Can I ask you please, regarding your great example about heart rate blood pressure etc, can BLE technology be used for medical purposes where the sensors are implanted in the body ?
Our products are not designed for use in life-critical medical equipment, support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of Nordic's products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Customer may not use any of our products in life-critical medical equipment unless adequate design and operating safeguards by customer’s authorized officers have been made.
Yes, the presentation used in this webinar can be downloaded from DevZone: (We always add the link in the complete description, after clicking show more).
Why can I not find any Bluetooth 5.2 Transmitters or Receivers for sale? I know that the chips have been available for a while now, does anyone know where I can get a BT 5.2 Transmitter or receiver?
Both the Nordic nRF52 and nRF53 series devices are Bluetooth 5.2 compliant, but the full specification for LE Audio (which is the main new feature in Bluetooth 5.2) is not yet released by the Bluetooth SIG. For this reason we don't yet have any Bluetooth stacks that support 5.2, and it is not yet possible to create end products based on this technology.
@@Thompsonnumber4 8 modulations per bit? It sounds like a huge waste of carrier band. Encoding Reed - Solomon is even better. I'm in doubt it's implemented so badly. I feel you are very much wrong
It’s all about extending the range (distance) within a fixed power limit. So yes, using more of the time band and sending data slower. Seems like the SNR or possibly multipath variation is that much worse that they need to do this, to get a signal at all. The coding methods you suggest probably require higher SNR than they have. See p169 of the Bluetooth spec Not a poor choice more like a trade off at extended range.
- Basics 3:20
- Architecture 10:00
- Topology and roles 15:38
- Security 19:24
- Throughput and range 24:23
- Direction Finding 32:44
- LE Audio 40:22
Thanks for making us aware the content was not time stamped. We've added that now.
Thank you for this Great content!
THANK YOU very helpfull!
Can I ask you please, regarding your great example about heart rate blood pressure etc, can BLE technology be used for medical purposes where the sensors are implanted in the body ?
Our products are not designed for use in life-critical medical equipment, support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of Nordic's products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Customer may not use any of our products in life-critical medical equipment unless adequate design and operating safeguards by customer’s authorized officers have been made.
Nice video, keep it up, thank you :)
Thank you for your feedback :)
Is there a site or link to download slides?
Yes, the presentation used in this webinar can be downloaded from DevZone: (We always add the link in the complete description, after clicking show more).
If Mbps is mentioned then KBps has to be written instead
Why can I not find any Bluetooth 5.2 Transmitters or Receivers for sale? I know that the chips have been available for a while now, does anyone know where I can get a BT 5.2 Transmitter or receiver?
Both the Nordic nRF52 and nRF53 series devices are Bluetooth 5.2 compliant, but the full specification for LE Audio (which is the main new feature in Bluetooth 5.2) is not yet released by the Bluetooth SIG. For this reason we don't yet have any Bluetooth stacks that support 5.2, and it is not yet possible to create end products based on this technology.
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8 symbols per bit? Perhaps the vice versa: 8 bits per symbol? Otherwise the grass is too green in your town ;-)
No, I think it’s correct. 8 rf symbols on the physical layer are required to send 1 bit in long range mode. Or you could say 0.125 bits per symbol.
@@Thompsonnumber4 8 modulations per bit? It sounds like a huge waste of carrier band. Encoding Reed - Solomon is even better. I'm in doubt it's implemented so badly. I feel you are very much wrong
It’s all about extending the range (distance) within a fixed power limit. So yes, using more of the time band and sending data slower. Seems like the SNR or possibly multipath variation is that much worse that they need to do this, to get a signal at all.
The coding methods you suggest probably require higher SNR than they have.
See p169 of the Bluetooth spec
Not a poor choice more like a trade off at extended range.