Use NLP to Resolve Inner Conflict & Live Your Highest Potential

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 114

  • @DamonCart
    @DamonCart  4 года назад +1

    Learn more about the Self-Concept model! There is a FREE assessment to find out what are your core values.

    • @lifebydesign9435
      @lifebydesign9435 4 года назад

      Nlp is enlightenment

    • @lifebydesign9435
      @lifebydesign9435 4 года назад +1

      It's crazy you released this shortly after I came to this conclusion. Even buddha said enlightenment comes from ignorance. We live in the age of information

  • @belle9l
    @belle9l 2 года назад +1

    Okay, after watching the completed video, I want to first say that was amazing! I can resonate with so much of what you spoke of.
    You touched on something meaningful to me as well. It has to do with taking the time to post such a vast wealth of information, diving deeply into the concepts and applications, and most importantly, taking the time to answer questions.
    I’m also one of those who have many questions and it has been incredibly challenging to find anyone to engage with in dialogue. There is very low engagement in the social media groups I have visited. And as you mentioned in your experience, with some (whom from I have been able to engage and get satisfying answers), they are often very busy.
    Without going into detail, my story is similar to yours, and related to that progression, I am just at the point where I am learning NLP Voraciously insofar as I am able, in order to understand more to help myself (as well as those I care about and teach).
    So, I wanted to take the time to thank you for giving so much of yours.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  2 года назад

      I really appreciate that. Thank you and you're very welcome.

  • @annep52
    @annep52 4 года назад +1

    Hi Damon-I've just watched your video and was totally enthralled by it-what you say made a lot of sense to me-the "conflicting parts" have been arguing away inside my head for the past few weeks about a certain issue. Whilst I think I was aware that they were "working together" to inform me, there was a sense of conflict. It was only when I came to a particular decision, that I felt "the two parts in agreement" and have now got a sense of peace that I've made the right decision without any "niggling doubts". This, I think is because I've been true to myself-my whole self. So, the "parts" that were in confict I do see as the whole me but I had to sort of step away to get a better view of their information which led to to what i'm totally convinced is the right decision for me. Hope all that makes sense-thank you for explainig it further in your video.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад +1

      It does. It sounds like your parts integrated, came together, to make a good choice.

  • @neurocosm
    @neurocosm 4 года назад +1

    This topic (and this video) is probably the one where I get the most out of. I do a lot of coaching around "the self" for people, and often do hear individuals referring to and using language that is in conflict with the self being 2 (or more!) things distinctively. I could learn, listen and talk about this all day. Bravo. --Tony

    • @neurocosm
      @neurocosm 4 года назад

      I also think this was [introduced] as a concept, the idea that we are constructed of different entities, or identities to move away from blame onto our selves when things go wrong (or when we cause something to do wrong) as a way to move past, perhaps. Interesting stuff, bu two entirely different constructs.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад +1

      Thank you. I understand what you mean but I don't think they're entirely different. I think they work the same way. It's just one is a 'toward' direction while the other is an 'away from' direction. When I'm clear about what I want I move toward it. When I fear what I don't want I move away from it as in I'm afraid of being blamed for something instead of focusing on what I want, I will do what I can to move away from the blame. This is a much bigger conversation but I still think it works the same way. Thank you for your comments.

  • @lisafoster9190
    @lisafoster9190 2 года назад +1

    I love this! I'm so into non duality and this made a lot of sense to me. I'm so interested to hear more 💖

  • @justicespaeth7465
    @justicespaeth7465 3 года назад

    I can understand Damon so well. It is not easy to pick up on most people's depth probably because I am not really intrigued by their views, Damon Cart on the other hand has a very relatable perspective and I really appreciate the time he takes to bring light to what we are all looking for, weather you can put it into words or not, you know he is speaking truth! Thanks Damon Cart, I truly value your work!

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  3 года назад

      Thank you for the kind words.

  • @BrendaPenton
    @BrendaPenton 13 дней назад

    Damn I feel I am on the same path as you were. Went through non-duality. Understood it and could explain it to the world, but couldn't always apply it. Now I am looking into the world of NLP so hopefully I can be a master like you haha. Thanks Damon! Never heard of anyone else say they went from non-duality to something else as most see it as the secret and keep on with it forever trying, but I am so glad you mentioned your story and I feel a connection. Thank you for that. I needed it.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  13 дней назад

      You're welcome.
      Non-Duality can be great for resolving inner suffering. I just needed more practical life application and that's what NLP gave me. Welcome!

  • @endlessnameless7004
    @endlessnameless7004 4 года назад +1

    In physics, there exists the concept of relativistic horizons; Rindler horizons, event horizons, space-time curvature, etc. Its all dependent on your frame of reference. From one vantage, one may see a horizon (causing separation), where from another reference frame one may see no horizon at all, and thus a more singular reality. I think the human psyche works the same way. Its all a matter of perspective. Fundamentally, there is no division, but the perception of division may be useful under certain circumstances. I think you really touched upon something of great value here. Thanks.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад +1

      Thank you. I agree with you. We constantly categorize experience, which is how we create meaning. There's nothing wrong with this. It's a fact about how we function as a species and it's what has made us a successful species. Technically this is a form of dividing. It's not a problem. It's quite useful, but it can be problematic if we don't realized that the divisions aren't real.

  • @viktorglaken4825
    @viktorglaken4825 4 года назад +1

    Love this video! I have been truly aided by the relief of Tao. The framing of embracing all of myself without revisions was a revelation for my inner process. Thanks for your witness and your work. 🙏💎🖖

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      You're welcome. Thank you for your comment.

  • @Passiyona
    @Passiyona 3 года назад

    Honestly that's a big relief and I can realize now what you were talking about. I kept on working on myself and didn't feel better and feeling so hopeless about myself. But I remember when I used to feel so weak and having low self-confidence at work and one day I moved to another branch and I decided to just walk into that branch in a different way since people there don't know me and I just simple be a confident me. What was amazing tht for the first time those colleagues had seen me as clever and strong opposite to what people had seen me before and it was just being, it wasn't about loving myself or working on my self-doubts(which was working) I was just being...

  • @kristinaaskovic4256
    @kristinaaskovic4256 3 месяца назад

    Love how you teach.will be soon with you and your online program.❤

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  3 месяца назад

      Thank you. Look forward to working with you.

  • @bekkaadair854
    @bekkaadair854 2 года назад

    i’m a yogi and very steeped n the idea of dissolving duality and merging back into oneness, unity. however, there is also the idea of “becoming the witness” always observing our thoughts. i think that might be what trips me up. this vid was super interesting and i’m still unclear but feel a little closer to comprehending. thank u!

  • @Hasmik007
    @Hasmik007 Год назад

    This was so true. Thank you!

  • @lynnbuonomo7611
    @lynnbuonomo7611 2 года назад

    I noticed this video was dropped 2 years ago, so you might not see my reply. With this I have to ask; do you see that we are spirt living in a human body?Having a human experience. How I understand this and that we have 3 minds, the consonance, subconscious and super conscious,
    I would love to hear your thoughts!!
    If we disagree, no worries I still like what your throwing down and will continue watching and supporting you. Sending you much Blessing to you and yours💕

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  2 года назад

      I think those are ways of categorizing and organizing our experiences. There is no empirical evidence of those things so my take on it is it you find it useful, use it.

  • @hi.courtneyedwards
    @hi.courtneyedwards 4 года назад +1

    Damon. Thank you for this video. Your videos have always come across to me as left brained instruction for applying my understandings of the law of attraction. This video helps me make sense of why both NLP and LOA both resonate deeply with me.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад +1

      You're welcome and thank you. The problem with LOA is exactly that, it doesn't give practical application. You're left with having to have faith in it so it becomes more like a religion for a lot of people. LOA is only a small part of what's going on and most LOA teachers aren't getting it so they're teaching misunderstandings about how this works. It's not so mystical. There's actually a very practical, precise, and predictable way to get what you want and to be fulfilled.

  • @notallthatbad
    @notallthatbad 2 года назад

    I agree with you on dismissing the "love yourself" notion, firstly because it really doesn't work very well. I've tried loving myself in various ways and it just isn't practical or the brain (mine, at least) isn't wired for it. It's more of a platitude, but applying it to yourself when there is a ton of garbage right behind it is like spraying feces with Lysol.
    Secondly, in creating an "other than me" entity or issue, there is a tendency to deny or delegate responsibility for it. If I make this problem I have in me a separate issue, I don't really have to own it and therefore address it.

  • @chrislianos
    @chrislianos 2 года назад

    Great video. Interesting take Damon.

  • @samurai9319
    @samurai9319 4 года назад

    NLP trick #1 (AKA Jedi mind tricks ahead) "Keep watching." But seriously, thank you for these videos. Keep them coming!

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      Thanks. Always find it funny when people try to analyze the NLP in my language.

  • @DanielleKottis
    @DanielleKottis 3 года назад

    Thank you so much! This came at the perfect time! I love this! 💜😊🤗 it made so much sense for me, exactly what I needed to hear today!

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  3 года назад

      You're welcome. Glad it helped.

  • @Ab_A60
    @Ab_A60 3 года назад

    What a deep video. Such a key insight, thanks for this. To see that the video only has 2.5k views is sad.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  3 года назад +1

      Thank you. Really appreciate your comment. Share this video with people you think will benefit from it and end your sadness ; )

  • @belle9l
    @belle9l 2 года назад

    I’m not quite through listening, but what you said about conscious and unconscious reminded me of something I read.
    We "Consciously" process only about 126 bits of information PER SECOND, That's 7 plus or minus 2 chunks of information per second, 5 to 9 Chunks. (George A Miller 1956), while our "Unconscious” mind is processing at 20-30 MILLION bits of information per second.
    Well, then I got curious about how many chunks this corresponded to unconsciously, so I did the math (because I’m a bit of a nerd).
    So, let’s assume that the conscious mind can only process 126 bits (or 5-9 chunks) of information per second (let's use the average of 7 chunks per second), and the unconscious can process a staggering 20 - 30 million bits per second (let's use the average of 25 million bits).
    Then compared to the the ability of the conscious mind to only process 7 chunks of information per second, the unconscious can process a whopping 1,388,889 (or around 1.4 million) chunks of information per second!
    That is, the unconscious mind processes 200,000 times more chunks of information per second than the conscious mind!! 😳
    If I did my math correctly, then it would seem a fallacy that the conscious mind runs much of the show at all!

  • @zzekeviciute
    @zzekeviciute 3 года назад

    That’s exactly how i feel. I have been trying to balance it but its like there is 2 of me but before I haven’t felt like that. I can feel when its changing one is overthink and stressing because wants to stop that pain,and the “other” could sacrifice and do everything for everyone apart myself. And its conflicting

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  3 года назад +1

      You can change this.

  • @jomk5731
    @jomk5731 4 года назад

    Love the mirror reflection metaphor 👍

  • @Bibiemireh
    @Bibiemireh 2 года назад


  • @truth_activist
    @truth_activist 2 года назад

    Non-duality is ideal. Ego creates duality and comparative judgements which is the source of all problems on Earth

  • @teopaul9486
    @teopaul9486 3 года назад

    Well there is an aspect of what you feel towards something no matter what you are thinking and the other one that can alter what you feel by changing your view abiut a situation or might just as well choose a path of action not directly related to what you feel (maybe drinking tea in the morning not coffe). Quite absteact but thats the way I see myself as two entities

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  3 года назад

      How you feel about something has to do with how you represent it internally. When you change the representation, the feeling, evaluation, the meaning you give it, etc. will change. Many people try to change the way they feel about something simply because they want to feel differently without being aware of the unconscious structures of the representation. This doesn't create the change and usually it creates a lot of frustration. For example, when people try to change how they feel about themselves using affirmations. They may feel better about themselves for a short period of time, but because they have not altered the structures of how they represent themselves internally, they will always go back to feeling the same way about themselves.

  • @ДашаГалкина-б3э
    @ДашаГалкина-б3э 3 года назад

    I love this!!!

  • @lilisaadaoui6158
    @lilisaadaoui6158 4 месяца назад

    Hi Damon, I fully agree with you, coming more from an Eastern Culture of Oneness. So my question here is what do you think about the NLP Part integration technique as it is based on the duality concept? Thanks

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 месяца назад

      Yes it's true that we don't actually have separate parts. However, the mind divides, suppresses, and loses conscious connection with our intentions and automations. Parts integration is a conceptual way to integrate this "parts thinking" so that we experience wholeness.

  • @StephenPalfrey
    @StephenPalfrey 5 дней назад

    The think bit that stops me from getting this idea 100% is the bit that talks about the relationship with myself. I understand the mirror example but surely there must be some relationship with self. I like myself indicates a relationship with myself. I want to improve (myself) indicates a relationship, and then as I see the results of my work I have done, I like the the better version of myself, therefore encouraging me to continue to make changes so I can be the best version of myself? Is that ok? Is that just ego? Even if it’s ego that drives the vision, (example) to give back to the community, don’t you need to start from self and end with self to make a comparison? I think I need clarity on self awareness and relationship with self re duality 🤔

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  5 дней назад

      Sure, we can do that. Keep in mind though what the actual relationship is between. Self, the way you're using it, is a concept, not something real. It's how you think about yourself so it's really one concept relating to another concept, thinking and self. Both concepts are contained by your physical self. This is how inner parts and parts conflicts happen. They are just concepts relating with each other as in they could be in conflict with each other. But in actuality, you are only one self, which means there's no other self to relate to.

  • @neurocosm
    @neurocosm 4 года назад +1

    I have watched this video over and over (perhaps about 6 times) and while it all makes sense, there are some parts that need clarity for me (to be sure) I am understanding conceptually in a way where I can pick up the reality of it as a truth. Hm.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      It took me several years to fully understand it. It might not take that long for you. Regardless, it's worth taking the time to understand it. It will save you a lot of pain and frustration.

    • @lisafoster9190
      @lisafoster9190 2 года назад

      I've listened 3 times now and find the same!

  • @truth_activist
    @truth_activist 2 года назад

    Any duality creates division and suffering. Hence the subdivision of society on identification labels etc

  • @mentaliusDK
    @mentaliusDK 2 года назад

    The description of non-duality - as well as the term itself - seems so full of negations, that it sort of defeats it-self. Makes you think a lot about duality:) It seems that unity, oneness etc. seems more appropriate language:)

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  2 года назад

      When it comes to non-duality you have to use negations because words fail to explain what it is. Simply saying unity and oneness alone doesn't capture it. In fact, in the ancient Indian teachings it's called neti neti which translates to "not this, not that". Combine negation with stating it in positive terms and it's as close as you're going to get.

    • @mentaliusDK
      @mentaliusDK 2 года назад

      @@DamonCart Ok, not really into non-duality/Vipassana-stuff. Though I am wondering, if “it” relies that much on negations, it must be exclusively in perception, and not something to be experienced in “reality”. I also wondered about your many shifts from hand to hand, while discussing it. However - as mentioned -it´s not really in my sphere of interest. What is in my sphere of interest is stuff like the self-concept model and the swish. I dońt really get why so many gets the swish wrong, it´s pretty well laid out in both Using your Brain for a Change and in Heart of the Mind.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  2 года назад

      @@mentaliusDK what is the difference between perception and reality?
      I think a lot of people don't pay attention to details when it comes to NLP processes so teachers will skip or change them and then teach them wrong.

    • @IAMtheoneyoulovetolove
      @IAMtheoneyoulovetolove 2 года назад

      @@DamonCart apparently from what Neville Goddard taught, there isn't one. Which as a person who has a PERSONALITY DISORDER on top of a bunch of other psychiatric fuckery, doesn't make life any easier whatsoever. If the lense has always been screwed up then how is awareness of being, as Neville calls it, which is I AM, supposed to shift into a state I want ? When there was or is never is going to be an ideal person I want to be or sustain especially on this Earth plane. When the innate knowing is that I just don't want to play this game anymore as not only this human, but as any other incarnation ever again. . . Unfinished business here or not. . I've never wanted to be in this play, of I AM traveling through "spiritual states" as Neville says it, playing out scripture, lifetime after lifetime . If the Bible-separating religion from these things, is actually my own autobiography of I AM, the Observer, always picking up where it last left off. . . I don't and never will have a choice either way. This is all so fucked up.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  2 года назад

      @Ugliest beautiful creation reality is subjective. We can never know an objective reality.

  • @johnalchin9175
    @johnalchin9175 2 года назад

    Do you think that there was a chance that I was taught in religion that there is a physical part of me and a spiritual part? I have also come across someone saying that I have a higher self as well as my physical self. I was very religious when I was in my early teens and like you I found trying live that way didn't really help my mental struggle.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  2 года назад

      Parts of ourselves are just illusions. The truth is we're one whole, complete being. Looking at ourselves as parts can be useful but it can also be limiting.

  • @robrobertson6780
    @robrobertson6780 2 года назад

    No fear of success? What do you mean

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  2 года назад

      Though the term "fear of success" is common in personal development, I'm sure you'll agree the first time you heard it, it probably sounded strange because it is. So if you're going to assert that such a thing is true and real, the burden is on you to demonstrate or prove that it is true.
      You first. How is it that people fear getting what they want? If you were starving and I put a plate of your favorite food in front of you, would you not eat it because you fear succeeding at satisfying your hunger?

  • @sandraedwards2136
    @sandraedwards2136 4 года назад

    Is it not our unconscious/subconscious mind (the other part of our self) that we speak to when our behaviour is out of sync with what we want? Or when we check for congruence when a change is made? Our goal is to align both our conscious and unconscious mind with our values?

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      It can be but not necessarily. Think about times when you're judging yourself and you know that you're judging yourself. You're not necessarily judging your unconscious. I think it works both ways. Aligning your unconscious and conscious is a goal, but it's not the only goal. You can be very congruent and not happy and not fulfilled. To me fulfillment is the ultimate goal and that usually takes more than alignment.

  • @176kinga
    @176kinga 4 года назад

    Interesting 🤔😁

  • @arthur1596
    @arthur1596 4 года назад

    Im here cus the title hit me well, since I can't convince Myself to do stuffs.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад +1

      What did you learn from the video?

  • @speedtriplebbc
    @speedtriplebbc 4 года назад

    This isn’t directly related to this video, but I’m currently looking into NLP and so far your videos seem to explain it best. So I thought I’d ask if you could advise on a video or do one in the future directly aimed at addiction? I can’t find anything that I can relate to enough to make a difference. It’s the psychological side that I struggle with and I can go all day thinking how stupid it would be do do it again, but once I’m triggered it all goes out the window and I’m back to square one. I have researched a fair amount and I know once I can build new circuits in my brain to bypass the urges it will be easier, but I struggle to get that far.

    • @amongstthepigeons1020
      @amongstthepigeons1020 4 года назад +1

      You want to work with two models: self concept model and core Transformation

    • @amongstthepigeons1020
      @amongstthepigeons1020 4 года назад +1

      If you join Damon’s self concept group, I will gladly practice with you. This group changed everything for me.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад +1

      Perhaps I can do a video about that. I've done videos on the Swish Pattern, which addresses compulsion.видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html

    • @speedtriplebbc
      @speedtriplebbc 4 года назад

      Cheers to both of you, I know a lot of what I’ve seen could be applied, but I find it difficult picturing things when you talk about something else. I hope practice will help me with that. Once it becomes a bit more natural to me I hope this will help.

    • @amongstthepigeons1020
      @amongstthepigeons1020 4 года назад

      So, picturing things as I talk got better the more other people worked with me. Trying to work with videos was limiting for me. Having someone ask you the question directly helps. I’ve had friends ask me questions that I write down, but there’s nothing like a coach who is talented at calibration especially when it comes to eye movements to help by asking the question that you most need asked. Journals have helped me.

  • @djkingotown
    @djkingotown 4 года назад

    Question? I've had sessions where I've been asked to address a "voice" that is beating me up. I've since learned this process and have used it with friends and family and have great success. How does this fall in line with this video? So I guess this is just one of my multiple personas that's just me as a whole? How does that fall into the self concept model? What's the point of gathering the information from first person, 2nd person and fly on the wall? How does that work into the equation?

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад +1

      These are very broad questions of which I would need more information and the answers would be more like essays than just a few sentences. Voices that beat you up need to be integrated like we integrate counterexamples. Perceptual Positions are not dualistic because they are just perceptions. You're not necessarily divided when you're exploring perceptions of other positions.

    • @djkingotown
      @djkingotown 4 года назад

      @@DamonCart I gotta say I'm kinda honored that my questions would require an essay to written in order to answer them. To be fair you did say to ask your questions in the beginning of the video. I hope you make more videos on the subject to clarify the concepts. Thank you for responding.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      @@djkingotown since your original questions more people have asked more questions that are similar so yes I think I will need to make another video about this or I will have to spend all my time writing the same essays over and over ; )

    • @djkingotown
      @djkingotown 4 года назад

      @@DamonCart Great news! Do it Live!

  • @thedonofm-town1856
    @thedonofm-town1856 4 года назад

    epic video.

  • @laik6250
    @laik6250 4 года назад

    Hi and thx. Wonder if it is possible to use self concept without using "duality"? Term "non duality" is paradox, or?

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      Of course. Your self-concept is not in conflict with your existence.

    • @laik6250
      @laik6250 4 года назад

      @@DamonCart agree it is not in conflict with my experience. But is it not in relastionship with my experience?

  • @m4nwo
    @m4nwo 4 года назад

    How can you hold opposing even conflicting views of yourself? Simultaneously even? It's called super position. It's not a one or a zero. It's both.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      Yes this is what happens when we have ambiguous qualities like I'm a happy person sometimes and sometimes I'm not happy. But we don't have to be this way. We can have more certainty about ourselves and who we are.

  • @neurocosm
    @neurocosm 4 года назад

    I want to read the book Transforming Yourself, but I'd like something I can get as an audio book? - is there a version on audio books I can get?

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      There isn't an audio version that I'm aware of. I created an online version of it that's a training. That's the closest thing there is.

    • @neurocosm
      @neurocosm 4 года назад

      @@DamonCart What would it take for you to get the rights to do an audio version :D I think it would be worth it for those of us who get lost in pages and need the voice. Mr Andreas would be proud! :D

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад +1

      @@neurocosm Getting the rights to do the project wouldn't be difficult I don't think. The project itself is something I've never done. I assume it wouldn't be as involved as the online training I created because I cover every part of that book and then some and it's all voiced over with slides and included demonstrations. If it's a project you want to take on I suggest reaching out to Steve's widow Connirae Andreas or his son Mark Andreas.

    • @neurocosm
      @neurocosm 4 года назад

      Well, I do have an excellent speaking voice with great timber for reading instruction. 😀. Perhaps I will get in touch with Steve's widow. Thanks brother.

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      @@neurocosm go for it!

  • @martinnhantran
    @martinnhantran 4 года назад

    NLP Training video #1 says you have over 26k subscribers. You have way more. How do you train yourself to do and learn what you hate? E.g. a job

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад

      I've grown since I made that video.
      You can use Mapping Across, but I would want to know why you would want to learn and do something you hate. If you're really incongruent with doing a particular job, it would be easier and more fulfilling to find something that does fulfill you. You will also likely be more successful at it too.

  • @davidgoes785
    @davidgoes785 6 дней назад

    soooo..."I need to trust myself more" would be better said this way " I trust me"? by taking the word need out you do away with concept of "i dont or do need" mitigating a need that may or may not be there and then replace the myself with me will stop seeing yourself as 2 seperate parts.?? feed back please

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  6 дней назад

      What is the positive intent of the part of you that doesn't trust yourself?

  • @Galezinowski
    @Galezinowski 4 года назад

    I feel like eastern non-duality concept is about magic. People who teach telekinesis say you do it by feeling the object like it is non different than you

    • @DamonCart
      @DamonCart  4 года назад +2

      That's not quite what non-duality is. Non-duality is not mysticism. It's actually quite practical more like Stoicism. Nothing you perceive is actually different than you because it's all part of your perception. If it were outside of your perception, you wouldn't know it.

    • @XianWangTheo
      @XianWangTheo 3 года назад

      what is magic?

  • @Bibiemireh
    @Bibiemireh 2 года назад
