It Gets Better Canada

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • LGBT Canadians share their stories for the It Gets Better Project, including Rick Mercer, Rex Harrington, Diane Flacks, Tommy Smythe, Enza Anderson, the cast of MTV's 1g5g, Joeffer Caoc, David Dixon, Deb Pearce, Peter Fallico and many more

Комментарии • 717

  • @casualgeek
    @casualgeek 14 лет назад +2

    What an inspiring and emotionally moving video. This had me teary-eyed. Great job Canada!

  • @stevenpt1975
    @stevenpt1975 13 лет назад +1

    Thanks to everyone who put this together.... it made me so proud.

  • @BlinkLondon
    @BlinkLondon 14 лет назад +1

    wonderful video. I am so proud of my brother, Arren, who is featured in this and is also instrumental in making this happen. Deepest respect to all of you who are spreading a message of love and hope to those teens who need it. x

    @ROWKEM 11 лет назад +1

    I'm happy and proud to say this was the video that finally allowed me to accept who I was and come out to my family almost a year and half ago. Thanks. :)

  • @CHitch62
    @CHitch62 14 лет назад

    So great! Thanks on behalf of our kids. Wonderful to see such diversity in the presenters here--CEOs, writers, producers, athletes, entrepreneurs, politicians, performers, and so on.

  • @rainbowdust5307
    @rainbowdust5307 9 лет назад +1

    Mabuhay! Greetings from the Philippines. It, indeed, gets better after hearing several stories of courage. It made me realize that i'm not the only one who feels this weird emotions. Thanks a lot.

  • @seandeeify
    @seandeeify 14 лет назад

    Great production! This project is so important that the scope of the stories we've been following from its beginning have got to be reaching the wide ranging target groups that it was intended for. Thank you fellow Canadians and every one else.

  • @stupidusername84
    @stupidusername84 14 лет назад

    What an awesome video. I'm not gay, but I have lots of friends who are and they are all incredible, precious, and inspiring people. The strength it takes, the honesty... it's something to admire, not ridicule.

  • @Dee97
    @Dee97 14 лет назад +3

    that was beautiful Canada, thank you for your stories

  • @jimmygoodwood
    @jimmygoodwood 14 лет назад +1

    I'm so glad that we're finally in a time that these issues can be discussed so openly, and more importantly with honesty. To all the LGBT youth, everyone's path is different, and we all find our way eventually. There will be a day when who we love doesn't affect how we're treated, it's getting closer everyday. We will all have seemingly overwhelming circumstances in our lives, some of us more than others, but that doesn't mean that you should EVER give up you sense of self worth. Stay strong.

  • @robsmas
    @robsmas 14 лет назад

    What a great video. Wonderful to hear so many strong and unique Canadian voices. I was lucky enough to work with a few of these people when I was younger. They inspired me creatively but also as a gay man. We must remember the power and influence of each and every one of our voices, individually and en masse.

  • @JLTooks
    @JLTooks 14 лет назад

    Thank you! All canadian powerhouses, whom we should all be extremely proud of just for being so great! Just goes to show, life got a hell of a lot better for them!

  • @turnoffthetv
    @turnoffthetv 14 лет назад +1

    This is a fantastic addition to the project, and really awesome to see such a united Canadian stance. Thanks to everyone in the video for standing up and speaking out. As a bisexual woman, I too know that it gets better. Hang in there, teens.

  • @Batman010366
    @Batman010366 13 лет назад

    I'm bisexual and 17 I came out when I was 13! It's been 4 years and it's gotten so much better and it will get better and better the older I get((: This It Gets Better Project is amazing ever gay and lesbian or even bi person needs to watch this!!!

  • @Robinegg
    @Robinegg 14 лет назад

    Bravo everyone involved with this production! These fine 12 minutes plus makes me proud to be Canadian!

  • @jamieroko
    @jamieroko 14 лет назад

    This needs to run daily on television! Thank you so much for also including 'Kids Help Phone' at the end too. It's sad that this campaign even has to exist, and that school administrators don't empower teachers to be more involved in making schools safer. Adults really do have power to make a difference in schools, but far to often they just look the other way....

  • @lexia8884
    @lexia8884 12 лет назад +1

    very inspirational. Got tears when i first watched this in my Sociology Class.

  • @cookamanga
    @cookamanga 14 лет назад

    very proud of each canadian who displayed themselves in this video. i'm very proud of each and everyone one of you. thanks for helping those who don't see the future. i myself can say, IT GETS BETTER!

  • @fishette12345
    @fishette12345 14 лет назад

    It absolutely does get better - I was tormented, teased and bullied in school. As an adult I more choices available to me and I can choose where I work and who I keep around me. You aren't alone and there is resources and support. I certainly hope anyone struggling with the prejudice of any sexual or gender identity seeks help... and KEEPS seeking help until they find something that works.

  • @dbertobis
    @dbertobis 13 лет назад

    I cried for this movie. My whole story came out. I am 51 and have lost one of my oldest friends four years ago, he was then 46. He hung himself because he thought he may be gay. At 46 he did not even accepted the idea. In my country being gay can still be a huge problem especially for those families having a catholic background. And our government is hugely homophobic. I wish we could have this movie in Italy! Thanks to every single witness here. From old, dying Italy

  • @xxphetmagexx
    @xxphetmagexx 14 лет назад +1

    Im in love with Canada. This country is too amazing to be true.

  • @jlanges101
    @jlanges101 14 лет назад

    love this video! I got chills watching it! I love how so many videos like this are becoming viral, we need to get the message across!

  • @iloveujohnnyrzeznik
    @iloveujohnnyrzeznik 13 лет назад

    I am the proud sibling, cousin and friend of openly gay people. Thank you for this video! This makes me want to stand on the side of the street with a sign "It Get's Better". Being a teenager is hard enough, nobody deserves this torment for being who they were made to be! Love the one you love and never let anyone steal your joy!

  • @marcmarion17
    @marcmarion17 14 лет назад

    The Producers of this should really think about extending the length and making this into a 30 min doc for CBC. It's a message that deserves to be in the mainstream where everyone can hear it.

  • @1Musicalandmore
    @1Musicalandmore 14 лет назад

    I lived in Canada for a whole year! It is one of the best countries in the whole wide world! Keep up the positives my dear Canadians!!!! :)

  • @Circa2010Buck
    @Circa2010Buck 14 лет назад

    This video reminded me of my high school years and coming to terms with my sexuality. It reminded me of how much of a weight was lifted off my chest, when I told my parents at age 17 I was gay. It did take them the better part of 10 years to come full circle and accept me. Acceptance starts with yourself. Once you achieve this, then the rest gets much easier. It does get better.

  • @scuttlebuttlodge
    @scuttlebuttlodge 14 лет назад

    I have watched a lot of videos on youtube, and this is the best one. I am so proud of you all and your courage to live your lives they way they should be lived. I hope this inspires all gay youth to have the strength to be themselves as my son has done.

  • @FilmsReView
    @FilmsReView 14 лет назад

    This video is amazing, so many people who came forward to add their voice to this project. Makes me proud to be an out gay Canadian, always have been, always will be. And yes, highschool was hell, but it does get better, and the best part is all the kids who were cool and popular in highschool, the ones I bump into are not doing so well adapting to real life anyway.

  • @shursts
    @shursts 14 лет назад

    I am so happy and proud to be a member of this community. Thank you to all my friends, colleagues and mentors who took part in this video. It does get better!!!

  • @Weirdosaur
    @Weirdosaur 12 лет назад

    I'm gay and I came out to my best friend last week, who took it really well, and that WEIGHT resting on your shoulders, it really does lift off. Like, you can actually feel it. I know I've only come out to one person, and I know I'm only 15, but just this small taste of what it feels like to really be MYSELF, I can already tell that it'll get a hell of a lot better. And when it does, I'll be smiling the whole time, saying "I knew it would."

  • @faithnaked
    @faithnaked 14 лет назад

    This is an amazing video and I hope it reaches the people who need it most. I grew up in a small town with a gay mother and had to deal with very intolerant people who picked on me because of it. I may have not been gay but in their eyes I may as well have been. They beat me up, called me names, but life moves on and life gets better. I can't even remember most of their names.
    Now I'm in school for Medical Office admin and I've even crossed off a few items on my bucket list.

  • @CdnTX066
    @CdnTX066 13 лет назад

    I LOVE LOVE this!!! I feel so heartbroken when I hear that some parents are so cruel. The home is where the love should be unconditional!!! Canada is such a phenomenal place and such progressive hearts and minds!

  • @blueguitar2410
    @blueguitar2410 12 лет назад

    Thank you, LGBT Canadians. Thank you, Rick. I appreciate that all of you voiced for us, even when it is easier not to draw attention, as most people would assume you are straight.
    I think i've known most of you, not through your gender orientation, but through the work that you do. I think that is so great.
    Mom and Dad (my in-laws) speaks to us, as if, because we are gay everything we do is ugly, self-fish and not worthy of respect.
    You gave me strength today!

  • @kodie691
    @kodie691 14 лет назад

    Wonderful piece...thanks so much.

  • @bittersweetberlin
    @bittersweetberlin 14 лет назад

    Great video! I guess everyone struggles to be him/herself and once you stand in for yourself you liberate yourself. I hope this video does make a difference for someone who feels alone and needs the hope to go on! Thanks for making it to everybody involved! It is very inspiring!

  • @billyboyinbc
    @billyboyinbc 14 лет назад

    I'm glad this video exists to help lighten the journey for many.

  • @ChantaleMoon
    @ChantaleMoon 14 лет назад

    Aw, I love Anne-Marie Macdonald! Such a great writer, very inspirational! These videos are so powerful! They always make me cry. Like, all you have to do is care about humans in general. This project sends such a great message!

  • @CanadianChiqueO9
    @CanadianChiqueO9 14 лет назад

    This is soo touching!
    I hope this does help everyone who's struggling out there.

  • @Kale1hawaii
    @Kale1hawaii 14 лет назад

    Thank you our Canadian friends! Awesome video it truly does get better!

  • @loverachelanne
    @loverachelanne 14 лет назад +1

    This video made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

  • @kerrykrishna
    @kerrykrishna 14 лет назад

    Great message for those who need it. Well done people...

  • @peatmoss58
    @peatmoss58 14 лет назад

    What a wonderful video.....It does get better. I was about 16 when I tried to overdose on prescription drugs. It took me until the age of 50 to come out. I am in a lovely relationship.

  • @MacHamish
    @MacHamish 14 лет назад

    This video is a fantastic idea! I wish they had this years ago.

  • @TootsieRola
    @TootsieRola 14 лет назад

    Thank you to everyone who participated in this video. Love you all, you make me so proud of Canada. As a mom, your actions give me hope that my daughter can grow up in a world where small minded, biggoted, hateful thinking and bullying of any kind will no longer be tolerated. I may be straight, but I know better than to judge people on anything other than whether they are good people. Thank you for giving hope to those who need it!

  • @azobichambonbonki
    @azobichambonbonki 11 лет назад

    I like the idea of showing them together with their significant other, seeing that can give people solid proof that finding someone is possible and things will turn out okay. :)

  • @Wizzcan
    @Wizzcan 13 лет назад

    We are sooo lucky to be Canadian - It DOES get better - trust me!
    Rick Mercer - you are AWESOME!!!!!

  • @haggaigertz
    @haggaigertz 11 лет назад

    thank you very much for load this inspiring video, there are only few videos were adult gay people talk about their experiences, and i'm so glad to watch yours cause I'm not so young and sometimes i feel so lonely even that I'm still married, and father of six great children, i"m totally discnected to friends and gay acquaintences. Again Thnks!

  • @spencerbeveridge
    @spencerbeveridge 12 лет назад

    I'm 16 and just came out to my mom last Wednesday and it felt amazing the next day I told my step dad and sister and they were totally cool with it and made me feel so much better. It truly is like a weight is lifted off my shoulders. At least I have someone to talk to now. I think I'll wait to come out publicly till after high school cause I live in a small town where I know no other gays and everyone is a homophobe, can't wait to leave this town and explore the world and more importantly my s

  • @Sammy-zi4vi
    @Sammy-zi4vi 14 лет назад

    I LOVE Deb Pearce! Thanks for sharing that Deb.

  • @paradigm71
    @paradigm71 14 лет назад

    Great video! Found it through a friend who shared it on Facebook. I hope I'm not being insulting when I say it's so cool that Rick Mercer is gay. I had no idea :) I'm a big fan of his.

  • @Davidoutt
    @Davidoutt 11 лет назад

    Amazing video that I think really represents Canada in a fantastic way.
    I'm definitely proud to be a part of this amazing and beautiful nation.

  • @donbarker5509
    @donbarker5509 5 лет назад +1

    I posted this on my timeline. Stay strong beautiful people :)

  • @brotherdarek
    @brotherdarek 13 лет назад

    @sidereally I love that statement too. That's playright Brad Frazer speaking. He wrote "Love and Human Remains" This was made into a movie directed by Deny Arcand.

  • @seblue9999
    @seblue9999 13 лет назад

    I found that really funny. "When you ride Air Canada, you get put in the front because. . . well, the guy behind the counter is gay too!"
    XD I love that!

  • @AestusL4
    @AestusL4 14 лет назад

    One of the most beautiful things about the LGBT community is the pluralism of it. So many races, religions, and backgrounds, all united in one theme. Freedom and Humanity!

  • @SummerMurphy12
    @SummerMurphy12 13 лет назад

    My uncles are in this video :) I love them and will aways stand up for who they are!!!

  • @LeisaCraddock
    @LeisaCraddock 14 лет назад

    So amazing and so powerful - I have tears in my eyes from watching this. Brave and beautiful inspirational Heroes - thank you so much for posting.

  • @RamonaLeigh
    @RamonaLeigh 12 лет назад

    I LOVE RICK MERCER!!!! Absolutely adore the man!

  • @hauntinglive
    @hauntinglive 14 лет назад

    This video is so true, and we in the GLBTTQ life are IT! In Kitchener Ontario Canada I did start a ground for the GLBTTQ, with in this group you can talk about what were, even the GLBTTQ have a higher risk with the area with Mental Health. For everyone who reads this in the KW Area of Ontario Canada you can meet at 67 King Street East in Kitchener every Monday at 7 PM sharp!

  • @sunkissednurse
    @sunkissednurse 12 лет назад

    This is fantastic!! I was watching it and I'm like that guy looks like Rick Mercer.... and it was!! I didn't know he was gay! lol

  • @Vinterias
    @Vinterias 14 лет назад

    I love this video! The message that everyone is trying to send is beautiful.
    What I find hilarious though, is that people are surprised Rick Mercer is gay.

  • @RonKennell
    @RonKennell 14 лет назад

    Celebrate your uniqueness. It gets better. Love, peace and light.

  • @gatorgirrrl
    @gatorgirrrl 14 лет назад

    Bless these amazing people! High school is pretty crappy for many people- LGBT, fat, tall, awkward, brown, yellow or white...but the hate the LGBT people must endure is horrible.
    Thank God it gets better!

  • @singerzmom
    @singerzmom 14 лет назад

    It says something very profound that this video had to be made. Well done!

  • @browneyeddgrrl
    @browneyeddgrrl 14 лет назад

    Incredibly powerful. Being a teenager is difficult for everyone. Being gay makes it that much harder. LBGT youth need an extra boost to their self esteem and the reassurance that they will some day come into their own.

  • @shortstories3756
    @shortstories3756 2 года назад

    my kid told me in 2014 i said it does not matter your my kid for life ....i still have a great rrelationship with my kid

  • @zekester2
    @zekester2 14 лет назад

    Great Video, Much thanks to our LGBT family from across the border for sharing their stories. Sadly LGBT bullies bullying and bullycide has no borders. As one who tried to commmit suicide when I realized I was gay, I can say, "It Get Better". If I hadn't survived my suicide attempt, I wouldn't have met the love of my life and looking forward to celebrating our 31st anniversary. Trust me, life is wonderful, it can be filled with happiness, joy and love, I'm proof "IT GETS BETTER"..

  • @XxParamorexX187
    @XxParamorexX187 14 лет назад

    This video is amazing. It has a great message from caring people

  • @whaddayaknow17
    @whaddayaknow17 14 лет назад

    this movement just keeps getting better and better.

  • @missinglogo
    @missinglogo 14 лет назад

    Fabulous fabulous contribution. There is no such thing as a perfect life, no such thing as perfect happiness, but we build our own happiness by seizing our strength, knowing our power is REAL, no matter what sexual orientation we are. If we all believe in a better tomorrow, then IT ABSOLUTELY DOES GET BETTER. Love and Light! Always. xo

  • @ItsBreakUpDay
    @ItsBreakUpDay 11 лет назад +1

    this video saved my life.

  • @KrisMTL
    @KrisMTL 14 лет назад

    Very well done video. It made me think about a lot of things, and made me wonder which options I have of who to talk to.

  • @iduns
    @iduns 12 лет назад

    Canadians have done this so well. Congratulations.

  • @VigilantChap
    @VigilantChap 13 лет назад +1

    This is my favourite "It Gets Better" video. I love my country. :3

  • @bohogirl1
    @bohogirl1 14 лет назад

    what a great doc. thanks for doing this.

  • @WoWjunkie005
    @WoWjunkie005 14 лет назад

    Lmfao when the writing said rug muncher xD I never heard that one

  • @halifaxboyns
    @halifaxboyns 14 лет назад

    This is a wonderful video. No one deserves to suffer any hate, period. Be it sexuality, race, gender, anything...

  • @goddessnadiya
    @goddessnadiya 14 лет назад

    What a beautiful inspiring video! I would be proud to have anyone of these people baby sit for my kid someday :)

  • @LSMJenny
    @LSMJenny 14 лет назад

    i love this video so much, im 16 and it was extremely inspiring to see this, thank you.

  • @kharmidy
    @kharmidy 13 лет назад

    i think the best thing about being gay is that it forces you to THINK before everyone else. think about life, think about yourself, think about religion, society, human interaction. everyone else just think what people tell them to think

  • @giasony99
    @giasony99 14 лет назад

    thank you so much. Awesome message and makes me proud to be a canadian. :)

  • @148668
    @148668 14 лет назад

    From a straight grandmother, this was a brilliant video. I believe your suffering has made you all stronger and better human beings than the rest of us.

  • @blairblairington9804
    @blairblairington9804 11 лет назад

    Everybody needs to show tolerance and respect. We can't evolve as a human race if we're separated by something as trivial as being gay, or whatever. People need to stick together, now more than ever.

  • @danzteacher9113
    @danzteacher9113 14 лет назад

    Everyone should watch this and take a good look at themselves... be kind to each other and the world will be a far more beautiful place.

  • @brockhemming
    @brockhemming 14 лет назад

    Very enlightening video, thanks for producing this. I had no idea Rick Mercer is gay! That's cool!

  • @tomm853
    @tomm853 14 лет назад

    Young people today have so many issues they have to deal with, if they find someone they love no matter man or woman why must we make it so difficult for them. Weather you agree or disagree with the life style, why must we cross the road to make anyone unhappy. Love today is so hard to truly find and losing any of our youg people to suicide because we are intolerant is not acceptable. We all can help make it GET BETTER by treating all people with the Dignity and Respect. A great vid

  • @totacaillourazz2
    @totacaillourazz2 14 лет назад

    It absolutely gets better, and so do YOU. After experiencing being bullied for being gay people usually become more compassionate, open-minded, and will stand up for their rights, and the rights of others I wish I could take each one of you who are persecuted and help you. Hang in there!

  • @1274kristie
    @1274kristie 14 лет назад

    We need to get better NOW! Raise your children to love themselves for who they are and embrace diversity on all levels.

  • @ThePollytheparrot
    @ThePollytheparrot 14 лет назад

    lol at the guy with the blonde hair and the glasses

  • @CarmenCrime
    @CarmenCrime 14 лет назад

    @Hertje73 you make a good point. homophobic bullying is directed at people who are deviant from the straight version of normal. homophobic bullying can make a kid who is straight or who just hasn't made up their mind yet feel suicidal because they're being bullied for being different, being themselves and seeming gay. Homophobia and transphobia affects lots of people who are non-conforming, regardless of their identity. You survived homophobia too, Hertje73. regardless of whether you're gay.

  • @dfan
    @dfan 14 лет назад

    Very powerful and emotional message. The video is really well done :)

  • @esdecy
    @esdecy 14 лет назад

    This is great - and it should be called It Gets Better Ontario or Toronto.

  • @Deller__
    @Deller__ 14 лет назад

    omggg Ann-Marie MacDonald. huge idol of mine and definitely one of my first homosexual crushes.. amazing to see her in this. Alisa Palmer is pretty rad too c:
    i love these It Gets Better videos, and this is for SURE one of the best and most effective.

  • @darthtunaqueen
    @darthtunaqueen 14 лет назад

    Lovely video!! Thanks for making it!!! :D

  • @sswoody60
    @sswoody60 14 лет назад

    wonderful video, can't thank you enough. It does get better!!!

  • @tr4d3m4rk44
    @tr4d3m4rk44 14 лет назад

    This was really powerful. Well done!

  • @deimos540
    @deimos540 13 лет назад

    My way of dealing with bullying was effective, but not something I'd ever recommend to others. For me it was ruthless violence, intimidation and revenge. A lot of it had to do with the environment I lived in, and what I thought it took to survive. Sand in the crankcase, antifreeze in the fuel, setting cars on fire, slashing tires--I was never caught--but it instilled an element of fear that kept potential enemies at bay---people started to think I was dangerous and hot-headed. Not into that now.

  • @tumbiwalla
    @tumbiwalla 14 лет назад

    fantastic video! i really hope this video provides a little bit of a self-esteem boost to the kids that need it. no one should be put down because of their sexuality.

  • @GGW81
    @GGW81 14 лет назад

    This is a fantastic campaign. I hope it helps save a lot of young kids/teens out there.

  • @faydour
    @faydour 14 лет назад

    im not gay but this video gives good advice for poeple who think they are worthless and think their life sucks. i dropped out of highschool for 2 years becuase no one liked me. now im back. im a grd 12 in grd 10 classes but o well. its kinda getting better. all it takes is one perons to notice your hurting, and that one person to give you a hug. 1 person, 1 hug, changes your feelings. try it.