Seen videos and comments about smithing, has been a life changer early game for cash and just having great weapons. Used to be worried about leveling troops cause denars. Turns out im like Vulcan from 40k. A good leader, warrior, and smith. So cool. Love how smithing in most games makes you a goat.
To be rich i usually do javelins with the Last things all at max size. It doesn't take much to un ock all parts since there are few and they sell for a lot
@@StefanoUrsella Javs can be good. The two-handed polearms I believe are still better since you can make valuable versions using just one of any of the crafting materials, not just Fine Steel.
@@nicknikitopoulos6954 Are you using mods? Some mods change smithing and weapon values. If not, then make sure you are making two-handed swords, not one-handed. Also, double check that you are using the exact parts I mentioned. I've been running games from the start to test some things and the strategy I outline in that video works perfectly.
Thank you for the great guide. I also need crafting routes(like the two handed sword) for other weapons like axes , hammers and polearms. Buying expensive polearm and smelting it for required part is good but If we are spending time in regions that this type of polearms doesnt show up ,(like battania) It would be really hard to travel to those regions with herding penalty :SS
If I get time, I'll check if there is a path for the other weapons. The fastest way I found was to smelt other weapons of that type. Since you have unlimited money with the Two-Handed Swords, you can buy all of the other types you want and smelt them. With Two-Handed Polearms, I just buy all of the spears and such over 1k and smelt them down. Once that Short Pine Shaft handle is available, the rest of the parts unlock fast by making and smelting weapons with that handle.
@@hero_on_youtube By luck I found that Tier 2 Bill Head is the key for reaching Tier 3 Short Pine Shaft ( Two Handed Polearms) After 10 smiting 10 smelting I got it with lots of other parts. I think the finish products Tier gives hint for its part teaching potential. (The Bill Head polearm created is Tier 5 weapon btw)
Ok i love the rake idea, but i think in general because of the stamina limits im still looking at the 2hglave as the main source of funds, but having a bunch of rakes to soak up the left over $$ would be a great idea! I usually use trade goods to sell, but even buying up ALL the trade goods isnt enough.
The idea with the Rake is to only use Hardwood. Turn Hardwood into Charcoal. Use one Hardwood and one Charcoal to make 3k+ Denars. I understand the stamina limits argument. At the point where you have 10 or more people that can Craft Weapons, I don't really think it's an issue. All that said, I use 3 or 4 different recipes to make a weapon using one of the metals and the Short Pine Shaft and a banner to make valuable weapons..
After watching your video I able to unlock alot weapon part faster and become a millionaire.. thank you sir. Now I want to ask if theres any video guide to smith the greatest weapon in Bannerlord?
@4:22 This sword is a beast for money making, if your skill is high enough to get normal and balanced versions, let alone better versions. I just sold a bunch for over 40k each... :)
Hey man, great video! Quick question, do I need to put all focus points into smithing for this? I currently have none in there but 5 points in endurance
You are partially correct on size selling more. It's not the size of the weapon but the stats that size gives that increase or decrease the price. Value of a blade is determined by quality of the materials, quality of the blade and the stats provided by the blade. But in short terms, big blade usually makes big money.
I'm completely correct in my statements. You may have missed the part where I mentioned I wasn't doing an absolute min/max, just a guideline. The statement "big blade usually make big money" is correct, until you make the most valuable two handed sword, then 'big blade always makes less money'. I'm aware of the algorithm used in the game to calculate the value of weapons. It's not needed in this video. If you want I can make another video that shows a breakdown of the algorithm. I'll add it to my list.
@@hero_on_youtube If TW don't care than it will be necessary to break down the algorithm and give away the knowledge to the moders. I was crafting polearm 1 iron + 1 wood worth up to 17k according your guide. There should be value calculated by item tire(0-5) each tire should have default DPS and price value 1-3. Example tire 5 value multiplayer 3x as cost of resources and Vanila modifiers 1.8x for legendary 1.5x for Masterwork and 1.2x for fine. (In my case I have 0 drop for positive modifiers in game so the value can be increased without braking game economy) If you craft 1 iron(140) 1 wood(20) 1 charcoal(40) and combine with tire 5 parts. You will get 200x3 = 600-1080 depends on modifier. +50% from perk skill 900 to 1620 - trade skill penalty. If you craft poleaxe banner there should be wood (LINEN) resources required. You get motivation to craft legendary items. You get money by completing orders so you need to craft to unlock parts and access to difficult orders.
Smh, if only I watched this video before starting a campaign, things would be much more easier. This is a very good money guide and xp guide, but I would appreciate if there was a mid-game guide too for those 70K denar worth of weapons.
Watch the part with the 2h-polearm, they can be quite valuable and efficient on materials. If you don't care about efficiency of materials, then use the 2h-sword recipe I mention for XP gains. It should be the most valuable weapon you can craft.
Hey man. I am brand new to bannerlord. I have no idea where to find charcoal. Im super early game and am trying to smelt weapons, but it says i need charcoal. I have no idea where to get charcoal.
Thanks. Unrelated question, is there way to stop facial tattoos/paint? Last patch seems to have raised the chance of my sons getting tattoos once they hit 21.... Example: past patchs it could be 10 games of 17 sons each and none would get tattoos/face paints. Now every game at least 1 son gets a tattoo/paint, sometimes more.
I'm not sure without looking it up. I'm pretty sure that the hash that's used by the character you create and the hash of the one you marry are the bounds of possible looks. There may be tattoos in there somewhere.
i believe detailed character creation mod allows you to edit any character in encyclopedia. it works with the latest version and i never play the game without it.
Dont use the Wood Handle you need the wood for coal. And there is one green lether gribbed one who increases the damage and so the price. Just buy daggers and throwing knifes, smelt them and craft these two handers. You can make 1 million in a fresh seasion in only a 1-3 Hours on Hardmode
I installed mods like RBM and OSA, I guess these mods might change the value of weapons? especially the latter? I crafted as exactly as you said in the video, but end up with weapons around 1k?
Yes, after looking though some comments on the mod page of Realistic Battle Mod, it's the culprit. It rebalances weapons values based on RBM stats, which makes most smithing guide useless, except for the XP gain, I guess. Anyway, great videos, I believe it works if in vanilla. I used to craft like this when I played vanilla long time ago.
@@rambled Yep, this is for Vanilla. Since you're using mods, try changing the value multipliers in the item_modifiers.xml file. You can increase those to get more valuable weapons if they have modifiers like Legendary.
After some trials errors, two handed maces with 2 wrought iron using Decorated Steel Flower Mace head and Pine Spear Staff make around 6k. Very low compared to vanilla. But with RBM, 2h weapons top tier only has 1k-2k values.
Are there still highly efficient ways to offload a ton of these weapons quickly? I’ve seen a bunch of methods on Reddit such as trading weapons with family members are they can unload, but they seem to all be patched? I saw another recently where you barter with the lords of your army but also not sure about that. Is the only real method to just sell at towns?
Towns is still the easiest option. Trading with lords is good too. I need to test all of the options again, haven't had a need to in a while, I only use Towns.
Why are two handed polearm sells a lot when made out of short pine shaft? I am crafting with tier-5 shafts and they sell waaaaaay less compared to t3 short pine shaft.
@@hero_on_youtube but the last perk that increases the chances of legendary is a personal skill - so shouldn´t that work on companions too ? Regarding the 250 perk, you get the dmg-bonus for using crafted weapons- do crafted weapons from companions not count ?
@@hero_on_youtube well.... the medicine 275 perk is also "personal", but learning that perk doesn´t have any effect (on the party) at all (?)... Regarding smithing: What I still don´t understand is the smithing penalty. Is the smiting penalty for crafting high tier weapons with low smithing skill just a higher chance to get bad modifiers/lower chance to get good modifiers on crafted weapons ? The 100, 200 and 275 perks in game also all say "greater chances of crafting fine/masterwork/legendary weapons". So.... does that mean there is a base chance to craft fine/masterwork/legendary weapons without the perks and/or low smithing skills ? For example: I crafted a few weapons with a new character who had below 50 in the smithing skill. Out of maybe 10 weapons, 2 got a negative modifier (rusty weapon etc.) and one got a positive modifier (balanced weapon) If someone with zero points in smithing would just load the saved game and retry the smithing - in theory he could get a masterwork or legendary weapon with tier one materials and no skills ? Anyway, thanks for all the help ! I love your videos, clearly explaining things that the game fails to explain :)
Personal is good in this regard, that means that perk always applied to that companion when that companion performs. If it were a party leader, quartermaster, governor perk... that companion would have to be the governor... quartermaster, or party leader and all smithing would get based off that level.
That would be really opinionated. "the best" weapons to use may be different for you than it is for me. I can put something together about the weapons that I like to make for me, but they may not be "the best" weapons. I think Flesson and Strat both made videos about the weapons they use, take a look at those to get an idea of different weapons.
what would be the most valuable crafted weapon i can make? i don't care abt the mats, i just need the *highest* possible value in a single weapon. best i can make is my current go-to 1h sword that i equipped, and the legendary modifier only sold for 48k it ate 3 thamaskene steel btw
Nice explanation. Crafted item's in Vanilla is broken and ruin my expression on the game because it's like cheating. I regret to make money with smithing and craft for sell is on my black list. My wish to crafted item's is that should not be profitable unless you take perk +50% value to cafted items. I use Smith only for quest and orders and think it's the correct direction for TW.
@@iamGabby yes some orders are broken but it's up to TW to fix it. If you seen this deal just ignore it. General idea is why somebody should pay crazy money for items where is no demand for it. I was crafting polearm 1 iron + 1 wood worth up to 17k.
Its not broken, some of these lords are casually walking around with MILLIONS on hand, to them a bannana blade IS worth 100k. Remember its warrior days, these lords have slaves and $$$$$$$$ hahaha how is going on a smithing benge for 40+ hours to level all your companions and family into crafting piggies so you can UTILIZE a feature the game balanced in cheating? If the towns traders stacked 500k-1million gold per town.... i could see that. But TW balanced this out with only giving town traders 20-100k per day to work with. Which has a built in "slow down" mechanic... you have to travel further and further to get back to towns that have stacked 50-90k. Actually breaking the game doing this is so slow.... its simply not cheating.
I play on console. My question is how can i get more unique armor for my companions/family? Are they gonna allow mods on console to allow for more armor? I enjoy dressing up my companions/family with different looks.
Are there any weapons i could buy so i can melt them so i can get fine steel ! Pugios and tribesman throwing daggers i know of any more you can think of? 🤔🙏
No, I did and do appreciate that video though. No I'm trying to farm legendary armor. I was wondering if you had any tips to increase drop rates. Do items drop more from enemy troops that die in battle or you take prisoner? That sort of thing. I'm determined to have the scale shoulder guards that drop from the vlandian sergeants with a legendary modifier.
@@angrygoldfish9607 Find the armor piece you want. Find out if there are lords or troops that wear it and kill/ko those troops/lords and you'll get a chance to get it. The modifiers are checked after the piece is selected to be dropped. Scale would be in the plate category. That category has a 2% chance of being a legendary loot drop and a 5% chance of being a production drop. The loot drops will only be from the troop's gear. A production drop will be any generic or culture specific item in each town. Targeted loot drops will be the better option.
This has not changed. Did you use the same exact parts that I did? With 2h Swords, there are so many combinations that 'seem' to be the same, but are vastly different.
Falx makes insane money. I always go with Falx, not to mention they just dish out total "go fuck yourself and the shield you came in with" levels of damage. I almost always craft the most powerful Falx i can, name them Reaper, and give them to all my companions. And sell slightly lesser versions to merchants. I knew i made it as a smith when one day in a tournament, the prize reward was a D'haran Reaper valued at 68k I bet on myself, heavily and walked away a much wealthier man. 🤣
I just benged an all nighter and i figured this out in the game within about 30 mins... 6 hours later im blacksmith 220 and my average companion is ~170 and my family members are closer to ~200. I called my whole clan and companions to my party and when you go to the smithy they all come up on the list, just scroll RIGHT hahaha took me 30 in game hours to notice that! Thanks taleworlds 🤣 Having a WHOLE squad of smithing piggies has been GREAT for profit and skill points/ leveling. Yea its cool to be the great smither.... But even greater to be the smithing master sweatshop LORD.
This actually answered a lot of questions I had about smithing, lol. Nice tip at the end about the hammers.
Really great video. Straight to the point, well structured, well edited, and told me everything I needed to know. RUclips needs more people like you
Seen videos and comments about smithing, has been a life changer early game for cash and just having great weapons. Used to be worried about leveling troops cause denars.
Turns out im like Vulcan from 40k. A good leader, warrior, and smith. So cool. Love how smithing in most games makes you a goat.
A fellow shlizard brother I see.
Thanks for this comprehensive guide and easy to follow explanation, looks like you've spent quite some time on this.
That was great! I love your editing too!
Thanks! Learn one new thing each week, you have a bigger tool box to work with when editing.
This channel is a gem, so glad I found it.
Thanks bro. Love these videos you're making ❤
Thanks Hero, the true hero
Bro.... This was sooo needed
Brother you have made my life an easy one in banner lords
I appreciate you making me a millionaire in about 1 1/2 hours in game. lol probably the richest Clan tier 1 in all of Calradia XD
Tell the other clans: "Don't hate me because I'm richer and prettier than you."
To be rich i usually do javelins with the Last things all at max size.
It doesn't take much to un ock all parts since there are few and they sell for a lot
@@StefanoUrsella Javs can be good. The two-handed polearms I believe are still better since you can make valuable versions using just one of any of the crafting materials, not just Fine Steel.
I'm following the guide spot on and my tier 1 part weapons are only selling for 500 tops
@@nicknikitopoulos6954 Are you using mods? Some mods change smithing and weapon values. If not, then make sure you are making two-handed swords, not one-handed. Also, double check that you are using the exact parts I mentioned. I've been running games from the start to test some things and the strategy I outline in that video works perfectly.
epic video bro appreciate your work👌🤙
Great video, appreciated the tier lists
You,sir,just saved my kingdon. Thank you.
You're welcome!
Excellent! Thank you. Do you have a video on best crafting 2H for damage & speed?
I don't have one, but I can make one. I'll add it to the list.
Best guide ever! definetly subing 😁
Thank you for the great guide. I also need crafting routes(like the two handed sword) for other weapons like axes , hammers and polearms. Buying expensive polearm and smelting it for required part is good but If we are spending time in regions that this type of polearms doesnt show up ,(like battania) It would be really hard to travel to those regions with herding penalty :SS
If I get time, I'll check if there is a path for the other weapons. The fastest way I found was to smelt other weapons of that type. Since you have unlimited money with the Two-Handed Swords, you can buy all of the other types you want and smelt them. With Two-Handed Polearms, I just buy all of the spears and such over 1k and smelt them down. Once that Short Pine Shaft handle is available, the rest of the parts unlock fast by making and smelting weapons with that handle.
@@hero_on_youtube By luck I found that Tier 2 Bill Head is the key for reaching Tier 3 Short Pine Shaft ( Two Handed Polearms) After 10 smiting 10 smelting I got it with lots of other parts. I think the finish products Tier gives hint for its part teaching potential. (The Bill Head polearm created is Tier 5 weapon btw)
Will you do a guide for combat weapons?
For our character and for companions.
Sure, what do you have in mind? Highest damage? Fastest swing?
@@hero_on_youtube maybe fast swing for companions.
Ok i love the rake idea, but i think in general because of the stamina limits im still looking at the 2hglave as the main source of funds, but having a bunch of rakes to soak up the left over $$ would be a great idea!
I usually use trade goods to sell, but even buying up ALL the trade goods isnt enough.
The idea with the Rake is to only use Hardwood. Turn Hardwood into Charcoal. Use one Hardwood and one Charcoal to make 3k+ Denars. I understand the stamina limits argument. At the point where you have 10 or more people that can Craft Weapons, I don't really think it's an issue. All that said, I use 3 or 4 different recipes to make a weapon using one of the metals and the Short Pine Shaft and a banner to make valuable weapons..
Good job bud
After watching your video I able to unlock alot weapon part faster and become a millionaire.. thank you sir. Now I want to ask if theres any video guide to smith the greatest weapon in Bannerlord?
The greatest weapon is subjective. I'll try to make a list of the weapons that I would make in various situations.
@@hero_on_youtube Thank you sir, looking forward to that video.
Very good video, I wish smithing wasn't so confusing or perhaps not as punishing when it comes to what you craft.
What do you believe is confusing and punishing?
@4:22 This sword is a beast for money making, if your skill is high enough to get normal and balanced versions, let alone better versions. I just sold a bunch for over 40k each... :)
Hey man, great video! Quick question, do I need to put all focus points into smithing for this? I currently have none in there but 5 points in endurance
Nice guide, thanks!
You are partially correct on size selling more. It's not the size of the weapon but the stats that size gives that increase or decrease the price. Value of a blade is determined by quality of the materials, quality of the blade and the stats provided by the blade. But in short terms, big blade usually makes big money.
I'm completely correct in my statements. You may have missed the part where I mentioned I wasn't doing an absolute min/max, just a guideline. The statement "big blade usually make big money" is correct, until you make the most valuable two handed sword, then 'big blade always makes less money'. I'm aware of the algorithm used in the game to calculate the value of weapons. It's not needed in this video. If you want I can make another video that shows a breakdown of the algorithm. I'll add it to my list.
@@hero_on_youtube If TW don't care than it will be necessary to break down the algorithm and give away the knowledge to the moders.
I was crafting polearm 1 iron + 1 wood worth up to 17k according your guide.
There should be value calculated by item tire(0-5) each tire should have default DPS and price value 1-3. Example tire 5 value multiplayer 3x as cost of resources and Vanila modifiers 1.8x for legendary 1.5x for Masterwork and 1.2x for fine. (In my case I have 0 drop for positive modifiers in game so the value can be increased without braking game economy)
If you craft 1 iron(140) 1 wood(20) 1 charcoal(40) and combine with tire 5 parts. You will get 200x3 = 600-1080 depends on modifier. +50% from perk skill 900 to 1620 - trade skill penalty.
If you craft poleaxe banner there should be wood (LINEN) resources required.
You get motivation to craft legendary items. You get money by completing orders so you need to craft to unlock parts and access to difficult orders.
@@hero_on_youtube Yes please explain the algorithm. I found a really old explanation but not 100% it is still accurate
@@Samuel-dh4ko I'll add it to the list.
The problem is, you have selective hearing. Man explained that size isn't everything, and yet you wanted to correct the man. You are the problem.
How did you obtain throwing daggers? I’m a high ranking smith but I can’t find any throwing daggers when I trade in the kingdoms
Smh, if only I watched this video before starting a campaign, things would be much more easier. This is a very good money guide and xp guide, but I would appreciate if there was a mid-game guide too for those 70K denar worth of weapons.
Watch the part with the 2h-polearm, they can be quite valuable and efficient on materials. If you don't care about efficiency of materials, then use the 2h-sword recipe I mention for XP gains. It should be the most valuable weapon you can craft.
Hey man. I am brand new to bannerlord. I have no idea where to find charcoal. Im super early game and am trying to smelt weapons, but it says i need charcoal. I have no idea where to get charcoal.
Unrelated question, is there way to stop facial tattoos/paint? Last patch seems to have raised the chance of my sons getting tattoos once they hit 21.... Example: past patchs it could be 10 games of 17 sons each and none would get tattoos/face paints. Now every game at least 1 son gets a tattoo/paint, sometimes more.
I'm not sure without looking it up. I'm pretty sure that the hash that's used by the character you create and the hash of the one you marry are the bounds of possible looks. There may be tattoos in there somewhere.
i believe detailed character creation mod allows you to edit any character in encyclopedia. it works with the latest version and i never play the game without it.
Tnx bro you saved me
Dont use the Wood Handle you need the wood for coal. And there is one green lether gribbed one who increases the damage and so the price. Just buy daggers and throwing knifes, smelt them and craft these two handers. You can make 1 million in a fresh seasion in only a 1-3 Hours on Hardmode
I installed mods like RBM and OSA, I guess these mods might change the value of weapons? especially the latter? I crafted as exactly as you said in the video, but end up with weapons around 1k?
Yes, after looking though some comments on the mod page of Realistic Battle Mod, it's the culprit. It rebalances weapons values based on RBM stats, which makes most smithing guide useless, except for the XP gain, I guess. Anyway, great videos, I believe it works if in vanilla. I used to craft like this when I played vanilla long time ago.
@@rambled Yep, this is for Vanilla. Since you're using mods, try changing the value multipliers in the item_modifiers.xml file. You can increase those to get more valuable weapons if they have modifiers like Legendary.
After some trials errors, two handed maces with 2 wrought iron using Decorated Steel Flower Mace head and Pine Spear Staff make around 6k. Very low compared to vanilla. But with RBM, 2h weapons top tier only has 1k-2k values.
still good in the last patch, awesome
Are there still highly efficient ways to offload a ton of these weapons quickly? I’ve seen a bunch of methods on Reddit such as trading weapons with family members are they can unload, but they seem to all be patched? I saw another recently where you barter with the lords of your army but also not sure about that. Is the only real method to just sell at towns?
Towns is still the easiest option. Trading with lords is good too. I need to test all of the options again, haven't had a need to in a while, I only use Towns.
Why are two handed polearm sells a lot when made out of short pine shaft? I am crafting with tier-5 shafts and they sell waaaaaay less compared to t3 short pine shaft.
I explained it in the video, at least I thought I did...
Awesome ! ! !
Can companions craft everything and at the same quality ? - if so, why would anyone skill smithing to over 225 ?
If you want to improve the chances of Legendary or get Edge/Tip damage would be the only reason to level anyone, including the player, passed 225.
@@hero_on_youtube but the last perk that increases the chances of legendary is a personal skill - so shouldn´t that work on companions too ? Regarding the 250 perk, you get the dmg-bonus for using crafted weapons- do crafted weapons from companions not count ?
@@Barlin-d2j All Perks in Smithing are 'personal'. They will all work for the companion, IF the companion has the perks.
@@hero_on_youtube well.... the medicine 275 perk is also "personal", but learning that perk doesn´t have any effect (on the party) at all (?)...
Regarding smithing:
What I still don´t understand is the smithing penalty. Is the smiting penalty for crafting high tier weapons with low smithing skill just a higher chance to get bad modifiers/lower chance to get good modifiers on crafted weapons ?
The 100, 200 and 275 perks in game also all say "greater chances of crafting fine/masterwork/legendary weapons". So.... does that mean there is a base chance to craft fine/masterwork/legendary weapons without the perks and/or low smithing skills ?
For example: I crafted a few weapons with a new character who had below 50 in the smithing skill. Out of maybe 10 weapons, 2 got a negative modifier (rusty weapon etc.) and one got a positive modifier (balanced weapon)
If someone with zero points in smithing would just load the saved game and retry the smithing - in theory he could get a masterwork or legendary weapon with tier one materials and no skills ?
Anyway, thanks for all the help ! I love your videos, clearly explaining things that the game fails to explain :)
Personal is good in this regard, that means that perk always applied to that companion when that companion performs.
If it were a party leader, quartermaster, governor perk... that companion would have to be the governor... quartermaster, or party leader and all smithing would get based off that level.
hey how bout video about best smithed wp to use for both player and companion
That would be really opinionated. "the best" weapons to use may be different for you than it is for me. I can put something together about the weapons that I like to make for me, but they may not be "the best" weapons. I think Flesson and Strat both made videos about the weapons they use, take a look at those to get an idea of different weapons.
@@hero_on_youtube true, but the information on their video become bit outdated now. I think they change some stuff prior to 1.2.9
@@su1thor760 I'll add this idea to my list.
what would be the most valuable crafted weapon i can make? i don't care abt the mats, i just need the *highest* possible value in a single weapon.
best i can make is my current go-to 1h sword that i equipped, and the legendary modifier only sold for 48k
it ate 3 thamaskene steel btw
Nice explanation. Crafted item's in Vanilla is broken and ruin my expression on the game because it's like cheating. I regret to make money with smithing and craft for sell is on my black list. My wish to crafted item's is that should not be profitable unless you take perk +50% value to cafted items. I use Smith only for quest and orders and think it's the correct direction for TW.
Even orders are broken. 100k for some crude iron and hardwood is bananas.
@@iamGabby yes some orders are broken but it's up to TW to fix it. If you seen this deal just ignore it.
General idea is why somebody should pay crazy money for items where is no demand for it.
I was crafting polearm 1 iron + 1 wood worth up to 17k.
Its not broken, some of these lords are casually walking around with MILLIONS on hand, to them a bannana blade IS worth 100k. Remember its warrior days, these lords have slaves and $$$$$$$$ hahaha how is going on a smithing benge for 40+ hours to level all your companions and family into crafting piggies so you can UTILIZE a feature the game balanced in cheating?
If the towns traders stacked 500k-1million gold per town.... i could see that. But TW balanced this out with only giving town traders 20-100k per day to work with. Which has a built in "slow down" mechanic... you have to travel further and further to get back to towns that have stacked 50-90k.
Actually breaking the game doing this is so slow.... its simply not cheating.
I made a spear with over 300 reach that can be used on horseback get on my level
im using tier 5 parts but still getting less than 10 dmg im not sure why
Higher Tier doesn't always equate to Higher Damage or even Better Result.
I play on console. My question is how can i get more unique armor for my companions/family? Are they gonna allow mods on console to allow for more armor? I enjoy dressing up my companions/family with different looks.
Thank you i was looking for an updated smithing guide as im a new player and im getting absolutely trainwrecked so smithing is my path to victory!!???
Are there any weapons i could buy so i can melt them so i can get fine steel ! Pugios and tribesman throwing daggers i know of any more you can think of? 🤔🙏
I had a spreadsheet with all of this data, but it was on my ssd that died. I'll have to start it over, I post something once I've done that.
I'm trying to farm specific legendary gear and having a hard time. Do you have any tips for that?
Also do you have a discord for bannerlord discussion?
Are you trying to craft legendary weapons? I have another video that will help with that.видео.html
@@angrygoldfish9607 You can find me in Flesson's discord, there's a link in the description.
No, I did and do appreciate that video though. No I'm trying to farm legendary armor. I was wondering if you had any tips to increase drop rates. Do items drop more from enemy troops that die in battle or you take prisoner? That sort of thing. I'm determined to have the scale shoulder guards that drop from the vlandian sergeants with a legendary modifier.
@@angrygoldfish9607 Find the armor piece you want. Find out if there are lords or troops that wear it and kill/ko those troops/lords and you'll get a chance to get it. The modifiers are checked after the piece is selected to be dropped. Scale would be in the plate category. That category has a 2% chance of being a legendary loot drop and a 5% chance of being a production drop. The loot drops will only be from the troop's gear. A production drop will be any generic or culture specific item in each town. Targeted loot drops will be the better option.
Does this still work I made the same tier 3 blade and it only sold for roughly 1600
This has not changed. Did you use the same exact parts that I did? With 2h Swords, there are so many combinations that 'seem' to be the same, but are vastly different.
Falx makes insane money. I always go with Falx, not to mention they just dish out total "go fuck yourself and the shield you came in with" levels of damage.
I almost always craft the most powerful Falx i can, name them Reaper, and give them to all my companions. And sell slightly lesser versions to merchants.
I knew i made it as a smith when one day in a tournament, the prize reward was a D'haran Reaper valued at 68k
I bet on myself, heavily and walked away a much wealthier man. 🤣
the pluuuuuuug
so... only your main character can di smithing?
Guys, need your help, is it still actual?
This is all still correct information.
@@hero_on_youtube Great, thank you so much. I just have different prices for my swords, so I was curious, what might be the reason.
It's the Realistic battle mod fault, now the prices are correct. Thanks a lot for the work you did!
I just benged an all nighter and i figured this out in the game within about 30 mins... 6 hours later im blacksmith 220 and my average companion is ~170 and my family members are closer to ~200.
I called my whole clan and companions to my party and when you go to the smithy they all come up on the list, just scroll RIGHT hahaha took me 30 in game hours to notice that!
Thanks taleworlds 🤣
Having a WHOLE squad of smithing piggies has been GREAT for profit and skill points/ leveling.
Yea its cool to be the great smither....
But even greater to be the smithing master sweatshop LORD.
Worst guide ever.
Not really
for those that want to craft the XP blade, here's the copy paste for it: