My favorite thing is that Noah’s speech patterns don’t change, he never reacts to any wheel until it’s landed, and he always speaks very directly, and doesn’t sugarcoat anything.
That one bit about Maldhound nope-ing a nope and claiming he’s a blue player is the closest we’ve ever gotten to an MtG video on Magic the Noah in so long
I appreciate the slightly off white background (which is true for most Noah videos) but I think it's a nice touch. (also love you Noah I'm a huge fan.)
*dodges* 😎😎😎😎😎😎 you cant attack us we're gods because of *dodge* muahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahh@hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahawahahahahahhahahahahahahahhhahahahhahahahayahahhahahahahahahahahdhhahahahahahhahahahahaohaahhahahahahahhahahahahihahahahahahahahahaheahhahahahahahahhahahavhahahahahahaahhahahahahehahahahahahahahhaahhahaanhahahahhahahahahahahahahehahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaxhahhahahahahahahahahhaiahahahahahahahahahashahhhahahahahahahhahatahhahahaahhaha.
@@MareMayo56 There was one video where none of them were having fun because they had to play for hours before noah threw the, already paper thin, rule book out the window and just let them start spawing things like crazy. Good times for the viewers though XD
I like how your channel tries to make your pfp original by saying "our favorite dragon, Fire, the Firedragon" When in reality, you just took a Bakugan image.
I really appreciate the subtitles on magic the noah's videos. It makes it much easier for me to follow what's happening. But on this video specifically, sometimes they're fucked up? I thought it was a one off, but it keeps happening and I think they're supposed to be jokes. Like at 13:00, Maldhound says "I'm gonna swap places with Brayden" but the subtitles say Burrito. Which is not cool, because I always have to take a second and go back and relisten, which is the opposite of what subtitles are supposed to do. Same thing at 11:31, where the subtitles say barack obama instead of Brayden. It feels weird to complain, because I appreciate the subtitles being there at all. A lot of channels with huge production values don't have them at all, and this is probably something magic the noah does in his spare time. But also they're an accessibility feature and need to work properly. So yeah. Anyways. This video is really funny, I really like this channels stuff. I hope there's more fun stuff in this future, and that I'll still be here watching along.
I wish I've noticed the goofiness of the subtitle earlier.. I'm more than halfway when I realized that the subtitle is as funny as the video itself. Loll
Wonderful game, so many wheels. No one was a loser here, so much joy of spinning in every turn. Only thing it needed was a cozy shadow realm 9/10 skill based gameplay
16:06, I NEED IT!!!!!!! GIVE ME PUPPY!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!! 29:43, *random demon noises* PUPPY!!!!! (Yes, yes I think dogs are among the best creatures on earth.)
At 38:45 (spoilers, for those who care) So the when entering in the info for the wheel spin, the dragon's power level was placed in the "popup message" box, leaving the dragon with only 50 power. That win still probably would have happened, but still, we'll never know. Or maybe the dragon was just bluffing that he had 240 power, when in reality he only had 50 all along. Who knows?
I can't think of a more skill based thing to do than get Mr. Beast to show up for the last part of the game and change it all into something that was so explosive. Extremely well done.
The best thing about these games is you can have the experience be lackluster and ask for patches and even give specific ways to fix it before getting entirely ignored all in real time!
My favorite thing is that Noah’s speech patterns don’t change, he never reacts to any wheel until it’s landed, and he always speaks very directly, and doesn’t sugarcoat anything.
and yet this is the person who makes the most insane things happen at will. these orderly mannerisms cover the pure opposite of order
@@karlcole5617it's all Noah can do to contain the pure chaotic energy within him.
and has very little reaction to 3% odds, which is because that was definitely from skill no luck
@@PhoenicopterusRHe's the Pure Vessel. An unblemished shell of perfect order to contain the ravaging tumult of chaos that dwells within.
29:12 I love how he replaces the caption with “I dont know how to spell infuriating” and spells infuriating correctly
I like how the captions aren't actually what they say, but more accurate to Noah's thoughts/interpretations of what they say
I read this comment as soon as the caption said “Barbie you’re up” when he said “Braiden you’re up”
@@xeno_phobikbraxton the destroyer, your up
I love how the past few videos have had subtitles that slowly devolve into utter chaos and occasional pictures of Noah’s dog
"I forced them to play in a skill based game" immediately spins a roulette wheel
Ah yes gambling
@@liquidcashewsblew up already
Him having Mr. Beast and not using it as clout, i applaud this man
"50/50, those odds are decent" Makes it 5/50, still wins "you werent supposed to do that"
That’s not how odds works ._.
He still won and it was obviously pure skill that won that fight
@@typicwhisper6569 so he have 5% to win and 50% to lose ?… no, he have 9% to win and 91 % to lose so 9/91
@@minedx1022 Use your brain, its a ratio not a fraction, its 5 to 50 odds not 5 over 50.
@@minedx1022 5/50 = 10/100 in fractions. So it would be 10% to win out of 50 which is 5. your answer of 9/91 the 9 is 9.89% of 91 not 9%.
I love everything that you have done in this video, every one little joke in subtitles and every easter egg.
I love that Braden managed to actually kill Vaporeon
Not kill
Vaporeon is immortal and inevitable
@@Legion-jUntil Jolteon Shows Up.
Yeah brontosaurus really clutched that
You gotta kill them before you know what.
@@JacksonDevices yes because jolteon is the best eeveelution
Damn, I can't believe he managed to get Mr Beast on as a guest!
I honestly didn't expect him to be able to get Mr. Beast as a guest, bravo
Seriously never expected that
It was crazy
@@not_estainsDont read the comments before hand
Amazing episode, although I'm quite dissapointed vaporeon arc ended so quickly, there was propably a whole story planed for him.
Brayden's name changing every time it's put into subtitles is hilarious.
You mean bronchitis
you mean braoudyien?
u mean brbraidymentoutritosaouslyosoment?
Babarydonodnbaustification youre up
You mean naz gu ruth al, destroyer of worlds
Bruh, genuinely and honestly big thank you for the background remover website. You just saved me so much work. I owe you one
That one bit about Maldhound nope-ing a nope and claiming he’s a blue player is the closest we’ve ever gotten to an MtG video on Magic the Noah in so long
Cant believe you got Jerma on a video! So nice to see you helping out smaller channels.
As a roulette wheel, i can confirm this is a 100% skill based game
As a slot machine, I can also confirm this is a 100% skill based game
as a gambling addict can confirm this 100% skill
As a casino owner I can confirm this is a 100% skill based game
I can confirm as a wheel this is 100% skill
as an human being i can confirm this is a 100% skill based game
"umm okay braden youre up"
subtitles: "umm okay barack obama youre up"
you mean brachiosaurus? :>
Man I can't believe Mr. Beast was able to get the win. That ending was so close too.
I love these subtitles, really adds to the moments I'm 100% playing attention
It takes true skill to roll a wheel, if Noah's games have taught me anything
the most powerful of mankind
I feel like I recognize that symbol in your avatar. Is it from Magic?
(The videos TOTALLY did)
@@ForumArcade You got it haha, it's red mana from Magic the Gathering
@@nathanousey6823 Ah. Red mechanics aren't my favourite, but at least they're more honest than blue.
I appreciate the slightly off white background (which is true for most Noah videos) but I think it's a nice touch. (also love you Noah I'm a huge fan.)
Honestly, if someone says it wasn't skill based, they just have a skill issue
That's actually so cool that Mr Beast was willing to make room for this, he's such an amazing person.
As somebody who has totally watched this whole video I can say they're all very skilled.
Yea 100%
As someone who also totally watched the whole video I can also say they are very skilled.
Yeah especially MaldHound. He was so skilled at the jackpot.
"You just have to be rich enough to try it" is a great quote
So excited that Mr. Beast showed up and gave Vaporeon all of his money! What a generous guest!
The cat is sad coz it’s not getting likes
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It was 21:47
*dodges* 😎😎😎😎😎😎 you cant attack us we're gods because of *dodge* muahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahh@hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahawahahahahahhahahahahahahahhhahahahhahahahayahahhahahahahahahahahdhhahahahahahhahahahahaohaahhahahahahahhahahahahihahahahahahahahahaheahhahahahahahahhahahavhahahahahahaahhahahahahehahahahahahahahhaahhahaanhahahahhahahahahahahahahehahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaxhahhahahahahahahahahhaiahahahahahahahahahashahhhahahahahahahhahatahhahahaahhaha.
me too!
I love most is the rule-making upping and the damn subtitles are so fun
i have simply gotten addicted to these video's nothing flashy insane dopamine just a group of people having a fun time
well noah is having fun anyways. cant speak for the rest of them lmao
@@MareMayo56 There was one video where none of them were having fun because they had to play for hours before noah threw the, already paper thin, rule book out the window and just let them start spawing things like crazy. Good times for the viewers though XD
It really made me wish I could play the game. I mean, yeah, I could make it myself, but I don't have enough friends to play with.
Play with me :)
Amazing video. I can’t believe he got Mr. Beast as a guest. Absolutely insane, he has so much skill for this skill based game.
I don't know which part I preferred: The amazing subtitles or having Mr Beast as a special guest. Both were great
Realized how many vids I’ve enjoyed so far I said “take my subscription already” out loud. Really good stuff from this channel!
The “Shop” tile should’ve been a “Claw Machine” tile, where it’s the exact same as the shop but you spend money to have a chance of buying the item
"That was 100% not a rule when we started."
Careful, they're learning.
Wow I never expected to see Mr.Beast as a guest for this game show!
It's actually pronounced "wow I never excpected him to get mrbeast as a guest"
@@carotclan148 thanks
I like how your channel tries to make your pfp original by saying "our favorite dragon, Fire, the Firedragon" When in reality, you just took a Bakugan image.
@@chrismclean4789mfs be getting mad over anything chill bro 💀
mrbeast came in clutch for this skill based video trust
am i the only one that expected them to use the no button on the jackpot "no i didnt get 1 dollar i won"
27:42 he got to spin 10 times and took over 2 minutes. truly a skillful turn.
i love how the spelling of braden's name gets progressively better throughout the video
Skillfully killed that Vaporeon, truly, one of the players ever
Niko spotted, artists GOOOO
give a medal to the subtitle guy already, he's doing a tremendous job
The random counterspell battle over mald's jackpot was amazing
I really appreciate the subtitles on magic the noah's videos. It makes it much easier for me to follow what's happening. But on this video specifically, sometimes they're fucked up? I thought it was a one off, but it keeps happening and I think they're supposed to be jokes. Like at 13:00, Maldhound says "I'm gonna swap places with Brayden" but the subtitles say Burrito. Which is not cool, because I always have to take a second and go back and relisten, which is the opposite of what subtitles are supposed to do. Same thing at 11:31, where the subtitles say barack obama instead of Brayden.
It feels weird to complain, because I appreciate the subtitles being there at all. A lot of channels with huge production values don't have them at all, and this is probably something magic the noah does in his spare time. But also they're an accessibility feature and need to work properly. So yeah.
Anyways. This video is really funny, I really like this channels stuff. I hope there's more fun stuff in this future, and that I'll still be here watching along.
the person who made the subtitles is amazing, my brain was melting even before I watched the video and those subtitles made it melt even more.
I love how you stumbled on your words and seemingly almost said luck instead of skill
person writing subtitles needs a raise, they are so on point
Nope. They should be fired for even including mandatory subtitles on the first place.
I liked how they spelled Brayden
@@intangerbline3683do you mean blue eyes ultimate dragon?
@@intangerbline3683every single time
This is the second greatest Summoners War video of all time.
Noah is so generous to let small youtubers like Mr. Beast join in his fair videos
You should make a game where each player goes around a board and adds more things to their personal wheel.
i love how the one person who said they hated vaporeon got targeted by noah the whole game 💀
I've immediately watched like every single one of these and it's literally never boring!
Cool to see Magic's channel blowing up after all these collabs with big names. Been here since the beginning, man.
Yeah, mrbeast playing his game is really big
the grp’s chemistry is so good this was so funny
If Twobolt has taught me anything
It’s that spinning wheels is an art
And they have all mastered it
8:30, love the background of your browser MagicTheNoah!
Honestly goated of Mr. Beast to clear enough of his schedule for this.
I wish I've noticed the goofiness of the subtitle earlier.. I'm more than halfway when I realized that the subtitle is as funny as the video itself. Loll
I love it when Noah said “It’s skillin time” and skilled all over the place.
Noah should pin this
Sounds like runescape.
im highly impressed by the fact that noah actually managed to get mr beast to collab with him
Wonderful game, so many wheels. No one was a loser here, so much joy of spinning in every turn. Only thing it needed was a cozy shadow realm 9/10 skill based gameplay
Impressive, I'm honestly surprised he was able to get a hold of Mr. Beast, let alone have him participate as a guest.
Noah's games are unironically so engaging and absolute comedy gold
Wow, I never expected him to get Mr. Beast as a guest
incredible that maldhound found a way to play storm while playing a board game. classic izzet player
Nothing can stop me from playing more game per game than everyone else
Noah went from being one of the biggest Magic RUclipsrs to the biggest Calvinball RUclipsr and we love that for him.
Wow, I never expected him to get MrBeast as a guest!
Maldhound at the end is just playing some yugioh, 10 minutes of seeing your opponent win on their first turn
I kinda waited for him to pull up the time god and made this into a multi timeline skill based game
16:06, I NEED IT!!!!!!! GIVE ME PUPPY!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!
29:43, *random demon noises* PUPPY!!!!!
(Yes, yes I think dogs are among the best creatures on earth.)
Wow Mr. Beast coming on as a guest was a crazy move, didn't expect that!
Wow, I never expected them to have MrBeast on one of the gameshows, that is actually freaking crazy!
The skill of these players is unbelivable
At 38:45 (spoilers, for those who care)
So the when entering in the info for the wheel spin, the dragon's power level was placed in the "popup message" box, leaving the dragon with only 50 power. That win still probably would have happened, but still, we'll never know.
Or maybe the dragon was just bluffing that he had 240 power, when in reality he only had 50 all along. Who knows?
You should track how many times each player has spun the bad wheel, then do nothing with that information
I can vouch that watching two MtN videos in a row gives you good luck! I watched 5 in a row and I just got a call that I got the job I applied for!
Wow I can’t believe you finally got Mr. Beast on one of your gameshows!
the "Nobody wants to work anymore" subtitled with "It was too much work to subtitle this" is golden
Wow, I never expected him to get MrBeast of all people as a guest
I think this is the only time the board itself wasn't destroyed by the end of the game. Kudos.
honestly, I didn't expect him to be able to get Mr. Beast as a guest, wow
I can't think of a more skill based thing to do than get Mr. Beast to show up for the last part of the game and change it all into something that was so explosive. Extremely well done.
Wow I never expected him to get MrBeast as a guest.
It’s crazy that you were able to get Mr. Beast as a guest. Jimmy brought a lot to this episode.
It’s insane-you’ve come so far to finally have mrbeast as a guest in your video. Congrats, man!
yo that among us on the thumbnail was goated ngl. Also btw the wallpaper at 8:31 is really poggers.
As a watcher, I must agree that watching Magic The Noah's video 5 times in a row gives jack luck
wow i didn't expect him to be able to get Mr. Beast as a guest, insane
The Mr. Beast cameo was not on my list of things I expected when I clicked this video lol
Wow I never expected him to get Mr Beast as a guest
so funny that Maldhound rolled the exact same sequence TWICE on the slot machine.
+2 spins, +10, +5, -6
bro omfg I never would've thought MrBeast would actually play one of these. honestly fav video now bc of this.
The best thing about these games is you can have the experience be lackluster and ask for patches and even give specific ways to fix it before getting entirely ignored all in real time!
The captions slowly just calling the players the most random of things is great
i wanna play a board game with noah as the game master. this type of chaos looks hella fun
Wow, I never expected you to get Mr. Beast as a guest!
Watching a magic the noah video drunk is a different level of confusion and pain. Gotta love it.
He moving up, he even got Mr. Beast him self.
MaldHound is the perfect amount of buying into the premise of these videos.
More of him please
Mr. Beast just brought a whole new level of skill to this match. Best surprise guest.
Funnily enough, I feel holding that nope for most of the game to use it for the win was actually skill winning the game.
MaldHound and Magic The Noah is the collab I've been craving. I feel so blesed by this video
What about mr beast as a guest
@@легушка-б7ю While incredibly impressive, I don't really watch or pay attention to MrBeast so MaldHound was more exciting for me personally!