Well that was a let down. Over 8 minutes of sitting around waiting to start then only a couple of contact points before pulling out! I hope it was more fun actually being there and you enjoyed it!
His radiator was perforated and then it sounded like a hose blew off. So he pulled out to save the engine boiling dry. If he had never done banger racing before his ring-piece must have been puckering hard enough to squeeze coal into diamonds.
how many opel astra are destroyed all disappear 😳
odd hearing sight, moldy old dough was playing rather than wipeout for the bangers, a classic still though
Well that was a let down. Over 8 minutes of sitting around waiting to start then only a couple of contact points before pulling out! I hope it was more fun actually being there and you enjoyed it!
His radiator was perforated and then it sounded like a hose blew off. So he pulled out to save the engine boiling dry.
If he had never done banger racing before his ring-piece must have been puckering hard enough to squeeze coal into diamonds.
needed to drive it home so no contact .
Did you enjoy it? how much did cecil charge for car prep? thinking of doing it myself
BorisTheBlade Cecil charges £450 for the day or £1250 to keep it
Do you know how much he charges for just bangers?
cheaper doing it all yourself
@@f1madness331 easy for you to say that got to have space and transport
Guess u ain’t gunna hit anything