I weld too! Took it up kinda as a hobby cuz I watched my ex do it. Just recently found out how well it pays. Had no idea the military utilizes welders. Lots of things to think about
You don't have to have experience, but within the Army you are more likely to sit around and do worthless details all day instead of doing your actual job. Most units don't even contain the equipment necessary to do the work, and instead you spend most of your time repairing vehicles at the motorpool. It's a miserable existence and I was never allowed to do my job despite being stationed at Fort Eustis, which is considered to be the best place to be stationed at for your MOS. Once you go to school, that's it. There will be no more training and you will never have the chance to gain the certificates you need ever again. Because I was put in night class I was personally screwed out of my machining certs. Just don't do it.
I weld too! Took it up kinda as a hobby cuz I watched my ex do it. Just recently found out how well it pays. Had no idea the military utilizes welders. Lots of things to think about
It looks cool and fun if your good at it and it is
If you enjoy working with your hands…..
Do you have to have experience with welding to do in the army?
You don't have to have experience, but within the Army you are more likely to sit around and do worthless details all day instead of doing your actual job. Most units don't even contain the equipment necessary to do the work, and instead you spend most of your time repairing vehicles at the motorpool. It's a miserable existence and I was never allowed to do my job despite being stationed at Fort Eustis, which is considered to be the best place to be stationed at for your MOS. Once you go to school, that's it. There will be no more training and you will never have the chance to gain the certificates you need ever again. Because I was put in night class I was personally screwed out of my machining certs. Just don't do it.