VB NAACP leader not surprised of racism at school

  • Опубликовано: 16 май 2024
  • A safe and welcoming environment in all schools and on all teams - that's the new assignment for Virginia Beach City Public Schools days after longstanding racist activities within the Kempsville High School baseball team were exposed.
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Комментарии • 39

  • @fiendwithout
    @fiendwithout Месяц назад +2

    I did see one example of racist racism.

  • @aronstouffer30
    @aronstouffer30 Месяц назад +2

    Great work team. Now next video or article we might actually inform the people of what actually occurred instead of run in a circle to nowhere.

    • @matthewchrome5144
      @matthewchrome5144 Месяц назад

      It is the old, replay, "WE want free stuff so we claim Systemic Racism" but no facts."

  • @_Rachel_Hiller_
    @_Rachel_Hiller_ 16 дней назад +1

    The headline’s syntax is off. Surprised BY racism or surprised AT racism, surprised of racism isn’t right.

    • @matthewchrome5144
      @matthewchrome5144 5 дней назад

      @_Rachel_Hiller your analysis> “The headline’s syntax is off. Surprised BY….surprised of racism isn’t right.” Matthew’s response. Syntax is correct. Please re-read. Hint! Replace “not” with “was!” Please don’t take offense, but it appears your emotions interfered with your scrutiny. Its urgent people teach love for everyone.

  • @matthewchrome5144
    @matthewchrome5144 Месяц назад +1

    To NAACP’s supporters. 2024, a father of 3 teenage boys asked D.C.’s Mayor for a meeting. Reason, his 3 sons were murdered/killed by black teenagers or men. However, according to news reports, she has refused his request. Why? Most likely the same as in Va. Beach. Stopping black men from killing black men is apparently not as important to NAACP as controlling language & non-violent actions of white teenagers. NAACP, where is this love you claim to have for blacks?

  • @matthewchrome5144
    @matthewchrome5144 Месяц назад +2

    It has been alleged, for years, in schools across America, some students loudly say “The Word.” Of course there were no complaints as “The Word” is 100% approved by many in NAACP. However, Matthew’s cannot locate one instance where NAACP asked or demanded “The Word” not be spoken in schools. Why the double standard?

    • @kevinwilliams2526
      @kevinwilliams2526 Месяц назад

      The same reason some people can treat their parents like dog shit while it's frowned upon by other groups. If Tupac talked about his Mother like Eminem did we'd be calling him Who pac? Pull your skirt down. It ain't that serious.

    • @matthewchrome5144
      @matthewchrome5144 Месяц назад

      @@kevinwilliams2526 "Pull your skirt down. It ain't that serious." Matthew's response. Yesterday in "The Word" town of Portsmouth, 3 people were shot. Since 2020 when 1/2 of Portsmouth’s citizens demanded less police & Confederates statures be removed,+ lauded Black Lives Matter as the greatest organization, far too many Black men, repeat, far too black men utilized this new anti-white, anti-police movement to their advantage. Knowing they had lots of protection, far too many Black men can be shown shooting multiple guns in directions of black teenagers as young as 9 years old. Have you heard BLM or NAACP demand Black men cease shootings children or babies or stop shooting each other? Here is an entire post to complain white people are racist!!! What a bunch of unnecessary GARBAGE!!!!! We must learn to love each other.

    • @matthewchrome5144
      @matthewchrome5144 Месяц назад

      @@kevinwilliams2526 "Pull your skirt down. It ain't that serious." Matthew's response. Our Black leaders knows this & semi-approves. Otherwise they would demand we cease. Most have demanded government not release murder statistics based on race. Which is the main reason FBI's Table 43A for the years 2020 thru 2023 have not been released. Why are we (collectively) not protesting our children being killed or murdered by angry “Black Men?” Do you believe or think most blacks love each other or just hate not loved nor respected by others?” Loving each other is the key to ending our problems.

    • @matthewchrome5144
      @matthewchrome5144 29 дней назад

      @@kevinwilliams2526 Part 1 your comment. “The same reason some people can treat their parents like dog … while it's frowned upon by other groups. If Tupac talked about his Mother like Eminem did we'd be calling him Who pac? Pull your skirt down. It ain't that serious.” With love & kindness Matthew writes, your logic is heavily flawed. You strongly suggested because one millionaire white rapper used a negative word for his mom, then 200 million whites are on board. Please teach 4giveness & love for all people.

    • @matthewchrome5144
      @matthewchrome5144 29 дней назад

      @@kevinwilliams2526 Part 2 to your comment> some people can treat their parents like dog…” Matthew’s response. Please post 50 examples of white singers or white rappers saying “GROSSLY” negative things about their moms Just as you & millions of NAACP’s supporters constantly say don’t racially profile “me” because a black man stole or is dis-honest does not mean we all are. Same standard must be applied to whites. Please have Same Standards for all people.

  • @matthewchrome5144
    @matthewchrome5144 Месяц назад +1

    To NAACP’s supporters. Allegedly, these are demographics of Brockton MA schools. 14.4% White, 59.5% Black, 1.8% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander, 19.2% Hispanic/Latino, 0.1% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.2% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. ARE YOU WILLING TO DEFEND OR EXPLAIN WHY SOME STAFF REQUESTED NATIONAL GUARDS BE PLACED in HIGH SCHOOL. Its important students obey, respect & be taught to love school staff.

    • @_Rachel_Hiller_
      @_Rachel_Hiller_ 16 дней назад

      Is this a bot? You’re making no sense, attempting to enflame tensions… if you aren’t a bot, you’re a total fool.

    • @matthewchrome5144
      @matthewchrome5144 5 дней назад

      @@_Rachel_Hiller_ Your comment. “you’re a total fool.” Matthew’s response. It’s obvious you support NAACP. Are you willing to confirm? B4 Matthew responds to your other “Enlightenments,” he is Truly Honored, repeat Truly Honored you labeled him “a total fool.” Below are 4 great men who opposes NAACP’s ideology, so many NAACP’s supporters labeled them “Total Fools” & worse.
      1.) Dr. Ben “Brain Surgeon” Carson believes people should place emphasis on not over reacting & controlling their emotions. 2022, citing his values were a hindrance to POC’s advancement, supporters of NAACP removed his name from a Detroit’s public school. A maxim of Dr. Ben Carson’s, “Success Is Determined Not by Whether Or Not You Face Obstacles, But By Your Reaction To Them.”
      2.) SCOTUS Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. Many NAACP’s supporters want him removed. Why? He believes skin color should not be a factor in being accepted to colleges & universities.
      3.) Dr. George Washington Carver-1943. Dr. Carver possessed a super strong work ethic & believed vital for success. A maxim of Dr. Carver, “It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success.” He was among the best Research Scientists Extraordinaire, Inventors, Man of Faith, Educators, & Humanitarians.
      4.) Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) once a slave, founded Tuskegee Normal & Industrial Institute (Now Tuskegee University) & National Negro Business League. Mr. Washington believed freed slaves should focus on becoming financially independent. He & Dr. W.E.B. Dubois debated whose ideologies would more quickly improve AA lives. Tuskegee’s Airmen were a byproduct of Mr. Washington’s work ethic & proves his ideology is correct. AGAIN, TUSKEGEE’S AIRMEN WERE A BYPRODUCT OF MR. WASHINGTON’S WORK ETHIC, BUT IT’S “GHOSTED’ & NOT GIVEN CREDIT BECAUSE IT WOULD PROVE DR. DUBOIS’ IDEOLOGY WAS & Remains INFERIOR.

  • @legionnaire2U
    @legionnaire2U Месяц назад

    Virginia Beach is Virginia Beaching again...

    • @fiendwithout
      @fiendwithout Месяц назад +2

      Funny how they didn’t give any examples

  • @matthewchrome5144
    @matthewchrome5144 Месяц назад

    Matthew grew up with black & white boys. At times, both were overall horrible to be around. However, on average, more blacks were easily, repeat overall, easily more aggressive with demanding others bend their knees to their ideology. W/O any facts or total transparency, it strongly appears this is an appeasement to silent a false racist claim. NAACP. Years ago, a song "Its A Wonderful World" needs to be played. We need to teach love. Our youth ( collectively) lack love for anyone who does not bend their knee.

  • @matthewchrome5144
    @matthewchrome5144 Месяц назад +2

    It has been alleged, for years, in schools across America, some students loudly say “The Word.” Of course there were no complaints as “The Word” is 100% approved by many in NAACP. However, Matthew’s cannot locate one instance where NAACP asked or demanded “The Word” not be spoken in schools. Why the double standard?

    • @_Rachel_Hiller_
      @_Rachel_Hiller_ 16 дней назад

      What are you talking about??

    • @matthewchrome5144
      @matthewchrome5144 4 дня назад

      @@_Rachel_Hiller_Prologue to answering your question, “What are you talking about?? B4 Matthew answers, please know, at least one Google’ employee has warned him, his posts & channel may be removed. Previously, without any explanation, at least one Google’s employee totally removed his previous channel & everything ever posted. Circa, 4 months ago, at least one Google’s employee without notifying Matthew, for at least 2 weeks, blocked Matthew’s ability to answer questions such as yours.
      Circa, a month ago, at least one Google employee, citing Google received complaints Matthew’s posts violated Google’s “Hate Speech” policy, prevented Matthew from posting for 24 hours. Google’s employee did not write, repeat did not write, Matthew was posting lies or untruths, but he was posting “Hate Speech.”
      It strongly appears “Hate Speech” includes posting negative Government’s Statistics. Therefore, to avoid angering sensitive people, he asks same questions & post same factual information, but utilizes a milder & less direct approach. Which includes why it has taken 10 days or more to answer your other questions.
      Matthew’s goal, to “Convince People to Stop Playing Word’s Games, “Gun Violence” & Teach Love for All People.” Hope this answered your question. Please teach 4giveness & love for everyone. May God the Father Bless you & yours. Always.

    • @matthewchrome5144
      @matthewchrome5144 4 дня назад

      @@_Rachel_Hiller_ Prologue to answering your question, “What are you talking about?? B4 Matthew answers, please know, at least one Google’ employee has warned him, his posts & channel may be removed. Previously, without any explanation, at least one Google’s employee totally removed his previous channel & everything ever posted. Circa, 4 months ago, at least one Google’s employee without notifying Matthew, for at least 2 weeks, blocked Matthew’s ability to answer questions such as yours.
      Circa, a month ago, at least one Google employee, citing Google received complaints Matthew’s posts violated Google’s “Hate Speech” policy, prevented Matthew from posting for 24 hours. Google’s employee did not write, repeat did not write, Matthew was posting lies or untruths, but he was posting “Hate Speech.” It strongly appears “Hate Speech” includes posting negative Government’s Statistics.
      Therefore, to avoid angering sensitive people, he asks same questions & post same factual information, but utilizes a milder & less direct approach. Which includes why it has taken 10 days or more to answer your other questions.
      Matthew’s goal, to “Convince People to Stop Playing Word’s Games, “Gun Violence” & Teach Love for All People.” Hope this answered your question. Please teach 4giveness & love for everyone. May God the Father Bless you & yours. Always.