Stormgate ► There Was No Way Out

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • In today's stormgate casted game we see the vanguard versus the celestial armada in what was a weird game! The Vanguard make full use of the repair sentry outpost whilst the celestial armada try to break out using their air unit called the scythe.

Комментарии • 33

  • @DeimosEvoLution
    @DeimosEvoLution Месяц назад +5

    Hedgehogs are the only unit that give me pause about this game. I'm really hype to watch more matches but hedgehogs seem insane from what I've seen. It seems like it's good about almost everything and anything that can beat it, it can avoid. It just seems a bit too strong at all aspects of the game.
    I think it uniquely screws over the celestials too. It's hard to set up a bunch of bases around the map when you have pretty much the fastest units in the game with high DPS and an AA mode.
    **all said with the caveat that we need to see the impact of T3 units

    • @giuseppebonatici7169
      @giuseppebonatici7169 Месяц назад +1

      HH in frigate had like 2 too many thing going for it:
      insane burst damage
      insane sustain damage (the reload time is better than most Attack speeds)
      insanely fast
      insane range after a cheap and fast upgrade. specially anti air (15), as it can siege celestial farther than the max range of celestial (13, saber, only ground)
      and, if the veterancy skill still exists: too much hp (370/5ar at lvl3 is frankly too much).

    • @DeimosEvoLution
      @DeimosEvoLution Месяц назад +2

      @@giuseppebonatici7169 Agreed. I think of it as akin to the hellion. If you're fast, you're generally flimsier and shorter range to make up the discrepancy. Giving it high damage, decent sustain, speed, range, and the ability to AA seems wild for an early-mid game unit.

    • @DON-ILYA
      @DON-ILYA Месяц назад +2

      It was more about broken promote. Without it hedgehogs aren't nearly as oppressive. It's very likely that vanguards would never win against celestials if there was no promote. It'd look pretty similar, but with reversed roles: cel with full map control opening vectors and doing whatever they want.

    • @primescoutSG
      @primescoutSG Месяц назад +2

      I have to agree with Don~Ilya here that the promote ability was the core issue not the hedgehogs. The hedgehog only received one change from Elephant Beta to Frigate which was a unit model size reduction by 0.2 (borderline meaningless). But in elephant they were never used because they were rather weak. Promote moved their HP from 230>299 and their damage from 10>13 per rocket (40>52 per burst attack). This stat increase really made them the spotlight of the game for VG.

    • @Bagginsess
      @Bagginsess Месяц назад

      Fiends/guants were the most broken unit in the game and now they are fine. Hornets and Harbingers are other good examples. Hedgehogs will be fixed but it is mainly due to promote like the other guys said. They just need to be adjusted to fit in with fast promotions.

  • @Ge_n_Ge
    @Ge_n_Ge Месяц назад +4

    They need to increase the damage of sabers by 300%

    • @velensk1261
      @velensk1261 Месяц назад

      Sabers do a lot more damage vs armored targets. Unfortunately that doesn't include hedgehogs.

  • @hounddogzepp
    @hounddogzepp Месяц назад +5

    Excited to play in a few weeks!

  • @primescoutSG
    @primescoutSG Месяц назад +1

    I do not "cheese" I just participate in strategies that would be considered aggressive from my opponent, but I never cheese. Even Flash would agree that I am an honorable macro player, and simply choose to use strategies that increase my odds of winning by using tools available to me on the enemies side of the map 😆

  • @Bagginsess
    @Bagginsess Месяц назад +2

    I feel like animancers would have done well against the sentry turrets and deployed hedgehogs.

  • @BaconHer0
    @BaconHer0 Месяц назад

    NGL this looks like such an irritating match. Tickle fights both ways except one side gets fast repairs

  • @moridimafea
    @moridimafea Месяц назад +1

    Buddy I got worried about you. I haven’t seen you post aoe4 in a while so came to check on you. Hope you are good. Come back soon!

    • @FarmManOfficial-Stormgate
      @FarmManOfficial-Stormgate  Месяц назад

      Hey thanks dude! last 3-4 days I've been eye-ing up some aoe4 games to cast, its just been a bit hectic IRL, i was a bit burned out with aoe4 and then also stormgate releasing in 3 days, planning to cast an aoe4 game this weekend actually, its been too long! I think instead of daily casts for aoe4, this time i'll come back with 1 cast every 2 days - more sustainable that way! thanks for checking on me, means alot!

  • @GBS4893
    @GBS4893 Месяц назад +1

    Was persevering on the scythes a bad idea?

    • @FarmManOfficial-Stormgate
      @FarmManOfficial-Stormgate  Месяц назад

      Yeah I think so, I think scythes just weren't good during the frigate playtest. I can imagine it being buffed but we'll have to see

  • @Flakdo2007
    @Flakdo2007 Месяц назад +1


  • @S0re_l0ser
    @S0re_l0ser Месяц назад

    My opinion in this match: Trudel have to cut incoming units middle of the map. When you defent, you must get enemy fear its own side. Or is this situation too strong for Scout anyways?

    • @primescoutSG
      @primescoutSG Месяц назад +1

      Cutting off units would be a strong move for him your 100% correct, as well as counter attacking more than just that one time. I think he mainly just made the wrong unit comp for the strategy I was going for. He needed Vector/Argent/Kri instead of Saber and Scythe.

    • @velensk1261
      @velensk1261 Месяц назад

      Scythe in particular seemed like a very odd choice here. I can sort of see wanting sabers to break out of a contain (though a dubious choice about hedgehogs when you have nothing to protect them) but what were the scythes supposed to do?

  • @Buttersman
    @Buttersman Месяц назад +1


  • @byun1119
    @byun1119 Месяц назад

    omg as a sc2 play you can tell this terran has no idea what he is doing. building placement is so bad, splits are bad, unit retention not important to him. Also no ground siege unit for terran?

  • @nologic-vl2dq
    @nologic-vl2dq Месяц назад +1

    Please change the model of the rocket cars, they look terrible

  • @SyzygyTT
    @SyzygyTT Месяц назад

    Hey Mate!
    Enjoying your videos, but I'm super irritatted by the thumbnails.
    You make it click-baity. You don't need to. Not every match and unit needs to be BROKEN or BUSTED or INSANE or whatever.
    We SC2 veterans look for great plays, not exploits between patches.
    I think you gotta choose your audience, and stick with it. Cheers!