Amazing technology, and great symbiotic model with greenhouse... it'll be great to see 1000s of such plants in countries with larger carbon footprint... maybe few plants outside densely populated cities, or next to agricultural hub... Will this become an open source technology in future?
This is likely a net CO2 production. This is why they are using someone else' waste heat and electricity. If they had to run from the grid, you would release more CO2 to generate the electricity to capture the CO2 with this equipment.
the extra energy is used for growing the plants. Else they would sell the gas to the beverage industry or to someone producing fuel. Of course removing the CO2 alltogether would cost extra money, resources, energy.
@@renardfurieux I have understood the same thing, although i also read that it could happen faster if governments made aggressive R&D investments in Gen4 Nuclear technology... which are not Thorium, but... same principle i imagine... more R&D developments will make anything happen faster.
Adrien Chauvet I was thinking putting huge filters over the exhaust fumes of power plants so we can remove the co2 as it goes up the pipe, and then filtered then mineralized and shoved into a soda drink or deep underground
When I was a kid they said an ice age was coming, the world would be dangerously overpopulated by 2000, and more recently that Florida would be under water. Imagine my surprise in 2019 when none of those predictions came true. CO2 based climate change is the latest hoax to steal your money and control your life. Other than that this technology is pretty cool.
I have three questions: 1. How many months of operation does this plant take to capture the carbon from the carbon-energy equivalent energy that went into fabricating and constructing this plant? 2. How much carbon from carbon-equivalent energy does it take to operate this plant for a year? 3. Is its carbon-energy equivalent carbon consumption greater than the carbon it "captures", but if less, what is the net difference of the "captured" carbon vs. its annual carbon-energy equivalent carbon operational output.
There you go with the full study. The analysis will be updated based on the latest data from the first industrial scale plant introduced in the video:
@@Climeworks_official So it's been 2 years. I couldn't find any numbers on your webpage, but how much CO2 have you captured to date? Does this technology actually work? Has it been verified by a 3rd party? I'm genuinely interested.
The politicians will try to shut it down because they want to ruin the energy sector and the economy so they can take over. But CO2 based climate change is a hoax pushed by the politicians anyway. When we slip into a cold decade or two or three because of the solar minimum happening now (the sun control the climate, not greenhouse gases) then just remember I told you it was a hoax.
Just came across Climeworks, wow, just brings back a little hope for the planet! I really hope it becomes a huge success and creates an impact that would probably be the most important one in recent times.
When all carbon dioxide is removed from the air all plant life will be dead and gone forever ..but since plants are the only source we have for oxygen we will all suffocate to death . Co2 level is now 0.03% of only 1% of the air ..its not enough to keep plants live ..if we do not turn off direct co2 removal machines we will run low on oxygen and all of us will suffocate to death ..leaving this planet a barren lifeless rock with nothing alive in a very very short time This fact has been known for over 300 years
CO2 is an essential and therefore valuable raw material so long as it is concentrated and at the location it is needed. You can convert it to fuel, plastics, accelerate and increase greenhouse plant yields or inject it underground to flush out oil. Sure you can capture CO2 from a power station but it won't be near your oil well nor your dessert solar plant.
We must have carbon-based fuels at least until nuclear fission makes a comeback or nuclear fusion is developed and there is a worldwide power grid. These will not happen in my lifetime. Solar and wind power cannot meet our needs ever. They take too much space, they are unreliable, and take massive resources to build, repair and replace. If energy costs are near parity for carbon-capture technology, (micro-based fuel are similar to this technology), then it might make sense for limited use.
Don't be fooled, CO2 climate change is a hoax. How about a nuclear plant in every city? That is cheaper, cleaner, and better on the environment. No? Then you are ignorant and a pawn to the globalist pushing the hoax.
Kudos to the guys who bravely imagined and executed this. If the world can figure out how to get this scaled, perhaps economics will become favorable. And also, somehow figure out how to use a large portion of the captured CO2 for useful products like concrete which can also sequester it for a long time. Bravo!
My thoughts; there should be one of these Co2 machines directly connected to/located in the best possible location to capture/remove/reduce/change Co2 emissions. The excess already in our atmosphere disrupting the delicate balance will be corrected by the earth naturally if we help on all levels.
Don't worry Sam it is a hoax. Nothing is going to happen to you even if we do nothing. For your own peace of mind research it. Look at and 100s of videos on RUclips scientifically explaining why CO2 climate change is a hoax.
Question How much CO2 is produced by power plant during powering this machine? This situation is similar to electric cars. Pople often forget that in order to produce electric power a lot of CO2 is produced by power plant.
We analyzed the question in a study in collaboration with the University of Stuttgart through a life cycle analysis. The grey emissions from the construction, operation and disposal of our plants are below 10% of the CO2 that is captured.
So it's been 2 years. I couldn't find any numbers on your webpage, but how much CO2 have you captured to date? Does this technology actually work? Has it been verified by a 3rd party? I'm genuinely interested.
7,500 tones of CO2 a year is incredibly small in regards to the negative emission levels we need HOWEVER this technology seems to be the only way forward for humanity I totally believe
1.1 billion vehicles worldwide, × 4 tons average exhaust of CO2 YEARLY. Just from vehicles alone is 4.4 billion tons of C02. I'm convinced this a good start....but humankind needs to implement. NOW.
I would love to see a video about the process when you store Co2 under ground. The fans look really nice and high tech. But seeing a video about the final goal would be really great. Is there a video about it?
This kind of endeavor should be supported and financed by the world's billionaires and governments. Each city should have at least a thousand units of these Co2-capturing instruments. The benefits are incalculable.
Is it only me that finds it strange that a filter system to extract CO2 from ambient air (CO2 concentration ca. 450 ppm) is installed next to the chimney of an incinerator which sends an off-gas with 12-15% CO2 into the air all year round? I'm sure it would have been much more cost effective for the gardener to directly use the CO2 from the incinerator. Even with some investment to further purify the off-gas.
how many tons of co2 are used by the processes and materials to build one of these engines? in other words, how long does it take one of these machines to undo its own impact?
Just a question is it possible for you to build units for people who believe in this movement and want to help? I think if people could get involved they would. Or if people could have like a subscription service to offset their use? Like $10 a month and upward?
Interesting, Does this technology require nitrogen to be present in the air? I was originally wondering if it was possible to filter CO2 from an almost 100% O2 atmosphere at ~0.4 bar without breaking it down so it could be moved to a greenhouse, which might be nice for a lunar colony or some such, and this could suggest it should be possible. Though I have no idea if similar technology could work on filtering the O2 out of the greenhouse.
Doesn't it make more sense to filter the CO2 out of the exhaust gases of the waste incineration plant (much higher CO2 concentration) and to use the energy output of the waste incinerator as a substitute for fossil power plants? I mean, if the energy output of the incinerator is missing somewhere else and the energy gap has to be filled with natural gas or coal, the the whole project is a so called "Milchmädchenrechnung", isn't it? How much CO2 can be captured from the air with 1 MWh of electric and heat energy input?
I agree it is great technology but it will never get anywhere because it solves a non-problem and the powers that be aren't trying to solve the non-problem, they are trying to extort money and power.
“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.” An idea like this could literally save our planet. Question - could these be attached directly to industrial chimneys?
Keep up the good work. Also, keep an eye open for any news on Romania... I heard on the news that Romania is considering investing into a CO2 technologies with EU funds... Good luck!
I'm between college student and high school student in japan and I will enter Hokkaido university through an examination.I have a dream that prevent from global warming.So I want to work for saving the earth in there.But I don't know what should I do to work in there. And what university should I go to study related domain.This sentence may be strange but would you tell me advice please?
I wonder why Indonesian government not apply this technology when it’s already made. And put in Kalimantan or sumatra. I don’t know what they thinking about smoke grown bigger by years. It’s not about the cost, it’s all about humanity.
I am assuming the catch it is far more expensive energy than any other source. On the positive side, it probably takes up far less land than solar or wind farming, and is far, far, far, far, cheaper than The Green New Swindle.
nice... is there a way for current cars to capture CO2 and use it as fuel? like perpetual energy for cars and possibly all device that require electriciy.... I would love to throw my own take and possibly more once I fully grasp how this pioneering technology works. Perpetual energy is the way to go and this technology is the first evidence that it can be done.
Where are they going to get the steel, wiring, plastic, concrete etc etc etc to build these things with? At some point the process of sucking the C02 becomes moot, if this process takes more time & uses the resources that are creating the problem in the first place. This becomes sort of nonsense, the only people making out on this will be those making $$$ selling to the big Soda pop giants, pharms, gas and oil. It's a slippery slope of will one outweigh the other. In mind, no. If the only way this is profitable is by the continuing burn of fossil fuels, how does this change a thing?
How interesting! so this machine captureCO2 from the atmosphere and what happen then? do you almacenate CO2 or reuse it or create lowcarbon energy source? I'd be glad if you reply me :)
Let's get real - the average USA citizen emits 15 tons of CO2 per year and DAC is about $500 per ton so the bill for a family of 4 is about $30 thousand per year, if all the CO2 that needs to be buried to get back to less than 300 ppm in the air was solidified with the same density as water it would form a film over 1mm thick over the entire surface of the planet...
Hi! Jaz Wurzbacher said in the beginning of the video that 10 giga tons of CO² must be removed from the atmosphere every year. What is the overall picture (the amount needed to be removed in total)?
Wait if this cost and energy effective process. That CO2 would be useful for Synthetic Fuels for Fuel Cells. Continue the great work to make it scalable and see if its viable.
That is a massively large and complex chemistry topic. It's like asking Explain Metallurgy. But to start with there is two major ways to generate fuels, Reverse Cycle Fuel Cells or Fischer-Tropsch process (massive category). (F-T process)
When you burn a log of wood you are using the fuel (stored carbon) to create energy and placing the carbon back in the air. That is just one very simple example of how carbon can be used as fuel that we have all experienced. Most all fuel is using carbon, and there is a chemical process for taking pure CO2 and creating a fuel with it.
CO2 plus hydrogen from electrolysis can be reacted to produce fuels. Copper Zink catalysts produced methanol which can be converted to gasoline via MTG or the sabatier reaction can produce methane. Hundreds of ways.
Nuclear reactors are an excellent way to produce greenhouse gas free electricity and they could power these carbon scrubbers. New advances such as small modular reactors built on an assembly line and trucked out to sites around the globe that could be as common as a Walmart or a hospital. Truly enabling a local power grid coupled with wind and solar. Make no mistake that there are forces that want to make nuclear power so expensive that it's not viable. When you look at the worst case scenarios of Chernobyl and Fukushima you can see that nuclear power is truly not the boogeyman that people want to make it out to be, but rather the overreaction to an accident. I recommend podcasts such as Titans of Nuclear and lots of RUclips channels educating on how nuclear power works, including the economics. I would much rather live next door to a nuclear power plant than a coal or natural gas plant.
To any conservatives who think that we should not use the force of law against people who force more global warming nonconsensually onto others, then I say we should not use the force of law against people forcing sex onto children, or immigrants moving anywhere they want on the planet, just as long as it is not on your private property. Science says what the effects of forcing sex onto children is. Science says what the effects of immigrants in a new nation are. DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THESE EVENTS IS CONSIDERED "politicizing" the science.
David Gwin LOL if this isn’t a case of the pot calling the kettle black. They were just using an analogy to show inconsistent reasoning, which it looks like may have gone over your head entirely or simply didn’t care to address. They also said absolutely nothing about race, just mentioned immigrants. But the Ultimate Reductionist is the one with “bizarre racial fixations”.
Lol this is remove CO2 from the air where it's supposedly sell to a farm down the road where you correctly point out that plants actually thrive and need more CO2 than what's currently in the the CO2 you spent incredible amounts of energy to capture is now back in the plants and they thank you for it, and no-one seems to be confused by that... The only positive difference is in your wallet I guess, and you look like heroes doing it, just brilliant guys, well done, it's like a giant rube-goldberg machine for money!
We must to have these in multi-area in a lot of area in Thailand for decrease high risk danger from respiratory from PM 2.5 especially in Chiang Mai, Bangkok and some area in Northeast.
Could this technology be scaled way down and attached to cars, trucks, etc? The motion of the vehicle would eliminate the need for fans and the car itself would be your energy source? Could tiny Climeworks collectors on millions of vehicles traveling billions of miles per year add up to some meaningful co2 capture?
awesome commercial wise its the best how about domestic household? why should people.breathe carbon?? why not a small sized domestic one out of it ?? i am in for a domestic
Trees could buy us some time as well. Instead of cutting down or burning down the rainforests for cheap wood, soy production, beef, or palm oil, or ethanol for cars - the latter is the CRAZY EU scheme) Trees store carbon easily for 100 or even a few hundred years. And when they are grown in the moderate climate zone they can be cut down, and removed from the ecosystem and used for heat (instead of fossil fuel). When a tree rots it releases the CO2 as well, with burning the release is just much quicker. Advantage of letting it rot: the biomass and the nutrients stay IN the system. and it provides a niche for animals, insects. They let the trees rot in natural parks. They are currently building multistorey buildings (up to 7 or 8 levels) using wood (well boards based on wood) - that would reduce the need for energy intensive concrete (cement is burnt at extremely high temperatures and the sand and rocks are heavy - heavier than wood). If buidling materials are recycled and separated when taken down (or there are devices that can do that), the wood can be reused or burnt. In Austria there is very strict recycling promoted for building materials. If separated (wood, pvc pipes, metall, glass, styrofoam) the costs to get rid of the rubble are moderate. But they make you pay a lot if you deliver the rubble mixed. So much that it warrants separation even with high labour costs. The concrete and brick materials can be reused for instance for the bed of streets. The energy used initially for producing brick and concrete is not lost. And the volume of such materials (and the weight) is high - so when those materials can be reused the landfills will not need to be expanded (there is a lot a caution regarding aquifers and landfills, and the country sells its beauty in tourism). Space and a clean environment is valuable.
Alexandre Fernandes Compressing/liquefying COx and NOx emissions from ICEs can be accomplished without producing any further greenhouse gas emissions, by using waste heat generated by the ICE and converting it to electricity via thermocouples. Current thermoelectric technology is 33% efficient (implies a thermoelectric potential of 2.6), assuming tin-selenide is utilized.
It's great to see how a group of people could change the world. I hope that the humanitie will see what a potential is in this product. I say that you will take 60% of the world wide CO². Good luck in the next years.
Amazing technology, and great symbiotic model with greenhouse... it'll be great to see 1000s of such plants in countries with larger carbon footprint... maybe few plants outside densely populated cities, or next to agricultural hub... Will this become an open source technology in future?
This is likely a net CO2 production. This is why they are using someone else' waste heat and electricity. If they had to run from the grid, you would release more CO2 to generate the electricity to capture the CO2 with this equipment.
This technology paired with Nuclear Thorium Molten Salt Reactor technology would would circumvent this problem.
the extra energy is used for growing the plants. Else they would sell the gas to the beverage industry or to someone producing fuel. Of course removing the CO2 alltogether would cost extra money, resources, energy.
Thorium will likely not be available for energy production before 2075, if all goes well. Too far away
@@renardfurieux I have understood the same thing, although i also read that it could happen faster if governments made aggressive R&D investments in Gen4 Nuclear technology... which are not Thorium, but... same principle i imagine... more R&D developments will make anything happen faster.
When I was a kid I imagined walls of fans and filters to clean our atmosphere. 20 years later you guys built one. That is impressive.
Agreed. Well said.
Adrien Chauvet I was thinking putting huge filters over the exhaust fumes of power plants so we can remove the co2 as it goes up the pipe, and then filtered then mineralized and shoved into a soda drink or deep underground
When I was a kid they said an ice age was coming, the world would be dangerously overpopulated by 2000, and more recently that Florida would be under water. Imagine my surprise in 2019 when none of those predictions came true. CO2 based climate change is the latest hoax to steal your money and control your life. Other than that this technology is pretty cool.
@@arcturus9366 Lol, yes drink coal plant soda to save the world! Love it.
G Buz get educated first, comment second
I have three questions:
1. How many months of operation does this plant take to capture the carbon from the carbon-energy equivalent energy that went into fabricating and constructing this plant?
2. How much carbon from carbon-equivalent energy does it take to operate this plant for a year?
3. Is its carbon-energy equivalent carbon consumption greater than the carbon it "captures", but if less, what is the net difference of the "captured" carbon vs. its annual carbon-energy equivalent carbon operational output.
There you go with the full study. The analysis will be updated based on the latest data from the first industrial scale plant introduced in the video:
Climeworks , just read the „study“. None of the above questions are answered. Please iterate further. Really interested in this technology.
@@Climeworks_official the link doesn't work.
Use google people
So it's been 2 years. I couldn't find any numbers on your webpage, but how much CO2 have you captured to date? Does this technology actually work? Has it been verified by a 3rd party? I'm genuinely interested.
This is beyond amazing! These setups need to be on every industrial roof top across the world. Please keep pushing tis technology.
Now don't let the politicians shut this down. Keep running. We need it!
The politicians will try to shut it down because they want to ruin the energy sector and the economy so they can take over. But CO2 based climate change is a hoax pushed by the politicians anyway. When we slip into a cold decade or two or three because of the solar minimum happening now (the sun control the climate, not greenhouse gases) then just remember I told you it was a hoax.
Just came across Climeworks, wow, just brings back a little hope for the planet! I really hope it becomes a huge success and creates an impact that would probably be the most important one in recent times.
When all carbon dioxide is removed from the air all plant life will be dead and gone forever ..but since plants are the only source we have for oxygen we will all suffocate to death . Co2 level is now 0.03% of only 1% of the air ..its not enough to keep plants live ..if we do not turn off direct co2 removal machines we will run low on oxygen and all of us will suffocate to death ..leaving this planet a barren lifeless rock with nothing alive in a very very short time
This fact has been known for over 300 years
We need more of these to deal with the UKs CO2 shortages.
one of my non 'save earth' friends suggested me this channel cause they knew I'm into this stuff, cant thank him enough
This is one of those things that can be improved inevitably, in line with the years of dedicated research
The whole idea sounds great, but how much CO2 do you need to built one collector?
CO2 is an essential and therefore valuable raw material so long as it is concentrated and at the location it is needed. You can convert it to fuel, plastics, accelerate and increase greenhouse plant yields or inject it underground to flush out oil. Sure you can capture CO2 from a power station but it won't be near your oil well nor your dessert solar plant.
We must have carbon-based fuels at least until nuclear fission makes a comeback or nuclear fusion is developed and there is a worldwide power grid. These will not happen in my lifetime. Solar and wind power cannot meet our needs ever. They take too much space, they are unreliable, and take massive resources to build, repair and replace.
If energy costs are near parity for carbon-capture technology, (micro-based fuel are similar to this technology), then it might make sense for limited use.
Amazing technology to reduce global warming. You have shown a way to future generations. I hope that this technology will be adopted by every city.
Don't be fooled, CO2 climate change is a hoax. How about a nuclear plant in every city? That is cheaper, cleaner, and better on the environment. No? Then you are ignorant and a pawn to the globalist pushing the hoax.
You are hero for our earth. I glad to listen your technology news.
Thank you Tyrion for saving our world!
Lol, CO2 can't destroy the world. It is scientifically impossible. Rising CO2 has increased crop yield 15%, that is saving the world.
Kudos to the guys who bravely imagined and executed this.
If the world can figure out how to get this scaled, perhaps economics will become favorable.
And also, somehow figure out how to use a large portion of the captured CO2 for useful products like concrete which can also sequester it for a long time.
My thoughts; there should be one of these Co2 machines directly connected to/located in the best possible location to capture/remove/reduce/change Co2 emissions. The excess already in our atmosphere disrupting the delicate balance will be corrected by the earth naturally if we help on all levels.
Combining Waste incinerator with CO2 capture to run and feed a green house! Pure genius!!!! 💗
makes me feel slightly more optimistic....
no, look at CO2 emissions each year and you will find that this does nothing
By their own admission it is the world's first. Someone has to lead the way before others can design something better.
Aiden Burgess oh like ur an expert
unfortunately the co2 has to be stored underground.. a horrible idea
Don't worry Sam it is a hoax. Nothing is going to happen to you even if we do nothing. For your own peace of mind research it. Look at and 100s of videos on RUclips scientifically explaining why CO2 climate change is a hoax.
How much CO2 is produced by power plant during powering this machine?
This situation is similar to electric cars.
Pople often forget that in order to produce electric power a lot of CO2 is produced by power plant.
And also to build and maintain this plant? Did anyone calculate? :)
You always need energy to start a machine or process. But then the energy flows is inverted. It´s like in fusion or atomic energy.
We analyzed the question in a study in collaboration with the University of Stuttgart through a life cycle analysis. The grey emissions from the construction, operation and disposal of our plants are below 10% of the CO2 that is captured.
Capt Ron, "scientist" is not a "global warming job."
That's like calling an English teacher someone who works in an "illiteracy job."
Is this study available? Can i download it?
So it's been 2 years. I couldn't find any numbers on your webpage, but how much CO2 have you captured to date? Does this technology actually work? Has it been verified by a 3rd party? I'm genuinely interested.
Everything is cool! Grant taken! We are traveling by our new yacht now!
Whatever they are doing is speechless. You are doing in a big level and I hope other countries will also take special steps to protect our future.
My thanks to Mr. Loring, my 6th grade teacher who taught me the laws of thermodynamics.
Not to be a pessimist, but if you use a machine to collect co2 that requires electricity. Are you really getting anywhere with the problem?
Very good job guys! Looking forward to see this technology woldwide :)
What sorbent you are using for DAC?
whats your special absorbent, is it ethanolamine?
is it possible to turn the co2 into carbon fibers?
Here is my latest video on carbon capture:видео.html
I like the direction this technology is going.
7,500 tones of CO2 a year is incredibly small in regards to the negative emission levels we need HOWEVER this technology seems to be the only way forward for humanity I totally believe
1.1 billion vehicles worldwide,
× 4 tons average exhaust of CO2
Just from vehicles alone is 4.4 billion tons of C02.
I'm convinced this a good start....but humankind needs to implement. NOW.
I would love to see a video about the process when you store Co2 under ground. The fans look really nice and high tech. But seeing a video about the final goal would be really great. Is there a video about it?
This kind of endeavor should be supported and financed by the world's billionaires and governments. Each city should have at least a thousand units of these Co2-capturing instruments. The benefits are incalculable.
Is it only me that finds it strange that a filter system to extract CO2 from ambient air (CO2 concentration ca. 450 ppm) is installed next to the chimney of an incinerator which sends an off-gas with 12-15% CO2 into the air all year round? I'm sure it would have been much more cost effective for the gardener to directly use the CO2 from the incinerator. Even with some investment to further purify the off-gas.
This will help to reverse climate change
God damn I liked the warm summers :(
how many tons of co2 are used by the processes and materials to build one of these engines? in other words, how long does it take one of these machines to undo its own impact?
How about instead of storing CO2 underground, convert it into dry ice and store it in an open to reduce temperature? Is that feasible?
Just a question is it possible for you to build units for people who believe in this movement and want to help? I think if people could get involved they would. Or if people could have like a subscription service to offset their use? Like $10 a month and upward?
Hey, Hope everything is good. I was wondering if your company is offering an intern positions. Would be glad to hear.
Trees capure co2 yes but in the winter or when they die they releas the same amount of co2 or twice the amount
Will ti work for renewable energy.
Set it down where we are scrubing collect exhaust and use fo combustion improve efficiency.
Just heard a spokesperson say current cost is $600US/tonne. Makes renewables more and more attractive.
Interesting, Does this technology require nitrogen to be present in the air?
I was originally wondering if it was possible to filter CO2 from an almost 100% O2 atmosphere at ~0.4 bar without breaking it down so it could be moved to a greenhouse, which might be nice for a lunar colony or some such, and this could suggest it should be possible. Though I have no idea if similar technology could work on filtering the O2 out of the greenhouse.
Doesn't it make more sense to filter the CO2 out of the exhaust gases of the waste incineration plant (much higher CO2 concentration) and to use the energy output of the waste incinerator as a substitute for fossil power plants? I mean, if the energy output of the incinerator is missing somewhere else and the energy gap has to be filled with natural gas or coal, the the whole project is a so called "Milchmädchenrechnung", isn't it? How much CO2 can be captured from the air with 1 MWh of electric and heat energy input?
Why not capture directly at the source? Like at coal power plants exhaust.
This is brilliant.
I agree it is great technology but it will never get anywhere because it solves a non-problem and the powers that be aren't trying to solve the non-problem, they are trying to extort money and power.
How much electricity is needed to power these plants?
Just out of curiosity, how many years after factory build does it become carbon neutral,? And start making a dent in co2 emissions?
“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.” An idea like this could literally save our planet.
Question - could these be attached directly to industrial chimneys?
Keep up the good work. Also, keep an eye open for any news on Romania... I heard on the news that Romania is considering investing into a CO2 technologies with EU funds... Good luck!
The fuel to power it? Diesel
I'm between college student and high school student in japan and I will enter Hokkaido university through an examination.I have a dream that prevent from global warming.So I want to work for saving the earth in there.But I don't know what should I do to work in there. And what university should I go to study related domain.This sentence may be strange but would you tell me advice please?
Great informative video. What else is captured?
it's like Oxygen not Included but in real life
great job, Climeworks
The co2 is produced faster than it is used so small steps may help like switching off engines at traffic signals
Please save world. You can do it.🙏🙏🙏🙏
I wonder why Indonesian government not apply this technology when it’s already made. And put in Kalimantan or sumatra. I don’t know what they thinking about smoke grown bigger by years. It’s not about the cost, it’s all about humanity.
Your ,my and other 3rd world countries are made to decompose the waste of all first world countries and your politicians are paid well
Can it be used to produce synthetic fuels in economic manner without adding additional co2 into atmosphere
what's the catch? it releases more c02 to do this doesn't it?
Side emissions are well below 10% of the CO2 that is captured by the system:
I am assuming the catch it is far more expensive energy than any other source. On the positive side, it probably takes up far less land than solar or wind farming, and is far, far, far, far, cheaper than The Green New Swindle.
Keep up the good work guys
Is this goal for the totality of co2 emissions or is this just in that year alone
nice... is there a way for current cars to capture CO2 and use it as fuel? like perpetual energy for cars and possibly all device that require electriciy.... I would love to throw my own take and possibly more once I fully grasp how this pioneering technology works. Perpetual energy is the way to go and this technology is the first evidence that it can be done.
Where are they going to get the steel, wiring, plastic, concrete etc etc etc to build these things with? At some point the process of sucking the C02 becomes moot, if this process takes more time & uses the resources that are creating the problem in the first place. This becomes sort of nonsense, the only people making out on this will be those making $$$ selling to the big Soda pop giants, pharms, gas and oil. It's a slippery slope of will one outweigh the other. In mind, no. If the only way this is profitable is by the continuing burn of fossil fuels, how does this change a thing?
How interesting! so this machine captureCO2 from the atmosphere and what happen then? do you almacenate CO2 or reuse it or create lowcarbon energy source? I'd be glad if you reply me :)
here is one idea for what to do with the captured Co2
this is great guys!
Can't we capture a bit more than 1% that sounds a bit small?
This is truly amazing technology.
This is amazing. I wonder, will this technology make any damages to the ground where the co2 will be stored. Would like hear about this part more.
How much energy to produce a tonne of CO2 ?
How much Co2 do those gigantic machines produce to remove a million tons of Co2 from the atmosphere?
1 ton of coal producers 3 ton of co2
Let's get real - the average USA citizen emits 15 tons of CO2 per year and DAC is about $500 per ton
so the bill for a family of 4 is about $30 thousand per year, if all the CO2 that needs to
be buried to get back to less than 300 ppm in the air was solidified with the same density as water
it would form a film over 1mm thick over the entire surface of the planet...
Hi! Jaz Wurzbacher said in the beginning of the video that 10 giga tons of CO² must be removed from the atmosphere every year. What is the overall picture (the amount needed to be removed in total)?
Can they build that under cars for clean air , this will target one of the sources of co2
Nice work, I hope you are ultra successful. Well done on your invention and company!
Is it inspired by the Atmospheric Condenser in Astroneer?
Wait if this cost and energy effective process. That CO2 would be useful for Synthetic Fuels for Fuel Cells. Continue the great work to make it scalable and see if its viable.
That is a massively large and complex chemistry topic. It's like asking Explain Metallurgy. But to start with there is two major ways to generate fuels, Reverse Cycle Fuel Cells or Fischer-Tropsch process (massive category). (F-T process)
When you burn a log of wood you are using the fuel (stored carbon) to create energy and placing the carbon back in the air. That is just one very simple example of how carbon can be used as fuel that we have all experienced. Most all fuel is using carbon, and there is a chemical process for taking pure CO2 and creating a fuel with it.
CO2 plus hydrogen from electrolysis can be reacted to produce fuels. Copper Zink catalysts produced methanol which can be converted to gasoline via MTG or the sabatier reaction can produce methane. Hundreds of ways.
Is it economical to make diesel fuel from captured carbon dioxide
Nuclear reactors are an excellent way to produce greenhouse gas free electricity and they could power these carbon scrubbers.
New advances such as small modular reactors built on an assembly line and trucked out to sites around the globe that could be as common as a Walmart or a hospital. Truly enabling a local power grid coupled with wind and solar.
Make no mistake that there are forces that want to make nuclear power so expensive that it's not viable.
When you look at the worst case scenarios of Chernobyl and Fukushima you can see that nuclear power is truly not the boogeyman that people want to make it out to be, but rather the overreaction to an accident.
I recommend podcasts such as Titans of Nuclear and lots of RUclips channels educating on how nuclear power works, including the economics.
I would much rather live next door to a nuclear power plant than a coal or natural gas plant.
Good luck, sounds like a great idea!
To any conservatives who think that we should not use the force of law against people who force more global warming nonconsensually onto others, then I say we should not use the force of law against people forcing sex onto children,
or immigrants moving anywhere they want on the planet, just as long as it is not on your private property.
Science says what the effects of forcing sex onto children is. Science says what the effects of immigrants in a new nation are. DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THESE EVENTS IS CONSIDERED "politicizing" the science.
David Gwin LOL if this isn’t a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
They were just using an analogy to show inconsistent reasoning, which it looks like may have gone over your head entirely or simply didn’t care to address. They also said absolutely nothing about race, just mentioned immigrants. But the Ultimate Reductionist is the one with “bizarre racial fixations”.
This sounds like it would be more efficient if it was attached to Smokestacks of the Waste Incinerator.
Now this many years later they are able to turn the CO² into a liquid fuel
The problem is toxic soot.
CO2 is Mother Nature its cleanest end product.
CO2 greens the planet
@@marcelmolenaar5684 2:06 They even say, that plants are growing better with higher CO2 concentrations. So they know that it's not a problem at all.
Lol this is remove CO2 from the air where it's supposedly sell to a farm down the road where you correctly point out that plants actually thrive and need more CO2 than what's currently in the the CO2 you spent incredible amounts of energy to capture is now back in the plants and they thank you for it, and no-one seems to be confused by that... The only positive difference is in your wallet I guess, and you look like heroes doing it, just brilliant guys, well done, it's like a giant rube-goldberg machine for money!
Who to use technelogy in small expermental for student
I am reminded of alchemy, cargo cults and sacrificing virgins.
We must to have these in multi-area in a lot of area in Thailand for decrease high risk danger from respiratory from PM 2.5 especially in Chiang Mai, Bangkok and some area in Northeast.
The system is not to remove dust but CO2 from ambient air
@@christophsprenger9377 Thank you.
What's the link so I can buy some
Amazing 👌
Not only the trees but also these machine , wow ....
Question is , we still needs trees in this world right ??
Could this technology be scaled way down and attached to cars, trucks, etc? The motion of the vehicle would eliminate the need for fans and the car itself would be your energy source? Could tiny Climeworks collectors on millions of vehicles traveling billions of miles per year add up to some meaningful co2 capture?
Is there a machine like this that will clean the air ?
How much do one of these carbon collector's cost?
awesome commercial wise its the best
how about domestic household?
why should people.breathe carbon??
why not a small sized domestic one out of it ??
i am in for a domestic
Trees could buy us some time as well. Instead of cutting down or burning down the rainforests for cheap wood, soy production, beef, or palm oil, or ethanol for cars - the latter is the CRAZY EU scheme)
Trees store carbon easily for 100 or even a few hundred years. And when they are grown in the moderate climate zone they can be cut down, and removed from the ecosystem and used for heat (instead of fossil fuel).
When a tree rots it releases the CO2 as well, with burning the release is just much quicker.
Advantage of letting it rot: the biomass and the nutrients stay IN the system. and it provides a niche for animals, insects. They let the trees rot in natural parks.
They are currently building multistorey buildings (up to 7 or 8 levels) using wood (well boards based on wood) - that would reduce the need for energy intensive concrete (cement is burnt at extremely high temperatures and the sand and rocks are heavy - heavier than wood).
If buidling materials are recycled and separated when taken down (or there are devices that can do that), the wood can be reused or burnt.
In Austria there is very strict recycling promoted for building materials. If separated (wood, pvc pipes, metall, glass, styrofoam) the costs to get rid of the rubble are moderate.
But they make you pay a lot if you deliver the rubble mixed. So much that it warrants separation even with high labour costs.
The concrete and brick materials can be reused for instance for the bed of streets. The energy used initially for producing brick and concrete is not lost. And the volume of such materials (and the weight) is high - so when those materials can be reused the landfills will not need to be expanded (there is a lot a caution regarding aquifers and landfills, and the country sells its beauty in tourism). Space and a clean environment is valuable.
What happens when all co2 is taken from the air? Will all plant life die?
With the current level of 415 parts per million my guess is that you probably won't need to worry about that for the next couple of thousand years ...
And how many CO2 is produced to supply the electricity to your huge fans and process?!
Is at least positive?!
Alexandre Fernandes Compressing/liquefying COx and NOx emissions from ICEs can be accomplished without producing any further greenhouse gas emissions, by using waste heat generated by the ICE and converting it to electricity via thermocouples. Current thermoelectric technology is 33% efficient (implies a thermoelectric potential of 2.6), assuming tin-selenide is utilized.
How can we convert CO2 to energy.
That's a great idea! But tell me what about it, it's about money or ecology. Who gives money for this project. What is the price for 1 kg of CO2?
The electric bill must be amazing, sport car amazing.
We're fine with our electricity bill, 80% of the energy we need is waste/residual heat from electricity production.
It's great to see how a group of people could change the world. I hope that the humanitie will see what a potential is in this product. I say that you will take 60% of the world wide CO². Good luck in the next years.
just lost the north of greenland ice cap, i think we re fucked