Strategy is the outer feild of a square like a fotboll field, tactics are the fields in lines in the field where the players run now imagine you look above this field as an important role for you as coach, the tactical role you place on the field is how the strategy together generate outcomes
Are the slides for this presentation available? This is excellent!
i'm a newbie & i'm excited to learn
amazing. thank you so much!
Please tell me the difference between strategic plan and. Strategy, sometimes I get the impression that the two are different.
Did you get an answer ?
Strategy is the outer feild of a square like a fotboll field, tactics are the fields in lines in the field where the players run now imagine you look above this field as an important role for you as coach, the tactical role you place on the field is how the strategy together generate outcomes
Are the slides for this presentation available, please I need it
“Any planning is better than no planning.”