Is The Vaccine The Mark Of The Beast?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Pastor Jack and‪@beholdisrael‬ tackle this question and discuss the speculation surrounding the COVID vaccine. Does it play a role in end-times events? What does the Bible say about the mark of the beast? Join us to find out on this week’s program!

Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @TheOlsjvd
    @TheOlsjvd 3 года назад +1527

    The fact they want every single person on earth to take it, is a big red flag for me.

    • @deannacannonwomanofgodmini6048
      @deannacannonwomanofgodmini6048 3 года назад +150

      Same here . And because now you have to have a certificate of the vaccine 💉 to go places and or get on a plane in some places. I believe it is part of it.

    • @nitaahire4411
      @nitaahire4411 3 года назад +72

      @@deannacannonwomanofgodmini6048 that's what COVID 19 stands for.. Certificate Of Vaccine Identity AI ..A 1st alphabet I 9th alphabet. So it's 19.

    • @mccafan5438
      @mccafan5438 3 года назад +66

      @Peter Russell thing is..this is not a covid "vaccine."

    • @caigetompkins3759
      @caigetompkins3759 3 года назад +39

      @@deannacannonwomanofgodmini6048 key words being “some places”. When the mark of the beast is made to come out it will be everywhere at once. Yes some places require the certificate. That is another reason this vaccine is NOT the mark of the beast

    • @jereynolds51
      @jereynolds51 3 года назад +89

      I cant believe the church just giving the ok to get this shot. It is dangerous and when people start dying they will blame covid. They will give it 2 or 3 more weeks. Death is coming and its not covid. We need to drop and pray for all who have taken it. Dr. TENPENNY. DUCK DUCK GO

  • @Colby83
    @Colby83 3 года назад +932

    I’m a first responder. We are given the option. But I’m sure in time, it will become mandatory. I assure you the day that happens, I will no longer be a paramedic

  • @zoeburruss677
    @zoeburruss677 3 года назад +372


    • @misskitty2808
      @misskitty2808 3 года назад +3

      I know

    • @misskitty2808
      @misskitty2808 3 года назад

      @Ben Bernard there..people don't ask ignorantly to parables!

    • @keiahjoyner8206
      @keiahjoyner8206 3 года назад +4


    • @sweetgobi
      @sweetgobi 3 года назад +8

      Amen, I'm just passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. This life is merely a nanosecond compared to eternity. PTL

    • @DEVOTED2YaHUaH144k
      @DEVOTED2YaHUaH144k 3 года назад +3

      Exactly right

  • @yahchelrachel
    @yahchelrachel 3 года назад +256

    People are being mislead like sheep to the slaughter. Thank God the Lord is my shepherd. I choose to remain vigilant.

    • @acemoore7204
      @acemoore7204 3 года назад +5

      People believe everything they see on TV. LOL
      Everyday the media talks about covid for the past year, repetition works.

    • @yahchelrachel
      @yahchelrachel 3 года назад +2

      @@acemoore7204 Exactly

    • @annmyann437
      @annmyann437 3 года назад +6

      May I share these words with you today. To the glory of God. Amen!
      The blood of Jesus, is my vaccine. May the blood of Christ wash all over me, and flow through my veins. Amen!
      As a child of God, my body is the temple of His Holy Spirit, and this Temple will no more, NO MORE be deviled, in Jesus' name. Amen!
      Friend, I would like to share these words with you.
      We are living in peculiar times indeed.
      We don't know who the antichrist is yet, and what his mark is, at the moment. But, we know we won't be able to buy or sell without that mark, and it will mostly likely be forced/mandatory. We know the mark of the beast is either the antichrist's name, his mark, or the number of his name. We also know it involves worshipping the beast's image. We also know it involves deception.
      God has warned us, that if anyone takes that mark, they will be condemed forever, eternally seperated from God, and will suffer the undiluted wrath of God.
      We can also descern the times we are presently living in, with the Holy Bible.
      This is where we are so far:
      All these lockdowns, and pandemics are the falling of the 6th beast kingdom, and the ushering in of the 7th beast kingdom.
      After the 7th beast kingdom, comes the 8th and final beast- kingdom(The antichrist's worldwide rule). There will be no more earthly kingdoms after that. That's it people!
      Rome was the 5th beast kingdom that fell.
      But who ruled after the fall of Rome, and is still ruling the world today? Who is the 6th? Do you know?
      The 6th beast kingdom is falling. I don't know how long the complete fall will be, or how many more years all this will take. But I do know, that after all the beasts have fallen, Christ's Kingdom will come on earth. Only Christ's Kingdom will be eternally established on earth, and only Christ's Kingdom will remain forever, and ever. Amen!
      Good news, Christ comes during the antichrist's rulership. He will destroy the antichrist(the beast), and the beast's kingdom with FERVENT HEAT, AND WITH THE BRIGHTNESS OF ALL THE GLORY OF HIS COMMING.
      However long it takes for Christ to return, let us all be ready, and stay ready. Whoever have ears to hear, they will hear.
      It is written that, "The Gospel of Christ is foolishness to those who are perishing."
      The count down began thousands of years ago: So let us see how far we are then.
      The count down of the beast kingdoms began with Babylon. Then Medes. Then Persia. Then Greece. Then Rome. All 5 beast kingdoms have fallen. Then the 6th beast king/kingdom/empire/super power arose. Are you trying to figure out who the 6th beast is yet?
      Who ruled after Rome, and is still ruling the nations in some way or form today? It's Obvious. Do you know who it is now?
      In biblical terms they are called kings or kingdoms. In modern terms they are referred to as empires, super-powers, or world powers.
      So, after the 6th beast kingdom (super power), comes the 7th. Then, the antichrist takes precedence sometime during the 7th beast kingdom (or world super power), and he will set up his own kingdom (one world union under is technocratic-antichrist rulership), which is the 8th and FINAL world kingdom here on earth, before the return of The Alpha, and The Omega(Christ Jesus).
      The antichrist will come in peace(false peace) because the entire world will be lawless and in so much chaos, and wars, and rumors of wars, famine, and pestilences(diseases), and disasters, earthquakes in diverse places. He will make peace, false peace, temporary peace. But he will be a dragon pretending to be a lamb, like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Then after his pretend- peace treaty, comes sudden destruction. The antichrist will sit in a temple thinking he is god, calling himself god, and demands that those on earth worship him and his image. He will cause anyone who will not worship him or his image to be put to death. He will be a man satan has possessed and gives demonic power to.
      Did you know that satan is the illegitimate god of this earth, since he stole it from Adam with deception, in the beginning.
      One day during the antichrist's rulership, our Beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus The Messiah, will make His grand entrance. What a dreadful and terrible day that will be for satan, the beast, the wicked, including the demons, and those who are found without the Lord (both those who are dead in sin and those who are alive in sin).
      But that day will be a glorious and a rejoiceful day for The Lord's children(both the alive in Christ and dead in Christ).
      "For The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." 1 Thessalonians 4 verses 16 to 18.
      If you have not yet received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, please do it. Come to Christ with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. Christ is The Only Refuge out of this crazy, evil, and falling world. Let us keep our eyes, our hope, and faith in Christ alone. He is our Salvation, and the key to eternal life.
      Feel free to correct me, if I am incorrect.
      Read Daniel Chapter 2, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 10, Chapter 11.
      Read Revelation Chapter 13, and Chapter 17.
      The answers are in the Bible.

    • @carollp5207
      @carollp5207 3 года назад +1

      @@annmyann437 I studied the Bible Prophecies and World History. it's ALL written in the Bible.
      I agree w/ you 100% Well done, sister for sharing this to others. God Bless you!!

    • @kelvinbarber1765
      @kelvinbarber1765 3 года назад +2

      @@annmyann437 who told you christ was going to rescue Christians during the tribulation period? That's a lie!!! You will be here to deal with the Antichrist and make a decision about taking the mark of the beast.

  • @mimosa9888
    @mimosa9888 3 года назад +139

    I've been working for one of the 3 Major US airlines for the past 19 years and, if they make it mandatory I would rather be fired.

  • @tonyornelas9374
    @tonyornelas9374 3 года назад +486

    If you haven't figured out how deceptive this world is after 2020 you have no hope of ever figuring it out

  • @yolandaglover8666
    @yolandaglover8666 3 года назад +366

    My daughter is a nurse she said she is not taking the vaccine she will quit first

    • @donnataliercio7080
      @donnataliercio7080 3 года назад +3

      Does she have children does she need a place to live in food well she may take it

    • @donnataliercio7080
      @donnataliercio7080 3 года назад +8

      @Troyphy keywords fear not how many times in the Bible did Jesus say fear not. Why because fear is the control mechanism of the devil. Walking Cheese's not in fear fear not for he walks with us completely and absolutely

    • @heathercrichfield9413
      @heathercrichfield9413 3 года назад +20

      My friend was 34 , healthy, fit, no issues. He took the vaccine and died 5 days later.

    • @lesliewilliford2179
      @lesliewilliford2179 3 года назад +2

      @Troyphy its a vaccine not the mark i dont understand this comment.

    • @lesliewilliford2179
      @lesliewilliford2179 3 года назад +5

      @Troyphy sorry you re wrong false prophet or no false prophet the Bible never says that there will be a prequil to the mark read your Bible

  • @michaelboskovich6948
    @michaelboskovich6948 3 года назад +159

    If the government says take it - DONT TAKE IT

    • @marihasites7706
      @marihasites7706 3 года назад +2

      Second lockdown is coming fast o and it’s Permanent so make it a place that you want to be at

    • @yerusalemyerusalem3864
      @yerusalemyerusalem3864 3 года назад

      @@payoytum5338 in common law. But this is different. Some people just don't have The Holy Spirit nor discernment.

    • @doloreslopez4241
      @doloreslopez4241 3 года назад +3

      I heard the vax is wearing off, so now they want us to take a booster shot!! Some will. Most will not. I pray for them all.

    • @perciousmatter7001
      @perciousmatter7001 3 года назад +4

      If the wicked ones say take it dont take it!!

    • @brownhairedgirl23
      @brownhairedgirl23 3 года назад +1

      Mariha Sites In Sydney, where I live, we are nearly reaching 3 months of a statewide lockdown.

  • @loribenintendi5843
    @loribenintendi5843 3 года назад +327

    Yea, I do not have to watch this video through. My answer is NO! Not going to put something I don't need into my body. Jesus is our healer. One yr. I'm still here.🙏✝️♥️

    • @stephanie98948
      @stephanie98948 3 года назад +13

      Yes we also believe that Jesus has us covered 🙏

    • @jessienicholson5207
      @jessienicholson5207 3 года назад +5

      What about helping others beside yourself

    • @originalfiremancancelled7303
      @originalfiremancancelled7303 3 года назад +5

      Definitely don't need the video just believe what you believe and read the Bible for the truth KJV

    • @tammimccormick7300
      @tammimccormick7300 3 года назад +9

      Amen ! I had it twice , never went to hospital. I’m 59 disabled too. The first time I got it was the beginning of it all. Had it a month . I prayed at couple of times when I prayed ent to sleep I would wake up cause of congestion. But the Lord God kept me . I remember telling one of children this is the weirdest flu I’ve ever had . But I used a zpac nebulizer and inhaler and God . We are in Gods timing , he determines when we die.

    • @nicheleloh2893
      @nicheleloh2893 3 года назад +2


  • @jacobwilson4368
    @jacobwilson4368 3 года назад +190

    Best advice take it to God in prayer he will never let you down period.

    • @stephenloudon5833
      @stephenloudon5833 3 года назад +9

      AMEN Jacob!!!!!

    • @joseavargas477
      @joseavargas477 3 года назад +9

      That's True advice...
      'Take it to GOD'.

    • @wconde7392
      @wconde7392 3 года назад +6

      Good will never let you down but are you doing everything to not let God down, we always make God serve us but we never serve the Most high God. This should not be, He is the Most High serve him and he will bless you.

    • @abssnipes
      @abssnipes 3 года назад +7

      it depends . if you follow someone or a system knowing they are evil dont count on god to even ou things. the actions are also important. reject the vaccine if you feel in your guts its wrong..... that s my 2 cents .

    • @MsTich69
      @MsTich69 3 года назад +1

      I done this and I’ve had it

  • @oprygirl
    @oprygirl 3 года назад +231

    I will lose my job before I take it! I’m not taking it

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 года назад +10

      even if we DO NOT even really know what's in it; but from what little we know, isn't it still clearly obvious that it is NOT SAFE to take it, then how can anyone honestly say they "don't know" if it is safe or not?! please, do NOT take it!

    • @sparrowflying864
      @sparrowflying864 3 года назад +9

      Get prepare then to lose everything ( family, friends, house, cars, job, bank accounts, buying anything or being able to sell anything ) even your life. Repent by going to the river confessing your sins and take John's baptism of repentance according to Acts2:38. Then you win. No matter what they do to your body you will yet live. And they loved not their lives unto death. Repent and believe the gospel. Time is short.

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 года назад +3

      @@sparrowflying864 can you help me find a place to water baptize near los angeles please?

    • @rachelcerny7399
      @rachelcerny7399 3 года назад +19

      I pray for everybody who refuse and can loose jobs. Trust GOD, HE will provide for you.

    • @TonyClarktravelnowsa
      @TonyClarktravelnowsa 3 года назад


  • @st.3433
    @st.3433 3 года назад +74

    "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around , seeking someone to devour."

  • @s.b.6425
    @s.b.6425 3 года назад +317

    Let's not get involved with sharing partial truths. If it looks evil, it is evil. Abstain from ALL APPEARANCE of evil.

    • @traceyw6143
      @traceyw6143 3 года назад +35

      Amen!!! The whole agenda behind these vaccines is evil. Something is either for God or against God. This is definitely not glorifying God.

    • @gratefulgal6416
      @gratefulgal6416 3 года назад +21

      Man made V. Man made cure. ( Only one cure per MSM💉). What does the Bible say about trusting Man ?

    • @shlomorabenovets4709
      @shlomorabenovets4709 3 года назад +8

      To put that verse into context it says to test the spirits Pertaining to prophecy. If it is determined to be a false proclamation then we are to avoid every appearance of the evil false prophecy. Go ahead read the entire context.

    • @Musick79
      @Musick79 3 года назад +1

      That’s anti vaccine perspective

    • @denise6580
      @denise6580 3 года назад +2

      I dont get all the fuss behind the vaccine
      I DONT BELIEVE this is the mark of the beast. Trump was in charge of the vaccine and I don't think he would have signed onto something nefarious.

  • @melissaculpepper7663
    @melissaculpepper7663 3 года назад +443

    “My People die from lack of knowledge.”

    • @ChamomileMineral
      @ChamomileMineral 3 года назад +18

      Very knowledgeable pastor but on this topic I don’t know :( I wish pastor JD came to join the conversation .

    • @truthseeker7575
      @truthseeker7575 3 года назад +31

      Rev 18:23 ...for by their "pharmakeia " all the nations were deceived". That's enough for me to say no. Autoimmune from a previous TDaP booster. Took me a long time and thousands of dollars just to get that answer. Never again. Let Babylon fall and the remnant be saved!

    • @connieroberts4626
      @connieroberts4626 3 года назад +8

      Hek~293what about the vaccine changing your DNA? What about MRC-5 and Hek293

    • @connieroberts4626
      @connieroberts4626 3 года назад +3

      You really been to do the ethics of it because its like your only addressing half the issue.

    • @connieroberts4626
      @connieroberts4626 3 года назад +17

      The fact that so many first responders and medical personnel won't take it and are quiting their job because of it tells you whether its the mark or not its NOT a good thing to take!

  • @yvonnedohoney3243
    @yvonnedohoney3243 3 года назад +394

    As an ER not take this

    • @nickmarks5597
      @nickmarks5597 3 года назад +36

      Yvonne, my wife was in the ER with sever Covid symptoms. We were there long enough to go through a shift change at 7pm, the Nurses station is directly across from my wifes room...8 nurses were conversing as I stood in the corridor by the door I could hear them without them knowing. They were comparing side effects of the Vaccine. Three of them experienced severe night sweats from the first inoculation. Two others had already taken the second vaccine and became very ill.

    • @debbiewilliams9490
      @debbiewilliams9490 3 года назад +68

      Yep, I agree! As a medical not take the vaccine.
      I wish people would just do some simple research on this vaccine.

    • @locoemutwo4872
      @locoemutwo4872 3 года назад +23

      @Linda Garris ...excellent! RN as well, ethics

    • @tonyeaton671
      @tonyeaton671 3 года назад +12

      @Robert P. Smart what false teaching is he preaching? Can you give examples

    • @jharvey9898
      @jharvey9898 3 года назад +19

      @@nickmarks5597 it’s because of a DNA change. I won’t take it either.

  • @pbs4535
    @pbs4535 3 года назад +125

    Be WARNED this IS a PREPPING for what’s COMING don’t be DECEIVED!!

    • @genetranscends1662
      @genetranscends1662 3 года назад +2


    • @kelvinbarber1765
      @kelvinbarber1765 3 года назад +5

      Worse is coming!!!

    • @guyinpajamapants6892
      @guyinpajamapants6892 3 года назад +3

      You are worrying about worldly things!!! Look to the Lord for comfort and guidance not Dr. Fauci!

    • @keishatanoe1067
      @keishatanoe1067 2 года назад +1

      any biblical evidence?

    • @kelvinbarber1765
      @kelvinbarber1765 2 года назад

      @@keishatanoe1067 Read about the Seals in Revelation. That was an asinine question when it's right there in your face.

  • @gadolelohai115
    @gadolelohai115 3 года назад +273

    Sadly satan DECIVED 1/3 of the angel's in heaven - they followed him right out the door! Don't think for a moment we cannot be deceived.
    When we say we won't, or that we can't be deceived, that shows a Spirit of Pride. Pride got satan kicked out of heaven..
    Stay alert church! Trust ONLY Jesus! Know the Word of God.

    • @Sara-ry4vc
      @Sara-ry4vc 3 года назад +6

      Gadol Elohal Absolutely right!!
      One thing I love to do is, when someone mentions a book and verse, I'm on it! I look in the bible. Jack quoted John 14:1-3 it doesn't say what Jack said it did!:(

    • @Sara-ry4vc
      @Sara-ry4vc 3 года назад +8

      @Steve Warlee John 14:1-3
      1 Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.
      2 "In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
      3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

    • @ElleKay4Life
      @ElleKay4Life 3 года назад +4


    • @Romans1.24-27
      @Romans1.24-27 3 года назад +3

      you're right

    • @veronicas810
      @veronicas810 3 года назад +7

      I agree. The Bible said let no man deceive you.

  • @look4truth
    @look4truth 3 года назад +585

    It may or may not turn out to be the Mark, but I'm not taking it. Not a chance.

    • @Danielle33384
      @Danielle33384 3 года назад +65

      Yeah I’m not taking it either. My immune system does just fine.

    • @rhondamarckini2985
      @rhondamarckini2985 3 года назад +46

      Me either read what’s in it.

    • @kentfink9509
      @kentfink9509 3 года назад +11

      You won't be there to be given the option

    • @anne461
      @anne461 3 года назад +38

      You guys, I totally agree with you about getting this vaccine. And I don’t know if you listen to Heidi St. John about wearing the mask, which I hate with a passion. I’m a flight attendant. I can’t work without the mask on my face. Now comes the vaccine. You all know we are being controlled not only by the government, but also by corporations. Stores, Target, airlines etc. I can say just like everyone else on the planet that I won’t be taking that evil vaccine but what do you honestly do when your livelihood can be taken away from you? If the place you work said s “don’t return here til you get the vaccine and have the document that says you do”...... honestly what can you do. They’ve already divide us, conquering is super easy now. I really would like to know what you’d do up against what I’m saying. I don’t see a way out of this. I’m glad my children are grown and gone. I only have to take care of myself. Also being able to sue is not even an option. They already control that.

    • @pionus3651
      @pionus3651 3 года назад +21

      It’s not the mark...if you believe you’ll be gone. But if it was the mark, you would have a might lose your head, but you would have a choice.

  • @Gypsyjonescafe
    @Gypsyjonescafe 3 года назад +184

    It doesn’t matter if it’s the mark, it’s UNTESTED, INEFFECTIVE, EXPERIMENTAL & UNNECESSARY.

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 года назад +13

      even if we DO NOT even really know what's in it; but from what little we know, isn't it still clearly obvious that it is NOT SAFE to take it, then how can anyone honestly say they "don't know" if it is safe or not?! please, do NOT take it!

    • @kingofkingschild
      @kingofkingschild 3 года назад +4


    • @Raptureready2day
      @Raptureready2day 3 года назад +21

      AND the vaccine companies have NO LIABILITY for any damages that may occur...NONE. I’m choosing not to play Russian roulette.

    • @gingycat4279
      @gingycat4279 3 года назад +7

      @Russ Wade It is amazing how many people rely on medicine to save them instead of faith in Jesus. People need to do research on the word pharmaceutical in the Greek. It means sorcery. The Lord knew someday it would lead to evil things. You are correct in your statements. Check out Luciferase if you haven't already. Check out nanoparticles. The world doesn't realize what "they" have invented decades ago that is now coming to light.

    • @ivycatholic888
      @ivycatholic888 3 года назад +3

      @@Raptureready2day correct, it says “ no liability”

  • @reclaimhisrainbow4427
    @reclaimhisrainbow4427 3 года назад +59

    Be aware of pastors who think they fully understand the years of tribulation because I have seen every sermon imaginable, all with different ideas.

  • @terryme3287
    @terryme3287 3 года назад +86

    Do not lead your flock astray! From the comments, it's so pleasing to see so many who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Thank you God for the Holy Spirit 🙏

    • @frostypi7042
      @frostypi7042 3 года назад +1

      Seek the truth, watch the vid "the human temple of Baal" by 'Revelations of Jesus Christ, channel on r.u.m.b.l.e.

    • @2386boxer
      @2386boxer 3 года назад +2

      Frosty PI I watched it 👌🙏 this pastor is a wolf in sheep clothing scofield Bible John Darby teachers smh

    • @georgestobbart4894
      @georgestobbart4894 3 года назад

      exactly, the holy sprit, amen

  • @BigWaveDave1977
    @BigWaveDave1977 3 года назад +58

    First they stick you, then they chip you.😮

  • @Dovee111
    @Dovee111 3 года назад +89

    Some people are experiencing horrible side effects and some have even died from it.

    • @flubadub4464
      @flubadub4464 3 года назад +4


    • @markmooney5662
      @markmooney5662 3 года назад

      Satan doesnt need to persecute us ...he just needs Christians who listen to conspiracy theorists to believe the lie...and they will do his dirty work for him. Matt ch 12 v25
      You are deceived...
      Grace and peace
      Gilly wife of Mark

    • @cindyjoybarclay
      @cindyjoybarclay 3 года назад +1


    • @amyprays2564
      @amyprays2564 3 года назад +1

      Yes, a woman told me her dad died from the vaccine.

    • @ttall6136
      @ttall6136 3 года назад +1

      Yep.. personally know of someone who took it .. urinating blood!! Got blood clots!!

  • @jackjohnson375
    @jackjohnson375 3 года назад +64

    The Beast is a system. And most people wont be forced they will demand it and want it because of fear

    • @elainemoreland3908
      @elainemoreland3908 3 года назад +7

      The system is the unholy Roman empire. The beast is a man that will come out the Roman empire and that current pope will be the false prophet. All roads to hell go through Rome.

    • @msmissy143
      @msmissy143 3 года назад +3

      @@elainemoreland3908 BINGO...👍...YOU WON!

    • @susanpautsch551
      @susanpautsch551 3 года назад +2

      That is the truth but we should not fear keep our eyes open and listen to the Lord in faith he will protect his people those that have total faith in our God not theirs which is Satan himself.i will not ever take the mark of the beast .I put my and my families lives in GODS hands always and forever

    • @genetranscends1662
      @genetranscends1662 3 года назад +2

      The beast.....people, organisations.....of corruption and tyranny.....look around, already here.

    • @elainemoreland3908
      @elainemoreland3908 3 года назад +2

      @@genetranscends1662 The old Roman empire is being revived and the beast will come from this system. We will wait for the beast to show himself.

  • @johnanderson6352
    @johnanderson6352 3 года назад +162

    Everyone is being conditioned, and deception is rampant everywhere.

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 года назад +12

      please, do NOT take it!

    • @onehope2587
      @onehope2587 3 года назад +9

      Yes, so let's keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ only and the Word of God which is the bible. Always praying without ceasing and study the Bible to show ourselves approved unto God.

    • @truthseeker5642
      @truthseeker5642 3 года назад +13

      John, personally I don’t know about you, but doesn’t it boggle the mind how much wide spread evil deception is virtually everywhere now? Many people just march around totally clueless to it all! I feel like I’m in a bad dream. I tell people give it some critical thought about what’s happening here. They look at me like I’m an alien from another galaxy.

    • @truthseeker5642
      @truthseeker5642 3 года назад +9

      @@Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist DO NOT TAKE THIS POISON!!! No matter what!!!!

    • @txwarriorbride5112
      @txwarriorbride5112 3 года назад +6

      @@truthseeker5642 Yes, we are Not to defile our temple!🙏🙌💕👰

  • @gadolelohai115
    @gadolelohai115 3 года назад +41

    For any of us to think we cannot be deceived in these end times is to have a prideful heart. That attitude must be repented of. Pride is a spiritual cancer.

  • @StaciHeus
    @StaciHeus 3 года назад +230

    This to me is all a pre-cursor. We’re all shooting people in the heads and wrists with temperature thermometers. So the Mark in the forehead or hand, and having to be scanned for purchases, and doing this now is like conditioning people for the future. It’s all bad.
    Love you guys, thank you for all you do. I really appreciate you! ❤️

    • @spence0238
      @spence0238 3 года назад +8

      Read the scriptures ... no yrue Christian will ever yakenthe mark of the beast. It clearly stated those who refuse to worship the beast will be killed. Then they give the mark to those who worship the beast.
      The beast has not even been assassinated yet. And that also comes before the mark
      16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    • @jereynolds51
      @jereynolds51 3 года назад +4

      Can't shop in open Florida without a mask. They turned it over to the big box stores. This is b.s.

    • @CillaNeill
      @CillaNeill 3 года назад +15

      Definitely a pre-cursor and watched a video by Dr Sherri Tenpenny (Shot in the dark) where she says once you take the mRNA vaccine you have been ""marked" and it cannot be undone.... lots of people take the vaccine because they want to travel.......THINK TWICE! Also buying and selling means doing business. Like you cannot get on a plane to go do business in another country (you cannot buy a ticket without your digital vaccine ID certificate. You cannot work in a large corporation, you cannot attend a university etc.....

    • @veronicagomez526
      @veronicagomez526 3 года назад +10

      Is a training brainwashing

    • @StaciHeus
      @StaciHeus 3 года назад +3

      Verónica Gomez if you ask me, yes.

  • @st.3433
    @st.3433 3 года назад +33

    Peter 5:8, NIV: "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around looking for someone to devour."

  • @teresachoate8728
    @teresachoate8728 3 года назад +111

    I’m unable to take the vaxxines (intentional incorrect spelling) due to being allergic to so many allergies and nearly died 3 years ago. God Saved My Life

    • @Tigerex966
      @Tigerex966 3 года назад +6

      I was in the hospital a whole week, almost died, after a vaccine shot as a kid, so as an adult, even if you had 100% proof it was safe, and I could due if something went wrong for a billion dollars, I would not take it.

    • @lisalynn8441
      @lisalynn8441 2 года назад +1

      Unfortunately they dont care! People who had the first and had severe allergic reaction they r being told they HAVE to take it or u cant work

    • @nicoleatkinson5002
      @nicoleatkinson5002 2 года назад

      The Antichrist will come from the Tribe of Dan!
      King James Version
      Revelations 18:23
      For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all Nation's deceived
      Sorceries translated back to the original Greek is Pharmakeia
      Jab is the MOTB

  • @paulettemoloney3459
    @paulettemoloney3459 3 года назад +117

    You’re saying what it’s not but it doesn’t sound like you’re researching on what it is🙏🏻

    • @toontown306
      @toontown306 3 года назад +7


    • @Kiki-wi7px
      @Kiki-wi7px 3 года назад +4

      @Linda Garris
      Everyone was Born with an Immune System. Let IT Work for You. If you Have a Compromised Immune System, that's an Easy Fix. There has Never been Any Scientific Proof that Vaccines Are Necessary. Research Vaccine's, by REAL EXPERT'S, Unlike Fauci. Bill Gates has the Patent on the Vaccine's. He is all About De-Population of the Planet. Fauci is a Fraud, and Part Owner of the Manufacturer's of the Vaccines. Research those "Evil" one's while you're at it.

    • @butterfliesinsidemj
      @butterfliesinsidemj 3 года назад +1

      @@Kiki-wi7px Amen!

  • @user-jv1cl2fs6m
    @user-jv1cl2fs6m 3 года назад +70

    Regardless, it's all about us getting acclimated to it! So yes the barcode, the chip etc is all about conditioning. AND CONTROL!

  • @Christy-mw9sc
    @Christy-mw9sc 3 года назад +38

    Even if it were to not be the Mark, I still won't be taking it.

  • @gnjkimble
    @gnjkimble 3 года назад +108

    I've been studying transhumanism and this vaccine. It's interesting and somewhat...I don't exactly want to say scary but enough of something to make my stomach turn.

    • @suzannenapolitano5480
      @suzannenapolitano5480 3 года назад +11

      It is scary, Not to take lightly GOD have Mercy on us!

    • @CWS1985
      @CWS1985 3 года назад +6

      I was told in a dream not to take it, that it was rat's poison

    • @suzannenapolitano5480
      @suzannenapolitano5480 3 года назад +5

      @@CWS1985 Sounds right to me !

    • @mknalgas1758
      @mknalgas1758 3 года назад +2

      @@CWS1985 Dreams are only dreams. But this reality, and it is scary.

    • @Xena4battle77
      @Xena4battle77 3 года назад +10

      Satanic : The vaccine is NOT a vaccine first of all BUT an EXPERIMENTAL gene therapy manipulation to your immune system

  • @hellolove4810
    @hellolove4810 3 года назад +211


  • @doc9526
    @doc9526 3 года назад +149

    Check Moderna’s website, fetus stem cells used in development of mRNA vaccine.

    • @dbefore7165
      @dbefore7165 3 года назад

      yep , thats what trump had

    • @Sara-ry4vc
      @Sara-ry4vc 3 года назад +9

      @@dbefore7165 No he took the regeneron! It's an antibody drug.

    • @Kiki-wi7px
      @Kiki-wi7px 3 года назад +7

      Hydroxy Cloroquine, Zinc and Vitamin C, as well.

    • @1wethejones
      @1wethejones 3 года назад +9

      Also in other vaccines that you've probably already taken. Been like this for LITERALLY DECADES! As long as you're sharing "information" try sharing all of it.

    • @nicolelong9084
      @nicolelong9084 3 года назад


  • @kanikajohnson4533
    @kanikajohnson4533 3 года назад +12

    only the true elect will know because jesus reveals it to his servants first . these two men contradict everything they just said it didn't make sense

  • @amber1987
    @amber1987 3 года назад +136

    Poison might not be the MOTB but doesn’t mean you should take it 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @maryowen1722
      @maryowen1722 3 года назад +6

      GOOD POINT👍🙏🏼🙏🏼👊🏼✝️💟

    • @luckisalady1
      @luckisalady1 3 года назад +6

      It is unapproved and you can't sue anyone if you take it if you get messed up. Sick.

    • @watchgate
      @watchgate 3 года назад +2

      For many days and many months, I have been wrestling in prayer about this current V. I had so many questions: Where it ties in with the End times. Whether it is tied to the Mark of the Beast spoken about in revelation. This last week after much prayer for several days, God spoke very clearly and gave me so many new revelations or led me to technical experts with right info..I know this is a heavy topic but I feel the urgency from the HOLY SPIRIT to share.
      The devil is all about deception and the Word warns us there will be deception surrounding the mark. Says, " Wisdom is needed here. Let him who is wise solve the mystery of the number of the beast." Meaning things are not written as plainly as many think, but there is a mystery that needs solving. The devil will not flat out declare the mark to be the mark because that will be way too obvious. So many Christians are acting as if the mark will have a warning label (like a pack of cigarettes).
      Most christians believe it is impossible for the Mark to be out without the AC being revealed, correct?
      What I'm saying is based on my study and what we are seeing happening in real time, this may be a false premise..
      The bible makes no claim that the Mark can only come out after the rapture. It only says "He" (antichrist) REQUIRES all to recieve it. Requires meaning mandates it. Now if the devil released it before its time but didn't "require" it, then a lot of christians who took it voluntarily or even a small component of it maybe in danger.
      Also Holy Spirit dawned on me something that I have never thought of before even tho I've read this passage many times.
      In 2 Thessalonians 2 where it says before the Man of Sin is revealed, there will be a 'Great Falling away'(Greek word: Apostasia).. I used to think this was just the state of affairs of the end time church in general, but I can see how the Churches setting up their grounds to inject this abomination, The fact that many christians have taken it may infact be the Great Falling Away preceeding the Rapture and the AC being revealed. Today, the Church of the Most High God is under attack and many believers like Esau are trading in their BIRTHRIGHTS for a single bowl of soup.
      Also, Jesus did say "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. And MANY WILL TURN AWAY FROM ME and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and decieve many (churches and leaders encouraging their flocks for this abomination that causes desolation of the Spirit of God from your body being the Temple happening right now as we speak. In Greek the number 666 means, "Absence or desolate or waste" or Apousia in Greek). Sin will be rampant everywhere and the love of many will grow cold. But the ONE WHO ENDURES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED (Rapture).
      When this evil jab is activated is what causes people turn away from our lord and betray and hate each other.. this lines up with peoples dreams (dreams of zombies) about the jab as well (I'm not saying all dreams are accurate but we need to test it, but God did say He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh and many would dream dreams and visions in the last days).
      John 6:66, " From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him."
      Bible teaches us the End times are likened to the days of Noah in so many ways as per scripture. Historically, A DNA alteration was taking place with the fallen ones mingling their seed among humans long before the door of the ark was shut and before the flood came atleast for 3 generations from the time of Enoch to Noah. One of the reasons why God had to wipe out the entire earth population with a flood was because the entire earth had become corrupted with the fallen ones seed.
      Yes, what I'm saying is just from the article I'll share Dr. Tal Zaks, Chief medical officer from Moderna put out, it does change your DNA and he calls it "hacking the software of life" and he regards everything in the human body as a software that can be coded and edited, totally debunking the establishment media's lie that it doesn't alter your DNA. This is dangerous ground for humanity in general. Again not something new or never been achieved before. It has been achieved in the days of Noah and how it ties into sin, salvation, rapture and judgment for humanity as a whole in terms of Gods creation being corrupted. Even a nephilim child who was conceived from a fallen angel and a human intermingling was automatically dammned to hell. God didn't show any mercy to even the most innocent looking nephilim baby.
      Also I found out the greek word for "Mark" is "Charasso" means "sharpen to a point" in regards to the Vaccine/ Hypodermic needle and the MOTB written in the bible. I just find that interesting. Also Rev 18:23 says all the nations will be decieved by sorcery: sorcery = pharmakeia in greek. Rev 19:20 says he decieved them that had recieved the mark of the beast. So both scriptures talk about being decieved into taking the mark. In Rev 13:18 when it talks about " wisdom" regarding the mark of the beast it comes the greek word "Sophia G4678". That greek word means knowledge of very diverse matters; "wordly and spiritual". So the people WILL need diverse knowledge to understand what the mark is.. ex: science ( doctors/ scientists exposing this but being silenced), laws trying to be passed ( like HR6666, Covid Passports), patent numbers such as (2020060606), ingredients like Luciferase (same chemical compound found in Jellyfish, fireflies) that creates a bioluminescence light scannable by phone apps in the near future , hydrogel/nanobots/biosensors that gather biometric data including the ability to read & control thoughts and transmit it to a larger 5G cloud or database which leads to a social credit system of reward/punishment connected to blockchain and bitcoin type system - Artificial intelligence or Transhumanism (Bible calls this the Image of the beast), Quantum dot digital tattoo that carries a digital record of your vaccinations, also creates a visible light (delivered through self-applied microneedle array patch/bandaid vaccination delivery system which will do away the tradtional injections since they won't need to be frozen at sub zero temperatures) baby tissues and OF course scripture. Then the next word in that verse is "understanding" which in greek means "the intellectual ability and the willingness to know". So people do need the intellectual ability and the willingness to consider the fact behind all this.
      Also, The Mark of the beast isn't just one thing, people are hyper focused on the mark being a "stamp or brand" (Greek word: Charagma) which I'm sure will come eventually with the microneedle Bandaid V, but they not seeing the verse that says, "no man may buy or sell, except he that had the MARK, or the NAME of the beast (Luciferase), or the NUMBER of his name (Unique ID numbers for vaccinated)." Clearly, a few different things listed that come under the umbrella of the MOTB.
      Also, Really it makes sense for the mark to show up right before the tribulation starts because that is the devil's ultimate tool. It has to be set and prepared because his goal is to send people to hell and that is the easiest way to do it. At times we have to think from the viewpoint of our adversary to catch on to his tricks. And ultimately this is what will usher in the rapture because now there is something truly dangerous the church needs to be delivered from.
      In conclusion, the bible never rules out the possibility of the 'Mark' showing up before its time or in a different form. Humans are made in the image and likeness of God, and the most intrinisic part of you that testifies is your DNA. All creations has their own set of genome structure but we know they are not created in the image of God, only humans. Hence the reason why God came to die and redeem fallen (sinful) man, NOT plants or animals, NOT Lucifer and his fallen angels and NOT nephilim (product of fallen angels and female humans). When we study the creation story starting with the garden of Eden, God said there would be battle between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman -- In Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her Seed; It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel.” An ingredient called LUCIFERASE is found in the V to create a race of Luciferians. Luciferase = Lucifer-race. We are now living in the climax of these things spoken so long ago.
      The reason why the devil is coming so strong right now is because he knows he has very little time. We are almost at the finish line where many beautiful promises from God awaits us for the Millenial Kingdom: To be the Bride of God, a Crown of splendor in his hands before all Nations, smallest member will be made into a great nation like Abraham among many other TREMENDOUS promises with no expiration dates ( Isaiah 60, 61, 65)
      " I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will steal your crown. All who are victorious will become pillars in the temple of my God, and they will never have to leave it. I will write on them the name of my God, and they will be citizens in the city of my God-the new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven of my God. And I will also write on them my new name."
      ~ Revelations 3: 11-13

    • @warriorofgod1412
      @warriorofgod1412 2 года назад

      It causes loss of salvation, I can attest to this

  • @margaretlines9427
    @margaretlines9427 3 года назад +73

    I agree with what you are saying about this Not being MOB . what we are concerned is about the ETHICS of taking THIS vaccine due to its CONTENTS.

  • @asherjordan6836
    @asherjordan6836 3 года назад +122

    ADDRESS WHAT'S IN THE VACCINE!! How are you two, OUT OF ANYONE, not going to address that part of it!?! What is going on with both of you!!?

    • @shepherdofjudah3715
      @shepherdofjudah3715 3 года назад +12

      Blows my mind

    • @shepherdofjudah3715
      @shepherdofjudah3715 3 года назад +21

      But he said that’s for another video. Unfortunately, I doubt that video will be made

    • @shariebruno346
      @shariebruno346 3 года назад +25

      Prob 501C3. Gotta keep money coming in.
      This vaxx changes DNA and not only contains aborted fetal tissue but DNA fragments of chimpanzees. It is in Moderna's patent. Pretty sad when the sheep and not the shepherds are blowing the trumpet. Steer clear of wolves.
      Remember what Christ said about deception in the end times.

    • @truthseeker3515
      @truthseeker3515 3 года назад +19

      This is the second video that Amir is pushing the vaccine.

    • @ASH-wu7ho
      @ASH-wu7ho 3 года назад +7

      Can’t believe additive LUCIFER-ASE (one word) is not under this comment. Moderna has outwardly said they will be using this additive.
      Two things you need to know, other than it’s name.
      -inoculation appears in right hand.
      -component inside vaccine measures out to 666

  • @rickrick974
    @rickrick974 3 года назад +15

    To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

  • @armidascomidas8657
    @armidascomidas8657 3 года назад +210

    JD Farag I heard his sermon about vaccines very powerful.

    • @jamieelisha4574
      @jamieelisha4574 3 года назад +23

      And youtube took it down suddenly... ...

    • @angelsbreathe126
      @angelsbreathe126 3 года назад +32

      I watched it and I’m convinced! I watched amir vid about vax too and too many people angry lol. I need to watch this one. But I’m not going to take any vax. Pastor jd didn’t make it those stuff up. There’s link under it.

    • @armidascomidas8657
      @armidascomidas8657 3 года назад +7

      @@jamieelisha4574 no wonder my mom said she could no longer forward it to her friends.

    • @armidascomidas8657
      @armidascomidas8657 3 года назад +11

      @@angelsbreathe126 it’s good to watch both and compare it to the Word of God. And ask the Lord for discernment.

    • @jamieelisha4574
      @jamieelisha4574 3 года назад +8

      But I guess its on his website so you can still check that I'll check later

  • @verlindaallen6299
    @verlindaallen6299 3 года назад +96

    Not the mark however , there's just not been enough research on this vaccine

    • @Sir_Viver
      @Sir_Viver 3 года назад +10

      Exactly. The longest documented study of side effects is 119 days (from right off the insert posted on the CDC website). Not even half a year. Every other vaccine has been 8-10 years before release.

    • @margaretmedellin9112
      @margaretmedellin9112 3 года назад +4

      There are definitely side affects

    • @doncleveland1245
      @doncleveland1245 3 года назад +6

      There are side effects, and from the looks of it, some are being covered up or removed from being seen...

    • @frostypi7042
      @frostypi7042 3 года назад +1

      Seek the truth, watch the vid "the human temple of Baal" by 'Revelations of Jesus Christ, channel on r.u.m.b.l.e.

    • @Blurb777
      @Blurb777 3 года назад +3

      Verlinda - Also this vaccine they are pushing is supposedly good for only the first variant of the virus - but now we have 3 other variants which this vaccine will be no good for - but it still might compromise your health and you have no recourse to sue or anything for justice

  • @graciegarcia8557
    @graciegarcia8557 3 года назад +149

    So Amir, what about your pro life beliefs. Im a nurse and will not take it!! And some nurses have died!

    • @maeco7
      @maeco7 3 года назад +6

      The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines do not include fetal cells, so there's no pro-life contradiction there.

    • @Gypsyjonescafe
      @Gypsyjonescafe 3 года назад +9

      @@maeco7 false. They do contain human RNA (where do you think they get that from?)

    • @maeco7
      @maeco7 3 года назад +3

      @@Gypsyjonescafe That's not how it works. mRNA has the benefit of not requiring any cells at all - it's genome sequencing.

    • @maeco7
      @maeco7 3 года назад +2

      @Luv2CtheMouse The whole point of mRNA vaccines being a huge topic of research for the past decade or so is to get away from the instability (and expense + long lead time) of having to deal with cells. There are no cells of any kind used in the vaccine. mRNA is a molecule carrying instructions to build proteins - no cell material required. There are valid reasons to be cautious about the vaccine - it's no help to continue passing on misinformation on this one item.

    • @luckisalady1
      @luckisalady1 3 года назад +11

      Not on board with Amir AT ALL, I heard he was touting this vaccine. I would never tout a vaccine that is NOT approved, especially when 99% of the population will get over it. Kind of disgusting to let Fauci, Gates, and that bunch get rich of it far as I am concerned. Vaccines that are safer and effective take years to develop, not overnight!

  • @happyandstuff
    @happyandstuff 3 года назад +20

    Sooo, you're basically saying that turning down the mark of the beast will be easy. Like no big deal, we can take it or leave it?? I don't think so.

    • @chuckswanson8496
      @chuckswanson8496 3 года назад +2

      These people are deceivers.

    • @sylvia1878
      @sylvia1878 2 года назад +3

      2 evil men

    • @jimmym2486
      @jimmym2486 2 года назад

      @@sylvia1878 It is always YOUR choice, If they pin you down and give it to you it will have been against your will.

  • @luckyone7656
    @luckyone7656 3 года назад +132

    When they said you have to wear a mask and you complied, they knew they got you!

    • @jamedlock83
      @jamedlock83 3 года назад

      yeah ok. . .

    • @ChristIsKing217r68
      @ChristIsKing217r68 4 месяца назад

      You unfortunately got brainwashed by conspiracy videos like I did, but I don't watch them anymore. Satan is a liar. Stay away from those videos.

  • @phredd6070
    @phredd6070 3 года назад +43

    Mat 24:37
    “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Moderna has said on their website it will install into our dna a "operating system" that can be programed by their drugs later. This is what was happening in the days of Noah they were changing Gods creation by altering the dna. Nephilim was breading with human women and changing the dna.

    • @shariebruno346
      @shariebruno346 3 года назад +6

      Yes exactly!!! Anthony Patch's video from 1/14/21 says Moderna's patent contains fragments of DNA from chimpanzees. What could make Satan more happy than "devolving" us. Patch and his wife said they will die or be put in detention before receiving the vaxx and my mother and I feel the same.

    • @txwarriorbride5112
      @txwarriorbride5112 3 года назад +5

      Yes. Too many "believers" won't read the scriptures for themselves and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. They would rather just sit and listen to some "pastor" spoonfeed them what They believe. GOD gave us brains to use and HIS SPIRIT for discernment. Dont be like the Orthodox Jews who dont read scripture themselves but just rely on their "rabbis" to tell them what it means. I have Orthodox friends in Jerusalem who cannot even recognize verses from Isaiah when I quote them! 🙏😮👏

    • @jamesgardner3363
      @jamesgardner3363 3 года назад +7

      @@txwarriorbride5112 from all the replies, apparently the sheep know more than these shepherds! Thank the good Lord. They must be paid 501C to say this.

    • @suzannenapolitano5480
      @suzannenapolitano5480 3 года назад +6

      Yes this is No good, We need The LORD , Deliver us LORD! Thank YOU GOD!

    • @rethastrom7391
      @rethastrom7391 3 года назад +7

      I to believe that this vax is laying the groundwork and changing ones physical bodies being able to receive the mark. Why else would they have nanoparticles?? The technology will be “installed” if you will, then the mark can attach and take over the body. I’ve been in health care my entire career and absolutely recognize this vax is not a typical vaccine.

  • @fernanditaluiz2591
    @fernanditaluiz2591 3 года назад +34

    As a Christian in India, it pains me to see what's happening in the US. I'm still trying to come to terms with it. Like Pastor Hibbs mentioned, all this should occur just as the Bible predicted.

    • @davidc7448
      @davidc7448 3 года назад +3

      Praise God!

    • @Freedom-zh1fy
      @Freedom-zh1fy 3 года назад +3

      I am sure you know that we did not vote Biden into office. The election was stolen. America would never vote in a Communist. These people have the judges, schools, Hollywood, Sports, some companies, government. We can't vote them out because they steal the election.

    • @gardenjoy5223
      @gardenjoy5223 3 года назад +3

      @@Freedom-zh1fy If the election was stolen indeed, still an awful lot of Americans did vote in a communist. Maybe not over 50% in that case, but close to it anyway. It is sad to see how far the USA has fallen already. We mourn with you.

    • @rocknrollgirlU2
      @rocknrollgirlU2 3 года назад +2

      It is all occurring as the Bible predicted. God blessed us in America and gave us a temporary reprieve from judgment, but the people continued their wickedness, debauchery and slaughter of the innocent babies. God promised he would punish that sort of behavior and now he is by letting our election get stolen by communists. America must fall to allow the 10 kings of the Global Government to arise as prophesied. The antichrist will arise out of that global government as prophesied. We are very close to all of that now. It is sad what has happened to America but we are that much closer to Jesus' return!

  • @joannapatriciabolanos6571
    @joannapatriciabolanos6571 3 года назад +18

    I'm sad and grieved by these people,who can't discern beyond the surface of things and situation. Who leans on their own understanding of the bible, and too trusting on the science.

  • @traceyw6143
    @traceyw6143 3 года назад +34

    We do have very legitimate concerns on this V even though we know it’s not the MOTB. The contents are very concerning as well as the laundry list of side effects many who have taken it have experienced. Why is the government pushing this so hard? Why do we need this for something with a 99% survival rate?? Please stop twisting our valid concerns and belittling us by acting as though we are deceived into thinking this is the MOTB!! Disappointed in you both. 😞

    • @traceyw6143
      @traceyw6143 3 года назад +4

      The Kingdom I agree with you. Seems so many are deceived and choosing things of this world over Jesus. All part of the great deception. Even the elect will be deceived.

    • @traceyw6143
      @traceyw6143 3 года назад +3

      The Kingdom amen. Thank you and God bless you also.

    • @traceyw6143
      @traceyw6143 3 года назад +5

      The Kingdom I wonder if Jack and Amir are being paid to say the things they are saying in this video. Their friend JD Farag totally disagrees with them. His video on the V was very informative and was not in favor of it.

    • @GrassyCreekLodge
      @GrassyCreekLodge 3 года назад +5

      Yes!! Both of them talked so condescendingly to us. We know it’s not the MOTB but pretty close...precursor for certain. And sorry guys, this is definitely more than a credit card chip or magnetic strip. This is going into the body. The holy temple of the Lord. Absolutely not.

    • @judithzeid4934
      @judithzeid4934 3 года назад +3

      @@thekingdom4132 Wonder if Amir is starting to notice anything weird etc. Sometimes these things take time. He is a very deceived man......13 IDF soldiers experienced facial paralysis..

  • @yalissafredericks5363
    @yalissafredericks5363 3 года назад +51

    I can't go to work without a mask on how long will it be until I can't go to work unless I'm vaccinated.

    • @amyprays2564
      @amyprays2564 3 года назад +3


    • @wilfredomerin3962
      @wilfredomerin3962 3 года назад +4

      start learning how to loosen your grip in this world, believe in God and focus on Him alone, not to your physical and earthly cravings and needs, put your whole trust into His Hands and never to something else that this world can offer even this vaccine

    • @yalissafredericks5363
      @yalissafredericks5363 3 года назад

      @@wilfredomerin3962Amen. Thank you.

    • @heidihaltaufderheide8815
      @heidihaltaufderheide8815 3 года назад +1

      Tribulation time.. All those who are deceived into taking the mark will go to Hell the Holy Bible scriptures say, its in the book of Revelation.. The last book of the Bible.

    • @joolspools777
      @joolspools777 3 года назад

      But these guys are saying the vaccine is not the mark.
      I'm really not sure how thing's are going to pan out but I'm very concerned. I am wondering how I will cope if I don't get vaccinated. I will be ok with getting vaccinated if I believe it is not bad for my health and it's not the mark of beast.

  • @donnarisinger3232
    @donnarisinger3232 3 года назад +47

    I think the vaccine could be a gateway to see how people will follow with no distrust in them

    • @sitathisfeet5797
      @sitathisfeet5797 3 года назад

      The bible doesn't say anything about a gateway or precursor to the mark.

    • @jesst1306
      @jesst1306 2 года назад +1

      @@sitathisfeet5797 we can’t buy or sell without the mark of the beast. We can still buy food from the grocery store without the vaccine. The vaccine is bad but how could it be the mark if we can buy food from the grocery store.

    • @sitathisfeet5797
      @sitathisfeet5797 2 года назад

      @@jesst1306 Exactly why it's false that it's the mark. Plus, the mark of the beast doesn't need booster shots.

    • @israelshabangu7583
      @israelshabangu7583 2 года назад

      @@sitathisfeet5797 thus the thing am asking myself doctrine aside. Some countries like Greece you need 4 shots. But it's scary.

  • @helenrandall1531
    @helenrandall1531 3 года назад +26

    I believe that if we receive the mark of the beast we will know it beforhand. We will agree to it.

    • @chuckswanson8496
      @chuckswanson8496 3 года назад +3

      Not true. It clears writes that people will be deceived into taking the mark.

    • @keishatanoe1067
      @keishatanoe1067 2 года назад

      @@chuckswanson8496 where?

    • @DuelingNetsJadenyuki
      @DuelingNetsJadenyuki 2 года назад

      @@keishatanoe1067 it says the antichrist will cause great miracles like fire raining down from the sky and coming back to life after a deadly wound from a sword. that will lead to deception. that's the only thing I can find... that is the context to the scripture but read it for yourself, revelations isn't that long,

    • @symphonyinkart
      @symphonyinkart Год назад

      @@chuckswanson8496 it literally states ppl will have to literally denounce god, and take the mark..
      Ppl have their heads chopped off and all… …

    • @JackBurton.
      @JackBurton. Год назад +1

      Revelation 18:23 - for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived
      Revelation 19:20 - with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image

  • @wtk6069
    @wtk6069 3 года назад +30

    I'm not so sure it truly fits what we see in scripture, but it doesn't have to be the Mark of the Beast for the accompanying mandates to be evil and incredibly harmful.

  • @johnanderson6352
    @johnanderson6352 3 года назад +47

    and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.-Daniel 12--10.

    • @frostypi7042
      @frostypi7042 3 года назад +1

      Seek the truth, watch the vid "the human temple of Baal" by 'Revelations of Jesus Christ, channel on r.u.m.b.l.e.

  • @jacquibrunger1849
    @jacquibrunger1849 3 года назад +33

    They are saying you need to have a card saying you have had vaccine or you cannot buy sell travel etc

    • @caciliawhy5195
      @caciliawhy5195 3 года назад

      They are saying; it has not happened yet. calm down.

    • @angelwings60
      @angelwings60 3 года назад +8

      It's the Mark of the Beast if u don't take the vaccine you can't buy or sell and u can't travel please Read Revelation 13:16,17

    • @Jordan75577
      @Jordan75577 3 года назад +5

      @@angelwings60 doesn't the anti Christ have to be here before the mark?

    • @tjs5344
      @tjs5344 3 года назад +3

      @Angel Wings it's not the mark BUT it's definitely setting the stage for it. We who are in Christ will be gone prior to that. Nonetheless, no true child of God should be getting the vaccine because of it's evil origin!!!

    • @heidihaltaufderheide8815
      @heidihaltaufderheide8815 3 года назад +1

      @@Raya-ir4tm Its the hand.. Hand is from shoulder down to fingertips.

  • @jaebatla1025
    @jaebatla1025 3 года назад +59

    NOT ONE evil dna changing nwo liquid is going to be jabbed into arm and into my PRICELESS Blood, not ONE drop!!!

    • @Michael.j130
      @Michael.j130 3 года назад +1

      It is not dna change for gods sake read your Bible

    • @jaebatla1025
      @jaebatla1025 3 года назад +1

      @@Michael.j130 it is and if you have taken it , your doomed in the next 3 years and worse, more than likely, throughout eternity.

    • @garrisonbrumblay9137
      @garrisonbrumblay9137 3 года назад +1

      @@jaebatla1025 Again read your bible

    • @jaebatla1025
      @jaebatla1025 3 года назад +2

      @@garrisonbrumblay9137 take your shot , if you haven't already, and see where it gets ya eternally. If you or anyone else wants to play RUSSIAN ROULETTE with their eternal soul then so be it.

    • @sitathisfeet5797
      @sitathisfeet5797 3 года назад

      @@jaebatla1025 Don't bear false witness.

  • @joekaribe70
    @joekaribe70 3 года назад +131

    We were sealed with the holy spirit he will never leave us or forsake us

    • @Hpencer
      @Hpencer 3 года назад +4

      What if you give yourself a new seal? That’s what the mark of the beast is. The seal of Satan.

    • @nekhonuchuzho7141
      @nekhonuchuzho7141 3 года назад +1

      So we can take this vaccine. There are cures and preventive treatment but they keep pushing vaccine

    • @heatherashley785
      @heatherashley785 3 года назад

      Unless you take the vaccine. Was tested 2014 on church members in USA and Holy spirit left them. They were tricked by Pastor into taking the Free Flu Shot. Do your research people!!

    • @georgemercer5977
      @georgemercer5977 3 года назад

      @@Hpencer you must not know much about the Bible because that would be impossible it is impossible to separate those that was born again you become sons and daughters of God there's no way that you can divorce yourself from God it's like telling me that you have a son but you don't like him so you ain't going to claim him it doesn't make no matter he's still your son.... That's Bible

    • @Hpencer
      @Hpencer 3 года назад

      @@georgemercer5977 I’m pretty familiar with the bible.

  • @margaretlines9427
    @margaretlines9427 3 года назад +57

    We know it is NOT MOB but are against the content as well as being put into position of making it NECESSARY to take it to go to work or anywhere else. Please respond to the people re THIS. Thankyou

    • @doncleveland1245
      @doncleveland1245 3 года назад +4

      Being forced because it will modify your DNA and reduce your ability to make proper decisions in the future...

  • @slr379x9
    @slr379x9 3 года назад +12

    He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

  • @kimmykimko
    @kimmykimko 3 года назад +22

    Don't listen to these guys. Go to God yourself and be taught of the Holy Spirit. HE is the teacher whom Jesus said will lead you into All truth. The churches aren't teaching the truth anymore. Now is the time to rely on God and God alone, not traditions of men and teaching that is flawed.

    • @JP-tp6xs
      @JP-tp6xs 3 года назад

      Sad but true.
      Churches are more interested in getting you inside so you can start paying your dues
      Help in the planning commission or just sit there quietly and don’t say anything, just nod your head in approval
      They are dead bones and there is no life in them .
      They have gone astray whoring after programs to fill the pews.
      Just pack them in and massage their back side and kiss it once in a while and everything is good!!

    • @chuckswanson8496
      @chuckswanson8496 3 года назад +1

      Your 100% don't trust anyone

    • @pamelawilson6654
      @pamelawilson6654 3 года назад +2

      These two/teachers are righteous men who love God and The Church.. I have been listening carefully and there are few who teach the truth, which is God’s word.. Jn 17:17... if they state an opinion they will tell you, bc they know they will receive a greater condemnation, or stricter judgment bc the are teachers! Do you think that God would leave us leaderless? Yes we are to be bereans and know the word! We are to close the scriptures to see if what they are saying is true! That is studying to show yourself approved! Yes after we hv studied when we hear error the Holy Spirit will then lead and guide us into all truth, but in order to know counterfeit you have to know The Word! Bc the enemy can deceive us pretending to be the voice of the Lord!

    • @cannotbeshaken7889
      @cannotbeshaken7889 3 года назад

      I don't see how anyone could read the bible and then dis-agree with what these two men just said. Every single word they said is true. I have no idea where you are getting your information from, but it's not the bible. It's as if you've turned Radical Right, which can turn out just as bad as radical left. No one is keeping their heads on straight anymore, and it's sad.

    • @chuckswanson8496
      @chuckswanson8496 3 года назад

      @@cannotbeshaken7889 go to the original geek words and look how you can retranslate. Things start to look weird

  • @debbiefreeman9481
    @debbiefreeman9481 3 года назад +25

    You said it. It’s caused me to look up. And made me bolder in speaking about God, because I don’t give a crap what anyone thinks or says. I put the Word out there and God does what he wants to with it.

  • @christiesmith1263
    @christiesmith1263 3 года назад +77

    Jack and Amir, I hope you read these comments. The flock is saying, “NO.” We deeply respect you, but you are both seriously off here.

    • @bradmyers7109
      @bradmyers7109 3 года назад

      Will I as a Christian go to hell for taking this vaccine NOW?

    • @shariebruno346
      @shariebruno346 3 года назад +13

      @@bradmyers7109 I believe it does. It is something that has never been done with mRNA writing DNA. Changing our DNA changes who we are. Don't take pastors words for it. Research this on your own. Anthony Patch on twitch researches vaxx intensively from scientific white papers.b
      Many people want to be told what to do but this is a decision we need to make on our own.

    • @Anil-gt2kn
      @Anil-gt2kn 3 года назад +3

      @@bradmyers7109 Key word is Repentance. If you take it willfully knowing it is cultured of aborted babies ....If you dont repent...Yes I thing One is in danger of Judgement.

    • @bradmyers7109
      @bradmyers7109 3 года назад +5

      @@Anil-gt2kn I am not taking the vaccination for a number of reasons. The vaccine is not made of aborted babies. One aborted baby was used in 1972. There is not one Bible verse that says taking a vaccine ( that was used for research) will send you to hell. Having an abortion that is killing a baby will not send you to hell. What will send you to hell is not having your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life and taking the mark of the beast.

    • @benzman7347
      @benzman7347 3 года назад +1

      They are right. The vacine is the mark for the trib. Rest in the Lord. Its going to be ok.

  • @Tiffany-gm8el
    @Tiffany-gm8el 3 года назад +16

    I don’t believe it’s the mark of the beast, but I do believe it is being used as an instrument of evil intent.

    • @victoriadunn7947
      @victoriadunn7947 3 года назад

      I’m surprised of jack and Amir answer to the vaccine as we all know this is complete CONTROL. I believe it could be a tracking devise, as our phones are now. Will not take the vaccine.

    • @accesstotheredcarpet
      @accesstotheredcarpet 2 года назад +1

      The vaccine is a dress rehearsal. It’s a precursor to the mark. Check out what’s going on in Austria and Germany. You’ll be shocked. They are on lockdown now Dec 2021!

    • @berdikaribaru6782
      @berdikaribaru6782 2 года назад

      Austria will force by the law every citizen to take jab in 01 februari 2022 and german will follow after winter end!!

  • @idefendmyown2gunn272
    @idefendmyown2gunn272 3 года назад +104

    Their trying to groom us to the mark
    Its all stepping stones to the mark

    • @msmissy143
      @msmissy143 3 года назад +5


    • @k2bny
      @k2bny 3 года назад +2


    • @kelvinbarber1765
      @kelvinbarber1765 3 года назад +1


    • @kelvinbarber1765
      @kelvinbarber1765 2 года назад +1

      @EXIT FROM NWO how is it the mark? The bible says you cant buy or sell without it. You can buy or sell with the vaccine. It's a precursor to the mark.

    • @lisamarie1012
      @lisamarie1012 2 года назад

      Where do you think we are headed

  • @ralpabaricosavillems9828
    @ralpabaricosavillems9828 3 года назад +32

    It's a matter faith, trust and reliance to God's great promises of protection for His people. If you believe that we are covered by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, we don't need that vaccine. God is faithful to all His promises, and God never fails. Without faith you can't please God. People of God, please read Psalms 91 - He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High

  • @ruthfreeman864
    @ruthfreeman864 3 года назад +30


  • @timhickerson5969
    @timhickerson5969 3 года назад +35

    Nobody can say what they'll do until they face it I pray to God that I will let him do so I will not deny God and I will not deny my family

  • @M777S7
    @M777S7 3 года назад +54

    Saving my soul over saving my life 💛

  • @kellysampson9744
    @kellysampson9744 3 года назад +36

    We recognize that the v is Not the mark of the beast..and we also know how Amir feels about it..but the v is leading up to the mark ..getting people ready for it ..i haven't heard anyone say that it is the mark ,maybe concerns..I'm a little frustrated with this well as Amir's video with the 2 doctors..

    • @bradmyers7109
      @bradmyers7109 3 года назад +3

      Kelly JD believes the vaccine changes your DNA so you cannot be saved and will become the mark of the beast. It is safe to take the vaccine now because the Antichrist is not offering it now.

    • @txwarriorbride5112
      @txwarriorbride5112 3 года назад +7

      Sorry, I believe it is the mark. "Pastors" who teach the "rapture" say it cannot be the mark, well show me a pattern in the Bible where GOD whisks people en masse away from trouble/danger. HE was " with" HIS people during Passover, HE didn't airlift them out of it. HE was with them in the wilderness and when Pharaoh's army was chasing them..HE didn't airlift them out of it. HE was with Daniel in the Lion's Den, HE was with Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego in the furnace..HE did not lift them up out of it. The list goes on and on. There is no biblical pattern in the Old Testament for a "rapture". So, if there is No rapture, then guess what...we will go through the Tribulation, but HE will keep us. Then this looks amazingly like the mark. If you have to get the jab to keep your job, then you cannot buy nor sell without getting it. Bingo. You can have people telling you all day long that it is not the "mark", but guess who is the Master of deception? The adversary. Did he tell Eve that he was deceiving her? Of course not. The pit has already been Switzerland. We are in the times of Amos 8:11 and Daniel 7:25 Now. That thing is Switz was built over an ancient Temple to Apollo. If you even have a rudimentary knowledge of Daniel and the book of Rev, you should realize what that means. If you dont read the Word for yourself and just rely on some "pastor" or teacher tling you what they think, you could have a problem. Because the Bible very clearly states that in the End Times there will be wolves in Sheep's clothing, and false prophets, and "shepherds" that are "hirelings" that do not care for the sheep like a true shepherd does. And woe into them!
      Read your Bible yourself and ask the Holy Spirit for discernment. Do not trust Any man, only the LORD and HIS SPIRIT. GOD gave us brains to use them, not just listen to what some pastor tells you.🙏👏🙏💕

    • @bradmyers7109
      @bradmyers7109 3 года назад +1

      Kelly JD F believes the Covid-19 vaccine which he says changes your DNA is what causes the sores on people who received the Mark. He believes the Covid 19 vaccine of today becomes the mark of the beast in the future. The Covid -19 vaccine is only getting people conditioned to receive the real mark of the beast in the future..It will not BECOME the mark of the beast in Rev 16:1-2 . God is not going to send someone to hell for receiving a vaccination that kills a virus . He might send someone to hell if they worship the Antichrist and receive a vaccine ( NOT A COVID 19 vaccine) that really changes their DNA like the Antichrist's DNA that gives them super human abilities.

    • @txwarriorbride5112
      @txwarriorbride5112 3 года назад +5

      @@bradmyers7109 Wrong. Anyone who takes it is defiling their Temple. And we know what YESHUA/JESUS did to those who defiled HIS Father's house. He chased them out with whips. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament say not to defile ourselves in this manner. Isaiah 52:11 in the Old Testament. If you read the Bible I am sure you know where the scriptures are in the New Testament about our bodies being temples of the Holy Spirit. 😊🙏💕

    • @bradmyers7109
      @bradmyers7109 3 года назад

      @@txwarriorbride5112 The vaccine may kill you or cause extremely serious health problems later. With that said, if one takes the vaccine they will not go to hell .

  • @Sir_Viver
    @Sir_Viver 3 года назад +18

    I am convinced it is NOT the mark. I am NOT convinced it is safe. I will not take it until it is APPROVED, rather than "authorized for emergency use". I do not have a personal emergency that requires me to be vaccinated, but I will happily get out of the way of anyone who DOES have an emergency. Ask me again when it's officially APPROVED.

    • @caciliawhy5195
      @caciliawhy5195 3 года назад +4

      I agree with you. everyone here needs to settle down. pay attention to what they're saying. make the decision out of common sense and health reasons, not out of fear that this is the MOTB.

    • @carolbassant5396
      @carolbassant5396 3 года назад +2

      @@caciliawhy5195 Exactly so true indeed, they sounds as its a kindergarden.

    • @doncleveland1245
      @doncleveland1245 3 года назад +1

      @@carolbassant5396 Exactly Carol! They are trying to destroy my memories of kindergarten!

    • @carolbassant5396
      @carolbassant5396 3 года назад +1

      @@doncleveland1245 Hey don, oh my am so happy 😄 to see you on here, how are you my brother, oh, you wont believe how I have this urge to jump up and down, when I see you in the comment section, how is your beautiful bride 👰 in all the land, tell her I said hi 👋, hey don, I have listened to this video, and jack and amir never said to take the vaccine, but some of them, are saying that they are pushing the vaccine, which is so not true, they are judging them for no reason, which is so wrong, what they did spoke about, is the mark of the beast, in the tribuation,

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 года назад

      please, do NOT take it!

  • @richellelee2504
    @richellelee2504 3 года назад +9

    We are Running the Human Race and it’s about 7.5 years to the finish ! I’m running with Jesus !!! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️

    • @REV-mu5tu
      @REV-mu5tu 3 года назад

      Actually its Only a Very short time till the Rapture,And i Doubt 7.5 till 2nd comming 7 years & a few wks maybe

  • @rickrick974
    @rickrick974 3 года назад +22

    But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

  • @ShadeStoneMusic
    @ShadeStoneMusic 3 года назад +34

    It's not the MOB. Agreed. Therefore no need to resist? Lovingly I ask, is that the message? Since we are 'Pre-Tribbers' we can delay discussing the ethics, contents and potential dangers of this 'warp-speed' concoction? I will gently express my concern by quoting Shakespeare: "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark". Grace & Peace.

  • @marshametcalfe5312
    @marshametcalfe5312 3 года назад +32

    I am a bit concerned about how Pastor Jack almost dismisses that the vaccine MAY have fetal components in it. You stand for pro life very vigorously but dismiss that? I’m a bit confused

    • @1wethejones
      @1wethejones 3 года назад +5

      Maybe because that's a different discussion. Pretty sure he wasn't sweeping it away. Staying on topic is not disregard it.

    • @monafayant7042
      @monafayant7042 3 года назад +4

      My concerns as well! Could a friendship override speaking openly?? I watched Amir’s video and felt he was completely deceived. What do you think an employee of a vaccine company would say about the vaccine? Maybe interview people who have nothing to gain by speaking. Says to me - don’t listen to man- go to God for wisdom!

    • @cindyjoybarclay
      @cindyjoybarclay 3 года назад


    • @cindyjoybarclay
      @cindyjoybarclay 3 года назад +1

      You can tell they Haven’t fully researched it. I’m confused as to why there seems to be no discernment or knowledge of the actual harm it will do the human body.

  • @mas2988
    @mas2988 3 года назад +35

    What are you guys promoting... Be very careful lest you lead little ones astray!!!!

  • @eucalyptus303
    @eucalyptus303 3 года назад +16

    10:40 Please do another program on the ethics taking the vax ASAP. The body of Christ needs to pray for wisdom and understanding about this.

  • @jaminlou2933
    @jaminlou2933 3 года назад +71

    Lost me at '"the deceiver" isn't going to trick you."

    • @travelbysign7351
      @travelbysign7351 3 года назад +17

      Yeah, like he didn't lie and deceive to trick Eve in the garden of Eden.

    • @messenger610
      @messenger610 3 года назад +12

      Because We are reading our bible!!! We need not be anxious about anything ... wise as serpents and gentle as doves

    • @kingofkingscommunityla6223
      @kingofkingscommunityla6223 3 года назад +15

      True- but God isn’t going to trick you- He is not sending a little old grandma who has loved Jesus her whole life to hell for taking a vaccine, because she doesn’t have wifi and didn’t watch all the anti vaccine videos and she just followed her doctor of 30 years advice. That’s defamation against God’s character. That makes Him a trickster. Which He is not. Anyone that thinks that of Him doesn’t know Him.

    • @pamelamcglothlen1297
      @pamelamcglothlen1297 3 года назад +5

      During the tribulation,people will gladly and voluntarily take the mark of the beast

    • @-Diana469
      @-Diana469 3 года назад +1

      Good one!

  • @faye5942
    @faye5942 3 года назад +36

    Do not be decieved is stated over and over in the bible. Which means many WILL! WAKE UP. Yall are clueless on this video.

    • @bufficliff8978
      @bufficliff8978 3 года назад +1

      The mark of the beast is associated with worship, and we won't be able to take it without knowing the religious aspect. Credit cards were told to be the mark of the beast, too, and the vaccine isn't an explicitly religious act.

    • @yerusalemyerusalem3864
      @yerusalemyerusalem3864 3 года назад +3

      @@bufficliff8978 The mark is 1st. The name and number of the beast is were the worship comes in.
      Worship is unquestioning devotion.

    • @bufficliff8978
      @bufficliff8978 3 года назад

      @@yerusalemyerusalem3864 Thanks!

  • @We-Fly-Soon_Sister
    @We-Fly-Soon_Sister 3 года назад +65

    Amir is missing the point he is so blinded he's missing the whole point. And I'm hoping that Pastor Jack will wake up and get together with JD farag and discuss this on his program

    • @77ulrike
      @77ulrike 3 года назад +4

      Who is blinded! Not Amir. Just because he won't go along with your agenda based on ignorance and paranoia!

    • @kentfink9509
      @kentfink9509 3 года назад +1

      What are you even talking about?

    • @look4truth
      @look4truth 3 года назад +17

      I agree Kim. Is Amir ignorant of the fact that the vax includes aborted fetal cells and it alters your DNA? Does he know that the vax will utilize Luciferase to create a scannalbe mark on the skin? Surely he's come across this information at some point so why doesn't he talk about it?
      Red flag for me. Discernment radar is up.

    • @kentfink9509
      @kentfink9509 3 года назад +2

      @@look4truth everything you listed has no basis in fact and all came out of the Qanon movement which is nothing more than group think.
      Luciferase is a protein that glows. Just cuz it has the same Latin root word as the devil means nothing.

    • @look4truth
      @look4truth 3 года назад +10

      @@kentfink9509 No Kent, you can read the ingredients on the vax box and it includes aborted fetal cells and it alters your DNA. You can even watch Bill Gates talk about how it changes your DNA on video.
      Luciferase is going to be used for scanning purposes so that they know if people have taken the vax or not.
      All of this is researchable if you choose to make the effort.

  • @theworldviewers3586
    @theworldviewers3586 3 года назад +8

    Two deceivers trying to please the system. Stay focus Christians. Days are dark.

  • @ankleroller
    @ankleroller 3 года назад +28

    4:06 “Is it safe? I don’t know. Is it effective? I don’t know. Forget about that part.” Then they go on to reference 2nd Timothy 2 which has the title of “Do not be deceived.”

    • @deenastephens
      @deenastephens 3 года назад

      @Ben Bernard you should go post on some pagan witchcraft channel. You know something satanic you believe in

    • @OmniscientVirtuosity
      @OmniscientVirtuosity 3 года назад

      @@deenastephens where is Ben?

  • @viviansmith8036
    @viviansmith8036 3 года назад +18

    Happy are those who reject the advice of evil people, who do not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God. Psalm 1:1 GNT
    We know and have seen how evil the plans of some of the people in power are and how they don't believe in or have any use for God.

  • @davidgooley3132
    @davidgooley3132 3 года назад +21

    It may be conditioning for it though. Make no mistake. This is conditioning.

  • @rickboyer719
    @rickboyer719 Год назад +3

    People are being misled like sheep to the slaughter.

  • @terramiller4809
    @terramiller4809 3 года назад +35

    So disappointed to hear this message from them. Let’s continue to pray for the ones that have to decide weather or not to take this vaccine. So much going on right now, let’s stay brothers and sisters in Christ and love and support one another.

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 года назад +3

      please, do NOT take it!

    • @frostypi7042
      @frostypi7042 3 года назад +1

      Seek the truth, watch the vid "the human temple of Baal" by 'Revelations of Jesus Christ, channel on r.u.m.b.l.e.

  • @lynnecarroll9953
    @lynnecarroll9953 3 года назад +28

    Wild Oil of Oregano p73
    I haven't had a cold in a decade! Or flu!
    Study up!

    • @josephinecua8488
      @josephinecua8488 3 года назад

      @@tlwinfrey-burwell2747 me too, raw garlic and ginger eat raw or as tea

    • @caryn9561
      @caryn9561 3 года назад

      I had a flu shot a few years ago. I got such a bad flu after that.

  • @vitoparedes95
    @vitoparedes95 3 года назад +24

    Its getting there ,micro- chip is next with all your info on that chip they will make it a law or you can't buy ,sell or trade.

    • @gillwil
      @gillwil 3 года назад +3

      A hand device can be left at home....but if the AI is in your goes with you...

    • @dennismclaurin1487
      @dennismclaurin1487 3 года назад +1

      The ' with all your info. on that chip' comment sounds plausible in an abominable way.These are works of Satan to get you to worship him.He's called the accuser, in the end times(Rev.12:10).

  • @acemars8987
    @acemars8987 3 года назад +2

    Even if it's not, you shouldn't rush to take it as it is still in experimental phases. It is also a Christian duty to be caution of any craftiness the world offer.

    • @stellalove6896
      @stellalove6896 3 года назад

      As for me is to reduce human being on earth

  • @mommymeemahogston3353
    @mommymeemahogston3353 3 года назад +20

    Do a video on ETHICS now please.
    Please.... let us see the one on the ethics of it now. Don't delay. Please before people run out and get it because of this downplay you just posted.
    Maybe not the mark, and I think most know that, but if you can't see a beast foreshadow of what soon to come then I pray God opens your eyes or corrects me. So why do a video on what most know it's not. Why not do one on the ethics of it. This isn't just a barcode or a swipe of a credit card. This is the splicing of a persons dna and injecting a program. You know this!! I heard Elon Musk himself say, speaking of mrna 'you can change someone to a freaking butterfly' (his words) with this tech. What about the use of fetal tissue used in the making ...isnt that more of a concern than whether it's the mark or not. So please let's hear the chat on ethics. And what about bringing a couple knowledge docs from both sides to the conversation ...not just docs that tell what you want to hear....that may ease your conscience. May God bless you both. I use to listen to you both all the time, I'd share y'all with others, but recently something has changed and it appears I'm not the only one noticing.

  • @patriciavaldez1896
    @patriciavaldez1896 3 года назад +20

    How many people are willing to be compliant when it does come time? This is the first example of what is to come.

  • @cypresse1620
    @cypresse1620 3 года назад +56

    The cynical side of me thinks - because Amir got so much backlash from his vax video, he asked Jack to do a quick video together trying to “convince” us that taking vax is ok.... 🙄🙄 With all due respect Jack and Amir: we ARE secure in our salvation. The fact that you felt the need to film a video to tell us we are saved is a little insulting. What we have issues with the vaccine is on the ethical side which you conveniently failed to address. You both are pro life believers, are you honestly going to inject aborted fetus tissues in your body and not see any moral issues with it? Come on... you are better than Pope! I understand some people have to have it and it’s not an easy decision, that’s why we need an open and honest discussion on the moral and ethical side of taking this vaccine so that people can make informed decisions. We dont need to be told the obvious.

    • @maeco7
      @maeco7 3 года назад

      There are no fetal cells used in the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines.

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 года назад +1

      no one "has" to have it, it is a test , do not take it!

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 года назад +2

      do NOT take it !

    • @maeco7
      @maeco7 3 года назад +1

      @Luv2CtheMouse The whole point of mRNA vaccines being a huge topic of research for the past decade or so is to get away from the instability (and expense + long lead time) of having to deal with cells. There are no cells of any kind used in the vaccine. mRNA is a molecule carrying instructions to build proteins - no cell material required. There are valid reasons to be cautious about the vaccine - it's no help to continue passing on misinformation on this one item.

    • @newleafstitches4497
      @newleafstitches4497 3 года назад

      Cypress, I think we need to realize not all who are watching this have the vast knowledge you seem to have in regard to salvation issues. Please extend grace to the new believers and put aside your feelings of being insulted. It’s not intended to insult anyone.

  • @Jimmy.Sharpe.35
    @Jimmy.Sharpe.35 3 года назад +24

    Huge experiment at the very least but I still call it the mark.

    • @cashed-out2192
      @cashed-out2192 3 года назад

      wonder what kind it is. It is not the beast's mark. because he wants to place it IN your right hand or IN your forehead. A mark is not suppose to be IN flesh. but ON flesh. Once that mark is IN your flesh, it is permanent. and cannot be removed.

    • @genetranscends1662
      @genetranscends1662 3 года назад

      Vaccine is always injected into the right hand of every person,
      Vaccine travels to forehead as well.
      .....two boxes were saying.

    • @stramashbeatbox2798
      @stramashbeatbox2798 3 года назад +1

      @@genetranscends1662 you're joking right? It goes into the deltoid muscle. Your shoulder.

    • @genetranscends1662
      @genetranscends1662 3 года назад

      Not joking, do your homework.
      The vaccine is injected into the arm, then it is able to travel throughout your goes into the blood.....ending up in places it should not be.
      There is alot of ingredients, in the vaccine.....I am still waiting to hear an explanation from the scum as to will they spin it.

    • @warriorofgod1412
      @warriorofgod1412 2 года назад

      The vax is the mark, right hand and forehead are metaphorical

  • @peggymalpee872
    @peggymalpee872 3 года назад +73

    Pastor Jack and Amir, you both have been and continue to be great teachers in my life. In fact, my family drives almost one hour every weekend to attend CCCH. Both of you have helped to deepen my faith with your teaching throughout these past nine months. I appreciate you both and love you both as brothers-in-Christ. Taking the vaccine: I will not be vaccinated. There are far too many questions about the origins of the virus; about medications being pushed or suppressed (HCQ/Ivectermin) as prophylactics and therapeutics; about the numbers infected and those dying; about the ingredients in the vaccines; AND finally, about Bill Gates' history and huge obsession with vaccines used to corrupt the human body. For me, these all point to a great deception about the virus and its cure. With these questions in mind, I am advocating caution about being vaccinated. (BTW I do not believe the vaccine is the mark of the beast.) God bless you, my brothers. . . May He continue to pour into you, guiding you in your ministries. . .

    • @judithrundle4987
      @judithrundle4987 3 года назад +8

      Please don’t be so trusting Jack is just a man.

    • @peggymalpee872
      @peggymalpee872 3 года назад +1

      @@judithrundle4987 and???

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 года назад +5

      please, do NOT take it!

    • @souldesire5932
      @souldesire5932 3 года назад +2

      @@peggymalpee872 They are not teachers I would watch I was you..very dangerous in a subtle way with certain things they're putting out.

    • @carolbassant5396
      @carolbassant5396 2 года назад +1

      @@souldesire5932 really and what is the subtile things that they're putting out, name one,

  • @jaa6474
    @jaa6474 3 года назад +36

    Wow 😳 I’m Here Listening, Reading Comments Etc. We Really Need To Be Ready. Not Getting Ready, But Already Ready. Praying For My Children, Grandchildren, Family, Friends, Churches, Lost Souls Etc😭
    Why Are People Always Bringing In Politics???
    My God Have Mercy 🙏🏼.

    • @tx-sweet-pjg3547
      @tx-sweet-pjg3547 3 года назад +1

      These are the best comments I’ve ever seen,,, the Bride is definitely ready 😇♥️🌸♥️🌸♥️✝️🙏

  • @evamariesteinberg7121
    @evamariesteinberg7121 3 года назад +82

    Gentlemen..... Is J.D the Only 1 that has CHUTZPAH & OPEN TRUTH !!??

    • @s.b.6425
      @s.b.6425 3 года назад +24

      Yes, JD is the only one willing to speak up.

    • @GratefulGma08
      @GratefulGma08 3 года назад +5

      Jan Markell says it like it is

    • @mknalgas1758
      @mknalgas1758 3 года назад +7

      Billy Crone and another one, forgot his name. They were also with Jan Markell.good preachers

    • @frostypi7042
      @frostypi7042 3 года назад

      Seek the truth, watch the vid "the human temple of Baal" by 'Revelations of Jesus Christ, channel on r.u.m.b.l.e.

    • @dianecarr4957
      @dianecarr4957 3 года назад +3

      @@mknalgas1758 Brandon Holthous(i totally butchered his last name)rock harbor church

  • @lisacole9913
    @lisacole9913 3 года назад +5

    There would be a great falling away. You need to answer the patent number 060606, the Lucifernase enzyme, and the great abomination of fetal cells 293 .

  • @kathryndion1513
    @kathryndion1513 3 года назад +42

    I’m not against it because because it might be the motb, and most Christians I know don’t think that so please don’t talk like everyone is running around ignorant. A lot of us aren’t taking it because it seems foolish to take something from organizations that are untrustworthy and risk our health further. Also I do not like being treated like a sheep and having my freedom robbed.

    • @traceyw6143
      @traceyw6143 3 года назад +2

      Amen sister!!!

    • @lisalgk5228
      @lisalgk5228 3 года назад +1

      Amen! And Amen!🕊

    • @truthseeker5642
      @truthseeker5642 3 года назад +3

      Kathryn sister! Please do not take this evil poison shot! No matter what!!!! You will regret it!!!!!! God bless you!!

  • @mcdonalds1499
    @mcdonalds1499 3 года назад +19

    I will put ingredients 2nd. My point is if I don't want, simply I just don't want, why should I get forced or persecuted???

  • @truthwins9044
    @truthwins9044 3 года назад +26

    Jack ask this man how he feels about his president Netanyahu wanting to put computer chips in children to track them because of the virus please and thank you. CBN had a video on Netanyahu wanting to put chips in children

    • @judithzeid4934
      @judithzeid4934 3 года назад +4

      @IAmWhosoever Oh my....Not surprised about Amir tho. I have always had a check in my spirit concerning him

    • @txwarriorbride5112
      @txwarriorbride5112 3 года назад +4

      Nuttyyahoo is a deceiver, and is openly working with the adversary. Who do you think the adversary's targets are? Orthodox Jews and real believers. Everyone else he Already has! So, which do you think those working with the adversary are going to cozy up to and pretend they care about? Orthodox Jews and "christians" ! Wake up! Anyone who wants to bio chip children is not on your side! 🙏👏

    • @suzannenapolitano5480
      @suzannenapolitano5480 3 года назад +2

      I don't even want this in my dog let alone my Children GOD have Mercy on us!

  • @stacieherrig4843
    @stacieherrig4843 2 года назад +3

    I’m sorry, “Satan won’t deceive you,” mentioned twice. I couldn’t get past this point in the video. This is heresy! Was the entire story of Adam and Eve forgotten?!

    • @Disciple_777
      @Disciple_777 2 года назад +1

      "Don't take the vaccine trust in the LORD".