Hey guys I hope you enjoyed our FREE mini course about teamfighting! If you want to see more content then please hit the like and sub button :) Want unlimited, easily-accessible, 24-7 coaching from high elo players? Then check out our website: www.proguides.com/yt
I think the video was a little too theoretical you could had driven the point home if you added examples at the end like how a team that has two assassins would approach a team fight with another that has a fed juggernaut and a strong disengager what would their game plan be, and then reverse it how would the other team deal with 2 fed assassins, you know just a few examples with some of the most popular champions.
Careful it's not $10 a month, they only charge yearly. Which is BS, cuz they only have 19 courses with 9 videos each only 30 seconds to 2 minutes. SO not worth.
As "Assasin Sion", I found out that the most favorable time to die is a few seconds after the team fight starts, soo instead of the enemies casting their CC on your team, they would cast it on you
@@cernos7230 Not exactly, you just go in, make the enemy spend time/spells on you and then become a threat a second time with your passive. If your team is oriented, it's good
That's the reason proguides is the best coaching RUclips channel and website. They make videos about a theme everybody wishes for in the comment section. Me and my friends asked for this weeks ago when they asked what kind of video we want, aaaand... Here it is. Thnx guys So Much! From bronze 4 to Gold 1 thnx to your awesome guides!
I feel like the very last point is one of the most important aspects of this game, which has taken me 5 seasons to truly learn the importance of. Going half-ham and nearly blowing someone up, but still being able to retreat and stay in the fight while they run away defecating along the lane, you may not get THAT kill, but you could possibly have just secured 4 kills for your team.
You should do a guide for players that want to pick up league of legends. Players that have never played lol in their lives. I am not one of those people but i just think it would be really nice to see
Play normals and look up builds for the character your playing when in loading screen. Best way to learn is with experience. Except Jungling, you’ll probably need a video for that.
I LOVED this video. I really enjoy these super in depth videos on fundamentals. Suggestion- I'd love to see a video examining the roles of different champion types and what you should be focusing on to win. Examples being ADC's who should be looking to team fight, farm, and push objectives. Assassins who should be looking to catch out enemies before fights start. And split pushers who should be drawing pressure towards them and freeing up the map. I know I've got plenty to learn about class specific macro, so I'd love to see a video on this!
How to win teamfights 1. Go in 5v5 2. Realise you went in 4v5 3. Toplane is spliting 4. Loose teamfight 5. Ping Toplane 6. All chat: report this troll Toplane 0 help and always afk
Step 1: Play Aphelios Step 2: Have Infernum and Gravitum ready with less than 10 shots in each Step 3: Press R with infernum Step 4: Mindlessly spam W and Q
Thanks. Saw a few mistakes I always make. Mostly play back line mages and box out single players to remove them from the battle. This should help out with that
I usually don't leave comments on videos. I'm so glad you made this video. This was a great video to watch and learn from. Looking forward to other videos like this in the future. Keep it up.
Thanks for making this. Really the only thing i'm really bad at. Usually win through split pushing or getting super fed, or objectives solo. This helped to be sure.
I accidently read the title as "The only TeamFightTactics guide you'll ever need" and I was waiting ages for the TFT tips. Thought what they were showing on summoners rift was just a way to draw parralels with TFT
Really good video because a lot of people don't know how to team fight. Or know their role during the team fight. Especially front liners who just run in there and when they die they ask whT are yall doing I'm peeling. 😐
Your videos are worth watching for.. I learned a lot since I'm just new in league of legends specially in wild rift.. More power to your Chanel and God bless..
Awesome I’ve been waiting for this video!! Could you possibly make a video about freezing minions in lane and basically showing how you are suppose to use lane control to win and why freezing is good and how you want the minion wave to maximize your lead
I play a lot of tanks in dota, and now in league as well. my top tip of being tank is, avoid unnecessary death at all costs. When you're a tank, your role is to tank and take damage for your team, this job is only possible if you are capable of tanking (having enough hp/armor/mr). When you fall behind because you keep dying in a team fight, you become more and more incapable of tanking. When a marksman or mage gets behind, they can stop the feeding while still doing their job by playing in the back, and position defensively. Such option is not available to tanks, you'd still have to tank damage for your team, causing you to die even more. A 0-10 lux can still do her job by landing a good snare, but a 0-10 shen or rammus will just instantly die if they tried to go in and taunt. It is a vicious cycle that is the #1 cause of tanks losing games. The art of playing a good tank is using your HP to absorb / bait as much of the enemy's damage as possible and getting out alive with a sliver of health.
So let me get this straight... It takes guts to play a melee carry like Yasuo? So my solo queue Yasuo teammates aren’t just genetically programmed to feed, they’re just macho? I’m gonna need to see the stats that gave you cause to make that statement.
Just a suggestion really its for more help but on videos like this one that are broad ask a few questions example being if your team is behind and the enemy has a fed Jhin what should you be looking to do with a riven or fiora on your team. And answer them at the end of the video. Like 2 or 3 senerio questions and then answers to see what we thought or to give more food for thought.
Hey im a d1 trynda/jax main i have a few tips for splitpushing! 1.mute your team your team can flame you for splitpushing 2.start splitlushen when you are stronger then the enemy laner so you want to pick a champ that can 1 v1 or 2 v1 good like tryndamere! 3.know how/when to splitpush How: slow push when the enemy wave is near your tower kill 2 caster minions ans let your wave push! When: when you have tp ready to join teamfights! Or when you see 5 people on the other side of the map from the enemy 4.ward the jungle so they cant 3v1 you and you can escape in time 5.have a good champ that has good wave clear
@@BlueShrek15 Ty for the tips. I mainly play kled atm but i last patch i played trynda a lot since hs good. I agree on all parts but the join the teamfight one. Since most of the time my team cant really win 5v5s so
Agree, unlike the randoms I play with I take the time to study on strategic plays. My win rate is 64% top lane and climbing. I could and would do a lot better if my teammates would follow basic meta like warding and not team fighting at low health and out numbered.
As long as you're playing better than average at your ELO, you'll eventually climb to a point where you're not usually dealing with those types of people anymore anyways
Make a tutorial on the different kind of supports that exist, some supports don't do well with certain adc/apc, while some others have an amazing compatibility like Morgana-Lux bot.
Tip if u dont like teamfighting play jax or tryndamere slow push side wave sit in fog of war and when they start fight go split push this is how i win game :)
Assassins Damage and mobility At the cost of tankiness Except Ekko, who has burst, CC, mobility, tankiness, and his R lets him ignore a terrible misplay.
i feel like this was really helpful and i think if you did each role separated would be really nice and could help a lot of those vaynes diving head on for the other adc ( me included u.u } sometimes works xd
I think a great video to see would be macro guide for supports! Sometimes it feels as if it's extremely hard to carry as support in lower elos even when you have more macro knowledge. Anything will help :)
What if one team has like 1 or 2 more items and the other team is 3 levels up? Assuming they are exact same skill level and same champions just for the simplicity of this scenario. Which team would win?
Juggernauts are tanky champions that sacrifice mobility for damage: Ahem. Nimbus cloak, Dead mans plate, Ghost, Flash, Stridebreaker, Hearthbound Axe, Force of Nature, Black Cleaver, Yummi. That's all the movement speed items a juggernaut can build
yea that would be nice. I barely see any midlane videos here makes me sad. I can beat most of my matchups and a lot of them go down to either out-counter-push the enemy artillery mage or win trades into kills via mechanics in dueling. Initiating a slow push for pressure so they lose cs or give you time to roam. I dont know a lot more than that and it doesn't feel like a lot. Supping your jungle as long its worth (somewhat). And that's kinda about it lol
So what if my team dives while I'm a Marksam and theyr tanks engage me (and are faster then I am ex. vladimir or garen) What happened(not necessary for the question: I was super fed,while they had a Syndra, she wasn't that fed but she did way more dmg than I did as cait. So they dived,I fought against a vladimir and a tanki bard. We all died and lost. What I should we (or I have done differntly?
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed our FREE mini course about teamfighting! If you want to see more content then please hit the like and sub button :)
Want unlimited, easily-accessible, 24-7 coaching from high elo players? Then check out our website: www.proguides.com/yt
I think the video was a little too theoretical you could had driven the point home if you added examples at the end like how a team that has two assassins would approach a team fight with another that has a fed juggernaut and a strong disengager what would their game plan be, and then reverse it how would the other team deal with 2 fed assassins, you know just a few examples with some of the most popular champions.
@@videitos09 Of course, but it would be quite long. Understand this is a free sample of a larger course offering.
did you guys really remove the daily free points and made everything only unlockable by pro? 0 incentive to use your website now.
Careful it's not $10 a month, they only charge yearly. Which is BS, cuz they only have 19 courses with 9 videos each only 30 seconds to 2 minutes. SO not worth.
A video on jungling, how to know your strengths and weaknesses, and how/when to counter jungle
Scream loud, button mash and hope u win the fight
I see youre a man of culture
The only way to teamfight
Kata mains in a nutshell, am not joking
Instructions unclear. Rammus rolled up on me and killed me in one second. Now I have a chat ban.
"Why are you hitting yourself?" (Rammus)
@@MrEliakimRAS "Ok" (Rammus)
@@davidecarusone3333 lmao
"Vanguards don't do damage" Laughs in ad lethality sion.
As "Assasin Sion", I found out that the most favorable time to die is a few seconds after the team fight starts, soo instead of the enemies casting their CC on your team, they would cast it on you
@@cernos7230 Not exactly, you just go in, make the enemy spend time/spells on you and then become a threat a second time with your passive. If your team is oriented, it's good
laughs in ap Maokai
Leth/Crit Garen
Laughs in AD Urgod
"You see a big scary guy and your instinct is to run away"
*sees ezreal e forward* *scratches head*
"Assassins possess burst damage at the cost of tankiness"
*shows a picture of ekko*
ekko is not a pure assassin he is more like an skirmisher. like riven.
When ekko's shield is bigger than any enchantress' LOL
3:00 That warwick engage was pretty insane
I’m a ww main not even sure what happened ?
He did a q then what
@@animeandstuff5377 he dashed in front of them and scared them towards his teammates
Wissi W ???
Anime and Stuff He latched onto rakan with right before he went towards his teammates
When playing galio, you wanna focus on flash taunting the enemy backline.
himari Rest In Peace Gallio :(
can we give galio mains a F for their w + flash combo
@@toastygame6534 f
@@toastygame6534 we cant press f while channeling, so not even an f in the chat :(
PRoguides: "front Line carries are in a tight spot"
*Yi proceeds to kill entire team*
Perfect video. I love this type of in-depth stuff. Keep it comming it is really useful
That's the reason proguides is the best coaching RUclips channel and website. They make videos about a theme everybody wishes for in the comment section. Me and my friends asked for this weeks ago when they asked what kind of video we want, aaaand... Here it is. Thnx guys So Much! From bronze 4 to Gold 1 thnx to your awesome guides!
I feel like the very last point is one of the most important aspects of this game, which has taken me 5 seasons to truly learn the importance of. Going half-ham and nearly blowing someone up, but still being able to retreat and stay in the fight while they run away defecating along the lane, you may not get THAT kill, but you could possibly have just secured 4 kills for your team.
You should do a guide for players that want to pick up league of legends. Players that have never played lol in their lives. I am not one of those people but i just think it would be really nice to see
It needs to be really simple though.
It would need to be simple to the point of cringe. Because the guide will explain things like item shop etc
Besides, This is called proguide. Not beginner's guide XD
Play normals and look up builds for the character your playing when in loading screen. Best way to learn is with experience. Except Jungling, you’ll probably need a video for that.
THANK YOU SO MUCH, they really do listen to requests!
Of course :)
I LOVED this video. I really enjoy these super in depth videos on fundamentals.
Suggestion- I'd love to see a video examining the roles of different champion types and what you should be focusing on to win. Examples being ADC's who should be looking to team fight, farm, and push objectives. Assassins who should be looking to catch out enemies before fights start. And split pushers who should be drawing pressure towards them and freeing up the map.
I know I've got plenty to learn about class specific macro, so I'd love to see a video on this!
Best teamfight guide in terms of content/conciseness/delivery I’ve seen, thank you!
"Your crowd control could be a DEATH SENTENCE".
Thresh main. You got my like.
botlane matchups, how they change depending on the sup and what to expect in lane.
would be great next video!
How to win teamfights
1. Go in 5v5
2. Realise you went in 4v5
3. Toplane is spliting
4. Loose teamfight
5. Ping Toplane
6. All chat: report this troll Toplane 0 help and always afk
Step 1: Play Aphelios
Step 2: Have Infernum and Gravitum ready with less than 10 shots in each
Step 3: Press R with infernum
Step 4: Mindlessly spam W and Q
you could say....
these are teamfight tactics XD
More like DX
This was the only video on this channel that I ever found useful or relevant. Thanks, gave me a lot to consider.
Thank you very much for putting subtitles in Spanish ♥
Thanks. Saw a few mistakes I always make. Mostly play back line mages and box out single players to remove them from the battle. This should help out with that
I usually don't leave comments on videos. I'm so glad you made this video. This was a great video to watch and learn from. Looking forward to other videos like this in the future. Keep it up.
Thanks for making this. Really the only thing i'm really bad at. Usually win through split pushing or getting super fed, or objectives solo. This helped to be sure.
I accidently read the title as "The only TeamFightTactics guide you'll ever need" and I was waiting ages for the TFT tips. Thought what they were showing on summoners rift was just a way to draw parralels with TFT
Same, just another click bait channel, no like no sub no bell and your good to go.
Really good video because a lot of people don't know how to team fight. Or know their role during the team fight.
Especially front liners who just run in there and when they die they ask whT are yall doing I'm peeling. 😐
Your videos are worth watching for.. I learned a lot since I'm just new in league of legends specially in wild rift.. More power to your Chanel and God bless..
This is really the only guide I'll ever need, it was really well done , you teached me all I need to know!
Awesome I’ve been waiting for this video!!
Could you possibly make a video about freezing minions in lane and basically showing how you are suppose to use lane control to win and why freezing is good and how you want the minion wave to maximize your lead
and then there's me and the boys who just try to hit abilities and hope for the best
Lol, I thought this is a TFT video:D
Well, he is explaining teamfight tactics.
tft is boring :) im a hater. What u gon do bout it
fraai Well I’m going to respect your opinion and leave.
Same I saw teamfight I'm like finally!! Then it was actual league I'm like ahhh ok I guess
me too. i scrolled down the comments to make sure that i wasnt the only one
Can u make a video bout when to fight and when not
I play a lot of tanks in dota, and now in league as well. my top tip of being tank is, avoid unnecessary death at all costs.
When you're a tank, your role is to tank and take damage for your team, this job is only possible if you are capable of tanking (having enough hp/armor/mr). When you fall behind because you keep dying in a team fight, you become more and more incapable of tanking. When a marksman or mage gets behind, they can stop the feeding while still doing their job by playing in the back, and position defensively. Such option is not available to tanks, you'd still have to tank damage for your team, causing you to die even more. A 0-10 lux can still do her job by landing a good snare, but a 0-10 shen or rammus will just instantly die if they tried to go in and taunt. It is a vicious cycle that is the #1 cause of tanks losing games.
The art of playing a good tank is using your HP to absorb / bait as much of the enemy's damage as possible and getting out alive with a sliver of health.
You guys need to do a video explaining everything about the only jungle guide you will ever need would appreciate it a lot
you forgot the "need" in the thumbnail guys ^^
Thanks for pointing that out
ProGuides Challenger League of Legends Guides gotta thank you guys for your great guides hehe 😅
So let me get this straight... It takes guts to play a melee carry like Yasuo? So my solo queue Yasuo teammates aren’t just genetically programmed to feed, they’re just macho?
I’m gonna need to see the stats that gave you cause to make that statement.
Just a suggestion really its for more help but on videos like this one that are broad ask a few questions example being if your team is behind and the enemy has a fed Jhin what should you be looking to do with a riven or fiora on your team. And answer them at the end of the video. Like 2 or 3 senerio questions and then answers to see what we thought or to give more food for thought.
Can you guys do a video on split pushing?
Like when to stay, where to ward when to start the split, etc
Step number one to split pushing : Don't split push team fighting is way more effective in these days
Know your limits in team fight
Juggernauts sacrifice "mobility" proceeds to show Garno...
hi can you activate the community translate ı want add turkish language for my clash team
Love this video cause it makes you feel important no matter what class you play
Ok that was an insane amount of info in this video
do a video how to improve ur CS pls
I don't think they need to be explaining in 'pro' guides how to last hit.
@@FitzgeraldStanburyWeissV this will be useful for the players
@@blu3clown471 Yeah, but these videos are designed for people that should already be able to do that. I mean, last-hitting isn't exactly complicated.
Do a splitpush guide. (i would say im pretty decent at spliting but every tip would be nice and also teamates do splitpush at weird times)
Hey im a d1 trynda/jax main i have a few tips for splitpushing!
1.mute your team your team can flame you for splitpushing
2.start splitlushen when you are stronger then the enemy laner so you want to pick a champ that can 1 v1 or 2 v1 good like tryndamere!
3.know how/when to splitpush
How: slow push when the enemy wave is near your tower kill 2 caster minions ans let your wave push!
When: when you have tp ready to join teamfights! Or when you see 5 people on the other side of the map from the enemy
4.ward the jungle so they cant 3v1 you and you can escape in time
5.have a good champ that has good wave clear
@@BlueShrek15 Ty for the tips. I mainly play kled atm but i last patch i played trynda a lot since hs good. I agree on all parts but the join the teamfight one. Since most of the time my team cant really win 5v5s so
@@kazzardiusthetomato7968 aight then do the slow push and group and when you win tp to slow pushing wave
@@BlueShrek15 Nice ty
Can you guys make a video about basic roaming and rotating throughout the game?
This channel has riven mains as owners...... TO MUCH RIVEN GAMEPLAY(i like it)
Nice vid, this type of vids helps everyone, nice job, keep it up!
plz make a tutorial on how to play with players that don't understand these things
Agree, unlike the randoms I play with I take the time to study on strategic plays. My win rate is 64% top lane and climbing. I could and would do a lot better if my teammates would follow basic meta like warding and not team fighting at low health and out numbered.
You can't have a tutorial about being paired with idiots lmao
@gio ananiashvili here's a tip. You cant controll other people. Once you get that, u wont tilt.
As long as you're playing better than average at your ELO, you'll eventually climb to a point where you're not usually dealing with those types of people anymore anyways
Make a tutorial on the different kind of supports that exist, some supports don't do well with certain adc/apc, while some others have an amazing compatibility like Morgana-Lux bot.
Nice video!!
Can you pls do a video about support macro?
what if you are the suicidal rengo and get a triple kill by just jumping in?
The only Teamfight Guide I'll ever
Tip if u dont like teamfighting play jax or tryndamere slow push side wave sit in fog of war and when they start fight go split push this is how i win game :)
That was dense, but very usefull 👌🏾
What if the enemy “carry” is full tank, dps, has heal, cc, and is mobile? Do I attack the “carry” or the normal damage dealers?
in that case, we utilize technique that everyone knows about-
the ff
@@Saberfanboy ah! Thank you
The only support guide you'll ever need
Pro guides dont have GARENA regions in website ... Please add them so we also get coach by good players. I love this channel 😍 from beginning .
I'd love some more videos about support ^^
I love this guy’s voice!
Damage and mobility
At the cost of tankiness
Except Ekko, who has burst, CC, mobility, tankiness, and his R lets him ignore a terrible misplay.
pls do a guide of how to climb plat and what are the best champions fort it it is going to be so helpfull
main vladimir learn every match up ez diamond
Trying to study League of Legends feels a lot like studying in school. Maybe people who say school is cool aren't so crazy after all.
i feel like this was really helpful and i think if you did each role separated would be really nice and could help a lot of those vaynes diving head on for the other adc ( me included u.u } sometimes works xd
As a sona main , I LIVE for teamfights
Amazing vid. Good explanation
Genuinely helpful! thank you! :)
I think a great video to see would be macro guide for supports! Sometimes it feels as if it's extremely hard to carry as support in lower elos even when you have more macro knowledge. Anything will help :)
Please make a guide about invades!
I like how plat means you're on fire - 0:41
What if one team has like 1 or 2 more items and the other team is 3 levels up? Assuming they are exact same skill level and same champions just for the simplicity of this scenario. Which team would win?
Gimme the support guide or a warding and map awareness guide
I need to contact support of the proguides site but there is nothing like that, no email, no "contact support" button...
Juggernauts are tanky champions that sacrifice mobility for damage: Ahem. Nimbus cloak, Dead mans plate, Ghost, Flash, Stridebreaker, Hearthbound Axe, Force of Nature, Black Cleaver, Yummi. That's all the movement speed items a juggernaut can build
Love Your Videos!
love the content - smashed like!
make one about compositions
Thank you for this one. It’s probably the most helpful video I’ve watched yet
Can you please make an in-depth wave management guide.
Its surprising that i watched this video to get help but instead of that i got confused even more
Hey, great video. I still have a question after seeing this. What is thresh's role in a teamfight?
As an adc main learning that the enemy assasin killed me before ally assasin could kill their adc can be quite frustrating :(
can u classify all champs according to their position in teamfights
Could you do a video about jungle archetypes?
Didn't read the title well and watched the half of the video hoping to learn something about TFT.
Pls make High-elo Mid lane Tips & Tricks Rank up to challenger
yea that would be nice. I barely see any midlane videos here makes me sad.
I can beat most of my matchups and a lot of them go down to either out-counter-push the enemy artillery mage or win trades into kills via mechanics in dueling. Initiating a slow push for pressure so they lose cs or give you time to roam. I dont know a lot more than that and it doesn't feel like a lot.
Supping your jungle as long its worth (somewhat). And that's kinda about it lol
@@wotizlove glad to see someone who thinks like me
We want a video anout teamfight compositions like hard engage or pick or siege.......
Out of all those archetypes which 5 would recommend for a team?
Lol, guys I did saw the thumbnail before you changed it
Will there ever be champion specific guide on website or channel?
So does camille fit more like a diver yeah?
2:05 kindred died in her ult lul
i thought that wasnt possible but i looked like wtf maybe cause of poison ?? i dunno
Mordekaiser ult her so she become in his realm without her ultimate which is still on the rift. That is why she died.
Yea its the Morde ult + some Kind of damage overtime which kills her instanly as he ults
So what if my team dives while I'm a Marksam and theyr tanks engage me (and are faster then I am ex. vladimir or garen)
What happened(not necessary for the question: I was super fed,while they had a Syndra, she wasn't that fed but she did way more dmg than I did as cait. So they dived,I fought against a vladimir and a tanki bard. We all died and lost. What I should we (or I have done differntly?
A Adc guide (laningphase, midgame, rotation, late game and positioning)
Low elo be like: 0 team fights, only spit pushes and int :)))
I fucking love this channel.