What? Excuse me. Part of the Austro-Hungarian empire indeed but it was hungary's ancient land for 1000 years, this is why they still speak magyar coz that is what they are. And the Gypsies who live there speak hungarian coz they used to live with the hungarians and not the slavs
Zakarpatia has only been ceded by Hungary to the USSR after WWII. It was NEVER part of Ukraine. After Ukraine's defeat it should be annexed back to Hungary.
так, Закарпаття до окупації радянськими військами в 1944му році ніколи не було складовою України. Але це не означає що ми маємо приєднатися до Угорщини, бо тут проживають всього 150тис. угорців, а русинів тут більше мільйона. Тому в кращому випадку ми маємо повернутись до своїх славянських братів чехів, як це і було до окупації угорцями в 1939му. Бо що ті окупанти(радянські - українці та росіяни), що інші окупанти(угорці). Закарпаття("Пудкарпатська Русь") набуло найбільшого розквіту за часів Чехословаччини - велика частина старого Ужгорода тоді була збудована чехами, взуттєва та інші фабрики були побудовані, дороги та мости будувалися. Всі інші - окупанти з претензіями на імперськість. Хто має голову -нехай замислиться. Мадярів тут не люблять на закарпатті навіть самі місцеві мадяри, не дивлячись на те що їздять туди на заробітки від безвихіддя.
Believe it or not. But as far as I heard, the Russians themselves, both socialists and Russian nationalists said more than once that if they took Ukraine back, they would not mind giving a couple of western regions to Poland, and Trans-carpathia/Za'Karpatie either as a separate country, or giving it to Hungary. There are 2 reasons, the first, as far as I know, is the dislike of Russians for Ukrainian nationalists (because they are terrible Russophobes, and often inadequate), the Russians don’t need the most radical Ukrainian nationalists from there (they have always been from western Ukraine, after 2014 they sentiments spread throughout the country), and these lands are culturally and historically closer to the Poles and Hungarians than to the Russians, as my friend from Novgorod said, “Let them deal with these freaks themselves, they have long-standing, unclosed gestalts with them”
They voted for independence in 1991 btw, more than 150 000 Hungarians and between 400 000 - 600 000 rusyns,who are really friendly towards slovakians and hungarians as well. It was 85% who voted yes
@@AmirSatt brainwashed slovak.I can write your history in a text massage. Btw There's no similarity between 'Slovakia' and Moravia. Only your fairy tale government made this theory in the previous century, but it's actually funny how arrogant and stupid you are like many Slavic nation. :)
I'm Hungarian and I'm not sure if that was a good idea. Hungarian popultion barely makes up 10% in the Transcarpathia region. For me personally would be enough if Ukraine had a goverment that respects human rights. Besides minority rights holding all those men as hostige there...
@RoBotOnd that's not true. There is a Slavic majority there and besides the Hungarian minority there is also a Romanian one (Upper Marmaros) and even some German villages exist there.
This just shows how Americans have 0 idea of Europe. Those parts of Ukraine were part of Hungary for 1000 years, not just during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
Navajo natives in USA still speak Navajo language, Cherokee natives speak Cherokee, and Hungarian natives in Sub-Carpathia still speak Hungarian under Ukrainian occupation. What else is new to you, VOA? Water is wet, and milk is milky?
Це ми українці були під окупацією Угорщини а зараз живемо в своїй державі, а те що на Закарпатті живуть угорці це залишки угорців що хотіли колонізувати українське Закарпаття
Yes, and? Hungary choose loser sides in WW1&WW2 and paid for it. Meanwhile Ukraine (within USSR) won WW2 and was the 3rd in Europe country by percentage of population loss. It's only fair.
@@emilianmichalian6239 the Golden Era was the late Austro-Hungarian time, when it profited from the economic boom before WWI and the relative liberal politics of the King and Emperor in Vienna, who didn't let the Hungarians rule completely over other ethnic groups and played the role as referee.
Everyone defends ukraine as a piller of european fight against russians They dont care abt these ppl who were opressed for ages by ukranian fascist groups wich there Government didint cared abt,
@@statmc8357 Because that statement of yours is utter bull, at most we have uneasy relationship with the Slovaks, Serbs, Romanians and Ukrainians, no one else, but the relations already improved since the 90s, especially with the Slovaks and Serbs
@@K_Balu I apologize for not making my comment too clear, what i wanted to say was the fact that people from the west very easily hate on us here in eastern europe. I do agree that us, Hungarians did improve our relationship with our neighbours.
It was "carefully" omitted that its not just Hungary, but Poland and Romania protested against Ukraine's treat of their ehnic Poles and Romanians - and I only mention the repression of Russian language.
@@trunksajovobol3792 If Austria-Hungary did not start the first world war you could still have Transylvania. But you were too greedy and wanted more and more
Because they want to profit from migrant workers educated by other country's taxes. In reality Ukraine treats minorities better than mentioned countries treated ukrainians in the past.
@@claudiumusca1969 how stupid is this accusation. As if Hungary is to be blamed for the war and not Germany. You pretend had there been no Hungarian involvement there would not have been a war. Hypocracy again. You blame the victim - sounds like a real Románian. Now you can tell the same to Ukranians too? If you had not screwed up with Russia you had not lost 20% of your territory?
What Ukraine has done to Hungarians who unjustly got cut away from Hungary in 1920, is insane !! To support Zelensky who has marginalized the Hungarians and Russians in Ukraine is a human disgrace, please wake up Europe !!
@@gyulanyars6636 we don't see that Russians are taking people from the streets and busses by force to send them on the frontline. Zelensky is doing that all the time. People are running away. They want peace with Russia but he wants war. Every time our money goes to Ukrania he gets richer. His generals too. Poor Ukranians are dying
@@gyulanyars6636 No normal person would shell Donetsk for 8 years but it was recorded by OSCE, that is why Zelensky won presidency with the message of peace with Russian in and outside Ukraine. Yet, "someone" begun heavy artillery bombardment of Donetsk and Lugansk on the 17th of February 2022. Before the eyes of OSCE inspectors AND 200K Russian Federation troops. Ez van Gyulám, nem a cárra kell mutogatni.
Transcarpathia was part of Hungary for 1000 years. After that, it belonged to Czechoslovakia for a short time. It was eventually annexed to Ukraine. In 2015, the mayor asked the municipality for data on the proportion of enlisted soldiers. It turned out that twice as many people from Transcarpathia are enlisted in the Ukrainian army as from other counties. There are villages in Ukraine where the entire male population has already disappeared. The new language law stopped the deterioration, but the Hungarians still did not get back all their rights that were taken from them.
Just so everyone understands what happened here is that these Hungarian's grandparents, great-grandparent went to sleep one day in Hungary and woke up the next day in the same bed in Ukraine!!! All their life was turned upside down and they were forced to give up on their mother tongue, identity and they were treated like a second hand citizen with limited possibilities for generations! They stayed true to their hearts and keep their language and identity through generations and now got thrown into a war and were forced to live their motherland. Their motherland which is not Ukrainian land. It is stolen land from Hungary.
As a hungarian I only say watch this: Anti-Hungarian Actions in Ukraine (Sub-Carpathia) 2014-2018 [ENG] Is a Sub-Carpathian (zakarpatian) Hungarian documentary, 2019 (Summary of the Minority Monitor Research Project)
Some Ukrainian nationalists are not equal with Ukraine and the Ukrainian government. If Orban would be more friendlier towards Ukraine and wouldn't block their aid and European integration because of useless reasons, maybe the situation of the ethnic Hungarians would be better. Still, the 2017 language law was reformed and Hungarians in Ukraine have more language rights in public life. Long live Ukraine from Hungary. 🇭🇺❤🇺🇦
Even without the war, this is a phenomena typical to Eastern Europe as a whole and is not just with the Hungarians People leave villages in search of a better life în Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia (...) and Hungary itself
What are you talking about? Come and take it or you can just type in internet? Just small fact, as for now, 424980 russian soldiers were killed by Ukrainian forces(for the last 2 years only), which is 10,2 times more than whole Hungarian army . Your small country can thread only countries like Slovakia and even in that case I think Slovakia will defeat you although there are twice less active personnel than in Hungary . But don’t be silly, you can’t thread country which is 4 times bigger than yours by population and has an enormous experience in fighting nazi from russia.
@@lvivoleg20 Who the hell cares about the army . Theyre were not just russian soldiers , some soldiers were inported from asia because russians dont want to lose their russian soldiers . Hungary exist more than 1000 years . What about ucraine ? Only 100 years back and hungary could EASILY beat Ucraine . To share the territories is not about the armies . The politicians will share them . Hungary has a lot complicated and longer history and does more than ucraine ever will .
@@DudelsackpfeiferConsidering their behavior, the EU is tolerating them well enough, even lending welfare to the pigs who do nothing but breed mindlessly, ravage the land and basically shit on the great achievements of democracy. If it was for them, we'd sink back into the middle ages.
There is a difference, Hungary exists in Europe for more than a 1000 year , Hungarian people live in the land of Ukraine for a 1000 year , you can't be much more european than that while gypsies only live in Europe for a much shorter time and they never took up the european culture , they still act like migrants which is why not a single european country treats them well cause again they don't belong here , hungarians share the culture and history with Ukraine , that is the diffrence@@Dudelsackpfeifer
Jöjjenek, fizesd ki. Szatmárban már olyan rendben van minden, hogy az a tizenkétezer négyzetkilométer a kontinens legnyomorultabb részén már meg se kottyan. Az utak, az összes vasút, a hulladékgazdálkodás, az egészségügy, az iskolák, a vállalkozások, minden olyan messze van akár csak Mátészalkától szintben, mint Makó Jeruzsálemtől. Attól a Mátészalkától, ahol épp a napokban halt meg egy gyerek, mert 4 helyett már csak 1 darab háziorvost biztosít a nagy, büszke, duzzadó keblű magyar állam az egész járásban. (Gyerekorvos évek óta nincs.) Posta, vasút a határ innenső oldalán jószerivel megszűnt, odaátra meg egyenesen kivinni kéne, a 0-ról felépíteni egy komplett közigazgatást. Ja, mindezt egy olyan két vármegyényi területen, ahol a lakosságnak kb. egytizete, jó esetben kéttizede beszél egyáltalán magyarul. Nem is értem, hogy hova gondol a magadfajta ilyenkor. Olvass el pár könyvet, de még jobb, ha odamész, mondjuk Tiszabecsnél menj át a határon, Záhonynál gyere vissza, a hegyekbe fel sem kell menni... Teljesen világtalanok vagytok, semmit sem tudtok se arról, hogy a világ hogy működik, se arról, hogy egy ország, se arról, hogy egyáltalán kik élnek már ott. Nagy melldöngetős világtalan magyar ember... Deák forog a sírjában.
On December 1, 1991, a referendum on secession from the Soviet Union was held in all twenty-seven administrative units of Ukraine. When voting, in most areas, two questions to be decided were on the ballots: whether you support Ukraine's declaration of independence, and whether you support Leonid Kravchuk as the first president of independent Ukraine. At the same time, those entitled to vote in Transcarpathia could decide on one more issue, namely the granting of the territory's autonomy within Ukraine. In the Hungarian - and often Transcarpathian - press, in the light of recent decades, there are quite a lot of mistakes in the public mind regarding the referendum. First of all, we must state that the vote was not about the complete secession of the territory, but only about self-determination within the country, roughly in the same status as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea until its secession in 2014. This would have given the opportunity to legislate independently of Kyiv, to build its own internal affairs and social network, and to manage the county's education independently. More than ninety-two percent of the eligible Transcarpathian population, or 700,555 citizens, took part in the vote, and the vast majority of them voted for the declaration of autonomy.
What are you talking about? Come and take it or you can just type in internet? Just small fact, as for now, 424980 russian soldiers were killed by Ukrainian forces(for the last 2 years only), which is 10,2 times more than whole Hungarian army . Your small country can thread only countries like Slovakia and even in that case I think Slovakia will defeat you although there are twice less active personnel than in Hungary . But don’t be silly, you can’t thread country which is 4 times bigger than yours by population and has an enormous experience in fighting nazi from russia.
@@lvivoleg20 What are you talking about? Ukraine was never a state. My country, Hungary, during World War II. It was destroyed by the Ukrainian front in 1944-45. You also came from Ukraine to perpetuate the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. What are you talking about? Ancient fraternal ties connect you with the Russian people, you even share the same religion! Yet you lick the ass of the world's dirtiest state, the USA. Half a million Russian soldiers died? How many people did you lose? Between 2014 and 2020 alone, you massacred 15,000 Ukrainian citizens in Donbass. You persecute all national minorities. All your conscription committees use Sonderkommando methods to round up non-Ukrainian minorities and send them to the front to die. Few Ukrainians may have died at the front, but you are sending your national minorities to die instead of yourselves. you are such great Ukrainians. Western Europe is full of Audis, BMWs, Porsches, Maseratis, in which the "hero" Ukrainians run on the roads of my country, Hungary as well. What are you talking about, my dear? ukraine once had a population of 44 million, how much is it now? 25 million? You exterminate your national minorities with fascist methods. They demanded graves everywhere, all the while running a corrupt system to the core. All opposition parties and media are banned in the great democratic Ukraine. This is nothing but fascism. In 1991, Subcarpathia voted by 83% to first get territorial autonomy and then to join Hungary. The vast majority of Romanians and Gypsies also voted for this. To this day, you "big" Ukrainians are sabotaging the implementation of the results of the referendum. You can't beautify it. The West, which now holds you like a dog on a chain, will throw you away like a dirty diaper! You should look around the wider world instead.. most of the world is not on your losing side!
Единственный, народ на земле, ни во что не верующий, бездуховный, безнравственный и отсталый от уровня развития человечества безнадежно и надолго - это русские. злобы к России нет, есть чувство брезгливости как к дохлому скоту.
Unfortunately, the claim (1:55) that Ukraine has changed the law and Hungarian schools in Transcarpathia can teach in their own language is NOT REALY TRUE and MISSLEADING. The reality is that based on the changed law: - Private schools and universities can teach in any of the official languages of the EU, including Hungarian, with the proviso that these private schools must provide Ukrainian as a separate subject. - The legislation on the language of secondary and vocational education provides that, in addition to Ukrainian language and literature, the subject "Defence of Ukraine", which covers the history of Ukraine and defence, must be taught in the state language. Thus, Hungarian-language education in state schools is limited and the modification is far from restoring the rules that in the Soviet Union and subsequently in Ukraine ensured native-language education for minorities, including Hungarians, in state and municipal schools.
this is literally a 100 year old debate. I honestly think the Tóths should form a union with Hungary. Don't want to point there, but back in the days the Kuk was the fastest developing regions in the world. The central european nation states has the potential to become an extremely strong entity within the EU and the world. The Tóths like to think of themselves as a country with a billion years of history, while it was only formed in 1993. This makes cooperation difficult.
Russian missiles are hitting the Ukrainian Nazis, and the Hungarians have already begun to be oppressed. The great European democracy forgets to talk about this
Thats a bit too much... how a missile can control if there are Nazis or children and mothers.. also if its against Nazis than why many children got deported to Russia? Do they want Nazi kids there? Can a chd be Nazi? Also Ukrain had a huge population of Jews (still have nowadays) so the Jews are Nazis?
@@TheMileniumFalcon Yes, my mom's side is Hungarian. Grandma was Sipos, grandpa was Muzsnai. One lady in the video said her name is Sipos, so I felt nostalgic. Remembering my grandparents who are not anymore...
You mean Hungary right? Interesting you are boasting about your hungarian grandma but you dont know that Hungary and Austria was only together for a very short time. Transylvania was hungarian land for almost 1000 years, not "Astro-hungarian"
@@istvantoth3775 Look, I only commented here because I became nostalgic hearing this name, my grandma is long gone, I am not here for history lessons. Have a nice day!
Oh common with this shit that" Orban is good gives job". I'm born and live in Hungary. Yeah Orban gives them jobs but for lower pay. And in the meantime because of such migrants and asian to many hungarian citizens are fired or they not pay them them enough. Is this video supported and paid by Orban or wtf is this report?!
I really born and really live in Hungary. No, not Orban gives job them, but different Hungarian companies, organisations, etc., and no, there is no such thing as "for lower pay", thats a simple lie. There is no discrimination by ethnic or religion or citizenship in Hungary, it is free market, everyone can earn money based on behalf of self determination. And no, no Hungarian citizens are fired because of "migrants or asians", and no "special low payment" for migrants and asians or to Hungarians based on that...according to a Hungarian proverb: you are sitting on the horse backwards...
The Problem With Hungarians, i Am Românian By Father and The My Mother Is Of Hungarian Ethnicity, My Grandmother Being My Mother's Mother: ALMOST ALL HUNGARIANS DON'T HAVE GOOD CHRISTIAN FAITH, They Have Nerve In Them, Stubbornness, Hungarians Will Betray At At Highest Benefit For Them, Behaviour Tied To Being Blended And Having No Christian Goodfaith!
Hungary wants peace for all citizens of Ukraine. However, many countries of Europe do not really want to stop the war. .. The situation is similar to the situation in 1939 when Poland refused to let Germany build a motorway between Germany and Danzig. This time Ukraine wanted to forbid Russia to have its fleet in Sevastopol. ..видео.htmlsi=ecWgs3R1CrhB4UsB
@@X.the.owlking Yes. But in 1939 Poland provoked a world war by refusing to let Germany have a motorway through Poland. In 2014 Ukraine provoked the annexion of Crimea and maybe a world war, too. Is it worth to start a world war for the Crimea?видео.htmlsi=NgsyFU3QaysWUBzq
A lot has changed for Hungarians in the previous hundred years. The next hundred years will also bring changes. Vote for yourself as a Hungarian territory. Nationalities have rights in Hungary. Don't be a Russian colony! Slava Subcarpathia!!! Багато що змінилося для угорців за попередні сто років. Наступні сто років також принесуть зміни. Голосуйте за себе як за угорську територію. Національності мають права в Угорщині. Не будьте російською колонією. Слава Підкарпаттю!!! 🙂🙂🙂
The greatest Hungarian-Ukrainian is Йожеф Сабо (Jozsef Szabo). He was a famous football player in Soviet times, then became a couch of Dynamo Kyiv, and Ukrainian National team. He learnt Russian and Ukrainian. Now being older than that 80- year- old granny, the guy's a good example on how to leave a life and respect your body. Mr. Szabo doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, a few years ago his wife born him a healthy baby. Massive respect!
Wow, the bot farms have been busy in this comment section. All these comments coming from empty profiles. As a Hungarian I stand up for the rights of Hungarians in Ukraine just as much as I stand up for the sovereignty and right to freedom of Ukraine. My family originates from this region, I still have relatives there and interestingly they don't share the views expressed by these bots.
@@P455w0rds Even Hungarians sent Hungarians to gulags after WW2 you genius. That's one of the reasons why the soviet union (you know the one with the red flag the Russian wave so proudly) was horrible.
The reporter makes no attempt to compare the language rights' situation with other similar areas in Europe: e.g. South Tyrol, Aaland islands, Wales, Basque region etc. etc.
As a Hungarian, I can say, that life for ethnic Hungarians in Transcarpathia is very hard and that these is a certain level of discrimination against them in Ukraine. However, the 2017 language law, which previously worsened the situation of ethnic minorities in Ukraine was reformed and there were significant improvements for the minority language use in public life. I'm totally enraged by Viktor Orban's claims on Ukraine. He blocks the European integration and further aid towards Ukraine, because of citing the interests of Transcarpathian Hungarians, which is completely unacceptable for me. Transcarpathian Hungarians are citizens of Ukraine and Orban should make better relations with Ukraine instead of blaming them for partly or absolutely not real reasons. Long live Ukraine from Hungary! 🇭🇺❤🇺🇦
1. There is no such thing as Ukrainian people. You don't even have a language. You speaking either Russian or Surzhyk. 2. At the time of the Polish-Lithuanian principality, the Poles occupied the western borderlands of Russia (meaning Ukraine). Here, the Poles who settled there mixed with the Cossacks and Russians who lived there. Their language was also mixed. There was a period when a Polish king sat on the throne in Moscow. 3. We call them Ruthenians because they fled the Poles and came to the territory of the Hungarian Kingdom through the Carpathians. That is why they did not become Ukrainian. In fact, there was a period after the First World War when the "Ukrainians" of Galicia attacked the Carpatho-Ruthenians alongside the Hungarians. Of course, since then many "Ukrainians" have crossed the Carpathians and live in Transcarpathia. In 2014, both Ruthenians and Hungarians voted with the people of Donbass for Yanukovych...
@@juz3r1 1. With this logic, there are no such people as Americans because they speak English. There is no such thing as Asztrian people because they speak German. There is no such thing as India because they speak a lot of languages. 2. Asian people came to the Carpathian basin from the East and they mixed with Slavs and other people who lived here. There was a period when a Polish king sat on the Hungarian throne.
As a Hungarian I can say that the general populations in Russia, Serbia and Hungary are heavily drugged in nostalgia for the distant past that will never come back to reality. It is high time to give up the imperial thinking and focus on getting the present and future right, rather than always wanting to going back to the past. Those who want to reverse the Versaille-treaties are the greatest traitors of their own country, their own nation and they do the greatest damage to the future of the Hungarian children, too, who want to live in the present and in the future, not some idolized irrational past. "Csak egy éjszakára küldjétek el őket: Hosszú csahos nyelvvel hazaszeretőket." Gyóni Géza (1884-1917)
I am sure Natalia Sipos is ethnic romanian, but the hungarians forcefully translated her name during the austro-hungarian period, and not just that, the gouverment of Budapest forcefully implemented the hungarian language in all regions where the hungarians were not a majority, lăutar was changed to sipos, lăutar meaning fiddler or musician in romanian.
what about the 400.000 romanians that lives in south-western Ukraine? Which ukrainian regime treat them very bad and west politics don't say nothing about this. Shame on you 🤮🤮🤮Cetatea Alba and NOrth BUcovian must return as romanian territories. Hungary is mongolian at origins, their language is not european.
Hungarians were never Mongolian in origin, we were Uralic, Mongolians were still farther away from that point, what you said is just the ol' missinfo which was already debunked as one several times
Угорці є в 4 країнах. Угорці, що проживають в Словаччині знають словацьку, угорці що живуть в Румунії знають румунську, угорці що живуть в Сербії знають сербську і лише в ненависній для вас Україні угорці крім угорської мови більше ніякої мови вчити і знати не хочуть. Ніде більше з цих перечислених країн угорцям не дозволяють вивішувати їхні прапори на державних будівлях, але в Україні і тут ідуть вам на зустріч, але вам все мало і ви тільки хочете що. Україна все оплачувала а ви коли її треба захистити навіть цього не можете зробити. От такі ви…громадяни України…
@@doktorkotasz6488 є такі підрозділи, як 128-а гірсько-штурмова бригада, яка складається з угорців, тоді як українська держава позбавила народу права навчати своєю мовою, 2/3 наших земель забрала Європа, а нас поза угорцями нас ненавидять у всьому країни, які ви перерахували, у той час як у Другій світовій війні мій прадід був змушений воювати за держави Осі (Румунія) у 41 році через країну, яка називає нас «бозгорами», що означає людей без країни.
@@lvivoleg20 захід просто використовує Україну для бог знає чого, в Україні є симпатики нацизму, тоді як лідер Зеленський єврей, я маю на увазі, що відбувається???
First of all the region is like slavic from the beggining, before hungarians there were white croats and bulgarian kingdom, modern hungarians are mix of iranic tribes that lived in pannonia slavic people and germans, just with ugro-finnic language like they it or not it's fact, since this is empire state it's have to establish domination approve right to rule the territory, me as ukrainian (rusyn) from Transcarpathia true indogenius to this region (even by DNA test i'm 70% croatian-slovene-bulgarian) but all my ancestors from here, and people still will tell that it's truly hungarian land, ok
This is stupid! The DNA test is only good for showing the match of certain sequences in a geographical distribution (based on samples sent in by people who have already been tested). There is no such thing as Croatian DNA, Ukrainian DNA, Russian DNA, etc. There are no Slavic peoples in the first place, only Slavic linguistics. A Ukrainian or Russian person is a very far cry from a Slovenian. The closest relatives of Slovenes are not Croats, but Czechs, in DNA similarity. There is a new approach to this, the haplo groups. Look it up!
So basically you are telling that our Hungarian ancestors lived there well before your anchestors, welcomed your slavic ancestors in the past, but now you are seeing it vica-versa. Forget the Hungarian present within the Carpatian Basin from 900AD, it is just Habsburg propaganda to have political advance over Hungarian ancient nobels, and slavic joined to this theory to gather their own advance over Hungarians... There are theories proving Hungarian present in Carpatian Basin before 8000BC...Also origin of word "Slavic" is slave, not the Huns, or Magyars.
@@zoltanvass9492 no, i just wanna say hungarians are not that unique as they want to be, as a part of turk world or something else, genetic mixture of haplogroups are quite similar to austria, czechia and slovakia, hungary even more slavic than serbia or bulgaria, with slightly higher ugro-finnic influence, perhaps the nomadic tribes simply mixed with others on the way to the Pannonian basin or underwent strong changes, but the elite was Finno-Ugric, 20% of hungarian language are unknown origin, but that's all, of course, the ancestors of the Hungarians clearly lived here for a very long time, but they were definitely not Finno-Ugric, but entered into the formation of the Hungarian nation as a substrate, i don't wanna mock or shade anyone because of heritage, just to clarify that in terms at least hungarian nation and neighbours we are very alike, but many hungarians want to stay as isolated island and reject strong slavic origin (as a german also)
In Ukraine only Ukrainian language must be spoken no other language and if any who dare to oppose it must leave the country and go back wherever they want to .... Ukraine is for Ukrainians .... Slava Ukraine.....
I'm Hungarian and I fully support Ukraine against Russian agression. 🇭🇺❤🇺🇦 The language rights of minorities should be more respected, it's important to have harmony and co-operation between the ethnic minorities and the Ukrainians. But I can't deny, that the language rights of minorities were changed for the best after the 2017 language law was reformed.
Criticise Orbán left or right, I don’t care. The fact that a prime minister is defending ethnic Hungarians even outside his country is commendable. However if he actually is using it as a bargaining tool, then God will be his judge.
@@gyulanyars6636 Hungarian rights have been really tamperd on since 2015 and Orbans administration have been trying to fix this, Either think we all can agree ethnic rights should be steadfast if your country want to be an EU member,
@@gyulanyars6636 I live in sweden and up north we have a ppl called samis they live in sweden, norway, finland and russia. We literally have history lessons on them we have lessons on their language and more. So ppl have in their minds this land up north have a meaning for these ppl. Idk every thing ukraine does im not that educated but I doubt they do it like sweden does.(ofcourse ukraine have a diffrent history than sweden but hope you see my perspective on this)
Yes they can in most civilized countries, Ukraine is not See south Tyrol region status in my country for example,or thousand of different examples,plus there is not such a big historic community of Ukrainians In Hungary
There are several Slovak and German language schools in Budapest! Now, for the many Ukrainian refugees, three schools have been set up, where refugee Ukrainian teachers teach!
There are a lot of German, Slovakian and Croatian villages in Hungary + some small towns. In these locations (especially in villages) the people usually speak German, Slovakian or Croatian at home & at school also. Even there is 3 villages, where Roumanian community is prevalent --- the schools in these villages Roumanian is the language (the Hungarian-Rumanian relations is the most tense in the past 100 years), Ukranian is a little different, because there is no historic communities but after the war has started, 3 schools have been set up in Budapest to teach children of the refugees in Ukranian, in their mother tongue.
Kárpátalja was part of Hungary for 1000 years! Not Austro Hungarian Empire!
Karpaty po Polsku!
@@croco45 Hitler was the agressor. England,France and USA allowed it to him.
@@croco45 This is nonsense. Transcarpathia was annexed by the victors after World War I.
@@MrLulek1🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣In your dreams little Polski! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What? Excuse me. Part of the Austro-Hungarian empire indeed but it was hungary's ancient land for 1000 years, this is why they still speak magyar coz that is what they are. And the Gypsies who live there speak hungarian coz they used to live with the hungarians and not the slavs
But previously it was Slavic (Croatian) land, and Hungarians mostly share predominantly Slavic DNA also, just language remained from ancestors
Absolutely!!! If not for Trianon, this area would have remained in Hungary.
@@paulkovax8542 google "map of european haplogroups" page "dna weekly" or smth, it's annoying that there is no permission for links
@@paulkovax8542 google "map of european haplogroups" one of the first sourses
They not just talk Hungarian THEY ARE HUNGARIANS, since that land was part of Hungary for 1000 years till Trianon.
Yes, but they're citizens of Ukraine and they live in Ukraine. Still, the region is mainly populated by Ukrainians.
Dont think so,Hungarian land is in russia ,Ural ,they have to take back
Hungary land is in Russia,URAL
@@hycylkaksenja3565 genius!
@@hycylkaksenja3565 what the hell are you barking abaut
Zakarpatia has only been ceded by Hungary to the USSR after WWII. It was NEVER part of Ukraine. After Ukraine's defeat it should be annexed back to Hungary.
Yes, Zakarpatia is Hungary, Lvov is Poland, Bucovina is Romania.
yes that is correct. obviously after a referendum. Putin agreed to it
так, Закарпаття до окупації радянськими військами в 1944му році ніколи не було складовою України. Але це не означає що ми маємо приєднатися до Угорщини, бо тут проживають всього 150тис. угорців, а русинів тут більше мільйона. Тому в кращому випадку ми маємо повернутись до своїх славянських братів чехів, як це і було до окупації угорцями в 1939му. Бо що ті окупанти(радянські - українці та росіяни), що інші окупанти(угорці). Закарпаття("Пудкарпатська Русь") набуло найбільшого розквіту за часів Чехословаччини - велика частина старого Ужгорода тоді була збудована чехами, взуттєва та інші фабрики були побудовані, дороги та мости будувалися. Всі інші - окупанти з претензіями на імперськість. Хто має голову -нехай замислиться.
Мадярів тут не люблять на закарпатті навіть самі місцеві мадяри, не дивлячись на те що їздять туди на заробітки від безвихіддя.
Believe it or not. But as far as I heard, the Russians themselves, both socialists and Russian nationalists said more than once that if they took Ukraine back, they would not mind giving a couple of western regions to Poland, and Trans-carpathia/Za'Karpatie either as a separate country, or giving it to Hungary. There are 2 reasons, the first, as far as I know, is the dislike of Russians for Ukrainian nationalists (because they are terrible Russophobes, and often inadequate), the Russians don’t need the most radical Ukrainian nationalists from there (they have always been from western Ukraine, after 2014 they sentiments spread throughout the country), and these lands are culturally and historically closer to the Poles and Hungarians than to the Russians, as my friend from Novgorod said, “Let them deal with these freaks themselves, they have long-standing, unclosed gestalts with them”
They voted for independence in 1991 btw, more than 150 000 Hungarians and between 400 000 - 600 000 rusyns,who are really friendly towards slovakians and hungarians as well. It was 85% who voted yes
Karpathia never was part of ukraine! It needs to go back to Hungary!
Hungary is illegitimate state, it belongs to slavic Moravia!
@@AmirSatt brainwashed slovak.I can write your history in a text massage. Btw There's no similarity between 'Slovakia' and Moravia. Only your fairy tale government made this theory in the previous century, but it's actually funny how arrogant and stupid you are like many Slavic nation. :)
haha, hungarian kids coping
I'm Hungarian and I'm not sure if that was a good idea. Hungarian popultion barely makes up 10% in the Transcarpathia region.
For me personally would be enough if Ukraine had a goverment that respects human rights. Besides minority rights holding all those men as hostige there...
@@AmirSatt Slavic Moravia :D:D:D It was a fairy tale. A german puppet.
This region should return to Hungary !
O,What about Kaliningrad?territories adjoining the Amur River?Outer Manchuria?Abkhazia and South Ossetia?Kuril Islands?
@RoBotOnd that's not true. There is a Slavic majority there and besides the Hungarian minority there is also a Romanian one (Upper Marmaros) and even some German villages exist there.
Tell that to Putin.
Hungarians is minority ethnic group in Transcarpthia.
@@ekesandras1481so? Im also half Romanian people mix 😂 still transcarpathia IS Hungarian territory same as Transylvania for the Matter
This just shows how Americans have 0 idea of Europe. Those parts of Ukraine were part of Hungary for 1000 years, not just during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
Navajo natives in USA still speak Navajo language, Cherokee natives speak Cherokee, and Hungarian natives in Sub-Carpathia still speak Hungarian under Ukrainian occupation. What else is new to you, VOA? Water is wet, and milk is milky?
water itself isn't wet though it is only wet from the perspective of the surface it interacts with, water can only be wet when it's in solid form
Це ми українці були під окупацією Угорщини а зараз живемо в своїй державі, а те що на Закарпатті живуть угорці це залишки угорців що хотіли колонізувати українське Закарпаття
Transcarpathia: 1000 years Hungary > 31 years Ukraine
Yes, and? Hungary choose loser sides in WW1&WW2 and paid for it. Meanwhile Ukraine (within USSR) won WW2 and was the 3rd in Europe country by percentage of population loss. It's only fair.
And?O,What about Kaliningrad?territories adjoining the Amur River?Outer Manchuria?Abkhazia and South Ossetia?Kuril Islands?
@@hycylkaksenja3565 Nothing. Transcarpathia is Hungary.
And 20 in Czechoslovakia as Podkarpatska Rus (Subcarpathian Ruthenia). Don´t forget!
For many older local people it were "golden era".
@@emilianmichalian6239 the Golden Era was the late Austro-Hungarian time, when it profited from the economic boom before WWI and the relative liberal politics of the King and Emperor in Vienna, who didn't let the Hungarians rule completely over other ethnic groups and played the role as referee.
Transcarpthia is Hungarian land 🇭🇺
come and take it
Can you provide any evidence of this, please? Other than your words. Seriously doubt
@@OleksandrRodynenkoNormálisan beszélj te mocskos kutya!
History 😂 thats the evidence @@hycylkaksenja3565
@@OleksandrRodynenkoElveszük,és ebben segít nekünk Putyin is!AZ A MI TERÜLETÜNK!
Everyone defends ukraine as a piller of european fight against russians They dont care abt these ppl who were opressed for ages by ukranian fascist groups wich there Government didint cared abt,
I mean, who doesen't hate Hungary? (Aside from Poland, of course)
@@statmc8357how many brain cells do you have?
@@tpwa205 Plenty, whats your point?
@@statmc8357 Because that statement of yours is utter bull, at most we have uneasy relationship with the Slovaks, Serbs, Romanians and Ukrainians, no one else, but the relations already improved since the 90s, especially with the Slovaks and Serbs
@@K_Balu I apologize for not making my comment too clear, what i wanted to say was the fact that people from the west very easily hate on us here in eastern europe. I do agree that us, Hungarians did improve our relationship with our neighbours.
It was "carefully" omitted that its not just Hungary, but Poland and Romania protested against Ukraine's treat of their ehnic Poles and Romanians - and I only mention the repression of Russian language.
But Romania don't care because they also occupires in Transylvania. They profited from Transylvania so they don't need Bucovina.
@@trunksajovobol3792 More like the Bucuresti and the Warsawa governments are most subservient to US foreign policy.
@@trunksajovobol3792 If Austria-Hungary did not start the first world war you could still have Transylvania. But you were too greedy and wanted more and more
Because they want to profit from migrant workers educated by other country's taxes. In reality Ukraine treats minorities better than mentioned countries treated ukrainians in the past.
@@claudiumusca1969 how stupid is this accusation. As if Hungary is to be blamed for the war and not Germany. You pretend had there been no Hungarian involvement there would not have been a war. Hypocracy again. You blame the victim - sounds like a real Románian. Now you can tell the same to Ukranians too? If you had not screwed up with Russia you had not lost 20% of your territory?
What Ukraine has done to Hungarians who unjustly got cut away from Hungary in 1920, is insane !! To support Zelensky who has marginalized the Hungarians and Russians in Ukraine is a human disgrace, please wake up Europe !!
Not going to lie i am absolutely shocked to see something like this on this channel....
Something is changing in the air. Project "Ukraine" is closing.
murica preparing for skedaddle from the not-so-current-anymore thing
American media trying to process the fact that less than 40% of Ukraine uses Ukrainian as mother tongue💀💀💀
Zero knowledge of History! These people are Hungarians and the territory belonged to us for a 1000 years!
No normal person wants to die for Zelensky
No normal person wants to die for Putin.
@@gyulanyars6636 we don't see that Russians are taking people from the streets and busses by force to send them on the frontline. Zelensky is doing that all the time. People are running away. They want peace with Russia but he wants war. Every time our money goes to Ukrania he gets richer. His generals too. Poor Ukranians are dying
@@gyulanyars6636 No normal person would shell Donetsk for 8 years but it was recorded by OSCE, that is why Zelensky won presidency with the message of peace with Russian in and outside Ukraine. Yet, "someone" begun heavy artillery bombardment of Donetsk and Lugansk on the 17th of February 2022. Before the eyes of OSCE inspectors AND 200K Russian Federation troops.
Ez van Gyulám, nem a cárra kell mutogatni.
@@gyulanyars6636keep crying
No one days for current government, dumbass, but for ability to chose another another one in the future by own will.
Kárpátalja Magyarországé!!
Hogyne beszélnének magyarul,amikor az a terület Magyarországtól lett elszakítva,egy igazságtalan békeszerződés következtében.😢
Transcarpathia was part of Hungary for 1000 years. After that, it belonged to Czechoslovakia for a short time. It was eventually annexed to Ukraine. In 2015, the mayor asked the municipality for data on the proportion of enlisted soldiers. It turned out that twice as many people from Transcarpathia are enlisted in the Ukrainian army as from other counties. There are villages in Ukraine where the entire male population has already disappeared. The new language law stopped the deterioration, but the Hungarians still did not get back all their rights that were taken from them.
The mayor? What mayor?
One of the city's mayor@@X.the.owlking
Just so everyone understands what happened here is that these Hungarian's grandparents, great-grandparent went to sleep one day in Hungary and woke up the next day in the same bed in Ukraine!!! All their life was turned upside down and they were forced to give up on their mother tongue, identity and they were treated like a second hand citizen with limited possibilities for generations! They stayed true to their hearts and keep their language and identity through generations and now got thrown into a war and were forced to live their motherland. Their motherland which is not Ukrainian land. It is stolen land from Hungary.
The game of politics!Exchange land for EU membership...,
Maybe the woke up in the USSR and not Ukraine. Typical Hungarian patriot that doesn't have a clue about history of the European continent.
As a hungarian I only say watch this: Anti-Hungarian Actions in Ukraine (Sub-Carpathia) 2014-2018 [ENG]
Is a Sub-Carpathian (zakarpatian) Hungarian documentary, 2019 (Summary of the Minority Monitor Research Project)
Some Ukrainian nationalists are not equal with Ukraine and the Ukrainian government. If Orban would be more friendlier towards Ukraine and wouldn't block their aid and European integration because of useless reasons, maybe the situation of the ethnic Hungarians would be better. Still, the 2017 language law was reformed and Hungarians in Ukraine have more language rights in public life.
Long live Ukraine from Hungary. 🇭🇺❤🇺🇦
@@alfoldmapping5504 But those incidents one by one comitted by the UKR government, or by the Polish secret agency.
I would rather watch about anti-ukrainian actions by Hungary.
Where can I watch about prorussian polish people who was doing anti-hungarian action in zakarpatia?
@@ayararesara6253 Where can I watch about prorussian polish people who was doing anti-hungarian action in zakarpatia?
Even without the war, this is a phenomena typical to Eastern Europe as a whole and is not just with the Hungarians
People leave villages in search of a better life în Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia (...) and Hungary itself
And Belarus
@@78IVFXXCHJJY Yup, pretty much all Eastern Europe, in some places less în others more
Practically all villages in Ukraine are depopulating due to urbanisation (especially in northern regions I think), such is a fate of poorer countries.
@@ayararesara6253 O ja ,because russias village is so beautiful🤣🤣
@@hycylkaksenja3565it's not about beauty but about work and opportunities first and foremost, I think. Young people prefer to move to a city.
I'm glad lots of our Hungarian brothers and sisters are back in the mother country. It's a shame they stole that land from us.
Transcarpathia belongs to HUNGARY!!
What are you talking about? Come and take it or you can just type in internet?
Just small fact, as for now, 424980 russian soldiers were killed by Ukrainian forces(for the last 2 years only), which is 10,2 times more than whole Hungarian army . Your small country can thread only countries like Slovakia and even in that case I think Slovakia will defeat you although there are twice less active personnel than in Hungary . But don’t be silly, you can’t thread country which is 4 times bigger than yours by population and has an enormous experience in fighting nazi from russia.
@@lvivoleg20 Who the hell cares about the army . Theyre were not just russian soldiers , some soldiers were inported from asia because russians dont want to lose their russian soldiers . Hungary exist more than 1000 years . What about ucraine ? Only 100 years back and hungary could EASILY beat Ucraine . To share the territories is not about the armies . The politicians will share them . Hungary has a lot complicated and longer history and does more than ucraine ever will .
@lvivoleg20 Ukraine will no longer that big country anymore thanks for Mr. Putin!
Every single town was founded and built by hungarians.
Hungary , Slovakia and Romania must put big VETO when Ukraine apply for European Union membership !
why? Hungary also can be the member of eu
@@gergototh2012 because of ukraines treat ethnic minorities . And Hungary is member of EU. Ukraine is NOT
@@u47mkbg Roma are also ethnic minorities. How do those EU members treat that ethnic minority?
@@DudelsackpfeiferConsidering their behavior, the EU is tolerating them well enough, even lending welfare to the pigs who do nothing but breed mindlessly, ravage the land and basically shit on the great achievements of democracy. If it was for them, we'd sink back into the middle ages.
There is a difference, Hungary exists in Europe for more than a 1000 year , Hungarian people live in the land of Ukraine for a 1000 year , you can't be much more european than that while gypsies only live in Europe for a much shorter time and they never took up the european culture , they still act like migrants which is why not a single european country treats them well cause again they don't belong here , hungarians share the culture and history with Ukraine , that is the diffrence@@Dudelsackpfeifer
not only that, people were kidnapped and taken to the meat grinder. They died within 4 hours.there was no mercy for the old and the lame and blind too
Give back all Hungarian lands! Vissza mindent!
Yes!!Hungarian lands is in Russia ,URAL,Go back to Russia
@@hycylkaksenja3565 And you go back to Central Asia!
Jöjjenek, fizesd ki. Szatmárban már olyan rendben van minden, hogy az a tizenkétezer négyzetkilométer a kontinens legnyomorultabb részén már meg se kottyan. Az utak, az összes vasút, a hulladékgazdálkodás, az egészségügy, az iskolák, a vállalkozások, minden olyan messze van akár csak Mátészalkától szintben, mint Makó Jeruzsálemtől. Attól a Mátészalkától, ahol épp a napokban halt meg egy gyerek, mert 4 helyett már csak 1 darab háziorvost biztosít a nagy, büszke, duzzadó keblű magyar állam az egész járásban. (Gyerekorvos évek óta nincs.)
Posta, vasút a határ innenső oldalán jószerivel megszűnt, odaátra meg egyenesen kivinni kéne, a 0-ról felépíteni egy komplett közigazgatást. Ja, mindezt egy olyan két vármegyényi területen, ahol a lakosságnak kb. egytizete, jó esetben kéttizede beszél egyáltalán magyarul. Nem is értem, hogy hova gondol a magadfajta ilyenkor. Olvass el pár könyvet, de még jobb, ha odamész, mondjuk Tiszabecsnél menj át a határon, Záhonynál gyere vissza, a hegyekbe fel sem kell menni... Teljesen világtalanok vagytok, semmit sem tudtok se arról, hogy a világ hogy működik, se arról, hogy egy ország, se arról, hogy egyáltalán kik élnek már ott. Nagy melldöngetős világtalan magyar ember... Deák forog a sírjában.
@@croco45 The Huns and the Magyars are related but not the same
On December 1, 1991, a referendum on secession from the Soviet Union was held in all twenty-seven administrative units of Ukraine. When voting, in most areas, two questions to be decided were on the ballots: whether you support Ukraine's declaration of independence, and whether you support Leonid Kravchuk as the first president of independent Ukraine. At the same time, those entitled to vote in Transcarpathia could decide on one more issue, namely the granting of the territory's autonomy within Ukraine. In the Hungarian - and often Transcarpathian - press, in the light of recent decades, there are quite a lot of mistakes in the public mind regarding the referendum. First of all, we must state that the vote was not about the complete secession of the territory, but only about self-determination within the country, roughly in the same status as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea until its secession in 2014. This would have given the opportunity to legislate independently of Kyiv, to build its own internal affairs and social network, and to manage the county's education independently. More than ninety-two percent of the eligible Transcarpathian population, or 700,555 citizens, took part in the vote, and the vast majority of them voted for the declaration of autonomy.
Justice fór Hungary!
Part of Hungary since 895!!!!!!!❣️❣️❣️
The largest issue in the Zakarpattya region remains Ukraine's treatment of Rusyn minority.
Indeed, no rights whatsoever!
They do the same with my people of Romania
This land is Hungary! Not Ukraine! Ukraine the faschist nation! Transcarpathia returning the sveet motherland!
Hungary must put big VETO when Ukraine apply for European union membership.
Dicsőség Ukrajnának te majom!
What are you talking about? Come and take it or you can just type in internet?
Just small fact, as for now, 424980 russian soldiers were killed by Ukrainian forces(for the last 2 years only), which is 10,2 times more than whole Hungarian army . Your small country can thread only countries like Slovakia and even in that case I think Slovakia will defeat you although there are twice less active personnel than in Hungary . But don’t be silly, you can’t thread country which is 4 times bigger than yours by population and has an enormous experience in fighting nazi from russia.
@@lvivoleg20 What are you talking about?
Ukraine was never a state. My country, Hungary, during World War II. It was destroyed by the Ukrainian front in 1944-45. You also came from Ukraine to perpetuate the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.
What are you talking about? Ancient fraternal ties connect you with the Russian people, you even share the same religion! Yet you lick the ass of the world's dirtiest state, the USA.
Half a million Russian soldiers died? How many people did you lose? Between 2014 and 2020 alone, you massacred 15,000 Ukrainian citizens in Donbass. You persecute all national minorities. All your conscription committees use Sonderkommando methods to round up non-Ukrainian minorities and send them to the front to die. Few Ukrainians may have died at the front, but you are sending your national minorities to die instead of yourselves. you are such great Ukrainians.
Western Europe is full of Audis, BMWs, Porsches, Maseratis, in which the "hero" Ukrainians run on the roads of my country, Hungary as well. What are you talking about, my dear? ukraine once had a population of 44 million, how much is it now? 25 million? You exterminate your national minorities with fascist methods. They demanded graves everywhere, all the while running a corrupt system to the core. All opposition parties and media are banned in the great democratic Ukraine. This is nothing but fascism. In 1991, Subcarpathia voted by 83% to first get territorial autonomy and then to join Hungary. The vast majority of Romanians and Gypsies also voted for this.
To this day, you "big" Ukrainians are sabotaging the implementation of the results of the referendum.
You can't beautify it.
The West, which now holds you like a dog on a chain, will throw you away like a dirty diaper!
You should look around the wider world instead.. most of the world is not on your losing side!
Putin please come and put this place in order.
lol. you go to the frontline
Единственный, народ на земле, ни во что не верующий, бездуховный, безнравственный и отсталый от уровня развития человечества безнадежно и надолго - это русские.
злобы к России нет, есть чувство брезгливости как к дохлому скоту.
No way dude ☠️
Unfortunately, the claim (1:55) that Ukraine has changed the law and Hungarian schools in Transcarpathia can teach in their own language is NOT REALY TRUE and MISSLEADING. The reality is that based on the changed law:
- Private schools and universities can teach in any of the official languages of the EU, including Hungarian, with the proviso that these private schools must provide Ukrainian as a separate subject.
- The legislation on the language of secondary and vocational education provides that, in addition to Ukrainian language and literature, the subject "Defence of Ukraine", which covers the history of Ukraine and defence, must be taught in the state language.
Thus, Hungarian-language education in state schools is limited and the modification is far from restoring the rules that in the Soviet Union and subsequently in Ukraine ensured native-language education for minorities, including Hungarians, in state and municipal schools.
I think that Hungary should get the Hungarian speaking part and the rest should be independent or part of slovakia
Slovakia dont have nothing to do with Kárpátalja, but it can be the part of Felvidék if you want.
the rest?..have you ever heard about the Russin ppl of Zakarpatia?
this is literally a 100 year old debate. I honestly think the Tóths should form a union with Hungary. Don't want to point there, but back in the days the Kuk was the fastest developing regions in the world. The central european nation states has the potential to become an extremely strong entity within the EU and the world. The Tóths like to think of themselves as a country with a billion years of history, while it was only formed in 1993. This makes cooperation difficult.
Russian missiles are hitting the Ukrainian Nazis, and the Hungarians have already begun to be oppressed. The great European democracy forgets to talk about this
Thats a bit too much... how a missile can control if there are Nazis or children and mothers.. also if its against Nazis than why many children got deported to Russia? Do they want Nazi kids there? Can a chd be Nazi? Also Ukrain had a huge population of Jews (still have nowadays) so the Jews are Nazis?
My grandma's surname was Sipos, in Transylvania, Romania. That regiin was also part of the Austro Hungarian empire
Sipos hungarian family name!
@@TheMileniumFalcon Yes, my mom's side is Hungarian. Grandma was Sipos, grandpa was Muzsnai. One lady in the video said her name is Sipos, so I felt nostalgic. Remembering my grandparents who are not anymore...
You mean Hungary right? Interesting you are boasting about your hungarian grandma but you dont know that Hungary and Austria was only together for a very short time. Transylvania was hungarian land for almost 1000 years, not "Astro-hungarian"
@@valentinaci7888 Muzsnai is hungarian name to!
@@istvantoth3775 Look, I only commented here because I became nostalgic hearing this name, my grandma is long gone, I am not here for history lessons. Have a nice day!
Oh common with this shit that" Orban is good gives job". I'm born and live in Hungary. Yeah Orban gives them jobs but for lower pay. And in the meantime because of such migrants and asian to many hungarian citizens are fired or they not pay them them enough. Is this video supported and paid by Orban or wtf is this report?!
Tekibaszottmajombaszod! Mindenazőhibájuk,temindentjólcsinálsz!"
@@vonherzentattoo6510 nem mindig Brüsszel a hibás. 😅🤡
@@____suti4810 Pontosan
@@vonherzentattoo6510Kárpátalja visszajöhetne pszichopata komcsi maffiózó Orbán nélkül is
I really born and really live in Hungary. No, not Orban gives job them, but different Hungarian companies, organisations, etc., and no, there is no such thing as "for lower pay", thats a simple lie. There is no discrimination by ethnic or religion or citizenship in Hungary, it is free market, everyone can earn money based on behalf of self determination. And no, no Hungarian citizens are fired because of "migrants or asians", and no "special low payment" for migrants and asians or to Hungarians based on that...according to a Hungarian proverb: you are sitting on the horse backwards...
@Age 80
My Grandmother
Carried 40kg
in Weight,
Till I Found Out
And Went To Help Her!
She Had Around 65 Kg Body Weight!
The Problem
With Hungarians,
i Am Românian
By Father
The My Mother
Is Of Hungarian Ethnicity,
My Grandmother
Being My Mother's
They Have Nerve
In Them, Stubbornness,
Will Betray At
At Highest Benefit
For Them,
Behaviour Tied
To Being Blended
And Having
No Christian Goodfaith!
weird flex but ok
Hungary wants peace for all citizens of Ukraine.
However, many countries of Europe do not really want to stop the war.
The situation is similar to the situation in 1939 when Poland refused to let Germany build a motorway between Germany and Danzig.
This time Ukraine wanted to forbid Russia to have its fleet in Sevastopol.
Gee, I wonder why they don't want a hostile fleet right beside their ports.
If you don't want compromise, you can end up with a world war.видео.htmlsi=iOgKAUb_Mex_8kcv
@@X.the.owlking Yes. But in 1939 Poland provoked a world war by refusing to let Germany have a motorway through Poland. In 2014 Ukraine provoked the annexion of Crimea and maybe a world war, too.
Is it worth to start a world war for the Crimea?видео.htmlsi=NgsyFU3QaysWUBzq
Урок венгерского:видео.htmlsi=flTX6E2eKMbW60w7
@@FILOZOFUS87 Most mi a faszt kezdjek ezzel komolyan?
A lot has changed for Hungarians in the previous hundred years. The next hundred years will also bring changes. Vote for yourself as a Hungarian territory. Nationalities have rights in Hungary. Don't be a Russian colony! Slava Subcarpathia!!!
Багато що змінилося для угорців за попередні сто років. Наступні сто років також принесуть зміни. Голосуйте за себе як за угорську територію. Національності мають права в Угорщині. Не будьте російською колонією. Слава Підкарпаттю!!! 🙂🙂🙂
The greatest Hungarian-Ukrainian is Йожеф Сабо (Jozsef Szabo). He was a famous football player in Soviet times, then became a couch of Dynamo Kyiv, and Ukrainian National team. He learnt Russian and Ukrainian. Now being older than that 80- year- old granny, the guy's a good example on how to leave a life and respect your body. Mr. Szabo doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, a few years ago his wife born him a healthy baby. Massive respect!
Stop Ukraine!
Wow, the bot farms have been busy in this comment section. All these comments coming from empty profiles. As a Hungarian I stand up for the rights of Hungarians in Ukraine just as much as I stand up for the sovereignty and right to freedom of Ukraine. My family originates from this region, I still have relatives there and interestingly they don't share the views expressed by these bots.
You should learn history before you go somewhere and make a program or video!
after the war Ukraine has sent ethnic hungarians to siberian gulags and Ukarine punish dual citizenship ukraine and hungarian
How did Ukraine send Hungarians to Siberia when Siberia is in Russia?
@@X.the.owlking soviet union? Duhhh
@@P455w0rds Even Hungarians sent Hungarians to gulags after WW2 you genius. That's one of the reasons why the soviet union (you know the one with the red flag the Russian wave so proudly) was horrible.
@@X.the.owlking That was done all over the Warsaw Pact really, everyone did that
Ukraina ! Land of confusion!
The Language Act does not merely make Ukrainian language compulsory but it criminalises the use of ethnic languages in public!
Freedom & Glory to the Hungarian people❤️
The ammount of people who have 0 clue about history and talking in the comment section is CRAZY 😂
What the actual fuck is going on in this world...
The only way the Hungarians in Transcarpathia can be safe from the Kiev regime, is allocating the region back to Hungary.
Verbőc This name comes from this village's name.
The reporter makes no attempt to compare the language rights' situation with other similar areas in Europe: e.g. South Tyrol, Aaland islands, Wales, Basque region etc. etc.
Poor people there😢that war is terrible
That's is Hungarian land, always will be!
lies... these are actually ethnically Ukrainian villages with a small percentage of Hungarian population
Lol. This happens when a made up country spreads propaganda.
Hungaria Universalis 🇭🇺 👊 🇭🇺
As a Hungarian, I can say, that life for ethnic Hungarians in Transcarpathia is very hard and that these is a certain level of discrimination against them in Ukraine. However, the 2017 language law, which previously worsened the situation of ethnic minorities in Ukraine was reformed and there were significant improvements for the minority language use in public life.
I'm totally enraged by Viktor Orban's claims on Ukraine. He blocks the European integration and further aid towards Ukraine, because of citing the interests of Transcarpathian Hungarians, which is completely unacceptable for me.
Transcarpathian Hungarians are citizens of Ukraine and Orban should make better relations with Ukraine instead of blaming them for partly or absolutely not real reasons.
Long live Ukraine from Hungary! 🇭🇺❤🇺🇦
As a Hungarian ennyire hulye nem lehetsz...... 😂
I agree. And what would even change if we got it back? Only that Orban would be stealing everything valuable instead of Ukrainian oligarchs
1. There is no such thing as Ukrainian people. You don't even have a language. You speaking either Russian or Surzhyk.
2. At the time of the Polish-Lithuanian principality, the Poles occupied the western borderlands of Russia (meaning Ukraine). Here, the Poles who settled there mixed with the Cossacks and Russians who lived there. Their language was also mixed. There was a period when a Polish king sat on the throne in Moscow.
3. We call them Ruthenians because they fled the Poles and came to the territory of the Hungarian Kingdom through the Carpathians. That is why they did not become Ukrainian. In fact, there was a period after the First World War when the "Ukrainians" of Galicia attacked the Carpatho-Ruthenians alongside the Hungarians. Of course, since then many "Ukrainians" have crossed the Carpathians and live in Transcarpathia. In 2014, both Ruthenians and Hungarians voted with the people of Donbass for Yanukovych...
Spot on!@@juz3r1
@@juz3r1 1. With this logic, there are no such people as Americans because they speak English. There is no such thing as Asztrian people because they speak German. There is no such thing as India because they speak a lot of languages.
2. Asian people came to the Carpathian basin from the East and they mixed with Slavs and other people who lived here. There was a period when a Polish king sat on the Hungarian throne.
Thanks .
Thanks for doing DW's job
Come on guys... dont start to act embarrassing please.
As a Hungarian I can say that the general populations in Russia, Serbia and Hungary are heavily drugged in nostalgia for the distant past that will never come back to reality. It is high time to give up the imperial thinking and focus on getting the present and future right, rather than always wanting to going back to the past. Those who want to reverse the Versaille-treaties are the greatest traitors of their own country, their own nation and they do the greatest damage to the future of the Hungarian children, too, who want to live in the present and in the future, not some idolized irrational past.
"Csak egy éjszakára küldjétek el őket:
Hosszú csahos nyelvvel hazaszeretőket."
Gyóni Géza (1884-1917)
A 6th grader knows more about history than some of the people commenting😂
Za karpatia halics
Too much ruzzo bots in comments.
I feel you are the bot.....
Says @user-gg4hz9rv7v
then go back to your NATO bot farm and be happy
А ты кто? Прозападный бот??? Будь осторожен в своих словах!!!
@@OrthodoxWarriorLight Ya Rezhu maskaley kak sviney
I am sure Natalia Sipos is ethnic romanian, but the hungarians forcefully translated her name during the austro-hungarian period, and not just that, the gouverment of Budapest forcefully implemented the hungarian language in all regions where the hungarians were not a majority, lăutar was changed to sipos, lăutar meaning fiddler or musician in romanian.
Sípos also means fiddler or musician in Hungarian.
1000 years ago, Attila was roaming the steppes of Asia
1000 years ago Attila was already dead.
He died in AD 453 (more than 1500 years ago).
Well, replace the name with Arpad (a descendant of Attila)
what about the 400.000 romanians that lives in south-western Ukraine? Which ukrainian regime treat them very bad and west politics don't say nothing about this. Shame on you 🤮🤮🤮Cetatea Alba and NOrth BUcovian must return as romanian territories. Hungary is mongolian at origins, their language is not european.
Hungarians were never Mongolian in origin, we were Uralic, Mongolians were still farther away from that point, what you said is just the ol' missinfo which was already debunked as one several times
We Hungarians want to protect our people. Sorry that your government doesn't take your people seriously.
Я правильно понял, мужики бросили семью и свалили?
"Настоящие" мужики
У нас таких называют гомосексуалисты.
Dont think they left their family behind , there has been many Hungarians sent to the front for Ukraine .
Як угорець в Україні, я не хочу вмирати за державу, яка не поважала моїх прав, яка заборонила використання моєї рідної мови...
Угорці є в 4 країнах. Угорці, що проживають в Словаччині знають словацьку, угорці що живуть в Румунії знають румунську, угорці що живуть в Сербії знають сербську і лише в ненависній для вас Україні угорці крім угорської мови більше ніякої мови вчити і знати не хочуть. Ніде більше з цих перечислених країн угорцям не дозволяють вивішувати їхні прапори на державних будівлях, але в Україні і тут ідуть вам на зустріч, але вам все мало і ви тільки хочете що. Україна все оплачувала а ви коли її треба захистити навіть цього не можете зробити. От такі ви…громадяни України…
@@doktorkotasz6488 є такі підрозділи, як 128-а гірсько-штурмова бригада, яка складається з угорців, тоді як українська держава позбавила народу права навчати своєю мовою, 2/3 наших земель забрала Європа, а нас поза угорцями нас ненавидять у всьому країни, які ви перерахували, у той час як у Другій світовій війні мій прадід був змушений воювати за держави Осі (Румунія) у 41 році через країну, яка називає нас «бозгорами», що означає людей без країни.
@@lvivoleg20 захід просто використовує Україну для бог знає чого, в Україні є симпатики нацизму, тоді як лідер Зеленський єврей, я маю на увазі, що відбувається???
There is NO SUCH THING as an "Ethnic Hungarian"!!!!
First of all the region is like slavic from the beggining, before hungarians there were white croats and bulgarian kingdom, modern hungarians are mix of iranic tribes that lived in pannonia slavic people and germans, just with ugro-finnic language like they it or not it's fact, since this is empire state it's have to establish domination approve right to rule the territory, me as ukrainian (rusyn) from Transcarpathia true indogenius to this region (even by DNA test i'm 70% croatian-slovene-bulgarian) but all my ancestors from here, and people still will tell that it's truly hungarian land, ok
This is stupid! The DNA test is only good for showing the match of certain sequences in a geographical distribution (based on samples sent in by people who have already been tested). There is no such thing as Croatian DNA, Ukrainian DNA, Russian DNA, etc. There are no Slavic peoples in the first place, only Slavic linguistics. A Ukrainian or Russian person is a very far cry from a Slovenian. The closest relatives of Slovenes are not Croats, but Czechs, in DNA similarity. There is a new approach to this, the haplo groups. Look it up!
@@juz3r1 yes I meant exactly that, sorry, haplo groups common for some territory/nation
So basically you are telling that our Hungarian ancestors lived there well before your anchestors, welcomed your slavic ancestors in the past, but now you are seeing it vica-versa.
Forget the Hungarian present within the Carpatian Basin from 900AD, it is just Habsburg propaganda to have political advance over Hungarian ancient nobels, and slavic joined to this theory to gather their own advance over Hungarians...
There are theories proving Hungarian present in Carpatian Basin before 8000BC...Also origin of word "Slavic" is slave, not the Huns, or Magyars.
@@zoltanvass9492 no, i just wanna say hungarians are not that unique as they want to be, as a part of turk world or something else, genetic mixture of haplogroups are quite similar to austria, czechia and slovakia, hungary even more slavic than serbia or bulgaria, with slightly higher ugro-finnic influence, perhaps the nomadic tribes simply mixed with others on the way to the Pannonian basin or underwent strong changes, but the elite was Finno-Ugric, 20% of hungarian language are unknown origin, but that's all, of course, the ancestors of the Hungarians clearly lived here for a very long time, but they were definitely not Finno-Ugric, but entered into the formation of the Hungarian nation as a substrate, i don't wanna mock or shade anyone because of heritage, just to clarify that in terms at least hungarian nation and neighbours we are very alike, but many hungarians want to stay as isolated island and reject strong slavic origin (as a german also)
Hungary is always making problems, even after 100 years...
Ukraine is a problem in this relation. Give back our lands, and we will support you
After 100 years 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Naah, we just dislike chauvinism and lies....last but not least stick together if required.
These "Hungarians" are in reality Hungarianized Serbians.
Милан Константиновић 😃
Do not dare to harm Hungarians! 😖
Why do you lie? In these area Hungarians and "ruszin" (not russian) ethnic live for much many years.
@@lleho I don'r, lie, last names and history never lies.
The serbian chauvinistic gypsie arrived. We expect more especially from romania. 🤡
In Ukraine only Ukrainian language must be spoken no other language and if any who dare to oppose it must leave the country and go back wherever they want to .... Ukraine is for Ukrainians .... Slava Ukraine.....
😂 Ukraine is russia 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
@@szekler3561 damn oh sorry exactly 💯 Ukraine is Russia ....
Slava Russia .... Long live Putin ....
Stupid sovinist! 👹
If you are so proud why begging for money, weapons
I'm Hungarian and I fully support Ukraine against Russian agression. 🇭🇺❤🇺🇦
The language rights of minorities should be more respected, it's important to have harmony and co-operation between the ethnic minorities and the Ukrainians. But I can't deny, that the language rights of minorities were changed for the best after the 2017 language law was reformed.
Criticise Orbán left or right, I don’t care. The fact that a prime minister is defending ethnic Hungarians even outside his country is commendable. However if he actually is using it as a bargaining tool, then God will be his judge.
How can Orbán defend hungarians in Ukraine when he is on the russian side in this war?
@@gyulanyars6636 Hungarian rights have been really tamperd on since 2015 and Orbans administration have been trying to fix this, Either think we all can agree ethnic rights should be steadfast if your country want to be an EU member,
@@hyperbeast134 Ukraine has already cancelled this law against hungarian nationality. What else could be done?
@@gyulanyars6636 I live in sweden and up north we have a ppl called samis they live in sweden, norway, finland and russia. We literally have history lessons on them we have lessons on their language and more. So ppl have in their minds this land up north have a meaning for these ppl. Idk every thing ukraine does im not that educated but I doubt they do it like sweden does.(ofcourse ukraine have a diffrent history than sweden but hope you see my perspective on this)
It was only postponed.
Vesszen Trianon 🇭🇺
O,What about Kaliningrad?territories adjoining the Amur River?Outer Manchuria?Abkhazia and South Ossetia?Kuril Islands?
It should go to Hungary 🇭🇺
O, look at percentage of russian population in these areas you mentioned and don't ask stupid questions ever again
Can somebody say how many ukrainian school in Hungary ?And can somebody use another language in Hungary,Poland,Slovak,.... except their own language ?
Yes, I can use English.
Yes they can in most civilized countries, Ukraine is not
See south Tyrol region status in my country for example,or thousand of different examples,plus there is not such a big historic community of Ukrainians In Hungary
There are several Slovak and German language schools in Budapest! Now, for the many Ukrainian refugees, three schools have been set up, where refugee Ukrainian teachers teach!
There are a lot of German, Slovakian and Croatian villages in Hungary + some small towns. In these locations (especially in villages) the people usually speak German, Slovakian or Croatian at home & at school also. Even there is 3 villages, where Roumanian community is prevalent --- the schools in these villages Roumanian is the language (the Hungarian-Rumanian relations is the most tense in the past 100 years), Ukranian is a little different, because there is no historic communities but after the war has started, 3 schools have been set up in Budapest to teach children of the refugees in Ukranian, in their mother tongue.
Because there are no "ukrainians" living in hungary, you uneducated fool.