Top 10 WORST Champions In Paladins (Valor's End)

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 65

  • @KirbZM
    @KirbZM  9 месяцев назад +7

    Who do you think is the WORST champion this meta? 🤔

    • @kevin3132
      @kevin3132 9 месяцев назад +1

      I think Vii is THE worst Champion since his nerfs, i would say hes the only champ, that wont ever work in high Elo

      @XLORDPROPL 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@kevin3132 No, not Vii, not 1575 dps, Viktor deals 1400 dps and have no burst mobility and he can't dodge.

    • @Zebrix10
      @Zebrix10 9 месяцев назад

      Kinessa 😊

    • @a.k.axurai5678
      @a.k.axurai5678 9 месяцев назад

      bro forgot about seris and vii. yag shouldn't be in this list. playerbase issue. majority can't play yag well and properly.

    • @Trener_One
      @Trener_One 9 месяцев назад

      Evi is very very OP & Zhin is meta.

  • @bhante4539
    @bhante4539 9 месяцев назад +12

    I can see why you put yago on this list, but your reasoning sounds like you only see point yagos.
    She's an off tank and you have to duck in and out of cover with your forms and use your ult through thin walls and objects.
    I think yagorath is largely slept on because she has a learning curve.

  • @kevin3132
    @kevin3132 9 месяцев назад +27

    Bro, Kasumi is not even close to being in top 10 worst Champs, i dont know why people still think shes bad but no Kasumi is really not bad now

    • @jasonmension3979
      @jasonmension3979 9 месяцев назад +3

      The problem with rating characters in any game nowadays is it's always from the perspective of people who literally have mastered the game so they're coming from a place of playing perfectly, so they completely neglect the consistency factor that plays a massive role in like 60% of the community, and the comments of the videos on RUclips are also mostly made up of that other like 40% and than the ones that actually care enough to comment are of a smaller portion.
      The average player isnt hitting all their shots and they arent playing to the best of their ability so when you have a character kasumi who bascially plays half the game for you, shes gonna be actually extremely op for that 60% while weak for that 40% and since the loudest players are the ones who are invested enough to reach the higher ranks, the devs also balance for that 40% which means kasumi gets to be oppressive towards more than half the community.
      It's why shes fundamentally a flawed design and shouldnt have been created.
      Theres also another factor people never take into consideration even at the top which is that heros need to be played alot in competitive situations before their true potential is unlocked, and by their very nature, the funner characters are played more so you have a character like vora who is objectively funner than most other characters so shes played more than other characters at first and since shes fun and its proven that when people enjoy something. They are better at it and this leads to vora seeming stronger than she really is which gets her nerfed because balance teams balance for a 50% win rate usually, and after a long enough time frame, this balance philosophy leads to the funner characters being to hard for casuals to get into while the less fun characters like kasumi get to remain stronger than the community actually perceives them to be because at the end of the day people play games to have fun, not just to win, it's also why genji is bad even tho he has a 50% win rate, but that's literally just because the players that play genji in overwatch are just next level but if mei was actually fun to play, and more people played mei simply for being mei than meis true potential would be unlocked and she would actually be the most broken thing in the game but the players that can unlock that potential in mei are to busy playing genji, tracer, doom and echo so the vast majority of mei players are bad players trying to keep up with the good players.
      This is why people rank junkrat in overwatch as a bad hero even tho you see the odd junkrat main reach top 500 and stomp pharah players in top 500, junkrat is sorta fun but not the funnest so you do get the odd mid maxing try hard player that takes junkrat to his true potential the same way many take genji to his true potential and than overwatch content creators just ignore the fact junkrat can actually survive in top 500 just fine when mid maxed and rank him in d teir while they put genji in A teir when the only difference between genji surviving in top500 and junkrat surviving in top 500 are that theres less junkrats in top 500 making h7n work and instead of actually looking into the matter and why that is, they just assume it's some weird niche thing that allows a couple junkrat mains to reach top 500, like its magical and there isnt an actual reason to it 😂
      Balance is a really tough thing when you dont play your own game or understand these fundamentals of balance and it's why every single game out on the market today is poorly balanced because true balance doesnt exist and we should just balance so casuals can actually enjoy the fun characters but instead games always end up where casual ranks are all brain dead characters that aren't fun while the top players even struggle to make the fun characters work against the boring characters.

    • @theshushu7940
      @theshushu7940 9 месяцев назад +1

      Are you GM? Remember he's talking about GM

    • @jasonmension3979
      @jasonmension3979 9 месяцев назад

      @@theshushu7940 I'm top 500 in overwatch, idk what I was in paladins because I didnt pkay much ranked as finding a match took 20 to 40 mins sometimes but I would imagine I would be top percentile since ow is similar and I'm amazing at that games ranked.
      I'm lvl 500 on vora , 400 on evie, 450 on ying, 200 on willo, 150 on lilith, 200 on azaan and than I have various champs at 50 to 100. All from casual if that means anything.

    • @jasonmension3979
      @jasonmension3979 9 месяцев назад

      @@theshushu7940 but yea I must have missed the part where he said it's for the top players, if he specified it's for top teir players than that's fine, but my comment does still stand as an explanation to that guy on why he questioning why top teir played dont find kasumi bad while he prob dies to kasumi every game, its still a disconnect in these style of games between the pros and casuals that's always bugged me because my friends always tell me overwatch sucks because when they play they fight torb every game so they dont play ow with me 😂

    • @theshushu7940
      @theshushu7940 9 месяцев назад

      @@jasonmension3979 Oh sorry I was referring to Kevin's comment. I'm really not so sure either way, Kasumi even at my rank, which is really bad, never seems to do well either. I mean just because you like playing a character and do decent with it doesn't mean it isn't bad. I main Raum for example, I'd love to say he's great because I have a lot of fun with him, but in the end he's bad and I always end up picking meta stuff for ranked.

  • @sharktooth5
    @sharktooth5 9 месяцев назад +9

    I really like imani. She's just so fun. My main issue with her is that I find myself never using the ice left-clicks. The fire one is just way better so if they were to buff anything about her I think it should be her ice abilities.

  • @desmondroyaltyfrye56
    @desmondroyaltyfrye56 8 месяцев назад +1

    I think they should buff Raum, for example, (add crowd control immunity during his dash, execute his slow penalty while shooting that’s why people farm ults from him is because he walks slow while shooting, buff his armor to actually cleanse cripples, stuns, and Tyra’s Burn Monster, and give him extra damage speed. He’s able to drill led into Makoa, though he’s shut down easily. Activate his dash quickly, his dash takes several seconds to activate how about automatically activating it so he doesn’t kept silenced, crippled, or stunned.

  • @aQuestionator
    @aQuestionator 9 месяцев назад +2

    alright im gonna say it now.
    Kasumi, Moji and Vora are perfectly fine champions right now.
    Sure, kasumi can use a little touch up. But people like Kana and AndrewChicken have made her work. Including myself.
    Vora double tendril basekit would be a problem because she'd not be "on par" with VII because she has SELF SUSTAIN, completely negating VII's unique factor. (And don't even say VII players deserve it, because that mentality is the perfect way to prove you are braindead.)
    Moji is a situational pick, for example she is really good on Ice Mines if you know how to play her and position correctly.
    But have you seen how horrendous other champions are?
    Mal 'damba has zero worth compared to other supports. No healing per second compared to other supports, and horrible self sustain compared to other support with his only redeeming factor being instantly hard countered by resilience.
    VII has zero damage, zero sustain and zero range along with ABHORRENT winrates to prove my point
    Willo (in the list to be fair) is quite literally a worse drogoz in every case other than deadzone (which is still a weak ability)
    Viktor is literally just a worse vivian.
    Yagorath is only good because she is so buggy. If her bugs were ironed out, she'd be horrible. (I'm not talking the bugs that annoy you, I mean ults through walls, etc.)
    Grohk is only good because Ying and Barik are extremely good. If ying and barik didn't exist, grohk would be borderline useless. Even then, grohk as a solo support is also terrible.
    Raum is mentioned fine.
    Imani is abhorrently buggy
    and really, there are no other bad champions. If I had to nitpick designs I'd go along the lines of:
    Lian, auto-aim abilities are really annoying to play against
    Saati, simply for that coin talent. other than that, shes actually fun to play against. just rework the coin talent
    Betty, because far too much spam damage.

    • @kevin3132
      @kevin3132 9 месяцев назад +1

      Im Vii main too and my Motivation gets smaller with every day. Do you habe Hope for the next balance Patch?

    • @aQuestionator
      @aQuestionator 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@kevin3132 just gotta hope the devs dont leave him in this state, else im not gonna play this game anymore

    • @mnbvcxz9385
      @mnbvcxz9385 9 месяцев назад

      Her self sustain gets fucked by antiheal anyways. Andro can literally fly, vatu has essentially 5 mobility charges, evie literally gets free movement every kill, caspian is a literal rocket and vii can traverse across maps in seconds. Is it rly that bad to ask for vora to have 2 tendrils? Also vii has a better weapon thats broken with shitty aim assist and better mobility regardless even if vora gets buffed.

    • @mnbvcxz9385
      @mnbvcxz9385 8 месяцев назад

      Also controller player vii deserves it. Honestly anyone who plugs in a controller for hitscan on pc. The games aim assist is literal bs. Like, bullets are literally magnetised to heads in his case so random spray means next to nothing.

    • @aQuestionator
      @aQuestionator 8 месяцев назад

      I am a PC VII main
      VII is abhorrent right now because his movement gets COUNTERED by aim assist, and his DPS values dont go for long ranges at all and are so unbelievably bad when conjoined with his non-existant self sustain. Vora can play like a damage and do perfectly fine, while VII right now in the current meta is dogcrap because automatic mode is only usable on controller and burst mode has less DPS than Evie.
      Before you come at me again, consider the following:
      VII does less DPS, has less ranged poke (vora has no damage falloff and perfectly good range)
      VII was never played by controller players before VII's nerfs because the best mode was Burst, which required a brain to use and to combine it with his cooldowns.
      VII has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT playstyle to Vora.

  • @SexySkills3333
    @SexySkills3333 9 месяцев назад

    I think doing facecame while doing tierlists/top tens will make the views skyrocket cuz I can't help but notice the lower number of views in your recent non-face cam videos

  • @ggmr399
    @ggmr399 9 месяцев назад +1

    Absolutely bonkers for thinking kasumi is worst.....i feel like raum is no 1 and will also put ash there yagorath might go on number 8...maybe, Honorable mention

  • @awoooga5857
    @awoooga5857 9 месяцев назад +1

    Where is Vii? He's by far the worst flank rn

    @XLORDPROPL 9 месяцев назад +5

    i'm so sorry but i'm getting more kills and easier on Kasumi than Viktor as 407 lvl Viktor main. Vora is not bad, just balanced, this is why it feels like she's bad, she has CC, burst mobility, easiest burst damage (except Dredge), and she is tanky, she is not bad, she is just not overpowered.

  • @zucchini2339
    @zucchini2339 6 месяцев назад

    Ah a list of characters to main.
    Edit- nvm i play all of these but kasumi lmao

  • @AndrewC79
    @AndrewC79 9 месяцев назад +3

    I think Rei should be on this list if we're talking current meta. She's been recently buffed quite well but her healing has still been bugged for about 2 years 😢 Her Chain Heal ability just really struggles to move around efficiently with all the walls around her, even without the bug.
    I wish they'd rework her a bit so a talent or card could let her healing orbs pass through walls like it can do on Shattered Desert, Bazaar and Brightmarsh (maybe they could heal a bit less if they do go through walls so she wouldn't be too strong). She's still super fun and really good in the right hands and they're finally buffing her now but all she really needs is a dang bug fix 😂

    • @momdad1818
      @momdad1818 9 месяцев назад


    • @QKekos
      @QKekos 9 месяцев назад

      find a youtube channel named "paladins competitive", open rei playlist/search for rei vids - there you go, thats entirely skill issue, rei is like literally best heal after ying at few maps like bazaar, super viable in some cases, one of the best double heals out of there

  • @hecatomb1864
    @hecatomb1864 9 месяцев назад

    Willo problem is hitscan players on PC use the gyro modded controllers so they never miss shots. So if you are Willo theres not much you can do about auto aim players. You might as well just play Bomb King, since he has more damage and 2 poppy bombs to fly around.

  • @jatryas
    @jatryas 9 месяцев назад

    As a vora main this makes me like her more

  • @desmondroyaltyfrye56
    @desmondroyaltyfrye56 8 месяцев назад

    Moji should get a buff.

  • @Obvi_official
    @Obvi_official 9 месяцев назад

    As a kasumi main, shes pretty good. But she has some huge issues

  • @Januaryof28
    @Januaryof28 3 месяца назад

    iman ult could get buffed

  • @art0s819
    @art0s819 8 месяцев назад

    man just said vora is bad,what a clown

  • @madokanever6386
    @madokanever6386 6 месяцев назад

    Where’s grohk 😢

  • @wessamkhalaf8132
    @wessamkhalaf8132 9 месяцев назад

    Bro it is not facts if you ask GM. Data are much reliable to see who’s doing bad and who’s not. Don’t forget that GMs are like 1% of the total players

    • @saladseller557
      @saladseller557 9 месяцев назад

      He did ask GM players, he says it in like the first 30 seconds of the video

  • @KevinLobina-zj1ov
    @KevinLobina-zj1ov 9 месяцев назад

    where VII and Dredge are? I inserted them in place of Kasumi and Vora honestly

  • @melonman1276
    @melonman1276 8 месяцев назад

    I kinda disagree with yagorath being this high

  • @stopsliding8355
    @stopsliding8355 9 месяцев назад

    Where are Dredge seris grohk(healing) and ruckus

  • @diputsnoob3815
    @diputsnoob3815 9 месяцев назад +2

    Vora need double tendril on base kit, then add talent that allow her to tendril further
    Willo need slight damage buff and fly further
    Imani is too buggy especially her dragon
    Kasumi, they need to remove her self-reveal
    Jenos is still good. The worst support is easily Maldamba. He got power crept so hard

    • @kevin3132
      @kevin3132 9 месяцев назад

      The thing is, mal damba is also good, but almost every Support is completly overpowered. I hope they wont overbuff damba too i hope they just nerf the others to the ground

    • @generalknez3942
      @generalknez3942 9 месяцев назад +3

      Damba carried me a long way as a tank main.

      @XLORDPROPL 9 месяцев назад +1

      Mal'damba is the best healer except Lillith, just needs some skills.

  • @johndo1158
    @johndo1158 9 месяцев назад

    Betty, Caspian, Zhin, Seris should be nerfed. Vora defi. need a buff. Willo and Dragoz's fly ability should be less, It is hard to control aerial attacks during a land fight for low mobility champions, and Caspian need a decent normal male skin, Torvald need a young or tech skin as well

    • @bard3319
      @bard3319 9 месяцев назад

      Why nerf zhin and seris? Lmfao

    • @johndo1158
      @johndo1158 9 месяцев назад

      Sounds like smb s a bthurt, u mained them ig, every ranked they ban zhin smarta..n nice try lmao @@bard3319

    • @awoooga5857
      @awoooga5857 9 месяцев назад

      Who let bro cook. Seris is not the support that needs nerfs. And zhin is fine.

    • @mnbvcxz9385
      @mnbvcxz9385 8 месяцев назад

      Nah give me a caspian skin in only pink lingerie

  • @forpspeakingclass4444
    @forpspeakingclass4444 9 месяцев назад +1

    Vora is literally better than zhin

    • @jeremyhorner9531
      @jeremyhorner9531 9 месяцев назад

      she literally is not. his WR is higher than hers

    • @forpspeakingclass4444
      @forpspeakingclass4444 9 месяцев назад

      @@jeremyhorner9531 WR does not determine the value of a champion. there are many factors in play. Vora is a lot harder to play than zhin is and most dont play vora right. vora even counters zhin...

    • @jeremyhorner9531
      @jeremyhorner9531 9 месяцев назад

      @@forpspeakingclass4444 the fact that you think vora counters Zhin is a joke... Zhin is leagues better than Vora and its not even close. this just 100% a damn lie. i do the vora zhin matchup multiple times a day. at best its a draw. heres a hint. im a masters player atm. zhin completely dogs her. i have just over 300 levels in her, no levels bought either incase you are wondering. no zhin destroys Vora and the fact you think opposite is a fucking joke. shes one of the worst flanks because if they try to buff her they need to nerf something since she has CC, mobility, low % damage, a quarter second immunity. she is a jack of all trades flank that can do a little of everything. if they buff one aspect they can easily break her if they buff one too many things at once. increasing her mobility and keeping it in line with other flanks is one of the only ways to keep her from breaking but opens up options for the character.

    • @forpspeakingclass4444
      @forpspeakingclass4444 8 месяцев назад

      @@jeremyhorner9531 most people do not know how to play vora right so of course your gonna kill most vora players with an easier champion

    • @jeremyhorner9531
      @jeremyhorner9531 8 месяцев назад

      @@forpspeakingclass4444 dude stop arguing. shes not that great, end of story. she has a good kit that has been constantly nerfed. just stop.

  • @gerardotarifaskorpian
    @gerardotarifaskorpian 9 месяцев назад

    Bruh im main Terminus

  • @Zebrix10
    @Zebrix10 9 месяцев назад

    I would say that Lex could be on this list BUT Andrew found heroism with good build makes lex IMMORTAL so yeah heroism lex mhm yeah

  • @toryanse419
    @toryanse419 9 месяцев назад

    NA players are funny