John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt - The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt discuss their book "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," at Cambridge Forum. They argue that a group of pro-Israel activists are manipulating U.S. foreign policy.
This talk was taped on October 29, 2007.
This conference took place 11 years ago. And look where we are now, closer to the total war than ever.
Check out the book if you get a chance. The depth the lobby has it's claws into our system is insane
Not 11 years ago. 17 years ago.
- quote "This talk was taped on October 29, 2007"
Can you hear me now? Good
I am watching this after Oct 7th 2023 when Israel is again leveling Gaza and trying to drag the US into a wider Middle East conflict, and this conference couldn't be more relevant. The points they make are especially insightful.
Also see the Aljazeera investigation the Lobby 1&2 they are doing the same in Britain .
Did he say. Abandon our own value. That is a joke. USA has no value
I think in this instance, its less Israel dregging the US and more the US priming Israel to start its attack on jordan, syria and lebanon, in order to expand and become a western friendly hegemon to counter the china silk road initiative.
Israiel is kancer
John Meirsheimer has such charisma. Just wow. He speaks with a gentle voice but refutes point by point. Astounding courage of both these men.
@mc-g581 the people in Israel have displace the Semitic people that lived there so the Zionist so called Jews were Antisemitic to steal the land, and with arrogance created the Apartheid state, to deliver genocide to its captive Semitic people.
"Maimonides (the Rambam) viewed stealing as one step in the progression from covetous desire to murder. When the person who owns a coveted item resists its unjust acquisition, the thief resorts to violence and may become guilty of murder." Dictionary
Ex military, he’s an agent who comes across as benign
I was amazed the same point. Gentle voice but refutes point by point. Smart and wise scholastic approach !!!
They are - with Norman Finkelstein - among the few who have the BALLS to tell the truth on this matter.
and the intellectual clarity, I might add.
But not the whole truth.
Chomsky was long before anyone on the matter. But yes, youre spot on with Prof Finklestein
"Israel uses America like a whore"-Fmr congressman James Traficant ...
Man you are so right! I once heard someone say that capital hill was Israeli occupied territory. God forbid anyone speak out against them, you know what will happen to that person?
Not America, only the United States OF America!!
AIPAC tried to destroy these brave men’s careers.
Covardes ! ! !
Yes . They are targeting anyone. They are controlling our government.
From the Middle East. We respect professor John.
The great thing about John Meirsheimer is his coherence. Based on facts, history, sharp mind and eloquence, he can argue one thing one day and defend it ten years later because time has only confirmed his words. We can’t say the same about our politicians.
I adore him , best comment ever , he is an American Legend
I remember he was the only one who argued against Ukraine giving up nukes as part of the Budapest Memorandum when everyone else criticised him. He predicted the Ukraine conflict with increasing NATO aggression and here we are.
I am a Chinese. After I heard what he has to say about world politics and China, I decided that he is one of the very intelligent person who has less wisdom than your average mundane working class person.
Very classic left wing intellectual. Who loves abstraction and theory and who is very good at mind construction but lacks very basic common sense and life knowledge.
That being said, I still love to watch him, and Noah Chomsky. But that they are right. I am interested how they are wrong.
Interesting nuance.
As a European I share your reservations.
Once a military, always a U.S. neocon combattant, I guess.
Mearsheimer remains diehard US to the core, half stating what are self evident half truths to a more radically independent European mind.
The Middle East, the US’ oily genocidal playground, is near Europe where the loathed « Empire of Lies » is seen for what is - an intolerably archaic colonial oppressor.
For a faintly literate US audience, Mearsheimer seems terribly radical - a voice of dissent, going as far as to almost ruffle the odd establishment feather even …
will he put his university job at risk by being non compliant, one wonders? How admirably daring! &c
For some Europeans, Mearsheimer appears timorous, benign and very quickly repetitious.
There is a lack of deep research, fresh thinking or original analysis.
Throughout the Ukraine proxy war conflict, he repeated the same point but fail to acknowledge the U.S. neocon regime’s self evident longstanding responsibility, involvement and agenda -
his presentations failed to provide the lucid, pragmatic and prescient insights of Douglas MacGregor, Scott Ritter, Chas Freeman, Paul Scott Roberts, and most notably, Jacques Baud, whose analyses were consistently vindicated by subsequent events month after month from February 2022 to this day.
Mearsheimer remains a U.S. neocon establishment figure.
Good historians analyze evidence, details, forensics, studied as « facts » with humane impartiality (as far as humanly possible) and are encouraged to avoid peddling generalizations or one stop blandening theses.
Mearsheimer’s underlying objective is to « tut tut » at what he terms « strategic blunders » - whilst everybody across the world apart from the U.S. domestic audience knows perfectly well that Iraq was state sponsored genocide for which Bush Senior ostentatiously made no apology as a self-confessed « exceptionalist » mass murderer (and like father like son, however much you dress it up for public consumption).
Mearsheimer’s implicit brief is to provide counsel on how US hegemonic dominance may be perpetuated further - rather than to critique and challenge the systemic lies and injustices that perpetuate its sickening injustices that have devastated mankind for 75 horrifying years and slowed equitable development.
By contrast, Chomsky analyses are profound, humanistic, deeply researched, factual and constantly surprising, consistently unsettling and genuinely radical.
Chomsky is a true dissident, a man of scholarship whose line of attack was « linguistics » : exposing the underlying agendas lurking beneath the methods and language used by the U.S. neocon regime’s « globalist » agenda to manipulate political and media discourse in order to colonize the world’s economy imperceptibly by « manufacturing consent ».
Former Trump foreign affairs advisor, war veteran, military historian, honorary European and published scholar Colonel Macgregor is close to Chomsky’s critique of the neocon system when he describes US democracy with dismay as « government by sponsors ».
Systemic mass media propoganda leads to dysfunctional, discredited and decadent pseudo « democracy ».
The U.S. is a military dictatorship controlled by Wall Street and held hostage by the Israeli project’s defenders who control bipartisan congress through lobbying with money.
The depth and extent of its corruption is now leading to its irreversible collapse - as dedollarisation accélérâtes globally.
The U.S. is overstretched and surpassed militarily and economically by Russia Iran China North Korea, backed by BRICS+50 representing 90% of the world’s population which rejected the U.S. neocon regime’s diktats to impose suicidal sanctions unilaterally on the world’s largest country and most important key commodity supplier, Russia.
The US neocon regime’s thirty year attempt at colonizing Ukraine, Europe’s largest and most naturally rich region, through a premeditated, planned and provoked proxy war against Russia in its immediate border in such a way as to threaten Russia’s defence security, economy, millennial spiritual, cultural and demographic identity, and its very existence as a country - failed militarily.
That failure is triggering the collapse of the U.S. neocon regime once and for all.
The Eurasia Union empowered healthily by a non belligerent, consensual, cooperative and constructive China is the way forward.
The U.S. neocon regime is now powerless to stop it at long long last.
@@whatslifespurpose Same. I discovered him w/ the famous Ukraine talk at UChicago when Putin was putting troops on the border and I haven't seen anyone come out w/ better predictions yet
Eleven. Years. Ago.
This only continues to galvanize John Meirsheimers place as Americas foremost intellect on foreign policy
Watching this during the Israelis genocide of the Palestinians
That awkward moment when plain common sense opinions seem courageous acts.
Like they say: want to know who rules you, think who you are not allowed to criticize.
schmoukiz Story of the life of every Russian
@Thurman Ulrich
Or ask who you're not allowed to boycott.
Thurman Ulrich
that quote is of Rousseau
In January 2003 Howard Kohr AIPAC Executive Director told the New York Sun " that quietly lobbying congress to use force in Iraq had been one of AIPAC's successes during this past year."
Robert Marshall
might want to check out the channel Brendon O'connell
L look lol lol p I’m
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Pm o LM Lo
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Wow I never heard that. I wonder how much isreal lobby is in power of us foreign policy esp in the middle east. The lobby can spend a few hundred millions to get the US gov to spend hundreds of billions of US taxpayer money
Today, 11 years later, we all know, the speakers were perfectly right and maybe succeeded to open the eyes of many Americans, but failed to change the US policy significantly.
because when they were allowed to tell, the agenda was already, at least, already 20 years in place. (::)
I agree with you, I feel unfortunately that nothing changed and in fact, it may be worse.
11 years old and we didn’t listen then and I don’t think people are heeding the warnings now.
I adore John Mearsheimer. I think his talk 9 years ago on why the 2014 Ukraine coup was the wests fault. He is so prophetic.
Honestly he is just a level headed and sensible guy, doesn't let his ego or emotions get in the way of facts. And our society has just deteriorated so greatly that he shines like a super hero for just being a decent and sensible human. I agree with you and love Mearsheimer I am just saying the relief we feel when hearing him speak just speaks to the horrid conditions of the world right now.
each time a war broke out I searched Meirsheimer ... and never get disappointed.
Former Jewish habitation in Palestine was of no more significance than that of many other clans of modern humans that settled in this area during the last 60,000 years. The Jewish claim that this land was promised to them by their particular god is meaningless folklore and should not be a factor in resolving this land dispute.
The State of Israel was a bad idea from it’s inception. Somehow we Americans got stuck supporting this mess. The Israelis have abused our support and we are paying a high price for it. We should not be taking sides in a conflict based on other people’s religious mythology. Those people who feel the need to conduct a “Holy War” over this area, including Americans, should do so over there and at their own expense. The role of the United States government in this dispute should be limited to diplomacy.
To discover just How they hijacked USA, get "Against Our Better Judgement", by one Allison Wier.
The facts are that USA is hijacked by these criminals. JFK. 9/11. USS Liberty - And their media Mouthpieces, like these guys, keep it well cooled. See "Khazarian Mafia", and listen to Benjamin H Freeman.
@@gerardvaughan1847 Check out "The Nameless War"!
I agree. Just remember, Zionism is the brief, not Judaism. Zionism is a polical/ nationalistic movement. It was picked up in the US not by mainstream christianity, but by the TV evangelists looking for exciting sermons in an apocalypse. Pat Robertson, the Hagee guy. Several others. Within Judaism there is a solid belief that israel was forbidden to form a country and that's why they've never simply bought and or moved into a sparsely populated area. Most Jews are secular, non observant, so that it was easy to convince ww2 refugees that they had a 'right' to live somewhere.. ..... they too were largely secular. So the talmud believers gained popularity over Torah believers. Zionism is an exclusive separate belief from Judaism and the actual problem here. Formulated in 1897.
I admire the willingness of the venue to allow some of the members of the public to stray from what ought to be considered decent conduct in their questions in the interest of openness and dialogue, and I admire even more the ability of the authors to address some of these more flippant "questions" and outright accusations with the typifying calm and clarity of serious scholars. There's no question that the influence of the Israel lobby is a matter warranting serious public and scholarly interrogation, if not concern for some of the reasons mentioned at this discussion. It speaks to the salience of this topic that even ten years after this video was published, the influence of the Israel lobby remains as politically charged now as it was then. Bravo to both gentlemen for their work on the issue and for the moral and academic integrity it must have required to conduct the research and publish their findings.
@johndoe-wv7ep it's here from us reporting, and reposting our love of justice and common sense.
Two heroes who really question how interest groups and lobbys control cognitive map and way of thinking in the USA. I want to shout a big respect to them both, they did an amazingly courageous job of addressing these very delicate, but even more important point!
These two Professors have gone as close as they dare to criticising Israel without suffering some negative responses from the Real Power in the USA.?
@@jackglamuzina7173 These two professors should be grateful they haven't been rubbed out (read: whacked) by Israel's intelligence operatives or hit teams. Probably a deal was made requiring them to tone done their anti Israel message in exchange for their lives.
yup. You can tell they’re very careful with their language to avoid not to hurt Jews’ feelings. But regardless I’m sure they’re already labeled as anti Semitic and canceled . John Meirsheimar is also critical of Ukrainian war which is the same team who’re the cheerleaders of Iraq invasion just happened to be involved with it ( mainly Jewish people)
Stop lying. This is standard antisemitic lies. Number 1 lie. These 2 professors are not suffering. The hold prestigious jobs at their respective universities and make a lot of additional money for their speaking engagemnts. Number 2 lie. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq. Cheney was his Vice President. The Secretary of state was Colin Powell. No Jews were involved in the actual decision. Bush and Cheney were not puppets. Only committed antisemites blame the Iraq war on Jews. Just like antisemites blame all the problems of the world on Jews. BTW, the Iraq war eliminated one of the worst dictators and mass murderers in history. The Iraq war was a success. Not a mistake.
@@அவானிஉயர்ந்தது Israeli are not Semitic they are Zionist I associate with Nazis not Jews. You are 100% on neoconservatives.
I am impressed by the oppressive climate the talk took place in. The lecturers felt so compelled to declare their love for Israel that someone had to remind them of the suffering of the Palestinian people. It is hard to believe that there can be real democracy in the US or anywhere else where free speech is so tightly controlled wrt some topics.
I think you need to read between the lines. The Isreal lobby has made it so that if you are even accused of anti semtisim, it will be hard to work in or around government. They basically are saying, we have a gun to our head but we will say as much as we can without causing the trigger to be pulled. I'm very happy that they are getting this information out there
@@BR-it2qe You're responding to a comment from 8 years ago... don't bet on a reply!
I know. The eight-year ago commenter could be deceased by now.
This comment aged so well.
Thank you gentlemen for your deep understanding and honest analysis of Israeli strong lobby.
How much damage and corruption caused by Israeli lobby? Can the American public sue them and bring them to justice?
Lobbying should be illegal, especially when it's for a foreign country. Working for a foreign country works against national security. I think that there may be some laws in place to deal with this.
55:29 the fact that antisemites drink water does not make water antisemitic. Honestly, what a stupid question!
Please continue this work; you are stimulating epiphanies
A religious book does NOT equal a land grant. Palestine for the Palestinians.
The lady asking the first question exemplifies the problem perfectly,she explicitly violated the terms of engagement as she feels her protected status means no rules apply to her.
Very allegorical
The first question? Where was the question?
What a final question...and John Mearsheimer gets the last point.
John Mearsheimer should be protected 💯
Amen! Washington should treat every countries the same, especially solving the Palestinians conflict by acting as "an honest broker" for both sides
As to Mearsheimer's persistent claim that the oil and military industrial complex does not drive America's Mid-East policies in any way...what about the 1953 CIA overthrow of Iran's democratically elected government? The sole reason for that action was to seize Iran's oil reserves, and it was entirely driven by U.S. and British oil companies and their interests. That is the direct cause of the hostile relationship we have today with Iran. I think the oil companies had tremendous influence then, and have tremendous influence today.
Also, Haliburton. They clearly influenced Dick Cheney and profited massively from the Iraq War. Mearsheimer really didn't do his research on this.
in his recent presentations ....john mearshimer has accepted this about military industrial complex ....and again in 2006 the role of military industrial complex was less known ...
Dr. Mearsheimer is brilliant, but one can only know what is known. The new revelations will add even more clarity to our thinking@@vikramnandakumaran2434
He was referring to the Iraq war specifically. He acknowledges that other interest groups also have had influence in other fateful decisions, including wars.
In regards to 53, I believe that was done more so to stop the Soviets from seizing the oil rather than oil industry. It's not to say that oil industry didn't play a part but it was done to assure that Soviets didn't get involved in Iran. If I remember correctly the soviets and British had agreed upon spheres of influence in Iran before ww2, the soviets in the north ans British in the south. It's evident the soviets wanted to get in there
*Iran & Afghanistan have become one of the hottest regions on the planet in the 20th century, marking the very border between the two major areas of influence from the times of ‘Cold War’. That’s also one reason why USSR had no choice but to intervene in Afghanistan once the US had been kicked out of Iran in 1979. Beside Ukraine, of course, Palestine, Taïwan, Tibet, Cuba, etc. clearly appear to belong those most sensitive ‘red line’ territories that should’ve been made officially, mandatorily, and definitely neutral (under the aegis of the UN, for example). He who rejects a priori such common sense solutions just chose to let the door wide open to further irresponsible provocations in capacity to turn into a suicidal WW. Stop playing with fire, guys. What’s the use of having your names in all history books, when history itself has no more future?
Criticizing America is our constitutional right under freedom of speech. However, criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic and thus blasphemous. All Americans should know this RULE ...
Semitic references languages spoken, Arab and Hebrew. It is not a religion, nor is Zionism which is a political movement. the fact that the Zionists have twisted the meaning of the word to once again make them the victims is AMAZING. Amazing that people actually believe this CRAP, And then to tell us that Israel has complete absolition of WAR CRAIMES< GENOCIDE or anything they do is INSANE.
Criminals among us !AIPAC!
why talk about money when you are not going to look at how we got away with paying repatations to European jews for crimes against them by their own countries, by giving up a part of the british colonial empire that they were anxious to divest. If we wanted to give them a homeland we could have given them germany, or an economic interest in germany. instead we paid to rebuild germany while allowing russia to occupy east germany for forty years. we had no business endorsing giving, and the british had no business giving their colonial possession to anyone other than the palestinians. Imagine if Britain had given Rhodesia to the Zionists as a homeland. It is preposterous, it is a crime to deliver to Zionists land stolen from the Palestinians. Maybe some entity referred to as Israel deserves to exist. it does not 'deserve' to exist in Palestine.
Again Mearsheimer, and Walt with him on this, proves to be prescient. Such a brilliant man. If only the powers that be would listen to him.
Israelis were arrested in New Jersey on September 11, 2001.
Yes, the Mossad was behind the attacks.
For further study, I suggest reading "Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World" by Investigative reporter and author, Christopher Bollyn: This well-researched book exposes those who were and are responsible for the terrorist attacks on September 11; It was Israel's Mossad.
Would you believe the very stupid country (USA) we live in?! That people in this country cannot, even if you rub their nose in the truth, bring themselves to see it for what it really is! Unreal! Exceptionally dumb in every way!
Do you have any video link regarding this ? Thanks in advance Alex
And then quietly freed after backdoor talks with the Israeli officials.
Such a subtle detail that is often overlooked or undermined when assessing American politics and foreign policy. Thank you for presenting this framework in an objective and non-biased manner. This advice must be revisited - hopefully with more widespread reception. The radical policies of the Israeli government and the attempts to curtail freedom of expression by the pro-Israel lobbies have done more to fan the flames of Anti-Semitism than a sincere prejudice against Jewish people. If left unchecked, they will happily usher the rest of the world into WW3.
This article of these two distinguished scholars made me realise that this is the reason for all the US woes abroad and domestic
I totally & utterly agree!!
Excellent and factual conversation.. Thank you both
So!! My goodness so many American soldiers died in Iraq War, and so many soldiers came back wounded physically and mentally. How many Jews American soldiers went to war with Iraq.
our values? !/ Israel only allows Jew to emigrate to Israel and offers them financial incentives for doing so. 2/ Israeli law forbids the marriage between a Jew
and a non Jew. 3/ Israel does not allow non-Jew to purchase property within the country. 4/ Israel does not allow non Jew to own any media, although Jews see no problem with owning the vast majority of the rear of the world.
Our values???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Interesting that after shutting up the lady who was bringing Israel's scheme for Greater Middle East, the moderator asks: "John and Steve, would you like to comment?" "Nah, let's go to the next question!"
That's an epic closing by Mearsheimer.
I've been aware of Mearsheimer and Walt since I was a polisci student in 2007. Damn if they haven't been right about everything since then!
❤Just now bought a second hand copy of the book by John. Thanks. These talks and messages have been around in plain view for long enough to affect change.
Oh and the easy solution is to get out of Palestine ❤
Intellectual Giants, All my respect to both.
I have to disagree....they seem to be operating with core assumptions that might be quite naive.
intellect = ego = false. these are Humane Beings, sharing truth, thus proving they are born with a heart. (::)
We Must Have Comprehensive Discussions About the Origin, Roles, and Influence of the State of Israel in Economics, Media, Politics, Education, and Other Fields.
Sem falar da influença lobotizante de 80 ano de propaganda PRO "direito ao retorno na "TERRAS PROMETIDAS.!" ,por direito "atavico" e santificado pelas proféticias de um imaginário "POVO ELEITO" predileto por um Deus supremacista em neto contraste com a mensagem ecumenica do Cristo JESUS !...
ABUSO DA FORCA não podem passar em branco !
A degeneraçao lobotizante de um povo racista conclamado , está perpetuando o disprezzo que durante miliares de anos le foi reservado ovunque se instalou .
Well said Chris. I read it and its a GREAT book. I also suggest some of Norman Finklestein's books. He is jewish and has the COURAGE and basic GUTS to speak the facts & truth without compromising his integrity
Prof. Finkelstein has spent nearly his whole adult life studying Palestine/Israel. It is so good to see people coming to him for insight,
I recently discovered Dr Norman. I've never seen someone as passionate about the issue as him.
The silver lining in the current Mid East clamity is bringing my generation into the discussion. As long as both sides are open to talking and disagreeing with the goal of progress, there’s hope.
No one is asking the question, that why are the lobbies permitted, its almost like having bullies and thugs pushing their weight around getting their way. If our policy makers have to make policy that in their interest is not what they really wanted because of pressure from lobbyists , then this should be a crime. There should be a law against lobbying groups. This is a sham.
Totally agree, but politicians dont want to interrupt the bribe money nor reveal any instances of when and how it happens. It's clearly bribery.
Don’t forget the suppressed Israel Lobby Documentary that Al Jazeera made
Very eye opening
It’s findable & well worth it to view
Thank-you. I'll look for it!
@@tekis0 Here it is.видео.html
Exposeing the enemy,great book.
If israel lobby declares that sky is pink and not blue, all congressmen/women will immediately say, " Naturally the sky is pink'
Many Americans knew this going into the War, but afraid to speak up. What do these people say to the 15,000 veterans we see on TV missing eyes, limbs and brain injuries and the rest?
What about the 500,000-1,000,000 dead Iraqis and the failed state?!
Christian men and women should never fight wars for them.
Fast forward Israel ,or should we say Netanyahu and the Zionist regime has to be separated. From the Jewish community proper.
any people that have suffered such unforgivably horrible things, and then goes on to do it to others ... what can i say ?
makes you wonder if all the suffering it was subjected to was not without good reason.
Right back at you, @@ramfreeboy
Compelling arguments, @@gerardvaughan1847
@@ramfreeboy The Behaviour of the Israeli government will end up making people think that Hitler must of been right.
What can you say? Maybe you don't know Christianity caused the Shoa
Maybe you don't understand that christianity is the greatest enemy of the Jews.
We, refuse to be murdered anymore. Understand?
Taped in 2007 and nothing has changed since…
I think there ahould be an end to lobbies. No more super pacs, No more politicians swayed by money and ño more aid to Israel. That includes military aid.
To that kid who accused John and Steve of sloppy research....there is absolutely no f** way he read the book carefully and thoroughly. He probably skimmed a few passages and decided he was only gonna pick the words that support his shallow minded opinions. What a donut, torn to shreds by John as was inevitable.
Uploaded 11 years ago and revelant today.
John & Sthephen you are right, you’re wonderful
Brilliantly true ending: they get slammed in the US and mostly good reviews abroad.
AIPAC/ADL/SPLC rule in the US everywhere.
I like your book. Those who complain about your book, don’t like to hear the truth.
I congratulate courage of speakers against israel and philosemitist. You can stop paying israel army by collected US taxes from citizens.
John Mershimer's concluding answer in the discussion sums up the entire discussion outsandingly well - "You all know the reason (sic. why we get so much American criticism)... The Lobby".
How shameful! Get out of our government!
52:25 The entire video was worth it for just this guy.
What’s great discussion, I listen in Japan and discuss about 2 country solutions is necessary for long term peach
I hate US policies toward the Middle East. It is heartening to hear some sane voices within the US. Great respect for both knowledgeable and courageous personalities.
Why Israelis don't live in America and England. Why not. It is the best place for them They are their best friends and best supporters.
Still relevant today. The scrip has not changed.
Greetings, Love And Respect To Mr Mearshemeir And Mr WALT For Speaking Up On Colonizer/ Apartheid Israel LOBBYISTS + ITS ENABLERS!! ❤❤👏👍🙏🏼😇
He does know. The situation so bad that when smart people like these guys speak up and play nice they get hammered. What happens when they play hard ? Ruined careers, car accidents and heart attacks.
Hey, fortune teller, they did not play hard enough? 4 years passed, or should we wait little bit longer. Just guessing, "they" could not pick up right car model for accident.
@@besscartman6147 I foresaw that 4 years after writing this comment a smartass would reply.
Two heroes. God bless their spines of steel.
-The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), headquartered in Wash, controversial US Muslim org.
-Starting with a single office in '94, CAIR now claims 31 affiliates, including a branch in Canada, with more steadily being added.
-Besides grand national headquarters in Wash, it has impressive offices in other cities; the N.Y office, for example, is housed in 19-story Interchurch Center located on Manhattan's Riverside Drive.
-Homeland Sec Dep refuse to deal with it
-Sen Schumer (D-N.Y)-"ties to terror"
-Sen Durbin (D-Illi)-"extreme rhetoric & link to terror groups"
-S. Pomerantz, FBI's former counter terror dir- "CAIR aids int terror groups"
-Family of J. O'Neill, FBI counter terror dir killed at 9/11, named CAIR in lawsuit for " criminal conspiracy of radical Islamic terror"
-Terror expert S. Emerson- "radical fundamentalist
$100 million Mosque madness at Ground Zero
A mosque rises over Ground Zero. & fed-up New Yorkers are crying, "No!"
A chorus of critics-from neighbors to those who lost loved ones on 9/11-feel as if they've received a swift kick in the teeth.
Plans are under way for a Muslim house of worship, topped by a 13-story cultural center with a swimming pool, in a building damaged by the fuselage of a jet flown by extremists into the World Trade Center.
$100 million Mosque madness at Ground Zero
-Purposefully named after "The Great Mosque" or "Mezquita" in Cordoba, Spain.
-In the 8th century- the Moors (or Arabs) came, tore down St. Vincent church & built "The Great Mosque" to commemorate their victory over the Christians in Southern Spain.
-This conquest of territory signified Islamic supremacy over Christians. The Cordoba Mosque became the 2nd most important house of worship, after Mecca, in Islam.
$100 million Mosque madness at Ground Zero
A rally against the mosque is planned for June 6, D-Day, by the human-rights group Stop Islamicization of America. What could be more insulting & humiliating than a monster mosque in the shadow of World Trade Center buildings that were brought down by an Islamic jihad attack? What an insult.. A stab in the eye of America
Called Cordoba House, the mosque & center is the brainchild of the American Society for Muslim Advancement.
can't believe this video is 11 years old
Why is it okay for America to Have Nuclear Weapons and not okay for other countries to have them to deter threats. Remember Japan. Who was the only country to use an Atomic Bomb in History. The one who uses them! USA!
Mosadek, the demographically elected President of Iran, was overthrown by the American CIA on behalf of British Petrolium. in 1952.
Since this time, UK has "fallen in line"
Remember kids, no matter how badly you screw up, you will never be as bad as Cheney or Bush
You need to understand theyve had centuries not decades to conceal their hate . Provides the conviction .
Wow. 11 years ago today!!! 😮
Insane isn't it... not busy then tho!
Democracy Israel is not
A simple, straightforward method to begin to understand the U.S. blindly supporting the Israeli actions against the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people since 1946 should assume its rightful position front and center. Until and unless all United Nations Member countries adopt this historical perspective, it will be extremely difficult if not impossible for any effective unraveling and remedial actions by the U.N. AT ALL!!! First the IDF must be stopped from prosecution of any and all hostilities. Next, the Political Palestinian representive Hamas must be allowed to make their case for the demands denied the Palestinian people. First things first.
Congratulations 👏 and lots of love and blessings 💞
I hear some double speak when its stated that Israel should be treated like any other democratic state yet Israel isn't a democratic state but a state based on its Jewish religious identity so my question is would the United states back India if it were threatened ? If not then the speaker talks with a forked tongue!
If you're a military alli, yes. If you're not, no.
Israel is prosperous because we give them billions in aid every year.
while there is much to critize on Israel,'s foreign policy - that is oversimplifying things.
And, Israel spys on us more than any other ally, steals our tech, trains our police in methods that led to the death of G Floyd. Actually we've given them 3 trillion dollars since '74.
You're correct because the majority of Israeli exports are to the US , and they may have a bomb, but it's the US military snd bodies they count on. Thats why they're trying to get a law passed in the US to make it illegal to boycott Israeli goods. They're actually pretty weak.
The first woman asking a "question" is typical of Jewish behavior: self-centered, no consideration for others, high minded, Chomsky, like Naomi Wolf, like Naomi Klein, etc. etc....
merc340sr I've never heard Chomsky raise his voice.
Loud: definition # 2: used for describing a person who talks in a loud and confident way that annoys other people
Synonyms and related words
Describing arrogant and over-confident people or behaviour:
arrogant, proud, conceited...
If Chomsky had remained in his field of expertise, linguistics, no one would have heard of him. He poses as an authority on a variety of subjects ex. US foreign policy, in order to gain notoriety.
merc340sr jealous and antisemetic me thinks
Do me the courtesy of learning how to spell "Semitic". As "Anti-Semitic" as Mearsheimer and Walt. Jealous, never. I never purport to be an authority on something outside my field of expertise, unlike Chomsky, Wolf, or Klein.
Gill Barnes I agree with your comment, this video still makes a valid point. Another comment implied, " look at who you are not allowed to criticize and you will find your master " that is a good point, which in my opinion can't be denied. And how can any American have dual loyalties ? it makes no sense, it's like I have two wives but I'm loyal.
Reminds me of a lecture of John Brown USA Chief Military commander under president Nixon Quote
( Israel is more a liability to USA than an assets).
Mearsheimer is the clearest voice regarding foreign policy.
This is 15 YEARS AGO. Antisemitism is the rationale for everything.
I find the stance of the "realist political scientist" (or at least these two) interesting: certain fields allow for the open expression of personal feeling in scholarship. Others, like biology, discourage such expression by their practictioners. These two walk some line between the two, and they do it very well and convincingly.
I honestly wouldn't call them "personal feelings", but just general statements based on real patterns of historical, social, political and economic realities. As someone with a political science degree, all of their statements have been based on facts and events recorded from legitimate sources. It might seem like "personal feelings" because of the words they have personally chosen? I guess in political science there are less vocabulary/jargon restraints than the natural sciences? Also, you have to remember this was a forum for the public. In journal articles they would probably use political science theoretical terms more strictly, like game theory, democratic peace etc. But bear in mind this is for the public, so they would probably try to use as less jargon as possible so the audiences can understand more. ✌️
just look at the q&a, one must sympathise how hard it is to be political scientists.
Exposing Israeli crimes is not antisemitic
Israel, a vibrant democracy Ya with an Apartheid right hand.
Israeli leaders chose theocracy over democracy. A nation CANNOT be a theocracy and a democracy. One of the greatest insights of our founders.
These aren’t anti-Semitic tropes Mr. Walt, they are truths.
It’s because human beings are at varying depths of intellect. Once they know Israel is not divine they say it is evil. Neither is true. Humans are humans and a sensible rational realist philosophy and policy is better for all nations involved.
Wonderful dr John Mearsheimer And Stephen Walt I’m so happy that we the American we have nationalists that care about American and our interest thanks to both of you keep up the good Job our country first. We the American people need to be Educated about all the Lobbyists and all other Enemies who won’t to take America Down for their Interest for 30 years American Government went to war for Israel Interstate it’s Time for us Americans to wake up Now they enemy. With inn. The Lobbyists
Blackrock, Vanguard, Israel Lobby the Tri-force of Evil
I beg your pardon, America and Israel don't have shared values.....Israel is an apartheid regime and America is a democracy,.....please admit the truth, how can a democracy as claimed by Israeli also be an apartheid regime? You don't believe that? Go to Google and RUclips and find out the truth....i know you and mr.Mearsheimer are knowledgeable about the situation in Gaza city...
People tend to follow clowns instead of scholars when it comes to Israel. On the one hand we got scholars like this man, Chomsky and Finkelstein. On the other we got clowns like Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Sam harris etc. Its sad most people follow the later. Just look at the views of the videos, those clowns get more views.
How do you personally know who is a clown? What is your criteria?
Include Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens too.
WE ARE THE REAL JEWS! We follow in the footsteps of Moses (Prophet Muhammad), Jesus, the prophets, and the righteous!
Daniel 9:24-27.