Start-Stop Valve; How to Fix Karcher Pressure Washer HD 5/15 C; Repair; (Part 8); Ремонт мойки.

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @AdviceFromGarage
    @AdviceFromGarage  Год назад

    Full Repair Tutorial (list of all parts and bonus videos), you can find here, please:

  • @antsu4932
    @antsu4932 Год назад +3

    First it should be important to make sure that the issue concerns the valve itself and not the switch. To see the valve shifting or not when the motor is running (gun switch off) and to actuate the valve switch manually to be sure that you've determined the issue.

  • @AdviceFromGarage
    @AdviceFromGarage  Год назад +2

    @antsu4932; Hello Antsu. Thanks for your comment. SPOT-ON. You have accurately captured what is the biggest problem in repairing, for example, high-pressure cleaners, whether hobby or professional class. It is not the repair itself, but the correct diagnosis and this is often an art, since one problem, as in this case the engine does not turn off, can be caused by up to 3-4 different causes in case of this particular problem and the high-pressure cleaner. I also mentioned some in the video on the screen when it appeared: "Fault" & "Solutions". In part 4 of the tutorial, I focused on another cause, namely (Overflow Valve). In the case of this high-pressure cleaner, it is still quite good, since there are only a few reasons. In the case of such hobby high-pressure cleaners and a problem such as "pulsing", the problem can be caused by up to 8 different causes (malfunctions). If you don't diagnose it correctly, you will laboriously and expensively replace half of the high-pressure cleaner and the problem will still persist. I explained it in detail and processed it in a video tutorial for the repair of the high-quality pressure cleaner Nilfisk E 140.3, which I also have published on my channel. My advice and yours will help someone. I want to emphasize that I am not a mechanic or a professional service technician. I learned how to do some repairs as I didn't want to spend hundreds of Euros to service our broken high-pressure cleaners and along the way, I learned a lot, which I try to share with my followers from time to time when repairing other pressure cleaners and equipment. Thank you again and have a nice day. Greetings from Slovakia. Slavo

  • @abdnourstill6397
    @abdnourstill6397 Год назад

    Thank you so much bro 👍👏

    • @AdviceFromGarage
      @AdviceFromGarage  Год назад +1

      You are very welcome Abdnour. I am happy, if my video helped you a little bit. Good luck. Greetings from Slovakia. Slavo

  • @ahmedhammdan5358
    @ahmedhammdan5358 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks bro, Is it possible to provide a purchase link for spare parts, please?

    • @AdviceFromGarage
      @AdviceFromGarage  10 месяцев назад

      Karcher has its service centers covering almost the whole world. There may be slight differences in how their website looks in individual countries, so I don't know how it is exactly in your country in Egypt. As an example, I will provide you with an internet link to a site in Slovakia where Karcher allows customers to choose and buy original spare parts for their particular machine. I think they have it figured out perfectly here. It is enough if you know the specific product number of your high-pressure cleaner (in my case, Karcher HD 5/15 C+ it is: 1.514.124.0), and you enter it in the box provided on their website. This will take you to the next page, where there are diagrams of the spare parts of this high-pressure cleaner, which, when you click, will show you the specific spare part and its price in the E-shop, where you can order it. You probably won't be able to order those parts from Slovakia to Egypt, but at least it will help you to look at the diagrams of the individual parts and their prices in Euros. In this case, the Karcher HD 5/15 C has an identical spare parts diagram to the Karcher HD 5/12 C. I hope this helps you at least a little. Greetings.

  • @mirosuchar9518
    @mirosuchar9518 6 месяцев назад

    Ďakujem za pomoc s problemom na mojej vapke Kärcher. Až po zhliadnutí vášho videa som prišiel na problém s mojou vapkou Karcher z roku 2005. Je to super vapka a pracuje super cele roky .Až tento rok začal problém, s ventilom z vášho videa. Musím zohnať nahradny diel. V cerpadle mením pravidelne olej každý rok . Mam osvedčený olej s prídavkom Mos2 . 15 w40 alebo 20w50 Mannol Safari a aditivum Mos2 ,kedze pouzivam aj teplu vodu . Neviete prosím aké je číslo dielu ventilu ,o ktorom hovorite vo videu na vapku typ Kärcher , HD 6/15 C. Ďakujem.

    • @AdviceFromGarage
      @AdviceFromGarage  6 месяцев назад +1

      Zdravím Miro, až teraz som sa dostal k odpovedi. Som rád, že video pomohlo. Čo sa týka čísla vášho dielu najlepší spôsob jeho zistenia asi bude, ak pôjdete na slovenskú stránku Karcher, konkrétne do sekcie "Služby" - potom do podsekcie "Náhradné diely" a tam do políčka: "Vyberte typ zariadenia -
      Aké je objednávacie číslo dielu na typovom štítku vášho prístroja ( "..... zadajte číslo vášho stroja zo štítku, ktorý máte na zadnej strane vášho vysokotlakového čističa. Napríklad, v mojom prípade, keďže mám Karcher HD 5/15 C+ je to: 1.514-124.0. Skúste pozrieť na váš štítok, vaše číslo stroja sa asi bude líšiť v koncových čísliciach. Následne po zadaní vášho čísla zo štítku sa vám objaví typ vášho stroja: Karcher HD 6/15 C - kliknite nato, a rozvinú sa vám všetky schémy aj s jednotlivými súčiastkami a ich cenami v e-shope. Stačí si kliknúť na diagrame-schéme na konkrétny náhradný diel, ktorý hľadáte a hneď vám vyskočí aj jeho objednávacie číslo a vo väčšine prípadov aj jeho cena. Tak nech sa darí. Pozdravujem. Slavo

    • @mirosuchar9518
      @mirosuchar9518 6 месяцев назад

      @@AdviceFromGarage Ďakujem za veľkú pomoc .Skúsim vyhľadať tak.

    • @mirosuchar9518
      @mirosuchar9518 6 месяцев назад

      @@AdviceFromGarage Po zhliadnutí videa som ventil demontoval z cerpadla a zistil som ,že ventil je ako novy aj namazany . Celý som ho vyčistil, dal nové mazivo Marine -modra vazelina ,ktorá neškodí gumovým tesneniam a odoláva aj vysokym tlakom vody a mám s nou dobre skúsenosti z oprav na lodiach v prístavoch. Jediný problém bol v gumovej manžetke - klobučiku ventilu ,ktorá bola na ventil zle nasadená a zaseknuty elektrospinac pod ňou. Ten som prestrelil so sprejom kontaktov. Vapka opäť funguje ako nova . Ešte vymením olej a kúpim pre istotu aj nahradny diel rozbehovu cievku .Ďakujem ešte raz za pomoc.

    • @AdviceFromGarage
      @AdviceFromGarage  6 месяцев назад

      @mirosuchar9518 Tiež som už počul chválu na tú modrú vazelínu. Myslím, že čo sa priľnavosti a vodeodolnosti týka, tak bude asi ešte lepšia, ako kvalitné silikónové mazivo Liqui Moly, ktoré som použil pri oprave. Akú značku modrej vazelíny, a v akom veľkom balení (prípadne kde), kupujete? Vďaka za info.

    • @mirosuchar9518
      @mirosuchar9518 6 месяцев назад

      @@AdviceFromGarage Vazelina Triple -Guard Grease

  • @JorgeCastul
    @JorgeCastul Год назад

    Donde puedo conpror el pinton con su resorte

    • @AdviceFromGarage
      @AdviceFromGarage  Год назад

      No puedo aconsejarte sobre esto, pero tal vez alguien más que lea tu comentario lo haga.