heaven". This would include a marriage before God. 4. The Bible promised to reward faithful Christian's with at least 5 'crowns of reward' (which align very well with the 5 LDS temple covenants). One of these crowns is called the 'crown of life'. Since everyone in eternity who is saved will already have immortal life, the 'crown of life' must refer to some OTHER type of LIFE, and the most obvious would be helping God with the creation of life. And the most obvious way to do that is by marriage and the generation of the family. Hence eternal marriage is true. In fact there is nothing that says we 'wont' be married except the one text the video discusses in the beginning, and it could be argued that since this woman's marriages were not 'bound in heaven' (officialized properly), she would not have a heavenly marriage. 6. God uses marriage of Christ to the church as an example, and explains that husbands are to love their wife like Christ loves the church, and wives are to obey the husband as the church obeys Christ. Was there ever a time when Christ divorced his people? In the Old Testament, the people may have abandoned God but God never abandoned his bride. So again Christ's example of marriage to the church is symbolized and actualized in Christian marriage. And the Christian family is the smallest church gathering tonw9eshi0 God, so I think God would want to continue this first doctrine of Genesis. 7. There will be a 'marriage supper the lamb' in heaven - the biggest marriage banquet in eternal history, celebrating the marriage of the the church to Christ, but possibly also of our Christian marriages to one another in His honor. Scriptures about the vast eons of eternity after the millennium describe how we will live in family units... this would indicate family and marriage as our final and eternal circumstance. At that time the new Jerusalem will descend from heaven and we, as a society will be governed by Christ our King. I could not post Tue BIBLE scripture references, but they are all familiar and easy to find on a search engine. I rest my case .. there will be eternal marriage in heaven, according to the Bible for those who inherit the 'crown of life's. The LDS must officialize this blessing in the here and now. I believe the LDS have just dine a closer reading of the Bibles texts and noticed things we missed that were obvious. It's a very interesting topic.😊
The fact is that Christ never really addressed eternal marriage directly, but there is obvious evidence in the Bible that it is possible and possibly did occur. My favorite passage is Mark 10:6-9 "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. 7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; 8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Couple this withe the "keys to the kingdom" that Christ gave Peter and ALL things can be sealed both in heaven and Earth... and that includes marriage :) Of course it is through latter day revelation where we have received more clear, the definition and the "how" eternal marriage may actually take place.
“The most common interpretation seems to be that God’s purpose for instituting marriage was simply to propagate the species.” Clearly we don’t need marriage to procreate! A purpose of a sacramental marriage is to provide a Christian home for children so that they can come to know Christ and be with him in heaven. The unity of families is a sign pointing us to the unity of God’s entire family in heaven where we all belong.
I'm a relatively new convert (about a year) and I've had questions about this for a while. I'm really grateful that you guys covered this! I do have one question- I've heard from a few people that Saints who aren't able to marry in this life will be given spouses in the Millenium or something like that. Is that actual doctrine, and if it is, how does that fit in this whole situation?
mikan199, I think what you’re referring to is just the fact that we will have a thousand years for all of this to be worked out. I don’t know that they’ll be GIVEN a spouse, necessarily, but the opportunity to FIND someone they would like to be sealed to will most definitely be given to them. That we’re given the opportunity to find someone rather than just being given someone isn’t necessarily doctrine, just my own thoughts on the subject. However, what IS doctrine is that all who want to be married will be given the opportunity, and that the righteous will be sublimely happy, whatever happens.
mikan199. Welcome to the kingdom of God. The clear doctrine from the Lord is that exaltation requires temple marriage. Nobody will be denied a blessing in the eternities because they didn't have a chance to accept an ordinance in this earth life. The Lord has been vague on details about how it will all be done.
Mawage...... Mawage is wut bwings us togedder today. Dat bwessed awaingement. Dat dweam wit-in a dweam. So chewish your wuv......Wuv, twue wuv! will fowow you......foreva!
David, these faith and belief sections are just the absolute best! I love your objective and understanding way of explaining different topics and relating to those that belief differently than members of the church and to everyone that may have questions. You are awesome!
Marriage sealings can be done after death, just not in the afterlife, but on earth. Like baptisms for the dead, sealings can be done as well. Two situations: A) Two people didn't have the opportunity to be sealed in heaven while on earth, but their relationship was well known or they had a normal marriage. Those who knew them or discover their records could perform the sealing on their behalf and they can choose to accept it from their side of the veil. B) During the Millennium Heaven and Earth become more closely linked and work can continue with greater information so every soul past and present will have their opportunities.
I have the same question unanswered. I think da we can listen do the Bible when Paul says: “8. I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. 9. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. (I Cor 7:8-9)
Any saving or exalting ordinance won't be withheld from those who didn't have a chance in this life. Before Final Judgement God will make sure everyone who was otherwise worthy of exaltation will get that opportunity. God will decide who had the opportunity and who didn't.
@@sarinhahfernandes Thank you for the question. My understanding is that Paul was writing about full-time missionaries and not the general membership of the church.
Everything must be set in order before the second resurrection and the final battle with Satan and his followers. The millennium will be a time to finish the sealing work in the temple under the direction of Christ. He will link all families back to Adam. If you are diligent in keeping the commandments of the Lord and doing your best to progress, the thing is, you can trust Him. Think about baptisms and sealings for the dead. The "Christian" churches will teach you that if you have not had the opportunity to know or accept Christ in this life then you are damned. But we know that Christ has given the opportunity to even those who did evil in their lives. How much more do you think the Lord will be willing to help someone find a spouse in the millennium? He is love, He will give everyone the opportunity in the most just and merciful way.
@@monocuco818 Then ,could we say that it is guaranteed that every just person who died in christ (I mean a holy person) would encounter his spouse in the millennium ?guaranteed ??
@@terzeljona You can trust God enough to know that He absolutely will provide a way for everyone to have the opportunity. Think of how many billions of people have died without know of Christ of receiving baptism etc... All of them will have the opportunity to fulfill all ordinances and receive all blessings of the gospel. Once everyone has received the opportunity, then Christ will have fulfilled all of His covenants that He has made with us.
Can you explain me more about how those vicarious ordinances are performed in the temple? i mean, I have read that part of DyC when God says to Joseph that no man can reject this new an everlasting Covenant and yet enter into his glory (the Celestial Glory), in other words, every person who do not obey this law which is his word, will be damned. What if I died, a no one could remember my name (therefore, I suppose you need to know my name in order for you to perform a vicarious ordinance in the temple on behalf of me, did I get you right? The point I am not clear about is: if I died without being married in a temple under the authority of the higher priesthood, when would I receive that opportunity? considering the fact that I would do it, if only it was given to me an opportunity to marry a woman with the same belief. I am a bit worried by the fact that God has revealed me that this covenant is totally true (God did it even though i belong to a evangelical church, and they do not believe in such eternal marriage) but I have NOT been able to find a woman that is meet to me, and I do not want to be appointed angel in the heaven, what could you say to me? (anyone who see this comment) What will happen to all those people around the globe who have died before the new and everlasting covenant was revealed? What would happen with the people in the current century who have died without knowing that God had revealed a new and everlasting covenant to all the holy people and would have received it with all their hearts if they would have been given the opportunity to marry within a temple (considering that God Knows the depths of the men’s hearts ?
All of God's Children will have an opportunity to learn the complete gospel, whether it's in life or after they die and before the resurrection. We will learn a lot more about spirit couples who wish to be sealed during the millenium. Those still living will be able to vicariously perform those ordinances, and those that they're done for will then have the choice to accept or reject those ordinances. I won't go into too much detail because of the sacredness of the ordinance, although I believe you can perform proxy sealings if you're endowed in the temple and not yet sealed to a spouse. You will have your chance, brother. Please keep the eternal perspective in mind!
Not sure how "doctrinal" this is ... but I would imagine that everyone that has had a chance to live has had at least a mother that knows them - ok, that part is prolly the most doctrinal that a thing could be lol. We know that there was a first resurrection, and who knows what them guys are doing at the moment; but we also know there will be a resurrection when Christ returns. There is nothing that would indicate that a resurrection is a one day affair. It could be thought of as an era - the first era of resurrections occuring between Christs coming forth out of the grave and culminating when Christ returns. The second era of resurrections would account for the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth. Then comes the end when the rest of the population gets resurrected and assigned a parking spot in heaven. So what are the mechanics involved in being resurrected? Does a husband get to lift up his wife? Do parents get to uplift their children? Do those whom we are most closely associated with in this life get to bring us forth and declare the good tidings of comfort and joy? What greater magnification of Priesthood can be had if not to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life" of our families? Just some thoughts ...
What about those that never marry? Do they miss out? Why can't God just be fair to lifelong singles, like disabled people who are unable to get married and really want to, and feel pain when they can't?
The Lord through other revelations, particularly the doctrine of work for the dead, has answered that question. None who had the desire and worthiness, yet not the opportunity, will be denied. Even though we may not know what courtship is like in the next life, finding a spouse will be possible. Still, the union will have to be done by proxy from a living human in a Temple. There are rare instances where two dead people where married by proxy who were not together in life; at least from what I have heard indirectly.
@@n.d.m.515 Why does the union have to be performed by proxies from living humans in temples on Earth? Couldn’t God perform the union instead? Couldn’t God just choose the partner for me? To those who think that would not be free will for God to choose a partner for everyone, keep in mind that God knows my heart, therefore he knows what I will accept and what I will reject.
@@worldquestioneer1533 I have no doubt that God could choose the Union and in some Mormon folk belief he in many instances already prepared the earthly partners. The issue isn't free will. The issue is that ordinances can only be performed during mortality, and for eternal marriage only in a Temple. That means if a couple have not had that done during mortality, then people by proxy in a Temple will do it in their behalf. If God simply assigns a couple in the next life, the issue of Temple marriage in mortality remains the same.
@@n.d.m.515 But why can ordinances only be performed during mortality, and eternal marriage only in a temple? What is a good reason God has for that? Why can only the celestials be married, and not the terrestrials or even the telestials? Also, what if the man and women are unknown or forgotten? WHY can’t ordinances and eternal marriages be performed in the world beyond? I want good reasoning, because I hate arbitrary laws. This could be my last reply, because any more from me won’t get anywhere. Debates have to come to a close sometimes. But feel free to give a reply.
I lost my wife in 2021. And I wish we get together forever when my time comes. But I have a question: What do you believe it would happen if the widow/widower marries again? For example, if I marry another woman now,would I lose the chance of getting my first wife again?
This video is awesome, and it addresses something that I’ve tried to explain to non members who lean towards the anti persuasion. Love the princess bride references 😂
Some will argue that the reason why God said that it's *NOT GOOD* that man should be alone was because the woman made from dirt left Adam, and God then created Eve from one of Adam's ribs. Hence why Adam says, "this is *NOW* bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh". I'm not saying that I believe it, but it's not that far-fetched and shouldn't be easily discarded.
Question: I thought the prophets (especially current day ones) said all good people (who were denied a chance to be married, or have children) in this life would be given a chance in the next life. (So how does this reconcile with the scriptures)?
It doesn't, because the verse actually does not say that there will be no marriage. In the context, it's referring to the principles of competitive sexuality..
@@Aion0154 Interesting thanks for your reply. As per that "competitive sexulaity" what does that mean (just curios) No dating competition (lol)? or more a natural thing?
The church knows it's wrong to keep people 'waiting' or hoping for a future husband or children. This philosophy which is propagated by the church leaders robs many modern persons (mostly women) the spiritual growth that comes with motherhood and devoted marriage. A marriage to a non-member spouse, even if it dilutes the body of the membership, is better for the spiritual growth of the person than the risk of families being part-member. The church leaders should know this.
But what about Isaiah 65:17, "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.” Could this be why we won’t be married in Heaven , we will no longer remember the thing of this earth?
New Latter-Day Saint here, and love your channel and videos....What happens to those of us who don't marry in this life? Will we not have the ability to marry in the Celestial Kingdom? I was under the impression that we would, but how can that be if that sealing must first occur in this life as stated here? Confused.
In addition the the Millennium, if your relationship was known in this life others can do sealings on your behalf and you can choose to accept it from the other side. Example being married couples who weren't sealed in the temples, or cases where your relationship was otherwise known. But that requires that you have that sort of relationship so it's not entirely relevant to your question, but yeah.
Sarah Tardiff, ALL will be given the opportunity to marry. Not all will take that opportunity, but if you want to be married and sealed to someone for eternity, you most certainly will be. :-)
Great comments. To add to that though, if someone per chance doesn’t find the opportunity to marry in the millennium (which I think most will) single people can still go to the Celestial Kingdom, just not the highest degree of glory where we literally become like Heavenly Father and Mother.
If Christ never said anyhting about eternal marriage, then why did they ask him a question in relationship to the doctrine in the first place? they where trying to trick snare Him at the end of the day.
Why makes us male and female and resurrect us as such, if there was no such thing as sexual identity in heaven? (Or are all angels and resurrected beings sexless?) What kind of heaven would that be? If there IS sexual identity in heaven but no sex allowed, what kind of heaven would you call that? If there IS sexual identity in heaven and sex, then there must be marital relationships, since sex outside of marriage is sinful and forbidden. Just thinking here...
Matthew 22: 29-30. Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” This is the Bible, The Word Of God. The only way to heaven is to believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. It’s not too late. Take Jesus as your Savior, repent and acknowledge that Jesus died for your sins and that the only way to salvation is through Christ’s Mercy and Grace. You are in my prayers. 🙏🏻
What happens if you’ve never been married and you die single I sort of believe that those who die single has the most perfect marriage more perfect than an earthly marriage
if Jesus didn't teach about marriage in heaven, why would the sadducees try to "trick" Him with the question about the resurrection/eternal marriage question in the first place? The fact that the sadducees asked Jesus the question to me is actually a confirmation that Jesus did teach about eternal marriage. Then how would we respond to Jesus's response "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." - Jesus is using "marry" and "given in marriage" as a verb here. Jesus did not say there would be no married couples in heaven, he said there would be no marriages (aka weddings) in heaven. Jesus answered them specifically saying they don't know the scriptures - "Ye do err, not knowing the SCRIPTURES, nor the power of God." - what scriptures is Jesus referring to? Jesus is referring to the same scriptures the Sadducees are referring to... The apocryphal text Tobit 3:7-9, 6:13, 7:10-11 is the source of the 7 brothers/wife story. The rest of the story which the sadducees didn't mention (likely because they didn't know the scriptures well enough, evidenced by Jesus saying specifically "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures...") is that in the story, Raphael [the archangel] was sent to give Sara as a wife to Tobias (yes an 8th husband/marriage but this one was ordained by God). The Sadducees ask Jesus specifically "who's wife shall she be" - in other words which man (of the 7) will have this woman to be his wife in the resurrection? Jesus answered them plainly and truthfully "For in the resurrection they (the 7 brothers) neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." It is the 8th marriage that was ordained by God and that will enjoy a marriage relationship in the resurrection.
This is so straight forward of a teaching that there will not be marriage in the next life. Jesus is clearly not talking about this specific group of people but all people when he says they will be as the angels. Also it was not good for Adam to be alone because God wanted them to multiply and replenish the earth I.e. have children. Lastly, Mormons assert that one must enter into a Mormon marriage in mortality for it to be recognized in the next life but then say the opposite that proxy marriages long after people die will be recognized as well. Major contradiction in your doctrine.
Also to the Pharisees Jesus told them of the topic "what God hath joined together let no man put asunder." A different group who believed in the resurrection. So this was his answer.
This is my interpretation I've been trying to tell people. And I will add that those sadducees approach Christ not for answers but to catch him in his word which Christ's defense is giving them an answer they're not looking for but true. His answer was directed exactly to those they asked about and not to the whole. Kinda reminds me of our current mainstream media LOL. The church is true!
You're wrong about this. See in the resurrection jesus said they are neither married nor are given in marriage. Basically they will not be married when they get resurrected one day
God has given bounds and laws and we should live within those bounds. with respect to marriage, the reason relates to his law of chastity. the sin is not in the family, the sin is in the sexual relations outside of marriage. And the video covers that LDS believes those married by the sealing power of the priesthood prior to the resurrection, and have lived faithfully to their covenants, will remain married in the next life
My Civil Marriage was performed by the Bishop of the ward who is a priest holder since I won't be endowed until March 2022. While I will be able to have a Temple Wedding after that point why must the ceremony be performed in a Temple to be eternal when it will be performed by the same Bishop with the same keys?
The bishop is performing a civil service outside of the temple when he performs marriages. His service provides a legally recognized marriage on earth. He does not have the authority to bind on earth and heaven. That requires the sealing keys. That ordinance is saved for the temple by those who have the sealing authority to bind on earth and in heaven.
The purpose of the video is not to show evidence for eternal marriage. Critics use the scripture in Matthew as evidence there cannot be eternal marriage. This video simply points out that this scripture is not evidence against eternal marriage.
St. Paul advised that those who were not married shouldn't seek a wife 1 Cor 7:27, "Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife". It's difficult to reconcile this with the doctrine of eternal marriage. Christ did use another word for marriage instead of "gamousin", he use "gamizontai" which means a state of being married (passive). How can you say he didn't use this word?
Paul was a dogmatically Celebrate man who thought people should only marry to control sexual urges. He also thought Christ would return so fast there waist time for marriage. aka he was a lunatic
Paul was not saying that people shouldn't marry. Paul, for whatever reason, chose not to marry. But it was also considered adultery if people were divorced (outside of specific reasons) and remarried. It was considered better to stay unmarried than to risk committing adultery. I'm not sure I understand how these passages wouldn't reconcile with eternal marriage.
@@joeshawcroft7121 I don't think Paul was speaking of divorce; he meant get married instead of committing fornication if you can't contain yourself. There's no question Paul nevered considered marriage to be a part of celestial paradise.
@@protochris Paul is right. abstinence is better than fornication. It is better to not marry than to commit formication or adultery. Just because Paul himself doesn't state that marriage is essential, doesn't mean it isn't or that it isn't ordained by God. Paul was illustrating that it is better to remain holy than follow the lusts of the flesh. And he's right.
That second explanation doesn't fit at all with the specific situation described in the parable of Matthew. The entire question was "who will she marry" and this is not answered by the explanation "it has to be settled before eternity".
I guess this is a sore subject to LDS people not to understand what the Messiah said, and totally disregard what Paul taught on this subject. There is no biblical scripture that validates eternal marriage in Heaven. Nothing, in Hebrew or the Greek. Nothing in the Dead Sea Scrolls , the apocrypha or psuedpigrapha. Eternal Marriage is a false doctrine only because it doesn't align with biblical scripture at all The only marriage is to be married to Christ. Thank-you for allowing me to give my opinion as a Christian on your website Peace
With respect, this is a doctrine, which fulness, was revealed to Joseph Smith. That doesn't mean the Bible doesn't mention it at all. Mark 10: 5-9 is pretty clear that marriages were meant to last longer than just this life. Not to mention Peter received the authority to seal both in heaven and on the Earth. That includes marriage.
@@monocuco818 Matthew 22 : 30 There is no eternal marriage taken place in the Old Testament A principle of that importance would have been made clear in the Bible. Peter , the apostles and Paul Were given authority to bind or lossen an old Jewish term which means to Permit or Forbid . Your adding to the context about something that's not there. Mark 10 has zero to do with eternal marriage. Even Paul said marriage wasn't a everlasting principle. Peace
@@binren3984 Where did Paul say it wasn't an everlasting principle? You also do not understand Matthew 22 and Christ's interaction with the Saducees. First of all, if you notice, Christ does not answer their question. In the Old Testament they didn't have eternal marriage because the children of Israel were disobedient. In Matthew 22 Christ is warning the Saducees about marrying. Telling them that people will not marry in the resurrection. This does not mean that there won't be anyone married in the resurrection, just that no new marriages will be formed. The Saducees didn't believe in the resurrection, but they also did not believe in marriage. Christ warned them, that with the authority He had brought back to the Earth, if they were not married before the resurrection, then it would be too late for them. So there will be married people in the resurrection as long as they have done it according to God's commandment. Mark 10: 4-9 "And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. 5 And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. 6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. 7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; 8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." It is clear that "from the beginning" marriages were more important than what is taught in the Old Testament. They weren't meant to divorce. Why? Well because 1 Corinthinans 11: 11-12 "Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. 12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God." Add it to the sealing power and you definitely have the potential for eternal marriage. There are also MANY things that the Apostles and Christ taught at the temple and yet they were never written down because they were either to sacred, or they were lost. The true nature of eternal marriage was revealed to Joseph Smith. God still lives and reveals His plan to His anointed.
@@monocuco818 Your argument is flawed. Israel was chosen by God as his people. If eternal marriage was a principle of God it would have been revealed to Abraham. No disrespect but you have been taught bad doctrine Heavenly Mother see Jerimiah chapters 7 and 44 Premortal Existence John 8:23 and 1st Corinthians 15 :47-48 Our creation beginning was on Earth not Heaven There is an eternal marriage and it's to be married to Christ, Jesus Mormonism can not stand with the Holy Bible . Mormonism is a counterfeit Gospel. Galatians 1:8-9 Paul said, If a man or an angel preach an different gospel let them be an anthama. I have already given you biblical scripture that these things that I touched on about what Mormon Theology teaches are not of God But we must be centered on Christ not this World Peace
What does "being gay" have to do with being obedient to God? It is best not to confuse the labors of this life with the works that are to be done afterwards.
Could the fact that no one is married in the resurrection (in Heaven) because marriage is a sign that points to man's union with Christ, like the Church's union wither her Bridegroom?
Nowhere does it say that marriage would not occur in the resurrection. Well, at least during the first resurrection and the millennium. You have until the second resurrection to find a spouse, while Christ reigns for a 1000 years of peace. Then comes the 2nd resurrection and the final battle, then we are judged.
What happens if one person marries another and that other person dies and the first one remarries logically? In the resurrection with whom does he stay? It is the question of the same text in the Bible. 2) The Aronic priesthood was only for people belonging to the tribe of Levi and this is even told by the Jews today ... That is why Jesus, not being from the tribe of Levi, could not be a priest according to the order of Levi and is that is why he is high priest according to the order of Melchizedek ... What happens here? This is what the Bible says. The condition for having the Aronic priesthood was to be of the tribe of Levi in the flesh, in the blood ... I do not understand ... 3) if you read the Bible Jesus condemned adultery, and he says that those who practice it would go to hell, that simple, in Matthew he says it, in revelations and elsewhere. The book of Mormon also says that for God it was an abomination, the Bible never says that God allowed the people of the Old Testament to practice it, they did it, but God never gave them the confirmation that they could, the Law of Moses condemned it with stoning ...; AND LOOK THAT!!!! ----> If for God it is an abomination and he says it in the book of Mormon (speaking of polygamy) and the Bible also condemns it, look what he says in the book "Mormon Doctrine" Bruce Mcconkie one of the twelve apostles! !!! : "Obviously the holy practice will commence again alter the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the ushering in of the millennium".PAGES 522-523 "MORMON DOCTRINE" ---¡¡¡¡EXPLAIN THIS TO ME BROTHER!!!! Read the context of the page if you want
The fact that God married Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden seems like an extremely strong Biblical argument for eternal marriage for religion that believe salvation involves some sort of restitution or improvement of an Eden-like state. I’m very interested now how other religions rationalize this away. There seems to be a double standard if you believe Adam and Eve were originally meant to be eternally married, and salvation involves restoration of paradisiacal glory, then why is there not a fulness of that restoration?
What happens if a baptised child dies? They were to young to go through the Temple Endowment or get married. Are they denied the highest level for not fulfilling an ordinance because of age?
Hebrews 11:39-40; "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, [yet] received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect." This passage speaks of those who were on the right path, but died before they could receive the endowments and promised blessings that come with the fullness of the Gospel. and it says that they without us could not be made perfect. it is a hint that proxy ordinance work in behalf of the deceased is a true doctrine for those who were not able to perform those ordinances during their own lives. 1 Corinthians 15:29-30 says, "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? And why stand we in jeopardy every hour?" This shows that the idea of performing baptisms for the dead had come up and people were doing it, and Paul is asked why, and teaches that because the dead will all be resurrected, and because baptism by water is a requirement for entering the kingdom of God, those who have the promises of the gospel in their own lives stand in jeopardy of losing those blessings, if they fail to provide that opportunity through proxy baptisms in the behalf of the deceased. He is driving home the fact that those who are blessed to have the gospel also have the responsibility to work and serve and provide and offer the gospel and it's blessings that they are enjoying, to others, even to the extent of being baptized for them if they cannot physically do it themselves, because they are deceased. and the same would be true of the higher ordinances of the gospel as will, including the endowment. Then the question is well what about those who we never knew or forgot to do their work? and the answer is, that there is a millennial period of 1000 years where these issues and lost or forgotten people will be accounted for and their work can be done by those who are still mortals in that time. God has made provisions and contingencies for all potential issues that we can think up, and has laid them out in the plan, we know as the plan of Happiness. all are accounted for and taken care of in due time.
The ultimate purpose of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is NOT to make us "as the Angels which are in Heaven." Paul the Apostle taught: "But to which of the Angels said He at any time, 'Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool'? Are they not all Ministering Spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" (Hebrews 1:13-14)
Christ is not merciless, He will allow every soul the same opportunity as another. If you trust Christ you can trust that He will provide that to everyone... However, if someone rejects His gospel in the first place, they may never make it to that point anyways. But yes, Christ will give everyone the opportunity.
Absolutely not. Just like those who never had the chance to be baptized in mortality, they will not languish. Christ is absolutely merciful and just and all will get the chance to enter into the ordinances of salvation and exaltation, in this life or the next.
The easier explanation is that the LDS is just wrong on this topic, just like they were about black people not being worthy of the priesthood until God changed his mind in 1978. Jesus wouldn't have given a misleading/false answer recorded in three different Gospels that only applied to Sadducees under the Mosaic law. It's also insulting to our intelligence, since the Saduccees were challenging Jesus in FRONT of his followers. So they just saw Jesus completely mislead the Saducees, potential converts themselves, since Jesus's current followers were (or would be) privy to the knowledge that Celestial Marriage and polygamy was coming. They saw Jesus pull an attorney trick for no reason, hiding the full truth, when Jesus was willing to call himself God in front of the Rabbis and get stoned for it. Mormon Apologists and Lawyers might give these types of BS answers all the time, something true but also completely misleading and irrelevant, but not deities, saints or angels.
I disagree with the LDS interpretation of Jesus's word. If you don't read Jesus's words through the prism of the LDS teaching and just ask what it says in isolation by itself then there are a variety of interpretations. I for instance don't believe that there is time in heaven. There aren't any events that happen - but instead everything is a like a photograph with time effectively being at a stand still. For this reason why a person might be with one another it is not "marriage" as we think about it in the classical sense. I think heaven is a state of being rather than a place. Like rain drops returning to the ocean. Our spirit returns to God and we cease to be that which we were before. There is very little in the bible about the nature of heaven and what is in the bible is vague and open to interpretation. The LDS heaven has a number of problems as it creates the question as to who a person is sealed to within the afterlife. President Nelson is sealed to two people simultaneously - being married twice. He therefore has two wives and will be in a polygamous marriage. This doesn't seem fair as neither wife has consented to be bound to the other wife. Similarly, what happens to a woman who is widowed ... can she be sealed in the temple to a new husband? Does she have both husbands in heaven? I think that to think of marriage as being the same as we think of it on earth is wrong.
... maybe the sealing is more inline with a "voucher for a free replacement Morty, in the event that your current Morty should" not make it? In other words, the errors of mankind will be resolved in due time so that the mishaps that occur in this life will be corrected.
One thing we LDS believe is that nothing is too complicated for God to sort out. We believe that all will work out right, fair and just in the next life. God will always reveal more when it is time to do so and to those ready to receive more. So many people put limits on God. God is over all. Jesus is the Christ. All will work for the good of those that love and serve them. God bless.
It is God's will that we all enter the Kingdom of Heaven as married couples, husband and wife. That is because when we are blessed in marriage, together, man and woman, we resemble God's image. That is why single people cannot enter heaven. Jesus wanted to conduct these special marriages himself, but he was tragically rejected. The Lord of the Second Advent now has this responsibility.
So we can’t do temple work for people who didn’t have the Melchizedek priesthood? They won’t be enjoying any Melchizedek ordinances in the afterlife? Ok interesting 🤨
Not what it says. if they accept baptism they'll have the opportunity to accept all the ordinances of the temple before the resurrection. Therefore all will have the opportunity in God's great plan of salvation.
The word marrying is used in the place of sex. Genesis 38 8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother’s wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. There was no ceremony. So I am sure the Saducees were asking about this law, which comes way before Moses.
Usually sex follows marriage. I don’t think God would just tell these people to go fornicate as that is something that the Bible is very much against. (See Mark 7:21, Acts 15:20, 1 Corinthians 6:18) so yeah I’m pretty sure to marry was apart of the scripture you quoted and there was indeed a ceremony.
Since there are so many different interpretations they can't all be right - but they can all be wrong! (; What we think of as "beliefs" aren't really beliefs - they are learned conditioned thinking. Beliefs are only beliefs when: we let go of all indoctrinated and propagandized thinking; and then we: investigate independently - then we have something we can really call a belief. With "truth" and "true churches" we would have to study every single religion that is and ever has been and this is impossible. So it is ridiculous to say that any church is the "true church". So why do people say it? Because they have been INDOCTRINATED with PROPAGANDA that makes them think it's a belief, when of course it learned conditioned thinking! I know: cognitive dissonance shows up when someone points out something obvious that goes against your indoctrination!
To answer your question, yes, you will always have your choice. Polygamous marriage is not a requirement of heaven, but was an institution in this life that God has allowed for some, and has required others to participate in for his own purposes. The principle of Eternal Marriage is not the same thing as polygamous marriage.
Sharon Reeve. My wife found one of those. I will completely happy and content with only her. But you should rethink things. Polygamy in The Celestial KIngdom won't be the polygamy that you see now on earth. It won't be like the polygamy of The Quran. It won't be the polygamy of those who don't actually follow Joseph Smith but claim to. Polygamy in the Celestial Kingdom will be by men so much like Father in Heaven that they will be living with Him and learning from Him. What will you say if Out Heavenly Parents come to you with a woman and say, "She is worthy of exaltation in all way except marriage and she didn't have a chance to do it in her earth life. We need you to allow her to marry your husband." or "She was murdered as a small child and needs a husband for her exaltation. Will you provide her that husband?"? If the vast majority of Celestial Kingdom worthy women take your attitude they, might be forcing a small group of men to have thousands of wives each.
Polygamy is for Heavenly father's most RIGHTEOUS son's! I have wondered if all men who do what's right and have already been sealed are apart of it because we have all the rights to the same blessings as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they all had multiple wives, so they would have endless seed!
@@alexrose8299 My hypothetical scenario was about a person's whose earthlife ended young, not a person who is still young. We will all reach maturity before final judgement. Exaltation, the greatest gift from God, requires eternal marriage.
Also... the question was posed to Jesus Christ by the Sadducees ( Jews who didn't even believe in the resurrection! So, obviously their marriage traditions would not conform with true Gospel requirements. ) the question was not sincere - it was an attempt to entrap Christ.
I believe that their question was sincere enough. Yet, the question itself implies that someone was teaching that marriage had an eternal aspect to it that would not be dissolved by death. Since the Sadducees did not believe in a resurrection, they would have no use for a marriage to endure beyond death. So, that would leave Jesus believing in such a thing by default. The question could very well be based on an account within the book of Tobit.
Ye do error in not understanding the scriptures. There has not been a resurrection yet which makes that scripture still in harmony with the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Eternal marriage is fair game before the resurrection which is the union of the spirit with an immortal body.
I think it makes sense that if you are already married you'll still be married. I think the scripture is saying there won't be marriage meaning we won't have weddings. No new marriages. Also can you talk about marriage being a requirement for celestial Kingdom?
I think you need to also look at the fact that the Sadducee's did not believe in a resurrection.....so why were they really asking the question in the first place. Jesus knew they did not believe in a resurrection so what was the real meaning of his answer? Also wanted to ask, How long did you say the Melchizedek Priesthood has been on the earth or did you?
In the garden of eden , God commanded that humans , procreate , and GOD hates divorce , christ will marry" the church" , if you are not "given" or "taken" into marriage but be like the angels , are not angels messengers ? And you have arc angels and cherubims etc , christ said you will be like" the angels not that your going to be angels" , the saducees did not believe in immortality , but yet in the old testiment the prophets always used the term forever !
Exactly, Matthew 22:30 was about Jewish marriages under law of mosses, the contrast to as the angels is found in book of mark, mark says for they shall longer die for they are equal to the angels, so contrast to as the angels means we won’t die anymore, nothing more, marriage does not come from god and has never, god simply said 2 shall become one, marriage in bible Times the words itself referred to a relationship based on legal law. That’s what’s going away
Marrying in 2014, right after we had aura pictures taken. His was black. That marriage didn't last long. It wasn't from God. Mine I noticed a little white. Mostly magenta.
@@brettmajeske3525There are two types of vows made in the temple. One is sealing for eternity, the other for time on earth only. The second one is for a woman who was widowed by her previous husband.
No, the reason there is no marriage in heaven is because we marry Jesus. Not literally of course, but this is why we’re referred to as the bride over and over in the New Testament.
Not exactly. In Luke 20:34-35 it reads: “And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage.” The word translated as from Greek as “Marry" is *γαμοῦσιν* (gamousin), derived from the verb *γαμέω* (gameó), which means "to marry." The words we translate from Greek as “Given in marriage" is *γαμίζονται* (gamizontai), from the verb *γαμίζω* (gamizō), which means "to give in marriage" or "to marry off." To ‘marry’ in this context would describe the role of a groom. And ‘given in marriage’ the role of a bride respectively. The context of the question the Sadducee asked was a scenario of Leverite marriage customs and how they would work in the resurrection. It was actually a common Jewish belief for many centuries that marriages would still be binding in the resurrection but that further ordinances would need to be performed for this. The Sadducee’s don’t believe in the resurrection- so they’re trying to give Jesus a convoluted scenario regarding leverite marriage traditions in order to trip Jesus up. Jesus doesn’t fall for it. it seems that Christ might be communicating that people will either not ‘get married’ in the resurrection, OR that specifically leverite marriage customs will be done away with in the resurrection. He doesn’t however imply that earthly marriages are not present in the eternities. That would contradict the traditions of the Jews as well as other parts of the Bible that speak of the priesthood keys having the power to bind on earth and in heaven. In either case-Jesus’ words don’t conflict with latter day saint doctrine. One can only come to the conclusion that there is no marriage period in heaven if they’re only relying on the English translation of the Bible and ignoring the Hebrew older Greek versions of the text as well as thousands of years of Hebrew tradition and doctrine which is the foundation of all Christian sects. 🤷♀️
Im kinda certain the bible states also that all is not as it once was after death. Saying you will have no memory of the life you left behind in death? This kinda dictates every other question you can in this life ponder does it not? Better yet, One has to believe in the bible first and its many contradictions by at least 40 authors that contributed to it?
There is no marriage after the resurrection. There is no priesthood on the earth, Jesus is the High priest in God's kingdom. Matthew 22:30, For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like Angels of God in heaven. This says it all! Cannot be any plainer than this. Also, you can't have babies in heaven, sorry!!! 1 Cor 15:50 What I am saying dear brothers and sisters, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the kingdom of God, these dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever.
Not sure what you are talking about here. Nothing in this video says that the resurrection involves mortal bodies of flesh and blood. Latter-day Saints don't believe anything counter to 1 Cor 15:50. Where does the Bible say there can be no priesthood on earth? Where does the Bible say no babies in heaven? If you watched this video you would have learned that LDS don't believe there will be any marrying in after the resurrection, so no conflict with Matt 22:30. Did you actually listen to this video or are you just commenting on the title?
WRONG. You cannot marry at all under the new covenant, the bible is clear that sex under the new covenant is a sin. Paul said to the unmarried and the windows you must be as I avoiding marriage 1 Cor 7:8. Christ refers to men who have made themselves castrated for the Kingdom of heaven and he says whosoever can receive it then let him receive it Mat 19:12. Revelation 14:4 shows 144,000 virgins who have not been defiled by women, notice when a man lays with a woman he is what? DEFILED! A man is sinning when he lays with a woman, doesn't matter if he marries her, it is indeed still a sin! The NT is clear, you must avoid the flesh 1 John 2:16, you must avoid walking after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness 2 Peter 2:10, avoiding the works of the flesh Gal 5:19.
You'd still see them. There are no grudges in heaven. You will gave forgiveness because you will be cleansed of your fleshly desires and habits when you entire heaven. You wont hold a grudge against anyone.
Except the bible has many verses stating Angels are a separate creation from Humans. And so no human resurrected would ever become an angel. Meaning stop twisting Gods word & read the bible for how it is.
Marriage in eternity is only a Mormon belief and that's why you have to use Mormon scriptures. Christians go by what the Bible says especially what Jesus said. We will be like the angels not living polygamy and creating worlds. If that was going to be the case then I'm sure Christ would have said that to those asking Him or else He was lying because that would be a big deal. The temples were not used for marriage or sealing and baptizing the dead. If that was what they were suppose to be used for then that was a good time for Christ to bring that up. Since the church is a restoration church what have they restored. The priesthood was only for the Levites and if anyone else tried to do what the priests did they were taken out. After Christ died no more priesthood. He is the only High Priest between us and God now. We don't need the Holy of Holies because we now have direct access to God through Jesus. Having babies is to populate this earth. I'm sure we will still be close and love those of our earthly family in heaven but most likely we will all be the same age and that will be so much fun and everyone that lived on earth will also be part of our family and that is how we are suppose to treat them down here. Love God Love Others the two Great commandments Christ gave.
@cheyaweber704 I don't have any scriptural basis behind this but I think of all the unmarried men and women in the Spirit World (lots of soldiers) and can't believe they won't have a chance to marry. Our God gives us so many chances to repent, why wouldn't he give those who died without the chance of marriage the opportunity. Think of the provision made for babies who die before the age of 8 - they are provided for. Those who have died without the knowledge of the gospel will have the opportunity to hear it in the Spirit World and be sealed either before His Second Coming or during the millennium. There's all of the millennium when temple work will be going on and divorces and marriage could take place. Think of arranged marriages where a woman is married to an old codger or an unrighteous man (an vice versa) the man is married to an evil woman for sake of joining two kingdoms together (as in Prince and Princess). Those people are not sealed in the temple so their marriage vows will dissolve and they will be free to choose someone they love. I told my single sister that she would have her pick of a valiant soldier from one to the world wars. She promptly replied that she would rather choose one of Moroni's soldiers! I believe we have a fair and just God. This idea of marriages being sealed between a righteous man and a righteous woman during the millennium makes sense to me. God's work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. I believe He will make provisions for these many unmarried people
"I've researched and here is what I've learned is that Jesus was wrong and actually you do get to be married after death." Jesus stated it plainly and simply and you have to wrest the scriptures to come up with some strange perverted doctrine.
libertynindependence he didn’t say what you put in quotes. You’re putting words in his mouth which don’t belong there. Watch the video again and you will hear that he actually says, “we agree with Christ”
What a blatant strawman, when he literally addressed exactly that point and how Jesus was not wrong, that he was talking about those people and in the context of the Law of Moses. You choose to warp your world view to fit your predisposition.
That was quite the liberty you took with Jesus’ words about no marriage in heaven only pertaining to people under a certain priesthood, and it was pure nonsense
If you analyze the entire section you realize that Christ only said that no new marriages would take place in the resurrection. What He said is a warning to the saducees which not only did not believe in the resurrection, but also, did not believe in getting married. Christ brought with Him the Melchizedek priesthood and the sealing keys as given to Peter. He warns them that if they do not marry in this life, they will not have the opportunity in the resurrection. He does not answer their question regarding eternal marriage, Christ never touches this topic. He does say this however in Mark 10 "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." With the sealing keys as given to Peter, it is obvious that marriages can be eternal... but we only have this life to do so.
Jonathan Priest again, putting words in Jesus’ mouth. Jesus is the way to the Father. His death and resurrection tore down the veil separating us from Him, tore the veil down sir!!!! Stop reading Mormonism into the Bible with your dealings and keys-nonsense. Adding lads doctrine into the Bible is exactly what you’re doing. read the New Testament with the eyes of a child and hopefully you’ll see for the first time how damnable lds doctrine is
Jonathan Priest again, putting words in Jesus’ mouth. Jesus is the way to the Father. His death and resurrection tore down the veil separating us from Him, tore the veil down sir!!!! Stop reading Mormonism into the Bible with your dealings and keys-nonsense. Adding lads doctrine into the Bible is exactly what you’re doing. read the New Testament with the eyes of a child and hopefully you’ll see for the first time how damnable lds doctrine is
I believe there's marriage after death. This reminds of my late non member grandparents and greatgrandparents from father's side who are now sealed as I made those sacred ordinances inside the temple. So grateful that by covenant and ordinances we are made to be eternal families here and hereafter. 💛
i believe the same thhe idea of nop progression between kingdoms was a big boo boo in sunday school lessons even all telestial kingdom are cleansed every whit from their sins the 7 heavens are progressionn peer tutor networks some achueve celestial in one lifetime some take longer why would you ever want to not repent of the misery of sin
I reacon there is no need for marriage in the afterlife. People who where together in life who went to heaven are still reunited, but their love is just more like a friendship.
No one goes to heaven alone it just everyone is friends in heaven, no relationship in heaven
from the video, "he rites and ordinances we have access to like4:52
baptism and eternal marriage have to be performed by mortals in this life or the4:57
Millennium. If someone dies before having the opportunity to be married, their5:02
spirit resides in the spirit world and we mortals can perform those ordinances5:06
vicariously in our temples. At that point they can't do it for themselves."
The mere presence of the question to Jesus indicates a belief that she would be married to someone in the next life. As usual, Jesus'answers generally have deeper significance and meaning than on the surface. The wonderful thing is that latter-day revelation clarifies any potential for misunderstanding of marriage doctrine and makes it clear that marriages can be eternal.
Yeeep no marriage in heaven is one of the biggest LIES church as ever taught.
Maybe the Sadducees should have said wife 1 marries husband 1, then he dies and she marries husband 2, then he dies and she marries husband 3, then she dies and he marries wife 2, then he dies and wife 2 marries husband 4. That would stump someone more. Do you know why?
That is a great point. Why ask the question if they know there is no marriage in heaven.
There are tons of BIBLE scriptures which support eternal marriage. I am not a Latter Day Saint but the topic intrigued me so I did some research and here's what I found out:
1. Gods first 'doctrine' to mankind was that Adam and Eve be married so they could obey God by "multiplying and filling the earth" with sinless human offspring. At this stage humanity was immortal and would not die, hence the 1st marriage was eternal, God married them, and they dwelt with him in Gods presence. After the era of sin concludes and satan is destroyed, it seems logical that God would return his focus to his first command to mankind, allowing eternal marriage to be restored so humankind could multiply and fill the earth. This poses a little problem in that, with no one aging or dying, the earth would fill up pretty fast. This may be why there are so many empty planets throughout the universe: as immortals with the same powers as Jesus, we would easily he able to ascend into the heavens and reside on other planets, which God would restore as well (everything seems to have been put on hold after the devil tempted Adam & Eve, including making the planets habitable). The scripture in the Book of Job states that the "God's sons and daughters will sing from the stars" indicating not only the creation story but also a future time when the universe will be filled with righteous humanity singing God's praises.
2. MALACHI states that "God hates divorce". Another scripture says "what God has joined together let no man divide". This indicates that God won't be divorcing us, as he hates divorce, and apparently mankind won't be able to officialize divorce either. If no one is divorced, then we are still married, even in eternity.
3. Scripture says "the man is not without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord", and that "the two will become one flesh", and that "whatever is bound earth is bound in heaven". This would include a marriage before God.
4. The Bible promised to reward faithful Christian's with at least 5 'crowns of reward' (which align very well with the 5 LDS temple covenants). One of these crowns is called the 'crown of life'. Since everyone in eternity who is saved will already have immortal life, the 'crown of life' must refer to some OTHER type of LIFE, and the most obvious would be helping God with the creation of life. And the most obvious way to do that is by marriage and the generation of the family. Hence eternal marriage is true.
In fact there is nothing that says we 'wont' be married except the one text the video discusses in the beginning, and it could be argued that since this woman's marriages were not 'bound in heaven' (officialized properly), she would not have a heavenly marriage.
6. God uses marriage of Christ to the church as an example, and explains that husbands are to love their wife like Christ loves the church, and wives are to obey the husband as the church obeys Christ. Was there ever a time when Christ divorced his people? In the Old Testament, the people may have abandoned God but God never abandoned his bride. So again Christ's example of marriage to the church is symbolized and actualized in Christian marriage. And the Christian family is the smallest church gathering tonw9eshi0 God, so I think God would want to continue this first doctrine of Genesis.
7. There will be a 'marriage supper the lamb' in heaven - the biggest marriage banquet in eternal history, celebrating the marriage of the the church to Christ, but possibly also of our Christian marriages to one another in His honor.
Scriptures about the vast eons of eternity after the millennium describe how we will live in family units... this would indicate family and marriage as our final and eternal circumstance.
At that time the new Jerusalem will descend from heaven and we, as a society will be governed by Christ our King.
I could not post Tue BIBLE scripture references, but they are all familiar and easy to find on a search engine.
I rest my case
.. there will be eternal marriage in heaven, according to the Bible for those who inherit the 'crown of life's. The LDS must officialize this blessing in the here and now. I believe the LDS have just dine a closer reading of the Bibles texts and noticed things we missed that were obvious.
It's a very interesting topic.😊
You can"t post the scripture references because if you read them in their context ( which you did'nt) the scripture would prove.you wrong.
Uhm... I love this and I’m not even a Latter-day Saint. This makes a ton of sense tho!
glad to hear that! There is so much more about this church and its gospel that is comforting, and makes sense, you should totally learn more!
Jacob Herring then you’re as big a fool as the rest of them
The fact is that Christ never really addressed eternal marriage directly, but there is obvious evidence in the Bible that it is possible and possibly did occur.
My favorite passage is Mark 10:6-9 "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
Couple this withe the "keys to the kingdom" that Christ gave Peter and ALL things can be sealed both in heaven and Earth... and that includes marriage :) Of course it is through latter day revelation where we have received more clear, the definition and the "how" eternal marriage may actually take place.
“The most common interpretation seems to be that God’s purpose for instituting marriage was simply to propagate the species.” Clearly we don’t need marriage to procreate! A purpose of a sacramental marriage is to provide a Christian home for children so that they can come to know Christ and be with him in heaven. The unity of families is a sign pointing us to the unity of God’s entire family in heaven where we all belong.
Can't there be Christian homes where the parents have not married?
I'm a relatively new convert (about a year) and I've had questions about this for a while. I'm really grateful that you guys covered this! I do have one question- I've heard from a few people that Saints who aren't able to marry in this life will be given spouses in the Millenium or something like that. Is that actual doctrine, and if it is, how does that fit in this whole situation?
Read the Book of Mormon and find out if it is doctrine. Don't rely on others interpretation. "Rely on that which is written."
David will need to answer your question on this. Give him some time to see your comment.
mikan199, I think what you’re referring to is just the fact that we will have a thousand years for all of this to be worked out. I don’t know that they’ll be GIVEN a spouse, necessarily, but the opportunity to FIND someone they would like to be sealed to will most definitely be given to them. That we’re given the opportunity to find someone rather than just being given someone isn’t necessarily doctrine, just my own thoughts on the subject. However, what IS doctrine is that all who want to be married will be given the opportunity, and that the righteous will be sublimely happy, whatever happens.
mikan199. Welcome to the kingdom of God. The clear doctrine from the Lord is that exaltation requires temple marriage. Nobody will be denied a blessing in the eternities because they didn't have a chance to accept an ordinance in this earth life. The Lord has been vague on details about how it will all be done.
There are three degrees within the Celestial Kingdom you would inherit the third you will have Glory but no increase D&C 131 1-4
Mawage...... Mawage is wut bwings us togedder today. Dat bwessed awaingement. Dat dweam wit-in a dweam. So chewish your wuv......Wuv, twue wuv! will fowow you......foreva!
KevlarX2 😂😂😂
@@christiansalazar4604 Repeat in american English please.
David, these faith and belief sections are just the absolute best! I love your objective and understanding way of explaining different topics and relating to those that belief differently than members of the church and to everyone that may have questions. You are awesome!
What happens to singles who are not given the chance to marry or get lots of no when they propose?
"No when they propose" 😔
but you know we have given agency for us to choose.
Buuuuuuut!! it hurts when someone doesn't choose us. 😔
Marriage sealings can be done after death, just not in the afterlife, but on earth. Like baptisms for the dead, sealings can be done as well. Two situations:
A) Two people didn't have the opportunity to be sealed in heaven while on earth, but their relationship was well known or they had a normal marriage. Those who knew them or discover their records could perform the sealing on their behalf and they can choose to accept it from their side of the veil.
B) During the Millennium Heaven and Earth become more closely linked and work can continue with greater information so every soul past and present will have their opportunities.
I have the same question unanswered. I think da we can listen do the Bible when Paul says: “8. I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. 9. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. (I Cor 7:8-9)
Any saving or exalting ordinance won't be withheld from those who didn't have a chance in this life. Before Final Judgement God will make sure everyone who was otherwise worthy of exaltation will get that opportunity. God will decide who had the opportunity and who didn't.
@@sarinhahfernandes Thank you for the question. My understanding is that Paul was writing about full-time missionaries and not the general membership of the church.
Death does not change the fact that I am married to my soulmate Eddie- him in the spirit world and myself here on Earth.
How about in the millennium after Christ has come to earth, will there be marriages then or not, or do we not really know?
Everything must be set in order before the second resurrection and the final battle with Satan and his followers. The millennium will be a time to finish the sealing work in the temple under the direction of Christ. He will link all families back to Adam.
If you are diligent in keeping the commandments of the Lord and doing your best to progress, the thing is, you can trust Him.
Think about baptisms and sealings for the dead. The "Christian" churches will teach you that if you have not had the opportunity to know or accept Christ in this life then you are damned. But we know that Christ has given the opportunity to even those who did evil in their lives. How much more do you think the Lord will be willing to help someone find a spouse in the millennium?
He is love, He will give everyone the opportunity in the most just and merciful way.
@@monocuco818 Then ,could we say that it is guaranteed that every just person who died in christ (I mean a holy person) would encounter his spouse in the millennium ?guaranteed ??
@@terzeljona You can trust God enough to know that He absolutely will provide a way for everyone to have the opportunity. Think of how many billions of people have died without know of Christ of receiving baptism etc... All of them will have the opportunity to fulfill all ordinances and receive all blessings of the gospel. Once everyone has received the opportunity, then Christ will have fulfilled all of His covenants that He has made with us.
Mortals will still be present during the millennium.
@@johnvillaflor2723 Scriptures for that?
Can you explain me more about how those vicarious ordinances are performed in the temple? i mean, I have read that part of DyC when God says to Joseph that no man can reject this new an everlasting Covenant and yet enter into his glory (the Celestial Glory), in other words, every person who do not obey this law which is his word, will be damned. What if I died, a no one could remember my name (therefore, I suppose you need to know my name in order for you to perform a vicarious ordinance in the temple on behalf of me, did I get you right? The point I am not clear about is: if I died without being married in a temple under the authority of the higher priesthood, when would I receive that opportunity? considering the fact that I would do it, if only it was given to me an opportunity to marry a woman with the same belief.
I am a bit worried by the fact that God has revealed me that this covenant is totally true (God did it even though i belong to a evangelical church, and they do not believe in such eternal marriage) but I have NOT been able to find a woman that is meet to me, and I do not want to be appointed angel in the heaven, what could you say to me? (anyone who see this comment)
What will happen to all those people around the globe who have died before the new and everlasting covenant was revealed? What would happen with the people in the current century who have died without knowing that God had revealed a new and everlasting covenant to all the holy people and would have received it with all their hearts if they would have been given the opportunity to marry within a temple (considering that God Knows the depths of the men’s hearts ?
Johnathan David no worries bro every child of God will have that opportunity. A lot of it will be done in the millennium.
All of God's Children will have an opportunity to learn the complete gospel, whether it's in life or after they die and before the resurrection. We will learn a lot more about spirit couples who wish to be sealed during the millenium. Those still living will be able to vicariously perform those ordinances, and those that they're done for will then have the choice to accept or reject those ordinances. I won't go into too much detail because of the sacredness of the ordinance, although I believe you can perform proxy sealings if you're endowed in the temple and not yet sealed to a spouse.
You will have your chance, brother. Please keep the eternal perspective in mind!
@@Silarias Thanks Sister
Not sure how "doctrinal" this is ... but I would imagine that everyone that has had a chance to live has had at least a mother that knows them - ok, that part is prolly the most doctrinal that a thing could be lol. We know that there was a first resurrection, and who knows what them guys are doing at the moment; but we also know there will be a resurrection when Christ returns. There is nothing that would indicate that a resurrection is a one day affair. It could be thought of as an era - the first era of resurrections occuring between Christs coming forth out of the grave and culminating when Christ returns. The second era of resurrections would account for the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth. Then comes the end when the rest of the population gets resurrected and assigned a parking spot in heaven. So what are the mechanics involved in being resurrected? Does a husband get to lift up his wife? Do parents get to uplift their children? Do those whom we are most closely associated with in this life get to bring us forth and declare the good tidings of comfort and joy? What greater magnification of Priesthood can be had if not to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life" of our families? Just some thoughts ...
I love that you guys are doing marriage topic stuff too!
What about those that never marry? Do they miss out? Why can't God just be fair to lifelong singles, like disabled people who are unable to get married and really want to, and feel pain when they can't?
The Lord through other revelations, particularly the doctrine of work for the dead, has answered that question. None who had the desire and worthiness, yet not the opportunity, will be denied. Even though we may not know what courtship is like in the next life, finding a spouse will be possible. Still, the union will have to be done by proxy from a living human in a Temple. There are rare instances where two dead people where married by proxy who were not together in life; at least from what I have heard indirectly.
@@n.d.m.515 Why does the union have to be performed by proxies from living humans in temples on Earth? Couldn’t God perform the union instead? Couldn’t God just choose the partner for me? To those who think that would not be free will for God to choose a partner for everyone, keep in mind that God knows my heart, therefore he knows what I will accept and what I will reject.
@@worldquestioneer1533 I have no doubt that God could choose the Union and in some Mormon folk belief he in many instances already prepared the earthly partners. The issue isn't free will. The issue is that ordinances can only be performed during mortality, and for eternal marriage only in a Temple. That means if a couple have not had that done during mortality, then people by proxy in a Temple will do it in their behalf. If God simply assigns a couple in the next life, the issue of Temple marriage in mortality remains the same.
@@n.d.m.515 But why can ordinances only be performed during mortality, and eternal marriage only in a temple? What is a good reason God has for that? Why can only the celestials be married, and not the terrestrials or even the telestials? Also, what if the man and women are unknown or forgotten? WHY can’t ordinances and eternal marriages be performed in the world beyond? I want good reasoning, because I hate arbitrary laws. This could be my last reply, because any more from me won’t get anywhere. Debates have to come to a close sometimes. But feel free to give a reply.
@@worldquestioneer1533 because that is what God has stated. That is His commandments. You will have to ask the Lawgiver.
I lost my wife in 2021. And I wish we get together forever when my time comes. But I have a question: What do you believe it would happen if the widow/widower marries again? For example, if I marry another woman now,would I lose the chance of getting my first wife again?
I don’t think you would lose that opportunity. Hopefully you’ve done more research into it by now it’s been three months but just incase
@dylanmcpherson5039 Thanks, but no,I haven't. I still have the same doubts. I still miss my wife, and thoughts come to my mind.
@morganix007 There will be an opportunity in the Millennium for you to be sealed to your wife.
@@Sablespartan 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
This video is awesome, and it addresses something that I’ve tried to explain to non members who lean towards the anti persuasion.
Love the princess bride references 😂
Neither is the man with the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord
Some will argue that the reason why God said that it's *NOT GOOD* that man should be alone was because the woman made from dirt left Adam, and God then created Eve from one of Adam's ribs. Hence why Adam says, "this is *NOW* bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh". I'm not saying that I believe it, but it's not that far-fetched and shouldn't be easily discarded.
Question: I thought the prophets (especially current day ones) said all good people (who were denied a chance to be married, or have children) in this life would be given a chance in the next life. (So how does this reconcile with the scriptures)?
It doesn't, because the verse actually does not say that there will be no marriage. In the context, it's referring to the principles of competitive sexuality..
@@Aion0154 Interesting thanks for your reply. As per that "competitive sexulaity" what does that mean (just curios) No dating competition (lol)? or more a natural thing?
The church knows it's wrong to keep people 'waiting' or hoping for a future husband or children. This philosophy which is propagated by the church leaders robs many modern persons (mostly women) the spiritual growth that comes with motherhood and devoted marriage.
A marriage to a non-member spouse, even if it dilutes the body of the membership, is better for the spiritual growth of the person than the risk of families being part-member.
The church leaders should know this.
More answers please! This is the question I've been trying to figure out.
But what about Isaiah 65:17, "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.”
Could this be why we won’t be married in Heaven , we will no longer remember the thing of this earth?
New Latter-Day Saint here, and love your channel and videos....What happens to those of us who don't marry in this life? Will we not have the ability to marry in the Celestial Kingdom? I was under the impression that we would, but how can that be if that sealing must first occur in this life as stated here? Confused.
Sarah Tardiff don’t forget the 1000 years millennium lots of work being done...Heavenly Father has you covered,,,❤️
In addition the the Millennium, if your relationship was known in this life others can do sealings on your behalf and you can choose to accept it from the other side. Example being married couples who weren't sealed in the temples, or cases where your relationship was otherwise known. But that requires that you have that sort of relationship so it's not entirely relevant to your question, but yeah.
Sarah Tardiff, ALL will be given the opportunity to marry. Not all will take that opportunity, but if you want to be married and sealed to someone for eternity, you most certainly will be. :-)
There are three degrees within the Celestial Kingdom you will receive the third degree you will have Glory but no increase D&C 131 1-4
Great comments. To add to that though, if someone per chance doesn’t find the opportunity to marry in the millennium (which I think most will) single people can still go to the Celestial Kingdom, just not the highest degree of glory where we literally become like Heavenly Father and Mother.
If Christ never said anyhting about eternal marriage, then why did they ask him a question in relationship to the doctrine in the first place? they where trying to trick snare Him at the end of the day.
Why makes us male and female and resurrect us as such, if there was no such thing as sexual identity in heaven? (Or are all angels and resurrected beings sexless?) What kind of heaven would that be?
If there IS sexual identity in heaven but no sex allowed, what kind of heaven would you call that?
If there IS sexual identity in heaven and sex, then there must be marital relationships, since sex outside of marriage is sinful and forbidden.
Just thinking here...
O paraíso não deixará de ser paraíso porque você não irá satisfazer as suas necessidades mundanas e carnais.
@@aten5102 Answer the question..
Matthew 22: 29-30. Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” This is the Bible, The Word Of God. The only way to heaven is to believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. It’s not too late. Take Jesus as your Savior, repent and acknowledge that Jesus died for your sins and that the only way to salvation is through Christ’s Mercy and Grace. You are in my prayers. 🙏🏻
Did you even listen to this video. It appears you are only responding to the title. Do you have any comment on the actual content of the video?
God bless you! Praying for you also! Jesus lives!
What happens if you’ve never been married and you die single I sort of believe that those who die single has the most perfect marriage more perfect than an earthly marriage
What about Emanuel Swedenborg and what he says
go research it.
if Jesus didn't teach about marriage in heaven, why would the sadducees try to "trick" Him with the question about the resurrection/eternal marriage question in the first place? The fact that the sadducees asked Jesus the question to me is actually a confirmation that Jesus did teach about eternal marriage.
Then how would we respond to Jesus's response "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." - Jesus is using "marry" and "given in marriage" as a verb here. Jesus did not say there would be no married couples in heaven, he said there would be no marriages (aka weddings) in heaven.
Jesus answered them specifically saying they don't know the scriptures - "Ye do err, not knowing the SCRIPTURES, nor the power of God." - what scriptures is Jesus referring to? Jesus is referring to the same scriptures the Sadducees are referring to... The apocryphal text Tobit 3:7-9, 6:13, 7:10-11 is the source of the 7 brothers/wife story. The rest of the story which the sadducees didn't mention (likely because they didn't know the scriptures well enough, evidenced by Jesus saying specifically "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures...") is that in the story, Raphael [the archangel] was sent to give Sara as a wife to Tobias (yes an 8th husband/marriage but this one was ordained by God).
The Sadducees ask Jesus specifically "who's wife shall she be" - in other words which man (of the 7) will have this woman to be his wife in the resurrection? Jesus answered them plainly and truthfully "For in the resurrection they (the 7 brothers) neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." It is the 8th marriage that was ordained by God and that will enjoy a marriage relationship in the resurrection.
There will be no carnal union in the resurrection. The Bible is clear.
This is so straight forward of a teaching that there will not be marriage in the next life. Jesus is clearly not talking about this specific group of people but all people when he says they will be as the angels. Also it was not good for Adam to be alone because God wanted them to multiply and replenish the earth I.e. have children. Lastly, Mormons assert that one must enter into a Mormon marriage in mortality for it to be recognized in the next life but then say the opposite that proxy marriages long after people die will be recognized as well. Major contradiction in your doctrine.
Also to the Pharisees Jesus told them of the topic "what God hath joined together let no man put asunder." A different group who believed in the resurrection. So this was his answer.
This is my interpretation I've been trying to tell people. And I will add that those sadducees approach Christ not for answers but to catch him in his word which Christ's defense is giving them an answer they're not looking for but true. His answer was directed exactly to those they asked about and not to the whole. Kinda reminds me of our current mainstream media LOL. The church is true!
You're wrong about this. See in the resurrection jesus said they are neither married nor are given in marriage. Basically they will not be married when they get resurrected one day
Lol if we aren’t married after death then why are we sinned for having a family without being married???
Breauna Tyler Did you pay attention to the video? LOL
A great question actually 👍
God has given bounds and laws and we should live within those bounds. with respect to marriage, the reason relates to his law of chastity. the sin is not in the family, the sin is in the sexual relations outside of marriage. And the video covers that LDS believes those married by the sealing power of the priesthood prior to the resurrection, and have lived faithfully to their covenants, will remain married in the next life
My Civil Marriage was performed by the Bishop of the ward who is a priest holder since I won't be endowed until March 2022. While I will be able to have a Temple Wedding after that point why must the ceremony be performed in a Temple to be eternal when it will be performed by the same Bishop with the same keys?
So the bishop does not have keys to seal. Only someone ordained as a sealer has those keys.
The bishop is performing a civil service outside of the temple when he performs marriages. His service provides a legally recognized marriage on earth. He does not have the authority to bind on earth and heaven. That requires the sealing keys. That ordinance is saved for the temple by those who have the sealing authority to bind on earth and in heaven.
@@SaintsUnscriptedis eternal marriage can be performe in the millennium?
Our Bishop has a keys I borrowed that sometimes when I open the chapel
@@kuyalems Yes, lots of temple work will be performed during the millennium, which includes sealings (aka. eternal marriages).
I am struggling with the doctrine of eternal marriage. I am not finding any evidence for it and this video did not help provide me with any.
The purpose of the video is not to show evidence for eternal marriage. Critics use the scripture in Matthew as evidence there cannot be eternal marriage. This video simply points out that this scripture is not evidence against eternal marriage.
St. Paul advised that those who were not married shouldn't seek a wife 1 Cor 7:27, "Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife". It's difficult to reconcile this with the doctrine of eternal marriage. Christ did use another word for marriage instead of "gamousin", he use "gamizontai" which means a state of being married (passive). How can you say he didn't use this word?
Paul was a dogmatically Celebrate man who thought people should only marry to control sexual urges. He also thought Christ would return so fast there waist time for marriage. aka he was a lunatic
Paul was not saying that people shouldn't marry. Paul, for whatever reason, chose not to marry. But it was also considered adultery if people were divorced (outside of specific reasons) and remarried. It was considered better to stay unmarried than to risk committing adultery. I'm not sure I understand how these passages wouldn't reconcile with eternal marriage.
@@joeshawcroft7121 I don't think Paul was speaking of divorce; he meant get married instead of committing fornication if you can't contain yourself. There's no question Paul nevered considered marriage to be a part of celestial paradise.
@@joeshawcroft7121 exactly, no marriage in heaven is one of the biggest lies church’s has ever taught
@@protochris Paul is right. abstinence is better than fornication. It is better to not marry than to commit formication or adultery. Just because Paul himself doesn't state that marriage is essential, doesn't mean it isn't or that it isn't ordained by God. Paul was illustrating that it is better to remain holy than follow the lusts of the flesh. And he's right.
The key is to understand what is meant by “in the resurrection”.
I wonder if you would do a study on the unification church and Rev. Moons beliefs, teaching and practice of marriage in spirit world.
I love love love Jesus ❤️
I was literally looking for this topic,
The first explanation makes more sense in the context of the question being asked.
That second explanation doesn't fit at all with the specific situation described in the parable of Matthew. The entire question was "who will she marry" and this is not answered by the explanation "it has to be settled before eternity".
I guess this is a sore subject to LDS people not to understand what the Messiah said, and totally disregard what Paul taught on this subject.
There is no biblical scripture that validates eternal marriage in Heaven. Nothing, in Hebrew or the Greek. Nothing in the Dead Sea Scrolls , the apocrypha or psuedpigrapha.
Eternal Marriage is a false doctrine only because it doesn't align with biblical scripture at all
The only marriage is to be married to Christ.
Thank-you for allowing me to give my opinion as a Christian on your website
With respect, this is a doctrine, which fulness, was revealed to Joseph Smith. That doesn't mean the Bible doesn't mention it at all.
Mark 10: 5-9 is pretty clear that marriages were meant to last longer than just this life. Not to mention Peter received the authority to seal both in heaven and on the Earth. That includes marriage.
@@monocuco818 Matthew 22 : 30
There is no eternal marriage taken place in the Old Testament
A principle of that importance would have been made clear in the Bible.
Peter , the apostles and Paul
Were given authority to bind or lossen an old Jewish term which means to Permit or Forbid
. Your adding to the context about something that's not there.
Mark 10 has zero to do with eternal marriage.
Even Paul said marriage wasn't a everlasting principle.
@@binren3984 Where did Paul say it wasn't an everlasting principle?
You also do not understand Matthew 22 and Christ's interaction with the Saducees.
First of all, if you notice, Christ does not answer their question. In the Old Testament they didn't have eternal marriage because the children of Israel were disobedient.
In Matthew 22 Christ is warning the Saducees about marrying. Telling them that people will not marry in the resurrection. This does not mean that there won't be anyone married in the resurrection, just that no new marriages will be formed.
The Saducees didn't believe in the resurrection, but they also did not believe in marriage. Christ warned them, that with the authority He had brought back to the Earth, if they were not married before the resurrection, then it would be too late for them. So there will be married people in the resurrection as long as they have done it according to God's commandment.
Mark 10: 4-9 "And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away.
5 And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept.
6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
It is clear that "from the beginning" marriages were more important than what is taught in the Old Testament. They weren't meant to divorce. Why? Well because 1 Corinthinans 11: 11-12 "Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God."
Add it to the sealing power and you definitely have the potential for eternal marriage.
There are also MANY things that the Apostles and Christ taught at the temple and yet they were never written down because they were either to sacred, or they were lost.
The true nature of eternal marriage was revealed to Joseph Smith. God still lives and reveals His plan to His anointed.
@@monocuco818 1st Corinthians 7:1
@@monocuco818 Your argument is flawed. Israel was chosen by God as his people. If eternal marriage was a principle of God it would have been revealed to Abraham.
No disrespect but you have been taught bad doctrine
Heavenly Mother see Jerimiah chapters 7 and 44
Premortal Existence
John 8:23 and
1st Corinthians 15 :47-48
Our creation beginning was on Earth not Heaven
There is an eternal marriage and it's to be married to Christ, Jesus
Mormonism can not stand with the Holy Bible . Mormonism is a counterfeit Gospel. Galatians 1:8-9
Paul said, If a man or an angel preach an different gospel let them be an anthama.
I have already given you biblical scripture that these things that I touched on about what Mormon Theology teaches are not of God
But we must be centered on Christ
not this World
Actually great explanation
What about unmarried folks who never had the opportunity?
As a gay mormon who won't get married in this life.. r u say I won't ever get married
What does "being gay" have to do with being obedient to God? It is best not to confuse the labors of this life with the works that are to be done afterwards.
Could the fact that no one is married in the resurrection (in Heaven) because marriage is a sign that points to man's union with Christ, like the Church's union wither her Bridegroom?
Amen! You hit the nail right on the head
Nowhere does it say that marriage would not occur in the resurrection. Well, at least during the first resurrection and the millennium. You have until the second resurrection to find a spouse, while Christ reigns for a 1000 years of peace. Then comes the 2nd resurrection and the final battle, then we are judged.
very thin answer can we not do better
Wasn't Adam married to eve in heaven
No. Adam was married too *many* Eves in heaven. Plural Marriage is essential and law, required for exaltation. Read my words in D&C 132
So who is the widow married to in heaven?
There will be no carnal union in the resurrection. The Bible is clear.
@ yes but they never answered this question
What happens if one person marries another and that other person dies and the first one remarries logically? In the resurrection with whom does he stay? It is the question of the same text in the Bible. 2)
The Aronic priesthood was only for people belonging to the tribe of Levi and this is even told by the Jews today ... That is why Jesus, not being from the tribe of Levi, could not be a priest according to the order of Levi and is that is why he is high priest according to the order of Melchizedek ... What happens here? This is what the Bible says. The condition for having the Aronic priesthood was to be of the tribe of Levi in the flesh, in the blood ... I do not understand ... 3) if you read the Bible Jesus condemned adultery, and he says that those who practice it would go to hell, that simple, in Matthew he says it, in revelations and elsewhere. The book of Mormon also says that for God it was an abomination, the Bible never says that God allowed the people of the Old Testament to practice it, they did it, but God never gave them the confirmation that they could, the Law of Moses condemned it with stoning ...; AND LOOK THAT!!!! ---->
If for God it is an abomination and he says it in the book of Mormon (speaking of polygamy) and the Bible also condemns it, look what he says in the book "Mormon Doctrine" Bruce Mcconkie one of the twelve apostles! !!! : "Obviously the holy practice will commence again alter the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the ushering
in of the millennium".PAGES 522-523 "MORMON DOCTRINE" ---¡¡¡¡EXPLAIN THIS TO ME BROTHER!!!! Read the context of the page if you want
What about marriage between a Mormon and Christian.
They’re the same thing
Yay another video to make me feel lonely.
Then date and get married!
Cute. Whether your married or not it's work. This is my WORK and GLORY to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. ❤🧡💛💚💜💙
i never had to feel lonely, because D&C 132 allows us, and especially me, to have many wives
The fact that God married Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden seems like an extremely strong Biblical argument for eternal marriage for religion that believe salvation involves some sort of restitution or improvement of an Eden-like state. I’m very interested now how other religions rationalize this away. There seems to be a double standard if you believe Adam and Eve were originally meant to be eternally married, and salvation involves restoration of paradisiacal glory, then why is there not a fulness of that restoration?
There will be no carnal union in the resurrection. The Bible is clear.
@ Apparently it’s not that clear, because here we are in disagreement and I have to listen you pretend to have an authoritative interpretation.
What happens if a baptised child dies? They were to young to go through the Temple Endowment or get married. Are they denied the highest level for not fulfilling an ordinance because of age?
Hebrews 11:39-40; "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, [yet] received not the promise:
God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect."
This passage speaks of those who were on the right path, but died before they could receive the endowments and promised blessings that come with the fullness of the Gospel. and it says that they without us could not be made perfect. it is a hint that proxy ordinance work in behalf of the deceased is a true doctrine for those who were not able to perform those ordinances during their own lives.
1 Corinthians 15:29-30 says, "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?
And why stand we in jeopardy every hour?"
This shows that the idea of performing baptisms for the dead had come up and people were doing it, and Paul is asked why, and teaches that because the dead will all be resurrected, and because baptism by water is a requirement for entering the kingdom of God, those who have the promises of the gospel in their own lives stand in jeopardy of losing those blessings, if they fail to provide that opportunity through proxy baptisms in the behalf of the deceased. He is driving home the fact that those who are blessed to have the gospel also have the responsibility to work and serve and provide and offer the gospel and it's blessings that they are enjoying, to others, even to the extent of being baptized for them if they cannot physically do it themselves, because they are deceased. and the same would be true of the higher ordinances of the gospel as will, including the endowment.
Then the question is well what about those who we never knew or forgot to do their work? and the answer is, that there is a millennial period of 1000 years where these issues and lost or forgotten people will be accounted for and their work can be done by those who are still mortals in that time. God has made provisions and contingencies for all potential issues that we can think up, and has laid them out in the plan, we know as the plan of Happiness. all are accounted for and taken care of in due time.
The ultimate purpose of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is NOT to make us "as the Angels which are in Heaven."
Paul the Apostle taught: "But to which of the Angels said He at any time, 'Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool'? Are they not all Ministering Spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" (Hebrews 1:13-14)
I thought this was going to deal with a different facet of marriage. I was wrong.
What about people who don't have the chance of marriage in mortal life? Are they relegated to forever and always being an angel?
Christ is not merciless, He will allow every soul the same opportunity as another. If you trust Christ you can trust that He will provide that to everyone... However, if someone rejects His gospel in the first place, they may never make it to that point anyways. But yes, Christ will give everyone the opportunity.
Absolutely not. Just like those who never had the chance to be baptized in mortality, they will not languish. Christ is absolutely merciful and just and all will get the chance to enter into the ordinances of salvation and exaltation, in this life or the next.
I think it will be sorted out in the millennium :) before the kingdoms
If your are trusting the bible good luck and hope you have seer stone.
The easier explanation is that the LDS is just wrong on this topic, just like they were about black people not being worthy of the priesthood until God changed his mind in 1978. Jesus wouldn't have given a misleading/false answer recorded in three different Gospels that only applied to Sadducees under the Mosaic law. It's also insulting to our intelligence, since the Saduccees were challenging Jesus in FRONT of his followers. So they just saw Jesus completely mislead the Saducees, potential converts themselves, since Jesus's current followers were (or would be) privy to the knowledge that Celestial Marriage and polygamy was coming. They saw Jesus pull an attorney trick for no reason, hiding the full truth, when Jesus was willing to call himself God in front of the Rabbis and get stoned for it. Mormon Apologists and Lawyers might give these types of BS answers all the time, something true but also completely misleading and irrelevant, but not deities, saints or angels.
so keep fooling yourself lol
I disagree with the LDS interpretation of Jesus's word.
If you don't read Jesus's words through the prism of the LDS teaching and just ask what it says in isolation by itself then there are a variety of interpretations.
I for instance don't believe that there is time in heaven. There aren't any events that happen - but instead everything is a like a photograph with time effectively being at a stand still. For this reason why a person might be with one another it is not "marriage" as we think about it in the classical sense.
I think heaven is a state of being rather than a place. Like rain drops returning to the ocean. Our spirit returns to God and we cease to be that which we were before.
There is very little in the bible about the nature of heaven and what is in the bible is vague and open to interpretation.
The LDS heaven has a number of problems as it creates the question as to who a person is sealed to within the afterlife. President Nelson is sealed to two people simultaneously - being married twice. He therefore has two wives and will be in a polygamous marriage.
This doesn't seem fair as neither wife has consented to be bound to the other wife.
Similarly, what happens to a woman who is widowed ... can she be sealed in the temple to a new husband? Does she have both husbands in heaven?
I think that to think of marriage as being the same as we think of it on earth is wrong.
... maybe the sealing is more inline with a "voucher for a free replacement Morty, in the event that your current Morty should" not make it? In other words, the errors of mankind will be resolved in due time so that the mishaps that occur in this life will be corrected.
One thing we LDS believe is that nothing is too complicated for God to sort out. We believe that all will work out right, fair and just in the next life. God will always reveal more when it is time to do so and to those ready to receive more. So many people put limits on God. God is over all. Jesus is the Christ. All will work for the good of those that love and serve them. God bless.
It is God's will that we all enter the Kingdom of Heaven as married couples, husband and wife. That is because when we are blessed in marriage, together, man and woman, we resemble God's image. That is why single people cannot enter heaven. Jesus wanted to conduct these special marriages himself, but he was tragically rejected. The Lord of the Second Advent now has this responsibility.
So we can’t do temple work for people who didn’t have the Melchizedek priesthood? They won’t be enjoying any Melchizedek ordinances in the afterlife? Ok interesting 🤨
So your psrents, if dead. If they accept baptism .. they can't be together
Not what it says. if they accept baptism they'll have the opportunity to accept all the ordinances of the temple before the resurrection. Therefore all will have the opportunity in God's great plan of salvation.
The word marrying is used in the place of sex. Genesis 38 8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother’s wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. There was no ceremony. So I am sure the Saducees were asking about this law, which comes way before Moses.
Usually sex follows marriage. I don’t think God would just tell these people to go fornicate as that is something that the Bible is very much against. (See Mark 7:21, Acts 15:20, 1 Corinthians 6:18) so yeah I’m pretty sure to marry was apart of the scripture you quoted and there was indeed a ceremony.
Since there are so many different interpretations they can't all be right - but they can all be wrong! (; What we think of as "beliefs" aren't really beliefs - they are learned conditioned thinking. Beliefs are only beliefs when: we let go of all indoctrinated and propagandized thinking; and then we: investigate independently - then we have something we can really call a belief. With "truth" and "true churches" we would have to study every single religion that is and ever has been and this is impossible. So it is ridiculous to say that any church is the "true church". So why do people say it? Because they have been INDOCTRINATED with PROPAGANDA that makes them think it's a belief, when of course it learned conditioned thinking! I know: cognitive dissonance shows up when someone points out something obvious that goes against your indoctrination!
I am against polygamous marriage so is there a choice to be eternally married to a husband who prefers one wife throughout eternity?
To answer your question, yes, you will always have your choice. Polygamous marriage is not a requirement of heaven, but was an institution in this life that God has allowed for some, and has required others to participate in for his own purposes. The principle of Eternal Marriage is not the same thing as polygamous marriage.
Sharon Reeve. My wife found one of those. I will completely happy and content with only her.
But you should rethink things. Polygamy in The Celestial KIngdom won't be the polygamy that you see now on earth. It won't be like the polygamy of The Quran. It won't be the polygamy of those who don't actually follow Joseph Smith but claim to. Polygamy in the Celestial Kingdom will be by men so much like Father in Heaven that they will be living with Him and learning from Him.
What will you say if Out Heavenly Parents come to you with a woman and say, "She is worthy of exaltation in all way except marriage and she didn't have a chance to do it in her earth life. We need you to allow her to marry your husband." or "She was murdered as a small child and needs a husband for her exaltation. Will you provide her that husband?"? If the vast majority of Celestial Kingdom worthy women take your attitude they, might be forcing a small group of men to have thousands of wives each.
Polygamy is for Heavenly father's most RIGHTEOUS son's! I have wondered if all men who do what's right and have already been sealed are apart of it because we have all the rights to the same blessings as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they all had multiple wives, so they would have endless seed!
Hamann9631 so God is asking for a small child (girl) to be married? Can’t she just go with her family instead if she didn’t get married?
@@alexrose8299 My hypothetical scenario was about a person's whose earthlife ended young, not a person who is still young. We will all reach maturity before final judgement. Exaltation, the greatest gift from God, requires eternal marriage.
Also... the question was posed to Jesus Christ by the Sadducees ( Jews who didn't even believe in the resurrection! So, obviously their marriage traditions would not conform with true Gospel requirements. ) the question was not sincere - it was an attempt to entrap Christ.
I believe that their question was sincere enough. Yet, the question itself implies that someone was teaching that marriage had an eternal aspect to it that would not be dissolved by death. Since the Sadducees did not believe in a resurrection, they would have no use for a marriage to endure beyond death. So, that would leave Jesus believing in such a thing by default. The question could very well be based on an account within the book of Tobit.
Ye do error in not understanding the scriptures. There has not been a resurrection yet which makes that scripture still in harmony with the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Eternal marriage is fair game before the resurrection which is the union of the spirit with an immortal body.
I understand
Not your most compelling video
I think it makes sense that if you are already married you'll still be married. I think the scripture is saying there won't be marriage meaning we won't have weddings. No new marriages. Also can you talk about marriage being a requirement for celestial Kingdom?
Yes I thought so too,
There will be no carnal union in the resurrection. The Bible is clear.
I think you need to also look at the fact that the Sadducee's did not believe in a resurrection.....so why were they really asking the question in the first place. Jesus knew they did not believe in a resurrection so what was the real meaning of his answer? Also wanted to ask, How long did you say the Melchizedek Priesthood has been on the earth or did you?
We don’t go to heaven after we die no where the Bible says that.
There is a specific number going to heaven
In the garden of eden , God commanded that humans , procreate , and GOD hates divorce , christ will marry" the church" , if you are not "given" or "taken" into marriage but be like the angels , are not angels messengers ? And you have arc angels and cherubims etc , christ said you will be like" the angels not that your going to be angels" , the saducees did not believe in immortality , but yet in the old testiment the prophets always used the term forever !
Exactly, Matthew 22:30 was about Jewish marriages under law of mosses, the contrast to as the angels is found in book of mark, mark says for they shall longer die for they are equal to the angels, so contrast to as the angels means we won’t die anymore, nothing more, marriage does not come from god and has never, god simply said 2 shall become one, marriage in bible Times the words itself referred to a relationship based on legal law. That’s what’s going away
Marrying in 2014, right after we had aura pictures taken. His was black.
That marriage didn't last long.
It wasn't from God.
Mine I noticed a little white. Mostly magenta.
The vows people take is "until death do us part". That means you cease to be married after death.
Those are not the vows in a temple marriage.
@@brettmajeske3525There are two types of vows made in the temple. One is sealing for eternity, the other for time on earth only. The second one is for a woman who was widowed by her previous husband.
Thee is no wedding after death....but there are marriages.
There will be no carnal union in the resurrection. The Bible is clear.
Yep plain n simple no marriage lol
Im looking for jim ill reply to this comment when I find him
No, the reason there is no marriage in heaven is because we marry Jesus. Not literally of course, but this is why we’re referred to as the bride over and over in the New Testament.
The Church is said to be his bride.
Jesus said there is no marriage in heaven.
Not exactly.
In Luke 20:34-35 it reads:
“And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage.”
The word translated as from Greek as “Marry" is *γαμοῦσιν* (gamousin), derived from the verb *γαμέω* (gameó), which means "to marry."
The words we translate from Greek as “Given in marriage" is *γαμίζονται* (gamizontai), from the verb *γαμίζω* (gamizō), which means "to give in marriage" or "to marry off."
To ‘marry’ in this context would describe the role of a groom. And ‘given in marriage’ the role of a bride respectively.
The context of the question the Sadducee asked was a scenario of Leverite marriage customs and how they would work in the resurrection. It was actually a common Jewish belief for many centuries that marriages would still be binding in the resurrection but that further ordinances would need to be performed for this. The Sadducee’s don’t believe in the resurrection- so they’re trying to give Jesus a convoluted scenario regarding leverite marriage traditions in order to trip Jesus up.
Jesus doesn’t fall for it. it seems that Christ might be communicating that people will either not ‘get married’ in the resurrection, OR that specifically leverite marriage customs will be done away with in the resurrection.
He doesn’t however imply that earthly marriages are not present in the eternities. That would contradict the traditions of the Jews as well as other parts of the Bible that speak of the priesthood keys having the power to bind on earth and in heaven.
In either case-Jesus’ words don’t conflict with latter day saint doctrine. One can only come to the conclusion that there is no marriage period in heaven if they’re only relying on the English translation of the Bible and ignoring the Hebrew older Greek versions of the text as well as thousands of years of Hebrew tradition and doctrine which is the foundation of all Christian sects. 🤷♀️
Latter day saints..... should've said b4 video
Hmmm, bonking in Heaven? Just remember, God sees everything.
Stay under the sheets.
Im kinda certain the bible states also that all is not as it once was after death. Saying you will have no memory of the life you left behind in death? This kinda dictates every other question you can in this life ponder does it not? Better yet, One has to believe in the bible first and its many contradictions by at least 40 authors that contributed to it?
There is no marriage after the resurrection. There is no priesthood on the earth, Jesus is the High priest in God's kingdom. Matthew 22:30, For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like Angels of God in heaven. This says it all! Cannot be any plainer than this. Also, you can't have babies in heaven, sorry!!! 1 Cor 15:50 What I am saying dear brothers and sisters, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the kingdom of God, these dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever.
Not sure what you are talking about here. Nothing in this video says that the resurrection involves mortal bodies of flesh and blood. Latter-day Saints don't believe anything counter to 1 Cor 15:50. Where does the Bible say there can be no priesthood on earth? Where does the Bible say no babies in heaven? If you watched this video you would have learned that LDS don't believe there will be any marrying in after the resurrection, so no conflict with Matt 22:30. Did you actually listen to this video or are you just commenting on the title?
Can you do a video on Steven Hassan's BITE Model of Cult Mind Control and Mormonism?
WRONG. You cannot marry at all under the new covenant, the bible is clear that
sex under the new covenant is a sin. Paul said to the unmarried and the windows
you must be as I avoiding marriage 1 Cor 7:8. Christ refers to men who have
made themselves castrated for the Kingdom of heaven and he says
whosoever can receive it then let him receive it Mat 19:12. Revelation 14:4
shows 144,000 virgins who have not been defiled by women, notice
when a man lays with a woman he is what? DEFILED! A man is sinning when
he lays with a woman, doesn't matter if he marries her, it is indeed still a sin!
The NT is clear, you must avoid the flesh 1 John 2:16, you must avoid walking
after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness 2 Peter 2:10, avoiding the works of
the flesh Gal 5:19.
Heavenly father has a wife, and it's locical.
Err is pronounced air as in error.
David made an err in pronunciation. 😊
When you listen to the scriptures in the Gospel Library app, the man on there also pronounces it "ur." I pronounce it the way you say!
Space balls ?
If it is really true that you cant get away from your spouse in heaven?
well then getting a divorce right now would be a plus for many.
You'd still see them. There are no grudges in heaven. You will gave forgiveness because you will be cleansed of your fleshly desires and habits when you entire heaven. You wont hold a grudge against anyone.
Marriage is a commandment😂
Except the bible has many verses stating Angels are a separate creation from Humans. And so no human resurrected would ever become an angel. Meaning stop twisting Gods word & read the bible for how it is.
Marriage in eternity is only a Mormon belief and that's why you have to use Mormon scriptures. Christians go by what the Bible says especially what Jesus said. We will be like the angels not living polygamy and creating worlds. If that was going to be the case then I'm sure Christ would have said that to those asking Him or else He was lying because that would be a big deal. The temples were not used for marriage or sealing and baptizing the dead. If that was what they were suppose to be used for then that was a good time for Christ to bring that up. Since the church is a restoration church what have they restored. The priesthood was only for the Levites and if anyone else tried to do what the priests did they were taken out. After Christ died no more priesthood. He is the only High Priest between us and God now. We don't need the Holy of Holies because we now have direct access to God through Jesus. Having babies is to populate this earth. I'm sure we will still be close and love those of our earthly family in heaven but most likely we will all be the same age and that will be so much fun and everyone that lived on earth will also be part of our family and that is how we are suppose to treat them down here. Love God Love Others the two Great commandments Christ gave.
Latter day don’t even acknowledge Jesus. Don’t even sup with those that don’t acknowledge Father ,Son, Holy Ghost.
I don't have any scriptural basis behind this but I think of all the unmarried men and women in the Spirit World (lots of soldiers) and can't believe they won't have a chance to marry. Our God gives us so many chances to repent, why wouldn't he give those who died without the chance of marriage the opportunity. Think of the provision made for babies who die before the age of 8 - they are provided for. Those who have died without the knowledge of the gospel will have the opportunity to hear it in the Spirit World and be sealed either before His Second Coming or during the millennium. There's all of the millennium when temple work will be going on and divorces and marriage could take place. Think of arranged marriages where a woman is married to an old codger or an unrighteous man (an vice versa) the man is married to an evil woman for sake of joining two kingdoms together (as in Prince and Princess). Those people are not sealed in the temple so their marriage vows will dissolve and they will be free to choose someone they love. I told my single sister that she would have her pick of a valiant soldier from one to the world wars. She promptly replied that she would rather choose one of Moroni's soldiers! I believe we have a fair and just God. This idea of marriages being sealed between a righteous man and a righteous woman during the millennium makes sense to me. God's work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. I believe He will make provisions for these many unmarried people
"I've researched and here is what I've learned is that Jesus was wrong and actually you do get to be married after death."
Jesus stated it plainly and simply and you have to wrest the scriptures to come up with some strange perverted doctrine.
libertynindependence he didn’t say what you put in quotes. You’re putting words in his mouth which don’t belong there. Watch the video again and you will hear that he actually says, “we agree with Christ”
@@stevenpictures1 I know it was implied tongue in cheek.
What a blatant strawman, when he literally addressed exactly that point and how Jesus was not wrong, that he was talking about those people and in the context of the Law of Moses.
You choose to warp your world view to fit your predisposition.
libertynindependence oh okay. Haha
@@supercalifragic1551 it was a sarcastic quote. Don't be ridiculous. You're just mad because it's true.
That was quite the liberty you took with Jesus’ words about no marriage in heaven only pertaining to people under a certain priesthood, and it was pure nonsense
If you analyze the entire section you realize that Christ only said that no new marriages would take place in the resurrection. What He said is a warning to the saducees which not only did not believe in the resurrection, but also, did not believe in getting married. Christ brought with Him the Melchizedek priesthood and the sealing keys as given to Peter. He warns them that if they do not marry in this life, they will not have the opportunity in the resurrection. He does not answer their question regarding eternal marriage, Christ never touches this topic.
He does say this however in Mark 10 "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
With the sealing keys as given to Peter, it is obvious that marriages can be eternal... but we only have this life to do so.
Jonathan Priest again, putting words in Jesus’ mouth. Jesus is the way to the Father. His death and resurrection tore down the veil separating us from Him, tore the veil down sir!!!! Stop reading Mormonism into the Bible with your dealings and keys-nonsense. Adding lads doctrine into the Bible is exactly what you’re doing. read the New Testament with the eyes of a child and hopefully you’ll see for the first time how damnable lds doctrine is
Jonathan Priest again, putting words in Jesus’ mouth. Jesus is the way to the Father. His death and resurrection tore down the veil separating us from Him, tore the veil down sir!!!! Stop reading Mormonism into the Bible with your dealings and keys-nonsense. Adding lads doctrine into the Bible is exactly what you’re doing. read the New Testament with the eyes of a child and hopefully you’ll see for the first time how damnable lds doctrine is
@@colleenjohnstoncomedy3036 How am I "puttig words in Jesus' mouth?"
Jonathan Priest ABSOLUTELY