Is reddit actually down?

  • Опубликовано: 14 июн 2023
  • It was a huge movement on Reddit where a lot of the major subreddits and just a generally large number of subreddits on the site all decided to go private, effectively shutting down as a way of protesting a Reddit policy change where they were going to start charging for API access. And it wasn't cheap. We're talking Scrooge McDuck level of wealth here that'd be required to keep up with the API cost. The biggest third-party developer and platform is Apollo for Reddit and it was estimated to cost 20 million dollars a year under the new pricing guidelines from Reddit for the API access. And all of these third-party apps and developers do need API access to exist. So since none of them can afford to shell out 20 million clams, it effectively kills third-party apps as well as some Reddit mod tools that use API access. And it was a heavily down-duded decision.
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