If you concerns about water hardness, I suggest you to install a whole house water filter before the water heater. That way it prolonger the lifetime of the heater as well. Boiling only partially reduce water hardness.
你地有講揸車, 有样重要要注意. 如果路上死火, or accident, 立刻会有拖車 tow truck show up and offer help. Make sure DO NOT let these tow truck drivers Hook up your vehicle, unless he advised you of the exact cost (make certain no additional 隐藏 cost, no fine print. For car accident, the driver must contact the insurance company, the insurance company will arrange towing services. All because tow truck drivers (who just showed up at the scene) will PRESSURE the car drivers to believe them, and let him hook up your vehicle, once they hook up you vehicles, you are on the hook for several hundreds of $$. Even if the car drivers need the tow truck service, do not let them to convince you to tow your vehicle to a private garage/ repair shop. If you let it happen, even if the car owner leave the car there for one night, the repair shop owner could ask you for thousands of $$ before they are willing to release the car. Car drivers who need tow truck service, should tell the tow truck drivers to tow the vehicle to your own home or to the dealership of your choice. New car always included three years of Road side assistance. To eliminate the chances of being scam, second hand vehicles should join CAA (Canadian Automobile Association), 最可靠嘅 tow services, +all sorts of Road side assistance.
我住喺Scarborogh 半年,有時睇新聞話,附近有槍擊案,兇殺案。但我好彩冇遇到,暫時我覺得尼區好安靜,重點係啲嘢夠平,啲人都好Nice,主動幫忙。 加拿大口音都好攪笑,每次開會都聽啲不同口音,最常聽嘅係: I don sing .... I sing ..... 其實佢係講: I don't think .... I think .....😆
想減少static, 靜電, 一定要買天然物料嘅衫, nylon, polyester etc, will give you lots of static. 買衫要10O%cotton, or 90 percent including underwear, socks, sweat shirts joggers pants. Don't forget your winter coats, choose the one with down fill, not ployster fill. Helps a lot. Should avoid underwear such as the famous heatxx. Any clothings that are made with synthetic materials If you check all your clothings now, I am quite certain many of what you both wear now are made with synthetic materials
You both have settled so well in Canada. With these frequent attacks happening you have to be aware of your surroundings and perhaps sit close to the TTC driver on the subway or buses.
Learn to enjoy the wildlife is one of the main thing about Canadian lifestyle. Locals here rather spend the time doing outdoor activities than going to the malls. I think learning to drive is a must here in Canada. Relying on transit is very hard. You need to understand that Canada is the 2nd biggest country in the world and only a population of 30million people. Therefore, building transit infrastructure on such a big land requires a lot of money when also there aren’t enough of a population to support it.
I'm surprised that "Canada is very boring" is not on your top 10 list, because in the past many young people had returned to HK due to less exciting life style in Canada
硬水可以用water softener 解決,不過通常係買house先會裝。apartment應該裝唔到。屋企可以用humidifier 增加濕度。
@@EricCherry 弟時生個B出黎又有排學😊
冬天乾衣時放一張fabric softener 入乾衣機內同堆衣服一齊乾,就可以避免静電
If you concerns about water hardness, I suggest you to install a whole house water filter before the water heater. That way it prolonger the lifetime of the heater as well. Boiling only partially reduce water hardness.
都係架 但成個氣氛都係加拿大好
Welcome to Canada 🇨🇦 ,我細細個跟父母嚟加拿大已經有30年啦,想作少少補充:
1. 屋企着毛毛衫有靜電,我諗主要係因為你屋企漏風,所以啲濕氣係冬天嘅時候溜走晒。治標嘅方法就係加個放濕機啦,但係治本嘅方法就要做一個Energy Assessment睇吓啲門窗係咪真係漏風,如果係嘅話要換晒佢。
2. 你哋甩頭髮,因為沖涼洗頭啲水都仍然係硬水所致。我屋企就裝了個全屋軟水器。
7. 講得好啱,如果移民嚟加拿大有心睇呢度落地生根嘅話,千祈唔好淨係群返啲華人社區,一定要好好學英文,先可以用真正融入呢個社會。
8. PEO唔係工會,而係發專業工程師執照俾你嗰個會,你可能都仲要考兩個試:一個係Ethics、一個係Law。
你地有講揸車, 有样重要要注意.
如果路上死火, or accident, 立刻会有拖車 tow truck show up and offer help. Make sure DO NOT let these tow truck drivers Hook up your vehicle, unless he advised you of the exact cost (make certain no additional 隐藏 cost, no fine print. For car accident, the driver must contact the insurance company, the insurance company will arrange towing services.
All because tow truck drivers (who just showed up at the scene) will PRESSURE the car drivers to believe them, and let him hook up your vehicle, once they hook up you vehicles, you are on the hook for several hundreds of $$. Even if the car drivers need the tow truck service, do not let them to convince you to tow your vehicle to a private garage/ repair shop. If you let it happen, even if the car owner leave the car there for one night, the repair shop owner could ask you for thousands of $$ before they are willing to release the car. Car drivers who need tow truck service, should tell the tow truck drivers to tow the vehicle to your own home or to the dealership of your choice.
New car always included three years of Road side assistance.
To eliminate the chances of being scam, second hand vehicles should join CAA (Canadian Automobile Association), 最可靠嘅 tow services, +all sorts of Road side assistance.
The right mindset 好重要!好似你哋咁識諗,去邊度移民都唔會有大問題。加油👍
唔知你們有冇聽過幾年前係Yonge / Finch 恐怖Van attack , 當時我們在5650 Yonge 返工, 見到都好驚,自此以後,行路都唔會聽音樂,要留意 surrounding 😅
用加濕器會好d嗎? 我都好憎 (驚)靜電!
或者hea hea 地床頭櫃上放碗水
想減低Static,可嘗試用humidifier 維持室內濕度不少於40%,同將室內溫度唔好set 太高20度 ok
商場發掘吓其實總有一個係左緊,隨左Eaton,重有Yorkdale同Sherway Garden呢兩個都好大好多品牌,揸車去好方便
Yorkdale冇車果陣坐go bus去過一次! Sherway Garden又真係未聽過🤔
@@EricCherry Yorkdale揸車,TCC同巴士都去到。我住Sheppard West去好緊。Sherway Garden係Etobicoke,不過鋪頭最齊最多都係Yorkdale。
@@EricCherry Hillcrest & Fairview Mall are also good choices
@@EricCherry Sherway garden 427 公路向南一路落到尾就到,仲有密市個square one 都好大大大
但其實呢度商場啲舖頭好多都千篇一律 仲一式一樣過香港
建議可以加多個,黎到你會發現好多鼻屎,當你送走左佢地係因為太乾有鼻血成為新既鼻屎,跟住就一係一個無限既LOOP。。。。。同埋TTC近排多左好多攻擊形白卡 車未到唔好行咁埋月台啦
真😹😹😹 重成日想流鼻血
我都係黎左多倫多差唔多五個月,之前做family clinic 接線生,最驚接到啲有勁重口音嘅印度人電話,就算閤埋雙眼同塞埋另一邊耳仔用晒全身細胞都聽唔到佢地up咩春,我仲以為係自己嘅英文listening有問題,原來大家都經歷緊同一個問題!多謝你地嘅分享😊 好有用嘅資訊!
用全身細胞😹果陣我地都係 係要全屋靜音先可以開始講電話
好在都唔係太大問題 大部份嘅問題都同歐洲國家差唔多 但係睇到話幾乎每幾日有人揸刀或推人落月台嚇親🥴 10月頭會嚟旅行感受一下先
最近好似少咗 前排真係日日都報TTC傷人 希望以後世界和平🙏🏻
我住喺Scarborogh 半年,有時睇新聞話,附近有槍擊案,兇殺案。但我好彩冇遇到,暫時我覺得尼區好安靜,重點係啲嘢夠平,啲人都好Nice,主動幫忙。
加拿大口音都好攪笑,每次開會都聽啲不同口音,最常聽嘅係: I don sing .... I sing ..... 其實佢係講: I don't think .... I think .....😆
有呀 都係好乾😹
我用DHC lip cream 好得,就算爆拆損咗搽佢好快好返。Glysomed Eczema Control cream 搽手同身都好潤,可以試試 😊
Hi Eric, Would you advise the PEO application procedures? Thanks. Andrew
想減少static, 靜電, 一定要買天然物料嘅衫, nylon, polyester etc, will give you lots of static.
買衫要10O%cotton, or 90 percent including underwear, socks, sweat shirts joggers pants. Don't forget your winter coats, choose the one with down fill, not ployster fill. Helps a lot.
Should avoid underwear such as the famous heatxx. Any clothings that are made with synthetic materials
If you check all your clothings now, I am quite certain many of what you both wear now are made with synthetic materials
原來係咁 你咁講又好似真係😹
@@EricCherry 你地唔好成日黐埋一舊咪得囉😊
Beware of potholes on Sheppard Young, twice flat tires in three weeks
Your nearest shopping mall is probably Yorkdale Mall. Have you been?
yeah, but we like vaughan mills more haha
You both have settled so well in Canada. With these frequent attacks happening you have to be aware of your surroundings and perhaps sit close to the TTC driver on the subway or buses.
只係嚟咗2 個月,10樣嘢都有同感呀!
唔係掛 禁誇🫣
重有滑雪, 而家雪開始多, 係時候去試吓
防脫髮係the ordinary multi peptide serum for hair density
Berkey filtration system - The best - The only one we use
You guys are fun😂
岩岩eric放工 佢即刻試左😹
不懂粤语 居然都看完啦 多谢分享 5月份要去Toronto生活啦 好期待
諗住咩都試下先啦😂😂沖涼都裝左filter 唔想再甩頭髮
that's why we have both dehumidifier AND humidifier here :)
印度口音 r音=l音 t音=d音😂 仲要講得快
聽唔明問佢點解 佢只會好快咁講多次😂😂😂
最神奇嘅係 佢哋同鄉之間係用英文溝通到 佢哋係唔會覺得自己有口音問題 只係其他人聽唔明英文😂😂😂
他們的發音是沒有問題,口音就各國都有獨特的口音。香港式英文不僅有口音,而且有許多懶音。please,priest ,wok , work ,nine ,line都經常混淆。
Dry is good. HK is too wet.
It's very interesting to see new immigrant's perspective of Toronto.
醫生話可以用凡士林或是維他命E油搽嘴唇. 凡士林最經濟
Wi-Fi is not mobile data (3G,4G,5G, or HSPA, LTE, 5G) ah. Thanks for your videos! 加油!
yeah sorry poor explanation 😹😹
原來係你加咗discord 通知音效, 頂
Learn to enjoy the wildlife is one of the main thing about Canadian lifestyle. Locals here rather spend the time doing outdoor activities than going to the malls. I think learning to drive is a must here in Canada. Relying on transit is very hard. You need to understand that Canada is the 2nd biggest country in the world and only a population of 30million people. Therefore, building transit infrastructure on such a big land requires a lot of money when also there aren’t enough of a population to support it.
To see the real Canada, you need to ride the train from Toronto to Vancouver on the west or to Halifax on the east
Good topic👍🏻
Glad you think so!
兩個地方兩種生活 最緊要不後悔
仲有bc 省 食2.5 克毒品 就快合法 .... 真係加麻大 .... 仲多人想移民來
唔係合法化, 係唔会被拘捕OR被刑事起诉. 警方係要習中係对付毒品供應及銷售渠道
好多時 CS 外判咗去印度.
唔少人都咁講 睇黎真係要買😹
我通常少著heat tech 著避彈衣多
All the stabbing and attacks are just crazy. Be careful you two!
Yes! everyone should be more aware
Love to watch you guys, 多表情 🤭
本來自己都算係有好多頭髮, 認真黎左多倫多6年真係冇左好多頭髮。。。
haha why is Mississauga dangerous?
lots of stabbings there lol
加拿大的自來水以世界上最乾淨的水之一而聞名。 大多數人(包括我)直接從水龍頭喝水。 除非您有 RO 系統,否則濾水器是浪費金錢。 而且跟你的脫髮沒有關係。
你需要的是一台軟水機(不是過濾器),需要專門的機器和軟水鹽。 這將解決你的脫髮問題。
I'm surprised that "Canada is very boring" is not on your top 10 list, because in the past many young people had returned to HK due to less exciting life style in Canada
not at all!!! we’ve been way busier than ever😹
That is true in the 90s… now everything is online as long as you have wifi and a nice home you can be anywhere in the world
我諗safety is measured in a lot of ways
同埋law enforcement多大程度上可以保障市民安全呢啲因素
Toronto is relatively safe compares to most North American cities
Welcome to Kanata 😂😂
我哋呢度真係叫GTA喎 XD
GTA in the GTA
係!!呢個本身都好想講 呢度係downtown啲人着衫先比較靚
其實唔應該笑人哋嘅口音, 我哋香港人講英文都有口音,俾人笑嗰陣時我哋都唔開心㗎!
其實可能係我哋英文唔夠好 有時真係聽唔明 所以提醒大家要學好啲英文同聽唔同口音 唔係要笑佢地口音🙈係有時想佢哋講慢啲講多次 佢哋都只會好快咁講多次 打去唔同嘅cs都要習慣下呢樣野
可能他們認為隔了一重電話你們認不清楚。一般情況我會很清楚和放慢速度對他們說:"please speak slower,I can’t catch up your pace"。另我會一路聽,一路抄notes,我便會知道需要他們重覆那一個單字或句子。特別是數字。@@EricCherry