قال الإمام أحمد بن حنبل رحمهُ الله: « رأيتُ لأهل الأهواء والبدع أسماء شنيعة يُسمُّون بها أهل السُّنة، يُريدُون بذلك عيبهم، والطَّعن عليهم، والوقيعة فيهم عند السُّفهاء والجُهال ». 📚[ طبقات الحنابلة ]
It's funny how some so-called salafi scholars in Nigeria freely attend the conference of this Salafi 1990 man. I still cannot fathom why a salafi would still be attending his conference when he obviously does not call himself salafi
The innovatior of this name will also be getting rewards for his utrance against the scholars like ibn Baz, ibn uthaimin, as long as it exists. May Allah not make us founder of evil in our society.
May Allah Aza wajalla preserve our scholars. His explanation complements that of Dr. Sharrof. on the same topic. May Allah reward both of them well.
May Allah preserve all Olumo Ahlu sunnah for us
قال الإمام أحمد بن حنبل رحمهُ الله:
« رأيتُ لأهل الأهواء والبدع أسماء شنيعة يُسمُّون بها أهل السُّنة، يُريدُون بذلك عيبهم، والطَّعن عليهم، والوقيعة فيهم عند السُّفهاء والجُهال ».
📚[ طبقات الحنابلة ]
Am also one of the salafia 1990
Al hamdulilah... may almighty Allah never take me out of them
If people that follows Sunnah are refers to salafi 1990, I'm proud to be one of them. In fact I will change my name here to Salafi 1990 😅
Don't change your name adding 1990 coz the enemy will still use it as evidence to mislead those that doesn't have knowledge
It's funny how some so-called salafi scholars in Nigeria freely attend the conference of this Salafi 1990 man. I still cannot fathom why a salafi would still be attending his conference when he obviously does not call himself salafi
The innovatior of this name will also be getting rewards for his utrance against the scholars like ibn Baz, ibn uthaimin, as long as it exists.
May Allah not make us founder of evil in our society.