What is the Mark of the Beast? (Thomas Schreiner)

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Thomas Schreiner discusses the book of Revelation. He reflects on the best way to approach the book when studying it for the first time, explains what the mark of the beast is really all about, and offers words of counsel and encouragement for pastors hesitant to preach through Revelation in their churches.
    The Crossway Podcast
    Episode 39
    December 9, 2019
    ★ Episode details: share.transist...
    ★ Additional episodes: www.crossway.o...
    Musicbed SyncID: MB01GARHA3YKQHN

Комментарии • 426

  • @fernandogallardo3458
    @fernandogallardo3458 3 года назад +6

    If you don't want to receive the mark of the first beast, don't seek after signs and wonders, and you won't be fooled by the signs and wonders of the second beast...
    The second beast is going to make fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and fooled them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles. {read revelation 13}
    In the churches, you have false ministers claiming to have power to do signs and wonders, and the churches believe the false ministers...

  • @Esthersimpson620
    @Esthersimpson620 4 года назад +25

    The Mark Of The Beast is not even issued by the Antichrist until near the very END of the Tribulation at the 5th Seal.
    stop being in fear. The BEST way to understand Revelation is to understand that Jesus Christ ALONE in the singular seed of Abraham, think about that and get the REVELATION of Jesus Christ.

    • @markuskasper7604
      @markuskasper7604 4 года назад +1

      Not correct.Please watch my video and read comment section

    • @jpowers001
      @jpowers001 4 года назад +2

      I don't know about that but I do know about this. www.biometricupdate.com/201909/id2020-and-partners-launch-program-to-provide-digital-id-with-vaccines and id2020.org/digital-identity

      @GRACEismyGOODWORKS7 4 года назад +3

      The mark of the beast is SIN. Everyone who has sin is a son of the devil and will be damned on judgement day for worshiping antichrist.

    • @dazstudio68
      @dazstudio68 4 года назад +7

      Ok so you are cool with taking the vaxx and being branded with invisib like ink in order to buy or sell?

    • @joshuathered1100
      @joshuathered1100 4 года назад +3

      @@GRACEismyGOODWORKS7 so you're saying that you are without sin?

  • @thetruthshallsetyoufree2040
    @thetruthshallsetyoufree2040 3 года назад +3

    Amazing, thank you so much for your grace Thomas

  • @williamlovell6265
    @williamlovell6265 4 года назад +2

    I hope many will listen to Dr. Schreiner’s insightful comments. The book of Revelation brings a profoundly timely message to the world, but it is sadly hampered by poor interpretation. Schreiner gets it!

  • @Disciple_777
    @Disciple_777 2 года назад +1

    Jesus is the way the truth and the life

  • @ronolds6505
    @ronolds6505 3 года назад +3

    First of all there are multiple identifiers for the Beast in Daniel and Revelation. Each identifier must be applied in order to correctly identify the Beast. "Let he who has wisdom, understand". 1) The Dragon (Satan) gave the Beast his power and great authority. In 321 AD Constantine gave the Pope both political and religious authority. 2) "He (the Beast) would think to change times and laws". The Pope claimed authority to change Sabbath to Sunday, "...as a MARK of her great authority". “The (Roman Catholic) Church changed the observance of the Sabbath to Sunday by right of the divine, infallible authority given to her by her founder, Jesus Christ. The Protestant claiming the Bible to be the only guide of faith, has no warrant for observing Sunday.” The Catholic Universe Bulletin, August 14, 1942, p. 4. This was done in order to get "sun worshipers" to attend church. Idol worshipers were also brought into the church by adding "idols" to the church. You can go into any Catholic church and find multiple idols, such as Mary, mother of Jesus. They even believe/teach that Mary is second only to God. They even pray to Mary (not biblical at all). There are multiple symbols in the Catholic Church that show the "Sun", to include an Obelisk in the Vatican courtyard (this Obelisk came from Egypt and has numerous references to Sun Worship. The Pope changed (times) from sundown to sundown (a day) to midnight to midnight. Sundown to sundown is biblical. 3) The Pope's official title is VICARIVS FILII DEI (Christ on earth) = 666. 4) He (Beast) will speak blasphemy against the Most High. The very name of VICARIVS FILII DEI is blasphemous. 5) He (Beast) will reign for 2,600 years and then would receive a deadly wound. The deadly wound would be healed. The Papacy reigned for exactly 2,600 years until Napoleon Bonaparte took the Pope captive. The position of Pope was reinstated at a later date (the deadly wound would be healed). In Revelation, the Woman dressed in scarlet represents an evil church (I'm not talking about the Catholic people, rather the power behind the Pope himself). The Woman dressed in white represents a "pure" church (God's children). Lastly, the Catholic Church changed the Ten Commandments. They removed the 4Commandment (Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy……..). Then they separated another commandment to make it 10 again.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      Rome was long thought to be the Beast, but on closer examination it isn't an exact, point by point match.
      The 4th kingdom of Daniel destroyed the previous three right away. Rome never fully conquered all the previous three. It left some territory unconquered and absorbed the rest. Another ancient empire totally devoured and crushed the entire area, as the prophesy foretold.
      The fourth kingdom was divided from the start. Rome was not divided until the very end. The part about Rome that does fit prophesy is the eastern part (The areas now under Muslim control.) But the split happened quite late. Another ancient empire has always been divided. It was and is split into two religious factions who hate each other.
      The fourth kingdom died, but was still around, and revived. Imperial Rome died. There remained A Rome, but it was a new creature. It did not retain the character of Imperial Rome. Another ancient empire died, stayed around, and is today reviving. The character, religion, and attitude are unchanged.
      The Beast in Revelation is made up of the bodies of the Lion, Leopard, and bear. The first three kingdoms. Rome does not own or occupy the lands that were once Babylon, Media-Persia, or Assyria/Greece. That other ancient Empire still holds the land, but not under one ruler.
      The Beast will be led by an Antichrist. The spirit of antichrist is to deny the deity or sonship of Jesus. An Antichrist presents "another Christ." Rome as a religion does not deny the deity or sonship of Christ, but it does offer another Christ. That other empire does both. It denies the deity and sonship and demands that all people under its control do the same on threat of death. It is planning to revive the Ottoman Empire under the leadership of Turkey (Assyria/Gog.) Erdogan has stated that the reason the Islamic caliphate will reform is for "Jihad." Once the Caliphate/Islamic Empire is reformed it is expected that Erdogan will step aside or be removed to make way for "Al Mahdi" who is known as "The Holy One." He has been called the Islamic Messiah.
      The Beast will behead those who refuse to convert to their religion. Rome killed, but not by beheading. Islam already does this. The Beast will keep people from buying or selling if they do not worship the Beast. Islam calls this "Dhimmitude." They have always placed severe personal taxes on those who do not convert. It also denies non-Muslims the right to work.
      Islam even has an "image" that is immediately recognized as a symbol of Islam. It has speakers and several times a day that tall image "speaks" and everyone who hears must immediately bow and repeat a prayer to Allah.

  • @RaulTorresMorfin
    @RaulTorresMorfin 3 года назад +1

    The mark will be literal, either on the forehand or the right hand......I dont say that...the bible does

    • @Bibletruth01
      @Bibletruth01 3 года назад


  • @nopretribrapture2318
    @nopretribrapture2318 4 года назад +16

    i want to know what the mark of the beast is so that i can avoid it and be homeless, live off scraps and foraging edible leaves,berries etc

    • @UR2Compliant
      @UR2Compliant 4 года назад +9

      Sure is sneaky of God that "taking the mark" might be confusing or hard for people to discern...especially for those who believe in God...wouldn't it make sense that "the mark" would clearly be evident?

    • @emman8101
      @emman8101 4 года назад +9

      You don’t have to become homeless if you are ready, just continue to read the Bible, spend time with God, and warn others. When time will come you’ll be ready and filled with strength through Jesus Christ and you’ll have to make the decision to reject the vaccine which will ultimately be the mark of the beast.

    • @freereign911
      @freereign911 4 года назад +2

      Patricia Lawson Is it the vaccine or is it the test? I think it’s the tea, because you can’t return to school and work without it. Hence, it’s the test because you can’t buy or sale without taking the test!

    • @nopretribrapture2318
      @nopretribrapture2318 4 года назад +2

      @@UR2Compliant exactly, the Bible is very vague and also very contradictory, however il not be transhumanising myself or receiving any type of rfid microchip implant or biometric electronic tattoo in or on me,bests to be safe than eternally sorry, rev 13:16-18 and rev 9:6

    • @nopretribrapture2318
      @nopretribrapture2318 4 года назад +1

      @@UR2Compliant also research the Bill Gates ID 2020 060606 correlates perhaps with rev 13:16-18 ( beast being the main computer system)?

  • @freereign911
    @freereign911 4 года назад +7

    No one is equipped to answer the question. I’ve seen countless of church heads, and they can’t decipher the mark of the👹

    • @positivesecret
      @positivesecret 4 года назад +11

      Best response ever ,,,,I personally think its a spiritual mark. Think a bout it ,A good man gos to hell just because hes dumb and get a chip in his hand? ,,,,An evil man gos to heaven just becasue he denys the chip .Its deeper than just a chip.

    • @freereign911
      @freereign911 4 года назад +2

      positivesecret That’s a great point🤔

    • @Caimille2
      @Caimille2 4 года назад

      positivesecret nah the mark of the beast is something that alters your dna the carbon 12 (6 electrons 6 neutrons 6 protons)

    • @freereign911
      @freereign911 4 года назад +3

      Caimille Really!?! And what is that something....??? Exactly, no one knows the exact answer🥴

    • @Caimille2
      @Caimille2 4 года назад +1

      Free Reign id2020 look it up

  • @yukymeajoseph177
    @yukymeajoseph177 4 года назад +1

    REVELATION is written in signs and symbols. The mark is better understood when you discover who the beast is. Because it's his mark.
    The fourth kingdom and last kingdom to rule the world in the prophecies of Daniel is the Roman Church State.
    “Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [Saturday Sabbath to Sunday] was her act... And the act is a "mark" of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things” (H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons).
    She, being the Catholic Church, is referred to as the beast in REVELATION with the deadly wound. But she will return to power again.
    This is why it is called the mark of the beast.

    • @yukymeajoseph177
      @yukymeajoseph177 4 года назад

      @Tim Keir you said that the bible says we can choose which day we want to keep based on Colossians 2:16
      Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
      Firstly, you can't quote one scripture that says that you can choose. Please don't lie in your responses.
      Secondly, the bible says don't let anyone judge you in religious matters. It never said don't engage at all in those religious things that you hold fast to. It's just saying that you should not let others dictate to you what they think is the way. That's the sole purpose of scripture. To be our guide.
      Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

    • @yukymeajoseph177
      @yukymeajoseph177 4 года назад

      @Tim Keir you also stated that Sunday is not the mark of the beast. How do you know that it's not the mark better than the beast himself? You admitted to knowledge about the Roman Church State's involvement in end time prophecy but you never researched what they believe? They have time and time again stated that Sunday worship is their mark of authority in religious matters and not the bible. Please look it up. It's public knowledge.

    • @yukymeajoseph177
      @yukymeajoseph177 4 года назад

      @Tim Keir one more point is what the bible says the issue is about.
      Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
      Revelation 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
      Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

    • @yukymeajoseph177
      @yukymeajoseph177 4 года назад +1

      @Tim Keir the bible says what the issue will be about at the end.
      Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
      Revelation 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
      Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      Revelation is written in symbols, but those symbols are explained in the text.
      To be the Beast of Revelation and Daniel it must match every single detail in those prophesies. It must also match up exactly with the prophesies in Ezekiel, Isaiah, Zechariah, and Micah. Every single detail must match.
      Rome was long thought to be the Beast, but on closer examination it isn't an exact, point by point match.
      The 4th kingdom of Daniel destroyed the previous three right away. Rome never fully conquered all the previous three. It left some territory unconquered and absorbed the rest. Another ancient empire totally devoured and crushed the entire area, as the prophesy foretold.
      The fourth kingdom was divided from the start. Rome was not divided until the very end. The part about Rome that does fit prophesy is the eastern part (The areas now under Muslim control.) But the split happened quite late. Another ancient empire has always been divided. It was and is split into two religious factions who hate each other.
      The fourth kingdom died, but was still around, and revived. Imperial Rome died. There remained A Rome, but it was a new creature. It did not retain the character of Imperial Rome. Another ancient empire died, stayed around, and is today reviving. The character, religion, and attitude are unchanged.
      The Beast in Revelation is made up of the bodies of the Lion, Leopard, and bear. The first three kingdoms. Rome does not own or occupy the lands that were once Babylon, Media-Persia, or Assyria/Greece. That other ancient Empire still holds the land, but not under one ruler.
      The Beast will be led by an Antichrist. The spirit of antichrist is to deny the deity or sonship of Jesus. An Antichrist presents "another Christ." Rome as a religion does not deny the deity or sonship of Christ, but it does offer another Christ. That other empire does both. It denies the deity and sonship and demands that all people under its control do the same on threat of death. It is planning to revive the Ottoman Empire under the leadership of Turkey (Assyria/Gog.) Erdogan has stated that the reason the Islamic caliphate will reform is for "Jihad." Once the Caliphate/Islamic Empire is reformed it is expected that Erdogan will step aside or be removed to make way for "Al Mahdi" who is known as "The Holy One." He has been called the Islamic Messiah, or "The Muslim Christ." He is "second in command to Allah."
      The Beast will behead those who refuse to convert to their religion. Rome killed, but not by beheading. Islam already does this. The Beast will keep people from buying or selling if they do not worship the Beast. Islam calls this "Dhimmitude." They have always placed severe personal taxes on those who do not convert. It also denies non-Muslims the right to work.
      Islam even has an "image" that is immediately recognized as a symbol of Islam. It has speakers and several times a day that tall image "speaks" and everyone who hears must immediately bow and repeat a prayer to Allah.

  • @freeonjubileestrumpet4752
    @freeonjubileestrumpet4752 4 года назад +5

    Luke 1:5-6 KJV
    5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
    6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.
    The words to eternal life are Jesus's commands and teachings. Some may say we don’t have to keep the Sabbath day, feast days or the dietary laws because they were part of the Law of Moses, but the Law of Moses was a separate law that consisted of the law of animal sacrifices, not the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses directly from God or the feast days and dietary laws. In order to be saved we must obey Jesus, we can find before Jesus came to Earth and dwelt with man, he was Melchisedec King of Salem who Abraham honored with a tenth of his possessions, the great I AM who appeared to Moses, and Jehovah Almighty who gave Moses the Ten Commandments and led the children of Israel out of Egypt.
    Hebrews 6:20 KJV
    Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.
    Hebrews 7:1-3 KJV
    For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; [2] To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; [3] Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.
    These first few verses in Hebrews 7 show that Melchisedec met Abraham back in Genesis 14:18-20 KJV: “18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. 19 And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: 20 And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all,” and later was made like unto the Son of God. We know that Melchisedec is without father, mother, descent, having neither beginning of days or end of life and is an immortal priest. This person cannot be the Father because Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and the only one who has seen the Father. No man including Moses who God showed his backside to has seen the Father. Moses saw the back of Jehovah, who is Jesus. John 1:17-18 “[17] For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. [18] No man hathseen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” No man who has ever lived on Earth, but Jesus has immortality. (1 Timothy 6:13-16 KJV ). Only Jesus, the Son of God, fits the description of Melchisedec.
    The second half of Hebrews 7 further elaborates how Jesus as the high priest of the order of Melchisedec, came to change and replace the old Levitical priesthood. . The change in the old and new covenant was the mediators. The mediator in the old covenant under the Levitical priesthood was Moses, the new mediator under the new covenant is Jesus. The Levitical priests oversaw the administration of the animal sacrifices for sin. Because the Messiah had not come, the Israelites needed a sin sacrifice so God would not kill them. The wages of sin is death, so the lambs, goats, bulls, turtledoves, ect. died in their place. This law was carnal and could never give anyone eternal life. Moses prophesied God will raise another prophet like him and they will listen to Him (Deuteronomy 18:15-19). Jesus is this prophet. At his resurrection and ascension to Heaven, he became our new mediator for the new covenant under Melchisedec which replaced the old covenant’s mediator under the Levitical priests. Hebrews 7:23-28 “[23] And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death: [24] But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. [25] Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. [26] For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; [27] Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself. [28] For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore.”
    Hebrews 10:1-13 KJV
    [1] For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. [2] For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. [3] But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. [4] For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.[5] Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: [6] In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. [7] Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God. [8] Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law; [9] Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second. [10] By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.[11] And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:[12] But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God; [13] From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
    These two scriptures, John 8:52-58 and Exodus 3:13-15, establish that Jesus is the great I AM.
    John 8:52-58 KJV
    Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. [53] Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself? [54] Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God: [55] Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying. [56] Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it and was glad. [57] Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? [58] Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.
    Exodus 3:13-15 KJV
    And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? [14] And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. [15] And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
    Isaiah 12:2-3 establishes the fact that Jesus is Jehovah, our Messiah. Through believing in him and keeping his commandments, can we receive eternal salvation.
    Isaiah 12:2-3 KJV
    Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. [3] Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
    We must keep Jesus’s commands, so what Jesus (who is Jehovah, Melchisedec, the great I AM) commanded the children of Israel to do which was to keep his Sabbath, his feast days, and dietary laws we must do also. You will not receive the Holy Ghost if you are baptised without repentance and repentance means keeping God's laws. The Gentiles are grafted into holy olive tree which represents Jesus Christ alongside the natural branches which represent Israel. These laws are spiritual (not carnal like the law of animal sacrifice), and last forever (Psalm 111:7-8). The laws of God come from the Father and were given to his Son Jesus to preach to the world for eternal life. John 17:5-8 KJV “[5] And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. [6] I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word. [7] Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee. [8] For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.” When we obey Jesus, we are obeying the Father. The commands and teachings of Jesus all come from the Father. The only change in the covenant was the mediators. The mediator in the old covenant under the Levitical priesthood was Moses, the new mediator under the new covenant is Jesus. Since Jesus came in the volume of the book, the commands given to him by the Father in the old testament have not changed.

    • @iwantthetruthandnothingbut6521
      @iwantthetruthandnothingbut6521 4 года назад

      Have you not read in the book of Acts that Paul and some of the other leaders of the church got together to figure out exactly what rules and regulations the Gentile Believers that we're coming into the congregation had to follow?
      Read Acts chapter 15 verse 5 "but some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, it is necessary to circumcise the Gentiles and to command them to keep the law of Moses..... verse 19 is where Paul tells them
      Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God
      But that we should write to them to abstain from things polluted by Idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood
      Verse 24 ....since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words unsettling your souls, saying, You must be circumcised and keep the law of Moses to whom we gave no such commandment....
      .v28. For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these Necessary Things....
      That you abstain from things offered to Idols, from blood, from things strangled and from sexual immorality if you keep yourselves from these you will do well.
      If the Sabbath were truly still as important as you seem to think it is, would not the Apostle Paul and the other leaders have made strict instructions to the Gentiles that they must keep the Sabbath??? Yet, they did not. Read again the important things that Paul instructed them in order for them to do well...

    • @freeonjubileestrumpet4752
      @freeonjubileestrumpet4752 4 года назад

      Acts 15: The Circumcision of Moses
      What does it mean to be circumcised in the manner of Moses? Did Moses circumcise the foreskin of any male while the children of Israel were in the wilderness for forty years? At the Jerusalem Council the apostles debated whether the newly converted Gentiles had to keep the Law of Moses. Some members stressed that the Gentiles could not be saved unless they were circumcised. Circumcision can refer to the foreskin, but we also see circumcision is used spiritually, referring to a clean and changed mind or heart within man. This type of circumcision requires the removal of our sins in order to become a new creature in Christ.
      Deuteronomy 30:6 KJV
      “And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.
      Romans 2:29 KJV
      “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”
      When we understand the word doesn’t always refer to the physical act, we can begin to understand the spiritual meaning, how circumcision means to cleanse us from iniquity whether it’s inwardly or outwardly. The law of animal sacrifice was a type of outward circumcision according to the letter of the law. Moses never circumcised the foreskin of a male while he led the children of Israel in the wilderness. He did not circumcise his own son. Zipporah, his wife, did it herself to save Moses from God’s wrath.
      Exodus 4:24-25 KJV
      24And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him.
      25Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and
      said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me.
      Joshua son of Nun had to circumcise the children born in the wilderness who were now adults. If Moses circumcised the foreskin then he would have circumcised the children born in the wilderness when they were born on the eighth day.
      Joshua 5:2-5 KJV
      2At that time the LORD said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the
      second time.
      3And Joshua made him sharp knives and circumcised the children of Israel at the hill of the foreskins.
      4And this is the cause why Joshua did circumcise: All the people that came out of Egypt, that were males, even all the men of war, died in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.
      5Now all the people that came out were circumcised: but all the people that were born in the wilderness by the way as they came forth out of Egypt, them they had not circumcised.
      John 7:22-24 KJV
      Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision; (not because it is of Moses, but of the fathers;) and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a man. [23] If a man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, that the law of Moses should not be broken; are ye angry at me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day? [24] Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
      Moses gave the people circumcision through the law of animal sacrifices (Law of Moses) because of the sins of the fathers (those who Moses led out of Egypt). The fathers built a golden calf which was a major sin against God. By the blood of the animals, they were not killed since sin requires death and blood for atonement. (Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.)
      Jesus perfected the Law of Moses by becoming man and living a righteous life, then dying as a perfect, blameless sacrifice for the sins of all those that believed and will believe in Him. That is also why it was unnecessary for Paul to circumcise Titus when Jesus fulfilled the law of animal sacrifice. Paul circumcised Timothy because Timothy was a Greek and outsiders were considered unclean to the Jews. If a Jew were in the company of a Gentile, they would become unclean, because the Gentiles did not keep any of the purification laws through the Law of Moses. However, God showed Peter in a vision in Acts 10 not to call any man common or unclean. Through the blood of Christ, all are cleansed and made new, the middle wall of partition (Ephesians 2:14) which separated the Israelites and Gentiles was broken. The sacrifices for sins and purification by the Law of Moses ended when Jesus died.
      In the end, God will judge us on the things written in the books of the laws of God (Revelation 20:11-14). The commandments of God are spiritual and last forever (Psalm111:8).

    • @iwantthetruthandnothingbut6521
      @iwantthetruthandnothingbut6521 4 года назад

      The Greek word for I am, has the Greek meaning of I exist. So Jesus said before Abraham was I existed... very important to go back to the original Greek and Hebrew of the scriptures

  • @m.n.d5949
    @m.n.d5949 3 года назад

    To my head mark is ID of some form on the forehead or wrist. Also key to note is this ID will be given an option to be placed in either of the two areas. 2ndly , people will know this is the mark of the beast ans choose to take it or not take it. 3rdly without this mark u would not be allowed to buy or sell. It did not speak on travel, jobs or other restrictions but specifically in relation to trade. So i dont know if its personal purchases or for business in particular. But key to note is it involves purchases and sales, head or wrist choice of identification mark, and knowing your going to take the mark. It never indicated that its a trick . So we would know when we are getting the mark and choosing to get it. Not confused if were gtn it. Now my assumption os that thiz vaccine is bad but i dont knw if its the mark bcoz u cnt take it on the forehead as an option nor does not having it restrict your purchase or sales. I think thr vaccine is part of changing your dna to prime u for the rfid chip

    • @johnong2655
      @johnong2655 3 года назад

      There's speculations that in future you can't work or get a work permit without the vaccine. There are already plans in setting a vaccination ID

  • @lindaeasley4336
    @lindaeasley4336 4 года назад +10

    The publication number for Bill Gate's /Microsoft's ID tracking chip patent tied to cryptocurrency that he wants everyone implanted with is 060606

    • @comingislamicantichrist7212
      @comingislamicantichrist7212 4 года назад

      🕋🌙 The Badge of the Beast is completely different from what your pastor told you! 🕌⤵️

    • @bottel01
      @bottel01 3 года назад

      And that is the new improved RFID chip it is a little different then the ones they gave to the cattle sheep and ect. yet it is the same. The marking of the beast's.

  • @marsonofjo344
    @marsonofjo344 3 года назад +2

    Revelation 13:16-18 Mark of the Beast
    16It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
    18This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
    1. Instituted by force/coercion
    2. All people receive the mark
    3. The mark is on the right hand (action) or forehead (belief)
    4. Can not buy or sell without the mark (true sabbath observers bears the seal/sign of YaHUaH, not the mark)
    5. The mark bears the name or number of the beast.
    6. It is a number (or name/title) of a man.
    The Papal Calendar is the Mark of the Beast.

    • @bottel01
      @bottel01 2 года назад

      That's in the new addition bible 666 old it say's 6 3 square and 6 the number add up to a hermophorities freaks. that's if you know what one of them are. it's a bio chemistry code for a hermaphrodites Machelle is one.

  • @Hannah-jk3dk
    @Hannah-jk3dk 3 года назад

    I think its prophectic as the relation to buying and selling has not taken place. Great study only there are alot of gaps left. Thank you.

  • @bigotemustache4863
    @bigotemustache4863 4 года назад +3

    Mark also means blemish or stigma

  • @joshuathered1100
    @joshuathered1100 4 года назад +2

    He never elaborated about buying and selling.

    • @Hannah-jk3dk
      @Hannah-jk3dk 3 года назад +1

      I noticed that cause it hasnt happened

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @Joshua The Red The buying and selling is not the way to tell the Mark of the Beast. It is a thing the false prophet will do to force worship of the Beast. The key is the identity of the Beast and the warning about worshipping another god.

  • @fffreddie
    @fffreddie 4 года назад +8

    I would say the cell phone is the mark. Just about everyone has one. You use it to bank, buy and sell. You freely carry it in your hand. Some freely install it in their ear. Every phone has a computer chip with numbers. You can now install an app on your cell phone to sell and make purchases.

    • @user-eu1ky2eh8g
      @user-eu1ky2eh8g 4 года назад +6

      true, everyone has one. but if thats the case then literally everyone is going to hell. so its definetely not the mark. the mark is something more sinister and i believe you will be forced to have it so thats why God tells us no matter what we cannot let that happen. if we die because we dont receive it then we die but we will die knowing we will be with our Lord and Savior for eternity..

    • @user-eu1ky2eh8g
      @user-eu1ky2eh8g 4 года назад +2

      ah also idk if its literal or not but the bible says it will in the right hand or forehead too so ..idk

    • @fffreddie
      @fffreddie 4 года назад +2

      @@user-eu1ky2eh8g Easily forced by making all banking, buying and selling transactions via computer. Cell phones now are capable of handling all transactions with an app. Two of my banking institutions have asked to do as much banking transactions as possible via online due to the corobaviras pandemic that has swept the world. We bought Girl Scout cookies from a parent via cell phone a few weeks ago. No cash needed. No one is going to put a gun to your head to accept the mark. People will freely accept it. By freely accepting is what marks your death from God. If you want to buy and sell you do not need an implant of a number in your hand or head. That's the confusion. If you are waiting for someone to hold you down and install a computer chip in your hand or head you are already lost. It's so much easier to just offer candy, gum and treats to ensnare you. Think of it as highly engineered mouse trap that offers no danger or harm to the mouse just captivity. But maybe in the future our technology will be so advanced that the cell phone will be installed on computer chip that is powered from your brain through our nerves. No more batteries. Do all your banking, selling, buying, talking, texting through a small computer chip in your hand or head. People will freely accept it. I fought tooth and nail over having a cell phone. I didn't want to have any of it. My wife being in an car accident changed my mind. I had an old flip phone for years until accepting a new style. Now I have Samsung 10 and I want a bigger screen. Even when you know the danger and reasons behind it you are still seduced by it.

    • @ryanthepianoman27
      @ryanthepianoman27 4 года назад +3

      ese hombre yeah it’s not

    • @Angel-zc1zj
      @Angel-zc1zj 4 года назад +3

      You need the mark to buy and sell, the phone isn’t that

  • @pedroaledo897
    @pedroaledo897 4 года назад

    Mr. Bill Gates just patented his bio chip to be used to buy and sell among other things in March of this year, the problem with this is that the patent number given to it by the International patent office was WO2020060606 , now please google it and see for yourself, the fact that this number broken down is "World Organization, the year 2020, and then number 060606, or 666" is a little bit weird if you ask me. Please check out how it will interface with the mind of the person in which it is implanted and how it will be able to read the brain's waves to identify the person doing the purchase or selling a product.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @Pedro Aledo
      No, 060606 is not six hundred sixty - six, and it is not gematria. Six is not an evil or cursed number. Neither are any combination of sixes. 666 means human. There is no magic or curse or hidden meaning in the number six or even 666. If the Bible said, "He is named Malcolm" would you panic every time you met someone named Malcolm?

  • @Disciple_777
    @Disciple_777 2 года назад

    JESUS is coming soon and JESUS is the only way to Salvation accept JESUS as your LORD and Savior today before it is too late

  • @paulculwell9062
    @paulculwell9062 4 года назад +1


  • @theprodigal7143
    @theprodigal7143 2 года назад

    Is this interpretation of the mark a forgivable sin for those who recieved it? Thx

    • @evelynrespass5385
      @evelynrespass5385 2 года назад

      No,.. when the ''mark of the beast' emerges during the Great Tribulation Period there will be NO forgiveness for anyone who receives it. That is the end for them. God wants us all with Him so much that even during the Tribulation Period He is going to have special people in place who continue to spread the gospel. There will even be angels warning the world of what will happen if they receive the mark. (Read Revelation 14:9) That's why we need to make sure we are in right relationship with Jesus NOW. God bless.

  • @erichansen3641
    @erichansen3641 2 года назад +2

    The remedy for taking the Mark of the Beast, which EVERYONE has all ready taken, is to turn from the Bible (i.e. the false words of a ravenous Benjamite Pharisee, wolf in sheep's clothing -- a Son of BELIAL), and instead seek to know the Daughter of God, Saint Joan of Arc, with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength.

    • @Disciple_777
      @Disciple_777 2 года назад

      Don't take the vaccine trust in the LORD ALMIGHTY.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @@Disciple_777 What makes you think the vaccine is the mark of the Beast?

    • @Disciple_777
      @Disciple_777 2 года назад

      @@stephenszucs8439 mark or not it is evil

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @@Disciple_777 OK. Why?

    • @Disciple_777
      @Disciple_777 2 года назад

      @@stephenszucs8439pray to GOD ALMIGHTY about it

  • @princeeugen777
    @princeeugen777 3 года назад +1

    Read again Revelation 13 seeing the papacy in Rev 13:1-10 and USA supporting the papacy in Rev 13:11-18 and think about USA as IMAGE of the papacy in the second part of the chapter.
    And why you don’t care to know at first God’s MARK(sign) so that finally you will be able to know also the counterfeited MARK(sign) ?.
    Start asking the Bible about His SIGN mentioned in Matthew 24:30 which will be fulfilled together with Revelation 11:19 according with Revelation 16:17,18 etc.
    What can He have in Matt 24:30 as SIGN able to make the whole united world to MOURN and what will be made as highly visible in Revelation 11:19 fulfilling Matt 24:30 ?.
    Then how you will read Matthew 24:30 Rev 11:19 knowing also Pope’s saying about SUNday Sun’s day as MARK(sign) of his authority and knowing about his main work to put SUNday on always more higher levels of value in the eyes of the whole world and knowing also his saying about the whole Christianity as already united (ecumenically) ?.
    And when you will never be able to find any Bible verse about His SIGN mentioned in Matt 24:30 when Rev 11:19 will be fulfilled, then try to see in Matt 24:30 the SIGN mentioned in Exodus 31:13,16 Ezekiel 20:12,20 knowing also verses like Hebrews 9:4 Exod 34:28 Deut 4:13 Deut 9:9,11,15 making as possible to calls the ark mentioned in Rev 11:19 as ark OF HIS covenant (because an empty ark without covenant were not called by God as ark OF HIS covenant in Rev 11:19 to fulfill Matt 24:30).
    Ask yourself if His SIGN(Exodus 31:13,16 Ezekiel 20:12,20) of authority as Lawgiver being the Creator will be able to make Pope’s united SUNday Sun’s day worshippers to MOURN in Matt 24:30 when Rev 11:19 will be fulfilled.
    Or you will be able to find any other Bible verses in Matt 24:30 about His SIGN able to make Pope’s united SUNday Christianity to MOURN seeing His SIGN.
    But don’t forget that in Matt 24:30 is about HIS SIGN as Son of man and not about any SIGN of His second coming.
    Don’t close your eyes ignoring all these Bible verses waiting for the day when Matt 24:30 will be fulfilled under your eyes because on this day will be too much later for you to start knowing all about HIS SIGN counterfeited by Satan’s SIGN(Mark).
    God bless your Bible study so that finally you will see yourself also in Isaiah 30:26

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @Kenneth McRae The Bible makes it clear that the "seed of Satan" refers to those who follow him, not physical offspring. The Antichrist and Judas are called the "Son of Satan" because he directly and actively controls them. Jesus called peter son of the devil when he rejected the idea of the crucifixion.
      Since the Satan was an angel and he is *not* confined in chains of darkness yet, he cannot be one of the angels who fathered the Nephilim. If he had created physical off-spring there would have been another flood.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @Kenneth McRae Yes. Agreed.
      The Bible says a lot about the Beast.
      The Middle East is the key. The Sea from which the Beast arises are the gentile people from the Mediterranean area. It will contain the first three empires of Daniel. The Leopard, lion, and bear. It will occupy the lands of Gog, Assyria, Ethiopia, Babylon, Tubal, Meshech, Media Persia, etc. It will have devoured and crushed the first three kingdoms of Daniel. It will be a divided entity from the beginning. It will be extremely fierce. It will seek the total destruction of Israel. It will invade Egypt and cause much trouble there.
      Worship will be part of the requirements of the people the Beast rules. That can mean just bowing down or serving, but it also involves a rejection of Jesus. It will force worship through economic hardship and beheadings. There will be some kind of image that represents the beast and that speaks and forces everyone to worship the beast.
      It will be ANTICHRIST. There are two definitions for antichrist. The denial of the deity or sonship of Jesus, and another (false) Christ. Islam is both. They deny the deity and sonship of Jesus and they present another "Christ. He is "Al Mahdi" "The Holy One, second in command to Allah."
      I am not saying that I know the reviving Islamic Caliphate under Turkey's leadership *is* the final Beast. But today it is the only entity that matches all of the prophesies.
      The Ottoman empire totally crushed the first three kingdoms. It died, but the character and religion of Islam did not.
      The ancient lands of Magog, Tubal, Assyria, and Meshech are now Turkey. The other lands of the Beast are all now under Muslim rule with Muslim majority populations. All three previous kingdoms are under Muslim control.
      Islam has an ancient practice of forced conversions. The official Islamic prophesies state that when the Al Mahdi comes, he will bring the world under Sharia law by "dhimmitude and the sword." That means severe economic sanctions and beheadings.
      Islam has an image. As the word is used in the Bible it means a thing used to represent a religion or an idol that is made of stone, wood, metal, or pottery clay.
      There is a big image a few miles from my home. It is a well - known ancient symbol of Islam. Several times a day a voice blares out of the thing and all who hear it are expected to drop to their knees and recite a prayer to Allah. The Minaret.
      If a minaret were placed on the Temple Mount, it would be considered an Abomination such as Daniel wrote about.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @Kenneth McRae
      The Illuminati originated in Bavaria. The Beast will come from the Middle east, according to every prophesy in the Bible.
      Albert Pike can't overrule the Bible. Can you name one prophesy of the Bible that does not fit A revived Islamic Caliphate?
      Can you show any that do indicate the illuminati?

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @Kenneth McRae
      I'm more interested in what you can show me from scriptures that defeats the Assyrian theory.
      I once considered converting to SDA. I studied their teachings and the Bible very carefully.
      Walter Veigh got much of his teaching from Alexander Hislop.
      Hislop was 100% debunked by his fellow protestant pastors almost 200 years ago. He made an amazing number of errors and omissions.
      The most glaring, to me is the claim that Nimrod married Semiramis, who gave birth to Tammuz and started every pagan religion on earth.
      But we know for absolute sure that Nimrod died circa 1750 BCE, Semiramis was reigning in Assyria as her son's regent in 920 BCE, and Tammuz was worshipped as an agricultural deity prior to the flood.
      We also know that paganism predated Nimrod.
      It would take more characters than RUclips could accommodate to go into even the major errors in Hislop's work.
      After careful study I had to decline joining the SDA. I have to believe the Bible over the opinion of men.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @Kenneth McRae I think our attention is being purposely diverted away from Islam. No matter how many people they kill, you won't hear it on the news and no politician will say a word, but when Israel goes after known terrorists hiding in cities the whole world screams that it was an unprovoked act of war.

  • @rexcavalier
    @rexcavalier 4 года назад

    If you carry a good name, you know that you cannot buy or sell the gifts of God like his knowledge, his immortal life, his love, his mercy, his righteousness, his justice, his peace, and the likes. All the more that you cannot buy or sell the abominable things of the world like destructive products and services and false gifts of God.
    But if a man rejected the good name and accepted the evil one, he thinks now the no man can be righteous. All are just pretending. Then he can now buy or sell the false gifts of God and all abominable things for profit without any regret.
    To have the good name of Christ is to have his character and spirit. These are interchangeable.
    To have the bad name of the enemy is to have is evil character and unholy spirit, the mark of the beast-minded kingdom of Satan.

  • @mariopineda3564
    @mariopineda3564 4 года назад +1

    I believe the Mark of the Beast is Spiritual . Its related to Nebuchanedzzar´s statue (idolatry) Dan 3:1 ( threescore cubits x six cubits) >>> Salomon: Love for money , many women, many chariots (love of possesions) 1 Kings 10:14 (Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold), means if we stay away from these "marks" we are for sure marked with the seal of the Holy SPirit of God (Ephesians 1:13). God Bless you all.

  • @mikefanofmovies
    @mikefanofmovies 2 года назад

    "This question was asked of The Lord, for a brother in Christ: Lord, what is the mark of the beast, in the Bible?[1]
    [The Lord answered] My son, why ask of Me such things? Rather, consider the marks you have taken. Are you clean? Where does your allegiance lie? Is it given to the things of men and to the lusts of this world? Or does it belong to God, longing always to know the deep things of Messiah, whom you call Christ? Therefore, seek first your own salvation; dwell not on outward things of evil. For evil has lost its grip on the redeemed.
    Yet for the sake of all those who shall come to read these words, I shall answer you, that they may hear and know and remember: The mark, this mark of the beast, is a choice, a grave error. Yet as of this day, it remains merely an invention of man, a device, a stamp. Yet there is an evil one among men who will gain power and much prestige, who will force everyone - great and small, rich and poor, free and slave - to receive a mark in his right hand or on his forehead.[2] The technology exists; its production has commenced. Thus that which was created for good shall be used for evil, that the few may gain control over the many, that no one may buy or sell unless they have the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name, as it is written.[3]
    My son, what you seek concerning the end of the age, I have already given to My servant, John, written in the book called Revelation. And that which was given to John, I now bestow upon My servant, Timothy, that all those who have ears to hear may hear the sound of this Trumpet and escape, for the Day is at hand. For as it is written: The Lord God does nothing without revealing His plans to His servants, the prophets.[4]
    Therefore that which you have considered, and that which you have heard, is true. And oh how modern man glories in his own creations, taking much pride in the inventions of his mind. Look how he revels in the works of his hands. Yet they shall be his undoing, for even now he has brought destruction upon his own head. For in his pride he has opened the door to the evil one, and on account of his great arrogance has he made it possible for the man of perdition[5] to rule over him; by his own works he has condemned himself to death!
    Why, O peoples of the earth, do you forge shackles and secure them about your feet?! I tell you the truth, you are all captives, slaves to your own evil thoughts and desires! Therefore, forsake all this madness and return to Me! Call upon My name in sincerity and in truth, and you shall truly be free! For I hold all the keys; even over death and Sheol do I have complete authority.[6] For as it is written: If The Son sets you free, you are free indeed![7] Says The Lord."
    "9/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
    This I say to you, concerning the beast: Only now has the time come, where man has made it possible for the one called sin, evil and deceit, the one full of much lying and abominable ways, to rule. For by man’s works has he now made it possible for the likes of this evil to gain control, even to accomplish all he has conceived of to do. In no time past were there such devices of men by which he could rule in this manner, or chains such as these for him to shackle as many as he will, or the means by which he can devour as many as he will.
    Behold, now is the time for him to cast his net over the whole world, and who can escape? For his eye will reach far and wide, his commands carried out on a whim. Now is the time, in which he can use the works of men for his evil purpose. Even from the heavens can he watch over his evil flock, and from the heavens can he destroy all those who oppose him, with fire, brimstone and fervent heat. Even now does he watch and lie in wait for his due time, as the lion waits in the tall grass for the moment, the opportune moment, to pounce and devour his prey.
    He has already begun to mark his people, and eagerly do they go... To death do they go! He is a cunning one, this evil one, for he will also come upon the world as a thief and a savior of men, but he will lead them, coax them and deceive them... And unto death will they go! And all who will follow him and take his mark will worship him, saying, “Who is like this man? And who knows what he knows? And who can stand against him?! Who?! He is the one whom all have waited for. He will bring peace and prosperity to the nations.” Many in that day will make a covenant with him, a covenant built upon the sand, the sands of false hope and great iniquity. They will rejoice in him, until the day his true faces are revealed. Yet few will take notice, barely turning the head, for they have all become adopted children of perdition.
    In that day, they will be so far stuck
    In the mire of their sin and adultery,
    With their hearts hardened,
    Their eyes accustomed to darkness
    And their ears attuned to evil,
    That they will be unable to flee
    From that which is about to overtake them...
    Then swift destruction will I pour out upon them,
    With no respite, nor hope of salvation or escape,
    For their choice is made...
    Goats branded for the slaughter...
    Vessels meet for destruction...
    "For He alone is your salvation,
    He alone is your only escape!...
    He is The Light, The Only Way, The Only Truth!...
    There is no life apart from Him;
    Apart from Him is only darkness and death,
    The wide path which leads to destruction...
    Is His name, The Mashiach!...
    The Bearer of your cross, The Lover of your soul,
    The Risen One, The Mighty One of Jacob...
    Immanu El!"
    "Thus says The Lord, The Risen One: Therefore, I call My beloved ones to be sober and vigilant, because their enemy, the adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he might devour. Behold, he stalks his prey and grabs hold by that which dwells within their hearts. Therefore, beloved, take every thought captive and resist the devil. Believe not the lies, nor give into fear, nor doubt; be steadfast, immovable, abounding in faith. For I am with you. For as it is written: I am the image of The Invisible God, The Firstborn over all creation. By Me were all things created, both visible and invisible, in the heavens and on earth. Whether thrones or dominions, or principalities or powers, all things that are and were created were created through Me and for Me. I am before all things, and in Me all things consist.
    Therefore, give heed to My words and understand. For as I had spoken to My friends in times past, so now do I also speak to you. For the time has come and is coming and is already here, when all signs and wonders shall be made manifest, when all prophecy shall be fulfilled. Rejoice, for your redemption draws near! And though the time of great sorrows has come in, hold fast, for these days shall be shortened... No more pain, no more tears, no more death, all sorrows passing away, rebirth, a time of refreshing which shall never end.
    Therefore, remember My words and have peace:
    One God...
    One Son, The Only Way to The Father...
    One Truth, One Word, One Messiah, One Spirit;
    One Food, One Bread and One Drink...
    One Body...
    Of which I am all,
    The All in All.

  • @jsmamaforever
    @jsmamaforever 3 года назад

    If this was the mark wouldn’t the beast already need to be set up?

    • @Bibletruth01
      @Bibletruth01 3 года назад


    • @davideldridge5150
      @davideldridge5150 3 года назад

      The beast power according to the scriptures is the Papacy.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @@davideldridge5150 Rome was long thought to be the Beast, but on closer examination it isn't an exact, point by point match.
      The 4th kingdom of Daniel destroyed the previous three right away. Rome never fully conquered all the previous three. It left some territory unconquered and absorbed the rest. Another ancient empire totally devoured and crushed the entire area, as the prophesy foretold.
      The fourth kingdom was divided from the start. Rome was not divided until the very end. The part about Rome that does fit prophesy is the eastern part (The areas now under Muslim control.) But the split happened quite late. Another ancient empire has always been divided. It was and is split into two religious factions who hate each other.
      The fourth kingdom died, but was still around, and revived. Imperial Rome died. There remained A Rome, but it was a new creature. It did not retain the character of Imperial Rome. Another ancient empire died, stayed around, and is today reviving. The character, religion, and attitude are unchanged.
      The Beast in Revelation is made up of the bodies of the Lion, Leopard, and bear. The first three kingdoms. Rome does not own or occupy the lands that were once Babylon, Media-Persia, or Assyria/Greece. That other ancient Empire still holds the land, but not under one ruler.
      The Beast will be led by an Antichrist. The spirit of antichrist is to deny the deity or sonship of Jesus. An Antichrist presents "another Christ." Rome as a religion does not deny the deity or sonship of Christ, but it does offer another Christ. That other empire does both. It denies the deity and sonship and demands that all people under its control do the same on threat of death. It is planning to revive the Ottoman Empire under the leadership of Turkey (Assyria/Gog.) Erdogan has stated that the reason the Islamic caliphate will reform is for "Jihad." Once the Caliphate/Islamic Empire is reformed it is expected that Erdogan will step aside or be removed to make way for "Al Mahdi" who is known as "The Holy One." He has been called the Islamic Messiah.
      The Beast will behead those who refuse to convert to their religion. Rome killed, but not by beheading. Islam already does this. The Beast will keep people from buying or selling if they do not worship the Beast. Islam calls this "Dhimmitude." They have always placed severe personal taxes on those who do not convert. It also denies non-Muslims the right to work.
      Islam even has an "image" that is immediately recognized as a symbol of Islam. It has speakers and several times a day that tall image "speaks" and everyone who hears must immediately bow and repeat a prayer to Allah.

    • @kat4256
      @kat4256 Год назад

      Antichrist is jfk jr

  • @MountCarmel007
    @MountCarmel007 2 года назад

    Watch " The Antichrist" by Hope Through Prophecy

  • @drwn1791
    @drwn1791 3 года назад

    Isn't God's number 7 (Exodus 20:8-11) and the devil's number 6? The mark of the beast in the foreheads or hands, however the mark or seal of God will be in the forehead. (Rev 7:1-4). Does God's mark has anything to do with His 10 commandments which He said He will write them in our minds? (Hebrews 8:10) I don't see the mark as literal.

    • @Bibletruth01
      @Bibletruth01 3 года назад


    • @drwn1791
      @drwn1791 3 года назад +1

      @@Bibletruth01 Thanks for sharing.

    • @davideldridge5150
      @davideldridge5150 3 года назад

      It absolutely is related. Enforcing Sunday as a Holy day of worship is the mark of Papal authority. It goes directly against the 4th commandment to keep Holy the Sabbath...the 7th day Sabbath. Worship the Creator or the beast power which is the Papal hierarchy.

    • @drwn1791
      @drwn1791 3 года назад

      @@davideldridge5150 Can you prove that?

    • @davideldridge5150
      @davideldridge5150 3 года назад

      @@drwn1791 The Papacy openly brags of her power and claims authority over all churches because they changed Gods law. Nothing new here, all the great reformers understood this.

  • @forestdenizen6497
    @forestdenizen6497 4 года назад +4

    It is clearly called the number of a man.
    Disinfo shills.

      @GRACEismyGOODWORKS7 4 года назад +3

      The mark of the beast is SIN. Very simple.

    • @theallseeinglie9246
      @theallseeinglie9246 4 года назад +4

      GRACE is my GOOD WORKS it’s very simple ? It says whoever does not receive the mark will not be able to buy or sell. That they will receive it in their hand or forehead..... what on earth Bible are you reading?

      @GRACEismyGOODWORKS7 4 года назад

      Rick Bass buy the truth and sell it not (proverbs). Jesus said to sell all you have and follow him. Jesus also says in revelation I counsel you to buy gold from me refined in the fire. To sell everything is to repent of all your works because all the “good works” which you store for judgement day are all sin to God. To buy is to believe the truth, believe God has provided Perfect Works for you as a gift. Believe Jesus is your Perfect Works. Buy the truth and sell it not, believe Christ is your finished works and return not back to your own works which are all dogs vomit. Sin is the mark but all with sin can never understand because the mark of the beast also blinds them so they believe a lie and sell the truth. Whoever has sin can neither buy nor sell, nor repent of sin nor believe the truth-unless they are born of God and receive His Mark ;)

    • @godismystrength2449
      @godismystrength2449 4 года назад

      @@theallseeinglie9246 THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS ABOUT SUNDAY WORSHIP!!!!
      We were warned that in the last days there would be a falling away from the truth because of the world through deception which is choosing to worship the Antichrist on a counterfeit day of worship. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” Daniel 7:25 says, the (Antichrist), “he shall...think to change times and laws.”
      The pope (Antichrist), the Beast (Rome = Daniel 7:23; Revelation 13 & 14), the Harlot (Roman Catholic church = Revelation 17) says,
      “By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day, and command you to keep the first day of the week. And lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic church!" Father Enright, C.S.S.R. Of the Redemptoral College, Kansas City, History of the Sabbath, p. 802. "Sunday is a Catholic institution and its claim to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles .... From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first." (Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia, August, 1900.)
      The Ten Commandments of the Bible total 295 words in length, but the Roman Catholic church's ten commandments are a total of only 77 words only. This is an open attempt to change the Law of God, regardless of the fact that Jesus Christ Himself declared in Matthew 5:18, "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law..." The Catholic church has removed 218 jots and tittles from the Law of God just as Daniel stated they would in Daniel 7:25.
      Satan is deceiving & preparing the world to receive the “Mark of the Beast” in these lastdays, Revelation 12:9. What is the “Mark of the Beast”? Revelation 14:9-10,11, “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God...who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” The Mark of the Beast is about WORSHIP! The Vatican says,
      "Sunday is our MARK of authority....the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact" Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1,1923.
      For more info please visit our website www.sdrministries. org/ruclips.net/video/e7drYAtAdAk/видео.html/

      @GRACEismyGOODWORKS7 4 года назад

      Tim Keir if your life has one sin in it from beginning to end it is an abomination to God and you will surely be put to death. Only those with a perfect life without sin have been raptured.

  • @johnong2655
    @johnong2655 3 года назад +1

    How bout this, the beast is the WHO? The world leaders

    • @Bibletruth01
      @Bibletruth01 3 года назад


    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      The WHO doesn't match the prophesies. Not even close. You have to go beyond two verses in Revelation.

  • @Goldpenny1
    @Goldpenny1 2 года назад

    Those who take the MOTB will have declared their total allegiance to Satan, who they will belong to forever with no way out; as well as rejected the Salvation of Yeshua Jesus Christ; and Satan as we understand is destined for the lake of fire along with his angels.

    • @Disciple_777
      @Disciple_777 2 года назад

      Don't take the vaccine trust in the LORD.

    • @evelynrespass5385
      @evelynrespass5385 2 года назад

      @ Goldpenny1. That's why it is crucial everyone gets their hearts right with Jesus Christ NOW while there is time....

  • @gerardmiller7364
    @gerardmiller7364 4 года назад +1

    The revelation is descriptive in some chapter's. Not all of the chemicals are describing the beast.
    And the 4 beats of god are written in revelation chapter 4. However the beast isn't a beast.
    Explained in revelation chapter 17v 11. The description is the automobile and aircraft. You can't buy or sell the automobile and aircraft without the serial number and name of the automobiles or aircraft, when you buy it. This is clearly explained in chapter, 9 where he wrote about the bottomless pit.
    The bottomless pit are oilwells and mines. Steel is mined in pits in the ground, and the sea. Oilwells are all related to the beast. Which is the automobile and aircraft.
    Further explanation is written in chapter 9, v 9.
    He wrote about Babylon, which is modern day Iraq. And how they made war for five months.
    The locusts are flying, and they are described as locusts, yet they have bodies of steel.
    Thus the explanation of military aircraft.
    The stingers in the tails are, actually the missiles. As the missiles were called stinger in the war in Iraq.
    Description of the images of the beast. Are the computer, and television. The numbers are required in the sales of said devise.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      You are looking for a modern, technological meaning in the ancient words, but the Bible stresses the *ancientness* of the last days. It will be a continuation of the ancient hatred of Israel. It will be a revival of an ancient enemy of Israel. It will be made up of the ancient ethnic groups that once controlled the entire Middle east. It will use the same ancient methods of force and coercion (beheadings and dhimmitude.)
      When the Bible flat out states that "the beasts are kingdoms" God made a mistake? When he had the prophets write that the "Man of perdition" who leads the final Beast coalition is from Assyria/Magog (Turkey) he lied? When The Angel (Christophany) told Daniel that the sea from which the Beast arose represented the gentile nations around the Mediterranean he said that because he didn't know the right words for "a factory in Detroit"?

    • @gerardmiller419
      @gerardmiller419 2 года назад

      @@stephenszucs8439 no , the beast is not a beast. It's a description of the automobile and aircraft. It's clearly written that the beast is from the earth, as steel is mineral in earth, as well as mineral such as iron and steel products are all mined in the earth.
      You can't buy or sell it , without the name and number, as is written in chapter 13, v 17.
      The beast makes fire fall from the skies, and in chapter 9 he describes the aircraft, clearly as locusts. The military aircraft were called scorpion, in the war in Iraq. The missiles were called stingers. So the same events are described in chapter 16. As the fifth angel events are the same.
      And the sixth angel events are the next war. A war in which one third of the human race will die in just one hour. Revelation chapter 16. And chapter 9 v 14 to 19 is the same story.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @@gerardmiller419 The Angel defines the Beast in revelation. In Daniel it s a Christophany (Jesus himself) who clearly defines the Beast. You do not get to over rule God.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      @@gerardmiller419 The Word 'ge' means land, world, region, or people of a region. Sea is often used to describe foreign nations and people. The Bible often uses both words in this way.
      Since the 2nd beast in Rev. comes from the land and follows the one from the sea, and is directly compared to the one from the sea, grammar demands that we handle the contrasting "sea" and "earth" the same way.
      The angel clearly states that the sea from which the first beast came was the peoples and nations. The Sea in Daniel is the Mediterranean. The Middle East.
      The 1st Beast in Rev. is the 4th in Daniel. The Beasts in Daniel's vision are a restatement of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar's statue.
      Daniel explained that the 4 sections of the statue were four kingdoms and that "You are the first." The ruler of a kingdom is identified by the same name as the kingdom. (Wales is place in the UK and the official name of the Prince of Wales.)
      The angel tells Daniel that the beasts represent kings. Kings and kingdoms.

    • @gerardmiller419
      @gerardmiller419 2 года назад

      @@stephenszucs8439 obviously, you didn't take into consideration the 2000 years described. In chapter 20 , a thousand years and then another 1000. Equals 2000. That is our time.
      The beast that comes from the ocean, and then the earth is iron, and steel.
      However I'm not the one who was wrong. The number is, not the only thing requested for , when buying and selling, is it? Revelation chapter 13, v 17. Name and number.

  • @tinababych3037
    @tinababych3037 4 года назад +1

    From the true bride out in the spiritual wilderness, out of all Churches. I sang the Song of the Lamb some call it the Song of Moses in the spirit. I am one of the 144,000 we have a PURE
    FAITH and the Testimony of Jesus. The Lamb helps us gain the Victory over THE BEAST it's
    MARK and it's IMAGE. The Bride appears at MIDNIGHT with a message from Jesus to HIS people if they will HEAR it. The straight testimony that will cause the shaking, The REAL IDENTITY of MYSTERY BABYLON THE BEAST it's MARK the numbers 666 THE FALSE PROPHET ANTI CHRIST and the TRUE LOCATION of the most HOLY PLACE so you may
    get the VICTORY as well.
    Mystery Babylon is the one drunk with the blood of the Saints, is the same one that thinks to
    change TIMES and LAWS. HER identity is the Roman Catholic Church with the Pope as HER
    representative. Every time SHE reappears in HISTORY there is much blood shed of God's Commandment keeping people Saints. The Protestant Reformation is but one such event.
    The Roman Catholic Church MOVED God's SABBATH over to the pagan day of the sun Sunday
    SHE did it as HER MARK of authority over God's Laws and Commandments, and the Testimony of Jesus which is BLASPHEMY. God tells us SHE has Harlot sisters. They are ALL
    Churches under HER RULE and DOMINION that carry HER MARK the Roman Sunday. This is
    the BEAST SYSTEM. This MOVE by HER made GODS CHURCH of the Laws and Commandments, and the Testimony of Jesus a desolation. God says SHE suffers no loss of
    The Roman Catholic Church have foot soldiers called the Jesuits, they are loyal to HER alone
    They must infiltrate religion at the theological level. Creating new ones and spinning all types of false narratives for the existing ones. This is MEANT to cause division, dissension and confusion among God's people, we know SATAN is the author of it ( confusion ) . The main
    and to MAKE ALL TAKE HER MARK the Roman Sunday . God tells us HER wound would be
    healed. The Pope has once again appeared on the world stage.
    The Anti Christ is anyone that speaks against God's Laws and Commandments, and the
    Testimony of Jesus. There have been many Anti Christs in the WORLD. The one that sets
    HIMSELF up in the most HOLY PLACE lets call HIM Satan's Masterpiece THE FALSE PROPHET a Man who has led the WHOLE WORLD astray with HIS Anti Christ Doctrine
    Where do we find the most HOLY PLACE really ????
    The most HOLY PLACE is much debated for many reasons the Jesuit infiltration into schools
    of religious learning and THEIR deceptions concerning it. The others the IDEAS of Men. God
    tells us to BEWARE of those claiming to be Jews but are not. The others the WORDS of a
    Man THE FALSE PROPHET and HIS deceptions concerning it.
    God has sent the Bible through out the WORLD, it has been translated into many languages
    IN IT God tells us who HE is and who HIS SON is and ALL about SATAN who seeks to
    discern THE TRUTH for themselves and CHOOSE WHOM they will FOLLOW !!!!
    THE FALSE PROPHET ANTI CHRIST must be playing out in PLAIN SIGHT !!! or it would
    not be FAIR. God says " I DO NOTHING IN SECRET " !!!. FOR THIS REASON the ( BATTLE )
    has been going on since the VERY BEGINNING right in front of our EYES !!!!.
    THE BIBLE is GODS MOST HOLY PLACE !!!!. Look for it anywhere else and you will be
    DECEIVED and SATAN pleased. HE does not want to REVEAL HIS IDENTITY HE wants to remain HIDDEN.
    IN THE BIBLE GODS MOST HOLY PLACE God tells us who HE is and who HIS people are.
    They keep My Laws and Commandments, and the Testimony of Jesus. IN IT God also tells
    us HE does NOT CHANGE . Until Heaven and Earth pass away not one stroke or letter shall
    pass from THE LAW until all be fulfilled . This has always been GODS MARK of HIS people
    what happened ????
    Saul to Paul an Apostle of God. That does depend on who you ask !!!. God's disciples knew HE
    was an IMPOSTER they said HE was wreaking havoc on GODS CHURCH of the Laws and
    Commandments, and the Testimony of Jesus, they sought to KILL HIM.
    The Apostle Paul goes on to INVENT Pauline Christianity HIS BOOKS the number of a Man
    66 6 and THE BEAST THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Mystery Babylon.
    The Apostle Paul sets HIMSELF up IN GODS MOST HOLY PLACE THE BIBLE. Declaring
    HIMSELF to be God. Thinking to change TIMES and LAWS just like HIS ROMAN
    COUNTER PART THE BEAST The Roman Catholic Church DID !!!!.
    The Apostle Paul TELLS US WHO HE IS !! IN the Book of Thessalonians. HE IS
    that God will REVEAL. There is only one LAWLESS ONE IN GODS MOST HOLY PLACE
    God's Laws and Commandments, and the Testimony of Jesus. This MOVE by HIM Made
    GODS CHURCH of the Laws and Commandments, and the Testimony of Jesus a DESOLATION
    God warns if a Man speak not according to THE LAW there is no light in them
    The Anti Christ Apostle Paul is Also THE FALSE PROPHET that sets HIMSELF up
    MAKE ALL TAKE HER MARK the Roman Sunday
    This is ( HOW ) The ANTI CHRIST Apostle Paul THE FALSE PROPHET accomplishes it
    God says come out of HER My people. Lest you drink of the wine of the wrath of HER
    fornication. God says if you stay in a SUNDAY CHURCH I will say " I NEVER KNEW YOU"
    God is not a Christian. God says MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE and KEEP My
    Laws and Commandments, and the Testimony of Jesus, " I DO NOT CHANGE "
    God left the Apostle Paul IN with HIS BOOKS OF INVENTED CHRISTIANITY telling you
    God wants to know who will listen to HIS VOICE or rather the
    VOICE of a Man the Apostle Paul THE FALSE PROPHET who has led the
    WHOLE WORLD astray with HIS Anti Christ Doctrine of Christianity
    The combined efforts of THE BEAST The Roman Catholic Church ( MYSTERY BABYLON ) and
    The Laws and Commandments, and the Testimony of Jesus a desolation
    For Their PART they will have Their PLACE IN the LAKE OF FIRE
    Wake up it is MIDNIGHT
    From the TRUE BRIDE out in the spiritual wilderness
    out of ALL Churches they are ALL UNDER ROMAN OCCUPATION

    • @markuskasper7604
      @markuskasper7604 4 года назад

      Please watch my video.Paul was indeed The Antichrist and The Mark of The Beast is, in short...The Hologram on the Forhead region of your identity picture.It's the whole system one is apart of.

  • @rexcavalier
    @rexcavalier 4 года назад

    The mark of the animal is simply his name or character or spirit. This animal is the power that rose up from the people themselves in these latter times posing like a lamb as if it is one of them. Once a man accepted this spirit or character or name in his mind or stronger action (forehead or right hand, he can now think that the spiritual things of God can be bought by our good works or even think that he can sell them in exchange with the temporal things of the world. He will keep on desecrating this present day of righteous judgment because his day is more valuable to him. The three sixes is more valuable than one seven. Seven symbolizes the day or rest of the Lord which is today. His people must do all their best to enter this eternal rest if they think God's day is more important than man's day which the number 6 represents. Buy and sell can also be done through barter. For example: Why is it that a professed christian buy pirated movies or sell cigarettes or wine? Or think he can save his soul by paying masses? Or abort the fetus in her womb? Or buy immoral services or immoral stories? Or spend his time watching porn? Is it because he thinks he is an animal just like what the teachers of evolution insist?

    • @rexcavalier
      @rexcavalier 3 года назад

      @Sabbath 7th day The mark or seal of God on his people is his holy spirit, his character, his law, and his name. These are all one and cannot be separated from each other.
      If you have God's character which was shown by Jesus, you don't need to buy salvation by your good works for whatever that is for sale there are lies. You cannot sell these gifts of God either in exchange for anything just like the evil thing done by Esau when he sold his gift in exchange with a bowl of food. You know you can't buy or sell like that. You will feel guilty because you know that you carry a holy name in your mind and action.
      But a man can buy or sell these things without feeling guilty once he accepted the counterfeit spirit of the beast.
      Friend, the marking is already happening, only this time, the agent is the lamblike power which rose from us, humans, ourselves, the power of the people.

  • @bigotemustache4863
    @bigotemustache4863 4 года назад

    I need to get on this podcast. 7 comes from the 7 cervical vertebrates.

  • @lisetterijkelijkhuizen9852
    @lisetterijkelijkhuizen9852 3 года назад

    Ezekiel 13.18 - 13.23 mark of the beast
    “Woe to the women who sew magic charms [g]on their sleeves and make veils for the heads of people of every height to hunt souls! Will you hunt the souls of My people, and keep yourselves alive? 19 And will you profane Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, killing people who should not die, and keeping people alive who should not live, by your lying to My people who listen to lies?”
    20 ‘Therefore thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against your magic charms by which you hunt souls there like [h]birds. I will tear them from your arms, and let the souls go, the souls you hunt like birds. 21 I will also tear off your veils and deliver My people out of your hand, and they shall no longer be as prey in your hand. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.
    22 “Because with lies you have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and you have strengthened the hands of the wicked, so that he does not turn from his wicked way to save his life. 23 Therefore you shall no longer envision futility nor practice divination; for I will deliver My people out of your hand, and you shall know that I am the Lord.”
    Ezekiel 13.18 - 13.23 mark of the beast We have veils vaccines we are not able to buy food barley and for pieces of bread, without the veil and one magic vaccin in our arm. We are captured like birds in a cage if this is not the mark wat then

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      To be the fulfillment of prophesy it must match every single detail of every single prophesy.
      You CAN buy and sell without a vaccine. Even if you couldn't, that is NOT the way to identify the Mark. It is not the evidence of the Mark. It is an act of coercion that the FP will do to force conversion. Don't forget that it is not just buying and selling. Those who refuse the mark are beheaded. I haven't seen that happen.
      Why do you think God cares if you get a vaccine? Let me guess:
      1) somebody told you that when the Bible says sorceries it means "pharmekia" which means drugs. Nope. Pharmekia has several meanings. The main one is "medicines for healing and alleviation of symptoms." Sorcery has many more meanings. The main meaning is witchcraft. Use of drugs is the least common meaning. When the word is used in the Bible it refers to witchcraft, sacrificing to idols, infant sacrifice, deceptive practices (cheating people out of money,) sexual immorality, or necromancy.
      2) Someone told you that the vaccines change your DNA. They flunked biology in high school. When you catch a cold that cold virus invades the nucleus of your cells and converts your cells' DNA to viral genomes. Those changed cells then attack more of your own cells and convert their DNA. That is how every virus makes you sick. If you cannot produce antibodies faster than the viral cells take over your own, you die. All vaccines introduce weakened or dead viral cells or parts into your body to spur the immune response without the risk of the viral cells overpowering your defenses. The virus can change the cells' DNA because it has a nuclear access enzyme. The COVID vaccine does not have that enzyme. When a virus infects you by changing the DNA of your cells, it doesn't change *your* DNA. The changed cells are no longer part of your body. They die and are eliminated.
      3) You have heard that it is experimental, new, technology. Not true. The mRNA vaccine technology has been around since the 1960s. The only new thing is the tiny, microscopic "nano" bit of fat that covers the protein spike.
      The COVID vaccine takes a scraping of protein from the viral cell, encases it in fat to keep it stable, and that protein alerts your body to the viral threat so that it creates antibodies against that virus. -mRNA refers to the scraping from the viral cell. The viral RNA "introduces" your immune system to the genetic make-up of the invaders.
      4) You have heard that the "Beast" of Revelation is the US, UN, RCC, "big Pharma," Banking System, WHO, Bill Gates, Big Tech, Trump, NYC, Biden, Obama, or anyone, thing from the west. Nope. Daniel and Revelation show us a Middle easter Beast. Ezekiel, Isaiah, Zechariah, and Micha refer to an Assyrian or Magog as the Beast. Both areas are in modern Turkey.
      5) You fear side effects. Every single thing you put into your body has the potential to harm you. The risks with the vaccine are exactly what one would expect of any vaccine. 97% of the adverse reports were swelling and pain at the injection site. Serious reactions are rare. Every year about 15,000 people die from taking Acetaminophen (Tylenol etc.) everything you eat, drink, or consume in any other way has a potential risk. You must decide if the benefits outweigh the risks in each case. Is a Big Mac worth the risk of heart disease? In the case of medications there is a reason that all Doctors, Pharmacists, and nurses must be licensed and have proof of continuing education classes. They are trained to help you accurately assess the risks.

  • @michaelturnage3395
    @michaelturnage3395 3 года назад

    All glory to Christ for giving us this message, pray for God to open your understanding before watching ITS WORSE THAN YOU THINK (FULL DOCUMENTARY): revelationsofjesuschrist.com/it-worse-than-you-think-full-documentary/
    The HUMAN TEMPLES OF BAAL AND MORE: revelationsofjesuschrist.com/the-mark-of-the-beast/

  • @alongcamejones309
    @alongcamejones309 4 года назад +1

    Interesting what Thomas is saying. To add extra light to this Try the Reformed Theologian Ken Gentry on U tube " The Beast of Revelation IDENTIFIED " A MUST SEE "

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 3 года назад

      @Hazel McRae I may never get around to reading that Book, but who does He say the Eighth King is. I thought it could be Vespasian

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 3 года назад

      @Hazel McRae So Mcrae believes that Hiram the King of Tyre is the 8th King empowered by Satan ??

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 3 года назад

      @Hazel McRae Who do you think the 6th King is ??

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 3 года назад

      @Hazel McRae Who does Marae think the 6th King is ?

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 3 года назад

      @Hazel McRae The 6th King " AND ONE IS " has to be the King/ Emperor in power in Rome when John was writing the Revelation. So it must be Nero. After Nero's assisted suicide in AD 68 the " THE ONE YET TO COME " Must be Galba, John Prophecied he would not last long and Galba didn't. His Reign as Emperor lasted only 6 Months and then he was murdered. The previous 5 Kings that are no more are 5 dead Emperors of the Caesar line. The first been Julius Caesar.

  • @Ashley-xq2bt
    @Ashley-xq2bt 3 года назад

    “Let me just tell you straightforward, and with kindness, Bible prophecy indicates clearly that the beast is the papacy … since the beast is the papacy, the mark of the beast is the keeping of the false day of worship, Sunday … those who choose to keep Sunday will receive the mark of the beast, for the mark of the beast is the keeping of Sunday.

  • @jcentricity
    @jcentricity 2 года назад

    "And he (Collection of Papal clergy priests) deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs ( Catholic Antichrist miracles) which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast (Antichristendom Papal Antichrist kingdom) telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast (image is idol which is Eucharist/Mass Wafer they believe through transubstantiation the bread literally becomes Jesus they turned bread into idol this is THE Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel and Jesus in Matthew 24. 70AD destruction was a type of desolation but not THE Abomination of Desolation. Notice how Jesus uses the word THE basically he's alluding to the worst idol which is the Eucharist Mass bread) who was wounded by the sword and lived. (Rome wounded when it became Christian empire it was healed when paganism was revived under Roman Catholicism)" The word APOSTATE in the Greek equals the number of the beast and APOSTATE is a name of a person and aka name of name of the beast. Specifically people would fall away from the true church and embrace the doctrine of demons which includes the worship of saints, relics and sepluchres (accept Antichrist idolatry and setup idolatry in their heart so Antichrist spiritually rules from within the idolator's temple (their physical body). Thessalonians talks about the Great Apostasy where people will become APOSTATE ------- Revelation 13:14 NKJV

    • @Disciple_777
      @Disciple_777 2 года назад

      Don't take the vaccine trust in the LORD ALMIGHTY.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 2 года назад

      Rome does not meet every detail of every prophesy.

  • @fuafaatiga6593
    @fuafaatiga6593 3 года назад


    • @zelldincht9683
      @zelldincht9683 3 года назад

      That's not the mark of the beast tho

  • @bottel01
    @bottel01 3 года назад +3

    The rfid chip is the mark of the beast. they first used it in live stock in farm ranches what ever. The rfid chip they will be putting in human is the same yet improved to program itself into nerves system where the big pc in Brussel Belgium so it can monitor you.

    • @bighairyfeet
      @bighairyfeet 3 года назад +1

      No. It's not. Gee wiz

    • @bottel01
      @bottel01 3 года назад

      @@bighairyfeet Maybe they used it in you mama the beast. and then she had a little creater like you to say No.

    • @bighairyfeet
      @bighairyfeet 3 года назад

      @@bottel01 can you read or write english?

    • @bottel01
      @bottel01 3 года назад +1

      @@bighairyfeet your mama doing a rfid chip and had a cyborg . and you all name it BoB

    • @bighairyfeet
      @bighairyfeet 3 года назад

      @@bottel01 that's true actually

  • @tiffanydavis8051
    @tiffanydavis8051 3 года назад

    Everybody has taken it already!! It's been here for a long time!!

    • @lastcall8286
      @lastcall8286 3 года назад

      Check out bio chips in Sweden they have 6 to 10,000 people chipped in their right hand where they buy and sell if that in the mark has revealed in Revelation 1360 and 17 what is?

  • @R4yyy4nNakajima
    @R4yyy4nNakajima 4 года назад


  • @troyhayder6986
    @troyhayder6986 3 года назад

    Nah nah nah nah nah...
    I have a beastly mark
    Nah nah nah nah nah...

    @GRACEismyGOODWORKS7 4 года назад +3

    The MARK of the beast is SIN. Everyone who's works, life, fruit, tithe, or sacrifice has 1 sin is a son of the devil and will be damned in the last day. Sin is the mark upon the damned. Whoever is born of God has perfect works and a perfect life without sin and a perfect blameless sacrifice because JESUS is our perfect finished works, Jesus is our perfect life without sin, and Jesus is our perfect sacrifice to God. JESUS is the mark of God. Sin is the mark of the beast.

    • @theallseeinglie9246
      @theallseeinglie9246 4 года назад +1

      Buy or sell. Hand or forehead. How the hell could you interpret this to mean sin....

      @GRACEismyGOODWORKS7 4 года назад

      Rick Bass it is written “BUY the truth and SELL it not” and Jesus says “I counsel thee to buy from me gold refined in the fire”. And to the fools and rich of this world he says “go and sell all you own and come follow me”. To buy and to sell is self defined by scripture. The sons of the devil can never understand the language of scripture. To buy is to believe and to sell is to repent. In the beast system you have not repented nor believed-you are not of God unless you do mans good works-(all of mans good works are sin). So those of the beast system accept mother Teresa and the pope and all Christians who live the Christian life and do good deeds etc-all who have sin. All who have the mark. If you don’t do their good works-like me, then you are killed and that is why my body lays slain in the city with the body of Christ ;)

    • @emman8101
      @emman8101 4 года назад +1

      GRACE is my GOOD WORKS NO, the mark of the beast is not sin because everybody sins. That is why God gave us Jesus because EVERYONE sins, and through Jesus we can have our sins forgiven. The Mark of The Beast will be an ultimate decision on wether you will denounce Jesus and receive the mark on your forehead or right hand.