I have the 502x and it's been a cracking bike bike, can't say a bad word about it, she will sit on the motorway at 70 with plenty of more if needed and very comfortable she's heavy but it's planted well on a windy day and on the corners it's very nice
a fella up the road from me owns one, he leaves it out on the street uncovered and used throughout the year most days, and been that way for around 4 years now and all things considered it is in remarkably good condition and always starts up ok so evidently a reliable machine, he has kept it for a lot longer than it's predecessor CB500x
Oh no. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will have a quick recovery. You should check out the TRK702x when you’re ready to ride again. That was my favourite bike of 2023.
@GillyBikes .... I'm well on my way to recovery..... That TRK 502 at £3700 is a bargain and just the colour I would have. And In2moto are just down the road👍
Always liked these but being a short arse i would have the 502 road biased version. Bit on the heavy side i think, like 235 kgs? 3799 is a decent price, lot of bike for the money.
I have the 502x and it's been a cracking bike bike, can't say a bad word about it, she will sit on the motorway at 70 with plenty of more if needed and very comfortable she's heavy but it's planted well on a windy day and on the corners it's very nice
They really are good bikes. You need to try the 702x though. That bike takes it to another level.
a fella up the road from me owns one, he leaves it out on the street uncovered and used throughout the year most days, and been that way for around 4 years now and all things considered it is in remarkably good condition and always starts up ok so evidently a reliable machine, he has kept it for a lot longer than it's predecessor CB500x
I’ve owned Benelli’s myself. Never had an issue. They are really good value and very reliable.
I like them. Nice and cheap. Seen them everywhere when I went to Italy last summer.
I’m sure they are the best selling bike in Italy. They love them over there.
Im considering one of these 👍
Great value bikes. You should try one of these and then the 702 and compare.
I've been looking at the TRK to replace the Tiger..... but at the moment I'm nursing a damaged knee and won't be riding anything for a while
Oh no. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will have a quick recovery. You should check out the TRK702x when you’re ready to ride again. That was my favourite bike of 2023.
@GillyBikes .... I'm well on my way to recovery..... That TRK 502 at £3700 is a bargain and just the colour I would have. And In2moto are just down the road👍
@juliandone15 even better. Then get down there and throw your leg over it. 😎 I don’t think it will be there for long.
Always liked these but being a short arse i would have the 502 road biased version. Bit on the heavy side i think, like 235 kgs? 3799 is a decent price, lot of bike for the money.
They are decent bikes. To be totally honest I prefer the 702x. That seems lighter, smaller and has more power. A really big improvement on this bike.