What an ugly collection!!! Take note, the collection as a whole. But to shop, some items are passable but as a collection with an identity???? Goodness, no wonder he needed Gilles Dufour, Victoire de Castellane, Virginie Viard and Amanda Harlech to resuscitate the Chanel brand because just under his mantel, the designs are like how he described day dressing and evening dressing: demodée
This collection could still work today, give and take a few things.
0:54 is THAT Frankie rayder??????
C L No she is not Frankie Rayder.
What an ugly collection!!! Take note, the collection as a whole. But to shop, some items are passable but as a collection with an identity???? Goodness, no wonder he needed Gilles Dufour, Victoire de Castellane, Virginie Viard and Amanda Harlech to resuscitate the Chanel brand because just under his mantel, the designs are like how he described day dressing and evening dressing: demodée