3 Life of the Messenger from Authentic Sources

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 71

  • @efaraz27
    @efaraz27 3 года назад +81

    As-Salam-Alaikum Shaykh, I would request and advise the OMF team and Masjid Ribat to safely store treasure of videos like this and all the other videos in a digital storage vault, just in case RUclips messes with your youtube channels and deletes the videos. Jazakum-Allah-Khairan

    • @leeman7457
      @leeman7457 3 года назад +1

      And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.

    • @mewzi
      @mewzi 3 года назад

      @@leeman7457 Stop using Yusuf Ali. It has aqeedah issues

    • @roseelectronics4582
      @roseelectronics4582 3 года назад

      @@mewzi Does it?

    • @asaadhusein5063
      @asaadhusein5063 3 года назад

      Walaykum Assalam

    • @servantofalmightyallahswt5505
      @servantofalmightyallahswt5505 3 года назад

      Walaikumussalam. Good advice

  • @karimkasim2817
    @karimkasim2817 2 месяца назад

    “O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being overpowered by men.” (Al-Bukhari)

  • @Muhammad-bv4uu
    @Muhammad-bv4uu 3 года назад +18

    Alhamdulilah its finally here

  • @user-dx8eh2vc5r
    @user-dx8eh2vc5r 3 года назад +12

    الله يحفظك شيخنا، Shaykh kept it real regarding the statue May Allaah bless him

    • @robcheese8764
      @robcheese8764 3 года назад +1

      What situation was this regarding. Im not really up to date with news.

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад

      @@robcheese8764 i heard isil broke statues... and even though Isil are kawarij & via mossad and iran backed - all 3 groups tied to dajjal through hadith or shi'a mehdi matches dajjal, many imams spoke about why not to break statues.

    • @user-dx8eh2vc5r
      @user-dx8eh2vc5r 3 года назад

      @@robcheese8764 Don't know I simply talking about the idea

    • @logiic8835
      @logiic8835 2 года назад

      @@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 why not break

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад

      @@logiic8835 didn't say that in particular was wrong as i know t times it can be right by norm in hadith to removes statues.

  • @shahid8545
    @shahid8545 3 года назад +7

    Truly beneficial knowledge. BarackAllahu feek

  • @beingbeliever__
    @beingbeliever__ 3 года назад +12

    Alhumdulillah I was waiting for this

    • @leeman7457
      @leeman7457 3 года назад

      Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them;

  • @JB-1234
    @JB-1234 2 года назад +9

    3. Abraham PBUH and types of Arabas
    Arabs come from Saam, the son of Nuh AS and they are of 3 types. Source: The types are not in the Quran or sahih ahadiths but it comes from historians which is based on the history explained in the Quran, by aqwal of the sahaba and tabi'un. Ulemas have no khilaaf on this issue.
    1.) Arab Al ba-ida: they are the original Arab. They may have some traces left but don't exist in general today, they are mostly splinter groups. These include:
    - Aad: Nation of Prophet Hud AS, physically strong and intelligent from the worldly perspective. Finished due to divine wrath. (Source: Quran)
    - Tahmud: Nation of Prophet Saleh AS, not physically strong but were given what we consider is technology today, were very advanced. Finished due to divine wrath. (Source: Quran)
    - Abeel: finished due to wars (Source: historians)
    - Ha-seeds: some ulema give them the name of Jadees. Finished due to a genocide. (Source: historians)
    - Jurham: a part of them lived on.
    Aad/Tahmud: there's a lesson in it for us. There're no signs left of Aad, you can still find some signs and dwellings of Tahumd but despite them being physically strong and technologically advanced without match respectively, they were still huge failures because they didn't recognize their Rabb. We have a disease in the ummah today where we go to these places and take pictures with the pyramids, by putting hand in the sphinx's mouth etc. We forget that these are the places where nations were destroyed by Allah, but instead of taking heed from it, learning a lesson from it, we take pictures there. Instead we should be crying, we shouldn't even be drinking water from these places (more details in Shaykh's duroos on Fiqh). Also, don't pay mind to when sell out ulemas today compare Muslims to kuffar nations in how technologically advanced they are today and are in awe with them. You can have triple PHD degrees, be a billionaire etc etc but if you don't know who created you and what's the purpose of life, then you are a moron.
    2.) Arab Al A-riba: They're from the children of Ya'rab and Qahtan. They were nomads/desert dwellers. Jurham's lineage comes from them and Ismael AS marries into them.
    3.) Musta'Aariba: The lineage that comes forward from Ismael AS marrying into Jurham tribe. Muhammad PBUH comes from this lineage. They are all originally from Yemen.
    4.) Shaykh added a 4th category which he says tends to be made a part of #3 but deserves to be its own category. These were "musta'ariba ba'da futahatal islamiya" = "those that became Arab after the Islamic victory." This is going to be the people who are going to originate from Jazeera Al Arab towards the East. So, Yemen is where the Arab began, all the Musta'-Ariba were Yemeni. If anyone is from the land of Shaam, Egypt, Morocco, Northern Africa, Iraq, unless they can be traced back to their original bedouin tribes, are not actual Arabs DNA wise. So if we stick with the definition of the race based on DNA, then most people who call themselves Arabs are not really Arabs. For example, most people in Egypt are Coptic ethnically who accepted Islam. Before Islam, they had their own language until Arabic spread. The same is true for most of North Africa, Shaam. Many of them will also be European because Roman Empire was centered around this area for a long time. Jewish people think of race differently. They determine someones lineage based on mother's DNA. So the definition of Arab can really differ based on how you determine one is Arab.
    So who is an Arab? Per a Hadith, "Whoever speaks Arabic is an Arab." This Hadith is extremely weak but the concept is correct. If you go based on DNA, then you will find that there's very few of people left from the Musta'Ariba tribe itself.
    Ibrahim AS: is the father of both Arabs and Bani Israel
    Ibrahim--> Ishaq (Isaac)--> Yaqub (Jacob aka Israel, therefore his children at called Bani Israel). Israel in their language means Abdullah.
    Ibrahim--> Ismael--> Muhammad PBUH
    We will briefly cover the life of Prophet Ibrahim AS. Let's understand a few Arabic terms before we begin. A friend in Arabic has many different words: Khaleel, Siddeeq etc. Both Prophets Ibrahim AS and Muhammad PBUH were called "khaleelullah". Per a Hadith in both Bukhari and Muslim, Prophet Muhammad PBUH says, "Verily Allah took me as a khaleel, as he took Ibrahim AS as a khaleel." So what does khaleel mean? Ibn Hajar As-qalani, a great scholar of Islam said that, it is a special pure friend, the one that the love for him or her or them has taken root in the hearts. Another Hanafi scholar said, "what is the difference between a khaleel and a habib is that khaleel is the one that you have a need and they have a need." Your and your khaleel's purpose is the same. Khaleel is dearer to the person because of the common interest and values they share.
    Jama' (plural) of khaleel: Khuullaan, Aakhilla, khala-ill
    Feminine version: khaleela (singular), khaleelaat (pleural)
    Khaleel comes from the root word Khulla.
    Khulla means:
    - a love that is pure, great, extreme, intense
    - someone that's singled out because they're loved
    - A love that has penetrated in the heart
    Khulla has 4 root letters: Kha, Lam, Lam, tamarboota. You can further take this to its' own root word which is Khil.
    Khil has several meanings:
    - something that is the most beloved or the favorite
    - also means you being in need of it, or it only needing you
    - also has a meaning of a worshipper
    - Shaykh Ibn Tammiyah says "Al khaleel wa akrab minal mahboob." Khaleel is someone closer than the mehboob." He says that one defining factor between a khaleel and a mahboob (other than the intensity of how much you love them) is that you and your khaleel are on the same path, are of the same mindset. Meaning that your purpose and the kahleel that you take, their purpose is the same unlike someone who is a mehboob.
    - Ibn Qayyim says that khaleel is dearer to a person than mehboob because of the common interest and values they share. For example, you could love someone you don't know but in reality it's not a true love, such as you loving an actor. It's not a true love because you might hate the person when you actually meet them.
    Now that we understand the correct meaning of a khaleel, this Hadith of Prophet Muhammah PBUH becomes clear: "A person is upon the religion of his khaleel." And this is why a Habeeb is someone who can be on a different path. For example, you could love somebody but both of you could be on a different path. For example, you could love someone (like a kafir) from work or school but you won't be on the same path as your kafir friend. That's why Prophet Muhammad PBUH says, "Be careful who you take as a khaleel."
    Lastly, we have to be careful with the words we use in Arabic without knowing their meaning. For example, Ishq in Arabic has a sexual connotation. Ibn Qayyim says that Ishq is a disease that corrupts the heart. So saying "ashiq rasool" is not appropriate. So don't use this word with Islamic things.

    • @JB-1234
      @JB-1234 2 года назад +1

      Life of Ibrahim AS:
      Ibrahim AS is a khaleel-ul-Rahman. Why? Allah says about Ibrahim AS "Inna Ibrahima kana ummah" "Very Ibrahim AS was an ummah." It means that first and foremost, he was a leader. He wouldn't fall for peer pressure, when he knew something to be right, he would stand on it not caring what anybody else thought including his own father. He was devoted and obedient to Allah, upon tawheed, away from shirk and thankful to Allah.
      Story of Ibrahim AS in the Quran and Hadith beings with his people being in what is current day Iraq. His father was a priest, a person who made his living taking care of the idols. This is an important point to note that having pious parents is a blessing. Your father is someone you look up to, but Ibrahim AS had to stand against him due to him committing shirk. His name was Azar as mentioned in the Quran (Surah Al-Anaam 6:74). Shaykh mentioned here that some people say Azar wasn't his father, maybe he was his grandfather etc. They say this because they want to get around the fact that our Prophet Muhammad PBUH's mother died on shirk. He will discuss in later lectures that Allah did not allow him to make dua for her. Some people get upset with this saying how dare we think that. So when someone mentions the same truth about Ibrahim AS dad, they get upset, and to try and get around this point, they say that well, he was his grandfather or someone else, not his dad. In different books of history, he has other names as well which include Tariq, Izar etc. It is not strange for people to have two names and maybe a title, just like Prophet Yaqoob AS who was also known as Israel AS.
      Ibrahim AS stood up to his father at a time when he had NO followers. This is something we need to ponder because imagine how difficult it is to stand for the truth when you have no backing. Ibrahim AS had to stand up against his father who had the most to gain from shirk and the most to lose from it being eradicated, because that was his livelihood. This is the problem people run into when they make religion their livelihood. It makes them afraid to accept or speak of the truth because it will affect the bread on their table. All of us listening to this lecture might be saying that oh yea, I would have stood up against shirk too but nowadays, when someone asks us about our beliefs on things such as LGBTQ, hudud etc we stutter. Today we have a huge Muslim society, many ulemas, many masajids across the globe and yet we are still unable to stand up and speak the truth on these issues due to societal pressures. Now imagine, Ibrahim AS, one man saw the Haq and stood up for it, the reason why he's called an Ummah by himself.
      Ibrahim AS was constantly on the move, he went where Allah Azawajal told him to be. Today we make so many excuses to do things such as even performing Hajj, we keep putting it off. Allah says, "Kanna siddiqan nabiyyan". Siddiq has a deep meaning here. Sadiq and Siddiq come from the same root. It means honest here. That he was honest with Allah, he was a friend to Allah, he is someone who stood up and fulfilled his promise. When Allah tested him, he passed his test. Today we fail our tests miserably yet we still ask Allah for mercy. Shaykh says that these examples should motivate us to appreciate that when we get faced with some kind of hardship, how can we be honest? Imam Al Dhahabi says about Ibrahim AS that he was implementing "amar bil maroof nahi anil munkar" (enjoining what is good and forbidding what is wrong) by breaking the statues. He went against all odds and broke the statues, what he was ordered to do. Now think about it for a minute as an ummah. Today if you're by yourself in a society with your family against you, your entire society against you, your king, your military against you, no supporters. Even then he went into their place of worship and broke their idols. Shaykh gave an example here of some statue in some Muslim land (I am not familiar with this one) where Muslim ulema made a big roar when it was decided to break the statue.

    • @logiic8835
      @logiic8835 2 года назад

      Wow u wrote all this

    • @skasifweb
      @skasifweb 3 месяца назад

      Jazakallah khair
      Explain all the videos in this series 🙂
      Your explanation is very good👍🏻

  • @begadmorsi7041
    @begadmorsi7041 3 года назад +6

    Jazakum Allah khair. Please continue this series to the end. It is probably one of the most important compilations of ahadeeth that most of us will never be able to collect. And it is about the most important man to walk on earth. Our beloved prophet, Allah's chosen servant. The mercy of humanity and all the worlds. Peace and blessings be upon prophet Muhammad ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @Ali.B786
    @Ali.B786 3 года назад +1

    May Allah (swt) reward me with a teacher like you someday Shaikh. Much respect. Jazakullah Khair.

    • @nightowl522
      @nightowl522 2 года назад

      assalamu alikum , just some advice, you should not use faces or pictures with living creatures, barakallahu feek

  • @abubakarsadiqbeli
    @abubakarsadiqbeli 3 года назад +3

    Been waiting for this dars! JazakhAllahu khair Sheikh.

  • @humudmarhoon8044
    @humudmarhoon8044 2 года назад +1

    Jazaak llahu khayra

    • @MasjidRibat
      @MasjidRibat  2 года назад

      وأنت جزاك الله خيراً

  • @mohammedyunus8297
    @mohammedyunus8297 3 года назад +4

    Shaykh life of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is starting from 41 in your playlist where are the lecture from past 41 i.e from 1 to 40 please shaykh. Look out these it's a request. Jazakumullahi wa khairan

  • @farahashique6056
    @farahashique6056 3 года назад +2

    Finally part three Alhamdulillah

  • @patthanboy444
    @patthanboy444 3 года назад +1

    Mufti Sahab... I really love you and respect you and may Allah bless you with more and more wisdom 😊 !
    Saw ur video with the mulhid and really appreciate the way Allah made you answer all the questions very intelligently, just one comment I hav is.. islam doesn't support evolution u know it.. Nabi Adam was never a monkey..we both know it Allah made him a human directly.
    Btw there is a very smart guy SAHIL ADEEM ..who explains this evolution thing very brilliantly and how we as a muslim should approach it... You can watch his opinions too if you like.
    Anyways you are a great scholar and Maashallah a very good muslim !
    Assalamualaikum ❤️

    • @begadmorsi7041
      @begadmorsi7041 3 года назад +1

      If you watch the videos of shaykh Uthman he is against evolution. When he talked about human evolution he meant the technological advancement. Not the monkey to human evolution. Try watching his older videos when he talks to atheists how he criticizes evolution and how he makes sarcastic comments about the jews having monkey and pig grandparents

  • @zhilan6800
    @zhilan6800 Год назад

    جزاك الله خيرا

  • @mohammedyunus8297
    @mohammedyunus8297 3 года назад +7

    Assalam u alaikum wa rahmatullah hi wa barakatahu
    Shaykh is there any possibility of tafseer classes by yourself

  • @themirror3272
    @themirror3272 2 года назад

    May Allah bless you 🤲

  • @sweetmelon3365
    @sweetmelon3365 3 года назад


  • @w1zzk1dd
    @w1zzk1dd 2 года назад

    jazakallah khair

  • @phoenixknight8837
    @phoenixknight8837 2 года назад

    Barakallahu feekum!

  • @MohammedSohail007
    @MohammedSohail007 3 года назад

    I have Been Waiting For This . ❤️🖤

  • @SA-sb7rt
    @SA-sb7rt 3 года назад

    Masha allah
    From Khobar

  • @ahmadshah7631
    @ahmadshah7631 3 года назад +1


    • @leeman7457
      @leeman7457 3 года назад +2

      Can't wait for part 4,5,6,7& more!

  • @sweetmelon3365
    @sweetmelon3365 3 года назад

    Loving this

  • @epath7084
    @epath7084 3 года назад

    just here for the likes and comment. already seen the one on the one message foundation channel

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад +5

    We are in need of knowledge, knowledge is not in need of us.
    From Sam bin Nuh came Arab, and bani Isra - eel. Arab is of 3 or 4 types.This is inferred from Quran and hadiths tarikh.
    Arab Ba'edah or original Arab, today finished, Dr. Ali wrote about this.
    They were Aa'd, Thamud, Hasis, Jurhum. Jurhum goes forward but otherwise finished.
    Some use the name Jadice is finished. - historic not a hadith. Aa'd and Thamud were from them.
    Hud was sent to Ad who was strong physically. Different humans differ in their own ways.
    Thamud was very Advanced in tech, Salih was sent to them.
    some ppl can go see their artifacts, try to cry, some go to pyramids and forget lessons!
    They didn't recognize their Rub, Lord, you can get rich but if you don't know your Creator, you are a Loser.
    10 :30 -
    Arab, Arabah which means Nomad ( children of Yarab and Qahtan - from them is Jurham). Tabari said this is from Isma'il marrying Jurham.
    Ibrahim was not Arab, Isma'il wasn't Arab ethnically but learned Arabic marrying into Jurhum. These are Arab Musta'arabah, or mixed Arab in particularly through marraiges with Isma'il.
    Arab began likely from Yemen. Ppl from Northern Africa, and north Mid east, most are Post Islamic Arabs.
    in Egypt Dna wise most are Coptic Ethnically, not by Din.
    In North Africa they were Berber. Majority isn't Arab.
    Syria had much Roman empire influence.
    Yeahood say go by mother in lineage, most go by father. we asked why is that, he said you don't always know who the father is...
    Their is a concept whoever speaks Arabic is Arab.
    20 :00 -
    From Ishaq, cam Yaqueb Isra - eel or Abdullah!
    Ibrahim is Khalil, or intimate friend. Siddique means friend.
    Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is Khalil as well!
    Ibn Hajr says Khalil is one whose friendship is rooted in hearts!
    Khula is root word, Qadi Iyaad Maliki says it means extreme love.
    Khil can mean dependent, or worshipper, pure Love or favorite.
    Ibn Taymiyyah says closer then ma'abud or Love.
    Khalil has same direction or purpose, common interests and values.
    ishq has s*xual connotation... a disease that corrupts hearts.
    When you know the language it gets deeper, HAdith says you are on the religion of your khalil but not habib or siddique.
    30 :00 -
    Allah says Ibrahim was an ummah! He was a leader. not just a big family man! He wouldn't fall for peer pressure! He moved whenever Allah ordered him.
    Ibrahim was Hanifah, purified in love (not hanafi mathhab). He was established on Tawhid and love!
    He started his dawa in Iraq. Ibn Jawzi, Ibn Kathir, Tabari & Qurtubi and others said his father was an idol maker!
    This reminds us to be grateful we have Muslim parents!
    Prophet peace and blessings be upon him didn't even allow him to make du'a for his mother!
    His name izer or Azar, or tarir acc. to many!
    This is also why one shouldn't make din a livlihood because there errors are tied to their bread.
    40 :00 -
    Sadiq and Siddique is same root, an honest or a friend to Allah. Allah tested him and he passed the test.
    in Beginning it was just Ibrahim against his society with his father as its head, only Loot believed him later.
    A Man from Afghanistan conquered india, and got gold indian statues, he was said I would rather break them then sell them.
    did Prophet peace and blessings be upon him have bidding wars with the statues in Kaba? no! Take Lesson akirah over dunya!

    • @alipaquira
      @alipaquira 3 года назад +1

      Great summary, Mah'Sha'Allah

  • @mohammedkhan1038
    @mohammedkhan1038 2 года назад

    We have truly wronged our souls

  • @ChristinaaFitzgerald
    @ChristinaaFitzgerald 3 года назад +1

    true facts

    • @leeman7457
      @leeman7457 3 года назад

      This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah;

  • @rahmed94
    @rahmed94 3 года назад +1

    Which mountain idol sheikh is referring to ?

  • @afghanistantechnology3833
    @afghanistantechnology3833 3 года назад

    Asalam alikom sheikh sab
    Staso haqa whats app group p
    Full dai
    Mala ham group ki add ka manana
    Grana movlie sab

  • @muzzammilhaque1668
    @muzzammilhaque1668 3 года назад +2

    আসসালামু আলাইকুম।
    আমার এই ইউটিউব চ্যানেলটি সহজভাবে আরবি ব্যাকরণ শেখার চ্যানেল। আরবি ব্যাকরণের এই চ্যানেলটি শিক্ষার্থীদের সুবিধার জন্য। আপনি নিজেও দেখে নিতে পারেন এবং চ্যানেল লিঙ্কটি অন্য শিক্ষার্থীকে দিয়ে জানতে সুযোগ করে দিতে পারেন। শুকরিয়া❤️

    • @ahnaf_akif_mbbs_bd_ksa
      @ahnaf_akif_mbbs_bd_ksa 3 года назад +1

      MashaAllah আরেকজন বাংলাদেশের মানুষ পেলাম আলহামদুলিল্লাহ্!
      আমি অন্য আইডি থেকে আপনার চ্যানেলে সাবস্ক্রাইব করছি ইনশাআল্লাহ, চ্যানেল টা আরবী শেখার জন্য খুবই ভালো লাগলো আলহামদুলিল্লাহ্। আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়াতাআ'লা আমাকে আপনার চ্যানেল থেকেও উপকৃত হবার সুযোগ করে দিক,আমীন!
      উস্তাদ আপনিও আরবী ভাষার ওপর বিভিন্ন লেকচার দিয়ে যান.... বিশেষ করে বালাগাতুল কুরআন নিয়ে কোনো পরিপূর্ণ আলোচনা আমাদের মতো ইলমী আলোচনার প্রতি ইচ্ছুক দের জন্য এখনও পর্যন্ত বাংলা বা ইংরেজি ভাষায় পাচ্ছি না। উস্তাদ আপনি যদি এই দিকটি একটু বিবেচনা করেন তাহলে আমরা আরও উপকৃত হবো ইনশাআল্লাহ। জাযা কাল্লাহ ই খইরান ❤️

    • @muzzammilhaque1668
      @muzzammilhaque1668 3 года назад +1

      @@ahnaf_akif_mbbs_bd_ksa মুহতারাম, জাযাকাল্লাহু খাইরান❤️ আপনার সুন্দর পরামর্শের জন্য অসংখ্য মুবারকবাদ। ইনশাআল্লাহ চেষ্টা করবো

    • @aarfeenanees9147
      @aarfeenanees9147 3 года назад

      Watch language is this? Is it tamil?

    • @ahnaf_akif_mbbs_bd_ksa
      @ahnaf_akif_mbbs_bd_ksa 3 года назад

      @@aarfeenanees9147 brother this is bengali used by the people around Bangladesh and West bengal of India

    • @aarfeenanees9147
      @aarfeenanees9147 3 года назад +1

      @@ahnaf_akif_mbbs_bd_ksa Thank you for answering Brother 👍

  • @dienaarvandeschepper9213
    @dienaarvandeschepper9213 2 года назад

    Assalamu alaikoem,
    What is the limit on joking?

  • @Mohamed--Aden
    @Mohamed--Aden 2 года назад

    For the name Sam, is that from Islamic sources?

  • @buzzi5644
    @buzzi5644 3 года назад

    Sheikhs stance on photography? I have heard some ppl say that its haram

    • @sweetmelon3365
      @sweetmelon3365 3 года назад +1

      Zakir nayak said it's haram if you're doing sins with them. Like making portraits of people, zina, showing people's face that you shouldn't be showing, etc . If someone knows better please correct me

    • @shahid8545
      @shahid8545 3 года назад

      Watch #2

    • @user-yq2if6ld9h
      @user-yq2if6ld9h 2 года назад +1

      not just some people. All the biggest and most knowledgeable scholars of this time said its haram.

  • @fat4750
    @fat4750 8 месяцев назад
