  • Опубликовано: 16 июл 2024
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    Sweden has become one of the most dangerous countries in the European Union and the conclusion drawn by a large part of society - including politicians and journalists - is that too many immigrants are to blame. However, the reason may be quite different and points directly to the prevailing economic model in Sweden. In this video we tell you all the details.
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Комментарии • 19 тыс.

  • @VisualPolitikEN
    @VisualPolitikEN  2 года назад +191

    Go to masterworks.art/visualpolitik and skip the waitlist to join Masterworks!

    • @TheRishijoesanu
      @TheRishijoesanu 2 года назад +14

      This video just dropped and every comment so far has been saying Sweden has too many immigrants when in fact it's the opposite of what the video actually says. Sweden doesn't have an immigrant problem. They keep giving child subsidies (immigrants have way more children than native Swedes) and other benefits to immigrants which has created a welfare cliff that incentivizes immigrants to join organized crime gangs instead of seeking employment. Don't blame immigration for the problems created by dumb welfare policies.

    • @Ubersnuber
      @Ubersnuber 2 года назад +1

      Oh how exclusive I feel! Must be my lucky day!
      Oh wait..your typical make customer feel special song and dance. F off in a fire

    • @glenfordburrell2133
      @glenfordburrell2133 2 года назад +3

      Hi Josh, just thought I'd let you know that faulks is a very popular surname in Jamaica and other parts of the Carribean!

    • @imslackingrightnow9765
      @imslackingrightnow9765 2 года назад +3

      Reposting this in case people miss my comment further down below:
      This video perpetuates a dangerous argument born by the irrational fears of conservatives in Scandinavia, I can tell you that as a Turkish third generation Danish immigrant. You glossed over the fact that the crime rate overall has NOT increased in Sweden, and yet, gun-related homicide has, and you somehow correlate this with immigrants who have immigrated to Sweden somehow, even though you didn't acknowledge HOW the two are related. There is no increase in gun-related homicide here in Denmark, even though people still fear "perkere" as they're known (young gentlemen of non-Danish ethnic origin who might or might not commit crimes, they mostly just "look dangerous"). As you know, obviously, these immigrants are more likely to commit crimes, since, socioeconomically speaking, they make up the largest percentage of the poor per capita. Yes, these immigrants "take advantage" of the welfare system more often, because you know, they're poor, and as such, they might need more help to get back up on their feet than someone who has lived in Sweden their whole lives, and as such, is more stable economically speaking. Almost NO ONE wants to live on welfare (yes, even in Scandinavia), I've tried it, people look down on you constantly, you aren't actively pursuing something that fulfils you, and you just feel stuck in your life.
      As for these "parallel societies" that all these irrationally scared people like to preach about, I live in one of the biggest and most infamous ones here in Denmark, Brabrand. I've heard colleagues talk about how if someone of ethnic Danish origin ever tries to go to Gellerupparken, they will be intimated, attacked, shouted at, etc. I LIVE in Gellerupparken right now. Today, I saw three different ethnically Danish families walk past me on my way to go shopping, passing tons of ethnically non-danish young "perkere" as well as others on my way there as well. No conflicts. People like to exaggerate this sort of stuff, I've lived here for 11 months so far, and if you were to ask my colleagues who have never been here themselves, they would've expected me to face some sort of hostility because of these "perkere", maybe I would've heard gunshots or SOMETHING. But no, I haven't.
      These SAME talkingpoints are spewed by racist conservatives in the US against "welfare-hungry, crime-committing, rapist illegal hispanic immigrants", and yet, most Europeans seem to assume that "the Scandinavians must be in the right for fearing immigrants since they're such humanist social democrats". Social democrat my ass, the media has slowly been spewing more and more irrational xenophobia for the past many decades, and since there is no history of discrimation here, the sort of hatespeech preached by people like Rasmus Paludan are labelled as a sort of "freespeech", increasingly leading to social division and tensions. That's the key part, since the innocent veil that these dogwhistles tend to have (such as the problem being about their "different culture" instead of the color of their skin) is being reinforced (since, you know, people don't have much experience with it here and they don't realize that they're being duped in a way that Americans have for centuries (leading to Americans catching onto the lies propagated by irrational fear and seeing through these dumb stereotypes)). One last thing, extremist Islamism is in no way shape or form the type of system any Muslim immigrants want, that's what they're actively fleeing. Most immigrants actually used to vote for the social democrats here in Denmark before they themselves became so anti-immigration (source: I'm from an immigrant background myself, duh).

    • @imslackingrightnow9765
      @imslackingrightnow9765 2 года назад +1

      @@30yoboomer What I am saying is that even though Denmark took a "radically different approach", the same problems persist here to the same degree, even though, statistically speaking, the crime rate has not increased in Denmark nor has it increased in Sweden. Going by your (attempted?) argument, wouldn't Sweden be facing way more problems than Denmark?
      As for Rasmus Paludan not being the problem, he symbolizes the problem for the most part, as this sentiment was growing even before him. He signifies the RACIAL tension that has been growing within this country, based on irrational fears.
      As for his form of "freespeech" not being hatespeech, the American Library Association defines hatespeech as the following: "Generally, however, hate speech is any form of expression through which speakers intend to vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, religion, skin color sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, or national origin.".
      So, speech that is meant to villify individuals based on their identity, in short form, criticizing the "Islamic culture" of individuals who already feel vastly different from ethnic danes, a problem that you will only understand as a fellow minority. This sentiment is used to dehumanize Muslims and even non-muslims, as the sentiment has spread to encompass the larger subculture that has evolved. Why do you think a minority of Muslims and non-muslims even, take action by rioting? Because he is touching up on a deeply sensitive issue that affects every minority out there, not the "holy book" or whatever, but rather, the feeling of feeling alienated by the larger population. Why do you think the BLM movement has had sooo many violent riots within its history? It's because this dehumanization of your subgroup hits you deeply as an individual, oncemore, something most people in this comments section won't understand until they go through their lives always being treated differently with these notions and assumptions about you because of the way you look. "Are you a Muslim?", "Do you speak Danish?", and random people speaking english to me are all things that I go through on a weekly basis solely based off of the way that I look. Then some racist (Oh, I'm sorry, Islamophobic, or wait, better yet, XENOPHOBIC) shithead starts pushing that narrative even further, twisting the knife that caused some people great scars (my dad was discriminated against at several workplaces where he would get paid less than people even ranking below him, as one example), even, and you don't think some people are gonna react irrationally to that sort of behavior?
      Edit: Might I add, the comments that Rasmus Paludan is making WOULD be labelled as hatespeech in countries that have a history of discrimination, such as Germany. Don't you think it's funny that Danes are ignorant as to the repercussions of allowing such a man to, in your words, "provoke people", when Denmark has no history of discrimination? It's blatantly obvious why this is allowed to happen freely.

  • @darren253
    @darren253 10 месяцев назад +1992

    Problem is Sweden like most Western Countries took in people who don't share common values. Respect of women. Law and freedom of speech. These people flee to western countries saying they are oppressed but then want to oppress the locals. Who have lived for centuries in that country. They form their own neighbourhoods and while some integrate the vast majority do not. But expect the natives to bow and scrape to them

    • @kathrynletchford5114
      @kathrynletchford5114 9 месяцев назад

      Well said. They really are the pits. No wonder their own countries are like 💩

    • @EnteleiEchein
      @EnteleiEchein 9 месяцев назад

      They are basically fleeing their own countries and yet cannot escape themselves.

    • @sirsancti5504
      @sirsancti5504 9 месяцев назад +47

      *respect of women and men. So.. Respect, overall.

    • @Toganyapgu
      @Toganyapgu 9 месяцев назад +25

      Gut beschrieben. 👍

    • @nativetexanful
      @nativetexanful 9 месяцев назад

      The only solution is to send them all back to where they came from.

  • @LudvigIndestrucable
    @LudvigIndestrucable 2 года назад +16510

    I remember seeing a Swedish program to educate immigrants on certain social topics, one of which was honour killings. They were trying to teach immigrants that if their daughter was raped, that murdering her out of shame wasn't the best response. If you have to teach people that, they are already lost to you.

    • @pathologicaldoubt
      @pathologicaldoubt 2 года назад +1

      Or the “do not rape” classes. It was an amazing thing to witness. Anyone with half a brain could see how this would all play out. As a liberal in the states, you could foresee the concern that these leftists in Europe will give rise to the far right welcoming an unlimited & rapid open border immigration policy for refugees and economic migrants from MENA and condemning anyone and everyone with legitimate security concerns as racist. A self fulfilling prophecy dooming your nation to turmoil and making actual racist politicians and movements appealing because they’re the only ones actually acknowledging concerning developments. The writing was on the wall

    • @LudvigIndestrucable
      @LudvigIndestrucable 2 года назад +730

      Immigration is a complex topic with lots of different factors at play. People often paint with too broad a brush when referring to 'muslims', 'MENA' etc as if they're all the same, but sometimes the brush is entirely the right width, and one of those brushes are an implicit understanding that rape and murder are unacceptable. There are many people across the globe of all different races and creeds, that know this - we should rightly discriminate against those that do not.

    • @Teutathis
      @Teutathis 2 года назад +1843

      The worst part about your comment is that I have to correct you by saying that It's worse than the image you're painting right now. There are several cases where people have been honor-killed because the family found out that the daughter had a boyfriend. There was even complaints in some migrant communities that "their" women started wearing jeans.

    • @LudvigIndestrucable
      @LudvigIndestrucable 2 года назад +293

      ​@@bevvy.bee9 You do not appear to have read what I wrote. Please read more.

    • @davedeny947
      @davedeny947 2 года назад

      @@bevvy.bee9 You can read the Quran on line and see what you're missing. Most people who are deemed "Islamophobic" are well read on Islamic teachings. They just HATE everything they've read in the book.

  • @rexyambarwati7285
    @rexyambarwati7285 6 месяцев назад +87

    I’m an immigrant in Iceland, my husband is Icelandic. As soon as I got here I registered myself to Icelandic class to learn the language. And I paid around €350 per level. It took 4 weeks to finish one level. I managed to finish level 5. In the beginning of first level the class was full on the first week. Then decreased the next week and the week after. On the last week there were only several of us left, basically the “paying” students. I know the ones that gave up on the second week were refugees because we introduced ourselves on the first day when the class began. That happened on level two, too. On level 3 and up were 90% “paying” students. The refugees didn’t have to pay for the classes, it was free for them. They get free housing, free bus pass, free swimming pool admission, free food at the school canteen for their children (the rest of us have to pay monthly subscription), they get monthly allowance. I’m all for humanity but sometimes as a tax payer I resent this. I get very little child allowance every 3 months from the government, both my children are half Icelandic. I work, I pay tax, I abide the law. Yet those people who get everything handed to them don’t even have the decency to contribute to the country. Many of them don’t want to work because they get more money from the government by staying home than go out to work. I’m aware I sound bitter. I just hope they wake up one day and decide to be useful and contribute to the society.

    • @Andre-vr1ul
      @Andre-vr1ul 5 месяцев назад

      You are a part of the problem still. It pollutes the genetic bloodline of the Icelandic people. Have you no shame?

    • @Cpt.Phenom
      @Cpt.Phenom 3 месяца назад +3

      But you have every right to sound bitter.

    • @randomname123456789
      @randomname123456789 2 месяца назад

      In the end, it's not a good situation for them either.
      It's common for kids to misbehave, be lazy and try to get away with things, but they get told off, get praised for being good etc, and are brought up to be good citizens.
      If kids were allowed to do as they please and allowed to get away with anything, never expected to contribute, etc they would end up spoiled brats as adults.
      Even for adults, it's scary and difficult to get a job and make friends in a foreign country, imagine trying to do that somewhere like Afghanistan. If you have to then there's no alternative and you've got to be brave and get on with it (and soon end up part of the community, living a more fulfilling life) but if you have the option to stick around with only your fellow country-men who speak the same language, and can receive income indefinitely, you can't blame them in a way, it's too easy.

    • @teqfreak
      @teqfreak Месяц назад

      You don't sound bitter at all. You sound honest and have have decent expectations of these people. The problem are the extremists in our native populations here in Europe who have been telling us that it is racist to have expectations, and they abuse your empathy to lower expectations. I think you can be empathetic and have expectations from people to meet certain basic standards as well.
      Anyone who claims these people are unfit to meet these standards basically say that these people are less capable than us and unfit to live in our societies (now who is the racist?). I myself believe every person can meet these basic level standards and expect them to do so. The standards are fair and apply to everyone. Otherwise it is like an abusive relationship and therefore and something we should stop. The few outliers who cannot meet these expectations should leave the country to make space for people who can. Otherwise we need to start refusing all of these people all together, which I think nobody really wants.
      My wife is not from Europe eiher. In her classes in Dutch (I am from the Netherlands) I saw the same patterns you describe.... And what I also noticed is that there is a whole industry around these migrants that is aimed to keep them helpless and financially dependent as long as possible so that all sorts of organizations can take some profit from the "free tax money" that these immigrants get. Call it a leap of faith, but more often than not the people profiting and moving around in these organizations are the same people who tell you that you should lower your standards and that you cannot set the same standards as for other people. Don't let them gas-light you into accepting the unacceptable.

  • @user-oj9tb9gp1n
    @user-oj9tb9gp1n 6 месяцев назад +39

    This has happened in every country where muslim importation has gone crazy.

    • @VeseliTraktorcic
      @VeseliTraktorcic 6 месяцев назад

      Soo, muslims are the problem. Then, the problem must be solved.

  • @MrAkaacer
    @MrAkaacer Год назад +9060

    As an immigrant to Australia, when we came we liked the idea of democracy and freedom and we looked forward to integrating into Australian culture. We learnt english, participated in social events, celebrated australian holidays, supported australian sports teams, learnt australian recipes AND we also kept our own language and culture and introduced our friends and neighbours to our culture. Its ok for our culture to be a sub-culture within the larger australian culture. I don't understand this immigrant attitude where they escape their own crappy country, migrate to a western democratic nation and then want to turn it into the sh*t hole that they just left.

    • @suppaduppa
      @suppaduppa Год назад

      Behold the idiocy of humanity. It has NO bounds! We are now debating what a woman is! Clown world. This just goes to show that majority of humans are total programmable idiots without critical thought.
      These invaders are just doing what their scripture and culture indoctrinated to do. Dont expect logic and reason to trump emotions/groupthink

    • @discoverydroid2134
      @discoverydroid2134 Год назад +2

      😂😂😂😂😂....I hear a bit of Donald Trump in your comment.."we don't want people from sh**h*le countries"

    • @anetta79
      @anetta79 Год назад +946

      I cant agree more with you. I am also an immigrant in Belgium but I speak the language, I work, I pay taxes, I follow the Belgian rules, the law, I integrated, I have got Belgian friends, I also cook Belgian food... and I still keep my traditions too but I dont force anyone to follow my traditions, I can introduce them to the people just to show them how we do this or that but I dont tell them what they have to do. I just cannot understand why some people are able to integrate and respect the culture of the country you live in and for others its in no go and they still force you to follow their religion, their way of thinking.. I was always wondering, why the hell they escape their own countries and they just bring here the misery with them and they dont even have it on their mind to respect the others? Europe did a huge mistake.

    • @vaniaandrade9671
      @vaniaandrade9671 Год назад +190

      You are absolutely right!

    • @juancarlosem7064
      @juancarlosem7064 Год назад +131

      @@anetta79 And are you a Muslim or do you come from a Catholic or Asian country? the integration of a westerner in the west is not really an integration, it is a change in customs and language

  • @Charizard215
    @Charizard215 Год назад +3015

    I remember a certain group of people exclaiming what a bad idea it was for Sweden, and other countries, to open its doors to immigration in the manner that they did. Those people were dismissed and labeled as bigots.

    • @thepanel2935
      @thepanel2935 Год назад +350

      *Criticism is **_not_** racism!*

    • @davidgraham2673
      @davidgraham2673 Год назад +61

      I remember that too.

    • @thepanel2935
      @thepanel2935 Год назад

      @@davidgraham2673 and then we discover who the _real_ bigots and nasty people are... and it _isn't_ the Swedes!

    • @rubertkniv
      @rubertkniv Год назад +110

      this certain group of people are now 2nd largest party in sweden

    • @davidgraham2673
      @davidgraham2673 Год назад

      @@rubertkniv , Wait just ten more years. Then they'll have enough numbers to take over Sweden.
      They've already proven they'll use violence.

  • @Reed427
    @Reed427 7 месяцев назад +116

    I was on holiday in Sweden a few times in the 90s and it was amazing. It was one of the safest country on earth.
    It is extremely sad to witness how the culture is rapidly changing in Sweden. 😢

    • @camloff
      @camloff 5 месяцев назад

      Bloody immigration and they have good welfare no hard work but health support.

  • @kilik1532
    @kilik1532 5 месяцев назад +34

    As a Taiwanese I’m glad that the Taiwanese government doesn’t accept any refugees to come. Thanks to the policy Taiwan is way safer than European countries I never feel unsafe walking on the streets in the middle of the night. We put iPhones on the table in stores to secure seats without worrying being stolen. Now l live in Ireland there’s no way I can do that.

  • @ModekaiPL
    @ModekaiPL 2 года назад +3126

    This is what happens when you welcome people who do not share your values and your vision of the world.

    • @aghileshemdani3144
      @aghileshemdani3144 2 года назад +47

      What happen to Freedom and démocratie !? You Want every one to have same value as you !? Where IS Freedom then

    • @banahezzer4632
      @banahezzer4632 2 года назад +500

      @@aghileshemdani3144 Well there is no point then come to the place where you won't like local values. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • @SeverusAlexanderAugustus
      @SeverusAlexanderAugustus 2 года назад +357

      @@aghileshemdani3144 It's exactly In order to preserve Freedom and Democracy that European countries should limit immigration from countries where people don't share the same values and customs.

    • @aghileshemdani3144
      @aghileshemdani3144 2 года назад +18

      @@SeverusAlexanderAugustus ..it IS contradiction what you said.
      Freedom garanti différence of culture and custom to live together not to opress one culture or custom for another. Démocratie préserve right of having différents opinion and vision .. you Cant speak about démocratie and Freedom and in same Time you Wang every one to Think like you .. liké North Korea...

    • @aghileshemdani3144
      @aghileshemdani3144 2 года назад +17

      @@banahezzer4632 .. no one talking about liking or disliking .. i am talking about Freedom. .every one has his own culture and value ..they should live together .....

  • @nelyrions1838
    @nelyrions1838 2 года назад +5971

    Saying Swedens integration has failed is an understatement. I live in southern Sweden. A lot of migration move here because of the mild climate. You cannot even begin to understand how bad society becomes after 7 years of unrestricted immigration on top of 20+ years of fairly high immigration. My own neighbourhood went from being calm, crime free and clean to having multiple shoot outs between criminals every year. Several bombs have exploded in the area too. There's vandalisation going on all the time. Every week something is damaged that you use. I've had 3 break ins during a single year. Rat infestation because people stopped taking care of the garbage means i can see literal rats running across the roads when i go to the shops.
    I've spoken to migrants that been collegues that live in fairly bad areas in my city and they speak of parallell societies where local groups run both policing and even "checks" of anyone that enters the area. One collegue couldn't even have male friends over because women aren't supposed to have male friends apparently and she had one over that later got threatened by a gang of thugs with a knife. When i picked her up one day, i had to park 2 districts down so they couldnt see the registration of my car number so they could find me later.
    A country isn't just its borders and history. But the people itself is the country. If you start replacing or filling a country with people of less developed and ultimately worse morals and way of living.. then you essentially change the country for the worst. This is ultimately, despite delusions and hopes of different outcome, that this is the reality.. and it won't change.
    And the politicians aren't helping. The latest change for example is that they want to remove the grade F because too many migrants fail even primary school, so in order to still get them through education.. they simply want to remove the grade F for these people. Just to give an idea of the level of seriousness our politicians are taking it.

    • @torstimyle1355
      @torstimyle1355 2 года назад +2

      With feminism everything starts to fall apart. It's unnatural to have vvomen in leadership and it's worse to have effeminates too. If people weren't atheists they would understand better.

    • @peterjansen706
      @peterjansen706 2 года назад +3

      Unfortunayely most of Western Europe became a shithole...This policy of accepting mutually excluding cultures living together is totally wrong as we prooved empirically...

    • @TRUTHandLIGHT4809
      @TRUTHandLIGHT4809 2 года назад

      Sick. Immigration for the sake of Immigration has to stop. SPECTRE told us the PLAN. She was a major player in forcing Immigration

    • @Irishesbox11
      @Irishesbox11 2 года назад +180

      Very well said

    • @laikanbarth
      @laikanbarth 2 года назад +189

      @Paska Nahausun I wonder the same about the USA government!!

  • @davidcooks2379
    @davidcooks2379 9 месяцев назад +22

    This is depressing. London has the same problem

  • @MiladaKaiser
    @MiladaKaiser 7 месяцев назад +29

    Look at Poland. Czech Republic. Slovakia. There is no single mosque in Slovakia.

    • @raya7390
      @raya7390 Месяц назад +7

      Wow , sound like heaven

    • @MrSaturnolp
      @MrSaturnolp Месяц назад

      We should all follow Poland and Slovakia’s example. The problem is not immigrants in general as many of them are an enrichment to our societies. The problem is Muslims and immigrants coming from countries with high violence rate. They just don’t know how to be civil.

    • @rokpodlogar6062
      @rokpodlogar6062 17 дней назад

      it's not the lack of mosques that makes the difference. it's the lack of people not fit to live in a western society.

  • @nicetomeetyou610
    @nicetomeetyou610 Год назад +1128

    It's impossible to integrate someone who doesn't want to be integrated. 😒

    • @myncimynci6448
      @myncimynci6448 Год назад +21

      It's perfectly simple: don't drop people in isolated concrete suburbs and remove all the "unprofitable" social infrastructure and then go "right lads, you're on your own!" - and decriminalise possession of drugs and provide sick people with what they need - medical grade, not dodgy street shit cut to maximise profits - and the means to quit. No customers, no market, nothing to war over.

    • @myncimynci6448
      @myncimynci6448 Год назад

      And this: ruclips.net/video/y_TV4GuXFoA/видео.html

    • @skully170
      @skully170 Год назад

      @@myncimynci6448 you can't tell them where to live and what to do, leftist are going to accuse you of "fascism"

    • @yous.2963
      @yous.2963 Год назад +80

      And wants to force their "divine" hatred on others.

    • @VM-is8by
      @VM-is8by Год назад

      Why Europeans didn't see the real root cause of this issue?...it's Islam...religious fundamentalism....co existence, tolerance,secularism were alien ideas for Muslims

  • @Student0Toucher
    @Student0Toucher 2 года назад +3990

    As a Mexican American I agree, unchecked immigration is not good for any nation

    • @christophersalinas2722
      @christophersalinas2722 2 года назад +231

      As a fellow Mexican American I also agree

    • @josephhyde5498
      @josephhyde5498 2 года назад

      As a Native American get out of our land.

    • @Mike01029
      @Mike01029 2 года назад +212

      As another Mexican American, you don’t have to bother doing “as a (insert category)” for common sense immigration policies and reforms, If they integrate, great, if not, they can always go back

    • @reevanamin5865
      @reevanamin5865 2 года назад +236

      College leftists would be really upset if they knew how to read.

    • @idleishde6124
      @idleishde6124 2 года назад +99

      Also Legal vs Illegal Immigration. If you follow the law, file the paperwork etc. There is no problem. The problem is unrestricted immigration, or unenforced illegal immigration. If you come in to work, follow the law, pay taxes and be a good citizen, fine. If you want to skip the checks designed to keep criminals out... well...

  • @zibbz80
    @zibbz80 5 месяцев назад +17

    As a Swede I can only say it is aggravating hearing such words from Magdalena Andersson, as it is her party that have done everything in their might to create this situation - and some of us have been arguing with them for more than a decade to hinder it. The Social Democrats along with their biased medias have made it almost impossible to even question their narrative without being marked as a "Nazi" and potential threat to democracy itself. My parents migrated from Soviet-controlled Poland and did not get even a penny from social welfare in order to integrate... they had no choice but to integrate on their own or become outcasts to society, and today only their story and surnames gives away that they even originated from another country. Difference is that they came to Sweden because back then it was an ideal place to live and were prepared to stop being so damn proud of their roots and focused more on a better life for themselves and offspring. But these people that come to Sweden now don't care for that, and they won't no matter how many iPhone's and field-trips the government will hand out to them. It does not feel right segregating people like this, but after witnessing a "Tahar Rush" firsthand it is evident that we Europeans and Middle Easterners, somewhere in out behavior and core values differ.

  • @rustykilt
    @rustykilt 8 месяцев назад +13

    Australia has found that not all cultures assimilate. Government immigration and refugee policy has left us with internal strife and some cultures that are totally in conflict with Australian law and democracy.

  • @DanialBarazandeh
    @DanialBarazandeh 11 месяцев назад +3345

    As a middle eastern man, I believe the root of the problem is the messed up selection method. Most of us live in a hell hole, so of course, we want to get out. But how does an educated doctor or Ph.D. engineer have a more challenging time getting a work visa, while a random person without any background check, language, and work skills could easily be there with only a boat ride? Many excellent, talented, and kind people want to get out of here, but in the end, I see different people there.

    • @dnza.1340
      @dnza.1340 11 месяцев назад +455

      i agree with you. qualified people have a much harder time traveling to Europe even for vacation while criminals can travel there by illegal means and stay there indefinitely.

    • @Myles0Harcourt
      @Myles0Harcourt 11 месяцев назад

      because the agenda isn't justice; our traitorous elites are globalists who want to heterogenise and deracinate the societies of the countries they claim to govern. Letting in huge numbers of poor people who will integrate achieves that far more thoroughly than a small number of highly skilled people who are more likely to integrate.
      In addition to that, "human rights" and asylum laws mean that it is almost impossible to deport the hordes of people who flood into Europe easily. The laws were put in place by the replacist elites to tangle the mechanism of the deportation process and make it hard for any politicians who might actually try to get rid of the invaders to do so.

    • @Metalkid1500
      @Metalkid1500 11 месяцев назад

      Sweden is very left wing. The left can fuck up anything they touch

    • @Amaling
      @Amaling 11 месяцев назад +198

      Meanwhile the places who accept skilled immigrants fairly reasonably like Canada and Australia have huge immigrant populations and it works out well. Many of the immigrants are as you say extremely skilled people who worked very hard in their country of origin. Europe’s gotta be humble and accept their methods were wrong, and look to others for reference and inspiration

    • @Anonymous-sb9uh
      @Anonymous-sb9uh 11 месяцев назад +184

      It also a problem of ideology. European and other majority secular states have successfully separated religion from politics even if not fully. Islam is politics. There is a preacher on YT who says muslims view democracy primarily as an instrument to promote islam. The only solution cutoff islamic states until they achieve separation of religion from politics or mankind is doomed. Well we still have to deal with climate, nuclear weapons and AI. Oh yeah and the next pandemic that is supposed to wipe us out.

  • @SrFenixify
    @SrFenixify 2 года назад +2587

    Using your country and people as an experiment to see if two opposite cultures can coexist without conflicts is a pretty evil thing a leader can do to their own nation and people.

    • @darianstarfrog
      @darianstarfrog 2 года назад +82

      exactly..esp as those making the decisions , aren't subject to ever experiencing any negative effects..

    • @Ailasor
      @Ailasor 2 года назад +57

      during the 90s it was the yugoslavs that was the big problem... and they are at least europeans..

    • @MCE851
      @MCE851 2 года назад

      Now you understand why South Africa had apartheid and we were painted as "evil nazis" for keeping civilised and uncivilised people separate. SA went from an immensley successful country with a currency equivalent to Swiss marc (the most powerful currency at the time) to an impoverished rape and murder shidd hole overnight. Unreal.

    • @thepeculiarswede8617
      @thepeculiarswede8617 2 года назад

      It is even more evil to continue that experiment after it failed .

    • @roy_hks
      @roy_hks Год назад +38

      The issue is not with culture tho. This would imply that murder and rape is conform Syrian and Iraqi culture while we all know those societies were rather safe and prosperous pre-war.

  • @gocalixto
    @gocalixto 4 месяца назад +8

    As a Brazilian immigrant in Sweden I can testify how open arms and welcome Swedes were and I got to receive free course to learn Swedish and integrate in society and learn about Swedish values, morals and sense of community and family. I became deeply in love with these people and I have also seen how other group of immigrants didn't adapt well or shared common western values. As we all know that European demographics are terrible however I'm sceptical that the problem at hand is a quite at scale with hundred-thousands of people that do not understand, share any background on religion of value system which becomes a very long problem education-wise to be harmonized, specially due the fact they're not physically integrated in the society, living at far fringe of city centres.

  • @TeronGore
    @TeronGore 8 месяцев назад +9

    As a Turk who lives in Turkey, we unfortunately share a big problem with Swedes, because of shitty politics our countries welcome everybody without a criteria and it's just impending doom at this point.

  • @mathking2890
    @mathking2890 Год назад +2342

    Naive to think you can integrate people with conflicting ideas, values and ideology into society easily

    • @mikeodee1164
      @mikeodee1164 11 месяцев назад +1

      4 minutes ago (edited)
      as a poor white american i thank god for my saviours teh arabs in usa thanks to them im no longer victimized like i was many times by white middle class americans years ago and im no longer serverely harmed by white middle class americans and iim no longer put in danger by white middle class americans im finally safe for the past 14 years i thank god for my saviours the arabs in usa they have made my country one thousand times better and safer for me to live in too many severely sick in the head and very dangerous so called normal people its a nightmare when u r poor u find out real fast what kind of country usa truly is i thank god i moved to the arab neighborhood in usa 14 years ago

    • @why1638
      @why1638 11 месяцев назад

      They did it to look good without any deeper thinking about the future it will bring
      You can see that in a bunch of "protestors" who loot, burn, destroy or demand the impossible

    • @jenniferjuliana10
      @jenniferjuliana10 11 месяцев назад +8

      And who are those people?

    • @mikeodee1164
      @mikeodee1164 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@jenniferjuliana10 u talking to me

    • @mikeodee1164
      @mikeodee1164 11 месяцев назад +7

      @@jenniferjuliana10 who are what people be more specific

  • @SUuperCLasSH
    @SUuperCLasSH 2 года назад +740

    When we look at the EU as a whole, saying immigration is not a problem is incredibly fool

    • @agnescraig2912
      @agnescraig2912 2 года назад

      Live in the West though Indian by birth. Believe me all these so called Liberals who oppose any and every policy on immigration are deluded. Human trafficking is the biggest money spinner- some drug gangs believe that it is more lucrative than drugs. How many people can the West take from the developing world? The Afghans for example have a minimum of 4 children and upwards. Population control and climate change are linked. If people cannot call out this fact because of cultural values stop being apolitical.

    • @hevnervals
      @hevnervals 2 года назад

      Immigration was never up for debate. The people never got to choose. We just have to abide by the UN and the European Court of Human Rights. It's tyranny masquerading as something humane.

    • @veronicajensen7690
      @veronicajensen7690 2 года назад +12

      100% agree-different countries have different social politics but yest experience the same problems as Sweden with certain migrant groups-the more of those kinds of migrants the more problems - that being said if there were no social programs at all for refugees or migrants, only
      migrants with a work or student visa would arrive in Countries like Sweden, and then there would be no or few problems

    • @saturationstation1446
      @saturationstation1446 2 года назад

      you're right. eu should be eliminated and free up all those resources for people who will do more than party themselves to death with it while screaming about how superior they are to the people their making work for no income to make their toys..

    • @vilgothogberg4108
      @vilgothogberg4108 2 года назад +15

      The unemployment rate among foreign born citizens in Sweden is 19 procent! While native swedes only 5.4 %. A society like this can not go around simply put.

  • @protoman1214
    @protoman1214 7 месяцев назад +7

    As an American, I honestly get a little fed up with so many people comparing our countries shortcomings to other countries while ignoring the most blatant problems with the comparison.
    Seeing so many countries revert their immigration policies is eye opening. The USA has had relatively open borders compared to many European countries for much longer, we continue to accept the most amount of refugees, not even including other type of immigrants.
    I remember living in a large metropolitan city that I found out was in the top 3 cities as far as accepting refugees. The local politicians ran on addressing homelessness and solving the housing crisis. Curiously I remember whole city blocks worth of apartments get filled with refugees. This is a very expensive city btw… it just made no sense to me. How do you hope to help your citizens while providing so much assistance to others?

  • @mahendrapathak1661
    @mahendrapathak1661 2 месяца назад +5

    Many Gulf countries have 90% or more immigrant population but are stable and prospering without much of the conflicts. Their model is to not give asylum or citizenship to anyone. That way , nobody interferes with the politics. They work , earn well, live well and there is no conflict.

    • @MrSaturnolp
      @MrSaturnolp Месяц назад

      Very good point.

    • @rokpodlogar6062
      @rokpodlogar6062 17 дней назад

      one question, where will you deport a troublesome immigrant without papers? probably your middle eastern countries wouldn't even let people without papers pass the border.

  • @alfredlindquist3046
    @alfredlindquist3046 2 года назад +3230

    I'm from Sweden and what really grinds my gears is that immigrants that have stable jobs or are self-employed pay taxes to this country, they and their children get integrated into this country, learn the language and they prosper but our government sends these immigrants back to their countries because they didn't get accepted for citizenship. At the same time, we have immigrants that are a part of organized crime and get their Swedish citizenship... Honestly, I have lost fate in the social democratic party and I think we would need a change in leadership...

    • @rohankishibe8259
      @rohankishibe8259 2 года назад +71

      You trolling right?
      That doesn't even make sense to be true, do you have a link about such topic to prove your point? Because with all due respect, that's not a smart move to say the least...
      I think this is more of an opinion of yours.

    • @Quantum_in_Java
      @Quantum_in_Java 2 года назад +229

      Whatt ??? Immigrants who educate and skill themselves, learn the language and are financially independent are not given citizenship ?? Is your govt. mad ? How strange.

    • @FhukkGooglePlus
      @FhukkGooglePlus 2 года назад +47

      @@rohankishibe8259 You asking literally everyone posting their racist tropes on here for a link or just the people you disagree with?

    • @Tomer-oy1hj
      @Tomer-oy1hj 2 года назад +124

      @@Quantum_in_Java They are still a part of the peaceful religion and still statistically commit much more crime, it would be mad to give them citizenship, as revoking it later on is nearly impossible.

    • @jessicajohnson2412
      @jessicajohnson2412 2 года назад

      @@rohankishibe8259 so you support the downfall of Sweden then becauce thats what it sounds to me! You sound like a social democrat! Just shut up! In that case you are part of destroying Sweden!

  • @pollutingpenguin2146
    @pollutingpenguin2146 2 года назад +1440

    As a Dane, It’s hard not to say “told you so”. The Swedes called Denmark and Dane’s for racists and nazis for restricting immigration . Who’s laughing now? There’s a debate programme here on RUclips between Swedish and Danish politicians and the difference in rhetoric and approach between the two countries back in 2015 is striking. It’s not immigration in itself, it’s immigration from Muslim nations that’s the problem.

    • @waltersobchak517
      @waltersobchak517 2 года назад +169

      Yeah, they did the same to Poland

    • @omarmesbah6620
      @omarmesbah6620 2 года назад +275

      As a person living in a muslim majority country, if I’m ever in charge of any country I would set the most “islamophobic” laws the world has ever seen.

    • @STIKKER666
      @STIKKER666 2 года назад +28

      Culture crash, the system was set up for another cultural mindset. Danes shame Danes for overusing the system, so goes for Norway and Sweden. Shaming a Muslim though in this sense? Yea - no, that would be a messy affair.

    • @hogatiwash7750
      @hogatiwash7750 2 года назад +110

      I immigrated to the U.S. and it was just common sense for me to try to integrate into America. Border control, assimilation, and cultural values just make sense for any country. I hate it when people say it's racist to not allow open immigration. The host countries would be filled with people who don't respect the culture, don't learn the language, or follow the law, otherwise.

    • @thorm6852
      @thorm6852 2 года назад +81

      Agree. Africa and Middle East immigration is a problem, not immigration itself.

  • @user-commnsense614
    @user-commnsense614 9 месяцев назад +5

    It is only a specific group, not all immigrants.

  • @TheMooseFromTheRoom
    @TheMooseFromTheRoom 7 месяцев назад +7

    There also another huge problem with immigration in the EU. We dont put a high enough bar on the immigration regarding intergration, like if you have been living in the country for 3 years, you need to be semi-fluent in the host language and actively seek to intergrate, then you should risk getting deported. Same with having gotten a job, if you dont actively seek to get of social benefits, you should risk getting deported. I have met so many immigrants in Denmark who have been here for years and years, and still can barely understand danish and only speak arabic or very broken english, and they rarely have a job. There are no push to actually have them intergrate from the municipalities, theres no check ups. Its a disaster. I dont mind immigration, if they actually try and intergrate and embrace the values of the host country. If they don't like the values we as danes have, they can go back home.

  • @stevebojo4378
    @stevebojo4378 Год назад +648

    If you allow people to immigrate (legally or illegally) into your country that do not share your values or culture and have no intention to assimilate, you will have a divided country that will eventually lead to violence and potential downfall. This always happens.

    • @ata9511
      @ata9511 Год назад +30

      Most sensible comment

    • @evaeves8569
      @evaeves8569 Год назад

      It is too bad that governments of the world don't seem to realize this what you have said. What will it take for them to learn. People do not want; when in Rome be like the Roman, as the saying go, they want to change and destroy your country many of them, keeping their culture ways.

    • @marcellogenesi6390
      @marcellogenesi6390 Год назад +47

      Sadly all self inflicted. What on Earth they were trying to prove, by taking in all those people of different culture and religion? They had a well organised civilised, well off country, but could not resist the urge to spoil it

    • @erkuza9220
      @erkuza9220 Год назад +9

      That's the plan

    • @Kopie0830
      @Kopie0830 Год назад

      Their culture is stupid and vile. This is a group of people who believe that the best man in a world is a terrorist bandit slaver pedophile cult leader who believes himself a prophet who terrorized his country during his lifetime. And the dude believes in flat earth, sun dipping in muddy waters and was a bigot fascist who killed whoever criticized his cult. Muslims credo is literally fight non muslims, subjugate them and convert them to Islam with any means necessary aiming for a worldwide caliphate under sharia law which has: 1. no freedom of speech or criticism. 2. women are oppressed and are forced to stay at home and not study, and wear hijab, even if it is not mandatory. 3. Women can be whipped for arguing towards a man even if her case has merits 4. No freedom of religion 5. Suppression of science and studies not in line with Islamic teaching which is 1400 years old. Cavemen belief system of flat earth, sun dipping on muddy waters, camel urine medicine and fly wing medicines. Islam is also a theocracy, mixing religion and gov't, which means the gov't has tight control over the people based from their belief. Sweden is basically fcked. What happened to Iran in the 70's will be what they will be in 20 years.

  • @BrianLevine-vd6bn
    @BrianLevine-vd6bn 10 месяцев назад +772

    I am of almost 100% Swedish heritage. I remember reading about immigrants who were living in Dalarna Sweden. They organized them selves and started robbing and stealing from local Swedes. Some farmers caught a few thieves. They best them severely then called the Police. Crime went down. If where you were from is terrible and you are allowed to live somewhere else be grateful.

    • @18KGCHAMP
      @18KGCHAMP 10 месяцев назад +12

      100% Swedish man it doesn’t get much worse than that good luck

    • @BrianLevine-vd6bn
      @BrianLevine-vd6bn 10 месяцев назад +45

      @@18KGCHAMP I know who I am,who my people are. I have done my genealogy back to 1500. I have no problems with the actions of f my ancestors.

    • @erichansen7161
      @erichansen7161 9 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@18KGCHAMPyou are one of those other kind of people.good luck.

    • @leahflower9924
      @leahflower9924 9 месяцев назад +1

      Almost 100 percent lol

    • @telaviv77
      @telaviv77 9 месяцев назад +2

      booo. same sweden who teaches others on communal harmony and talks of human right. for several occasions it has accused India of this and that.. human right blah blah. Now they got to taste their own medicine..

  • @TobinPT
    @TobinPT 6 месяцев назад +8

    RIP Sweden...
    RIP Europe...

    • @suzannehiggins1053
      @suzannehiggins1053 2 месяца назад

      That's not helpful.

    • @TobinPT
      @TobinPT 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@suzannehiggins1053 What do you mean? Its a fact that receiving that amount of immigrats, was a mistake.
      Im not against immigration, because the birth rate in Europe and demography are very low. But the immigration must be controlled and with rules.
      And a significant amount of those immigrats in Sweden dont want to integrate in the swedish culture.
      If anyone go to a foreigner country, should try to integrate, to learn the language, etc etc.
      Sweden used to be a model country, now is a model case of what a country shouldnt do.
      Same happens in my country, Portugal.

  • @oussamaghost1475
    @oussamaghost1475 9 месяцев назад +25

    as a tunisian and a muslim , i tell you the problem with immigrants that they are not selected , they picked the wrong type ( un educated one's ) , the uropean culture is so fascinating , if you move to a country you have to learn it's culture respect it and appreciate it , something a lot of ignorant don't get it , that's why europe is suffocating , the illegal refugees there their own coutnries didn't accept them

  • @knirb9
    @knirb9 9 месяцев назад +745

    The problem is not benefits or subsidies. The problem is mainly African, but also middle-eastern refugees having no interest in being a part of Swedish society, but instead wants to create their own. Anyone who has been criticizing this, or immigration policies in general has been called a racist for 10 years, and now we are stuck with shootings, bombings and problems we have never seen before. We had the same relative levels of benefits when we took in huge waves of immigration from the Baltics and actual secular political refugees from Iran, and never had any major issues.
    People are always going to bring with them parts of their countries values as well as problems to wherever they are going. It's time we learned that.

    • @ZenioDovgj
      @ZenioDovgj 9 месяцев назад

      They have this sickness called Is Lam in their limited brain cells which tells them to destroy other cultures and capture them by endless breeding.

    • @streetnatgeowild4635
      @streetnatgeowild4635 9 месяцев назад +28

      How easy it is for you to mention African. Be specific of the countries you feel resist integration due to religion. A typical Kenyan, south Africa,Zim, Nigeria, Ghana have no problem with integrating. Religion is simply personal.

    • @editfazekas3854
      @editfazekas3854 9 месяцев назад

      Africans say Africa is for blacks , so Europe is for Europeans who have built it. There is no racism in Africa, only in the countries where they go to. Interesting, isn't it? Decent people stay at home and build the country their fathers left for them. Thieves go in droves to other nation's' homelands to share the wealth those have already created.@@streetnatgeowild4635

    • @slXD100
      @slXD100 9 месяцев назад

      @@streetnatgeowild4635 that's not true at all. the only thing nigerans have brought into europe is the nigerian mafia and prostitution. sorry, some nigerians are nice humans and well behaved, but the rest? nah. how can a place where rape is the standard be well integrated into a society that detests it?
      maybe the integrate well into other african countries, but not europe. the uk and others are a prime example of this.

    • @Mg-hy5di
      @Mg-hy5di 9 месяцев назад

      Not all of Africa is a problem, Catholic African integrate just fine. Muslim African is what doesn't assimilate well.

  • @vivecastenius3839
    @vivecastenius3839 10 месяцев назад +1369

    I am a Finn and I have seen the Swedish failure close by. And I cry. The Swedes were naive. Thinking that anyone will understand what Swedes mean.... Anyone will want to become Swedes. People from the middle ages will not understand.

    • @MrMullenupp
      @MrMullenupp 10 месяцев назад +63

      no no no. far from all of us voted for this. some Swedes was and still are naive.

    • @silviuvisan505
      @silviuvisan505 10 месяцев назад

      Did u watch the video u failed to integrate immigrants

    • @kiki_ci3880
      @kiki_ci3880 10 месяцев назад +66

      ​@@MrMullenuppwhat about the swedish couple who allowed a man named mohammed enter their house and stab them? Was that on the news? Cause that just screamed "naive and innocent"

    • @jout738
      @jout738 10 месяцев назад

      Im not suprised that these immigrants dont want to become Swedes, because Swedes got the most ugly, booring sounding language in the entire world, so its no wonder im forgetting a lot Swedish words, because I have no use for that ugly language.

    • @RAW-MD
      @RAW-MD 10 месяцев назад +36

      People from the Middle Ages🤨

  • @denmark2680
    @denmark2680 2 месяца назад +2

    As a Dane I have always loved to visit Sweden, but after all the immigrants arrived I’m not going back. I can’t recognise the good old peaceful Sweden. In Denmark we are having plenty of problems with the economic migrants from the Middle East and Africa, but it’s nothing despite to our neighbours in Sweden….

  • @paulhughes6779
    @paulhughes6779 Месяц назад +2

    What’s annoying is that the indigenous people of Europe never got a vote on whether we wanted high levels of immigration.
    We were never asked!

    • @volcmargray5259
      @volcmargray5259 Месяц назад +2

      Voted left? So you got what u asked for

  • @il3galburnout157
    @il3galburnout157 Год назад +560

    I myself am an immigrant from the Balkans and I believe that every immigrant who does not obey the state's orders and does not accept to live life as in the Swedish state and lives life as if it were the country he comes from. moment must leave Sweden, voluntarily or by force.

    • @shodan2002
      @shodan2002 Год назад

      Yes absolutely kick the useless people out

    • @moonlightsonata5576
      @moonlightsonata5576 Год назад +30

      Absolutely! If the immigrants refuse to accept the other country's cultural & laws then stay in their originally country. No one asks them to come to the other country and demand...

    • @royalroyal2210
      @royalroyal2210 Год назад +1

      Curious, who do you and parents voted for back in 2018?

    • @aa-lk6jy
      @aa-lk6jy Год назад


    • @Maria-erp
      @Maria-erp Год назад


  • @jamesbonander
    @jamesbonander 2 года назад +1135

    last time I was in Sweden, a synagogue was torch and the area my grandmother grew up in was considered an exclusion zone meaning police don't petrol. It is not safe for non-Muslims. People show up for the welfare but have no interest in Integrating. they bring the same problems that make their previous country a toilet. I see this with a lot of people now here in the USA. People are falling for the stupid idea of separate but equal. Once you separate it is never equal.

    • @aghileshemdani3144
      @aghileshemdani3144 2 года назад

      Quit bulshit

    • @rashedalmatrafi
      @rashedalmatrafi 2 года назад

      I am afraid we might see the same thing in Canada despite the huge difference in population density. What make Muslims gather in one area is that they believe they must build a mosque and start going there to pray daily - I am not saying don’t build mosques for Muslims - but my point is, by this, they form a concentrated area where of course they get feeded islamic BS by muslim clerks in these mosques and the more concentrated it gets the more dangerous problem it becomes. In some area in US and UK the national law is almost replaced by “sharia law “ and the police have hard time going to these places or sometimes they just call “no-go zone” !! Which is funny and sad. Like who is ruling here? Is it a country inside a country or what is going on?!!
      I don’t want this to happen in Canada.. I left Saudi Arabia to live in a secular country not to find out that it’s turning into a new Muslim society!

    • @blenderbanana
      @blenderbanana 2 года назад +14

      Where do you see this in the USA?

    • @The_InfantMalePollockFrancis
      @The_InfantMalePollockFrancis 2 года назад +35

      ​@@blenderbanana The Midwest.

    • @blenderbanana
      @blenderbanana 2 года назад +30

      @@The_InfantMalePollockFrancis That is not an answer. You may as well have said "The Grass" or "Under the Sky".

  • @user-ow1to2rq9h
    @user-ow1to2rq9h 6 месяцев назад +2

    In 1988, I did a educational course with a girl from Sweden She had only lived in Stockholm and was of mixed heritage background. She was in London, having never experienced high crime, random hatred of women, racism, and would frequently put herself in danger by walking alone in remote areas, like Clapham Common at night to get to her lodgings. I would repeat, all the things that women know to protect themselves, if they live in London. She laughed at me and lasted her year without being attacked. My impression was that Swedish women, in 1988, were not scared of being attacked, like London women were (are). And this indicates how society in Sweden has changed since then.

  • @LmaA9
    @LmaA9 7 месяцев назад +1

    Great reslistic comment
    Big thank you to the person wrote it!!!

  • @artur6912
    @artur6912 Год назад +245

    I still remember a time when Sweden was considered the safest country in the region.

    • @KararaJawaab
      @KararaJawaab Год назад +42

      It's Still The Safest.(For Illegal Immigrants who are taking advantage your ultra-socialist policies.)😂😂

    • @niro6492
      @niro6492 Год назад


    • @niro6492
      @niro6492 Год назад

      ​@@KararaJawaab 🤣🤣

    • @niro6492
      @niro6492 Год назад +10

      It will be even more safe once there is sharia in place

    • @C-J581
      @C-J581 Год назад

      @@niro6492 So you're gonna force your culture on us? Yet you muslims cry like babies when we try to teach you that you shouldn't stone homosexuals to death.

  • @mes1378
    @mes1378 11 месяцев назад +406

    Swedens migration problems steems not only from the huge numbers of migrants relative to its population, but first and foremost from who many of these people are. Letting hords of illitterate hardcore religious people from clan societies in, has created problems beyond solution.

    • @jamesbarbour8400
      @jamesbarbour8400 10 месяцев назад +20

      There is a solution, it's called a gatling gun....

    • @basselabdul3065
      @basselabdul3065 10 месяцев назад

      @@jamesbarbour8400this is horrific, Christ man people like you are the straw men they point to.

    • @katlablessed
      @katlablessed 10 месяцев назад

      @@jamesbarbour8400Then you wouldn’t be so different from them, now would you? The solution is to deport those who actively promote Islam or Islamic beliefs (such as forcing small children to wear the hijab), or you just warn them once. If they do it twice, they go back. We don’t need Naz1s back in Europe, just some order.

    • @whew5381
      @whew5381 10 месяцев назад +3

      I agree, that reasoning is fair.

    • @whew5381
      @whew5381 10 месяцев назад

      That simply associates you with "hords of illitterate hardcore religious people from clan societies in"@@jamesbarbour8400

  • @mrboost101
    @mrboost101 9 месяцев назад +1

    Very well explained with all the nuances!

  • @RitaAndersson-jx5gk
    @RitaAndersson-jx5gk 5 месяцев назад +2

    It is bad in Sweden now. I remember it as a lovely friendly country. There are areas the Police do not go. I told a relative, once you join European Union your country will change beyond belief. And so it goes.

  • @Lbvg
    @Lbvg 2 года назад +2854

    it's not about immigration per se. the problem is that a huge part of the immigration to sweden has been refugees/economic migrants from countries where education is close to zero, and from war-rampaged countries, from cultures that are as far from swedish as can be. however good the intentions might be, it's not a success formula. free movement doesnt work from 3rd world countries to generous welfare countries. it has to be regulated

    • @TSDamiano
      @TSDamiano 2 года назад +238

      And a liberal values society and a Religious theocracy from the desert ( you know what i talk about) Cant coexist happily
      Rember spain in the middle ages was half arab half European for some reason They NEVER go along Well

    • @bazz6490
      @bazz6490 2 года назад +230


    • @djmacieg
      @djmacieg 2 года назад

      Islam is the problem. These countries have education... 10 years of quranic education instead of something useful.

    • @TheRishijoesanu
      @TheRishijoesanu 2 года назад +109

      This video just dropped and every comment so far has been saying Sweden has too many immigrants when in fact it's the opposite of what the video actually says. Sweden doesn't have an immigrant problem. They keep giving child subsidies (immigrants have way more children than native Swedes) and other benefits to immigrants which has created a welfare cliff that incentivizes immigrants to join organized crime gangs instead of seeking employment. Don't blame immigration for the problems created by dumb welfare policies.

    • @j.langer5949
      @j.langer5949 2 года назад +240

      How come it's not about immigration? The logic is clear: Sweden did not have these problems-terrorist attacks, guns, gangs, rapes, explosions, etc.-before immigration. Other European countries without similar immigration do not have this problems to this day. How do you explain this?

  • @josa3502
    @josa3502 Год назад +391

    A lot of problems in Sweden are imported.

    • @lyonduart3131
      @lyonduart3131 Год назад +25

      100 %

    • @dingdingdingding2871
      @dingdingdingding2871 Год назад

      @@lyonduart3131 wrong

    • @sheep5514
      @sheep5514 Год назад +26

      @@dingdingdingding2871 it's true. Look at the rape stats

    • @AB-sr3yv
      @AB-sr3yv Год назад +1

      Not true. How come same immigrants in USA are not like that. Sweden treats immigrants very badly. We are never accepted and are daily exposed to racism. Sweden is not like the USA where they have treated everyone who comes as one of their own. In the USA you can see Somalis who are almost preferably Americans but in Sweden it is not like that and it is not the fault of the immigrants but Sweden who treated them badly.

    • @josa3502
      @josa3502 Год назад +16

      @@AB-sr3yv Bullshit.Its the same in Denmark and Norway to.I dont think you are living here and seen this.Read all the other comments here and you understand.

  • @BBQDad463
    @BBQDad463 7 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you for this video. My parents and grandparents often told me of the great-grandparents' desire that their children and grandchildren should become model, American citizens. The English language and American customs and traditions were learned and embraced with near-religious fervor. Our youngest are now fourth-generation U.S. Citizens. Some recipes, some customs (patriotism, hard work, and respect for others, especially elders), and a dozen or so words survive from "The Old Country" (Eastern Europe) but, while we respect our origins and honor our forebears, who sacrificed everything to establish our family in America, we are Americans to the bone.
    Dedicate yourself to yourself to your new homeland or go somewhere else.

  • @lilishyta-ep4wr
    @lilishyta-ep4wr 8 месяцев назад +2

    People with very different life values cannot be put together. Especially in big numbers. The host country looses a lot , and for what to not be called racist?

  • @KenKnowledge
    @KenKnowledge 2 года назад +871

    As a Swede... No, they are not like us, not even close. The first problem IS immigration, the second problem is our generous wellfare systems wich are being drained by those who doesent have a shadow of a will or purpose to ever contribute to our taxing modell. By the time there is more bloodsuckers than veins to drain.. Ive already given up hope on the politicians in Socialdemocrats and the Moderats. We need to prioritize our own people now, the ones who made this rich prosperity blossom one time.

    • @user-kg7zr3yl3n
      @user-kg7zr3yl3n 2 года назад

      stop the welfare, i mean seriously... i worked in stockholm for a year, and holy shit does the goverment take like what... 60% of the salary or something ? there are barely any benefits if you make a decent wage, so of course anyone with half a brain will rather not work and get paid than break their balls and pay everything to the state which does not let you decide how to use that money

    • @openbob6656
      @openbob6656 Год назад +1

      sweden is a (failed) experiment by klaus schwab globalist elites. your society will collapse and you're gonna have to deal with the consequences. your "prosperity" was artificial and deemed for failure. i just hope that swedes don't become minority in their country but i doubt that will happen because even swedes contribute to that problem by mixing with immigrants producing non swedish offspring. you can thank the "popular culture" and all the propaganda you have been consuming over the years. the reality will hit hard

    • @peasant7214
      @peasant7214 Год назад +7

      since you are swede, I would like to see your opinion on the vid "Norway seized our Kids"
      Its one among many videos, but they all seem to show the idea that Both Norway and Sweden unjustly kidnap kids from their parents for vague reasons. I have many questions regarding this.
      Is this true? and how common is it? does it only happen to foreigners, or also to residents? Does your government do that intentionally because of low birth rates or do they really think they are saving children by ripping them from their own families?
      In general I want to hear what you know about this. I do not live in sweden and I am afraid it will draw wrong picture. Also, if you never heard about this, I have no problem to wait few months while you ask ppl around you and see what you can know.

    • @francisdec1615
      @francisdec1615 Год назад +43

      @@peasant7214 I'm also a Swede. The authorities can relatively easily take children from their parents for pretty vague reasons. That goes for blonde, blue eyed Swedish children as well.

    • @Lyrvana
      @Lyrvana Год назад +39

      @@peasant7214 parents doesn't "own" the child in Sweden. They only have responsibility to raise the child well, without intimidation, either physical or verbal. And officers will believe a child's word over the parents. Why? Because if you ignore a child plea and it turns out to be true it would have worse consequences than saving the child first and then finding out they're telling lies. In some culture hitting a child to educate them might be considered normal. But not here, so this culture gap could be one of the reason.

  • @charlotte1704
    @charlotte1704 Год назад +2440

    I’m a native Swede, living in Stockholm, and it feels like less and less Swedish is heard being spoken, and only either Slavic-, Middle Eastern-, Asian-, or African languages are being heard, when taking the commute/subway/bus. When you can’t communicate with a person in either English or common Swedish, almost being expected to understand and speak their native language, then you know that immigration has failed completely 😕 If you move to a country, you try your best to integrate with society, whether it be in traditions and culture or god forbid even the language 😕

    • @Jackson-qd4pn
      @Jackson-qd4pn Год назад +141

      Enjoy the benefits of immigration. You can learn so many languages in same country.

    • @MrDude826
      @MrDude826 Год назад

      Welcome to America. Now you know why the US is so racist.

    • @kumarvie
      @kumarvie Год назад +86

      You are Correct in some sense but you have to also swallow this fact that Swedes doesn't want to Gel with Non Swede easily. Even, someone learns Swedish, u keep them at Bay..
      That's Western Europe calls Swedes Boring ppl

    • @darlenegattus8190
      @darlenegattus8190 Год назад +27

      That's really sad...

    • @zebare726
      @zebare726 Год назад +148

      the scary thing is that Swedes are expected to become a minority population within 30 years.
      of which the Islamic political blocs are expected to be able to get more votes than Sd.

  • @stevenchan3822
    @stevenchan3822 6 месяцев назад +1

    6:21 not pointing fingers but the thumbnail low key says it all 🤣

  • @1972Ray
    @1972Ray 8 месяцев назад +2

    When my grandparents immigrated to the US, being an American was a big deal. The changed their last name to sound more western, and never spoke their native language out side of the house. Todays migrants want to be somewhere other than their home countries, but they want to keep their language, way of life, politics, and ideals, creating a hard mosaic instead of a melting pot. The goal seems to be to make the host country bend to them.

  • @jackdaw7227
    @jackdaw7227 Год назад +268

    I have almost been beaten blind by two migrants 4 weeks ago in Germany, who robbed me and took almost 800 Euro. One was from Africa and the other one from Turkey. Fortunately the doctors could safe my eye, even though I lost 40% of my vision. Plus: I had to spend a night at the hospital. The police has all the information and even had them in detention for some hours. Turns out the criminals now claiming that they have been racially discriminated (which is a lie) and are now likely to get away with everything without facing any consequences for their attack. Germany is on the track to become next Sweden thanks to woke ideology

      @MARKCRASTO 11 месяцев назад +32

      I hope you recover soon.

    • @jackdaw7227
      @jackdaw7227 11 месяцев назад +9

      @@MARKCRASTO Thank you!

    • @krishnaa9571
      @krishnaa9571 11 месяцев назад +10

      Sorry brother! Wish you a full speedy recovery..!

    • @notreallyafamousartist695
      @notreallyafamousartist695 11 месяцев назад +7

      Ah hell not germany 😭 we don’t need a second “anti immigration” germany to come back we’ve been through this before 😭😭☠️☠️ but seriously sorry that happened to u

    • @lynncarden
      @lynncarden 11 месяцев назад

      Off hand these criminals think they are being decrimanded against do the best thing send them back to where they came from and they won't feel or be decrimanded .

  • @90taetaeya
    @90taetaeya 2 года назад +529

    Sweden is the example of being so “open” that it totally backfires.

    • @savagegtalks5912
      @savagegtalks5912 2 года назад

      the swedes did what the greeks did, invite the trojan horse...
      I said for 10 years that Sweden needs to insert home guard and military into their streets and clean up. When the job is done, it will be visible.

    • @lassehaggman
      @lassehaggman 2 года назад +45

      Until quite recently it was normal to say that anyone willing can come to Sweden and anything else would be racism. There can be no limits at all. I've seen Swedes say that if Sweden turns majority Muslim, it would be OK with them. I think that Swedes went a bit too far in being a "humanitarian superpower". Also Swedish exceptionalism is a major factor here. Swedes thought that Sweden is the greatest nation on earth, and naturally all immigrants want to become Swedish as soon as possible. Instead, many immigrants tell their children not become like immoral, infidel Swedes. It took a long time to take off those pink glasses.

    • @user-lv6rn9cf8m
      @user-lv6rn9cf8m 2 года назад

      It hasn't though.

    • @SUpersaiyajinjerkbag
      @SUpersaiyajinjerkbag 2 года назад

      @@lassehaggman if swedes were dumb enough to believe exceptionalist fallacy then they deserve it lol

    • @tumslucks9781
      @tumslucks9781 Год назад +8

      Open your eyes and see for yourself what's happening to Sweden!

  • @ALhajrasAlgdiry
    @ALhajrasAlgdiry 7 дней назад

    What people don't understand is the following two points:
    - People who are coming without a visa are different from highly qualified immigrants. People who are just coming without a visa can include criminals or people who are escaping some political issues in their country. This means it is unfair to compare them both and treat them the same! Those people are coming to a holiday and have no plan to stay even one year for them is a free vacation.
    - Second point, people who are criminals are been treated like they are normal people and stay at the country wothout sending them back. This means even if they are only 2% they will not be punshied and stay to cause more issues and then each day this 2% will increase!
    - People with no visa should be limited.
    - Anyone who does something wrong should be sent home immediately.

  • @spaRKLES88604
    @spaRKLES88604 10 месяцев назад +405

    Culture is more than just holidays and traditions. It’s a value and moral system. Sweden has not done enough to keep their value system in place

    • @mrautomation
      @mrautomation 10 месяцев назад +9

      Same problem for most European countries, this is exactly what the PM from Sweden said and its true.

    • @pc2555
      @pc2555 10 месяцев назад +7

      Its a major problem in the US as well who has had millions of illegal immigrants from south america, the middle east, china, central america and africa pouring in for years. The majority of the immigrant populations segregate into their own neighborhoods and there is isolation from each other. I was born in american but lived in canada for a long time and just moved back 2 years ago. There have been people I dealt with who type words into a translator on the phone to speak and entire restaurants and businesses that are all spanish speaking staff. Its not necessarily a bad or dangerous thing to exist but it feels odd having them all talking, you don't know what they are saying about you and maybe 1 or 2 of them can actually service you in english. Then theres never any effort to communicate much with english speakers because they can't interact anyway its very isolationist. You could live in the area for 10 years and not know any of that business's names or anything about them.

    • @lockpickrogue-yc5wc
      @lockpickrogue-yc5wc 10 месяцев назад

      But Swedes say that Sweden has no value system. Because how could anything BE Swedish? That sounds kind of racist.. as if being Swedish was anything good. Or anything at all. Sweden has no culture, because there is nothing that can be defined as Swedish! That's Sweden for ya.

    • @poopoppy
      @poopoppy 10 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah. Neither is Norway.

    • @EnteleiEchein
      @EnteleiEchein 9 месяцев назад +8

      The problem for some migrants is that they don't come to the EU because they are so excited about democracy or gender equality, and the new culture and its values - which are the reason why these countries have generated prosperity in the first place - they only come because of the result: social benefits and money.
      And this especially affects people from strictly religious countries and from very poor countries where people do not have a high level of education.
      A German journalist named Constantin Schreiber, who speaks Arabic, has been to many mosques in Germany and listened to what they preach there and it was things like: "Don't forget that Allah gives you the Euro and not Germany." In other words, they don't want to value Germany for the opportunities they have been given, but "Allah" basically gives them prosperity. That tells me: these people don't understand the basic things that helped a country like Germany prosper: like science, education, art and philosophy, industry, management, hard work and precision, rules, discipline, organization, structure = culture.These people don't see any of this, for them it is the good Lord who created prosperity in Germany and namely THEIR God!
      And the interesting thing is that they don't think this statement through and ask themselves: why does our God give countries like Germany all the prosperity even though they are Christians? Why does our God favor Germany more than our countries?
      Because that is the logical conclusion of this statement.

  • @abhirahulcena
    @abhirahulcena Год назад +1504

    I've been living in Sweden since the last two years and being an immigrant myself, I feel very sad for the Swedes. I've seen many who refuse to speak even in English let alone Swedish. I mean, Swedish is the easiest European language I've learnt and it hardly took me 6 months. I really hope the government comes up with strict policies that curb such violence. I'm proud to be paying my taxes and integration with the local people and their culture.

    • @samuelrigaud6595
      @samuelrigaud6595 Год назад

      That would be racist according to immigrants

    • @abhimanyunath2001
      @abhimanyunath2001 Год назад +45

      It's usual for us bro as we have born and raised in sanatani or non talibani environment.

    • @circuitdotlt
      @circuitdotlt Год назад

      all Sweden (and other countries) need to do is stop handing our money, make them work. Don't have income? GTFO.
      Here in Lithuania we have a huge problem with russians who, even though they live here for 50+ years, just refuse to integrate and demand that WE spoke their language. Integration is just not working and we should stop taking in refugees or at least throw them out if they don't come up with a job in 3 months. It should be more favorable to work any kind of job, than fighting in a war, no? Sadly most are running for free money, not their life. And another issue is that the free money and calm neighborhood makes it nice to raise many offspring for them, while lowering the standard for locals, leading to decline in birth. So basically immigrants slowly outfcuk the local, and the country becomes the same schithole they have run from.
      Prove me wrong.

    • @jakosalem
      @jakosalem Год назад +152

      speaking basic swedish should be a requirement for citizenship too.

    • @baldurivar
      @baldurivar Год назад

      I’m not surprised, this is how racism is created.

  • @inspiredbynatureinspiredby5586
    @inspiredbynatureinspiredby5586 7 месяцев назад +2

    Wise Federal Governments invest heavily into their own native population and citizens first. Protect your own borders first🇺🇸

  • @karinannamaria2514
    @karinannamaria2514 7 месяцев назад +1

    I mean, someone ought to have put down the foot LONG AGO and say: "In Sweden jews are allowed to live without threats and antisemitism. Women are free and equal to men. At the swimmingpool we wear a bathing suite or a bikini. It's mandatory that you accept that people are gay and lesbians. It's no sinful, and not illegal. We are very liberal and expect the same of you. You also have to learn the language. You have to blend in, and that means garment too. You also must understand and accept the frededom of speech. Religion is your own private thing and you cannot demand the society to adjust. So if you think all this sounds attractive and reasonable, WELCOME. If not- please leave."! But nobody said that. Instead "everybody should have the right to express their own culture." And this is the result.

  • @davidbeattie4294
    @davidbeattie4294 2 года назад +2389

    The root of the problem is that Sweden, mistakenly opened its doors to a sudden wave of migrants from a tribal, misogynist, intolerant and violent culture. Democracy, religious tolerance, sexual equality, and freedom of expression are truly foreign concepts to many of these newcomers. Well meaning and incredibly generous social policies made it easy for the newcomers to get by without working and to congregate in neighborhoods where many spoke their language and shared their native culture. Its not surprising that people already feeling separated from Swedes by language, culture, and wealth formed gangs to help grab a bigger piece of the pie and to feel they belonged to something powerful.
    Good luck solving this problem.

    • @jerrybi8400
      @jerrybi8400 2 года назад

      Now that's actual racism. Nor is that the right way to approach things, nor would that find a actual solution or triggering cause of the issue-not that one would be found anyway-but eitherway the western world is burning, its enemies must be really happy don't you think? 😱

    • @abhishek_singh9
      @abhishek_singh9 2 года назад +355

      The core problem here is Religious... Not multicultural.. . All other Religions except Abrahamic are Polytheistic and flexible in nature... Christianity was also rigid in the past but many things changed after Renaissance period... But Islam makes sure it.. Can never be changed or challenged... its.. Non Muslims who have to change according to their beliefs not them...

    • @MsMinoula
      @MsMinoula 2 года назад +137

      True, and also, when you give freebies you attract the wrong type of people, certainly not the ones who want to work for their prosperity.

    • @zenster1097
      @zenster1097 2 года назад

      Can't say race. Coward.

    • @worldview730
      @worldview730 2 года назад +18

      Enough with the guilt trip, & lead with more wisdom & rational instead of emotions.

  • @michaeloreilly3539
    @michaeloreilly3539 11 месяцев назад +511

    "Asylum seekers" will often travel through many countries to arrive at one which is naively generous. They then bog down and breed to maintain their new all expenses paid lifestyle. Totally despicable.

    • @VK-md7jm
      @VK-md7jm 11 месяцев назад +1

      You are spot on. They know they can cash on social benefits without doing anything and their children can enjoy because of birthright citizenship. Let's start a campaign - Stop taking refugees; Stop their social benefits; Stop birthright citizenship for refugees; Start DEPORTING them. Learn from Norwegians, Danes, Poles and Hungarians. Bring back peace to Sweden.

    • @scottshorten9962
      @scottshorten9962 11 месяцев назад

      so true and in the case of muslums,the men have 2 or 3 wives and each one collects welfare like they have no shame,they come to my pklace of work,then demand a place to pray,the company gives them a room to pray,then they complain at ramada that they have to watch everyone eat at lunch time,so the compant bends over for them,wtf?

    • @joaocosta3374
      @joaocosta3374 10 месяцев назад +14


    • @raaspider
      @raaspider 10 месяцев назад +21

      So true

    • @SanctusPaulus1962
      @SanctusPaulus1962 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@joaocosta3374 Are you calling being a literal parasite "based" or are you calling being against these savages "based"?

  • @MrLovolovo
    @MrLovolovo 6 месяцев назад +1

    just behave, how can you waste such an opportunity 🙄

  • @cassandra8620
    @cassandra8620 8 месяцев назад +1

    This happens more or less in all the European countries who took in refuges or imigrants from the Middle East or Africa

  • @MiloSatori
    @MiloSatori Год назад +2303

    As a Mexican i feel sad for this immigration mess. It's just destroying thousands of years of culture and repetition of costumes, language, songs and food. It's what makes every country unique and distinct from another.

    • @Anonymous-py1sf
      @Anonymous-py1sf Год назад +137

      Perfect. That's what I just commented here.
      We all know what will happen in the future. Immigrants are not learning the language of Sweden (and other european countries) which makes swedes speak in english with them. By this rate, the whole west of europe will have no identity.

      @MRINALBHANU_DUTTA Год назад

      I think the only way to stop this is the people of sweden should fight them

      @MRINALBHANU_DUTTA Год назад +1

      @@MiloSatori i don't think that's the solution
      These immigrants shouldn't be in this country itself they should be getting deported
      Sweden needs to be like poland and don't accept muslim immigrants
      Because they are the majority

    • @missano3856
      @missano3856 Год назад +57

      As an American, I don't mind a certain amount of immigration, it does us good and the people to our south are mostly sane.

    • @MiloSatori
      @MiloSatori Год назад +147

      I'm Mexican predominately Native American, and immigration has done more bad than good for the original population.
      USA Native Americans are a minority on their own land.

  • @farmor1023
    @farmor1023 Год назад +887

    I am a Swede living in Florida. I’ve lived in several countries and traveled all around. The Sweden I left some 30 years ago is not the same I visit every year to see my family and friends. I’m very sad for my country of birth 😢 The politicians have ruined my country!

    • @fortythreenorth2518
      @fortythreenorth2518 Год назад +61

      They are never accountable either. There needs to be a punishment for traitors.

    • @RoCK3rAD
      @RoCK3rAD Год назад

      You ran from your country and complain about it? Coward

    • @yourfriends
      @yourfriends Год назад +2

      @@fortythreenorth2518 have you even watched the video?

    • @PyromancerRift
      @PyromancerRift Год назад

      People voted for the politicians. Sweden became too woke for its own good and this is the result.

    • @danboy592
      @danboy592 Год назад +19

      Why ruined? Is it ok when Europe looted other countries?

  • @haatpraat2993
    @haatpraat2993 5 месяцев назад +1

    Well, at least Sweden isn't boring anymore.

  • @lyr6443
    @lyr6443 8 месяцев назад +1

    Because , when journalist sasked muslim prayers in Amsterdam : “you see this government hall , there will be mosque “(2006)

  • @johnhopkins4012
    @johnhopkins4012 10 месяцев назад +230

    Talking to a Swedish special forces guy he said in one year the country had 435 bomb incidents, from a grenade to a car bomb all generated by the immigrants who had come into the country. Unheard of in the earlier history of Sweden.

    • @teastrainer3604
      @teastrainer3604 10 месяцев назад

      They want life in the West but reject Western values. This is absurd because Western values create the life in the West they want.

    • @Frille512
      @Frille512 10 месяцев назад +2

      Special forces don't deal with crimes

    • @rachelbaziak4159
      @rachelbaziak4159 10 месяцев назад +1

      Rip Sweden,so sad.

    • @Dancestar1981
      @Dancestar1981 10 месяцев назад +6

      Doesn’t surprise me all the problems should be deported immediately

    • @griff559
      @griff559 10 месяцев назад +8

      @@Frille512 They deal with bombs you plank lol

  • @boozelala
    @boozelala Год назад +116

    We could have told Sweden this would happen 30 years ago, greetings from another failed immigration state: The Netherlands.

    • @amanamola4179
      @amanamola4179 Год назад

      hahahaha once upon a time western country's lectures India about why they kill muslims immigrants passing there border now west is crying...... we facing this fuker islamist everyday in our country

    • @mentalphilanthropist35
      @mentalphilanthropist35 Год назад +3

      Funny how the smartest people keep making the same 'mistakes'! On a completely unrelated topic we are about to have another economic collapse, who knew?

    • @carolijn8958
      @carolijn8958 Год назад

      we told them, time and again, but the democrats wanted their votes, greetings from another failed immigration state: Belgium

    • @kdkdndjfjdnn9168
      @kdkdndjfjdnn9168 Год назад +1

      yes in 20-30 years we (the netherlands) will genuinly be a miniority in our own country you can litterly calculate it every year 400k immigrants come to our country who make more children while we are making less and less children

    • @stefankhoo1618
      @stefankhoo1618 Год назад

      I thought Netherlands fixed itself 10 years ago

  • @DanoFSmith-yc9tg
    @DanoFSmith-yc9tg 9 месяцев назад +1

    2 mandatory youtube advertisements, and a stitched in advertisement by the video producer, makes for 15 mins of advertisements before you get to the 30 seconds of actual information. RUclips is worse then daytime cable at this rate. This is getting ridiculous.

  • @Jordynfire
    @Jordynfire 5 месяцев назад +1

    Much love to our brothers and sister in Sweden. They want people to respect their culture much like anywhere else. ❤🇸🇪🇺🇸

  • @SuperNordmann1066
    @SuperNordmann1066 2 года назад +832

    Ironic how people were mocked for warning about this for years. Here is Norway some of our politicians were mocked by Swedish ones for talking about the problems Sweden was experiencing. The only reason there has been a “change” of mind is because your typical career politicians don’t have any true opinions, and change them based on what is acceptable or not.

    • @matsmax1
      @matsmax1 2 года назад +21

      Im happy you say Swedish politications Swedish People dont whant this we have a gorment WHO likes to go to Bryssel and say how Good we are.thats nr 1 for Them But they Care a shit of what normal Swedish People think.I know we vote for

    • @zchwen
      @zchwen 2 года назад +17

      @Thisis Gettinboring No, we just don't have a democracy, just a facade of one.

    • @pollytix7271
      @pollytix7271 2 года назад

      @Thisis Gettinboring They always are. They'll ridicule and attack anyone who suggests ideas that goes contrary to what currently is politically correct to say, until everyone starts to absorb the ideas because they suddenly became a necessity even though the warnings and patterns had been out there for decades. The arrogance, the ignorance, is unbelievably strong and remains. That's why the parties who've swindled, sold out and betrayed the people still has a monopoly on everything, with the "will of the people" behind them!

    • @prateek2645
      @prateek2645 2 года назад

      @@zchwen how so?

    • @zchwen
      @zchwen 2 года назад

      @@prateek2645 easy, the swedish people didn't want to shut down nuclear power, the politicians just did it. We were never for NATO as people, but still our politicians "joined" and only now that war has broken out they go for NATO, sine they can justify it by showing some random poll of people's opinion. They know this is the time to make it official that we are with NATO.
      And mass immigration was not something the people asked for, not left, not right, just politicians doing their thing.
      Seriously, it's not like they are gonna nuke us or something, but they sure is not representing their voters, hence not a democracy.

  • @FrannyFrancisca
    @FrannyFrancisca Год назад +789

    As an American who is planning to move to Gothenburg and assimilate properly, it infuriates me that people think they can migrate to another country while ignoring their social standards, culture, and/or flatout engage in bad behavior. I feel for the Swedes who are affected by bad immigrants in their country 😞❤️🇸🇪

    • @arrowpictures2844
      @arrowpictures2844 Год назад

      If your a migrant or a refugee fleeing from a country, you really don’t have a choice.

    • @trygd100
      @trygd100 Год назад +16

      Welcome to Sweden

    • @roxannelivingstone579
      @roxannelivingstone579 Год назад +4

      yes i'm from the but I really want to go to Sweden as it opens a-lot of chances its really sad to see this🙄🙄

    • @jacobhansen8819
      @jacobhansen8819 Год назад

      Dont go to South Sweden. It is doomed by criminal muslims.

    • @alensuta
      @alensuta Год назад +29

      Don’t move to Sweden man… You can’t downgrade 😂

  • @johntaylor5968
    @johntaylor5968 5 месяцев назад

    This is the thanks that the generous and tolerant people of Sweden get. It’s happening everywhere. This migration lark must stop.

  • @FoxSt3v3
    @FoxSt3v3 5 месяцев назад

    great video

  • @sirsancti5504
    @sirsancti5504 9 месяцев назад +285

    Remember when we were called "racist", "biggots", "far-right" when we told Sweden to be careful and have a plan?
    Well.. They are now all that, while we now say.. "We told you so".
    Thanks, EU. You let your own citizens down. I'm fed up.

    • @frijolero6048
      @frijolero6048 7 месяцев назад +9

      Maybe you need to burn more holy books. Get out there and talk with your actions!

    • @_sayan_roy_
      @_sayan_roy_ 7 месяцев назад +23

      That's because you guys cannot say two plus two equals four. Say it as it is, it is Islam. Left sees all cultures to be equally good and Right sees them to be equally bad except its own. This is why you cannot move the needle and each side calls each other "names".
      It's not multiculturalism. Say it as it is, Islam. That's what people should do when talking about Sweden, and other countries as well. It's not Indians and Chinese making issues largely but it is Muslims. You can extend that to black culture in some parts of USA, etc, but that's it. I'm not saying mass sudden immigration from any other cultural part is good but isolate the problem. Talk the problem as it is. Not all cultures are equal and not all religions are equal. Islam and Islamic culture is arguably the worst by a margin and should be isolated. Even among sub Saharan African countries, which immigrants does Sweden have the most issues with - Somalis. Guess what, Somalia is an Islamic country.

    • @Nexalian_Gamer
      @Nexalian_Gamer 7 месяцев назад

      I read some paragraphs from the QUE RAN away, and the stuff it says is straight from your nightmares. Just reading a couple sentences tells me all I need to know about it. It's an archaic ideology that should be walled off from modern society.@@_sayan_roy_

    • @vicbittertoo
      @vicbittertoo 7 месяцев назад +8

      @@_sayan_roy_ Nailed it, sad the truth is frowned on due to "correctness", Enoch was vilified but accurate.....

    • @Nxck2440
      @Nxck2440 6 месяцев назад

      @@_sayan_roy_ You're right, Islam is the common cause of so many of the troubles, and the left is still tripping over itself trying to avoid that truth. People are coming around to it though.

  • @rBaggy
    @rBaggy 9 месяцев назад +349

    As a Swede, alot of us saw this comming.
    We had way to big waves of immigration. Not enough rules and laws to "force" them to become part of swedish culture, also placing them all in same locations around the country. Creating communitys where immigrants only became friends with other immigrants and not becomming friend with Swedes.
    A massive issue comes from natural human behavior:
    -The Country has a culture, a behavior stereotype etc that is socially acceptable.
    -In to Sweden there comes hundreds of thousands of people from another cultures and are used to different behaviors. Who do not have to adjust and learn how to live properly in Sweden.
    -They obviously also do not have the will to Adjust. Cause thats just how us humans are.
    Sweden has laws that protects immigrants, they are not forced to learn the language, or learn to accept the culture.
    Immigrants then know they can demand things. Abusing the Swedish culture (Freedom of religion, Wellfare, etc etc)
    Immigration can only work, if the immigrant adjusts to the society and not the other way around: This is the point im trying to reach.

    • @brunomuscolo7063
      @brunomuscolo7063 8 месяцев назад

      ANd you've reached it. If inmigrants dont adapt to the country they emmigrate, then it's not inmigration, it's an invasion.

    • @rastafella420
      @rastafella420 8 месяцев назад +5

      Those are nice words, sir.

    • @brianlev-ari1222
      @brianlev-ari1222 8 месяцев назад

      Margot Elisabeth Wallström

    • @nilstwestergaup3165
      @nilstwestergaup3165 8 месяцев назад

      It was all a scam bror. What we're seeing out in the open now (monopolisation of drugmarkets, infiltration, terror towards civilians, etc) is the result of a spectacular year of escalation, due to the lack of judgement of the aggressors. Yes, Sweden is breaking and people are shook. But now we can finally address it.

    • @markmccullough5873
      @markmccullough5873 8 месяцев назад

      These Muslims fully expect Swedes to convert to Islam and bow to them as conquerers.

  • @pizzalord3n
    @pizzalord3n 7 месяцев назад

    And a year later, this video is still relevant

  • @Ponk_80
    @Ponk_80 8 месяцев назад

    RUclips makes it really hard to find these kind of videos.

  • @finnostergard1397
    @finnostergard1397 Год назад +70

    Talk about dancing around the real issues . Too scared to face the elephant in the room. At least Denmark has the guts to say no to more migrants

  • @Kriyaan7
    @Kriyaan7 2 года назад +256

    the problem with political islam is that the moment they become majority in any country, they start to keep their hosts as their hostage.

    • @Kevin-mk6jo
      @Kevin-mk6jo 2 года назад +44


    • @FlamingBasketballClub
      @FlamingBasketballClub 2 года назад

      You hate Islam. Got it 😂🌚

    • @t-90atank35
      @t-90atank35 2 года назад

      They dont assimilate to modern political system, they're still stuck in the past and thinks the world should revolve around them..

    • @riyak9102
      @riyak9102 2 года назад

      @Marxist Me they always vote for leftist parties in any European country they live as most leftists favour immigration

    • @FlamingBasketballClub
      @FlamingBasketballClub 2 года назад

      @@t-90atank35 🤡

  • @LesleySnipes87
    @LesleySnipes87 6 месяцев назад +1

    you failed to breakdown the specific demographics relating to crime in Sweden

  • @baybars_0
    @baybars_0 5 месяцев назад +2

    they should've seen this coming, fools

  • @fmj_556
    @fmj_556 2 года назад +710

    My parents were immigrants and they believed immigrants should assimilate and become part of the culture and country.

    • @kompac277
      @kompac277 2 года назад +22

      w parents

    • @RS-ls7mm
      @RS-ls7mm 2 года назад

      Your parents are a rarity in this world. I have lived in several countries and cities. Diversity is fun when the immigrants (with radically different cultures) are a tiny minority (

    • @Mr.Septon
      @Mr.Septon 2 года назад +8

      That is what your parents think, which is all fine and dandy but what are your thoughts? Unless your thoughts are just pure copy and paste whatever your parents think.

    • @really...8359
      @really...8359 2 года назад +8

      Assimilation in some sense is okay, but doesn’t mean drop your culture to fit the narrative of somewhere else.

    • @xanderx2523
      @xanderx2523 2 года назад +85

      @@really...8359 If you're so set on your culture...why move? You don't need to assimilate in your original country?

  • @ruru-1993
    @ruru-1993 10 месяцев назад +801

    I’m Polish. Out government isn’t great but I’m so greatful that said no to imigrants from middle east or africa. I know many great people from Ukraine living in Poland. All my Ukrainian friends can speak perfectly Polish, have a legal job, etc.

    • @home4life505
      @home4life505 10 месяцев назад +34

      Ive seen video of ukraines beating up poles.😂

    • @ozancemyucel9441
      @ozancemyucel9441 10 месяцев назад

      Another white racist here, nobody wants to live in Poland it has no difference than others. Immigrants wants to go somewhere safe, rich, easy to survive. Polamd is just a stop don't cry much

    • @JamalW239
      @JamalW239 10 месяцев назад +44

      It’s ironic seeing your comment as a Brit while knowing of the issues in England that people in certain areas have with Poles and Eastern Europeans.

    • @Arthurian.
      @Arthurian. 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@home4life505what's your solution?

    • @ThomeTeque
      @ThomeTeque 10 месяцев назад

      @@home4life505 I saw black and arab muslims slaughtering and raping brits 😂

  • @jssandler
    @jssandler 7 месяцев назад

    FYI, born and raised in the United States, and in over 40 years I've never seen or been near a single shooting of a gun. I've heard on rare occasion, there was a shooting there last night, but the U.S. doesn't seem as unsafe to me as the statistics would have you believe.

  • @WombatCombat007
    @WombatCombat007 8 месяцев назад

    So glad I subbed, you guys give info that you won't hear on the msm.

  • @barryjones8123
    @barryjones8123 2 года назад +135

    He clearly didn’t want to talk about differing cultures or people who come with a barbaric mindset. There’s never an excuse for rape, or murder.

    • @ishawrizz
      @ishawrizz Год назад

      Same case with Germany how some islamic radicals there conducted a mass molestation in 2016 on new year's Eve, guess what? All of them were immigrants belonging to North African muslim nations.

    • @Favorline
      @Favorline Год назад +7

      I agree, there is no excuse for either, and it's even worse, they get all the help they need to be living comfortable, no reason to turn to crime.

    • @leandrog2785
      @leandrog2785 Год назад

      By western values, there's no excuse. By the values of many of the muslim immigrants, there's no excuse NOT to murder (honor killings). These are people that have a moral panic over their women wearing pants.
      Sweden didn't bother to filter these savages out, because doing that would of course be racist.

  • @BacchusAdoneus
    @BacchusAdoneus 11 месяцев назад +449

    I've been to a lot of European countries that believed in this "multicultural utopia" idea. And I haven't been to a single one where it's actually worked. And for me, it's the politicians that are solely to blame in every single instance. On paper, multiculturalism sounds great. But if you don't implement it properly and allow in only the most civilised people, it's doomed to fail. And those responsible, the politicians, have very definitely failed.
    They've failed their indigenous populations who have suffered at the hands of bad immigrants. And they've failed good immigrants who have been given a bad name by the section of immigrants who are completely opposed to civilised values.

    • @MK_ULTRA420
      @MK_ULTRA420 11 месяцев назад

      Even with only civilized people, multiculturalism is doomed to fail. The Tower of Babel was written about for a reason.

    • @GamingWimpGW360
      @GamingWimpGW360 11 месяцев назад

      What a way to push a narrative of immigrants cause all problems !

    • @PrimitiveArchery6
      @PrimitiveArchery6 10 месяцев назад +40

      Import third world become third world. Populations are not equal and culture is reflective of the population. Iq correlates with spontaneous violent behaviour.
      These are the facts that were ignored as uncomfortable.

    • @GamingWimpGW360
      @GamingWimpGW360 10 месяцев назад

      @@PrimitiveArchery6 Youre just perpetuating a common racist belief that's been invalidated for a long time. The global north keeps the global south in economic decline from effects of modern and past colonialism. You dont need to assimilate immigrants as they do it themselves granted that they are treated fairly to which they aren't.

    • @gijane2cantwaittoseeyou203
      @gijane2cantwaittoseeyou203 10 месяцев назад

      France economy is growing, rich people are coming back. Whatever they're doing is working. Only poor uneducated whites seem to complain a lot. they dont work enough and wonder why they have to deal with crime in bad neighbourhoods...

  • @danielsellers8707
    @danielsellers8707 Месяц назад

    It's a hard one for me because my online contact in Sweden's parents were refugees from the Yugoslavia wars...

  • @mafiotzi
    @mafiotzi 7 месяцев назад +1

    The solution could be: Allowing the immigrants to stay on a few conditions. 1. No Crime. You break the law, you get deported. (Not talking about a traffic ticket, but Theft, violence, etc) 2. Have integration institutions. My family immigrated to Canada when I was a teenager and they went to school to learn the language. In return they were payed some sort of social welfare as long as they were attending school and doing well. 3. Have a period allowed for integration. If after x amount of time, a person that is under the age of 50 lets say, is not capable to communicate and shows no interest in integrating and joining the working force, deportation. 4. Refugees should be treated like all other immigrants. We give you a warm welcome and save you from war or whatever reason they run from, in exchange of your promise to respect the host nation values and make a clear effort to integrate.

  • @jordaxisa2768
    @jordaxisa2768 Год назад +409

    This is not just a Swedish problem, but a problem faced by ALL European countries, God forbid you mention anything or you're called racist. We have lost our culture and our own people supporting them instead of supporting our own country!

    • @ythelldoineedahandle
      @ythelldoineedahandle Год назад +1

      V4 countries are doing just fine in this aspect.

    • @KararaJawaab
      @KararaJawaab Год назад

      😂 I Feel Proud When Someone Call Me Racist. I Don't Care. It's Just A Far-left Communists Ideology. They coin such words for their political benefits.
      Standing for you own right is not racist. Truth is truth.

    • @god6384
      @god6384 Год назад

      Belgium is overrun by Turks and Morrocans

    • @CorntwallLipstickQueen
      @CorntwallLipstickQueen Год назад

      It’s so sad what has happened to Europe. We tried to help them and they have made europe into a shithole. I was pro immigrant from the Middle East but I am not anymore. Send them back and let the ME deal with them.

    • @vasilbutrakov7330
      @vasilbutrakov7330 Год назад

      not in bulgaria. they beat them at the border took all their stuff and sell it to pawn shops. new pawn shops pop out in every border town as far as i know and buisness is thrieving.
      migrants are warned not to travel trought bulgaria at all cost.

  • @peterpearson1675
    @peterpearson1675 5 месяцев назад +1

    She is completely right.There are areas in Sweden where Sharia law rules.We are seeing it in parts of Denmark too,and before I emigrated from NE England I was seeing the start of this too - in Bradford and my home town Doncaster.

  • @Meddlmoe
    @Meddlmoe 5 месяцев назад +1

    All these factors also apply to Germany, and we are headed down the same road in the near future.

  • @danika9448
    @danika9448 Год назад +514

    I don’t live in Sweden but I worked with refugees in Austria. I agree that immigration is handled very badly. I have seen cases where actual criminals are allowed to stay, and single mothers are sent back.
    Austria was famously closed to immigrants during the Syrian refugee crisis, partly because of it’s cultural tendency toward xenophobia, and a right-centrist government which represented that.
    However, the chancellor was right. He claimed that indiscriminate allowance of foreigners would mean that you won’t recognise your neighbourhood in 15 years.
    He has a point and he was right.
    One of Austria’s major industries is tourism. People visit every year to see a quaint and charming place, steeped in history with pristine nature and villages.
    Littering and graffiti were unthinkable in former Austria but are now more common.
    To arrive as a tourist at a train station and be greeted by loiterers, drug dealers and prostitutes, etc., all of whom are clearly not local, destroys some of Austria’s major selling points. For locals, they feel less and less safe during their daily commutes.
    And for some reason, the security staff at these stations do not police these activities. The hands-off approach is partly because they don’t want to be seen as racially profiling.
    None of this makes any sense. Crime is crime, regardless. People who come from countries with more violence do bring a type of trauma with them.
    They are further traumatised when arriving in a cold, xenophobic country like Austria. The sense of alienation is real. Most of them are young single men, who will go along with whatever their peers are doing, because that is their only sense of community.
    It takes an individual of great maturity to resist these influences, be it the violent culture of their peers or the pain of racism in their host country.
    No wonder they fall through the cracks.
    It’s time for us to get real.
    Racism is stupid but we have to acknowledge patterns within different cultural groups.
    The EU simply ignored the issue of cultural compatibility and expected everyone to coexist.
    I think it was a big mistake for Europe to take on refugees the way they did. Stable Muslim countries like Jordan, UAE, etc. would have been far better equipped to deal with this.
    I still don’t understand why Europe got so involved. One part of it was virtue-signalling, I suppose.

    • @rickbarnard-uj8hs
      @rickbarnard-uj8hs Год назад

      The WEF, look it up. Open borders society funded by. George soros

    • @greensorrel6860
      @greensorrel6860 Год назад +27

      I will never go to any European or Scandinavian country or Britain because I will not see any of those places now, I will just see their destruction and the level of planned perversity that went into this is just too depressing

    • @satyrnarainmathur359
      @satyrnarainmathur359 Год назад

      it's muslims and not highly educated stem folks from 3rd or 2nd world countries but Muslims who got entry into the union in the name of being refugee and now they want to convert Europe into middle East by abusing the western plural and secular values to promote their religion which in itself is a political doctrine that ought after controlling every single part of the individual's life hate these people

    • @satyrnarainmathur359
      @satyrnarainmathur359 Год назад

      Damn those muslims ruining the reputation of all the immigrants who actually accept western values and want a better life. These guys in the name of Allah ruing it for all of us. I just look at western news in complete disbelief how to avoid being put up as Islamophobic they never pin point muslims on their bigotry but tag other honest good immigrants with these bastards. Muslims should be held accountable

    • @ericburton5163
      @ericburton5163 Год назад +10

      Hate the term virtue signalling but that perfectly describes European politicians in this case. One has to wonder if Bernie Sanders became President in 2016 if northern and central European countries would be experiencing the issues they are now. I feel bad for the people in these countries with politicians looking to score easy political wins by showing how different they were from Trump, when most central and northern Europeans (whether Christian Democrat or Social Democrat or anything not far right or far far left) sound like moderate Republicans and even Fox News. And I'm saying this as a person who has plenty of moderate Republican friends and family. Anyone from a "settler" country like the "successful" countries mentioned in this video that weren't stuck too far up the butts of countries like Sweden or Germany could tell you that there would be issues when you go on and on about how open and tolerant you are and make a point of being anti-Trump but then in reality have the views of the more moderate folks who elected him.

  • @MaximumAmir
    @MaximumAmir 3 месяца назад

    i immigrated in sweden in 2015 now i live in Stockholm and honestly this is horrible. I started to become more swedish, although ive got swedish citizenship, my life became more fun and better but society still bad and i dont feel safe...

  • @JojoB0725
    @JojoB0725 5 месяцев назад

    People are afraid to state the obvious because they will be labeled as a bigot but sometimes the truth hurts.

  • @aquajuwel7098
    @aquajuwel7098 Год назад +397

    I’m a Swede who have moved to Norway, Sweden is a lost, destroyed nation. All because of immigration from Arab and African countries. Norway have been smarter and have a much more strict immigration policy and their police is better, here I feel safe, and the pay is much much better. When they have gang related problems and so on they go in to action immediately and do something about it, in Sweden they don’t do anything, it’s all just talk and no action. I will not move back……

    • @KaiserOfAryas
      @KaiserOfAryas Год назад

      Only a wimp would leave the battlefield. You literally betrayed the land on which your ancestors dwelled. Shameful.

    • @ugo7395
      @ugo7395 Год назад +4

      att kalla det förlorat är väldigt dumt

    • @kalle5548
      @kalle5548 Год назад +8

      Har tänkt göra samma sak, kommer ge det några år och se om det börjar bli bättre efter regeringsskiftet, och att folk börjar skickas hem om de inte beter sig

    • @curiouscat428
      @curiouscat428 Год назад +1

      Thank God it will only be up to the current generation, right? In future if they tighten up the process these unwanted people will die out?

    • @BodohYono
      @BodohYono Год назад +17

      I see your demographic, majority of immigrant come from finland, and eastern europe.. and follow by african, while syria or arabs are less than 1% of total immigrant in your country,

  • @verswmarz2754
    @verswmarz2754 2 года назад +794

    The problem in Sweden is that the crimes are mostly committed by foreigners, the peaceful men who arrived every year because they have not adapted to Swedish society and therefore do what they consider "normal" in their countries of origin, such as harassing women. or discriminate against LGBTI which in their countries would even seem right, but in Sweden a very different society is not.
    The problem is that the migrants believe that it is like their countries, but obviously it is not.

    • @velezmarzc1229
      @velezmarzc1229 2 года назад +8


    • @camronmcleod3249
      @camronmcleod3249 2 года назад +3

      WTH are you talking about

    • @vikkran401
      @vikkran401 2 года назад

      Sadly they aren't even allowed to adapt even if they wanted to. In these immegrant centers where they are supposed to get ''assimilated'' they are treated as children or patients at a mental hospital.

    • @leonieromanes7265
      @leonieromanes7265 2 года назад +88

      My husband went through the Swedish migrant program before returning to New Zealand. His tutor made it 100 % clear that women are equals to men in Sweden. He was cool with that. But some of his class mates from other countries weren't. I think it's fair for Swedes to want migrants who will integrate with their culture. Sweden has a culture of equality other nations don't.

    • @Jianju69
      @Jianju69 2 года назад

      @@camronmcleod3249 Is it not clear as day? Middle-Eastern men have zero respect for women and lgbt. Get it?