Be warned though, you likely will be charged a very hefty price just to get in for a short time. It looks great, but I firmly believe that charging us still to get in is a ripoff.
I feel the best ones were from the time before Covid, when it wasn't ticketed, so you could just come and go freely. At that time, it covered a larger part of the parkland, and nobody had to miss out when tickets sold out. But this year's is definitely the best since ticketed entry started.
@@BrisbaneChannel oh ill not go now you need a it a free ticket?? .but maybe its a good idea because covid is stll about heaps and they are trying to keep the crowds down
Yes, I understood the need to restrict numbers back in the peak of Covid, which is when they brought in ticketed entry, but I don't see why they can't return it to being open to the public with free entry.
@@BrisbaneChannel I fully agree, and now I really am hoping that the light display they also have in May is going to remain free to all, because I really am wanting to go back there for the second time next year, and no way am I willing to pay anything to get in there.
Great video!
Cheers for the vid!
Cheers for watching!
Looking forward to checking this one out.
Definitely worth a visit. I enjoyed it almost as much as the pre-ticketing versions.
Be warned though, you likely will be charged a very hefty price just to get in for a short time.
It looks great, but I firmly believe that charging us still to get in is a ripoff.
i went to one of these few years back..very lovely indeed
I feel the best ones were from the time before Covid, when it wasn't ticketed, so you could just come and go freely. At that time, it covered a larger part of the parkland, and nobody had to miss out when tickets sold out. But this year's is definitely the best since ticketed entry started.
@@BrisbaneChannel oh ill not go now you need a it a free ticket?? .but maybe its a good idea because covid is stll about heaps and they are trying to keep the crowds down
@@BrisbaneChannel well, no matter how good they make it look, if they charge us money for it, than no way am I willing to go there
Hi 👋👋👋
Hello 👋
Stop charging us money just to get in there council¡! 🤬😠😤
Great video always!
Yes, I understood the need to restrict numbers back in the peak of Covid, which is when they brought in ticketed entry, but I don't see why they can't return it to being open to the public with free entry.
@@BrisbaneChannel I fully agree, and now I really am hoping that the light display they also have in May is going to remain free to all, because I really am wanting to go back there for the second time next year, and no way am I willing to pay anything to get in there.
Hi 👋👋👋
Hello 👋