Israel threatened to take down world in nuclear Armageddon

  • Опубликовано: 7 май 2012
  • Sat May 5, 2012 - Israel is the only regime that has threatened to obliterate all world countries in a "nuclear Armageddon," if its existence is put in jeopardy, a political analyst tells Press TV.
    In a Friday interview, Mark Glenn, from The Crescent and Cross Solidarity movement, lashed out at Israel for its nuclear stockpile, sayingTel Aviv is the only regime that "has threatened to take the entire world down in a nuclear Armageddon in the instance that her precious experiments in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East ceases to materialize."
    "There is no other country in existence today that has basically told the entire world that if we are going to go down we are going to take the rest of the world down with us," he added.
    Even Israel's most prominent military professor, Martin Van Creveld, has once alluded to such nuclear ambitions by Israel and confirmed that Tel Aviv has several hundred atomic warheads and rockets targeted at all directions -- mostly at European capitals -- and that Tel Aviv is ready to take the entire world down before the regime itself ceases to exist, Glenn pointed out.
    The analyst expressed regret that the nuclear threat from Israel looms over the world, while Tel Aviv continues to use its mainstream media outlets to level allegations against other countries, accusing them of possessing non-civilian nuclear programs.
    Israel is widely believed to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Tel Aviv began building its first plutonium and uranium processing facility, Dimona, in the Negev desert in 1958.
    Former US President Jimmy Carter has stated that Israel has a nuclear arsenal that includes between 200 and 300 warheads. Decades of recurrent reporting and aerial footage have also established the possession of atomic arms by Israel.
    Under its official policy of nuclear ambiguity, Tel Aviv neither confirms nor denies the possession of nukes and refuses to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or allow inspections of its nuclear facilities.

Комментарии • 10

  • @grabthisjoke9797
    @grabthisjoke9797 11 лет назад

    you don't get the point. that land was never so 'expensive' for anyone. jews declare it as 'holy land'. it was a complete hole before (another reason why they have rights there).the reason why arabs reject it, was not because they have a lack of land (something that arabs has way ENOUGH in this world..). it's because the just couldn't stand the presence of jews.innate hate. pogroms where started even before 48', Hebron massacre (1929),yaffo,Tzfat,etc. pogroms move from islamic countries to there

  • @atheistghostbuster6395
    @atheistghostbuster6395 12 лет назад

    ...And thus Iran should needs a nuclear weapon to defend against Israeli and American aggression! You can't possibly attempt to assert that one country has the right to self defense and another does matter what you think of them. Why won't Israel hold itself to the same standard of inspections and non-proliferation agreements that they expect others to? Sounds incredibly hypocritical to me.

  • @JohnnyLarsenJesusvenner
    @JohnnyLarsenJesusvenner 11 лет назад

    bad movie,with lies

  • @marionetemanJ
    @marionetemanJ 12 лет назад

    ‬Do you know that Christianity is correct? The world around us reveals that G-d DOES exist, and the historical evidence reveals that Jesus Christ really did come to this earth and there is overwhelming evidence that Jesus Christ really did physically rise from the dead. Jesus is coming again and the signs of the end times that were foretold in the Bible are coming to pass.