A Peculiar Act of Worship: Preaching as Expository Exultation

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 33

  • @marcelwillieniles3816
    @marcelwillieniles3816 5 лет назад +2

    Go for it John Piper...your leading me more and more on the road to holiness by your expository preaching and teaching in the word of GOD...

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord 5 лет назад +4

    A timely, helpful and powerful reminder about the impact of preaching, an how it is worship.

  • @Happyhaeppy
    @Happyhaeppy 5 лет назад +2

    Amen from South korea🙏

  • @pasil886
    @pasil886 5 лет назад +2

    you nail me on this pastor john of how i read a bible more thank you for an opener on me

  • @louiejohnluna9812
    @louiejohnluna9812 5 лет назад

    Exalt is a transitive verb, so it needs a direct object: you have to exalt something. If we glorify God, we exalt him. It can also mean to heighten something, to increase its effects.
    To exult (with a "u") is to whoop it up, celebrate, to be happy. If you rejoice at your team's big win, you exult in it. It's an intransitive verb, so it doesn't need an object - you exult all by yourself, any way you want without an act of increasing its effects. Hedonistic languages, i love it. God bless you Pastor John.

  • @jacobgoris5998
    @jacobgoris5998 5 лет назад +2

    Love this sermon!

  • @jkadofo
    @jkadofo 5 лет назад

    Hello Pastor John, I love the colour blends in your outfit, looking very nice 😊. And oh, great presentation, God richly bless you!

  • @CarlosMapano
    @CarlosMapano 3 года назад

    Doing book review of his book of the same titile of this sermon. Could someone tell me the exact date/place this was taken. Many thanks. Every blessings.

  • @Tax_Buster
    @Tax_Buster 4 года назад

    Ptr. John, what kind of ESV Bible are you using there? Color, over material, model, etc.?

  • @kathleenwharton2139
    @kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад

    Jesus is The Best Teacher! Isaiah 30:19.."Jesus Will Be With You to Teach You..With your own eyes you Will see your Teacher.". Once You have experienced Jesus as your Teacher..you could Never listen to Mr. Piper Again! I have been very Blessed!

  • @mr.c2485
    @mr.c2485 5 лет назад +1

    Real teachers don’t tell you WHAT to believe...they tell you HOW to believe it. In doing so, they themselves can be tested.

  • @jamieb.5328
    @jamieb.5328 3 года назад


  • @dntsnd
    @dntsnd 5 лет назад

    It will be good to know which church is this in NL.

    • @geloofstoerusting
      @geloofstoerusting 5 лет назад

      Malvin, ... this was a conference organized by three ministries and with 200+ pastors from at least 6-7 different denominations. So, not one specific church or denomination in particular,

    • @dntsnd
      @dntsnd 5 лет назад

      Ok thank you

    • @marcelwillieniles3816
      @marcelwillieniles3816 5 лет назад +1

      I think it's in Holand...

    • @geloofstoerusting
      @geloofstoerusting 5 лет назад

      @@marcelwillieniles3816 - it is! :-D It's Hebron Mission Centre in Amerongen (near Utrecht).

  • @kathleenwharton2139
    @kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад

    Isaiah 2:22 "Puny man! Frail as his breath! Don't ever put your trust in him! Isaiah 30:1 "Woe to my rebellious children, says the Lord; you ask advice from everyone but Me." Isaiah 41:1 "Listen in silence Before Me." Jeremiah 8:8 "How can you say? We understand his laws? when your teachers have twisted them up to mean a thing I Never Said?". Jeremiah 17:5.."The Lord says..cursed is the man who puts his trust in mortal man..but blessed is the man who Trust in the Lord." Matthew 6:33. Jesus Said.."Seek Me and My Righteousness." Even the OT tells us to Seek the Lord for our answers and Not Men. You have made Mr. Piper your idol Here and his Pride is Great Now..but God May change things!

    • @scottcarter1689
      @scottcarter1689 5 лет назад

      You need to leave your Mormonism or go to hell with it...
      Your insistence on coming onto this channel to do nothing but undermine and berate it when you hold to and follow heretical Mormonism while you come on to authentic Biblical teaching is the contradiction of damnation that is your life.
      I'm going to go past warning you now-because there are many people who depend on Desiring God in their daily lives to an existential degree. You don't know anything about this ministry-other than you have singled it out for spouting you're (psuedo)Mormonism nonsense..
      if you continue, to come on here, I will take your heresy to task even further than you are prepared to go.
      You're apparently locked up somewhere with access to internet but can't go out into public because of your lunacy.
      Week after week you come on here because you're Mormon congregation has ostracized you... and for good reason ... apparently because of your mental instability.
      All your talk about Jesus is NOT the Jesus of the Bible... AND YOU'VE GONE BEYOND PRAYING FOR.
      "" The “sin unto death” is willful, continuous, unrepentant sin. God has called His children to holiness (1 Peter 1:16), and God corrects them when they sin. We are not “punished” for our sin in the sense of losing salvation or being eternally separated from God, yet we are disciplined. “The Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son” (Hebrews 12:6)...""
      And this whole point is that you are not a child of God.. because you have been subjected to the Bible through your heretical lens of Mormonism and yet God does not chasen you! Why?... because you're not one of his sheep and you show this week after week!
      Your insistence about Piper is so misplaced.. that it shows your mental incapacity... and now all it has become is annoying blasphemy.

    • @kathleenwharton2139
      @kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад

      +Scott Carter..What I am saying has Nothing to Do with Mormons. Jesus Saved me from them..with Help from these bible verses i quoted from your "God-breathed" bible. So do you renounce bible verses now? To suit yourself? Your opinion means Nothing to Me. I Seek Jesus and I Recieve Jesus. He Does Not bring me a stone or a serpent. The Father Knows what I Need before I Ask. I Need Jesus and it is He Who Directs My Life. I Do Not Need Men's opinions. Jesus is Asking You to Seek Him! Why do you prefer Men's opinions? I guess maybe a Gentile Just Never Gets it.

    • @choicemeatrandy6572
      @choicemeatrandy6572 5 лет назад

      @@scottcarter1689 Hey Scott, I'd lovingly recommend that you dont get abusive or say someone isnt a sheep to someone, even if you feel what they're saying is completely wrong. It's sometimes better to not respond than to get angry and sin.

    • @scottcarter1689
      @scottcarter1689 5 лет назад

      Hi Randy,
      I am in full agreement in regards to someone who simply comes into a forum to voice counter opinions... presents where someone believes or can substantiate another's errors... or even brings other varying denominational variations (even Oneness or other such misgivings and confusion in dealing with Trinitarian perspectives because of the obvious tenuity and perils of where is that can and does lead), however in Kathleen's- I'll call "case study" - this has been going on for over a year and, and early on, she was simply someone who had started to ask questions and inquire about other denominational positions involving churches she had gone to that were telling her she was going to hell... And she had just purported to come out of Mormonism and she projected this particular Church she was going to as persecuting her for her conservatism. Obviously with the climate of liberalism, it seemed that she was in such a church and it was being unnecessarily combative with her, so there were several times of encouragement because it seemed to be honest and forthcoming... But as time went on, the problem emerged and showed itself that she still has her Mormon fundamentals and the relational nature of her delusion of Christ... and at this point it, there were just warnings about the error of the nature in relationship regarding the Christian walk and the biblical description of what that involves.
      It's important to keep in mind that in this, I have not sought her out, but she is among the first in the majority if not all of Desiring God's posts and her heresy has week after week increased to blasphemy in disputing and disregarding and refuting Paul's apostleship.. and refuting the Canon of Scripture time and again and does not stop though taking wording variations. And this has escalated into her misquoting and abuse of Scripture that is, again, demonstrable.. as public posts under and on the Desiring God channel. If you look back over, your going to see people as I'm sure you're aware time and again engaging about personal issues of existential life and death troubles, etc because of the nature of Piper's appeal and the difficult nature of APJs questions. And to let her spew and give place to outright heresy without refutation is unbiblical and indeed mandated by scripture...so to not warn her of her path to hell when she doubles down and increases her blasphemy and assertions and accusations that are from "another gospel" of damnation, is actually careless and unbiblical to allow that to continue. This is the obsessive mental illness of a stalker... And I don't say this lightly. I would suggest that you look back over the weeks of finding her comments. it's not something that I particularly seek out but rather, it's her that intrudes into this environment to disrupt it, and though I'm not particularly of a charismatic persuasion, it would be demonstrably "demonic" from a Biblically mandated discernment... And so the level of sternness has had to increase because this is the nature of someone who is mentally Disturbed, and I myself value Piper's insights for obvious reasons not to mention is proclaiming Jesus against someone's backdrop of "talking specifically to Jesus and walking with Jesus and conversing with Jesus" while unabashedly warning people that Paul is in error! I think now that you would understand what I'm saying because these issues are intolerable...and at times, she'll even say things that are a dig at Pipers positions but in a subtle manner of of "Christian speak"that Mormons are accustomed to that will even get an occasional "amen" though people who don't understand what she saying. And quite honestly I don't assert myself into the counter Mormon positions or any of that even though I know their doctrine reasonably well... But it is the very fact that she has gone on the attack in asserting herself in the Gospel forum... And the initial mildly mannered conservative confused Christian persona is not at all what she is and she apparently does not even know it - that is what is so deadly.
      I'll leave everything I've said where it's at for you to think about and go back and look.
      And in scanning over various posts and comments of yours here and there in various times, I would consider myself to be agreeable in the various instances that I have viewed... So I don't foresee your disagreement over blatant heresy, and this is not even over a Reformed position versus the plethora of other man centered systems... such as the who's who of that stripe of popularity such as Leighton and all the rest.
      BTW... I previously had assumed the "choice meat" connection in regards to Soteriology 101... which is quite hilarious, though I was slightly uncertain. I initially had hopes for Leighton and was hearing out his positions, but now he's not even handling the full exegetical scope of his proof texts and so I can only stand so much of it though I like to try to keep up with the clumsy positions to be able to be familiar with them.
      ... Again as for the Kathleen situation, this is not remote and this is repeated week after week in a stalking fashion... Hopefully she can go over to Leighton's channel and see how she fares against the man-centered irrationality there. I really only frequent a handful of places now because it's the most convenient way to sample the God-centered resources that are shunned by mainstream Christianity and there's no need in having cable because the ridiculousness of Christian television stations except for the NRB on DirecTV. ...pardon the essay.
      I hate to even be militant seeming as IFB's... But this is not the normal and occasional drive by of varying opinion or even heresy but an incessant, deliberate dare I say infiltration. I particularly have disengaged from even discussing with anti Reformed individuals, but this is a whole other level... And I and others come here to focus on the edification of it and she is standing right in with her insanity... And people will rightfully chimed in from time to time but don't realize.
      God bless and Soli Deo Gloria!

    • @scottcarter1689
      @scottcarter1689 5 лет назад

      In reference to you Kathleen, it has everything to do with Mormonism because you're still touting an unbiblical "Jesus". And perceiving your delusion through the lens of the people who apparently ostracized you and you don't want to be with them but you continue to believe as they do and coming attack authentic Orthodox Christianity (it really is mind-blowing... But that's what happens when your walk-in delusion).. and this is not a matter of men's opinions but what the Bible tells you flat out, and if you do not adhere to that and refute and disregard the canonicity of the Bible itself along with Biblical authorship, then according to the book (Bible) you randomly and clumsily quote, then that's the best, nicest, kindest, thing that can be said to you to shake you out of this insanity... though its increasingly apparent that you're beyond that because of your insistence in continuing to come here. Your whole intent is to spread your deception at the expense of people who come here in earnest. And then you continue your incoherent nonsense about not caring what "men say" or anybody else, yet you continue to come on this site... so you're lying again, as you always do because if that were the case... *flash* you wouldn't come on here to listen to what "men say" !
      This is the kind of mental illness in you that I'm talking about.because you contradict your very words by other words that you say within the same context.
      I've warned you over weeks to get you to realize that you need to cease this nonsense, but if you don't I will continue so that all who look on will know of your heresy, and they can go back over your greatest hits.
      This is your delusion and you're the one that came into this and continues so quit with this idiocy of delusional love relationship with Christ that's unbiblical... but again you don't want to hear what Paul says because according to you, he's not even a valid biblical author.

  • @mr.c2485
    @mr.c2485 5 лет назад

    The Bible is not the word of God...I.e...his expectations. It IS the last will and testament of Christ. It’s about inheritance not compliance.