it's from the musical Elisabeth, here's the lyrics in english: Every path is a maze, everything only comes back, There's no day if night doesn't come. Consider the ghosts, they pull on fate's string, How arrogantly, yet how fallibly. Every soul searches for me, Every ghost waits for me, Everything only returns to me. Perhaps you hear my name derided, Yet I am beautiful To one who wishes to get away from here. In that way I see each, that My work is still quite a lot.... Yes, but here you are,
I love this song! Amazing! This song is really sang in your country. I am glad your country has accepted this song. Who knows? This song is originated from Japanese version. Japanese loves Romance :)
And you come precisely when I would be weary of it. Since I've watched you, Your light blinds me, Illusion now paralyzes me. My choice would be to warm up with you a little, I regret that I have to be cool. It's also a fact that earthly life Already attracts me a little. Why would I resist your allure? Dangerous feeling, In any case it already hurts me To be the executioner, although I play the lover.... But our destinies are written thus: You have to go, And I must wait for you.
Schöne Stimme. Einfach besonders, besonders in den lyrischen und tiefen Stellen.
So beautiful! Thank u for Sharing
Szép hangú halál🌹
Tökéletes, hibátlan!!
it's from the musical Elisabeth, here's the lyrics in english:
Every path is a maze, everything only comes back,
There's no day if night doesn't come.
Consider the ghosts, they pull on fate's string,
How arrogantly, yet how fallibly.
Every soul searches for me,
Every ghost waits for me,
Everything only returns to me.
Perhaps you hear my name derided,
Yet I am beautiful
To one who wishes to get away from here.
In that way I see each, that
My work is still quite a lot....
Yes, but here you are,
I love this song! Amazing! This song is really sang in your country.
I am glad your country has accepted this song.
Who knows? This song is originated from Japanese version.
Japanese loves Romance :)
Das beste Beispiel dafür, dass man den Text nicht verstehen muss, um das Lied zu fühlen. Er macht das einfach super!
Надеюсь когда нибудь я попаду на его концерт так как живу в России😭🙏
És a Miskolci tv felvétele :)
I love this song.
But completely don't understand.
@21karin23 ja da hst du recht ^^ er hats echt einfach drauf :D und wenn eine CD rauskommt dann bin ich die erste die sich eine kauft :D
And you come precisely when I would be weary of it.
Since I've watched you,
Your light blinds me,
Illusion now paralyzes me.
My choice would be to warm up with you a little,
I regret that I have to be cool.
It's also a fact that earthly life
Already attracts me a little.
Why would I resist your allure?
Dangerous feeling,
In any case it already hurts me
To be the executioner, although I play the lover....
But our destinies are written thus:
You have to go,
And I must wait for you.
I know that, in the course of things,
You will ultimately fall in love with me, you will be my lady in the night forever
kein kommen ohne gehen
Bocs a rajongóktól, de szabó p. sokkal jobb halál.. :) Persze azért Máté hangja is rendben van..