Hello everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! let me know what you think of the video and be sure to like and share! (if you want to) Special thanks to all the channel members and patrons! RUclips MEMBERS: vinstual Queenie Halloweenie Trissina King Regan Fisher ROLO SMILE Crush Mike Pribble claire Distracted Square Andy Novoa Michael Malcom Gemma Hasley Travis Reynolds thebestqueso Parched Cactus Lex X SparkyWolf Michael Isbister Mr Choco Xtie p00donk585 Knowie Kayleigh Roberts Nemanja Vessely The Grimm Reapers Nightmare Melicent Aleksander Tomusiak Cardheon Jaded Belle Leo Erica Brown Dillip K. Pick Nicholas Lawrence hellrazer Brandi Sanders The Clueless Gamer Christoph Bauer Raul Duke Blankzz Javonte Hill Blymp OptixFire Brittany Conn Nivek MV Kinkerton christopher gilbert fernando cunha Michael Peterson VprSnake Malo Darlana Hernandez Jimmyjack Jimmyjack Kyaw Thurein Buster KattriellaDoesStuff Daniel Medina Glwadys Bouyé JeiPie mothman UndeadNation TheReaper342 Thomas Sanchez Trex Campbell William McLaughlin TheBassKicker88 Cyber rat629 RP J ROBLOX LoVeNoTeS Peachy JD simon Ashcraft Kayden Crawford matt pease Pierre Marcial Melfunction81 Rosemary Bowser Mystearica MrZjake James Love Mr. Sleepless Lucius Mark69 Jessica Phelps Zafor Bartosz Gruszczyński Depressed Mess Landon Ashley Porter Shoots & Woots mc12358 Varo Keralis Infamous-senpapi Scruffy Lisa Spada Julie “Booley” Miller Ryan Wyrick Lin Mcclain Emilerkulest1 Jem Ybarra SPG-chan Oscar Panda 13BlueShaDows Hastur Dagon Randy Vannice Esther Moore CryoJester Joachim Würtz zachary key Marah Baker CYBER PUP Skiloth CannedTun4 Trussed Show Ashen Spirit Owlasaur Jennifer Damron AMR15x Akujin Nation David Meraz Space22Way Mexican Marauder Lynnae Trujillo James Caruso Eric ShawnS Bert Bealeale Creepy Clown Girl Bear Ticker Valentine magic star 79 Blackrain434 Nichelle Segar Denis Alibegic RivaledDarkness1 David Littlejohn Penslinger Marshall Scates DarkRogue Parras Jorge Martinez Alice Supreme Ruler Of Hell A Troll Super Kami Popo Corey Friesen Ellen Zheng Satisfying Lullaby Senseless Mr. Matt Grace Docherty Rain Daniel Boulet Jr James Samarneh Sama Joshua Hadding The Weedusama Thomas Veilleux Khrosus Quinn Kennedy Phos Cole S subliminal laughter Epicboy 625 なおみ MrGerman Medic GrimmReaperXIII Skylar Morningstar Amir Rezvani Oxygen Daniel Dane Vamp Priss Anabea BodyBag Ashley Wilson Hugo Gonzalez E N Patrick bex Jon East Max McLaren - Tales By Screen Light Angela Robbins Brennon Hayes Grim Doktor UnLondon Trym Thørring Roo Wyrm Marla Carnem George Adanza RED redstar LOUD TRAFFIC CONE bruh bruh Dyrge Hexi the Unicat Hells Outcast Karen Hicks SlothyKinz Naina Nuklaic Margbot Evie Miller Angelique Triñanes Joshua Lockwood Lets get scared O Mae Wa Shindeiru Intrests Deanine Gant CryptidC0mplex Sebastian Xander Domnul Pufosila Robert Crooks Admiral Admirable Zangetsu ReaperAce TheSleepingheadache Mr.Milanio TwoTailedTiger copmytims Peu Santra Allison J randomness4110 Heart Salivagant bigshock159 Shadows Nidhögg Ian Mccann Luuidz Max Williams Dave W Charles Mung Brian Wedge Josh Harrison senPIE SatyridButterfly 444 kyle garrett Siegschranz AestheticWaif Lee Underhill Stephen Stevens LazarusProject Alexandra Dunn TheCisco Kid Mobius Mr EpicGamer420 Steve Marshalek Spirit Voices Robin Hood PATRONS: Peaceable Pinky Alli Rummel Debonair Zoraiz Hassan Crucifixcio Scary Shari Pantsmoose Pinochle Pond Scrungle joshua thompson Cam Docherty Kspookyyy TPNS4LIFE Paul Windfuhr Jeremy Rodriguez KCGD Vanonymous Games Carolina Sohlman Tim Michael de Lacy Aiden Kostelic Tyler Nukedaddy Mary Scott Aquareliga jacknife757 T Maillard Onidotmoe Tasha Vishanti HaloEdge Bobbie Snieger Gustavs Kuks Tim Daubner Goonpocalypse Morgan Morey Princess Pinhead Robert Peterson Nicholas Ellen Zheng Vincent BRENT APPLEBAUM rinrin Andy Novoa mothnog Lilith Connor Schmehl Saskia R. Tyheem Slakey Sarah Lisa Tony SinicalSIMPathy Scion of the Emperor michelle rush Milan Ja Isaiah Frank Sarah Miller Afefsesf (Evin Diaz) Ricardo DeLeon Lauren Wideman Dark Wolf and Eliza RiverWolf ʕ •̀ᴥ•́ ʔ ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ Flare45 SkylarMae MorningStar Zone Tekka Lucia Anihali MrGermanMedic Den Archlord Kiara49 Piemaster74 Krystal Ray Lisa Sims Mr Sankofa Nolan FoxCake Rivel1 Humberto Stagnaro HoneyCream Cameron Cahill false morel Joshua Reck Magnus Ver80 Erik Horner Jonas Eriksson Eldratha Nicole Gomez Katie Ryura Nicole Hedger Janet Hunt Rick Fleischer Joe Sapient Jacob Stringfellow Tiffany De Goya Crispyale Eric Leonoff Meathook33 Alex Rose Fish Sonia Mhamdi Joshua Raichel Sara Czartołomna Morrigon Nicholas Moon Potato Jaxson McNaughton Eve Ibelin Young Eli Sassy le Braix Schryck Mevolander DeQster CatBru Rhea Barbie_JL Braxton Loosli Daniel Tanner Dodd Chud Fungus TitanicWang wyatt☹︎ Mike Waldinger Mathew Steele MisterMoo Yaroslav Sudakov Ann Uphill M M Stephanie Butler The Night Watchmen Its Tiffany Joseph botsch Ian_E ArkhamCookie Virgil UnseamlyTangent HistoryNerd229 CHIRONITO D. Arpin Jonathan Jono Burnette Avery L Edgin Tyler Olson E A Stephen Ore Josh trams Tyler Olson Yog Sothoth Legion Uleru Momo Finn MacCool Boguslaw Smalec dragonball jason Ryan Bureyko The Pleasure Is All Mine Jesse Jonas Eriksson DubstepCheesecake Mike Matthew Garrett Spain tater Charybdis() Mars Pendragon Cj_Smarty_Fox Fullor Altti Morrigan DeDesarux kelsbat Eduardo Rojas Gabrial Rankin Ayrton Taylor Joshua Wilde Jacob Livers Maximilian Kablau zachary Mccluskey XxSixsigma Z mokuno Ann Charron Owen Sevene PsychNature Lasha Uznadze nick voyles Benediza Night Wolf Aeryn Stormcrow Brent Whitaker Angela Flatt Evan Absinthe Alice the B3EZ Jeffrey Ho DXXXVIII Hamza Aslam Paul Maestas Kayla Gottfried Lea Lysblits Matt General Kenobi Alcorn, Elijah Vincent Shadetree Isaac Moretz Keith Carlson Shawn Williams Gabriel Borges Casanova Chelsea Miller Pro Fessional Amarama ART Christopher Brown Kai Steven Brunwasser Patrick Schoolmeester Carl David Moreno Jayden Millett ᒪᗩᖇYᔕᔕᗩ Iᔕ ~ᔕIᔕᑌGIᖇᒪ~ Erin Freeman Juan Parra Erik Kitzmiller Michael Wiles Creepypasta Adam Xuroona Bee Uu Tiana Cappo Eileen L Veloce Vayford NinjaGrace Ruined Rayne David Carlson Sataniamic crystalnote Meyumi Nuyasaka Shawna Lee Mango Sky Kale Lund Traceon Keeara Powell Bizz Melissa Ann Elijah Alcorn Caroline Lee Christoffers Bjørnar Andersen HarmacyTechGaming 4thedead technic-Angel Ritchie Clare Jackson Infamous-senpapi Fawks Joe Ruiz Drew Galindo RMRondo Zachary Stragand Michael Merriam JTX_31 James YaBoiMat SCL Triplefive555 Charlotte Emerson Nick Colombaro Christine P Jaynes smooothiee Digital Ronin RosAnn Biondo James Lamb Markzipan Rems Dee Cambo Donovan Edwards SaraJo sealriously-sealrious Nathan kownirk Zero Tavia Castagnozzi Rhiannon Roper Javon Augustave Joshua Dubois Jessica DuBois Kieran Tibbitts Brandon Henry Kristina Covell Kevin Ho Caldaryn Ron Lynch forrest of memes Sergio Granados AwkwardAlienKay.londini Djgunsmoke Danny Beagley Roger Crow Zjake Linda Holt Wren Salter Jackson Standen Chris Caers Mane Darrin Daw Milissa Lakas Iselinia Seiaeka Luna Zarus Lolo Vera Javier Gonzalez Raina Hood Rambo♛ Harrison Bergeron Larren Listens Mowky ryan scott CL, the poet C443 Minister Elana C Henderson Brandon Bentley Ian R Marlinda (Mara) Thorpe The Disciple DevilishGoreHound Penny Tailsup Danny Phantom spookywalrus Jonathan Goolcharan Cassidy Shepherd Carolyne S. Panda Luvvs Shannon Bear Ned Gould Emily Lambillotte Wynaytt LoLoRey MrBlackPasta Antonio Contreras Tara D'Onofrio Circane Schmidty Warbenjegermanjensen Leigh Miss Monster Mami Kitten Devon Henderson Andrew Garibaldi Ariya Sofi Ashley Martin Azurite Baal Bas Meulendijks Bee Bleak.. Boombox Brina bumpin Britty Schuy Bruno Oliva CAESAR Callmeconnor Cam Rich Cheeka Darryl cloete Disterra DuckButter 2449 Freddy Rosa Gloria Deberry He is Vigo! HiAll I'm An Experience iDTour jaceneedssleep Jameson Jo Anne Jolie Bokeh Keelie Bays Kim Nibler Kim W kintsugilevi Kirsten O'Mahoney l0de5t0ne Leona Crimsyn Logan Madee Renstrom Mallory Webb Manuel Maria Grande Marleny Arrue Mercedes Cleaver Mike Dosik Miss Valentine Monique Rodriguez Queen Cam Savvy Nyx Shinra Studio Silent Succubus Tsoonklah Valiant Warrior Vicente Castillo Virginia Henley
Sheesh that's alota members Also I can't belive we are getting so many uploads so quickly man wow u and ur team are amazing I can't even imagine how much time goes into this and please take a break if you need one after all this health is important too👍
My dad was a divemaster dive instructor he died because of his rebreather apparatus failed on him when he took a class out teach them how to dive deeper. So listening to this brings up a lot of memories
Sorry about your dad, what about his bailout tanks ? Rebreather divers always carry bailout tanks with enough gas to get them safely back to the surface. Just curious
@mavica130 from the story I heard he was already unconscious when his dive buddy saw him. But I'm sure he would of used his bailouts if he wasn't unconscious
My mother is a cave diver. And her face is the only one i could picture during this whole story. Damn near made me cry. (My mom is too by-the-rules when it comes to diving, she’d never get stuck like this, but still, the fear is real)
Jesus Christ somnium, you’ve been on a roll lately, I always have to save your stories for last on my playlists because if I play them first it ruins the experience for all the other stories cause the sound design and narration is so good, Thank you!
You’ve been rolling these out at an amazing rate not to mention the quality has gotten better. I’m genuinely impressed by what you do to push your videos to be the best they can be keep it up!
This is the most anxiety-inducing story I’ve ever heard from your channel or any horror channel on here. My brother can be a tad reckless, but I’d follow him anywhere. This story hit home, and I’m so glad they made it out. We’d never do something this crazy, but still, it’s hard not to put myself in his shoes.
"We have enough open water diving experience, so we'll be fine in the cave" "I've done a few laps with a go kart, so I'll be fine taking this 18-wheeler across an ice road"
You’re one of my favorite creepypasta narrators out there. Not only is your voice very nice, and you portray fear very well and with subtlety, but the music that plays at the end of each story just makes me happy. It’s the perfect send off to a terrifying story.
Cave diving or spelunking are two things I would never consider doing! The idea of being trapped, with no way out is nightmarish to me, never mind running into creatures! Great story and wonderful production! Thank you so much!!
I love all of these stories, I swear I’ve watched all of them like 3 times already, thank you for all the stories, and the nice naps I get listening to this! Thank you Dark Somnium - faithful fan, NN.
Hello somnium. I suffer from extreme anxiety. Whenever I need to go out and I hate the noise of the outside world I put on my headphones and listen to your WONDERFUL voice. Thank you so much.
YES!! This was EVERYTHING I needed in a Cave story. Not since ‘The Cave’ have I been so engaged and satisfied by the layout, characters, and plot of an underground story. This could be an epic movie, finally reaching into that genre again in a way that isn’t campy. I want a movie based on this short story and I promise it will have the same loyal cult following as ‘The Cave’. Well Done!
I'm pretty sure I've heard this story narrated before, but listening to your version is always satisfying. I'm sure you've heard this many times, but I appreciate the way you build up the suspense just by using different tones of your voice, and also the thought you put into the music and effects, adding to the experience. Perfect recipe for a scary story at 3am where I am. Love from Malaysia 🇲🇾
I have depression and sometimes I'll be listening and be like "damn this guy fr the reason im alive rn." This isnt one of those times because I'm okay but sometimes I live to hear another story from you. Thanks 👍
He does that for me too, but always remember that our depression is just like a really thick, almost inescapable cloud of darkness, it wants to convince us that life doesnt need us, that we’re not worthy, but we ARE ❤ YOU are worth so much more than it may seem sometimes, im 33 years old, a wife & a mommy now, but i still go through nights where i convince myself that everyone would be better if i wasnt here anymore. But i fight it, because just like you, i know life DOES need us. Sorry for rambling but i like to let people also struggling with depression fueled moments, know that theyre worth it, theyre loved & that theyre worth so so much more than giving up ❤ have a great day/night ❤
I know this means little coming from a stranger, but to the both of you? Thank you. Thank you for continuing to put one step in front of the other, even when it is hard. Because you *do* matter, and there *are* people who care. People whose lives you make brighter by your mere presence. Our brains may be dumb and make it hard to see that, but this is something that remains true even when we cannot see it. So thank you. I hope you both have a wonderful day
Can’t really put into words just how much your videos mean to me, I’ve been listening to them religiously for 3 years now. They’ve always helped me get through my roughest days, thank you for what you do. So awesome to see new videos up so often too, it’s been a treat!
This is going to be good, loving the pace you've been setting. Hey some could you do a cryptid story, I love stories about unknown creatures Edit: wow ask and ye shall receive, not only did we get a cryptid story but was unique. This story was amazing, tense and suspenseful. Yes please!
You and one other narrator are the only two I hear reading stories with good endings these days. I didn't expect both of am to make it due to the nature of the genre... even though that happened I still found myself wanted to know what happened next. Props to that writer for keeping me engaged without the use of a trope and props to you Ronnie for being the best narrator on RUclips.
The quality of your work has always been beyond impressive, but the quantity as of late has been phenomenal Thank you for spoiling us Ronnie, you're a genuine inspiration
Man, your audio has always been one of the reasons you are my favorite narrator but this one takes the cake. The audio for this one is PRISTINE. Really great job.
How did you make me feel like I was drowning in an underwater cave? I’ve never even scuba dived. I have to remain calm & regulate my air…. Thanks Dark Somnium for a crazy scary story!
You are NOT LYING! I was literally about to post my comment telling him how I was LITERALLY HOLDING MY BREATH at the end there, until they broke the water and took in their breath!!! I swear I felt as though I was right there with them, going through the whole situation!! OMGOSH DS IS THE BEST IN MY OPINION!!
Lord, Ronnie, the tightness in my chest from secondhand claustrophobia hit hard from the get-go. That was tough but very good! Cave divers and spelunkers man...
Love when a new Somnium video is up! I honestly thought the brother would end up dead, as so many other stories do. This was a nice breath of fresh air
Been in a phase of binging your narrations and it has inspired me to write a story featuring a mentally unstable magical Archivist being tortured psychologically by the woman he killed, a psychosomatic itch, and an eldritch god.
Amazing narration as always, gotta say cave-diving has got to be one of the scariest setting for horror stories, just...imagining the isolation, the darkness, the unknown, ugh...which is to say awesome horror story!
You know it’s good when a fictional story makes you this anxious. As soon as his brother left the line I’m like “ah okay, he’s dead” even if he didn’t die right away, anyone who makes that mistake is going to make fatal mistakes
Dark and cave diving? Holy moly this one is gonna be absurd! Also Dark, you’ve been on one lately man! And the quality doesn’t dip at all either. Truly one of the best RUclips channels out there
Somnium, your voice and stories have been my cure for my insomnia for years now. You help me sleep when nothing else can and I can’t thank you enough, I listen to your stories while I’m at work or in my college library as I study and as I’ve mentioned when I sleep, my favorite stores are the religious ones, the ones about rules, sea monsters and the ones in space. Can’t wait to hear more from you! ❤
Nice, glad to see you still doing videos, it's been a little while since I've listened, gonna have to binge to catch up. I remember your Ted the Caver story was awesome so had to check this one out soon as I saw it. Much love brotha
Your putting videos out like old times. Thank you so much for all you do! I appreciate your hard work n hope you keep the stories coming with frequency! Thanks again!
Somnium, you have been coming out with amazing content. You come out with the best stories mixed with great audio. Videos like these and one of my other favorites “turn it off” scratch my horror itch. Keep it up
your videos get me through rough mondays 😌 home sick, my and my cat are curled up and ready to listen to another amazing narration!!! hope you’re having an awesome awesome day man!!
Wow, I found myself holding my breath along with the divers! I've been a certified diver since 1994, and I can tell you it's a whole different almost alien world beneath the surface. You feel incredibly small!
I love these videos been getting thrown all over my workplace tonight and having your videos play in the background made me less irritated by my job moving me to areas that aren't mine, not that I'm on break I get to look at the comments and see other people's thoughts on an amazing story, and it's amazing narration as well
Hey Dark Somnium, I have a question. What creepypasta video do you think you are the most proud of? And which is your favorite? I think I remember you saying a long time ago that it was “We should all fear the old horns” so I’m wondering if it changed? I really enjoy your channel and content, it helps me relax and I’ve been listening for a while with my current favorite being Ted the caver so I’m wondering what your opinion is on the stories you narrate?
Hey Dark! Just wanted to give you my thanks for being the absolute best horror story teller there is! Seriously, I do mean it. Also, wanted to let ya know that while I really 'effin appreciate your crazy consistent work-rate you've had lately, please do take a break if you need one alright? The last thing I'd want is for you to overwork yourself and it then lead to some troublesome consequences. Besides, your own well-being should come first anyways so...just don't push yourself too hard in case you're feeling exhausted, okay? Don't worry about us, Dark. We'll always be here to enjoy your splendid work;)
What's better than a cave narration? An underwater cave narration 😁 another amazing one, Ronnie. Your ability to create an atmosphere for your narrations is superior ❤
it's always fascinating to think about what truly exists in the depths of the ocean since we only know about a small portion of what truly lives within the depths
I love your narrating, the way your voice makes me feel the story is incredible. You're my favorite story teller and this was a awesome story! Thank you for your content!!!
As I see the notification of your video's I immediately think to myself ooooh this day is gonna be much better. Most days I have at least an hour drive and you make it seem like nothing. THANK YOU
Narration was great. You did this story justice. You always do. I finally got to listen to Incident at Logan Creek. Loved it. Yet so disturbing. Thankyou man. Keep rocking yeah.
I am a new subscriber of yours 🤗. The videos that I have seen so far (I'm in the process of binge watching 😊) I love!! I have brain cancer and your videos help me take my mind off of things 🤕. Thank you for all of your hard work ❤️🎗️
Somnium, I have loved and appreciated your channel for a long long time! I have been sick since Friday night and wow..being stuck in the bed and trying to entertain myself while getting better has brought a newer appreciation for you! This one particularly..I am fascinated with cave diving (have never done it, never would)! This is special! Thanks!
Geez. I love the end of these videos. When they end with a thought provoking sentence followed by that iconic song drop. Truly masterful. I can feel my brain storing it for future nostalgia. Thank you for the continuous amazing content!
Those videos are always fun to listen to, narration is on point and the ambiences are just always perfect. I wish there was a nice community around it. I tried the discord and its filled with bullies.
Hey! Can you email ke and to discuss what you mean? I try to make sure the discord is a welcoming place, if you had a bad experience I'd like to look into it. My email is darksomniumcontact@gmail.com
Just starting the story. I've been watching DIVE TALK youtube for a bit, and they sometimes discuss creepy stories about cave diving from an expert standpoint. Just hit play and heard NEVER LEAVE THE LINE and it made me smile pretty much immediately because that comes up a lot.
@@leslieenoch Heeeeeey fellow Dive Talk watcher! :D Thank you!! Honestly after listening through this, while I could be wrong since I’m not a diver in the least I feel like the narrative was good about acknowledging when things being done were bad practice, how doing things by rules is pretty safe, and how cave diving can be really exciting for divers. I remember there being a video from Gus and Woody where they actually talked about how exciting it was to go somewhere no human had before so it was cool seeing that feeling mentioned. Also though, while I could be wrong, I feel like as long as no one died there would be a “WE FOUND A NEW SPECIES!!!???!!” reaction from Gus and Woody lol. It seems like the kind of thing they’d have a lot of curiosity about.
😂 I could definitely see those two finding a new species! One of my favorite dives they did was that HUGE crystal cave! If you haven't seen it, it's amazing! The only diving I've done was of the diving board at my old apartment complex when I was a kid, LOL! I could never do what they do! But it is utterly fascinating to me..the technicality of it all (Woody makes sure that we know), their physical conditioning (sometimes I catch myself wondering if Gus is going to fit in some of these spaces and he laughs about it too sometimes) and there idls the whole fear factor watching! I cannot imagine me personally in those situations but I love to see what they see!
So excited for these stories! It helps so much while doing housework and when laying down for bed, can't stand silence. You are one of my favorite and so good at narrations and the sounds/music. Thanks for making my days and nights easier! 🎵🎶🤌
Back in the day… I was a river guide. I always preferred rapids & rock beds to calm waters. If the width of the river hadn’t changed, it’s depth had. Our clients were most likely to jump out of the raft and go for a swim. From that perspective, you can’t see snags (dead trees) or upcoming rapids.
Thank you as always bro 🤘 I appreciate the hell out of you. ... Seriously coming down off of a shroom trip and your channel is my comfort zone right now... So double thank you 🤣
I would just like to say- DO NOT DIVE IN ANYTHING BESIDES OPEN WATER IF YOURE AN OPEN WATER DIVER. I have had my certification since I was 10, and the only structure I’ve been in SIMILAR to a cave was a tunnel, that was far too narrow for my liking. I had a panic attack underwater because I could barely see and I could feel jagged edges of rock touching me. I almost passed out due to fear because my regulator got looped around a little edge and was pulled from my mouth. I was 13 and very easily could have died. I didn’t want to go, but my dad insisted I try it. ( he is an instructor ) I only say all this to put into perspective how easy you can lose your lifeline ( regulator ) even under careful supervision by a trained person. Now imagine if this happened to me 200 ft down, with little to no light, and silt obscuring the little light I do have. Cave diving is no joke, and if you ever see a sign saying “death awaits, do not enter” unless you are properly certified, NEVER ENTER. Caves and openings can be deceiving. Many divers die thinking they’re experienced enough to dive, when they aren’t. It’s like a cop blindly trying to do a firefighters job- there’s some similarities, but the most important things are things you don’t know.
Dude that was fantastic! GREAT seting, GREAT choice of creature, GREAT dynamic in the brothers relationship, super claustrophobic!! Personaly I think it was a bit too much of a happy ending, but damn, thank you for this one!
Sir!! Your sweet voice and narration take my mental energy and put my RIGHT IN THE STORY WITH THE CHARACTERS!! I promise, this happens with EVERY STORY I’ve listened by you thus far.. I swear on everything, at the end there.. I was LITERALLY HOLDING MY BREATH (not even realizing) until I MYSELF GASPED FOR THAT BREATH WITH THE BROTHERS when they finally reached air!! NO OTHER NARRATOR COULD EVER COME CLOSE to giving me the experience within each post of yours, as YOU.. SINGLE HANDEDLY HAVE DONE.. EVERY TIME I hear one of your stories since I (luckily) stumbled upon your account since THE FIRST STORY I HEARD OF YOURS!! I’m going on ,maybe a little over a year , as a dedicated true DARK SOMNIUM STAN! And not once have I been disappointed! Even if it’s a story of yours that I re-listen to a few times, EVERYTIME, YOU make me FEEL as though IM EXPERIENCING the story’s plot and I’m the main character!! Idk wat it is about YOU.. but .. PLEASE DON’T STOP!!! I LOVEEEEE IT! As well as the music you produce and add, it’s a mixture of ABSOLUTE PERFECTION THAT I CAN NOT GET MY FILL OF!!! Love it so much!! I’m your STAN TILL THE END OF TIME AND BEYOND!❤❤❤❤❤
No way another video 🙏 I literally just finished why I have to hunt and lost in the woods and then I saw this video on my recommend. Which means I get another 30 mins to relax and listen to your great work 👌
Hello everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! let me know what you think of the video and be sure to like and share! (if you want to)
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Joe Sapient
Jacob Stringfellow
Tiffany De Goya
Eric Leonoff
Rose Fish
Sonia Mhamdi
Joshua Raichel
Sara Czartołomna
Moon Potato
Jaxson McNaughton
Young Eli
Sassy le Braix
Braxton Loosli
Tanner Dodd
Chud Fungus
Mike Waldinger
Mathew Steele
Yaroslav Sudakov
Ann Uphill
Stephanie Butler
The Night Watchmen
Its Tiffany
Joseph botsch
D. Arpin
Jonathan Jono Burnette
Avery L Edgin
Tyler Olson
Stephen Ore
Josh trams
Tyler Olson
Yog Sothoth
Uleru Momo
Finn MacCool
Boguslaw Smalec
dragonball jason
Ryan Bureyko
The Pleasure Is All Mine
Jonas Eriksson
Garrett Spain
Mars Pendragon
Morrigan DeDesarux
Eduardo Rojas
Gabrial Rankin
Ayrton Taylor
Joshua Wilde
Jacob Livers
Maximilian Kablau
zachary Mccluskey
XxSixsigma Z
Ann Charron
Owen Sevene
Lasha Uznadze
nick voyles
Night Wolf
Aeryn Stormcrow
Brent Whitaker
Angela Flatt
Absinthe Alice
the B3EZ
Jeffrey Ho
Hamza Aslam
Paul Maestas
Kayla Gottfried
Lea Lysblits
General Kenobi
Alcorn, Elijah
Vincent Shadetree
Isaac Moretz
Keith Carlson
Shawn Williams
Gabriel Borges
Chelsea Miller
Pro Fessional
Amarama ART
Christopher Brown
Steven Brunwasser
Patrick Schoolmeester
David Moreno
Jayden Millett
ᒪᗩᖇYᔕᔕᗩ Iᔕ ~ᔕIᔕᑌGIᖇᒪ~
Erin Freeman
Juan Parra
Erik Kitzmiller
Michael Wiles
Creepypasta Adam
Bee Uu
Tiana Cappo
Eileen L
Veloce Vayford
Ruined Rayne
David Carlson
Meyumi Nuyasaka
Shawna Lee
Mango Sky
Kale Lund
Keeara Powell
Melissa Ann
Elijah Alcorn
Lee Christoffers
Bjørnar Andersen
Clare Jackson
Joe Ruiz
Drew Galindo
Zachary Stragand
Michael Merriam
Charlotte Emerson
Nick Colombaro
Christine P Jaynes
Digital Ronin
RosAnn Biondo
James Lamb
Dee Cambo
Donovan Edwards
Nathan kownirk
Tavia Castagnozzi
Rhiannon Roper
Javon Augustave
Joshua Dubois
Jessica DuBois
Kieran Tibbitts
Brandon Henry
Kristina Covell
Kevin Ho
Ron Lynch
forrest of memes
Sergio Granados
Danny Beagley
Roger Crow
Linda Holt
Wren Salter
Jackson Standen
Caers Mane
Darrin Daw
Milissa Lakas
Luna Zarus
Lolo Vera
Javier Gonzalez
Raina Hood
Harrison Bergeron
Larren Listens
ryan scott
CL, the poet
Minister Elana C Henderson
Brandon Bentley
Ian R
Marlinda (Mara) Thorpe
The Disciple
Penny Tailsup
Danny Phantom
Jonathan Goolcharan
Cassidy Shepherd
Carolyne S.
Panda Luvvs
Shannon Bear
Ned Gould
Emily Lambillotte
Antonio Contreras
Tara D'Onofrio
Schmidty Warbenjegermanjensen
Miss Monster
Mami Kitten
Devon Henderson
Andrew Garibaldi
Ariya Sofi
Ashley Martin
Bas Meulendijks
Brina bumpin
Britty Schuy
Bruno Oliva
Cam Rich
Darryl cloete
DuckButter 2449
Freddy Rosa
Gloria Deberry
He is Vigo!
I'm An Experience
Jo Anne
Jolie Bokeh
Keelie Bays
Kim Nibler
Kim W
Kirsten O'Mahoney
Leona Crimsyn
Madee Renstrom
Mallory Webb
Maria Grande
Marleny Arrue
Mercedes Cleaver
Mike Dosik
Miss Valentine
Monique Rodriguez
Queen Cam
Savvy Nyx
Shinra Studio
Silent Succubus
Valiant Warrior
Vicente Castillo
Virginia Henley
Sheesh that's alota members
Also I can't belive we are getting so many uploads so quickly man wow u and ur team are amazing I can't even imagine how much time goes into this and please take a break if you need one after all this health is important too👍
The I
@@amrwalidahmed8755 he did say he would be posting more because earlier he was sick
@@random-nobody I know but I didn't think he ment this much I am not complaining or anything but breaks are important
LOVED IT!! Keep up the briliant work.
My dad was a divemaster dive instructor he died because of his rebreather apparatus failed on him when he took a class out teach them how to dive deeper. So listening to this brings up a lot of memories
Sorry about your dad, what about his bailout tanks ? Rebreather divers always carry bailout tanks with enough gas to get them safely back to the surface. Just curious
I’m very sorry for your loss 😔
@mavica130 from the story I heard he was already unconscious when his dive buddy saw him. But I'm sure he would of used his bailouts if he wasn't unconscious
Oh no! That’s awful. How old were you when it happened? My dad was a scuba diver instructor back in the 70’s.
Lol your dads dead
My mother is a cave diver. And her face is the only one i could picture during this whole story. Damn near made me cry. (My mom is too by-the-rules when it comes to diving, she’d never get stuck like this, but still, the fear is real)
Anyone who does cave diving is at risk of dying,including your mom.
She needs to stop
Wish her the best of luck. But a lot of these victims of tragedy are professionals as well. There is 0 room for error or unforseen obstacles
Jesus Christ somnium, you’ve been on a roll lately, I always have to save your stories for last on my playlists because if I play them first it ruins the experience for all the other stories cause the sound design and narration is so good, Thank you!
thank you, more to come!!
We love it
Story was damn good, love cryptids
@@Darksomniumamazing story bro. You’re that next level to any other narrator.
No shit. ❤
You’ve been rolling these out at an amazing rate not to mention the quality has gotten better. I’m genuinely impressed by what you do to push your videos to be the best they can be keep it up!
Thank you :)
This is the most anxiety-inducing story I’ve ever heard from your channel or any horror channel on here. My brother can be a tad reckless, but I’d follow him anywhere. This story hit home, and I’m so glad they made it out. We’d never do something this crazy, but still, it’s hard not to put myself in his shoes.
"We have enough open water diving experience, so we'll be fine in the cave"
"I've done a few laps with a go kart, so I'll be fine taking this 18-wheeler across an ice road"
Nothing like a awesome narration by The Dark Somnium himself to help start off a Monday morning. Thanks as always my Friend
Have a good day!
You’re one of my favorite creepypasta narrators out there. Not only is your voice very nice, and you portray fear very well and with subtlety, but the music that plays at the end of each story just makes me happy. It’s the perfect send off to a terrifying story.
Thank you so much :)
Cave diving or spelunking are two things I would never consider doing! The idea of being trapped, with no way out is nightmarish to me, never mind running into creatures! Great story and wonderful production! Thank you so much!!
I love all of these stories, I swear I’ve watched all of them like 3 times already, thank you for all the stories, and the nice naps I get listening to this! Thank you Dark Somnium - faithful fan, NN.
Wow thank you so much :)
Hello somnium. I suffer from extreme anxiety. Whenever I need to go out and I hate the noise of the outside world I put on my headphones and listen to your WONDERFUL voice. Thank you so much.
I'm so glad the videos can help
YES!! This was EVERYTHING I needed in a Cave story. Not since ‘The Cave’ have I been so engaged and satisfied by the layout, characters, and plot of an underground story. This could be an epic movie, finally reaching into that genre again in a way that isn’t campy.
I want a movie based on this short story and I promise it will have the same loyal cult following as ‘The Cave’. Well Done!
A classic
I'm pretty sure I've heard this story narrated before, but listening to your version is always satisfying. I'm sure you've heard this many times, but I appreciate the way you build up the suspense just by using different tones of your voice, and also the thought you put into the music and effects, adding to the experience. Perfect recipe for a scary story at 3am where I am. Love from Malaysia 🇲🇾
I think Mr creeps did this story as I remember hearing it before
Nvm it was creepsmcpasta, same title too
I have depression and sometimes I'll be listening and be like "damn this guy fr the reason im alive rn." This isnt one of those times because I'm okay but sometimes I live to hear another story from you. Thanks 👍
He does that for me too, but always remember that our depression is just like a really thick, almost inescapable cloud of darkness, it wants to convince us that life doesnt need us, that we’re not worthy, but we ARE ❤ YOU are worth so much more than it may seem sometimes, im 33 years old, a wife & a mommy now, but i still go through nights where i convince myself that everyone would be better if i wasnt here anymore. But i fight it, because just like you, i know life DOES need us. Sorry for rambling but i like to let people also struggling with depression fueled moments, know that theyre worth it, theyre loved & that theyre worth so so much more than giving up ❤ have a great day/night ❤
I know this means little coming from a stranger, but to the both of you? Thank you. Thank you for continuing to put one step in front of the other, even when it is hard. Because you *do* matter, and there *are* people who care. People whose lives you make brighter by your mere presence. Our brains may be dumb and make it hard to see that, but this is something that remains true even when we cannot see it. So thank you.
I hope you both have a wonderful day
Here's another good channel to keep you going in my opinion, Jay Williams Let's Live Life, he's such an awesome guy.
Always remember that depression lies. Try your hardest not to believe what it tells you.
How you doing now 10 months later
Can’t really put into words just how much your videos mean to me, I’ve been listening to them religiously for 3 years now. They’ve always helped me get through my roughest days, thank you for what you do. So awesome to see new videos up so often too, it’s been a treat!
Wow I'm honored, thank you so much :)
If only these brothers were fans of the strange, dark, and mysterious, delivered in story format.
This is going to be good, loving the pace you've been setting.
Hey some could you do a cryptid story, I love stories about unknown creatures
Edit: wow ask and ye shall receive, not only did we get a cryptid story but was unique. This story was amazing, tense and suspenseful. Yes please!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :)
You and one other narrator are the only two I hear reading stories with good endings these days. I didn't expect both of am to make it due to the nature of the genre... even though that happened I still found myself wanted to know what happened next. Props to that writer for keeping me engaged without the use of a trope and props to you Ronnie for being the best narrator on RUclips.
The quality of your work has always been beyond impressive, but the quantity as of late has been phenomenal
Thank you for spoiling us Ronnie, you're a genuine inspiration
Nothing like a couple new Dark Somnium videos to get me through my work day
Hage a good day!
Just finished listening to your Lost in the woods narration and wasn't expecting a new upload so soon!! Thanks for making this monday awesome
I hope you have a great day!
Man, your audio has always been one of the reasons you are my favorite narrator but this one takes the cake. The audio for this one is PRISTINE. Really great job.
How did you make me feel like I was drowning in an underwater cave? I’ve never even scuba dived. I have to remain calm & regulate my air…. Thanks Dark Somnium for a crazy scary story!
You are NOT LYING! I was literally about to post my comment telling him how I was LITERALLY HOLDING MY BREATH at the end there, until they broke the water and took in their breath!!! I swear I felt as though I was right there with them, going through the whole situation!! OMGOSH DS IS THE BEST IN MY OPINION!!
i cant express this enough your podcast on spotify have been getting me through my 8+hr shifts love the content man keep it up!!!!!!!!!
Lord, Ronnie, the tightness in my chest from secondhand claustrophobia hit hard from the get-go. That was tough but very good! Cave divers and spelunkers man...
I'm obsessed with cave diving disaster videos. The horror of being trapped running out of air is tangible. Great story. Thanks heaps. ❤️
Love when a new Somnium video is up! I honestly thought the brother would end up dead, as so many other stories do. This was a nice breath of fresh air
Caving and ocean stories are hands down my favorite and this combined them beautifully. Fantastic job! 30:18
Thank you for the uploads, to see a new video notification makes my day! Keep up the good work!:)
Been in a phase of binging your narrations and it has inspired me to write a story featuring a mentally unstable magical Archivist being tortured psychologically by the woman he killed, a psychosomatic itch, and an eldritch god.
Amazing narration as always, gotta say cave-diving has got to be one of the scariest setting for horror stories, just...imagining the isolation, the darkness, the unknown, ugh...which is to say awesome horror story!
You know it’s good when a fictional story makes you this anxious. As soon as his brother left the line I’m like “ah okay, he’s dead” even if he didn’t die right away, anyone who makes that mistake is going to make fatal mistakes
Love your work man, keep it up cuz you are the only horror narrator that I could hear all day everyday day.
Thank you!
This popped into my recommendation and it was posted 6 minutes ago. Amazing!!! Glad to see Somnium’s videos!
Hope you enjoyed it!
Dark and cave diving? Holy moly this one is gonna be absurd! Also Dark, you’ve been on one lately man! And the quality doesn’t dip at all either. Truly one of the best RUclips channels out there
Somnium, your voice and stories have been my cure for my insomnia for years now. You help me sleep when nothing else can and I can’t thank you enough, I listen to your stories while I’m at work or in my college library as I study and as I’ve mentioned when I sleep, my favorite stores are the religious ones, the ones about rules, sea monsters and the ones in space. Can’t wait to hear more from you! ❤
Nice, glad to see you still doing videos, it's been a little while since I've listened, gonna have to binge to catch up. I remember your Ted the Caver story was awesome so had to check this one out soon as I saw it. Much love brotha
love your content so much bro. i refresh every day to see if there's something new. best creepy pasta channel ever !
Your putting videos out like old times. Thank you so much for all you do! I appreciate your hard work n hope you keep the stories coming with frequency! Thanks again!
Somnium, you have been coming out with amazing content. You come out with the best stories mixed with great audio. Videos like these and one of my other favorites “turn it off” scratch my horror itch. Keep it up
your videos get me through rough mondays 😌 home sick, my and my cat are curled up and ready to listen to another amazing narration!!! hope you’re having an awesome awesome day man!!
love seeing that you have posted,it always gets me through my classes
Man I came out on break and dam near did a back flip in the parking lot seeing this notification... thanks Ronnie much appreciated brother
Wow, I found myself holding my breath along with the divers! I've been a certified diver since 1994, and I can tell you it's a whole different almost alien world beneath the surface. You feel incredibly small!
I held my breath last few seconds in the story.
Thanks for a wonderful piece, much love from the Caribbean 🇻🇨🇻🇨
My two favorite things! Somni narrations and cave diving! I've saved this one, as difficult as it was, for the perfect time. Loved this! Thank you!
Thank you for uploading. I really needed this. Your uploads help me a lot during difficult times
I hope you're doing well :)
I love your stories so much! They make my day everytime you post, and I saw this and immediately grabbed my headphones
Thank you so much jm so glad you like them!
This story is as close to a nightmare as I can imagine. I'm not claustrophobic and I love the water but holy that was stressful. Well done!
I love these videos been getting thrown all over my workplace tonight and having your videos play in the background made me less irritated by my job moving me to areas that aren't mine, not that I'm on break I get to look at the comments and see other people's thoughts on an amazing story, and it's amazing narration as well
Dive storys always get me. I'm holding my breath like the guys in the story. Lol. Another good one.
Glad you enjoyed it
Yay! New upload from Ronnie!
i hope you like it!
Hey Dark Somnium, I have a question. What creepypasta video do you think you are the most proud of? And which is your favorite? I think I remember you saying a long time ago that it was “We should all fear the old horns” so I’m wondering if it changed? I really enjoy your channel and content, it helps me relax and I’ve been listening for a while with my current favorite being Ted the caver so I’m wondering what your opinion is on the stories you narrate?
Probably Ted the caver or the Nightmare fighting tournament :)
@@Darksomnium What about the third parent ?
Hey Somnium, loving your content which just seems to keep improving upload by upload, you're great.
Loving these stories. Thank you for your commitment to putting out such great content!
True scary stories and phantoms don’t often scare me, but this one. Wow oh, I was afraid.
I’m so happy everytime I see a new video. This one is gonna be scary because I’m terrified of cave diving lol. I absolutely love your content dude!
Thank you :)
I’m the same I got trapped / stuck in a cave few years ago and it still gives me nightmare and ptsd even now not sure I’ll finish this one lol 😆
@@sharonpaterson1281 oh god I’m very sorry
Love these stories before and sometimes while sleeping! Keep it up!
Hey Dark! Just wanted to give you my thanks for being the absolute best horror story teller there is! Seriously, I do mean it. Also, wanted to let ya know that while I really 'effin appreciate your crazy consistent work-rate you've had lately, please do take a break if you need one alright? The last thing I'd want is for you to overwork yourself and it then lead to some troublesome consequences. Besides, your own well-being should come first anyways so...just don't push yourself too hard in case you're feeling exhausted, okay? Don't worry about us, Dark. We'll always be here to enjoy your splendid work;)
What's better than a cave narration? An underwater cave narration 😁 another amazing one, Ronnie. Your ability to create an atmosphere for your narrations is superior ❤
The narration and the sounds and the story as a whole had me on the edge of my seat!
it's always fascinating to think about what truly exists in the depths of the ocean since we only know about a small portion of what truly lives within the depths
Yeah ocean stories are awesome :)
I love your narrating, the way your voice makes me feel the story is incredible. You're my favorite story teller and this was a awesome story! Thank you for your content!!!
Wow, thank you!
As I see the notification of your video's I immediately think to myself ooooh this day is gonna be much better. Most days I have at least an hour drive and you make it seem like nothing. THANK YOU
I hope you like it :)
Narration was great. You did this story justice. You always do. I finally got to listen to Incident at Logan Creek. Loved it. Yet so disturbing. Thankyou man. Keep rocking yeah.
thank you very much :)
Coming back from work to your narration is a blessing. Amazing as always ronnie
I am a new subscriber of yours 🤗. The videos that I have seen so far (I'm in the process of binge watching 😊) I love!! I have brain cancer and your videos help me take my mind off of things 🤕. Thank you for all of your hard work ❤️🎗️
Great reading as alway, Som! As someone who is terrified of deep water and caving, this one was horrifying. Awesome! Thanks for what you do!
As always, an amazing voice over. Thank you for bringing us these videos.
Your narrations are the highlights of my week, it gives me something relaxing to listen to while I do Homework! Thank you for everything!
Wow this was amazing, getting me through another day of work🤝 Keep these stories flowing!
Somnium, I have loved and appreciated your channel for a long long time! I have been sick since Friday night and wow..being stuck in the bed and trying to entertain myself while getting better has brought a newer appreciation for you! This one particularly..I am fascinated with cave diving (have never done it, never would)! This is special! Thanks!
thank you so much, i hope you feel better soon! :)
Geez. I love the end of these videos. When they end with a thought provoking sentence followed by that iconic song drop. Truly masterful. I can feel my brain storing it for future nostalgia. Thank you for the continuous amazing content!
Thank you, I'm glad you like it :)
I love underwater cave stories, it always leaves me breathless
I love all of your videos! Your voice of narration is so phenomenal!
Thank you so much!
Those videos are always fun to listen to, narration is on point and the ambiences are just always perfect.
I wish there was a nice community around it. I tried the discord and its filled with bullies.
Hey! Can you email ke and to discuss what you mean? I try to make sure the discord is a welcoming place, if you had a bad experience I'd like to look into it. My email is darksomniumcontact@gmail.com
Perfect to study to for my French mock tomorrow. Appreciate the effort you always put into these
Ay same here
Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great :)
@@artemis1522 Pass the suffering around
@@Darksomnium Thanks man, just finished the video there. Brilliant narration. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow
Finished it there, mind kept going back to this video but I think I got above a passing mark. Thanks man
This one was awesome, thanks for uploading so much as of late my man
I'm so glad you liked it :)
Just starting the story. I've been watching DIVE TALK youtube for a bit, and they sometimes discuss creepy stories about cave diving from an expert standpoint. Just hit play and heard NEVER LEAVE THE LINE and it made me smile pretty much immediately because that comes up a lot.
I love your comment! I started watching Dive Talk over the pandemic and when I started listening, I immediately thought of Woody!
@@leslieenoch Heeeeeey fellow Dive Talk watcher! :D Thank you!! Honestly after listening through this, while I could be wrong since I’m not a diver in the least I feel like the narrative was good about acknowledging when things being done were bad practice, how doing things by rules is pretty safe, and how cave diving can be really exciting for divers. I remember there being a video from Gus and Woody where they actually talked about how exciting it was to go somewhere no human had before so it was cool seeing that feeling mentioned.
Also though, while I could be wrong, I feel like as long as no one died there would be a “WE FOUND A NEW SPECIES!!!???!!” reaction from Gus and Woody lol. It seems like the kind of thing they’d have a lot of curiosity about.
😂 I could definitely see those two finding a new species! One of my favorite dives they did was that HUGE crystal cave! If you haven't seen it, it's amazing!
The only diving I've done was of the diving board at my old apartment complex when I was a kid, LOL! I could never do what they do! But it is utterly fascinating to me..the technicality of it all (Woody makes sure that we know), their physical conditioning (sometimes I catch myself wondering if Gus is going to fit in some of these spaces and he laughs about it too sometimes) and there idls the whole fear factor watching! I cannot imagine me personally in those situations but I love to see what they see!
Its so nice to see you uploading and that your feeling better! I hope you have a fantastic week!🤗💜❄
Thank you so much!! You too!
My nights are better whenever there's an upload. I feel so spoiled with the outstanding narration.
Thank you for all your work ❤
tyty :D
So excited for these stories! It helps so much while doing housework and when laying down for bed, can't stand silence. You are one of my favorite and so good at narrations and the sounds/music. Thanks for making my days and nights easier! 🎵🎶🤌
Not everyday you see crustacean monsters in a story like this, I applaud the author for orginality on that front!
Back in the day… I was a river guide. I always preferred rapids & rock beds to calm waters. If the width of the river hadn’t changed, it’s depth had. Our clients were most likely to jump out of the raft and go for a swim. From that perspective, you can’t see snags (dead trees) or upcoming rapids.
Keep these gems coming. I have listened to about 95% of all of your videos and I don't wanna run out anytime soon. Love them all.😅
More to come!
Thank you as always bro 🤘
I appreciate the hell out of you.
... Seriously coming down off of a shroom trip and your channel is my comfort zone right now... So double thank you 🤣
i hope the trip was good! :)
@@Darksomnium God yes 🤘 a very mentally healthy trip, had a great time.
Thank you!
You're the best 2 do it man,Stolen Tongues by you was the 1st creepypasta I listened 2
Bro is Grinding! Thanks for the vids!
I would just like to say- DO NOT DIVE IN ANYTHING BESIDES OPEN WATER IF YOURE AN OPEN WATER DIVER. I have had my certification since I was 10, and the only structure I’ve been in SIMILAR to a cave was a tunnel, that was far too narrow for my liking. I had a panic attack underwater because I could barely see and I could feel jagged edges of rock touching me. I almost passed out due to fear because my regulator got looped around a little edge and was pulled from my mouth. I was 13 and very easily could have died. I didn’t want to go, but my dad insisted I try it. ( he is an instructor ) I only say all this to put into perspective how easy you can lose your lifeline ( regulator ) even under careful supervision by a trained person. Now imagine if this happened to me 200 ft down, with little to no light, and silt obscuring the little light I do have. Cave diving is no joke, and if you ever see a sign saying “death awaits, do not enter” unless you are properly certified, NEVER ENTER. Caves and openings can be deceiving. Many divers die thinking they’re experienced enough to dive, when they aren’t. It’s like a cop blindly trying to do a firefighters job- there’s some similarities, but the most important things are things you don’t know.
Holy crap, this was such a good story, I was actively telling those brothers to gtfo in my head. keep up the fantastic work dude!
Glad you enjoyed it
You my dear friend are a creepy pasta legend. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Dude that was fantastic! GREAT seting, GREAT choice of creature, GREAT dynamic in the brothers relationship, super claustrophobic!! Personaly I think it was a bit too much of a happy ending, but damn, thank you for this one!
Would you believe I was at work today, with one thought to keep me sane: "I can't wait to go home and listen to some Dark Somnium." I am finally home.
Welcome home. \o/
Always put out videos at the perfect time. Excited to listen to this ❤
I hope you like it!
@@Darksomnium very much did the horror of just being trapped cave diving is enough but adding giant shrimp monsters is far worse
Ahhh Mr. Somnium back at it again with more amazing content
Sir!! Your sweet voice and narration take my mental energy and put my RIGHT IN THE STORY WITH THE CHARACTERS!! I promise, this happens with EVERY STORY I’ve listened by you thus far.. I swear on everything, at the end there.. I was LITERALLY HOLDING MY BREATH (not even realizing) until I MYSELF GASPED FOR THAT BREATH WITH THE BROTHERS when they finally reached air!! NO OTHER NARRATOR COULD EVER COME CLOSE to giving me the experience within each post of yours, as YOU.. SINGLE HANDEDLY HAVE DONE.. EVERY TIME I hear one of your stories since I (luckily) stumbled upon your account since THE FIRST STORY I HEARD OF YOURS!! I’m going on ,maybe a little over a year , as a dedicated true DARK SOMNIUM STAN! And not once have I been disappointed! Even if it’s a story of yours that I re-listen to a few times, EVERYTIME, YOU make me FEEL as though IM EXPERIENCING the story’s plot and I’m the main character!! Idk wat it is about YOU.. but .. PLEASE DON’T STOP!!! I LOVEEEEE IT! As well as the music you produce and add, it’s a mixture of ABSOLUTE PERFECTION THAT I CAN NOT GET MY FILL OF!!! Love it so much!! I’m your STAN TILL THE END OF TIME AND BEYOND!❤❤❤❤❤
No way another video 🙏 I literally just finished why I have to hunt and lost in the woods and then I saw this video on my recommend.
Which means I get another 30 mins to relax and listen to your great work 👌
I hope you like it! :)
@@Darksomnium certainly did ❤️
i really love your videos, i fall asleep listening to them pretty much every night and your voice is just rlly calming. keep up the good work!! :)