re: Bell plan, when your contract is up, just tell the rep that you will not renew, and they will give you a really good deal (so do your homework first and know the best deal out there, then see if they can match or even beat that offer); save a lot! :)
Just to follow up, the monthly budget is very important, to keep track of your expenses. Secondhand stores, or Value Village does give you great value for the slightly used items. Good for you!
Rental price in Toronto is soaring, crazy, my co worker rented a one bed room unit in your building 10 years ago, it was only $1250😢 the government just making everything is unaffordable !
Mazda CX 5 is good. But why you need to put down payment??? I never put down payment. Most of term lease or finance is 60-84 months. If you lease the car you have right to buy out at the lease end. The lease end price is fix. But the car dealer sales don't wanna you to buy out. They may offer you another new car keep you lease and keep your lease end car to resale it at higher price(more than your lease end price_). It's depend on interest rate. Car insurance online offer RBC may cheaper than TD. Do you know lease term price can bargain too??? All dealer are offer different lease price. Some may offer lower...lower....Just keep ask the sales Can you do better lease price?
記住俾俾咁多錢租架車真係好戇居。我上次喺士嘉堡愛靜閣萬事得。租賃CX3 all wheel drive. 48個月一毫子 down payment都冇俾. Lease rate 0, (2018) 今年租完。決定俾埋尾數買起佢。加拿大租車可以lease end buy out 你俾咁多錢肯定會買。車行通常希望你租其他車,然之後收返你㗎車再轉售賺錢。千祈唔好咁笨豬。就算你唔鍾意架車。都應該買起佢,然之後再喺二手市場私人出售仲有錢賺。日本車好搶手㗎。
Rakuten referral link $40果個原來係USD
CA $30 果個係呢條link!
好詳細,好好睇 !!!! Info 影片都做得好好笑
非常欣賞cherry 是一個精明的管家婆👍👍
所以我講就算Min Pay都可以好開心! 不會入不敷支就已經成功第一步, 慢慢嚟
Cherry 的確是一個精明嘅管家婆👍😆
Thanks for sharing!!!👏🏻
Black Friday 有用喎啲price tracking 👏🏻
好多時啲貨mark up先再折!
幾正喎D網👍🏻Black Friday 可以check住D價
re: Bell plan, when your contract is up, just tell the rep that you will not renew, and they will give you a really good deal (so do your homework first and know the best deal out there, then see if they can match or even beat that offer); save a lot! :)
We just did what you said haha
things took me ages to learn... sobsob... haha
Please note that they are in Toronto. If you come to Vancouver, the expenses will be more.
用下Too good to go買廚餘
Black Friday sale Best prices of the year, on all electronic, Teck devices
好喜歡睇你地嘅youtube. 年輕人應該學識處理收入支出平衡。我平時用開“Andromoney" 個app 處理日常支出,咁就唔駛keep 住咁多單據
月尾才整理一次(好似你入excel 咁)。唔知對你地有無幫助。
多謝建議!尤其岩岩出黎住 理財真係好重要
You 2 really are "Canadian". Great!
Keepa 個AMAZON插件可以睇晒日馬美馬加馬既價 由佢上架到呢家價錢都CHECK到
Rakuten 即係好出名嘅(日本)樂天, 不過呢個係北美網站
168 Sushi 真係好難食😂應該係呢邊啲Sushi大部分都係伏
Holy moly u guys are rock $$
Never and ever buy GM, Ford and Kia. Japanese is first choice for sure.(less problem and less maintain cost)
Just to follow up, the monthly budget is very important, to keep track of your expenses.
Secondhand stores, or Value Village does give you great value for the slightly used items.
Good for you!
Agree! Gotta develop a habit to keep track of our expenses
有計埋呀 但個個月都唔同 一個月大概入兩三次 不過我地唔係日日揸
Cx5 leasing 咁貴?
GT款 因為我保費好貴🥲四百幾 仲貴過供車
@@EricCherry 原來included 車保。
過左半年.. 租金俾一年..2550... 就黎住成個月... 我而家都未有咩傢私添..都係睇下有冇平野,2手...租車出去拎
market place真係幾唔錯 朋友間屋有大半都係二手傢私
都係!但kijiji好似租盤比較多scam? 二手唔太清楚
Eric 靚仔大隻左喎❤係咪因為有食菜啊?😂
@@ericyip8086 食菜啦你😂
Rental price in Toronto is soaring, crazy, my co worker rented a one bed room unit in your building 10 years ago, it was only $1250😢 the government just making everything is unaffordable !
好似无讲油钱 和最好讲讲找到了什么工作
油錢計埋落去喇 大概一個月100 cad 一星期揸3,4次
係架 所以我地都係有野想買 就睇二手有冇 冇先買正價貨 多數都係家具😹
到時我地過去加拿大要請教返你地🤣你個d盆栽仔好似Thompson 幼稚園派個d😂😂😂
🫡 所以我地全莊咪蝕錢🤭
快啲轉上網plan la!
轉左virgin hahahhaha
食野支出$500好低,已經係兩個人的cost?一個月大概出街食幾多餐? Thanks.
兩個人! 我地一個月好少出去 可能3/ 4 次
Cherry 真係大美人,短髮非常好看,靚過好多女藝員,看見cherry 好似看見90年代演地獄天使既張可頤,非常動人
Cherry 95 percent 似陳慧琳
Plan for the future: put away money for retirement, children, next car, and a house.
有車black friday就可以去outlet睇下有無平野執, 不過真係要早起身去排隊
你好…想問問 本身預每人帶10-15萬… 係港幣定加紙?
港紙啊 我地冇禁多錢🤣
感謝… 起碼有個大約數 係兩個人做嘢
雖然我係一家四口過去… 仲要得我一個做野… 但心中都有個數先…
Is your new Mazda car year 2022?
@@EricCherry how much is your new car?
我係Edmonton 租個1bed room都係得過1000CAD 左右,租room 或者地下室仲便,不過食嘢就肯定冇多倫多豐富,呢度嘅中餐除左旱茶其他好聽啲講就煮熟畀你😂
佢係咩車?toyota可能真係唔接 我地架車係2022 5月訂
Hi~想問下你哋本身帶嘅錢係港紙定係CAD? 我怕我誤會咗
@@EricCherry thanksss!
Mazda CX 5 is good. But why you need to put down payment??? I never put down payment. Most of term lease or finance is 60-84 months. If you lease the car you have right to buy out at the lease end. The lease end price is fix. But the car dealer sales don't wanna you to buy out. They may offer you another new car keep you lease and keep your lease end car to resale it at higher price(more than your lease end price_). It's depend on interest rate. Car insurance online offer RBC may cheaper than TD. Do you know lease term price can bargain too??? All dealer are offer different lease price. Some may offer lower...lower....Just keep ask the sales Can you do better lease price?
probably becuz we just arrived here and our credit score was not built up yet so doing down payment would be the best option for us to get the car
我地真係夾左每人十五萬😹 如果驚冬天搵唔倒工可以帶多啲嘅 最緊要自己安心
其實係冇人同你一齊走 先唔好移民 一條友係外國先慘 T.T
我都係跟返瑞典音讀IKEA ,喺度俾個大陸同事話咁讀冇人明,會俾人笑,嚟到加拿大應該跟返加拿大人點讀😅 我冇理佢,唔通同d人讀錯愛馬仕一樣用英文讀
記住俾俾咁多錢租架車真係好戇居。我上次喺士嘉堡愛靜閣萬事得。租賃CX3 all wheel drive. 48個月一毫子 down payment都冇俾. Lease rate 0, (2018) 今年租完。決定俾埋尾數買起佢。加拿大租車可以lease end buy out 你俾咁多錢肯定會買。車行通常希望你租其他車,然之後收返你㗎車再轉售賺錢。千祈唔好咁笨豬。就算你唔鍾意架車。都應該買起佢,然之後再喺二手市場私人出售仲有錢賺。日本車好搶手㗎。