Columbus Neighborhoods: Lazarus Rites of Passage

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 37

  • @MsDana-mo9fp
    @MsDana-mo9fp 3 месяца назад +2

    Love the 6th floor toy store, the Christmas windows, & the basement clearance area. They even had a petting Zoo on the 6th Floor & Mr.Tree from Lucy's Toy Shop Show was there. I ate at Woolworth's next door!

  • @michaelhendrickson5287
    @michaelhendrickson5287 4 года назад +12

    I remember what a magical feeling it was to shop at the downtown store during Christmas. The decorations, the carols playing over the pa system, the smells in the candy section, and the overall feeling of good cheer as the crowd went about their shopping.

  • @bethcotterill-fg3xp
    @bethcotterill-fg3xp Год назад +2

    We use to go downtown to lazarus every Saturday, we would stop at mills restaurant in the morning, I had a cake doughnut and a glass of grape juice and enter into the wonderful world of lazarus, shop and have lunch at the various wonderful restaurants, it was pure magic. I remember the elevator operators. The magic of Columbus ended when lazarus closed. ❤

  • @brandoninglin7566
    @brandoninglin7566 6 лет назад +14

    I miss Lazarus very much ‼️💯

  • @deskamn0
    @deskamn0 5 лет назад +16

    I was sad to see them go.grew up in columbus and used to go see santa claus there.

  • @drby0788
    @drby0788 4 года назад +6

    Grew up in the 90s, but still got to experience Lazurus before it left. Awesome memories, it was a magical place to be during Christmas. I have vivid memories of the sixth floor, the window displays, the talking tree, Santa, and many others. My grandmother worked there for many years in the 70s and 80s

  • @ibenpishtoff
    @ibenpishtoff 4 года назад +6

    Sixth floor downtown Lazarus at Christmas! Nothing but TOYS AND SANTA! The whole sixth floor! And being from a small town, it seemed like NewYork to me at the time! So many TOYS!

    • @janet5363
      @janet5363 2 года назад +1

      I worked in the toy department at Christmas time in the 60s. What a beautiful place. That was the good ole days

  • @roberthoffhines5419
    @roberthoffhines5419 4 года назад +6

    RIP the great downtown department store. EVERY town had them (Chicago=Fields; Minneapolis+Dayton's etc, etc) , EVERYBODY had great memories there (usually regarding holiday season) but in the end, NOBODY shopped there anymore. Sad.

  • @brianbumgardner8704
    @brianbumgardner8704 3 года назад +5

    Growing up in the 60's it wasn't Christmas unless you made a trip to Lazarus.

  • @Les445
    @Les445 4 года назад +3

    My mother and I caught the bus at Town & country shopping center and went downtown every week. That celery dressing is the best!!! 60s

  • @donaldcooper3404
    @donaldcooper3404 4 года назад +2

    I got to take the bus downtown to Lazarus by myself the day before Xmas when I was nine!!! Who lefts a kid do that!!! I was used to going downtown because my orthodontist (anybody remember basketball great Jimmy Hull?) was on Broad St. It was you-go-where-they-go-crowded but my mom needed a few last minute things so I got to be her shopper!

  • @hankaustin7091
    @hankaustin7091 7 лет назад +5

    just fabulous!! You all should post the entire video that this portion came from, it's just incredible to watch!

  • @drky1x827
    @drky1x827 5 лет назад +5

    I can Remember my sister taking me down town to Lazarus For the Christmas windows And Pizza. And I used to love the big opening in the front. The Dressing I’m sure Is something that came from the south when my Grandparents came here from Georgia. Because my Grandmother and mother used to make it. My sister and I still make.

  • @ampatriot6242
    @ampatriot6242 4 года назад +2

    As a kid, who stayed home from school " sick", my mom and I rode the bus up town from the west side. Always went to Lazarus then up the st. to Kresges. Loved the peanuts from there. The farmers st. markets were still standing. Wonderful memories.

  • @susannahagnone9556
    @susannahagnone9556 Год назад

    What a classic experience!!So greatful!!!

  • @jjmaxx3834
    @jjmaxx3834 2 года назад +1

    I remember Lazarus in one of the malls when I was stationed at Rickenbacker AFB from 1976 to 1979. My first credit card too!

  • @kathryncoles4206
    @kathryncoles4206 Год назад

    I used to go to downtown Lazarus with my parents at Christmas time. It was magic.

  • @susannahagnone9556
    @susannahagnone9556 Год назад

    I remember Lazarus!I grew up in Athens, Ohio.Every Christmas we went to Lazarus.We loved the escalator!!This was the late 60's

  • @forevercontrarian3517
    @forevercontrarian3517 4 года назад +2

    OMG...only during a pandemic does stream videos constantly. What a blast from the past! Dang, on “down time weekends”, my buddies and me would board the “blue” bus out in Arlington and journey to Lazarus. This iconic place, was always part of our adventure!
    I was big into music and collecting coins. Their music department and Coin Shop were remarkable. We would then “do lunch” before heading down to Flagg Brothers to get some new ash-kickers. Then to the pawn shops to look for high end Fenders. Purchases at Lazarus just went on my parent’s account. Transactions were just verbal.
    Once at fun journey, through I think, 6 floors at Lazarus, we would head to the RKO Palace or the OHIO Theatre. At both, after the first feature, that cost us 50 cents. We would do hide in the upper balcony, to either rewatch or catch the next flick.....for free!
    Remarkable memories!
    Just for the record. If we could just pick up the dial phone at home and order anything from Lazarus, and it would be delivered the next day. So Wonder Bread, Tom Tarpey Grocery, Borden Milk, Lazarus, Union stores, Charles Chips and a few others, was very much the very fabric of living in suburbia, one car, mom at home.....real life Pleasantville, referencing the movie.....Jeff Daniels would have been working at Isley’!

  • @AnnaBrown-h4e
    @AnnaBrown-h4e Месяц назад

    Wow! I just learned so much!! I did not know there was a restaurant on every floor! Never heard of the celery dressing, but then I never ate there 😊 my aunt & uncle went to work there right after high school. They retired from there. Carl & Francis Nigh. He worked in the furniture annex and she worked as a sales clerk. Both were managers. My Grandmother took me there a couple of times. I was so sad when it was closed, 😢😢

  • @KevinMccarter-qn2vt
    @KevinMccarter-qn2vt 5 месяцев назад

    My dear mom was born at Grant hospital in 1921 and she she grew up in Italian village in Columbus and she used to go to downtown Lazarus that was where she had her first charge card and she had a hell of a time paying it off she was a volunteer for the draft board in Columbus in world war II great memories of her telling me the story she passed on an 07 Mr dearly

  • @brianbumgardner8704
    @brianbumgardner8704 Год назад

    The thing I miss the most is the excellent customer service you got in the 60's. You cannot find that anywhere these days. The windows at Christmas were great too.

  • @altoidsours
    @altoidsours 2 года назад

    I remember seeing the Lazarus at the Eastland Mall. I always wanted to eat at their restaurant overlooking the mall, but unfortunately I didn't get a chance.

  • @toneybradford3338
    @toneybradford3338 4 года назад +6

    I’m 44 does anyone remember the talking tree it was downtown I thought Lazarus but not sure.

  • @taracallaghan377
    @taracallaghan377 2 года назад +1

    I still have my Lazzie Bear.

  • @princedarius7224
    @princedarius7224 6 лет назад +4

    I visited it a year before it closed in 2003. Wow such a historical place.
    My one question: If things meant soo much, why didnt the community save it?

    • @ampatriot6242
      @ampatriot6242 4 года назад

      Progress and changing times. I sure miss it though.

  • @jaycee330
    @jaycee330 5 месяцев назад

    6th floor at Christmas was magic.

  • @Doomzdayxx
    @Doomzdayxx 4 года назад +1

    Any of my Northland Mall people here?

  • @willisd1900
    @willisd1900 4 года назад

    I remember by parents taking me there back in the mid 70s. They use to have the Talking Tree and a Santa Claus village in the basement.

  • @rhyfeddu
    @rhyfeddu Год назад

    Does anyone know what/where this gathering was? At the store itself before the closing? Or more recently?

  • @EASsirenVids01
    @EASsirenVids01 3 года назад


  • @dudleygoodwin4902
    @dudleygoodwin4902 3 года назад

    There is no way on God's green earth my mom would let me ride down to Lazarus and back by myself! And I was born in the 50s!

    • @meman6964
      @meman6964 3 года назад +1

      9 years old I took the bus to the movies, from West Broad over to Drexel Theater in Bexley. At 14, I brought my 9 year old cousin from Detroit to Columbus on Greyhound bus. World was safer 1960s

    • @dudleygoodwin4902
      @dudleygoodwin4902 3 года назад +1

      @@meman6964 when I became a teenager but not at nine. World was a safer place back then but there was still perverts around, they just wasn't as brave back then as they are now! I do miss the downtown Lazarus, seems like the world was a happier place then, maybe just because we were kids!