What Is The Bearing Of The Tithe For The New Testament Believer?

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • In this video: Mike Andrus
    Permalink: www.thegospelco...

Комментарии • 43

  • @silvertenzin
    @silvertenzin 2 года назад +9

    Giving in love is the key 🔑

  • @dianebaker4602
    @dianebaker4602 4 года назад +11

    I totally agree with what was said...personally when I tithe my finances run smooth...when I don't I struggle. Tithing helps me to see God in action in my life, helping me to meet my needs.

    • @dayahjohn8384
      @dayahjohn8384 4 года назад

      What is your understanding about the portion to the leader ? Our pastor says " Tithes " belongs to him and other expenxes, such as helping poor , fellowship dinner, outing expences of the church, atleast once a year must be done through " Offerings " ..Thus we must collect both " Tithes " & " Offerings " . Is this correct ?

    • @richpeeps515
      @richpeeps515 Год назад +4

      ​@@dayahjohn8384 Tithes were only entitled to the Levite priests because they lack an inheritance.

  • @AdvancedMarketingGro
    @AdvancedMarketingGro 3 года назад +11

    Do you people who teach or believe in tithing know what these words mean?...
    1. WEAK
    If not, keep reading...
    1. WEAK - lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength and energy. Inability to perform something or cause something to happen.
    2. UNPROFITABLE - not yielding profit or financial gain. Not returning anything to an investor, a venture returning nothing to all involved.
    3. DISANNULLED - transitive verb. dis·an·nulled, dis·an·null·ing, dis·an·nuls. To annul or cancel. Related Forms: dis′an·nul′ment. To put an end to something.
    >> Here are the words WEAK, UNPROFITABLE, and DISANNULLED from the Greek original language used in Hebrews chapter 7...
    1. WEAK - Greek: ἀσθενής
    Transliteration: asthenēs
    Pronunciation: as-then-ace'
    Definition: From G1 (as a negative particle) and the base of G4599; strengthless (in various applications literally or figuratively and morally): - more feeble impotent sick without strength weak (-er -ness thing).
    KJV Usage: weak (12x), sick (6x), weakness (2x), weaker (1x), weak things (1x), impotent (1x), more feeble (1x), without strength (1x).
    Occurs: 25
    In verses: 23
    2. UNPROFITABLE- Greek: ἀνωφέλες
    Transliteration: anōpheles
    Pronunciation: an-o-fel'-ace
    Definition: From G1 (as a negative particle) and the base of G5624; useless or (neuter) inutility: - unprofitable(-ness).
    KJV Usage: unprofitable (1x), unprofitableness (1x).
    Occurs: 2
    In verses: 2
    3. DIS-ANNULLED - Greek: ἀθέτησις
    Transliteration: athetēsis
    Pronunciation: ath-et'-ay-sis
    Definition: From G114; cancellation (literally or figuratively): - disannulling put away.
    KJV Usage: disannulling (1x), to put away (with G1519) (1x).
    Occurs: 2
    In verses: 2
    "For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof."
    What is DISANNULLED? What is WEAK? What is UNPROFITABLE? These three...
    1. The Levitical Priesthood (which could bring perfection [salvation] TO NO ONE, Hebrews 7:11).
    2. The Law of Moses relative to New Testament Christians who are NOT UNDER THE LAW (Romans 6:14, Acts 15:24).
    3. Tithing, which is of the law of Moses (Hebrews 7:5, Numbers 18:21-24, Matthew 23:23).
    In Hebrews Chapter Seven, Verses Number; 5, 6, 8, and 9 focus CLEARLY ON TITHING, and while proving the superiority of Christ's priesthood, Hebrews 7 ALSO places tithing (along with the rest of the law of Moses) in a position of INFERIORITY relative to the New Covenant, and declares it all WEAK, UNPROFITABLE, DISANNULLED.
    >> Tithing that God commanded was established in, and part of the Law of Moses; that is VERY CLEAR in Hebrews 7:5...
    "And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people ACCORDING TO THE LAW, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham:"
    "He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord." - Psalm 147:19-20
    "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." - Malachi 3:10
    Malachi states in Malachi 4:4 that who he is talking to, who he is commanding to "bring in the tithe," ARE UNDER THE LAW OF MOSES...
    "Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments." - Malachi 4:4
    And, the command to bring in the tithe to the Storehouse is to the Priests of Aaron, not ANYONE ELSE...
    "And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you." - Malachi 2:1...what commandment? THE COMMANDMENT TO BRING IN THE TITHE TO THE STOREHOUSE...
    "And the priest the son of Aaron shall be with the Levites, when the Levites take tithes: and the Levites shall bring up the tithe of the tithes unto the house of our God, to the chambers, into the treasure house." - Nehemiah 10:38
    "And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. Neither must the children of Israel henceforth come nigh the tabernacle of the congregation, lest they bear sin, and die." - Numbers 18:21-22
    "For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are NOT UNDER THE LAW but under grace." - Romans 6:14
    "Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave NO SUCH COMMANDMENT:" - Acts 15:24
    SORRY TO INFORM YOU TITHING TEACHERS; YOUR TITHING GAME IS OVER, your cash cow has run off, your days of lying to your followers and stealing money from them ARE OVER.
    You are described perfectly by the Apostle Peter...
    "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
    And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness (LUST AFTER MONEY AND MATERIAL THINGS) shall they with feigned words (WORDS OF DECEPTION) make merchandise (A SOURCE OF MONEY) of you: whose judgment (THEIR EVIL EXPOSED AND JUDGED BY GOD) now of a long time lingereth not (WILL BE RIGHT ON TIME), and their damnation (BEING SENT TO HELL) slumbereth not." - 2 Peter 2:1-3
    >> We are warned to stay away from people who Peter is describing; Paul wrote this...
    "Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain (MONEY) is godliness: from such withdraw thyself." - 1 Timothy 6:5
    "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." - Ephesians 5:11
    TITHERS...be free from tithing!

    • @Keepitoriginalministry
      @Keepitoriginalministry Год назад +2

      Great truth. Who don’t you make a video and put in on RUclips?

    • @beakfish7319
      @beakfish7319 11 месяцев назад +1

      Super solid explaination! Very very well put together!

    • @thecatalysm5658
      @thecatalysm5658 6 месяцев назад

      Wow. Okay, can we be friends - like, best friends? That was awesome and I will be copying and pasting that in my OneNote vault of that is okay with you!

    • @BlueShark13
      @BlueShark13 3 месяца назад

      Revelation of the Holy Spirit. I never felt obligated to give, when they ask for tithe. I rather give it to someone who won't get hired, old person, handicap, orphan someone in a real emergency. Or a God foot soldier, someone who helps or spread the gospel selflessly. Me personally I don't like to take from people, I rather help people who really need or who ask for a genuine favor, not self-seeking or manipulative.
      God Bless your soul, well put explanations. I study to not be deceived. Thank You Jesus Loves you.

  • @Thadhouse
    @Thadhouse Год назад +2

    The Holy Spirit spoke to me about this higher standard of giving and loving others. When you create buildings and teams and media departments that require money of course their will be a push to give a certain amount. See God established the principle of giving and receiving but He wants us to do it out of love not mandate. That’s what happened after Jesus. Love. Churches are afraid that if they position it this way they would get and perhaps initially they would, BUT if we all learned how to give in love we’d far exceed the current levels of tithes and offerings in church. Just a thought.

  • @vincenth.8793
    @vincenth.8793 10 месяцев назад +4

    ….the main issue with churches nowadays using the “tithe” is the thought of a consequence or reprimand if one doesn’t tithe.

    • @JNA2015-e4m
      @JNA2015-e4m 7 месяцев назад +1

      Yep we all fail and need Christ even in our giving ❤ give from a grateful heart

  • @jojo14deguzman89
    @jojo14deguzman89 9 месяцев назад +2

    We can give tithes or even more than that but voluntarily iif we are happy to do so like what Abraham and Jacob did. Not like what Israelites did which was commanded to them by God through Moses. . Many pastors ammend the Law of Moses about tithing by using a lot of out of context interpretations including the interoretation to the phrase "my house" in Malachi 3:10 which refers to the Temple of God in Jerusalem. Pastors who use out of context or misinterpretion which leads the Church to wrong understanding to the Word of God are not teaching them faithfully. It is like they turn the sighn board of direction to the wrong way.

  • @joyalmeda18
    @joyalmeda18 Год назад +1

    I absolutely agree with you, Mr Andrus. Malachi 3 has already become obsolete with Paul's statement in 1 Cor. 16. MOSES's law > curse, 10%, abundant blessing. JESUS's law > not out of compulsion, cheerful giving, blessing according to the measure you use. In Malachi 3 we tend to limit ourselves with the 10% when we can actually give much more, should I say to the disadvantage of both the giver and the church. Another thing, Pastors are bold enough to warn us of the curse if we can't tithe, but they don't have the boldness to be frank with their members who are living immoral lives - common example are live-in partners (especially those who are, either one or both partners, not legally separated/annuled under our Philippine laws). Besides, I don't believe that Christians who are leading holy lives will be cursed because they don't tithe, and those who are living sinful lives will be blessed because they tithe! And, of all matters, because of money, which is the root of all evil, God will curse us?

  • @7nflgirl
    @7nflgirl 5 месяцев назад +1

    But We Are To Cover Each Other's Needs Daily And Support The Advancement Of The Gospel. [ Just Think How Lazy We've Become. When You Have More Churches Than Homeless People. Why Are There ANY Homeless In America ? SAD..... ]

  • @user-lu1bi6tz1m
    @user-lu1bi6tz1m 10 месяцев назад +1

    Tithing was for the priest...and the priest were chastised for stealing from the store house... tithing was never intended for preacher's to live in opulence and grandeur...this is not the purpose of the tithe....

  • @shlomochaim5231
    @shlomochaim5231 3 года назад +1

    There is a lot of discussion on the internet regarding whether Christians are obligated to tithe. Although there is no command to tithe anywhere in the NT, tithing itself is not the problem. The evangelical teaching of tithing-to-be-blessed is the problem! Pastors and church leaders are greatly misleading their congregations regarding the benefits of tithing, particularly when they teach them that God promises to financially reward those who tithe to their local church. Those who teach this completely overlook the fact that most of God's most loyal servants in the Bible were poor in this life! For example, both John the Baptist and the apostle Paul were poor in this life. Similarly, Jesus praised the poor old woman who gave her only two coins to the temple treasury. She gave more than a tithe and yet was still poor. If God blesses the finances of those who tithe, why were these people poor? Where was their financial reward for good stewardship? Clearly there is a disconnect between the teachings of the Bible and the teachings of many evangelical churches. For those interested in this subject, Dr. Bompiani's new book "The Ninety-Sixth Thesis: Losing Faith in the Church, Finding Faith in Christ" is a must read. This book argues that the evangelical teaching of tithing-to-be-blessed is nothing more than a modern-day version of indulgences and thus just another scheme to raise money for the church. The author argues that this teaching not only reveals the problem with all of us, namely that we all struggle with selfishness, but it also holds the clue for understanding why we are here. We are selfish; God is unselfish and wants us to become less like ourselves and more like him and his son, the Christ. The author argues that is one of many clues that explains why we are here.

    • @phantombanana3422
      @phantombanana3422 Год назад

      Financial submission to the Lord, typically what these Evangelists preach, is what produces blessing in both our spiritual and financial area of our lives. We see this with the woman who gave her coins, and the woman who fed Elijah, both ladies were financially submissive and then got blessed abundantly

      @STAR-RADIANCE Год назад

      How do we know the old woman was blessed? Is there a reliable source that demonstrates that?

  • @dayahjohn8384
    @dayahjohn8384 4 года назад +1

    1 Corinthians 16 : 1 ,2 , Paul says concerning the collection of " SAINTS " ...What about for the Pastor ? To whom lead the flock.? Pls explain, how full time leader should receive money for them ?

    • @markb7067
      @markb7067 4 года назад +1

      1 Corinthians 16:1-2 (NIV) reads "Now about the collection for the Lord’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. 2 On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made." This verse refers to giving, not a payment. Tithing under Mosaic law was a payment only it was not received as money. Rather it was received as produce or livestock from within Israel. Offerings are gifts, can involve money, and aren't under compulsion. I believe we should support our local clergy (Pastors etc...) monetarily. But we are free to give as our convictions lead and as we are able. Not bound to pay as many would have us believe.

    • @IamGodSon
      @IamGodSon 10 месяцев назад

      The fulltime pastor SHOULD WORK .

    • @BlueShark13
      @BlueShark13 3 месяца назад

      He who don't work, don't eat. They have 24 hours in a day, enough time to work and preach (feed the sheep). Not babysit the flock.

  • @ligerangry6857
    @ligerangry6857 Год назад +3

    Malachi 3:9 Jehovah spoke directly to the nation of Israel to give tithes.... things to eat 😉and on the seventh year let the 🌎🌍 to rest .... not tithe!.... nowadays Kenneth Copeland wants you to tithe all year round 😂🤣😅

  • @jeanetteellis4878
    @jeanetteellis4878 3 года назад +1

    I love what you teach l was taught wrong...l was homeless due to not putting my rent above tithing ten percent....lives are destroyed and souls. Pastor s are hellbound...lm on a cold bus writing you a woman 👠👠👠


    Amen tithing was a commandment to the Old Testament believers to tithe to the levites to help the widows orphans and high priests. Jesus or the deciples never taught tithing. Gods warning in the OT was for those who didn’t tithe that God would send the locusts to devour their crops to those who didn’t tithe their first fruits. Today teachers intimidate their congregations that the devourer would devour what they have if they didn’t tithe its time to wake up people and let not these wolves steal your money for their own greed and luxurious lifestyles. Any preacher who teaches tithing is a wolf. Also teachers today manipulate these teachings and say that your crops that your meant to tithe from is money today when it isn’t. Gods word stays the same as yesterday today and forever time does not change Gods word to suit the future. Jesus taught gives joyfully generously with good cheer and a true believer will give without counting any losses

    • @elliasdlamini702
      @elliasdlamini702 10 месяцев назад

      😂😂😂 haha ! 😅 but let me pick your brain on this one , according to the apostles looking after the widows and the poorer was encourage then ,where the money was suppose to come from if not through tithing system , can we talk

    • @BlueShark13
      @BlueShark13 3 месяца назад

      ​@@elliasdlamini702He who don't work don't eat. Work to have an income an then once you cover your expanses. The spare money you can help the needy. That's what I do, but I do it in secret.

  • @AdvancedMarketingGro
    @AdvancedMarketingGro 3 года назад

    Where does the Bible say that a New Testament Christian has a "higher standard of giving than the tithe." ?? Chapter and verse, please. Also, God's commanded tithing was NEVER a form of giving; you can't give to someone something you don't own. The tithe was the property of the Levite. See Numbers 18:20-24

  • @mauricewilsondaddybob1307
    @mauricewilsondaddybob1307 4 года назад

    It is not possible to give a tithe according to the Bible?

    • @markb7067
      @markb7067 4 года назад

      There's no such thing as a biblical monetary tithe

  • @johngreene6780
    @johngreene6780 11 месяцев назад

    Jesus said I come not to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law. The principal of tithing was not done away with

    • @markb7067
      @markb7067 11 месяцев назад +3

      Jesus fulfilled the sacrifice for the atonement of humanity. In so doing, the ceremonial and civil ordinances under Mosaic Law that supported the Old Covenant system of atonement became obsolete.

    • @beakfish7319
      @beakfish7319 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@markb7067 bingo!

    • @BlueShark13
      @BlueShark13 3 месяца назад

      Jesus said there are two commandments.
      In the fruits of the spirit it never says anything about tithing.

  • @mauricewilsondaddybob1307
    @mauricewilsondaddybob1307 4 года назад

    Where is it in the scripture that this man is talking about? Who tithe in the Old Testament.

    • @markb7067
      @markb7067 4 года назад

      Tithing ordinances were put in place under Mosaic Law. Only produce and livestock from within the Holy Land could be received as a tithe. Those ceremonial and civil ordinances are now obsolete.

  • @user-yg6qs4xh7x
    @user-yg6qs4xh7x Месяц назад

    Setting aside a sum of money was what was promised to another church. A one time event. He is misleading by not clearly elucidating giving. Tithes were never money. We should give as the Lord leads us and. It to religious institution but to other brothers and sisters in need.

  • @halimj7
    @halimj7 Год назад +1

    Law of Jesus… I think not. You clearly are under the law of paul.