From Inner Critic to Inner Coach.

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • From inner critic to inner coach. Tapping into your positive inner narrative to create your best version as an interpreter. #ASL #Interpreting #meditation #growthmindset #mindset #interpreters
    Transcription: The problem is our inner coach tends to stay quiet while our inner critic gets loud. Some interpreters rarely hear this supportive side. This meditation for interpreters will help you access your inner wisdom coach so you can learn to tune into its guidance during challenges on the job.
    Find a comfortable seat, sitting upright but relaxed...Bring attention to your breath, noticing each inhalation and exhalation without needing to change anything...
    Now recall a recent interpreting assignment where you were self-critical about your performance - maybe you blanked on a sign, felt you didn’t accurately convey an emotional tone, or were flustered when things got complex... See if you can relive that scenario, remembering sensory details to take you back to that moment...
    What is your inner critic saying? What exact words does it use - are they cutting, scolding, shaming?... And what tone of voice does it take - harsh, cold, sarcastic?... Allow your inner critic to express itself here fully...Notice how hearing this makes you feel and what you feel compelled to do - shut down, hide, run away?...
    Now imagine replacing your inner critic with an inner wisdom coach, there to encourage you through challenges on the job...If you made that same interpreting mistake but had this inner coach guiding you, what might it say?... What tone would it take - gentle, reassuring, compassionate?... If you need help, consider what advice you’d offer a fellow interpreter beating themselves up...Let these kinder words soak in now...
    Notice how this supportive presence makes you feel...Do you feel braver facing what went wrong?... More energized to keep trying your best?... Take a few deep breaths to integrate this experience of inner support...When you’re ready, open your eyes, returning awareness to the room.
    Now during tough assignments, remember you can tune into this inner wisdom coach whenever your inner critic gets loud. Its guidance will help you interpret with care, courage, and compassion.

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