Yearning for Your Mercy Full (Authentic, Heartfelt with Lyrics)

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • "For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life."
    - Galatians 6:8
    “ … Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
    - Matt 26:41
    Hold Me Close In Your Eternal Sight (I’m a sinner)
    By Weiping
    Verse 1:
    I’ve walked this road, so full of flaws,
    Trying hard to live within the laws.
    I’ve been kind, lent a helping hand,
    Yet in the shadows, I fail to stand.
    Oh, I’m a sinner, dear Jesus, I confess,
    Lost in this world, where temptations dwell.
    But I seek Your grace, on bended knee,
    Come to save this broken soul, set me free.
    Verse 2:
    I’ve cheated, lied, and even stole,
    Self-righteous pride has taken its toll.
    I’ve fed desires, watched the sinful play,
    In this weary heart, I’ve gone astray.
    Oh, I’m a sinner, dear Jesus, I confess,
    Lost in this world, where temptations dwell.
    But I seek Your grace, on bended knee,
    Come to save this broken soul, set me free.
    Oh, dear Jesus, give me strength to fight,
    Against the pull of the sinful night.
    My spirit’s willing, but my flesh is frail,
    In Your love, let me prevail.
    Verse 3:
    Day and night, I lift my prayer,
    Yearning for Your mercy, beyond compare.
    Am I worthless, lost, without a guide?
    Oh, dear Jesus, come and stay by my side.
    Oh, I’m a sinner, dear Jesus, I confess,
    Lost in this world, where temptations dwell.
    But I seek Your grace, on bended knee,
    Come to save this broken soul, set me free.
    Only in Your love, can I find peace,
    From my burdens, may I release.
    Guide me, dear Jesus, through dark and light,
    Hold me close, in Your eternal sight.
    Oh, dear Jesus, my Lord,
    Hold me close, in Your eternal sight.

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