I like some of his view but the more I listen him I see he’s hypocritical. Muslim aside, the reason for the fighting in Israel is due to Britain carving up the land and giving Israel Palestinian land. Was that right? He is bruised and protective of Poland due to recent atrocities (Nazi and USSR) but at the same time can’t see the cause of what’s happening in Isreal is due to occupation. He talks about America needs trump (I agree), and America needs to stop the invasion too, but hypocrisy again, as the America today is due to Europeans invading the Americas. You are either for or against atrocity and wrong doings. Lastly, during the wars and then Soviet occupation, Poland had millions of refugees (illegals) across Europe. Millions. Yet still in another video, he thinks it’s right to shoot illegals. Go figure. Now, that is not to say a country shouldn’t protect it’s borders. 100% should. A country should vet who they let in. And I am glad Poland is not making Poland a free for all. Most (not all) of the migrants are economic migrants. And for those who are not, many are from the likes of Afghan, where Poland themselves had a presence as part of ISAF. So one can argue they also invaded a Muslim country and help destabilise that region.
The Arab nations do not help the Palestrina's (and I do feel sorry for the ordinary citizen) because the Palestinians are famous for biting the hand that feeds them. The last THREE Arab nations that took them in were left deeply sorry. Google what they did to their host Kuwait when Saddam Hussain attacked Kuwait. Google what they did to their host Jordan when they took them in. Google what they done in Egypt when they played host and took them in. To be fair- they did try.
stop spreading fake news millions of dollars in aid are going to the palestinians. The arab countries do not want another 1948 were the palestinians were kicked out and not allowed entry again to their lands
Just so you get an idea. There are only 3 aspects where free speech is limited in Poland. Promoting communism, promoting nazism, and making injury or death threats to people. Other than that everybody can say and write whatever they want. And it actually is respected. There was never a case of somebody getting harassed by the police or prosecuted just because they posted something online, supported somebody controversial, or said something against the mainstream, or called names someone from the government, or revealed information they had, etc. True freedom of speech as you think about it. Political correctness doesn't exist in Poland. It's your right to say whatever and everybody else right to be offended by it if they feel so.
@FaithFamilyCountry234they are against communism but they are still for communism. Why ? because the the communist bolshevik party who genocided Poland and Ukraine and Belarus and Moldova and parts of Russia was 80% Jewish and allowing jewish meddling into your domestic policies today will have another bolshevik moment in the future if left unchecked. guess it's hard questions for you but here is that.
A people who suffered atrocities from 2 different evils and still remember it. We don’t have that in America. 9/11 was nothing compared to what Poland had been through.
In 1683 outside the gates of Vienna the Polish King Sobieski himself leading his knights smashed the Ottomans and saved Europe from Islam now Dominik Tarczynski is the new King Sobieski.
Well not everything is a lie in US, but Americans seams not to understand what Socialism are, for real, not even those who read about it understand what it really is. First, people in US that call them selfs "Liberals" they are the extreme Socialists, they hide behind the Liberal label and it seams to work cuz Americans really dont know what a Liberal really is. And i think Americans need to listen to the warning that comes from other countries like Cuba, Colombia, Europe. As a Swede its red warning flags everywhere in USA from the Democrat's. Same as we see from the Social democrats in Sweden that we started to fight against properly 2 years ago i have socialist basic values cuz it is in our DNA now. But we still dont like socialism here in Sweden if there is to much of it, but you need to tame it, hold in a short leach! Dont forget, Hitler was a Socialist, Stalin was a Socialist, Xi Jinping in China are a Socialist, Joe Biden are a Socialist,, damn only "good guys" seams to be socialists. Many add the Nationalist to Hitler, but that still dont make any difference on what "Type" of Socialist you are and what socialist mind games you are using. There is only one kind of Socialism. NAZI = National Socialists Workers Party... yea, that´s the Democrats today, they just use that word to fool the voters. its more or less a scam. And it looks like Kamala are a CopyCat, she copies a lot from Magdalena Andersson here in Sweden the last 2-3 weeks with just turning 180 on the boarder topic and so on. and i apologies if i have mistaken you for a American if you're not an American.
i aggre with Dominik Tarczynski, i am Swede i want him here at home in Sweden to literally punch in the common sense in to Swedes and Swedish leaders and help us get rid of the socialists! We always need a "counter" party to have democratic elections. We as USA are not a democratic country, we are on paper republicans just as USA. But with socialist been in power it´s more like a dictatorship with a Sharad of democracy elections. And the "conservative" party in Sweden are more or less in on the sharad.
Everytime you mention muslim corruption of our institution mention also the israel's severe influence peddling into domestic affairs of both the US and EU. You seem an israli shill for diverting western countries attention i to fughting a war for israel with the muslims. I don't need no muslim nor jewish influence into my country's politics. Let them fight their wars on their territories without my country's blood and treasure !
Of course. Ok, I was with this guy until this dropped. He will be shocked, but he is wrong. We are against INVASION OF LAND, OCCUPATION AND TER..ISM OF PEOPLE WHO LIVED THERE BEFORE. People don't know the history of how israel was really formed, this is never ever discussed. The truth is burried. There is so much dirt on this, that country is born of evil intent, and that is a fact I can prove to anyone. This platform won't let me though, it banned my channel outright, no strikes, for even trying (posted a documentary on it). That's how you know who the enemy is, you can't talk about them in a negative way even in a documentary setting with proof.
Because if Arabs starts to Take in Palestinians there is no plastaine left haha. You think U.E.A who have 85 % IMGRANTS mostly Muslims would not take in Palestinians. You wish Qatar would take them. Long live all the Arab kingdoms Qatar U.E.A. Saudi. Q8. OMAN. 🇱🇧
Ok, I was with this guy until this dropped. He will be shocked, but he is wrong. We are against INVASION OF LAND, OCCUPATION AND TER..ISM OF PEOPLE WHO LIVED THERE BEFORE. People don't know the history of how israel was really formed, this is never ever discussed. The truth is burried. There is so much dirt on this, that country is born of evil intent, and that is a fact I can prove to anyone. This platform won't let me though, it banned my channel outright, no strikes, for even trying (posted a documentary on it). That's how you know who the enemy is, you can't talk about them in a negative way even in a documentary setting with proof.
So when the U.S. and Britain teamed up with Stalin/communists to fight Germany during WWII. That should tell us something about the “leaders of the free world” back then? That tells me a lot about the both of those countries.
I'm seriously considering moving to Poland 😮 the way the UK and Europe is going at such fast pace now. It will be one of the only safe countries to be in.
Dont go to poland. Choose the right people when voting. If necessary fight for your country. Convince your friends, family members to do same. If you leave, that will benefit them.
Brits treated poles like crap . Now your country is falling apart you got your multi culti. Just don’t bring bs with you . Poland was created by immigrants aboard form hard work . It’s still hard to live out there . Arabs urkops all flooding Poland now . Soon it might become like uk if they keep following western ideologies.
Over 6000 Nepalies from my country were killed while building football stadium in Qatar..... human slavery at industrial scale.... thank you for speaking about Qatar gate
You gotta look at your leaders in Nepal for not providing a life or recourses for them to go work 200 hrs a month for $500 buddy. 1000’s of Nepalis die in dozens of countries yearly doing work no one will do. That’s your people and leaders fault homeboy. Is the guy to blame for paying for the whore and treat her bad or the whores fault for offering her services?
Why are people in your country having kids if there’s no jobs to support families? Kind of stupid right, sounds like the same thing welfare families say in the ghetto who want to raise 4 kids they had even though they dropped out of school and work at McDonald’s
Poland is investing in their military and I believe are going to be the strongest armed forces in Europe is the goal.so they are strong and they are very resilient.
I agree with you 100% Poland is a fairly new member of NATO, and invests more than the suggested 2% of GDP Recently they've invested in a massive modernization effort of their military, with almost 1000 brand new tanks on order along with almost 100 attack helicopters. They now also produce their own IFV's, very similar to a Stryker but with a rapid fire cannon on a turret They don't allow Muslim refugees to flood in from North Africa or the Middle East. They don't have a migration crisis the way the UK, France, Germany, etc does - and they don't have the crime or other social problems that come with massive numbers of unwanted immigrants If you go to Poland now compared to even 5 years ago, it's amazing how much investment is flooding into the country Poland is safer, and nicer, than the main EU countries.
I disagree with Dominik Tarczynski that America is an ally in a clash against political islam. America is too tied with countries like Saudi Arabia (oil) and Qatar (Natural Gas) to do anything about it. Also in many cases America has actually funded Radical Islam against countries that it does not like. Even to the point of funding Militant islamic outlets. What Americans generally care about is MONEY and nothing else, till Saudi Arabia and Qatar keeps giving them money and it seems profitable to America, they'll look the other way and do nothing.
America is an idea, something for people to believe in. Similar to the way Ukranians are fighting for Ukraine when the first directive and objective of the president was to sign into law the sale of land to foreign entities...Ukraine land is practically all sold to blackrock, monsanto, cargill and china and whatever russia can annex it will keep for themselves...so Ukraine no longer exists in the same way, the land will always be there but in reality the people are going to be the new slaves of their land, paying back lend-lease debt for 300 years and working for wall-street yet you have everyone waving flags and cheering for independence...what does that even mean? The world has gotten much more complex and the playing field on multi-fronts...its no longer just black and white no more, were engaged in constant hybrid and unconventional methods of warfare. Physical war is actually quite inconvenient. Just look at some of the events happening right now, like for example in effect around the same amount of Americans have died as in Ukraine without ever going anywhere. Just because it doesn't appear like it doesn't make it so...technically America has been attacked by means of chemical warfare with the spread of toxic chemicals in the form of potent drugs, it might seem organic but if you look into history it sure looks like payback for the 100years of shame inflicted on the Chinese during the opium wars where the imperial powers ended up carving up China and profiting from its economy till today. The western powers had a monopoly on opium and smuggled it into China and promoted it as medecine trading it for goods out if china. After the wars the chinese dynasy was so weakend and things began degrading from unemployment to povery and more and more people turned to opium as it flooded the market and used for trade, the population became more and more inefficient and allowed the west to act with impunity. The same thing is happening now but their the ones now doing it to america. If you get caught with drugs in china they will kill you. We can take another example and in the name of freedom equality and climate change they are able to influence and manipulate people to subject themselves to castration and volunteer themselves for sterilization, "my body, my choice" might sound good and maybe feel like its you that's in control, meanwhile eliminating you lineage, it's pretty much the same concept what the Nazi's were doing but just sounds a lot nicer now and this is part of the greater agenda of population control or de-population. They speak about it openly yet no one seems to catch on how exactly they plan to carry this out. People tend to only see the physical at face value but there are so many things that go unseen to comprehend. ...if your interested in going deeper into the current conflict start diving into why the Palestinian President was a KGB agent and start from there.
@@Luvothrsmor22 Qatar buys influence directly paying US congressman (Menendez). In Britain they buy access the same way. Sports washing Etc are some of the other tricks. But the main one is America where they have provided US companies access to work in Qatar largest Gas reserves. It has the largest Gas reserves around the world. US companies like Shell, Chevron and Exxon Mobil work thier by drilling gas that pays huge revenue for US companies and pays for GDP of Qatar , additionally they provide US military a permanent base. Which gives it a shield of protection as a non NATO ally.
@@anassHYR you mistake colonization with occupation and genocide. And it was from both nazi Germany and communist ZSRR ( after WWII when Western allies betrayed Poland and basically handed it over under ZSRR occupation)
as citizen in EU I am glad that we have some politicians that are in fact patriots. I dont have to agree to all his views but well.. thank you Poland that you at least have some guts and also protecting our borders.
You seem a big fan for israel then ! 80% of the Bolshevists Party of the USSR was jewish. Let this sink in, if there is anything to sink into. Seems not much.
And the word Europe is Greek. And the word Africa is Roman. And the word America is Italian. And the word vampire is Serbian. And the word robot is Czech. So what?
Why would the Qataris give them a suitcase full of millions in cash? You cant do anything with it! you cant pay it into any bank account, its effectively useless. And how did they bring it into the EU, in suitcases?
You can spend it right away. Buy drugs, ladies of the night. Bribe people…… spending money is easy. You can also put it into overseas accounts with no problem. You’re much too naive.
I’m Polish and I support Dominik when it comes to his patriotism but I disagree with his Israel- Hamas stance. The Palestinians are the perennial victims here and I side with them in this conflict and hope they will one day be free of oppression. And I’m not a communist. It’s humanity to be on the side of the perpetrated and to be for an end of oppression. I don’t understand how people can rationalize Israel’s actions. They conveniently are blind to the harm Israel causes and support Israel. It’s a losing strategy.
I’m about freedom of speech and expression but it’s completely understandable why they banned that. They did get their country ripped apart by hitler and Stalin.
Nazis stole swastika symbol from Hinduism. I feel bad when European react to swastika.. please make an exception for Hinduism for making red swastika. It's symbol of good luck & peace for us. We are peaceful community.
It's ignorant of him to use the term 'swastika,' when in reality, the Germans referred to it as 'Hakenkreuz.' The swastika has been a symbol of prosperity and divinity in Hinduism and Buddhism for centuries, long before it was appropriated by the Nazis. This seems to me like a deliberate attempt to tarnish non-Christian cultures by associating them with something negative.
Panie Dominiku marzę, by wystartował Pan na prezydenta. Miałby Pan wielkie szanse. Jeszcze jakby dołączyć do tego jakąś aktywną agresywną wręcz kampanię, pana zdolności oratorskie... jestem pewien, że mielibyśmy to 💪
That dude from Poland just don't want bibi Netanyahu's back to where they came from (poland). So he is more then happy supporting anything to let them there.
Lavon affair, uss liberty, 911, the killing of UN count folke bernadotte, the killing of Yitzak Rabin to name a few... and now the terrorbombings of gaza ofc.
So you don't know what terrorism is? Let me explain. Terrorists deliberately target civilians. Armed forces are not trained to target civilians. They are Not suicide missions. Just because armed forces do kill, of course, it's terrible but terrible is NOT terrorism.
Boy talk about not knowing what words actually mean. Terrorism is very different. Armed forces are trained to not target civilians. Yes they kill people, but it's very different, they are not suicide missions. If you actually understood what urban warfare is actually about you would know wtf you're talking about.
@@chiquitafeldberg8259 Wrong, please see the definition of terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Israel has done more terrorist attacks than Hamas could ever dream of
Never thought of that if you entered any airport in the works without proper documentation and you started to run and claim asylum youd be shot or imprisoned immediately without failure whats the difference with these people coming over on boats .But we put them up in hotels and give them new identities .phew im blown away don't know about you 😮
@@Little_Britain74 he suffers from the same malady that many in the west do as well. Cognitive dissonance. Wanting to be on Israel’s side because Muslims are bad Jews are better. But fails to see that the communists among the pro Palestine protestors are Jews waging a psyop on the western nations to increase hate towards Muslims but at the same time working hard to import them into those same host countries eg Britain. The communist Jews are found protesting the right wing racist thug brits who are objecting to the import of the radicalised traumatised muslims ie ethnically cleanse them from the Middle East into the west. So the sabbatean frankists play all sides of the game/war. While you choose your side and help them win their wars on humanity.
WTF up! ... Israel is the ONLY democracy in the middle east ... 20% of Israelis are Christian, Muslim, Druze ... Gays have freedoms in Israel that are NON-EXISTENT in the middle east! Israel has NEVER asked for one G.I. on it's soil ... Israel will defend itself!
You can still support allies while being America first. Projecting influence in the world is being America first, otherwise if America is too isolationist, America's enemies will fill the void and they will gain influence. In chess, you gain the initiative by taking time and space from your opponent, if you let your opponent take this initiative, it will be a more difficult path to victory.
Theres nothing wrong with protecting your culture, your borders and having an opinion. Especially if you've suffered like the Poles did for years. You don't have to agree with it. Every country probably wants to do it just too scared to say it. The world is so divided these days, says a lot about our current governments and their intentions to unite us all. Blah blah blah. The world's gone mad.
I’m surprised by what he said “Israelis has the right to hunt Germans responsible for holocaust and he would do the same and ignore the international law “ ok why when Palestine do the same for people responsible for their massacre is different!?
@@natalik972it’s insane to me that he spins us as communist for not supporting Israel but Israel is the place with the communist communities?😂 like you ever heard of a kibbutz???
probably. Thomas Massie is arguably the only respectable Republican Congressman because he speaks honestly on AIPAC and how they pester our elected congresspeople each individually. I dont even like Liiberterians but years after Bernie Sanders became such a tool of the DNC establishment it's clear Republicans and Democrats are under the corrupt control of the oligarchs, lobbyists, and money in politics. expect your insurances premiums to continue going up and your wage gains to be worthless as the years go by.
Did we have the right to destroy Iraq to keep us safe? Yes, we did. However...we were wrong and kept us 'safe' over a lie...so what is it we did in Iraq then? Especially because the lie was on PURPOSE Power of full perspective vs selective perspective ...
I love this guy ... and respect to Poland to starting to protect itself from the obvious desastre that is coming ... wish the rest our Europe would to that
About USS liberty: you know the the NSA sent 5 telegrams to the ship (that did not reach it) instructing the ship NOT TO approach the combat zone. it has nothing to do with terror. its a sad mistake, Israel apologized == no intent, compensated the families and took responsibility.
Common sense!! Hardworking Polish people suffered from Nazi and communists. They know difference between hate speech and free speech very well
But he is racist against Arabs and Muslims
Don't tell me Muslims also killed Poles
We suffered from GERMANS
@@ukaszs3073and Russians and other nations!!!
I like some of his view but the more I listen him I see he’s hypocritical.
Muslim aside, the reason for the fighting in Israel is due to Britain carving up the land and giving Israel Palestinian land. Was that right? He is bruised and protective of Poland due to recent atrocities (Nazi and USSR) but at the same time can’t see the cause of what’s happening in Isreal is due to occupation. He talks about America needs trump (I agree), and America needs to stop the invasion too, but hypocrisy again, as the America today is due to Europeans invading the Americas. You are either for or against atrocity and wrong doings. Lastly, during the wars and then Soviet occupation, Poland had millions of refugees (illegals) across Europe. Millions. Yet still in another video, he thinks it’s right to shoot illegals. Go figure.
Now, that is not to say a country shouldn’t protect it’s borders. 100% should. A country should vet who they let in. And I am glad Poland is not making Poland a free for all. Most (not all) of the migrants are economic migrants. And for those who are not, many are from the likes of Afghan, where Poland themselves had a presence as part of ISAF. So one can argue they also invaded a Muslim country and help destabilise that region.
The Arab nations do not help the Palestrina's (and I do feel sorry for the ordinary citizen) because the Palestinians are famous for biting the hand that feeds them. The last THREE Arab nations that took them in were left deeply sorry. Google what they did to their host Kuwait when Saddam Hussain attacked Kuwait. Google what they did to their host Jordan when they took them in. Google what they done in Egypt when they played host and took them in. To be fair- they did try.
Yes, and they destroyed Lebanon
All true.
Most people today have a short memory or don't know what happened in the past.
That's the problem.
stop spreading fake news millions of dollars in aid are going to the palestinians. The arab countries do not want another 1948 were the palestinians were kicked out and not allowed entry again to their lands
Proud Czech here respect to our polish brothers ❤
I want to move to Czech to get away from the insanity happening in my country Australia 😅
@@crispytendies1433you will miss the easy life, my friend.
I like the laws in Poland against communism.
Against Faschism as well.
Just so you get an idea. There are only 3 aspects where free speech is limited in Poland. Promoting communism, promoting nazism, and making injury or death threats to people. Other than that everybody can say and write whatever they want. And it actually is respected. There was never a case of somebody getting harassed by the police or prosecuted just because they posted something online, supported somebody controversial, or said something against the mainstream, or called names someone from the government, or revealed information they had, etc. True freedom of speech as you think about it. Political correctness doesn't exist in Poland. It's your right to say whatever and everybody else right to be offended by it if they feel so.
@FaithFamilyCountry234they are against communism but they are still for communism. Why ? because the the communist bolshevik party who genocided Poland and Ukraine and Belarus and Moldova and parts of Russia was 80% Jewish and allowing jewish meddling into your domestic policies today will have another bolshevik moment in the future if left unchecked.
guess it's hard questions for you but here is that.
A people who suffered atrocities from 2 different evils and still remember it. We don’t have that in America. 9/11 was nothing compared to what Poland had been through.
And why should anyone care about what’s happened to Poland in the past by downplaying an atrocity that happened to your country in modern times ?
Eastern Europe gone through basically everything that Poland had to go through.
@@Shadowfeather-sb4vcyes, the/0ktbr/lnvsn/was/the/greatest/tragedy/in/history.
Rzz/UA/BeIorz/PL/Baltics, etc.
@@G_v._Losinj2_ImportantPlaylist you are bot.
Ask the native Americans that 😂
In 1683 outside the gates of Vienna the Polish King Sobieski himself leading his knights smashed the Ottomans and saved Europe from Islam now Dominik Tarczynski is the new King Sobieski.
We need him to collaborate with INDIA ❤
I love both Poland 🇵🇱 and Turkey 🇹🇷
@@jonjonboi3701 .... TURKEY ... the former Christian country now occupied by islam-followers ⁉
He needs to gain some more weight.
No przestan😂😂😂
WOW! now THAT'S A LEADER! Poland you are lucky to have such a steadfast and strong leader!
Yes, can we please have him in South Africa?
I want to be represented by SOMEONE like this Polish Politician! Why is EVER LTHING in the US a lie?
We Polish people don't muck around we tell how things are,do not do small talks...
Well not everything is a lie in US, but Americans seams not to understand what Socialism are, for real, not even those who read about it understand what it really is.
First, people in US that call them selfs "Liberals" they are the extreme Socialists, they hide behind the Liberal label and it seams to work cuz Americans really dont know what a Liberal really is.
And i think Americans need to listen to the warning that comes from other countries like Cuba, Colombia, Europe. As a Swede its red warning flags everywhere in USA from the Democrat's. Same as we see from the Social democrats in Sweden that we started to fight against properly 2 years ago i have socialist basic values cuz it is in our DNA now. But we still dont like socialism here in Sweden if there is to much of it, but you need to tame it, hold in a short leach! Dont forget, Hitler was a Socialist, Stalin was a Socialist, Xi Jinping in China are a Socialist, Joe Biden are a Socialist,, damn only "good guys" seams to be socialists.
Many add the Nationalist to Hitler, but that still dont make any difference on what "Type" of Socialist you are and what socialist mind games you are using.
There is only one kind of Socialism. NAZI = National Socialists Workers Party... yea, that´s the Democrats today, they just use that word to fool the voters. its more or less a scam.
And it looks like Kamala are a CopyCat, she copies a lot from Magdalena Andersson here in Sweden the last 2-3 weeks with just turning 180 on the boarder topic and so on.
and i apologies if i have mistaken you for a American if you're not an American.
This Polish guy just dodged several points and lied at least twice that I have noticed.
You get what you deserve.
seems this "polish" politician better represents israel interest than his Polish compatriots.
i aggre with Dominik Tarczynski, i am Swede i want him here at home in Sweden to literally punch in the common sense in to Swedes and Swedish leaders and help us get rid of the socialists!
We always need a "counter" party to have democratic elections. We as USA are not a democratic country, we are on paper republicans just as USA. But with socialist been in power it´s more like a dictatorship with a Sharad of democracy elections. And the "conservative" party in Sweden are more or less in on the sharad.
Finally someone is saying it!
Dominik Tarczynski 👍
Qatar is one of the main donors to Harvard University 🤔
Everytime you mention muslim corruption of our institution mention also the israel's severe influence peddling into domestic affairs of both the US and EU. You seem an israli shill for diverting western countries attention i to fughting a war for israel with the muslims.
I don't need no muslim nor jewish influence into my country's politics. Let them fight their wars on their territories without my country's blood and treasure !
Of course. Ok, I was with this guy until this dropped. He will be shocked, but he is wrong. We are against INVASION OF LAND, OCCUPATION AND TER..ISM OF PEOPLE WHO LIVED THERE BEFORE. People don't know the history of how israel was really formed, this is never ever discussed. The truth is burried. There is so much dirt on this, that country is born of evil intent, and that is a fact I can prove to anyone. This platform won't let me though, it banned my channel outright, no strikes, for even trying (posted a documentary on it). That's how you know who the enemy is, you can't talk about them in a negative way even in a documentary setting with proof.
After 20-30 years u have eureka moment! Why not after 100 years?
No they’re not
This fellow is so refreshing. A politician who is truly transparent and wants you to know exactly what he thinks and what he will do.
Yeah from the germans…. Same germans they are friends with now in nato.. epic
Because if Arabs starts to Take in Palestinians there is no plastaine left haha. You think U.E.A who have 85 % IMGRANTS mostly Muslims would not take in Palestinians. You wish Qatar would take them. Long live all the Arab kingdoms Qatar U.E.A. Saudi. Q8. OMAN. 🇱🇧
Hahaha who believes you?
Ok, I was with this guy until this dropped. He will be shocked, but he is wrong. We are against INVASION OF LAND, OCCUPATION AND TER..ISM OF PEOPLE WHO LIVED THERE BEFORE. People don't know the history of how israel was really formed, this is never ever discussed. The truth is burried. There is so much dirt on this, that country is born of evil intent, and that is a fact I can prove to anyone. This platform won't let me though, it banned my channel outright, no strikes, for even trying (posted a documentary on it). That's how you know who the enemy is, you can't talk about them in a negative way even in a documentary setting with proof.
We need leaders with backbone like this man
The dude from Poland, is SPOT ON!! 🇺🇸🇺🇲
YES! WHY Qatar???!
God bless Poland - it is the last bastion of hope in Europe.
Do u realize that 88% of the Qatari population are immigrants?
A German saying : show
Who your friends are and I tell
You who you are. My mother used to say that to me.
Another true saying is: you want to know who is your real master check who you are not allow to criticize.
It's a polish saying as well
Croatian saying as well!
So when the U.S. and Britain teamed up with Stalin/communists to fight Germany during WWII. That should tell us something about the “leaders of the free world” back then?
That tells me a lot about the both of those countries.
Same in Scotland. Also, 'fly with the crows be stoned with the crows'.
I'm seriously considering moving to Poland 😮 the way the UK and Europe is going at such fast pace now. It will be one of the only safe countries to be in.
What are you waiting for, go to Poland
Dont go to poland. Choose the right people when voting. If necessary fight for your country. Convince your friends, family members to do same. If you leave, that will benefit them.
If I was younger I would move to POLAND NOW….
@@wahidj4773the uk can’t even deport criminals or terrorists who want to kill 90% of the people in the country. Nothing to fight for unfortunately
Brits treated poles like crap . Now your country is falling apart you got your multi culti. Just don’t bring bs with you . Poland was created by immigrants aboard form hard work . It’s still hard to live out there . Arabs urkops all flooding Poland now . Soon it might become like uk if they keep following western ideologies.
well done Poland, may God bless you and yours
Money talks no ideologies, no beliefs, no values not anything. Everyone has a price especially politicians.
Over 6000 Nepalies from my country were killed while building football stadium in Qatar..... human slavery at industrial scale.... thank you for speaking about Qatar gate
Sorry to hear that. I
You gotta look at your leaders in Nepal for not providing a life or recourses for them to go work 200 hrs a month for $500 buddy. 1000’s of Nepalis die in dozens of countries yearly doing work no one will do. That’s your people and leaders fault homeboy. Is the guy to blame for paying for the whore and treat her bad or the whores fault for offering her services?
Why are people in your country having kids if there’s no jobs to support families? Kind of stupid right, sounds like the same thing welfare families say in the ghetto who want to raise 4 kids they had even though they dropped out of school and work at McDonald’s
Fake news
Misleading and never been confirmed
I like this fella alot of balls speaking facts
Thank you Dominik. I wish you much success and God's blessings.
Praise the All-Maker for your existence Sir. Dominik Tarczynski... Strength like yours makes the world a better place...
Man’s speaks the truth
Trump/Vance 2024 🇺🇸 💯 🙏
Poland is investing in their military and I believe are going to be the strongest armed forces in Europe is the goal.so they are strong and they are very resilient.
They will always be a second tier country in Europe.
Think they already are.
I agree with you 100%
Poland is a fairly new member of NATO, and invests more than the suggested 2% of GDP
Recently they've invested in a massive modernization effort of their military, with almost 1000 brand new tanks on order along with almost 100 attack helicopters. They now also produce their own IFV's, very similar to a Stryker but with a rapid fire cannon on a turret
They don't allow Muslim refugees to flood in from North Africa or the Middle East. They don't have a migration crisis the way the UK, France, Germany, etc does - and they don't have the crime or other social problems that come with massive numbers of unwanted immigrants
If you go to Poland now compared to even 5 years ago, it's amazing how much investment is flooding into the country
Poland is safer, and nicer, than the main EU countries.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 seriously Poland can be taken in 2 hours by Mr Putin
Lolllll what??? Ukraine already does what it wants with Russia???? Are you blind. What a scrub noob
The conversation about communism, reminds me what used to Stalin say about communists abroad:”Useful idiots “😂
Qatar is funding al jazerra.
Al jazeera is a qatari based company, it also habours hamas
Poland for poles ..simple ...
I disagree with Dominik Tarczynski that America is an ally in a clash against political islam. America is too tied with countries like Saudi Arabia (oil) and Qatar (Natural Gas) to do anything about it. Also in many cases America has actually funded Radical Islam against countries that it does not like. Even to the point of funding Militant islamic outlets.
What Americans generally care about is MONEY and nothing else, till Saudi Arabia and Qatar keeps giving them money and it seems profitable to America, they'll look the other way and do nothing.
America is an idea, something for people to believe in. Similar to the way Ukranians are fighting for Ukraine when the first directive and objective of the president was to sign into law the sale of land to foreign entities...Ukraine land is practically all sold to blackrock, monsanto, cargill and china and whatever russia can annex it will keep for themselves...so Ukraine no longer exists in the same way, the land will always be there but in reality the people are going to be the new slaves of their land, paying back lend-lease debt for 300 years and working for wall-street yet you have everyone waving flags and cheering for independence...what does that even mean? The world has gotten much more complex and the playing field on multi-fronts...its no longer just black and white no more, were engaged in constant hybrid and unconventional methods of warfare. Physical war is actually quite inconvenient. Just look at some of the events happening right now, like for example in effect around the same amount of Americans have died as in Ukraine without ever going anywhere. Just because it doesn't appear like it doesn't make it so...technically America has been attacked by means of chemical warfare with the spread of toxic chemicals in the form of potent drugs, it might seem organic but if you look into history it sure looks like payback for the 100years of shame inflicted on the Chinese during the opium wars where the imperial powers ended up carving up China and profiting from its economy till today. The western powers had a monopoly on opium and smuggled it into China and promoted it as medecine trading it for goods out if china. After the wars the chinese dynasy was so weakend and things began degrading from unemployment to povery and more and more people turned to opium as it flooded the market and used for trade, the population became more and more inefficient and allowed the west to act with impunity. The same thing is happening now but their the ones now doing it to america. If you get caught with drugs in china they will kill you. We can take another example and in the name of freedom equality and climate change they are able to influence and manipulate people to subject themselves to castration and volunteer themselves for sterilization, "my body, my choice" might sound good and maybe feel like its you that's in control, meanwhile eliminating you lineage, it's pretty much the same concept what the Nazi's were doing but just sounds a lot nicer now and this is part of the greater agenda of population control or de-population. They speak about it openly yet no one seems to catch on how exactly they plan to carry this out. People tend to only see the physical at face value but there are so many things that go unseen to comprehend.
...if your interested in going deeper into the current conflict start diving into why the Palestinian President was a KGB agent and start from there.
True. It will be China that will stand against islam.
I never heard Qatari give American money. I’m not saying you’re wrong but I thought he said the EU took Qatari money and UN.
@@Luvothrsmor22 Qatar buys influence directly paying US congressman (Menendez). In Britain they buy access the same way. Sports washing Etc are some of the other tricks. But the main one is America where they have provided US companies access to work in Qatar largest Gas reserves. It has the largest Gas reserves around the world. US companies like Shell, Chevron and Exxon Mobil work thier by drilling gas that pays huge revenue for US companies and pays for GDP of Qatar , additionally they provide US military a permanent base. Which gives it a shield of protection as a non NATO ally.
@@anuragsinha2013interesting. Thankyou. Much of this is never known to the public
There’s a difference between,
One is only verbal, the other is verbal & everything else. Free-SPEECH is what’s needed.
Any protest of Israel is not considered free speech.
The Polish people have a very well documented history of surviving against evil. They know what they are talking about.
you mean being colonized by nazis😂😂
Same with the Greeks.
(Ottoman invaded / occupied Greece for 400 years)
2024, there's only 2,000 Greek Orthodox in Constantinople (Istanbul).
@@anassHYR you mistake colonization with occupation and genocide. And it was from both nazi Germany and communist ZSRR ( after WWII when Western allies betrayed Poland and basically handed it over under ZSRR occupation)
Good news @@mysticcove3392
Evil, they were at war with "Sauron"?
Polish minister, very smart guy. God bless him he’s thinking about his Future Country
Proud Albanian respect to Poland ❤
LOVE Dominik Tarczyński ❤️👍🇵🇱
100% absolutely correct we need anti communist laws here for sure
If trump said he would make it law id instantly vote for him
Hahahaha is Trump an Nazi?
@@Arab-1995s I don’t get the question
@@razackchrist5096 that too
Thank you Mr.Tarczynski❤️🇵🇱
Love this guy, we need more leaders like him
Poland and hungry Czech Republic ❤️ remain strong your the last of Europe
100% right
God Bless you for protecting Poland
as citizen in EU I am glad that we have some politicians that are in fact patriots. I dont have to agree to all his views but well.. thank you Poland that you at least have some guts and also protecting our borders.
He is a racist and a Muslim hater, and I do not rule out that he receives money from the lobby
I’ll bet not too many viewers will be liking this one. People can’t stand the truth
Common sense Poland..
How casually he said , that you are not powerful to a politician 😂😂😂
Free Palestine
From Muslims😂
We are lucky to Have Dominic.
exactly. bilzerian may play a good hand of poker but this guy actually has intelligence and experience
Why does No mass media talk about qatargate
Sounds like Qatar is learning from the best
Aka Aipac 🤣
Omg.. This leader is a gem. He is from God, he is genuine intelligent and strong.
I wish our politicians spoke this straight …. Can we import some from Poland
I never voted for a politician and I never will.So yeah, it's your politician, it's not mine
You mean Export
@@Gori-hv9qi I thought if we take from another country into our own it’s import - Poland would export - we import :)
Right, and English isn't even his first language. Wish our politicians could speak this clearly😅
Valuetainment, please ... l love this man with passion ... Dominik😢
I'm a big fan of this Polish Gentleman!!!👍👍👍
You seem a big fan for israel then !
80% of the Bolshevists Party of the USSR was jewish. Let this sink in, if there is anything to sink into. Seems not much.
@@CairosNaobum Im Jewish myself. What you saying?!!
a lot of common people in Poland (who are not communists) disagree with the way Israel is "fighting with Hamas"
Then they are dumb
Sure abdool. Sure.
My grandfather was polish . He did alot of cigarette smoking and it took him out early with colon cancer .
Bravo Poland! With love from Israel! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
❤are you from Israel
@@dmytryblyzniuk8211 I'm
Eccellente Dominik Tarczyński grande maestro. Complimenti.
Poland ❤
With that hat shot in the end! 🤣
Cash from Qatar sounds reasonable
Hahahaha buying Eu politicians?
The word “Algebra” is Arabic.
so what ??? and the words 'Geometry" , " Mathematics" are Greek...Jesus was a Jew
And the word Europe is Greek. And the word Africa is Roman. And the word America is Italian. And the word vampire is Serbian. And the word robot is Czech. So what?
Unfortunately, alcohol is an Arabic word
@@Arab-1995s pedophile is also arabic word
The word allah is moon...
This guy avoided answering your questions about ship and airplane right 😂😂😂
This is what common sense looks like
Imagine how proud his children are/will be. So lovely.
Invite Viktor Orban or the foreign minister Peter Szijjarto. They will add some more to this conversation.
Why would the Qataris give them a suitcase full of millions in cash? You cant do anything with it! you cant pay it into any bank account, its effectively useless. And how did they bring it into the EU, in suitcases?
You can spend it right away. Buy drugs, ladies of the night. Bribe people…… spending money is easy. You can also put it into overseas accounts with no problem. You’re much too naive.
Did they not have bitcoin wallet
Main stream media never covered this
I’m Polish and I support Dominik when it comes to his patriotism but I disagree with his Israel- Hamas stance. The Palestinians are the perennial victims here and I side with them in this conflict and hope they will one day be free of oppression. And I’m not a communist. It’s humanity to be on the side of the perpetrated and to be for an end of oppression. I don’t understand how people can rationalize Israel’s actions. They conveniently are blind to the harm Israel causes and support Israel. It’s a losing strategy.
I’m about freedom of speech and expression but it’s completely understandable why they banned that. They did get their country ripped apart by hitler and Stalin.
Love this man
Nazis stole swastika symbol from Hinduism. I feel bad when European react to swastika.. please make an exception for Hinduism for making red swastika. It's symbol of good luck & peace for us. We are peaceful community.
Hitler made swastika with arms turned in differwnt direction, so it became the sign of destruction
It's ignorant of him to use the term 'swastika,' when in reality, the Germans referred to it as 'Hakenkreuz.' The swastika has been a symbol of prosperity and divinity in Hinduism and Buddhism for centuries, long before it was appropriated by the Nazis. This seems to me like a deliberate attempt to tarnish non-Christian cultures by associating them with something negative.
Panie Dominiku marzę, by wystartował Pan na prezydenta. Miałby Pan wielkie szanse. Jeszcze jakby dołączyć do tego jakąś aktywną agresywną wręcz kampanię, pana zdolności oratorskie... jestem pewien, że mielibyśmy to 💪
He will be a failure
PBD " I am Israhell first" . He defends it more than he does the US. Hypocrisy up the roof and brought another buddy of his own type to the show
Doesnt fit with ur opinion? He must be getting paid! 😅
@amsz6326 not sure what you mean 😊
@MAYSASAPARGELDIYEVA OK abdool. Pedohammed knows best I guess.
That dude from Poland just don't want bibi Netanyahu's back to where they came from (poland). So he is more then happy supporting anything to let them there.
Name me a single Israel terrorist attack???? Boy talk about not knowing your history
Lavon affair, uss liberty, 911, the killing of UN count folke bernadotte, the killing of Yitzak Rabin to name a few... and now the terrorbombings of gaza ofc.
So you don't know what terrorism is? Let me explain.
Terrorists deliberately target civilians.
Armed forces are not trained to target civilians. They are Not suicide missions.
Just because armed forces do kill, of course, it's terrible but terrible is NOT terrorism.
Boy talk about not knowing what words actually mean.
Terrorism is very different.
Armed forces are trained to not target civilians.
Yes they kill people, but it's very different, they are not suicide missions.
If you actually understood what urban warfare is actually about you would know wtf you're talking about.
@@chiquitafeldberg8259 google the definition of terrorism and come back
@@chiquitafeldberg8259 Wrong, please see the definition of terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Israel has done more terrorist attacks than Hamas could ever dream of
Never thought of that if you entered any airport in the works without proper documentation and you started to run and claim asylum youd be shot or imprisoned immediately without failure whats the difference with these people coming over on boats .But we put them up in hotels and give them new identities .phew im blown away don't know about you 😮
Not airports he's talking about the physical borders where many are trying to enter illegally and often coordination with the Russians involved.
Im 50/50 agreeing with this guy.
The mistakes of the past corrects the future.
Some people just look at the past.
It's counter productive.
Israel can donate money to politicians while Qatar cannot; that makes sense.
Pisslam doesn't make sense
Also I have to say this man knows how the system works
I honestly wouldn't mind moving to Poland or Hungary if I could (from Sweden) - maybe in 10 yrs or so when retire.
Holy crap, PBD, you drop too many good podcasts at once.
America first not Israel.
I don't think you understood a word he said. 😢
@@Little_Britain74 he suffers from the same malady that many in the west do as well. Cognitive dissonance. Wanting to be on Israel’s side because Muslims are bad Jews are better. But fails to see that the communists among the pro Palestine protestors are Jews waging a psyop on the western nations to increase hate towards Muslims but at the same time working hard to import them into those same host countries eg Britain. The communist Jews are found protesting the right wing racist thug brits who are objecting to the import of the radicalised traumatised muslims ie ethnically cleanse them from the Middle East into the west. So the sabbatean frankists play all sides of the game/war. While you choose your side and help them win their wars on humanity.
WTF up! ... Israel is the ONLY democracy in the middle east ... 20% of Israelis are Christian, Muslim, Druze ... Gays have freedoms in Israel that are NON-EXISTENT in the middle east! Israel has NEVER asked for one G.I. on it's soil ... Israel will defend itself!
You can still support allies while being America first. Projecting influence in the world is being America first, otherwise if America is too isolationist, America's enemies will fill the void and they will gain influence. In chess, you gain the initiative by taking time and space from your opponent, if you let your opponent take this initiative, it will be a more difficult path to victory.
You live in a trailer wearing a tinfoil hat
Theres nothing wrong with protecting your culture, your borders and having an opinion. Especially if you've suffered like the Poles did for years. You don't have to agree with it. Every country probably wants to do it just too scared to say it. The world is so divided these days, says a lot about our current governments and their intentions to unite us all. Blah blah blah. The world's gone mad.
They are getting paid they do not care
I’m surprised by what he said “Israelis has the right to hunt Germans responsible for holocaust and he would do the same and ignore the international law “ ok why when Palestine do the same for people responsible for their massacre is different!?
Pisslam invaded these countries and were not buying their bs. Were fighting back against the evil pedophilic pisslam.
By your standard jordan and egypt should invade gaza and west bank for what the so called "palestinians" did to them in the past...abdool..
Is AIPAC paying for his visit to US ?
@@natalik972it’s insane to me that he spins us as communist for not supporting Israel but Israel is the place with the communist communities?😂 like you ever heard of a kibbutz???
probably. Thomas Massie is arguably the only respectable Republican Congressman because he speaks honestly on AIPAC and how they pester our elected congresspeople each individually. I dont even like Liiberterians but years after Bernie Sanders became such a tool of the DNC establishment it's clear Republicans and Democrats are under the corrupt control of the oligarchs, lobbyists, and money in politics. expect your insurances premiums to continue going up and your wage gains to be worthless as the years go by.
@@njjones1998 It's hard to argue with irrational folks. Don't bother
What he says about the EU and Qatar is right. It was a scandal but nothing happened in the end
Did we have the right to destroy Iraq to keep us safe? Yes, we did. However...we were wrong and kept us 'safe' over a lie...so what is it we did in Iraq then? Especially because the lie was on PURPOSE
Power of full perspective vs selective perspective ...
Thanks Obama
love this man and Poland's zero-tolerance policy, the world needs to learn from Poland.
I love this guy ... and respect to Poland to starting to protect itself from the obvious desastre that is coming ... wish the rest our Europe would to that
He has no clue about USS liberty. What a joke
You don’t either
At least he knows about 9/11
PBD great interview. Get Bukele on the show !!!!
you cant have hitler or stallin, what about bush?
They should allow muhammad drawings on shirts tho....this is OK...
This guy is gold
The Constitution Defends The Laws of Moses, which is the only Laws Almighty Father God Has His Hands On!
About USS liberty: you know the the NSA sent 5 telegrams to the ship (that did not reach it) instructing the ship NOT TO approach the combat zone.
it has nothing to do with terror. its a sad mistake, Israel apologized == no intent, compensated the families and took responsibility.
It’s everything to do with terror 😂
@@moh5555 no it dosent. there first needs to be intent - ask you mom, she did intent to bring such a moron to the world.
@@moh5555 no intent, no goal, no gain - clearly a bad mistake that's all - - unlike you ppl giving out candy when you kill Americans - you cowards.