Sabine Lisicki vs Angelique Kerber | 2012 Wimbledon Quarter-final Replayed

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024
  • СпортСпорт

Комментарии • 66

  • @joshuaworrall87
    @joshuaworrall87 4 года назад +14

    Remember watching this game when I was 17 - time flies

  • @pai4233
    @pai4233 4 года назад +16

    I miss lisicki

  • @iPumaPantz
    @iPumaPantz 4 года назад +24

    I want to rewatch Kerber winning the title.

  • @ninjaassassin2092
    @ninjaassassin2092 4 года назад +20

    A fighter knows when a person is nervous. Sabine choke when she was serving for the match. Kerber saw it, and from love 30 started laughing about it .

  • @euancheung6990
    @euancheung6990 4 года назад +10

    No wonder Angie's biggest dream is to win Wimbledon title, she is a natural grass player. So glad she made her dream came true 2 years ago

  • @kerberno.1982
    @kerberno.1982 4 года назад +3

    Thanks so much for uploading this !!!!

  • @Whattheflip64
    @Whattheflip64 Год назад +1

    Love how much better Lisicki played in the 2nd set. Really added a twist

  • @rbfortheloveoftennisandlif144
    @rbfortheloveoftennisandlif144 4 года назад +6

    A very beautiful competitive match. This was nice to see again. >>>>>>

  • @bjoernrietz6401
    @bjoernrietz6401 4 года назад +8

    2:22:22 was the turning point back to Kerber

  • @footfault1941
    @footfault1941 4 года назад +1

    Nearly 1 h siesta on grass, meanwhile, a set was gone. 5th game in the second set, Lisicki woke up to get In the match. Mentally clicked on, her shots regained life. A nice smile of Lisicki when her shot hit a pole! Message was sent! Kerber responded with grit. Good to watch. A fine encounter!

  • @OSB1111
    @OSB1111 4 года назад +1

    Would be also great to rewatch Angie’s 2018 final against Serena!!

  • @moviefan4life166
    @moviefan4life166 3 года назад +6

    Kerber did so well mentally to hang in there after letting 3 match points slip away. This should have been a straight sets win but she played her best tennis when down 5-3 in the third.

  • @sanctuary70
    @sanctuary70 Год назад +2

    I love it! I love it! What a match! Angelique Kerber knew FULL well that she was the better player.
    I like Sabine 's smile, but it was time for Kerber to wipe that smile off Sabine's face because it wasn't clear if she was faking injury.
    But THIS IS what Women's Tennis used to be like. I'm so glad Angie got back together. That's what champions ARE made of. 🎾💞

  • @loveanyways
    @loveanyways 4 года назад +3

    Please upload the Osaka v Yulia Putintseva match?

  • @shivavalaparla1170
    @shivavalaparla1170 4 года назад +3

    Missing tennis 😭😭😭

  • @jaredmuscat9931
    @jaredmuscat9931 4 года назад +3

    Cold handshake... Disappointed in Lisicki but well played, Kerber

  • @bishalkhatri1538
    @bishalkhatri1538 4 года назад +1

    Great match🔥
    Thanks for uploading

  • @caffreys1979
    @caffreys1979 3 года назад +1

    Look at that lovely serve by Kerber and she only bounces the ball 2 or 3 times!! Lisicki too.... ( Proof that the ball does NOT need to be bounced 17 times!!! )

  • @steeltrap3800
    @steeltrap3800 4 года назад +3

    How many unforced errors? This is quarter final quality?

    • @casek7531
      @casek7531 4 года назад

      hahaha I was thinking the same.

  • @MrVoodemar
    @MrVoodemar 4 года назад +5

    two German women of Polish parents 🇩🇪👐🇵🇱

  • @cr3413
    @cr3413 4 года назад

    Who was the guy in Angie's box with blond highlights?

  • @joshuaclemons5452
    @joshuaclemons5452 2 года назад

    I came here just to check on the handshake. I don't think Kerber and Lisicki have ever been as close as people think.

  • @tennispredictionsandreacti130
    @tennispredictionsandreacti130 3 года назад

    2:22:45-2:22:49 ball was actually out. Hawkeye made horrible mistake. The ball landed right behind the baseline which means that, the ball was clearly out and the point should have gone to Lissicki. This shows that Hawkeye is unreliable source.

    • @Kyrelel
      @Kyrelel 2 года назад +1

      No, it was in.

  • @akeemmartin3056
    @akeemmartin3056 4 года назад

    what an up and down match

  • @benedictcowell6547
    @benedictcowell6547 Год назад

    There is usually a cliff hanger when Sabine Lisicki is playing. I think she was rather unfortunate at critical points

  • @joaodasilva8739
    @joaodasilva8739 4 года назад

    02 ! Star kiss

  • @leeandrewclarke
    @leeandrewclarke 2 года назад

    Lisicki had the physical skills of a champion and the mentality of a loser, the exact opposite of Caroline Wozniacki or Angie Kerber. At 5-3 in the third, Lisicki showed, just like she did in the Wimbledon final of 2013, that, for some, nothing is more terrifying than the idea of winning.

  • @preciousjey
    @preciousjey 4 года назад +5

    German Polish pahwah tennis!

  • @trommelbiel
    @trommelbiel 2 года назад

    Polish women are representing both the women and the men.

  • @europebasedvlogs1251
    @europebasedvlogs1251 4 года назад +10

    Deutschland 🇩🇪🇩🇪

  • @Noor_Eldin
    @Noor_Eldin 4 года назад +1

    2-1 لكيربر

  • @billyde88
    @billyde88 4 года назад +3

    Lisicki is always chewing on food

  • @paulopescador3158
    @paulopescador3158 Год назад

    oi paulo na to mai ai itou loje da i fici cou deus ijesus adeus paulo itou votano pra casas do meu pai do séu

  • @paulopescador3158
    @paulopescador3158 Год назад

    sabina paulo sevode jesus itou ti véno vosé vose nau pode mive ito petio de vosé amor from lua itrela vou tida umar tica joga bei nou catio

  • @sixpoint3
    @sixpoint3 4 года назад +2

    Sad and unfortunately premature decision to cancel the 2020 Championship.
    What a disappointment to say the least.

  • @BigTimeShowdown
    @BigTimeShowdown Год назад

    Wow. I thought Lisciki was going to win.

  • @acrossthecourt3303
    @acrossthecourt3303 4 года назад +3

    who’s asking for these matches?

  • @soevjaanoemar2761
    @soevjaanoemar2761 4 года назад +1

    Kerber AGLY TENNIS

  • @tendmkt4024
    @tendmkt4024 4 года назад

    The incredible sulk beats the inconsistenator... great match though!

  • @rickken6823
    @rickken6823 2 года назад

    Winner still german and polish

  • @salliewagenblatt5188
    @salliewagenblatt5188 4 года назад

    What happened to liscki has she retired now.

    • @tennislvr7845
      @tennislvr7845 4 года назад +3

      She suffered from mononucleosis last year. She wanted to start working her way up again by playing smaller tournaments and then the pandemic happened!

  • @HSimon1981
    @HSimon1981 4 года назад

    really good close competitive match but a lame handshake from Lisicki at the end just as bad as Kerber's

    • @jwashington4863
      @jwashington4863 4 года назад +1

      they are two peas in a pot with similar personalities lol

  • @mrenigma4641
    @mrenigma4641 4 года назад +1

    The standard seems poor to me tbh. People like Graf would have killed these two

    • @LordCaedus-bl7wi
      @LordCaedus-bl7wi 4 года назад

      Yeh Kerber winning 3 slams is laughable her game is awful

    • @mrenigma4641
      @mrenigma4641 3 года назад

      @@PanchoMaldonado-hf6rq I've seen her play live. She moves well and is consistent. Also good tactically. But they don't do that much with the ball. I'd be fine rallying with her. Then again, I am Roger Federer

  • @hongkongsmartboy
    @hongkongsmartboy 4 года назад +1

    Kerber is greater than Lisicki finally.

  • @Daniel-im7mt
    @Daniel-im7mt 3 года назад

    The commentator at the beginning when she commented on the first ace..."that's not going to be the first of those" lol. Actually. Yes. That is the first of those. Dummie

  • @anatolemistral5014
    @anatolemistral5014 4 года назад


  • @lynnking2480
    @lynnking2480 3 года назад

    A German playing another German

  • @NurulIslam-jv8yw
    @NurulIslam-jv8yw 4 года назад +1

    Hairball match this is not classic

  • @creativitycell
    @creativitycell Год назад

    Wat happened to Sabine Lisicki, I thought she a Wimbledon title in her!? Life distractions? 🤔

    • @Beverley617
      @Beverley617 Год назад

      no ligament injury she is back in action today!

  • @bossypuri3567
    @bossypuri3567 4 года назад

    Kerber so qute when she litle thin..

  • @AJ-cv9zf
    @AJ-cv9zf 4 года назад +1

    My god Sabine Lisicki is so annoying. Good job Kerber

  • @victoriajohnson5461
    @victoriajohnson5461 2 года назад

    Sabine such a crybaby.

  • @clintreid5982
    @clintreid5982 Год назад

    🏓 and badminton 🏸 great bend Kansas.tops.🎾is a 🥇