Lets consider that this kind of playing is directly and pure without any manipulation of digital equipment. That's why I appreciate this recording very much and that's why I think is Karl Richter one of the greatest.
Sorry for my inadequate English. Karl Richter came from a romantic tradition, a music style unknown to Bach. Richter play the Fantasia way too slow, there is no tempomarks like adagio or largo.
It is obvious that Bach belongs to another era. But there is another issue involved in the matter of interpretation. It is quite clear that because of the influence of the piano and the progress in technical skills, performers nowadays play much faster than centuries ago. I am even sure that the pace of Mozart's piano music in his time was much slower than in our time. The pace has been very increased. So, I think its is historically just to play the former works of Bach and even Mozart and Beethoven slower than nowadays the habit is.
Teun van de Steeg, I am sorry for my inadequate English. Just a few words about the pace in Bach's organ works: The fugue theme in the pedal is sometimes written more simple, else they couldn't play the piece fast. If they wanted to play the fugue slowly, there wasn't any need to change the melody line in the pedal.
Teun van de Steeg, quote: ".....performers nowadays play much faster than centuries ago." I wish I could support you, but I can't. After the organists started to include their thumbs as a standard, they were able to play very fast. Also in Bach's lifetime they loved to impress each other, "noone play faster than me!" What about the Fugue BWV 548? The time signature is cutting C. All the runs of semiquavers is faster than the demisemiquavers in this Fantasia.
I love it too. For me -- not that I didn't enjoy the back-and-forth arguments from "geir" and yourself about the tempo/speed -- I don't mind different renditions or interpretations. To give an example from modern pop music, the band, "Spooky Tooth" did a cover of the Beatles' "I Am the Walrus" that is extremely bluesy, soul-stirring and so incredibly intense that I'm just totally, absolutely blown away by it. They digested and transformed it completely in a way that is extraordinary. But . . . does that mean that I don't love the original just as much? No -- not at all! It is a absolute work of musical genius. And listening to the original brings me just as much "inebriation" -- but in a different way. Changing the subject a bit, I wonder of Anthony Newman ever played this? I often love his interpretations -- though his Brandenburg Concerto album I wasn't as keen on. In fact I don't really like it at all! :-D
The particularly successful sound of this organ is wonderfully well recorded (which we are not used to). And Karl Richter's vivid and deceptively clear play here reveals the maximum of this Bach spirit lying in solution barely detectable in the fluids of his harmonies. This recording is for me a summit and a great pleasure. Le son particulièrement réussit de cet orgue est merveilleusement bien enregistré ( ce à quoi nous ne sommes pas habitués) . Et le jeux vif et trompeusement clair de Karl Richter révèle ici le maximum de cet esprit de Bach qui gît en solution à peine détectable dans les fluides de ses harmonies . Cet enregistrement est pour moi un sommet et un grand plaisir
Bachs Musik eine ständige Inspiration, Anfang und Ende aller Musik. Alles lässt sich hier finden und ist ein unerschöpflicher Kraftquell, der eine Magie innewohnt, die ich sonst nirgends finde. Karl Richter hat das verstanden und meisterhaft vermittelt.
Alexis, if you are talking about your own taste, you are right. But if we want the music to be played closer to the originalstyle, he was not the best.
This is a portal to higher dimensions of existence. Thanks for sharing this peak achievement of human aspiration. In awe that Bach composed and performed this on similar instruments 300 years ago . Richter throws open the portal as only the chosen can. A 10 on my Richter scale. Compare this to what most are doing now.
I had the impression that the Streems of Heavenly Harmonies were poured out by the Archangel, then they were heard and recoded by J.S. Bach-Angel and then performed by the Master of Mysteries Karl Richter !!! Tepper Michael.
Excelente. Interessante que eu escutava essa música com o Karl Richter em um Long Play de vinil, entitulado no brasil "Obras Para Órgão", da gravadora London. O som daquele órgão é magnífico. A interpretação é ligeiramente diferente. Nesta gravação parece haver muitos sons de tubos, com uma massa sonora expressiva. Na outra que eu escutava, não chegava a tanto, ao menos na impressão ao ouvir.
So very beautiful a performance! One hears the realistic imbalances of capturing this huge organ's sounds through the analog recording process, but also the directness of the sounds captured. I would take the analog recording just about any day.
@@shadesoflight1382 Постараюсь ответить без шуток. Я далек от того, чтобы обожествлять все подряд (не сотвори себе куимра!). Тема фуги - какая-то народная песенка а-ля "В траве сидел кузнечик". Такая база не стоит того, чтобы над ней корпел гений в попытках сделать что-то стоющее.
No-one noticed the coughs starting at 4:02? A great performance, but shows how fragile a live recording like this is. The coughs didn't bother me though!
Удивительно! Но почти ни один исполнитель не играет эту Фантазию так, как записал ее сам Бах. Все играют “как Бог на душу положит”, “по шаблонному восприятию”, не затрудняя себя элементарно просчитать длительности. Иногда просто больно слышать искажения ритма, коверкающее столь гениальную идею Фантазии соль минор И.С.Баха.
считаю Фантазию (но только ее) величайшим произведением в истории музыки. Что касается ритма - мое мнение близко к Вашему. Только я не склонен драматизировать ситуацию. На то и Фантазия - каждый органист пытается по-своему ее интерпретировать.
@@armenmuradkhanyan837 Во времена Карла Рихтера еще не знали понятия “артикуляция”, либо воспринимали ее извращенно. Некоторые фрагменты Фантазии без знания артикуляции вообще корректно ритмически неисполнимы.В результате большинство исполнителей принимают подобные интерпретации, как штамп. Искажаются длительности, а значит исполнитель очень далеко уходит от авторского замысла, а слушатель, привыкший к некорректному исполнению, воспринимает заложенное автором точное исполнение, как ошибку интерпретатора. Добавлю, что некоторые фрагменты этой фантазии даже признанные “звезды” органной музыки играют настолько произвольно, прикрываясь общими фразами (“я так вижу”, “я так слышу”), что коверкание ритма (а это основа всего!)ставит под большое сомнение уровень профессионализма исполнителя. Именно в этом своем произведении Бах весьма скрупулезно просчитал и выписал все длительности.Это доказывает, что автору совсем небезразлично было отношение к ритму. Исполнителю позволено изобретать подходящий по его мнению темп, по -разному относиться к регистровке (в пределах допустимого), но играть в опасные игры с ритмом - муветон и самодеятельность. “Не боги горшки обжигают”.
organboi, I wish you could explain your opinion with more details. I agree with you, but there are so many people out there who believe that Richter was like God - flawless.
Come on now, one of the most difficult pieces to play, and he's doing this on a tracker organ that requires real effort to play. Your fingers ache when all the manuals are coupled and you have to keep the tempo!
@@Tribsaboy Nah. No need. I don't play the piece. I play many others though. I don't need to have a piece in my repertoire to voice my opinion. That's not a sensible protocol.
This is why i love Bach. Thanks to Richter for all amazing works...
Christian Moreno aber
Here we see the full breadth of Bach's harmonic imagination unveiled, with absolutely striking results. Inspired, inexhaustible, undeniable.
Subliem, beste gespeelde vertolking BWV 542 ooit gehoord. Adembenemend....
Lets consider that this kind of playing is directly and pure without any manipulation of digital equipment. That's why I appreciate this recording very much and that's why I think is Karl Richter one of the greatest.
Sorry for my inadequate English. Karl Richter came from a romantic tradition, a music style unknown to Bach. Richter play the Fantasia way too slow, there is no tempomarks like adagio or largo.
It is obvious that Bach belongs to another era. But there is another issue involved in the matter of interpretation. It is quite clear that because of the influence of the piano and the progress in technical skills, performers nowadays play much faster than centuries ago. I am even sure that the pace of Mozart's piano music in his time was much slower than in our time. The pace has been very increased. So, I think its is historically just to play the former works of Bach and even Mozart and Beethoven slower than nowadays the habit is.
Teun van de Steeg, I am sorry for my inadequate English. Just a few words about the pace in Bach's organ works: The fugue theme in the pedal is sometimes written more simple, else they couldn't play the piece fast. If they wanted to play the fugue slowly, there wasn't any need to change the melody line in the pedal.
Teun van de Steeg, quote: ".....performers nowadays play much faster than centuries ago." I wish I could support you, but I can't. After the organists started to include their thumbs as a standard, they were able to play very fast. Also in Bach's lifetime they loved to impress each other, "noone play faster than me!" What about the Fugue BWV 548? The time signature is cutting C. All the runs of semiquavers is faster than the demisemiquavers in this Fantasia.
I love it too.
For me -- not that I didn't enjoy the back-and-forth arguments from "geir" and yourself about the tempo/speed -- I don't mind different renditions or interpretations.
To give an example from modern pop music, the band, "Spooky Tooth" did a cover of the Beatles' "I Am the Walrus" that is extremely bluesy, soul-stirring and so incredibly intense that I'm just totally, absolutely blown away by it. They digested and transformed it completely in a way that is extraordinary.
But . . . does that mean that I don't love the original just as much? No -- not at all! It is a absolute work of musical genius. And listening to the original brings me just as much "inebriation" -- but in a different way.
Changing the subject a bit, I wonder of Anthony Newman ever played this? I often love his interpretations -- though his Brandenburg Concerto album I wasn't as keen on. In fact I don't really like it at all! :-D
The particularly successful sound of this organ is wonderfully well recorded (which we are not used to). And Karl Richter's vivid and deceptively clear play here reveals the maximum of this Bach spirit lying in solution barely detectable in the fluids of his harmonies. This recording is for me a summit and a great pleasure.
Le son particulièrement réussit de cet orgue est merveilleusement bien enregistré ( ce à quoi nous ne sommes pas habitués) . Et le jeux vif et trompeusement clair de Karl Richter révèle ici le maximum de cet esprit de Bach qui gît en solution à peine détectable dans les fluides de ses harmonies . Cet enregistrement est pour moi un sommet et un grand plaisir
Bien enregistré, mais avec une qualité déplorable malheureusement. Espéront que le vinyle soit de meilleure facture.
Tracker action at its absolute best!
This is only a reflection of What Sounds in the Universe !!! Tepper Michael.
Bachs Musik eine ständige Inspiration, Anfang und Ende aller Musik. Alles lässt sich hier finden und ist ein unerschöpflicher Kraftquell, der eine Magie innewohnt, die ich sonst nirgends finde. Karl Richter hat das verstanden und meisterhaft vermittelt.
He's a legend! I love his St Matteus recording digitised and released in Arkiv series by DG.
And suddenly ... it turns out that we have a soul. And the soul is not only alive, but it is huge as the universe. The universe is in each of us.
Until you have read Meister Eckhart Sermon DW 104, I'm not sure you know what you mean.
Je garde une profonde admiration pour ce musicien interprète de J.S. Bach et qui m'a marqué quand je l'ai découvert vers 1978 à mes 17 18 ans
Bruno WINKEL pareil pour moi, j'ai découvert Bach grâce à Karl Richter
Moi aussi j’écoutais Carl Richter dans ma chambre vers 14-15 ans… et a peu près à la même époque que cet enregistrement
An infinite sense of soul flight.
This is the most beautiful interpretation!
Such the greatest happiness to listen to this perfection.
Alexis, if you are talking about your own taste, you are right. But if we want the music to be played closer to the originalstyle, he was not the best.
This is a portal to higher dimensions of existence. Thanks for sharing this peak achievement of human aspiration. In awe that Bach composed and performed this on similar instruments 300 years ago . Richter throws open the portal as only the chosen can. A 10 on my Richter scale. Compare this to what most are doing now.
sublime expression de tout le talent de Jean-Sébastien Bach à suivre la bwv 543 tout aussi merveilleuse.
Flawless, Mr. Richter
Registraçao realmente potente, belissima interpretaçao
I had the impression that the Streems of Heavenly Harmonies were poured out by the Archangel, then they were heard and recoded by J.S. Bach-Angel and then performed by the Master of Mysteries Karl Richter !!! Tepper Michael.
& Jhr. Humphrey. This is the absolute combinatie organ and organist (Fabulous/ Geniaal). Merci.
Absolutely sublime.
Dies ist nur ein Spiegelbild dessen, Was im Universellen Klingt !!! Tepper Michael.
Божественная музыка !!!!!!
Karl Ritcher ao órgão e a interpretar Bach é absolutamente insuperável!
4:06 Your immortalised cough will annoy people for decades to come, thanks...
Didn't even notice until you mentioned it. NOW it will be immortalised... ;)
only the ugly people can do thath in front of bach
Scrolled down to the comments right when I heard it, glad it's irking other people too.
That cougher must come forward NOW 😀
David from London in the Philippines
The cougher is probably dead already.
David from London in the Philippines
J.S.Bach , BWV 542. C `est le pièce plus precieux et fameux quand à moi. La loyalité du Saxonian Karl Richter à l ´oeuvre reste exemplaire.
Thanks for his. I love it. Grand and out there.
massive registration !
Thanks skullkid. This is wich most close the heaven I'll can reach.
Excelente. Interessante que eu escutava essa música com o Karl Richter em um Long Play de vinil, entitulado no brasil "Obras Para Órgão", da gravadora London. O som daquele órgão é magnífico. A interpretação é ligeiramente diferente. Nesta gravação parece haver muitos sons de tubos, com uma massa sonora expressiva. Na outra que eu escutava, não chegava a tanto, ao menos na impressão ao ouvir.
Los pelos como escarpias.
Bravo, Maestro!!!
FANTASTIC Thank you ....
У меня создалось впечатление, что Потоки Небесных Гармоний Изливались Архангелом, записаны И.С. Бахом - Ангелом и исполнены Мастером Мистерий - Карлом Рихтером !!! Теппер Михаил .
Михаил,полностью с вами согласен!!!Непередаваемое звучание музыки,ощущение присутствия Всевышнего в каждом сантиметре окружающего нас пространства!
Herlig musik. Lige min smag.....
gracias x compartir
So very beautiful a performance! One hears the realistic imbalances of capturing this huge organ's sounds through the analog recording process, but also the directness of the sounds captured. I would take the analog recording just about any day.
1:55 holy shit
perfect comment :-)
Big Stroker lol thanks
instant goosebumps. amazing.
Фантазия - это музыка Вселенной. Фуга - просто демонстрация мастерства композитора исполнителем. Ничего более.
Может быть, вы еще не были в той части вселенной?))
@@shadesoflight1382 Постараюсь ответить без шуток. Я далек от того, чтобы обожествлять все подряд (не сотвори себе куимра!). Тема фуги - какая-то народная песенка а-ля "В траве сидел кузнечик". Такая база не стоит того, чтобы над ней корпел гений в попытках сделать что-то стоющее.
@@scorntorrent3292 народная музыка самая искренняя имхо. Да и Бог очень многообразен в саоем творчестве
@@scorntorrent3292 в этой простой мелодии тоже свой вайб. Мне иногда интересно слушать мелодии, в которых заложена мне неведомые ощущения
KR il top.❤😮
Without breath....
Minha Parte Favorita 6:44
Ich spreche Deutsch. Ich liebe Deutsch. Ich hasse die Nazis.
Die Musik von Bach ist die Musik Gottes.
Fuga 7:04
Den här musiken går inte av hakor när man hör den här musik då minns jag min barndom
alguien tiene mas melodías de j.s.bach interpretadas por kral richter
+Merardo Landazuri aquí encuentras buena parte de la discografía de Richter interpretando a BAch... saludos!
+iratzio esquivel madre me lo a mi es que en verdad yo soy el que escribió el mensaje
Busca a Haendel y los conciertos de Brandeburgo ejecutados por el ,son una maravilla
No-one noticed the coughs starting at 4:02? A great performance, but shows how fragile a live recording like this is. The coughs didn't bother me though!
What an infernal sound !
Audio Score Ignorant comment, because this is celestial music.
@@savitri.devi7 the celestial and infernal sound are often the same thing!
Удивительно! Но почти ни один исполнитель не играет эту Фантазию так, как записал ее сам Бах. Все играют “как Бог на душу положит”, “по шаблонному восприятию”, не затрудняя себя элементарно просчитать длительности. Иногда просто больно слышать искажения ритма, коверкающее столь гениальную идею Фантазии соль минор И.С.Баха.
считаю Фантазию (но только ее) величайшим произведением в истории музыки. Что касается ритма - мое мнение близко к Вашему. Только я не склонен драматизировать ситуацию. На то и Фантазия - каждый органист пытается по-своему ее интерпретировать.
@@armenmuradkhanyan837 Во времена Карла Рихтера еще не знали понятия “артикуляция”, либо воспринимали ее извращенно. Некоторые фрагменты Фантазии без знания артикуляции вообще корректно ритмически неисполнимы.В результате большинство исполнителей принимают подобные интерпретации, как штамп. Искажаются длительности, а значит исполнитель очень далеко уходит от авторского замысла, а слушатель, привыкший к некорректному исполнению, воспринимает заложенное автором точное исполнение, как ошибку интерпретатора.
Добавлю, что некоторые фрагменты этой фантазии даже признанные “звезды” органной музыки играют настолько произвольно, прикрываясь общими фразами (“я так вижу”, “я так слышу”), что коверкание ритма (а это основа всего!)ставит под большое сомнение уровень профессионализма исполнителя.
Именно в этом своем произведении Бах весьма скрупулезно просчитал и выписал все длительности.Это доказывает, что автору совсем небезразлично было отношение к ритму.
Исполнителю позволено изобретать подходящий по его мнению темп, по -разному относиться к регистровке (в пределах допустимого), но играть в опасные игры с ритмом - муветон и самодеятельность.
“Не боги горшки обжигают”.
Hat er sich bei 03:36 verspielt?
offensichtlich schon
@@orgelfan1675 Ich konnte einfach nicht glauben, dass sich Karl Richter verspielt hat...
@@bogbogman42 Hat er in der Fuge aber auch. War ein Live Konzert.
Inconsiderate idiots coughing loudly during quiet passages multiple times.
Grotesquely indulgent. Unacceptable in my opinion. Wow. Ugh.
organboi, I wish you could explain your opinion with more details. I agree with you, but there are so many people out there who believe that Richter was like God - flawless.
Come on now, one of the most difficult pieces to play, and he's doing this on a tracker organ that requires real effort to play. Your fingers ache when all the manuals are coupled and you have to keep the tempo!
Post your video of you playing it better. I can play it, but no where near as good as this.
@@Tribsaboy Nah. No need. I don't play the piece. I play many others though. I don't need to have a piece in my repertoire to voice my opinion. That's not a sensible protocol.
And bang on registration too.