@xgidx not on the cavaliers lebron was basically the point guard mo williams was playing off the ball coming off screens and basically just standing around while lebron got triple teamed
@voltage650 d wade puut the team on is back in that season and the season before that he was injured and the heat on won around 15 games so im not talkin about stats im talkin about impact and dwade was along with lebron the most pivotal figure in their respective organizations
i agree with d wade
@BrEnMaN05 so wats the ten top best then?
@Tilliambill erm durant is a SF.
@xgidx not on the cavaliers lebron was basically the point guard mo williams was playing off the ball coming off screens and basically just standing around while lebron got triple teamed
@voltage650 d wade puut the team on is back in that season and the season before that he was injured and the heat on won around 15 games so im not talkin about stats im talkin about impact and dwade was along with lebron the most pivotal figure in their respective organizations
@ihatewhiteppl27 he wanted to write Not. not but.
umm mo williams is a point guard.. lol