The Housing First approach to homelessness | Lloyd Pendleton

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 236

  • @ebolapie
    @ebolapie 4 года назад +51

    I don't think the most impressive part of this presentation is Utah's homeless reduction, or the efficacy of Housing First. Housing First works. I know this, it makes intuitive sense to me, and it didn't surprise me to learn that when Utah used this approach they were rewarded with amazing results. What I was most impressed by was Mr. Pendleton himself. He used to believe some pretty ugly things about homeless people. The gut reaction that so many seem to have -- "oh, they're just a bunch of lazy bums, it's a choice" -- strikes me as arrogant and downright cruel. The fact that he changed his mind about homeless people, the way that he adopted a more compassionate worldview, that's what's impressive to me.
    I'm guilty of writing people off myself. It's just that the people I had written off weren't the vulnerable and downtrodden. I had written off people like Pendleton's younger self. I thought they were just privileged and self-absorbed to the point of bordering on sociopathy, and after years and years of living and working and arguing with bootstraps conservatives I admit, I had started to believe that these people just wouldn't (or worse -- couldn't) change. I'm incredibly heartened to learn that there are those among them who might eventually have their hearts swayed. The problem isn't the homeless. The problem is a society which grinds us down and is all too happy to just discard us when we slip up. I hope that more "rugged individualists" can come to see that oftentimes people, due to factors outside their control, cannot simply lift themselves out of destitution.

    • @empathicone21
      @empathicone21 2 года назад +1

      That's my store. 😥

    • @carldameron
      @carldameron Год назад

      Well said.

    • @paulwakefield1015
      @paulwakefield1015 Год назад +1

      Awesome comment! I was thinking the same thing. Crazy how his perception changed!

    • @codiserville593
      @codiserville593 Год назад

      You're so right

    • @MsJipsey26
      @MsJipsey26 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yes! And I think allot of people fail to realize that the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" isn't actually possible, it was a taunt, and now it's used like it's an actual possibility 🙄

  • @wisepersonsay3142
    @wisepersonsay3142 6 лет назад +35

    Homelessness and mental illness are twins. Because of mental illness, a person cannot get a job, retain it, and manage spending. Shelters, independent housing and half way houses are definitely needed. There were public baths in cities 30 years ago, but they are rare now. Sometimes the homeless were refused to use the public baths. Housing is crucial.

    • @blackmist12345678
      @blackmist12345678 2 года назад +5

      You will never feel secure when left to sleep outside alone. Depending on the time of year you might be hospitalized for heat strokes and in colder months feel hopeless while you get hypothermia in the night. Society cannot let such things happen to our citizens.

    • @nedhill1242
      @nedhill1242 2 года назад

      The overwhelming majority of homelessness is from drug addiction and almost all of those people actually have somewhere to go but they choose not to because their family and friends say stop drinking get off drugs or you can’t stay here anymore. Michael Shellenberger has a great new book out about it.

    • @CharlesLouisRosario
      @CharlesLouisRosario Год назад

      💯 I’ve been there. After my daughter was murdered in 2018, I almost lost it all. Mental I illness brought on by depression is something nobody can prepare for. Took 2 years to get back in good standing and pay off debts. Now there’s the school loan about to start knocking again. I’ve paid 25k for and original loan of 19k and today I owe 33k (2 year technical college for a degree I can’t get a job for. I was essentially automated out of work. Not giving up but it’s no joke. Opened a pressure washing company and continually work on personal development, socializing, less time on iPhone, eat well, workout and still it’s rough. Now imagine a mentally challenged person who is alone. That’s just inhumane to be in denial despite all the overwhelming evidence. All the conditions are right and it’s undeniable that we need to solve this quick. There are folks out there who take it as a slight that your brothers and sisters should be given a leg up when really it’s just leveling the playing field. It’s Evil to do nothing less!

    • @davepirtle9790
      @davepirtle9790 3 месяца назад

      @@nedhill1242I am sorry to say your statement is patently false. According to reports from HUD and other non profits the addiction percentage of unhoused people is about 40%.
      The most important thing this man said is establishing that trust with the unhoused people. As he says when you’re homeless both the system and people believe you are lazy, worthless, dirty etc etc. interactions with government agencies are almost always negative (cops , emts, security guards). And the absolute irony is where I live in Orange County, CA the gatekeepers for housing and shelters are law enforcement. When I heard that I had to laugh because 100% of unhoused people will never go to law enforcement or accept referrals from cops. It’s insane to me as someone who lived it.
      I have lost 3 of my closest friends to the street . I was able to help one couple so far get permanent housing. That’s a sad success rate . We can do better.

  • @howtohelpthehomeless5111
    @howtohelpthehomeless5111 5 лет назад +31

    "Every person has a value". This talk is so inspiring ! 🙏

  • @geofferypmeyers
    @geofferypmeyers 6 лет назад +38

    I love the big end of the log metaphor. “Do the biggest part when you have the most energy”

    • @tjrumler
      @tjrumler 4 года назад

      I clapped when he said that lol

  • @valerieviramonte2052
    @valerieviramonte2052 6 лет назад +42

    There are still good human beings in the world. Thank you

    • @aluejeter2
      @aluejeter2 6 лет назад

      Valerie Viramonte as well as you

  • @rizzamaeong
    @rizzamaeong 6 лет назад +15

    its empathy and being humane in action.
    i'm inspired.
    a thank you from the Philippines..

  • @Meitti
    @Meitti 6 лет назад +26

    Up here in far north housing programs were a much earlier thing thanks to urgent necessity. In countries where winters are harsh, you have to get the homeless some kind of a warm shelter or otherwise you're dealing with a lot of frozen corpses come the next morning. Roof on top of their heads helping their other problems was a welcomed side-effect on top of that. You can't get rid of poverty entirely but the quality of a society is measured by how it treats its poorest. Some people are going to remain poor their entire lives but a good society should make sure that they're not at least starving or freezing to death.

  • @DYLAN102001
    @DYLAN102001 3 года назад +5

    The homeless population is growing. As of the time of writing this in 2021 the cost of housing here in Texas has climbed to to the tune of $1000 a month for an efficiency apartment. Because of this you have to work at least 3 minimum wage jobs just to afford a roof over your head. It didn't used to be like this. I remember back in 2011 me and my mom lived in a 2 bed apartment for $640 a month. Back then you could make it on your own. Now simply "get a job you lazy bum" doesnt work anymore. It's not laziness, its affordability. This is why you see working people with full time jobs living in their cars in places like Los Angeles and Dallas. For some reason people dont get this.

    • @galegrazutis964
      @galegrazutis964 2 года назад

      Yes but the ones in the video are NOT what your describing they are the total opposite junkies alcoholics most with criminal histories. Making them comfortable with no responsibility in return like treatment and work is not where l want my taxes going!!!

  • @desireeslaten6618
    @desireeslaten6618 6 лет назад +45

    91℅ reduction is actually mindblowing. With numbers like that, this model should be the blueprint.
    I've seen my city spend unnecessary money on infrastructure changes to keep the homeless from living under an overpass or sleeping on a park bench. This is more than doable.

  • @henrihesse1142
    @henrihesse1142 2 года назад +19

    In Finland, northern Europe, we have been enjoying Housing First policy for all the 5.5 million Finns living here for decades now. I'm in my 30s so I have never seen a homeless person in Finland, ever.
    Studies have shown that Finnish goverment actually also saves money providing housing first compared to letting people sleep on the streets, just like the speaker mentioned. It really makes Finland really safe place to live because nobody's so desperate that one would steal your wallet or break into your home or car.
    Why don't USA provide Housing First model for every American? It would save tax-payers' money??

    • @ukrajina2022
      @ukrajina2022 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @violetbutler2781
    @violetbutler2781 6 лет назад +33

    Amazing seminar

  • @1bag
    @1bag Год назад +1

    Finland has taken this approach for decades. They have 0.05% homeless. It's very powerful ❤️

  • @paulwakefield1015
    @paulwakefield1015 Год назад +2

    This is an incredible human.

  • @jane8930
    @jane8930 6 лет назад +23

    Absolutely inspiring , thank you !

  • @johnwong8876
    @johnwong8876 6 лет назад +9

    Homelessness and unemployment go hand in hand. Many people become hurt after years of working and can no longer work. they end up losing their homes.

    • @johnremesat9735
      @johnremesat9735 2 года назад +1

      Injury is very significant in causing homelessness.and often temporary or full disability that results from it. and it is rarely mentioned. The problem of addiction is real but always overstated as the largest cause of homelessness on many of these videos.

  • @Malibu-ku2to
    @Malibu-ku2to Год назад +4

    He is a great American.
    People like him keep America great!!.

  • @redzisan
    @redzisan 2 года назад

    I am very happy to be part of Housing First project in London UK :-)

  • @falage2132
    @falage2132 8 месяцев назад +1

    I think that Housing First definitely has potential. As we can see it already worked in Finland. However, I'm convinced that the local implementation, especially in Californian Cities like SF, is a nightmare. The proposed services are rarely all offered. Even though, the model might work for a lot of people, I can't help but wonder how you can house a chronically homeless person who is suffering from addiction or mental illness, when treatment is not a requirement or sometimes not even offered.
    I'm open for a discussion though as I'm happy to learn about your point of view ;)

    • @MsJipsey26
      @MsJipsey26 6 месяцев назад

      Philadelphia is a housing first city. The goal/idea is that when a person has housing everything falls into place. As he said the video, nobody says I want to be homeless when I grow up. Same way nobody aspires to be an addict. They're coping mechanisms to escape reality and trauma. When they have the stability of housing they can start to actually rebuild their lives. The services are offered, but not required because it takes a lot of trust when working with the homeless. Once you've built a good rapport they're more likely to accept help, but not if you force it on them immediately. Look up Maslow's hierarchy of needs. You can't get to the next level until you have stability in the prior level. The first is food & shelter. I'm a nursing student in Philadelphia working with the homeless in a church that offers a wellness clinic once a week, we help address medical issues the best we can and offer resources. There was a guest who we were concerned about a blood clot in their leg, the guest however was not. Why? Because their first priority is where are they gonna sleep tonight... Then there are others that accept the help right then or may come back and take the help later. They have several resources and services there: case manager, clothing closet, wellness clinic, computers, charging stations, showers, food, laundry, etc. On my first week one person came by just to say thanks as he's now in housing and starting a job! Case management gets them phones if they don't have one, IDs, and housing. One of my goals is to have housing for the homeless in the future. I've been fortunate enough to have never been homeless, but I've lived paycheck to paycheck and without my parents I'd be homeless myself, so I put myself in their shoes and I help where I can until I can do more

  • @RamzaBeoulves
    @RamzaBeoulves 6 лет назад +1

    Tremendous respect for everyone involved. Including Keta. Especially Keta.

  • @nathanhollywoodbrookshire1417
    @nathanhollywoodbrookshire1417 5 лет назад +14

    Salt Lake proved that housing the homeless was cheaper than criminalizing them and it led to a 90% reduction in homelessness.

  • @pinayJayX
    @pinayJayX 4 года назад +3

    „A generation of babies born through drug addiction“... let that sink in. This is so hurtful. This it is happening because we don’t care about homeless people and think its not our problem to solve.

  • @sourcedrop7624
    @sourcedrop7624 6 лет назад +82

    Well, the core of the problem is the cost of having a home. If you work 40 hours a week for $9/hour, you'll be doing good to bring home $1000/month after taxes.
    And then you have to come up with at least 500/month for rent alone, not counting utilities which can be an additional 200/month. You're left with just enough to get groceries.
    And this is considering life out in the boondocks. Go to a big city and you're looking at $1000/month for a 100sqft studio apartment.
    So you're life will amount to sleeping, working, and staring at the wall - because you can't afford to do anything.
    So why isn't the government working to making housing cheaper so the average person who makes nothing can perhaps have a little bit of a life? They'll never take action where action is needed because real estate is the biggest cash cow on the planet and we live in a capitalist economy, not a no-one-left-behind economy.
    Your charities are poor bandaids for a society that's bleeding to death from an autoimmune disorder.

    • @QarthCEO
      @QarthCEO 6 лет назад +3

      So you get a roommate or 3. Why do you think you get to have your own home all to yourself when you only make 1000 month? This used to be common knowledge. Every young person used to have roommates. Now fucking millennials think they should all have their own apartment. Spoiled brats.

    • @sourcedrop7624
      @sourcedrop7624 6 лет назад +16

      Xaro Xhoan Daxos yes getting roommates will save you perhaps 200/month. If you have 2 room mates in a 3 bedroom house, that would be at least $1200/month, or $400/month/person and the utilities will be split yet a bit more than $200/month because of the bigger space, so maybe you pay $100/month utilities. I've paid $175/mo utilities with 3 roommates plus 500/month rent before. And that was the cheapest I could find.
      I had to work 60 hours / week to pay for living. That's no way to live.
      Bless this speaker's heart, but he said he worked in a major factory and has the appearance of a manager. I'm sure he made a cool $100k/year and so has no clue what it's like for the majority of society.

    • @erricomalatesta2557
      @erricomalatesta2557 6 лет назад +10

      Xaro Xhoan Daxos Lol get roommates. Good pitch, what real estate company do you work for

    • @Starcrash6984
      @Starcrash6984 6 лет назад +14

      @Xaro Xhoan Daxos That's a great idea, if possible... but it's not always possible. I've been employed since February of this year, and I've been homeless that entire time. I've constantly been calling people on Craigslist, every single person in my area looking for a roommate, and I often find that being homeless is a perfect impediment to getting a home; people think that, because I'm on the street, I can't be replied upon to pay rent. Everyone asks for a rental history, and my history includes being kicked out of places for failure to pay rent, which is how I became homeless in the first place.
      The problem is that these people, just like you, have stereotypical views about the homeless. What they don't have is empathy, because they've never been in our position. I'm neither a millennial nor too proud to have a roommate, and yet I still can't find a place. Is that going to change your view about the "spoiled brats" who don't have homes, or are you going to continue to believe what you believe about the homeless?

    • @crappymeal
      @crappymeal 6 лет назад +1

      Your comment is selfish

  • @platriercube
    @platriercube 6 лет назад +6

    this is the top of humans achivement.. we should all work for this goal give back

  • @blip9999999999999999
    @blip9999999999999999 3 года назад +14

    To end homelessness is to give taxpayers without housing the help their tax dollars paid for.

    • @encouraginglyauthentic43
      @encouraginglyauthentic43 Год назад

      The government didn't do that, so we have to start small and elect mayors for our cities, to create self sufficient cities.

  • @marcoyounger
    @marcoyounger 6 лет назад +2

    Beautiful talk. This is so important. Thank you

  • @Starcrash6984
    @Starcrash6984 6 лет назад +8

    You, sir, are a testament to your faith. While I don't believe that what you believe is _true_ , it certainly shows itself to be useful for making you into caring and compassionate people.

    • @Starcrash6984
      @Starcrash6984 6 лет назад +1

      Agreed. I don't know why that would correlate with his faith, though. It's not as if he cured homelessness by praying that everyone without a home would be provided one by God -- he used government programs, which is something that any non-religious person could also do. His faith may have pushed him to do the right thing, but it had little to do with being able to do it.

    • @Taric25
      @Taric25 6 лет назад +2

      Supernova Kasprzak, that's irrelevant. He enacted a plan, and it was very successful. The rest is just marketing.

    • @Starcrash6984
      @Starcrash6984 6 лет назад

      @Taric Alani Again, I don't know what that has to do with his faith. I credited his faith for correlating with being a caring individual, but I don't see the correlation with that an "enacting a plan [that] was very successful".

    • @Taric25
      @Taric25 6 лет назад +1

      Supernova Kasprzak, he just told a story to relate his experience. There is no reason to believe that another individual with different experiences would have the same outcome, and there is no evidence against it either. It's an annecdote from a single individual, not a large sample from which we can use central limit theorem to determine expected value. You're asking for evidence from something that can't provide significance.

    • @Starcrash6984
      @Starcrash6984 6 лет назад

      @Taric Alani 0_o I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Let me explain why I credit his faith: Utah is well-known as the only state in the country that is majority-Mormon. He himself claimed that his experience with the homeless came while being loaned out "from a job from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" (@4:21). Not only did he craft this plan based on New York City's own, but his state approved it where no other state has, which again correlates to his specific church but not others.
      I'm not claiming causation, so please don't argue against me as if I am. I found correlation, which even if not a causal agent, is obviously at least compatible with such care for the homeless.

  • @chantelledebruin1066
    @chantelledebruin1066 Год назад +2

    I want to start this approach in South Africa. "Project Hope"

  • @lascreen3198
    @lascreen3198 4 года назад +5

    Shelter should be a human right.

    • @galegrazutis964
      @galegrazutis964 2 года назад

      ABSOLUTELY 💯 NOT. Decent people go out and WORK for their shelter. Just becuse you have lived a life of poor choices you should be supported free by those that WORK ABSOLUTELY 💯 OUTRAGEOUS!!!

  • @brianam6894
    @brianam6894 5 лет назад +2

    I’m so glad my husband told me about this kind of approach to the homeless! I really do want to help solve this as well! I see a great need for Housing First in Spokane and Tri-City Washington! I deffinently agree first house them and then help them to heal! Thank you for all your great work as well!

  • @ProfessorSyndicateFranklai
    @ProfessorSyndicateFranklai 6 лет назад +45

    When an issue is a partisan issue, it doesn't get solved. I think we need to recognize that both liberals and conservatives want to eradicate homelessness. Let's not get into idealogy, but simply solutions.

    • @ebalicious1775
      @ebalicious1775 2 года назад +2

      @ForrestSCS No one has challenged you on this comment in 3 years. Are you still around?

    • @freeeggs3811
      @freeeggs3811 Год назад

      @@ebalicious1775 I guess not

  • @RamzaBeoulves
    @RamzaBeoulves 6 лет назад +1

    This has been eye opening. Thank you

  • @patrickkendall5282
    @patrickkendall5282 6 лет назад +2

    Great. Do it in a major state like cali

  • @valeriem9106
    @valeriem9106 6 лет назад +2

    Amazing... thank you

  • @DaleModisette
    @DaleModisette 6 лет назад +8

    *_It all came about after a project I worked on to design a green subdivision with many others. I thought I could do more and started gathering info. That was when G+ was still invite only. A village is a 50 million dollar undertaken. Then broke it down to a what I call Dartanyan's Restaurant & Farm but again that was 5 million dollar undertaken. So I decided trying a homeless shelter with my knowledge._*
    *1.9848 acre per person living in a sustainable village (234 people and 464.4432 acres for the village)*
    80% crafted, made and grown in said village And 20% are raw materials, food not grown, medical equipment/supplies, electronics and etc.
    - 0.6250 acre of farmland/person (146.2500ac)
    - 0.0892 acre of farmland products to be sold/person (20.8728ac)
    - 0.2321 acre of living area/person (54.3114ac)
    - 0.0214 acre of wine vineyards/person (5.0076ac)
    - 0.0714 acre of ponds/person (16.7076ac)
    - 0.1069 acre of coffee/person or 3,456 trees (25.0146ac) [555 trees/2.4711 acres or 1 Hectare]
    - 0.0071 acre of teas/person (1.6614ac)
    - 0.0142 acre of herbs/person (3.3228ac)
    - 0.1428 acre of schools/person (33.4152ac)
    - 0.2142 acre of park & wildlife/person (50.1228ac)
    - 0.1428 acre of village square/person (33.4152ac)
    - 0.1785 acre of livestock/person (41.7690ac)
    - 0.1392 acre of roads & etc/person (32.5728ac)
    *By using a mix of permaculture and aquaponics which in turn use 90% less water to grow food and a minimum of twice as fast :*
    * Reduces Labor by 75%
    * Reuses 95% of the water
    * Low Electricity Need (use solar to stay off the grid)
    * Faster Vegetable
    * Longer Shelf Life
    * Organic Mineral Rich
    * Produces Its own Fertilizer
    * Non-Contaminated Fish
    * Use of Tiger Shrimp &/or Crawfish to clean algae
    * Uses of the Bacteria and fecal matter are collected to make Methane in place of natural gas &/or Decomposed solids to worm bin which turn is used to make Compost Tea is brewed from worm casting and water. The tea can be used for Fruit Orchard to increase Microbial Content in the soil.
    *The Helpful Garden*
    The idea is to design a homeless shelter using Aquaponics and permaculture to feed them as well as make money for them. Each place will have 9 to 13 (12 x 18) 216 sq ft building for living in. So the *"Helpful Garden"* will be shelter to up to 13 people as well as a farmers market. The one thing about homeless shelters is that one can be built every 80 miles about or so. I can see a minimum of 3000 homeless shelters of the "Helpful Garden" being built worldwide. (Powered by solar & wind) To build said place is about $500,000 depending where it built. Though it won't need donation or government grants to run for all it's money comes from it farmers market.
    40% profit breakdown:
    Money needed for sheltered women: $15,000/each allotted to each tiny home each year. plus stables (Example: coffee, sugar, flour, salt and pepper)
    60% profit breakdown:
    10% to building new Helpful Gardens
    20% to maintenance
    15% to college grants
    15% to etc.
    *_Budget : $500,000_*
    *1.)* Land : 3+ acres (Budget $25,000.00 or less)
    *2.)* Tiny Homes: 9 to 13 (12 x 18) 216 sq ft [on ½ acre] (Budget $156,000.00 or less)
    *3.)* Intake Office: 600 Sq ft (Budget $25,000.00 or less)
    *4.)* Farmers Market: ½ acre (Budget $45,000.00 or less)
    *5.)* Parking Lot: ¼ acre (Budget $5,000.00)
    *6.)* Aquaponics and Permaculture Farm: 1 ¾ acres (Budget $109,000.00 or more)
    a.) Up to 3 different fish
    b.) Tiger shrimp
    c.) Crayfish
    d.) 3 different apple and pears trees so [to have them throughout the year]
    e.) Citrus trees like lemons, oranges and 2 two others.
    f.) Chickens (meat and eggs)
    g.) Goats (milk and cheese)
    h.) Honey Bees 4 to 6 hives
    i.) 2 fig trees (maybe)
    j.) Freshwater mussels (maybe)
    k.) Rabbits (maybe)
    *_Powered : [Total Budget $135,000.00]_*
    *1.)* Solar (Budget $90,000)
    a.) Tiny Homes 13 set of 4 - 250 watt cell with light sensors (52 solar cells) cost between $27,287.00 and $36,387.00
    b.) Aquaponics System - (?)
    c.) Intake Office - set of 6 - 250 watt cell with light sensors
    (cost between $3,148.50 and $4,198.50)
    d.) Farmers Market - (?)
    *2.)* Wind Power - (Budget $45,000)
    a.) Windmill electric generator 15 to 30 KW cost between $18,000 - $48,000
    *Just some working notes:*
    Payroll for security : $3,900/wk $16,900/mo $202,800/yr
    3 full time: ($24/hr) $2,880/wk $12,480/mo $149,760/yr
    4 part time: 17 hour work week ($15/hr) $1,020/wk $4,420/mo $53,040/yr
    Payroll for gardeners : same as security
    Volunteers : 36 (though it's like $6/hr to help pay for their gas and childcare if needed).
    $4,320/wk $18,720/mo $224,640/yr
    Total payroll : $427,440/yr
    Money needed for sheltered women: $144,000/yr or $12,000/each allotted to each tiny home (12)
    Money of the other 60% profit equals $270,000
    $450,000 plus payroll equals $958,769.04
    Needed $263.34/hr@70/hr@52/wk=$958,769.04
    235,000 lbs vegetables
    @$0.5/lb=$32.28/hr or 64.56 lbs/hr or 645.5 lbs/day
    30,000 lbs fish/crayfish/shrimp
    @ $3/lbs = $247.251/day or $90,000.00/yr
    *These are all low ball figures*
    $174,720 online sales per year
    $117,500 vegetable sale per year
    $90,000.00 meat sales per year
    $500 honey sales per year
    At point soda sales per year
    Snack & hot food sale per year
    Cloths & wares sales per year
    Frozen food sales per year
    Canning goods sales per year
    Dairy/cheese sales per year

  • @robertaylor9218
    @robertaylor9218 6 лет назад +3

    That was beautiful

  • @TheJamesthe13
    @TheJamesthe13 6 лет назад +5

    Proof, fanaticism and conservatism can be educated out of people...

  • @davidalbertson6690
    @davidalbertson6690 Год назад

    It's very hard to change your views when you see people in their mid 20's, that have been given free food, throwing the containers and wrappers on the sidewalk while there's a trash can less than 20 feet away. When you offer them a job cleaning up construction debris they have a never ending list of why they can't work. When good Samaritans give them money they go straight to the liquor store or bar. When the city puts them in a hotel because it's deathly cold outside it becomes party central. The cops are called all hours of the day and night. The rooms had physical damage and were heavily smoked in. The city (tax payers) had to foot the bill to fix all the damage in addition to the initial cost of housing them. The city then builds them a homeless camp with tents. The homeless people then decided to harass customers of a nearby sports bar and destroy outside furniture. That business temporarily shut down and paid their employees to protest with signs to get the city's attention. Another business was set on fire along with multiple dumpsters. The business district across the bridge is now struggling because of reduced foot traffic from constant harassment, public intoxication and urination from these people. A local restaurant had to cancel a beer special because so many homeless people were there getting smashed and running all the other customers off. It's getting out of control and I'm sure it's even worse in the larger cities.

  • @Ruffokl
    @Ruffokl 6 лет назад +5


  • @caenterprisellc6922
    @caenterprisellc6922 2 года назад +1

    I never called homeless and less fortunate lazy bums. Pulling yourself up by the bootstrap does not mean to not utilize help. I used helped all throughout college. A large part means a person has to want better and do better. Social programs should be used to jumpstart and catapult. They are used to help people grow, succed and become productive citizens.

  • @LucasdeKam
    @LucasdeKam 6 лет назад +3

    Amazing talk! Proves that being open-minded to new ideas is key for us to create a better future.

  • @intravenousdmt8977
    @intravenousdmt8977 6 лет назад +14

    THANK YOU. For not shoving your agenda down my throat this time . . .

    • @Starcrash6984
      @Starcrash6984 6 лет назад +6

      TED doesn't have "an agenda"... it's not a single point-of-view, but rather a platform where experts can talk about their expertise (such as a man who runs an organization that finds homes for the homeless describe how he dealt with homelessness in his state). In these comment threads you can find others who are shaking their fist at the "agenda" of claiming that governments can deal with homelessness, but they'd be similarly wrong to blame TED talks themselves for propagating this claim.

    • @intravenousdmt8977
      @intravenousdmt8977 6 лет назад +3

      Supernova Kasprzak ok obviously they pick who they air on the channel

    • @ovofox1115
      @ovofox1115 6 лет назад +2

      ??? People show up at the TED building and then they talk to the audience. I'm not sure what you mean by that comment but you're obviously wildly misinformed.

    • @intravenousdmt8977
      @intravenousdmt8977 6 лет назад

      OvoFox11 yeah random strangers wonder in uninvited

    • @ovofox1115
      @ovofox1115 6 лет назад

      Um, no they don't. Would you seriously call Elon Musk a "random stranger?"

  • @KeithPage
    @KeithPage 2 года назад +2

    This is genius

    • @galegrazutis964
      @galegrazutis964 2 года назад

      What part of of giving addicts and criminals taxpayer help. With ABSOLUTELY no responsibility is GENIUS?!

    • @jacobnapkins1155
      @jacobnapkins1155 2 года назад

      @@galegrazutis964 we already do that it's called Congress

    • @peterrodby2786
      @peterrodby2786 Год назад

      Nobody's goal in life is to be homeless. You haven't met my sister's children who've bilked our fathers estate by not paying rent or utilities for years despite living on his properties.

  • @user-lx8ul4ds5i
    @user-lx8ul4ds5i 6 месяцев назад

    New York is surviving of the love they are famous for that they give here.its amazing here come and see for yourself and see if you can feel the love.!!!!

  • @boorayin2773
    @boorayin2773 2 года назад +1

    "These models meet people where they are - not where we are or where we think they should be."

    • @galegrazutis964
      @galegrazutis964 2 года назад

      OMG so in your opinion it's fine to be a criminal an addict an alcohol your whole life having g never contributed anything to the community except cost. But you give them a place to live and they don't even have to go to get their problems fixed. So they can just continue to be burdens on society but now they have a virtually free place with no strings attached!!! ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGEOUS!!

    • @boorayin2773
      @boorayin2773 2 года назад +2

      @@galegrazutis964 You seem to assume that being homeless means that they are addicts, alcoholics, etc. when, in reality, the majority are not. The point of the housing first model is that not having a house makes ALL of the hurdles that stand in the way of a person getting themself back into a good situation even more insurmountable. A person that was an addict before becoming homeless certainly does have issues that aren't going to just be fixed with a free place to stay, but consider how many *become* addicts after becoming homeless because they can't overcome their hurdles. This "free housing" isn't just someone handing a person a key to a free place and a "good luck!", but instead, it comes with a support system that is there to help as they need it. Given your comment, I'd say you're bugged by the lack of strings attached...mind you, WAY more expensive strings that are obviously not working. Surely you'd agree that what we're doing now isn't working - why not look elsewhere to other models that are?

    • @galegrazutis964
      @galegrazutis964 2 года назад

      @@boorayin2773 Have a look to the Dutch model. First they are housed in shelters until they prove that are doing something to better themselves.Getting in to work getting into treatment for what evere addiction they have. The when the council deems they have done enough then and only then do they get housing. But if they fall backwards they can be put back in to the shelter. I think that is a most feasible system. But if they are just given something with no stings attached then it just spits in the face of the taxpayers who are forced to pay for all this. And they need to all be housed together. I had one of these housing first tenants living above me. He made my life an absolute living night mare. I was living under him for eight EXTREMELY LONG YEARS. I was hospitalised MANY times in that 8 years and had two suicide attempts. No matter how my psychiatrist complain even after 2nd suicide attempts they did nothing. I went to court twice and MANY complaints and having to hire a lawyer and fighting to the point of exhaustion. They finally moved me. But the bold face lies they told to protect thi nut case was shocking. So at least they should house them all together I the same build. I now have permanent scars from the self harm l caused my due to immense stress . 😩

    • @boorayin2773
      @boorayin2773 2 года назад +1

      @@galegrazutis964 Well, I'm sorry you went through all that. I disagree with you on a number of points, honestly, but it's not an easy answer regardless. Best.

  • @dech7745
    @dech7745 4 года назад

    20-unit pre-fab tiny home centers placed throughout the city.

  • @extraphenomenal
    @extraphenomenal 6 лет назад +1

    Love it!!

  • @bethphilipsen5099
    @bethphilipsen5099 3 года назад


  • @paulwakefield1015
    @paulwakefield1015 Год назад

    What organizations are doing this today that we can support?

  • @cdawn41
    @cdawn41 4 года назад +1

    what i didnt catch is how long they were sheltered by free housing before being able to afford paying rent?
    Nevertheless, incredible research!

  • @nadanalia3000
    @nadanalia3000 6 лет назад


  • @Johannesai1
    @Johannesai1 Год назад

    This man totally deserves Heaven! Awesome! May Jesus Christ and Lady Mary Mother of Jesus grant him very good health for the rest of his life

  • @carolhandy3757
    @carolhandy3757 6 лет назад


  • @vaibhavmatere18
    @vaibhavmatere18 6 лет назад +11


    • @4331andrew
      @4331andrew 6 лет назад +3

      BLEED BLUE good luck

  • @lightning123u
    @lightning123u 6 лет назад

    this 4 me is a start for a new system revamp, cuz the old one its doing only dmg, has exeed its limits and needs to change .

  • @EzDeanFassassi
    @EzDeanFassassi Год назад +1

    This guy gets it 100 percent

  • @lisabobesa123
    @lisabobesa123 Год назад

    Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Deal with safety first. Food, clothing, shelter and the rest will follow.

    • @franksalot114
      @franksalot114 6 месяцев назад

      Maslow forgot drugs I guess.🤣

  • @robertsteinberger5667
    @robertsteinberger5667 Год назад +1

    Ben Shapiro says; put them in rehab or jail! How simple things are to some

  • @DaniMartVTen
    @DaniMartVTen 3 месяца назад

    I get it, keywords scooped from my emails to this social media platform, algorithms promote via the advertisement open door. But is it more important that elected officials be watching videos like this, because who else gets to use the pen of change despite a massive public outcry for new writing to be happening now? All this does is make TED look shiny, but not new.

  • @JustinMinnaar
    @JustinMinnaar 6 лет назад

    How do you apply this thinking to a society where tens of millions of people are unemployed and homeless, and only a few have the privilege of education, thus skills, thus jobs and homes?

  • @sebastiaanadema9801
    @sebastiaanadema9801 3 года назад +1

    I find that you have humanrights. So have a roof on your head and enough food ans drinks and a good healthcare. If you have that than can you a a human good living. And the mental people have to have a good mentor.

    • @galegrazutis964
      @galegrazutis964 2 года назад

      Thise things are NOT human rights thise things must be worked and paid for!!!

    • @sebastiaanadema9801
      @sebastiaanadema9801 2 года назад +1

      that is right but a human has a need a roof and good food and drink and healthcare. Or do you want to get dead?

    • @sebastiaanadema9801
      @sebastiaanadema9801 2 года назад

      @@galegrazutis964 So this is a human right

    • @sebastiaanadema9801
      @sebastiaanadema9801 2 года назад

      @@galegrazutis964 I work not. I get a social security pay ones in a month. Fun isn''t it

  • @finnon7460
    @finnon7460 6 лет назад +3

    He says 85% "Still Housed".
    But doesn't that mean that they're just living in their free housing?
    I don't see how this is an accomplishment. If he said that 85% were off drugs, had a job or in any way became better I would be impressed.
    Just putting them in housing doesn't solve the root causes for their homelessness. I think (but what do I know) that therapy would help these people.
    If the root causes for homelessness are drugs and bad money management, then you can use therapy to develop strategies to help said people.
    Giving them free housing is only a surface level solution, it doesn't solve the drug abuse or money management issues, which I think are to blame.

  • @onurcanisler
    @onurcanisler 6 лет назад +24

    *I have a big House in minecraft:/*

  • @bouffezlegumes8611
    @bouffezlegumes8611 2 года назад

    Privilege + self promotion = “Thought Leader”

  • @Taric25
    @Taric25 6 лет назад +5

    This video was much, MUCH better than the transgender video posted earlier today.

  • @c.richmond9944
    @c.richmond9944 5 лет назад

    Very noble man. Great to see we have great people like this in our country who are willing to and not just help illegals and people crossing our borders.

  • @SPCEMN3
    @SPCEMN3 6 лет назад

    How is harm reduction not just an institutionalized version of enabling? Also, "housing first" isn't housing, it's version of a mental hospital with state-sponsored case managers. Let's just call it what it is. I'm not sure this is more successful than the hospital-based solutions nor cheaper for tax-payers.

  • @Herbwise
    @Herbwise 2 года назад

    Get a job! The economic policy of NAIRU - Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment - makes that almost impossible.

  • @ZeusAndKiller
    @ZeusAndKiller 4 года назад

    only 51000 views??

  • @tonandmarc
    @tonandmarc 2 года назад +1

    its called the project. they are run buy gangs

  • @bvegannow1936
    @bvegannow1936 3 года назад +1

    Convince gov to let everyone use an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
    End farm subsidies. End tax
    breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
    End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
    People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
    For those who and whos parents cant afford it, chairty (where the donar gets a full non refundable tax credit that carrys over for an unlimited number of years) and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy livin

  • @ethansleeper6952
    @ethansleeper6952 5 лет назад

    Rest in peace

  • @SawyerKnight
    @SawyerKnight 6 лет назад

    those in need should make themselves needed.

  • @Zahlenteufel1
    @Zahlenteufel1 6 лет назад +1

    Ok, we have Bernie Sanders, now this guy, how many of those do you have America? Can't be much, considering who's president...

    • @joeldwest
      @joeldwest 6 лет назад

      Zahlenteufel1 Where are you?

  • @user-ek7xm3hu1w
    @user-ek7xm3hu1w 3 месяца назад

    This is tax-payer's money should have been spent. Not by spending it to other state's military.

  • @tonandmarc
    @tonandmarc 2 года назад +2

    Why dont you house all of the drugs users and criminals in your big fancy church , homes and with 2 cars and savings plans.

    • @galegrazutis964
      @galegrazutis964 2 года назад +1

      ABSOLUTELY exactly what they are criminals and junkies getting a free ride on the taxpayers money. And not having any responsibility in return. Such as getting work or getting off their addictions!! OUTRAGEOUS!

    • @franksalot114
      @franksalot114 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @arsenioseslpodcast3143
    @arsenioseslpodcast3143 6 лет назад +2

    Ok, so let's get them some housing, but does it change the real problem? What's the genesis of individuals becoming homeless? That's the problem. It's like a termite infestation. If you kill just a few termites, that doesn't guaranteed you stopped the problem. What's the problem with human beings becoming homeless is the real question. If you can tackle that, you solve the problem. If you give them housing, you don't change the paradigms.

    • @priyas9751
      @priyas9751 6 лет назад +6

      A person cannot reach their full potential unless they have their basic needs met: food, clothing, and shelter. Food and clothing are relatively cheap in the US (as compared to other countries), shelter not so much.
      Nobody said that giving homes to the homeless is going to solve all their problems. There are other systemic issues at play, including but not limited to the fact the the minimum wage is not a living wage and that healthcare is not guaranteed to all Americans. This program would be far more effective if we had a stronger social safety net, but just because we don't have those yet doesn't mean we can't start combating homelessness.

  • @danielhembree4653
    @danielhembree4653 5 лет назад

    Mental health and housing are 2 different things. Treatment changes people not a 2 bedroom apartment. We don't leave our addiction at the door. Our local government is watching people die as a result of this hoax that is harm reduction.

  • @liampool23
    @liampool23 6 лет назад


  • @chikiendiec8506
    @chikiendiec8506 6 лет назад

    i want to chat english with some one who volunteer to traning my english

  • @mrlepercon
    @mrlepercon 5 лет назад

    Didn't the homeless population skyrocket

  • @marmat1745
    @marmat1745 Год назад +1

    Having a roof over your head should be a Right because it is as necessary as eating

  • @Studio_m_and_k
    @Studio_m_and_k 2 года назад

    Why can’t it be for all county in The United States? Some people have been waiting for over two year’s. Some wants to work . Instead they are being judged by their appearance.. please help the homeless people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @firesign4297
    @firesign4297 6 лет назад +1


  • @Max201074
    @Max201074 4 года назад +1

    But Trillions for war with Iraq or Iran - no problem.

  • @4331andrew
    @4331andrew 6 лет назад


  • @voyalbonbon
    @voyalbonbon 6 лет назад +3

    California has been raising taxes and "combating homelessness" for years. If anything homelessness has only worsened.

  • @sebastiaanadema9801
    @sebastiaanadema9801 3 года назад

    Das stimt. I use when I was younger drugs but now I don't want it more. It's very bad. I have rather a appel

  • @joeo7257
    @joeo7257 5 лет назад +1

    Nice caring person but if you try that in California, you will attract all of the homeless from around the country and surrounding countries. Then for each of them, two struggling workers will give up and join in. Now run the numbers! How does that fit your budget.

  • @TheJayman213
    @TheJayman213 6 лет назад +2

    Socialists be like "so what else is new?"

  • @adoliscamurphy6018
    @adoliscamurphy6018 4 года назад

    This is amazing. My only complaint is his use of the word "prostitute." It's human trafficking survivors.

  • @danielhembree4653
    @danielhembree4653 5 лет назад

    I bet not one person on this thread has ever had a severe drug problem.

  • @Hauntercry
    @Hauntercry 6 лет назад


  • @TimmacTR
    @TimmacTR 6 лет назад +1

    So, why do these people have no family? State incentives.

  • @MissMarinaCapri
    @MissMarinaCapri 6 лет назад +2

    I can’t help wondering how much each of these people are costing to house, feed and care for.
    I worked my hands to blisters till they bleed and continued to work 18 hours a day till they blistered over again. I worked the equivalent of 40 years and now live as they who you give so freely our hardworking taxpayers dollars to. That which I worked so hard for. Yet still I work just to be free. Am I just like a slave to you?. They who you give so freely to are the masters? (Freaky huh?)
    Maybe a rethink is in order for us all.
    Well, maybe not me, just you, Ted.

    • @two-face1041
      @two-face1041 6 лет назад +2

      Marina Capri it’s probably cheaper then the alternative

    • @MissMarinaCapri
      @MissMarinaCapri 6 лет назад

      Two-Face, what alternative?

    • @MissMarinaCapri
      @MissMarinaCapri 6 лет назад +2

      ricardo brito, YES! WORK! Work on your self. Then become a self supporting member of society or become a hermit. Freedom to choose is yours. Avail yourself of abundant opportunities.

    • @hopefulmelancholy7514
      @hopefulmelancholy7514 6 лет назад +1

      a lot of these people are very sick & in need of our mercy.Would you not want someone to help you?Oh thats have no empathy.When you are sick I hope noone houses you.

    • @MissMarinaCapri
      @MissMarinaCapri 6 лет назад +1

      Francais Lover, you’re some piece of work, you say I have no empathy and then you go ahead and hope that when I need help no one helps me.

  • @Alex612ify
    @Alex612ify 2 года назад +1

    Great talk; however, his language: "prostitutes" ,"bums", etc are highly problematic.

  • @glenthemann
    @glenthemann 6 лет назад

    thats because you shipped em all off to other states lmao

  • @mba2ceo
    @mba2ceo 6 лет назад

    U want to help the POOR ? Build barracks on farms that are self efficient !!! Problem solved !!!

  • @rootiyriddle636
    @rootiyriddle636 5 лет назад

    this guy makes me want to be a Mormon again

  • @AManWithaWoodenleg2
    @AManWithaWoodenleg2 6 лет назад +3

    Churches are best suited to help the poor, not the govt.

    • @mathieup.corbeil894
      @mathieup.corbeil894 6 лет назад +3

      AManWithaWoodenleg2 I’m atheist, but that comment was in no way proper. If the church’s job is to help the least wealthy, how can they do so effectively without the help of the government. Sure religion in education or war is a fragile subject now, but the church is often the only place where people with major problems go and I respect their influence. Even though some may scam (Televangelists) or rape children, which IS something that has to be stop, some, many in fact, change others live forever. I live in Canada amd we fucked the native nation impossibly hard, we still did in the 1990s with the religious schools for the first nations, the church caused it, but the church also helped those who we traumatized. It’s not a matter of which organization is better, it’s a matter of who, as people, are better.

    • @Starcrash6984
      @Starcrash6984 6 лет назад +3

      My city has plenty of churches but not one of them runs a homeless shelter. They provide lunch on most days, and that's all. There's no way to "get ahead" to the point of having a home simply by being given the resources to survive another day, though the government has plenty of ways to actually get a person ahead (such as career centers). But your belief about the government clearly isn't based in fact, any more than your belief about what churches do for the poor.

    • @Samzillah
      @Samzillah 6 лет назад +3

      Until they refuse to help people because they arent the right religion or because they're lgbt+ or some other group that they disagree with.

    • @Starcrash6984
      @Starcrash6984 6 лет назад +1

      @Sam Girardin I'm an atheist and no church has ever refused to feed me at their soup kitchens. While this logically seems like a legitimate concern, the evidence shows that it's not -- churches simply don't ask what your religious status is before providing you with charity.

    • @Starcrash6984
      @Starcrash6984 6 лет назад

      @Don't Buy Into the Hype [citation needed] I have no idea who "provides far more in resources", and I doubt that you do, either. Given that the government simply has magnitudes greater funds, it would be surprising if churches gave more.
      What I do know is that government aid is typically free without addendum -- the government helps because they genuinely care about starvation and poverty, rather than using it as a foot-in-the-door to get the recipient to listen to evangelism.

  • @aquantumheart2632
    @aquantumheart2632 6 лет назад

    Out of touch! Let's put him out on the street for a decade and see how his opinion changes.