Great video - I have a problem though, I dont have a lift and therefor I cannot get access to remove the oil filter from underneath, do you know if its possible by opening the hood? I have a renault clio 2012 mk3
Hi, i have used moly 5w 40 to my accord cl7 06, and i changed it to motul 2100 eco. Does this motul 2100 eco good enoght? Or better change it to moly 5w 40? Another question, does the castrol 5w 40 edge better than moly and motur. Thank you.
I used Motul 8100 in my Clio 3 and Elf oil I can tell that I enjoyed the most Liqui Moly. I don't know how your oil or Castrol is but especially about Castrol in my country I haven't heard good things. Maybe because there are a lot of fake ones. Personally my favorite brand is Liqui Moly. The best oil you can use is the Liqui Moly 0W-40 Synthoil Energy. The engine will start faster and run in the smoothest possible way. But this one will also be impressive. My car hasn't consume a single drop of oil sine I started to use Liqui Moly. With Elf the engine was running hotter and the cooler of the engine kicked in a lot of times. Motul again, didn't appeal to me so much but at least it wasn't consumed wither. Liqui Moly is outstanding. Just make sure to replace it every 10.000km and your car will thank you!
@@m3rovingian thank you. I used the moly and changed it to motul as i said before. Just for case, the moly better but the motul is bad? Do you recommend to change it now if i will change every 5000 7000km, does it can damage the engine in any way? Thank you.
@@elvinmammedov9747 Don't worry. It will not damage the engine in any wat. Just it's a personal preference for me. Keep the oil you have now and you can try LM on your next oil change. The interval you change your oil is very good. But you can keep it for 10.000km without any problems.
my car is a volvo xc 90 2007 2.4 D5 it takes 6.5 liters of oil. should i use one or two bottles of ceratec? i am also planning an engine flush, but its also for 5l oil. should i use one or two?
I would say to play it safe and use just 1 bottle. Two bottles of Ceratec would be for up to 10 liters of oil. Don't mess up the oil balance. Also don't do an engine flush because you'll damage the inside of the engine with that increase in friction level. The oil has in it detergents that clean the engine inside. Instead of spending money on a engine flush better change more often the oil and you'll have a perfect running car.
@@m3rovingian thank you very much for your anwser, its a turbo diesel and the oil lines to the turbo get very hot and oil starts coking in the lines. if the lines get blocked the turbo will have shorter lifetime. so cleaning them will help. anyway different opinons from you and me. but i agree with you on the kwantity. one bottle is enough.
Liqui Moly all the way. if you want to buy it now, go for the new Liqui Moly Molygen 5w40. It has a green container and also the oil is green with all the engine additives in the same package. It's the newest and greatest of LM. I will put that in my car on my next oil change.
m3rovingian, thanks for the input.I been using synthoil premium liqui moly. Want to try different oil. Saw your vlog comparing 8100 xcess motul with liqui moly leichtlauf high tech...
The Leichtlauf High Tech and Molygen are maybe the best ones you can get from LM. But overall all their products are top line. i will use only their products from now on. Hope you will like it also. I still have about 5000km to make until the next oil change, but I am looking forward to it.
@Vladimir Markov The only one that is true synthetic out of the 3 you've mentioned is Synthoil High Tech 5W40. I would get that. But trust me I had a very pleasant experience with all the LM oils I tested over the years, all 3 of them.
I need answers, what’s different between that in the video (purpule) and the blue one all of them are 5w40 and (leichtlauf high tech) the diffrent i saw it the blue on are typed in the front fully synthetic and the purple (high-tech-synthetic-technology) is it men it’s not fully synthetic?? pleas nees some answers
This is not fully synthetic but it's also a very, very good oil. The true fully synthetic one is the Synthoil High Tech I reviewed lately. You can see it in the cards of this video
m3rovingian What do u think is the better this or other one the fully synthetic, cuz my car from factory used the castrol edge professional fully synthetic 5w40 and i changed it to that one in the video i thought its a fully synthetic 💔 do u think will be any problem??
No problem at all. As i said it is a very good oil. In some tests it came out like the one that reduces the friction the most, out of all the Liqui Moly oils. My Renault didn't consume a single drop in the 5000 km I made with it till today. It runs and purs butter smooth. Keep it until the next oil change without a worry. Then if you want something even more expensive and better, go for the Synthoil + CERATEC. That's what I will do in September on my car.
If your Merc is the 2001-2004 model, uses diesel and has 143hp and you have used W40 oil in it before, I'd get the Liqui Moly 5W-40 Synthoil High Tech. Usually for a diesel you should use 5W-30 or 0W-30 oils, if it's an old model like yours with low mileage. If it has more km made I think you can use W-40 also. You can also try the new Liqui Moly Synthoil High Tech 5W-30
Molygen are molibden, care spun ei ar ajuta si mai mult la reducerea uzurii. Le-am folosit pe amandoua. Te asigur ca sunt foarte bune. Molygen arata aparte. Atunci cand vezi ca torni ulei de culoare verde in motor o sa ai impresia ca-i pui antigel. Daca vrei ce-i mai bun ia LM Synthoil High Tech 5W40 wau si mai bine LM Energy Synthoil 0W40, pe care-l folosesc de 2 ani in Renaultul meu.
@@danielrecon5195 Atunci pune ce-i mai bune. Ori 5W-40 Synthoil High Tech ori 0W-40 Synthoil Energy. 0W-40 va fi perfect acum ca vine iarna. Pornirile la rece vor fi foarte usoare. Eu os a comand inca 5 litri de 0W-40 fiindca vreau sa schimb uleiul inainte sa vina zapada.
I was thinking of buying that, but after seeing the friction results, this one seems to be better. But Molygen is very very good also. All the LM oils are outstanding. If you want simply the best from them get the Synthoil High tech + CERATEC treatment. That's what I will put next into my Renault. you can see the combo here:видео.html
If it is petrol, like my car, get either Synthoil High Tech 5W40 or the Energy Synthoil 0W40. These 2 are the only true 100% synthetics from LM in their price range. If your car is diesel get the 5W30 or 0W30 counterparts from Liqui Moly.
@@s-t-f-r That doesn't mean it's not good for Renault, just that they didn't test it on the models, that's all. I can assure you your car will thank you, if you have a Renault, like me and use that oil. The best option is what I use for 4 years now: the Liqui Moly 0W40 Synthoil Energy. It is as good as the 5W40 Synthoil at fully warmed up temps, but it has better flow on the cold starts.
@@m3rovingian Okay. It's made with hyrocrack basis and Synthesis technology, so is it a semi synthetic oil or what? And is it a Grade-3 oil? I am sorry I can't find much about this particular oil on the internet.
@@aakashdeep5238 It is very good, especially if you have a car like mine that runs on LPG also. Don't worry about not being full synthetic like a grade 4. It is very good as long as you don't start the car in very low temperatures.
Maine se face revizia la masina mea, am comandat acest ulei.Liqui Moly Synthoil High Tech 5w40 Am zis sa incerc si cu un ulei mai bun, de 3-4 schimburi imi tot consuma ulei. Nu scoate fum, probabil or fi simiringurile la supape...zic, nu stiu exact. Am folosit diferite tipuri si branduri de ulei, tot aveam nivelul mic pe zoja. Ce spui, acest Liqui Moly ar trebui sa stopeze sau macar sa diminueze consumul de ulei? Reduce si zgomotul motorului la rece? E vorba de Astra g 1.7dti cu 240k km in bord.
Te asigur ca fata de ce foloseai inainte, acesta va fi excelent. Eu am reusit sa reduc aproape la 0 consumul unui Polo 9N3 din 2004 care e renumit pentru consumul de ulei, In oras nu mai consuma deloc, insa in afara daca-i dai blana o sa consume in continuare. Te sfatuiesc sa ii pui si tratamentul Ceratec de la Liqui Moly. E deosebit. Eu asa l-am folosil la Polo, Sunetul va fi mai fain si maai rotund la motor. la Polo ce-i drept am folosit versiunea si mai scumpa de Synthoil Hight Tech 5W40. Insa si acesta a fost foarte bun. Renault-ul meu ins chimb nu consuma un strop. Poti sa mai iei si aditivul de ulei Oil Stop de la Liqui Moly si sa-l ai in portbagaj dupa ce pui uleiul si Ceratec, iar aditivul ala am inteles ca face minuni. Altceva nu stiu ce ar putea ajuta.
@@m3rovingian mai scump de atat? Doar uleiul a costat 330 lei, caci inainte ma costa 250 lei uleiul + filtrele, deci revizia completa. Multumesc ptr raspunsul promt. Acum ramane de vazut cum se va comporta motorul cu acest ulei.
@@dariusganea6321 Intra pe uleideulei sau pe eMag. Synthoil High tech 5W40 era undeva la 199-239 lei 5 litri. Dar si leichtlauf HT e deosebit. Sper sa ti se rezolve problema. Sa incerci sa nu o turezi foarte tare. Daca-i dai 140 in afara orasului nu stiou daca ai ce-i face. Am observat ca stilul de condus are un impact major. Daca mergi moderat nu vei avea nicio problema.
Mineral with synthetic. The true fully synthetic from Liqui Moly are Synthoil High-Tech 5W-40 and Energy Synthoil 0W-40. But even this one was outstanding. Way better than Elf or Motul.
Yes, very good, but for that car I would put the best of the best: Liqui Moly 0W-40 Synthoil Energyвидео.htmlsi=LjjWWlhQo7h72Ot_ for the best cold start performance. On fully warmed up engine it'll have the exact same viscosity as the 5W-40.
The best one you could use is the LM 0W30 Synthoil Energy If you drive agressivelly and are affraid of the oil burn you can try the Molygen 5W30 or the true fully Synthetic Synthoil High Tech
@@ZooM971 Daca vrei cel mai bun ulei de incearca Liqui Moly 0W40 Synthoil Energy. E exceptional la pornirea la rece. La cald va fi exact la fel ca Synthoil High tech 5W40.
Liked it ! Desi este un ulei bun ( leichtlauf high tech), parerea mea este ca motorul e silentios la inceput cu orice ulei poti sa compari uleiul vechi uzat,cu un ulei proaspat pus.... Dintre dezavantajele acestui ulei, daca le pot numi asa, este ca nu este full sintetic - este un hidrocracat de gr 3+ dar este unul dintre cele mai bune uleiuri de la Liqui si cel mai bine aditivat ulei in general ( de aceea are si multe aprobari de la diversi constructori) Deci sa-l uzezi sanatos si sa revii cu impresii, peste 4-6000 km......ce filtru de ulei ai pus? P.S inca folosesc osram laser, thanks to you !
Multumesc mult de precizari. pot sa-ti spun ca e cel mai bun ulei pe care l-am folosit pana acum, in privinta sunetului motorului, chiar si la inceput. in trecut am utilizat Elf Tranself Si Motul X-cess. Cu niciunul n-a fost asa de placut sunetul, iar motorul merge foarte bine, cat se poate de "rotund". O sa spun cum se comporta cand ajung la km aia. Ca filtru de ulei am pus cel original Renault, facut de cei de la MANN FILTER. Uite aici:видео.html Ma simt onorat in privinta alegerii becurilor. Sa te tina cat mai mult!
Dpdv al "sunetului" aditivii sunt cei care fac liniste sau galagie....dpdv al protectiei, conteaza baza uleiului Daca esti perfectionist si tii la masina ( evident din ce observ), mai mult de 6 luni/an nu lasi uleiul in motor, indiferent de preferat sa-l schimbi inainte de iarna si apoi primavara-vara, asa te asiguri ca ai ulei proaspat si aditivi la datorie inainte de inghet/temperaturi ridicate Daca vrei si mai multa liniste, cauti uleiuri cu Molibden langa faptul ca e "friction modifier", molibdenul este responsabil pt tamponarea tacanitului de culbutori, came etc etc.... La LM exista Liqui moly molygen 5w40, nu are aprobari pt ca nu s-au chinuit sa le obtina......insa din indici pare un Leichtlauf high tech cu molibden in plus.... Daca doresti si mai multa liniste si performanta......exista uleiuri de nisa, dar scumpe Am 1 an si peste 50 000 km cu becurile...inca nu s-au ars.....
Schimb uleiul o data pe an dupa ~8500km. O sa ma uit de uleiul pe care mi l-ai recomandat. Daca viitoare ma gandeam sa incerc acest tip: E impresionant cat te-au tinut pana acum
m3rovingian Da, LM synthoil este un full sintetic de gr 4 - PAO....este un ulei mai bun ca leichtlauf sau molygen, doar ca nu are aprobari decat pt norme ACEEA are aprobari de la constructori Deci depinde de ce anume preferi, peace of mind sau ....
Din cate am inteles, chiar daca nu are aprobarea constructorului, nu inseamna ca nu e bun pentru masina respectiva. La fel e si cu antigelul. important e sa respecte specificatiile de vascozitate si in cazul asta full sintetic
Da, cu toata increderea. Sa adaugati si aditivul Liqui Moly CERATEC si va face minuni la reducerea consumului de ulei, atat timp cat nu o turati foarte tare si nu mergeti cu 140km/h+
Dar daca vreti cel mai bun ulei, mai bun decat acesta luat Liqui Moly Synthoil High-Tech. Costa cu 50 lei mai mult bidonul de 5 litri insa merita pe deplin. l-am folosit la un Polo IV 9N3 din 2004
Fara nicio problemă, atata timp cat aceasta este vascozitatea pe care o foloseste motorul. 5W40. Fiind din 2007 cu siguranță se poate. Uleiul este perfect. Am fost foarte mulțumit de el. Dacă vrei unul si mai bun atunci ia varianta Synthoil High Tech 5W40 de la Liqui Moly
@@m3rovingian eu recent am cumpărat mașina și azi mam uitat la cartea de întreținere a mașini și am văzut ca fostul proprietar a făcut revizia la Mercedes așa e ștampila de Mercedes acolo ai am văzut ca ii a fost băgat 7 ani încontinuu doar ulei elf Evolution 900 NF 5w-40,, ce imi recomanzi sa continui tot așa sau sa trec la uleiul asta ? Mulțumesc
@@anamaria546 Perfect. Si eu am avut in primii 2 ani uleiul ala, masina fiind in garanție si facand reviziile la Renault. Ala e uleiul folosit de ei. Dupa ce am trecut pe Liqui Moly nu am mai avut probleme cu supraincalzirea motorului la drumuri abrupte de munte. Nu mi-a mai pornit racirea automata niciodată. Iti recomand cu toata încrederea orice Liqui Moly 5W40 fie ca e Leichtlauf sau Synthoil High Tech. Sunt deosebite si mult mai bune. O sa vezi.
If you can use the 5W-40 viscosity it'll be perfect. A better one would be the 5W-40 Synthoil High Tech I reviewed here:видео.html
Azi in sfarsit schimbai filtrele ulei si aer.....cel de habitaclu nu-l schimbai, mi-a fost lene sa-l caut ( am adaptat aeroterma, masina nu prevedea asa ceva) profitat de vremea frumoasa si am si "imbalsamat" caroseria cu ulei si vaselina.....preventiv, pt rugina - tu nu ai probleme de genul asta, e renault nou si nu are 14 ani ca a mea.... Sper ca nu te deranjeaza comentariile mele, sa imi zici - nu vreau sa poluez videoclipurile...
Ma bucur pentru tine! Si in Brasov s-a facut frumos si deja ma pregatesc sa cumpar si eu filtrele mahle. Eu o sa le schimb pe la vara, cum am facut in ultimii ani. La capitolul rugina nu i-am dat cu nimic pe dedesupt, in schimb am dus-o de vreo 3 ori la ceruit. Acum am lasat-o mai moale. Mi-a zis acum cativa ani tipul de acolo ca avea un punct de rugine pe undeva. Nu l-am vazut, insa momentan nu am probleme de genul asta. In viitor sper sa mai merg, inainte de iarna sa-i fac un tratament de protectie. Imi face o deosebita placere sa discut cu tine. Asa ca te rog sa comentezi cat doresti. Eu iti promit ca voi raspune la toate comentariile tale. Doar sa-mi apara in notificari :)
Multumesc mult pt apreciere, sentimentul este reciproc....sunt foarte onorat si privilegiat sa vorbesc cu un om ca tine, se gasesc rar astfel de indivizi- cu atat mai mult in Romania A mea are ceva rugina.....chiar daca a fost versiune de "top", tratamentul pt rugina s-a facut ca la romani, cu atat mai mult ca este lowcost.....i-am facut reviziile cu ceruirea dupa cum a zis Fabrica si tot a ruginit De 2 ori i-am schimbat aripile spate cu totul si tot a ruginit....asa ca acum, de ceva timp ii aplic tratamentul meu personal.....ulei cat incape ( pana curge pe la praguri si incheieturi) si vaselina topita injectata in spatele aripilor, usilor, peste tot.... Asa tin si dacia lui tata din '70 fara pic de rugina...... O sa testez zilele astea pt Vmax uleiul, sa vad cei poate capul.....e frantuzesc 100%, sa vad ce face rivalul lui Motul...
Foarte fain ca ai grija de masini in felul asta. Recunosc si aici sunt ignorant. Eu mai mult de a da cu WD40 pe la balamale si incuietori nu am facut nimic la ea. Recent m-a lovit si pe mine nostalgia fata de Dacia 1310 pe care am dat-o la remat cand am luat Clio. S-au mirat aia ce bine arata. Era din 96, tot fara rugina. SPer sa se ridice la inaltimea asteptarilor uleiul. Sa toarca lin de tot :)
@@m3rovingian I looked technical specifications. Leichtlauf High-Tech and X-Cess Gen2 oils specifications more better than Molygen, Synthoil and Motul Specific Series and Motul 300V. I looked test videos and saw ; Castrol EDGE Titaninum FST, X-Cess, Mannol Extreme 5w40 more better than another oil. Technically, I am think Leichtlauf High-Tech and X-Cess Gen2. Because Viscosity Index 190-186, T.B.N 10.2 - 10.1, HTHS 3.5 - 3.8 (low : fuel economy, up: engine protection), sulfated ash 1/1.6 - 1.10, Pour Point -45/-45, Fire Point 230 - 228 But in Synthoil : Viscosity Index 170, T.B.N 10.5, HTHS 3.5, sulfated ash 1/1.6 - 1.10, Pour Point -48, Fire Point 230. What do you think about?
@@m3rovingian I have a Fiat 9.55535-M2 standart Linea 1.4 8 valf 57kw LPG/CNG. For LPG, which oil is be more better? Oil is in LPG, fast getting old and decreasing. Is not thin 0w-40? What are you recommend?
@@ozkan3488 I also have LPG on my car. It runs amazing with the oil I use. No it's not thin. It's a amazing for the cold start. I recommend you to get my oil.
Nu inteleg scopul testului de zgomot cu decibel-meter. Ai comparat zgomotul motorului care inca are uleiul vechi cu zgomotul produs de motor cu uleiul nou, I mean... what's the point? Si chiar si asa, pe baza decibelilor aratati pe telefon, diferenta de zgomot era infima, aproape 0. Cred ca a fost mai mult placebo pentru tine, parerea mea. Stiu ca e un comentariu la un video vechi de 7 ani, dar afirmatia ca uleiul X e mai bun decat uleiul Y pe baza testului facut de tine, mi se pare neconcludent si pripit, poate unii chiar vor lua in considerare si vor face o decizie pe baza filmarii tale. Cred ca ambele uleiuri isi fac treaba daca sunt schimbate intr-un interval corect. Pe principiul tomayto / tomahto
Este adevarat, nu am avut un aparat profesional de masurat decibelii. Insa am incercat pe cat s-a putut atunci sa prezint datele respective. Acum in privinta calitatii unui ulei fata de altul pot sa-ti spun experienta mea avuta cu Elf si Motul X-cess pe care le-am avut anterior pe masina. Cu Elf, dupa un drum de munte in care am turat motorul numai cu vitezele 1 si 2, fiindca mai mult nu puteam, la oprirea motorului, mi-a pornit racirea lui vreo 5 minute. Asta s-a intamplat cand masina era practic noua, avea vreo 4000km cu nivelul uleiului cat se poate de bun. La fel am patit si cu Motul. Cu Liqui Moly nu am mai experimentat situatia asta. Acum tu poti sa cumperi ce vrei. Eu sunt multumit de uleiul acesta. Pana acum l-am cumparat de pe diferite site-uri, precum emag si uleideulei, insa la urmatoarea achizitie il voi lua direct de la automoly, singurii distribuitori ai lor in Romania. Repet, cumpara ce ulei vrei tu si daca esti multumit, aia e tot ce conteaza.
@m3rovingian fair enough 🙂 Am văzut Liqui Molly la niste oferte acum de blackfriday iar dintr-una in alta am inceput sa caut informații despre el și așa am dat de videoul tau. Îl voi incerca de curiozitate
@@ilarionispas5104 Orice ai lua, ia-l de aici ca sa ai garantia originalitatii. Ai toate tipurile acolo. Eu numai de la ei voi lua de la urmatorul schimb.
@@m3rovingian multumesc de sfat, chiar acum ma uit prin produsele lor Nu e mare diferenta de pret fata de alte magazine care il vand la oferta si intr-adevar, ai garantia autenticitatii.
Very true. that one and the Synthoil Energy 0W40 one. Now I have in my car the one you've mentioned and on my next oil change I will test the 0W40 one. Here's the last oil change with the Synthoil High tech 5W40:видео.html
@@m3rovingian Yeah i have also in my car for the first time HIGH Tech 5w40 oil from LM. And also i notice that in Leichtlauf High Tech 5W40 vs synthoil HighTech 5w40 is difference in dB about 10 or 12dB is Quieter Synthoil HIGH TECH. And you had motul 8100 xcess i am planing next year this oil. Which is better? LM or Motul for you? Any word or comparison?
@@mptraxx5317 I had Motul. Personally I stick to Liqui Moly. In my next oil change I with use the LM Synthoil Energy 0W40 and I think I will stay with that oil for the rest of the lifetime of my car. it is simply the best they offer with that viscosity.
@@mptraxx5317 No man, trust me the 0w40 is superior. It has better fluidity in the cold starts and it has the same viscosity like the 5W40 in the high temperatures of the engine. Just look at the price of it. And the highest damage occurs in a engine at the cold starts, when the oil hasn't penetrate all the parts of its interior. Like 3-4 seconds it is metal on metal and then up to 12 seconds it need for the oil to go everywhere inside the engine. the thinner the oil at cold start the better.
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Your conclusion at the end was not very clear. Looks like the Liqi-moly runs quieter.
It is hands down my favorite oil brand. Get it and you won't regret it. Any is good as long as it is LM
Great video - I have a problem though, I dont have a lift and therefor I cannot get access to remove the oil filter from underneath, do you know if its possible by opening the hood? I have a renault clio 2012 mk3
I have no idea. In my case they accessed it from beneath.
Is this good for TSI? or should I get Ravenol VST...
E foarte bun.
@@m3rovingian ok👍
@@dragospahontu ;)
Is this oil suitable for Lexus GS300 using 2JZ-GE engine?
What year, HP, engine capacity and fuel does it have?
Please don't use the headphones on max volume during the rpm tests.
Hi, i have used moly 5w 40 to my accord cl7 06, and i changed it to motul 2100 eco.
Does this motul 2100 eco good enoght? Or better change it to moly 5w 40? Another question, does the castrol 5w 40 edge better than moly and motur. Thank you.
I used Motul 8100 in my Clio 3 and Elf oil I can tell that I enjoyed the most Liqui Moly. I don't know how your oil or Castrol is but especially about Castrol in my country I haven't heard good things. Maybe because there are a lot of fake ones.
Personally my favorite brand is Liqui Moly. The best oil you can use is the Liqui Moly 0W-40 Synthoil Energy. The engine will start faster and run in the smoothest possible way. But this one will also be impressive. My car hasn't consume a single drop of oil sine I started to use Liqui Moly. With Elf the engine was running hotter and the cooler of the engine kicked in a lot of times. Motul again, didn't appeal to me so much but at least it wasn't consumed wither. Liqui Moly is outstanding. Just make sure to replace it every 10.000km and your car will thank you!
@@m3rovingian thank you. I used the moly and changed it to motul as i said before. Just for case, the moly better but the motul is bad? Do you recommend to change it now if i will change every 5000 7000km, does it can damage the engine in any way?
Thank you.
@@elvinmammedov9747 Don't worry. It will not damage the engine in any wat. Just it's a personal preference for me. Keep the oil you have now and you can try LM on your next oil change. The interval you change your oil is very good. But you can keep it for 10.000km without any problems.
Best oil for my Honda acord 2.0 petrol 2011 ? LIQUI MOLY Synthoil Longtime 0W-30
Is this good for Audi’s as well????
Yes, as long as it's the right viscosity for you
Hi Which liqui moly is the best choice for renault turbo petrol engines?
If you can tell me what car you have, what fuel and year make it would be awesome. Also what viscosity of oil do you use now?
Hi My car is a renault kadjar 1.2 tce 130ps and i use castrol edge 5w40 I am thinking about synthoi 0w40 or high tech leichtlauf 5w40
@@dimvasileiou974 Get Synthoil Energy 0W40. It's the best one from LM. I am using it for 3 years at every 10.000km oil change.
For a lamborghini which one would you recommend? motul or liqui moly?
I recommend you to go to a Lamborghini service and let them worry your existential problem.
Pleas what is the best oil for 1.6 HDI 92HP with catalytique converter between total 5w40 or LM leightlauf high tech ?i hop answer me !
Get LM. The best of the best is 0W40 LM Synthoil Energy
my car is a volvo xc 90 2007 2.4 D5
it takes 6.5 liters of oil.
should i use one or two bottles of ceratec?
i am also planning an engine flush, but its also for 5l oil. should i use one or two?
I would say to play it safe and use just 1 bottle. Two bottles of Ceratec would be for up to 10 liters of oil. Don't mess up the oil balance.
Also don't do an engine flush because you'll damage the inside of the engine with that increase in friction level. The oil has in it detergents that clean the engine inside. Instead of spending money on a engine flush better change more often the oil and you'll have a perfect running car.
@@m3rovingian thank you very much for your anwser, its a turbo diesel and the oil lines to the turbo get very hot and oil starts coking in the lines. if the lines get blocked the turbo will have shorter lifetime. so cleaning them will help.
anyway different opinons from you and me. but i agree with you on the kwantity.
one bottle is enough.
@@ziadbakkich3132 Very well. All the best and may your car run buttersmooth for years to come.
@@m3rovingian thank you!!!
@@ziadbakkich3132 The recommendation is to use 6% ceratec.
Hi, since you used both oil, which is better?
Liqui Moly all the way. if you want to buy it now, go for the new Liqui Moly Molygen 5w40. It has a green container and also the oil is green with all the engine additives in the same package. It's the newest and greatest of LM. I will put that in my car on my next oil change.
m3rovingian, thanks for the input.I been using synthoil premium liqui moly. Want to try different oil. Saw your vlog comparing 8100 xcess motul with liqui moly leichtlauf high tech...
The Leichtlauf High Tech and Molygen are maybe the best ones you can get from LM. But overall all their products are top line. i will use only their products from now on. Hope you will like it also. I still have about 5000km to make until the next oil change, but I am looking forward to it.
@Vladimir Markov The only one that is true synthetic out of the 3 you've mentioned is Synthoil High Tech 5W40. I would get that. But trust me I had a very pleasant experience with all the LM oils I tested over the years, all 3 of them.
I need answers, what’s different between that in the video (purpule) and the blue one all of them are 5w40 and (leichtlauf high tech) the diffrent i saw it the blue on are typed in the front fully synthetic and the purple (high-tech-synthetic-technology) is it men it’s not fully synthetic?? pleas nees some answers
This is not fully synthetic but it's also a very, very good oil. The true fully synthetic one is the Synthoil High Tech I reviewed lately. You can see it in the cards of this video
m3rovingian What do u think is the better this or other one the fully synthetic, cuz my car from factory used the castrol edge professional fully synthetic 5w40 and i changed it to that one in the video i thought its a fully synthetic 💔 do u think will be any problem??
No problem at all. As i said it is a very good oil. In some tests it came out like the one that reduces the friction the most, out of all the Liqui Moly oils. My Renault didn't consume a single drop in the 5000 km I made with it till today. It runs and purs butter smooth. Keep it until the next oil change without a worry. Then if you want something even more expensive and better, go for the Synthoil + CERATEC. That's what I will do in September on my car.
m3rovingian yes i will try it in the next change, and have been but the ceratec will previous change it’s very good 👌🏼, thanks bro
One more question how many kilometers can i drove with it? (purple one) like that with the video it put it with ceratec
Which oil for w203 c220 cdi om611 engine
If your Merc is the 2001-2004 model, uses diesel and has 143hp and you have used W40 oil in it before, I'd get the Liqui Moly 5W-40 Synthoil High Tech. Usually for a diesel you should use 5W-30 or 0W-30 oils, if it's an old model like yours with low mileage. If it has more km made I think you can use W-40 also. You can also try the new Liqui Moly Synthoil High Tech 5W-30
ce diferenta este intre LIQUI MOLY Leichtlauf High Tech 5W-40 si Liqui Moly Molygen 5W40 ? sau care este mai bun pt mini cooper 1.6 116 hp 2003?
Molygen are molibden, care spun ei ar ajuta si mai mult la reducerea uzurii. Le-am folosit pe amandoua. Te asigur ca sunt foarte bune. Molygen arata aparte. Atunci cand vezi ca torni ulei de culoare verde in motor o sa ai impresia ca-i pui antigel. Daca vrei ce-i mai bun ia LM Synthoil High Tech 5W40 wau si mai bine LM Energy Synthoil 0W40, pe care-l folosesc de 2 ani in Renaultul meu.
@@m3rovingian Eu am nevoie la masina sotiei,mini cooper 2004,1.6 benzina 116 hp,si am nevoie de 5w40.
@@danielrecon5195 Atunci pune ce-i mai bune. Ori 5W-40 Synthoil High Tech ori 0W-40 Synthoil Energy. 0W-40 va fi perfect acum ca vine iarna. Pornirile la rece vor fi foarte usoare. Eu os a comand inca 5 litri de 0W-40 fiindca vreau sa schimb uleiul inainte sa vina zapada.
what about the new version - Molygen?
I was thinking of buying that, but after seeing the friction results, this one seems to be better. But Molygen is very very good also. All the LM oils are outstanding. If you want simply the best from them get the Synthoil High tech + CERATEC treatment. That's what I will put next into my Renault. you can see the combo here:видео.html
What is the best hight tech loqui moly or molygen ?
Both are just as good. They are mineral, not fully 100% synthetic oils.
High tech is better
suitable for camry sv32 ?
Do you normally use 5W-40 oils?
Brother which oil is the best for my renault clio 2 1.6 16v 2005, with 150k km. I used 5w30 elf sxr 900. But i want liqui moly oil
If it is petrol, like my car, get either Synthoil High Tech 5W40 or the Energy Synthoil 0W40. These 2 are the only true 100% synthetics from LM in their price range. If your car is diesel get the 5W30 or 0W30 counterparts from Liqui Moly.
In the technical data sheet Synthoil high tech 5w40 it is not recommended for Renault engines
@@s-t-f-r That doesn't mean it's not good for Renault, just that they didn't test it on the models, that's all. I can assure you your car will thank you, if you have a Renault, like me and use that oil. The best option is what I use for 4 years now: the Liqui Moly 0W40 Synthoil Energy. It is as good as the 5W40 Synthoil at fully warmed up temps, but it has better flow on the cold starts.
How long it lasts before it needs to be changed?
10.000km or 1 year, whichever comes first.
It is right working for Hyundai i10 1.1?
If you can use this viscosity it'll be very good.
Hi, what do you think about the Leichtlauf HC7 5W40? I see it's an old oil.
Hi. As long as it is in the shelf lifespan and it's produced, not released, recently, I'm sure it'll be great. All Liqui Moly oils are top notch.
@@m3rovingian Okay. It's made with hyrocrack basis and Synthesis technology, so is it a semi synthetic oil or what? And is it a Grade-3 oil?
I am sorry I can't find much about this particular oil on the internet.
@@aakashdeep5238 It is very good, especially if you have a car like mine that runs on LPG also. Don't worry about not being full synthetic like a grade 4. It is very good as long as you don't start the car in very low temperatures.
@@m3rovingian Mine is a 1.6 Tdi. The temperature doesnt go below 4°C here. Will be adding Certec too. Thanks for the advice. 👍
@@aakashdeep5238 I see. For diesel I recommend you to get the 5W-30 viscosity. I'm sure you can find it there also. 5W-40 is more for petrol cars.
Which oil is best for e92 335d? DPF, CAT, EGR off
Liqui Moly 0W-30 Synthoil Longtime, replaced at every 10.000km.
@@m3rovingian 5w40/0w40 is not better? In hard work?
@@kamil-wm4cp Not for diesel. That is way better for gasoline engines. For diesel you need W30, especially for your car.
@@m3rovingian ok thank you 😁🤝
@@m3rovingian what did you think if ravenol sso usvo 0w30, or Shell or petronas same 0w30?
Better noise LM 5w40?
For sure. The best is LM 0W-40 Synthoil Energy. I use it for 4 years now.
Can Abu body tell m if i can uses this oils in nissan Or toyotas
you can use it in any car don't worry
Maine se face revizia la masina mea, am comandat acest ulei.Liqui Moly Synthoil High Tech 5w40 Am zis sa incerc si cu un ulei mai bun, de 3-4 schimburi imi tot consuma ulei. Nu scoate fum, probabil or fi simiringurile la supape...zic, nu stiu exact. Am folosit diferite tipuri si branduri de ulei, tot aveam nivelul mic pe zoja.
Ce spui, acest Liqui Moly ar trebui sa stopeze sau macar sa diminueze consumul de ulei? Reduce si zgomotul motorului la rece?
E vorba de Astra g 1.7dti cu 240k km in bord.
Te asigur ca fata de ce foloseai inainte, acesta va fi excelent. Eu am reusit sa reduc aproape la 0 consumul unui Polo 9N3 din 2004 care e renumit pentru consumul de ulei, In oras nu mai consuma deloc, insa in afara daca-i dai blana o sa consume in continuare. Te sfatuiesc sa ii pui si tratamentul Ceratec de la Liqui Moly. E deosebit. Eu asa l-am folosil la Polo, Sunetul va fi mai fain si maai rotund la motor. la Polo ce-i drept am folosit versiunea si mai scumpa de Synthoil Hight Tech 5W40. Insa si acesta a fost foarte bun. Renault-ul meu ins chimb nu consuma un strop. Poti sa mai iei si aditivul de ulei Oil Stop de la Liqui Moly si sa-l ai in portbagaj dupa ce pui uleiul si Ceratec, iar aditivul ala am inteles ca face minuni. Altceva nu stiu ce ar putea ajuta.
@@m3rovingian mai scump de atat? Doar uleiul a costat 330 lei, caci inainte ma costa 250 lei uleiul + filtrele, deci revizia completa.
Multumesc ptr raspunsul promt. Acum ramane de vazut cum se va comporta motorul cu acest ulei.
@@dariusganea6321 Intra pe uleideulei sau pe eMag. Synthoil High tech 5W40 era undeva la 199-239 lei 5 litri. Dar si leichtlauf HT e deosebit. Sper sa ti se rezolve problema. Sa incerci sa nu o turezi foarte tare. Daca-i dai 140 in afara orasului nu stiou daca ai ce-i face. Am observat ca stilul de condus are un impact major. Daca mergi moderat nu vei avea nicio problema. este magazinul online al importatorului LIQUI-MOLY in Romania ( LIMOROM ). Cumperi direct de la importator...
is this oil synthetic or mineral with synthetic technology?
Mineral with synthetic. The true fully synthetic from Liqui Moly are Synthoil High-Tech 5W-40 and Energy Synthoil 0W-40.
But even this one was outstanding. Way better than Elf or Motul.
La o Honda accord benzina pot face schimbul cu uleiul asta ?? Mersi
Desigur, atata timp cat poti folosi vascozitatea 5W40. Va merge strună!
Would this be good for a 2015 x5m
Yes, very good, but for that car I would put the best of the best: Liqui Moly 0W-40 Synthoil Energyвидео.htmlsi=LjjWWlhQo7h72Ot_ for the best cold start performance. On fully warmed up engine it'll have the exact same viscosity as the 5W-40.
Helo. I have a 1.9tdi asv Seat Leon 2004, whic oil i choose? I have 268.000KM in it.
The best one you could use is the LM 0W30 Synthoil Energy If you drive agressivelly and are affraid of the oil burn you can try the Molygen 5W30 or the true fully Synthetic Synthoil High Tech
Is Motul 8100 X-cess good or bad oil? In your opinion ofc. I got it right now and im worry about that :/ thank your for answer
It's not bad, but I consider LM better. Keep it now until you get to 8000km then replace it.
@@m3rovingian Ok. Thanks!
@@ukaszmateusz408 anytime!
Salut, pe un golf 5 1.6 mpi merge si synthoil high tech 5w40 ?
Daca poti folosi vascozitatea 5W-40 va merge perfect
@@m3rovingian in carte zice 502 505 5w40 si am mers pe motul 8100xcess 5w40 dar vreau o schimbare. Ms
@@ZooM971 Daca vrei cel mai bun ulei de incearca Liqui Moly 0W40 Synthoil Energy. E exceptional la pornirea la rece. La cald va fi exact la fel ca Synthoil High tech 5W40.
@@m3rovingian ms de sfat , o zi faina 🍻
@@ZooM971 Cu multa placere, oricand! Numai bine!
Is it fully synthetic?
No. Only half. 100% sunthetic are LM 5W-40 Synthoil High Tech and 0W-40 Synthoil Energy. But even so, this is still a very good engine oil.
Liked it ! Desi este un ulei bun ( leichtlauf high tech), parerea mea este ca motorul e silentios la inceput cu orice ulei poti sa compari uleiul vechi uzat,cu un ulei proaspat pus....
Dintre dezavantajele acestui ulei, daca le pot numi asa, este ca nu este full sintetic - este un hidrocracat de gr 3+ dar este unul dintre cele mai bune uleiuri de la Liqui si cel mai bine aditivat ulei in general ( de aceea are si multe aprobari de la diversi constructori)
Deci sa-l uzezi sanatos si sa revii cu impresii, peste 4-6000 km......ce filtru de ulei ai pus?
P.S inca folosesc osram laser, thanks to you !
Multumesc mult de precizari. pot sa-ti spun ca e cel mai bun ulei pe care l-am folosit pana acum, in privinta sunetului motorului, chiar si la inceput. in trecut am utilizat Elf Tranself Si Motul X-cess. Cu niciunul n-a fost asa de placut sunetul, iar motorul merge foarte bine, cat se poate de "rotund". O sa spun cum se comporta cand ajung la km aia.
Ca filtru de ulei am pus cel original Renault, facut de cei de la MANN FILTER. Uite aici:видео.html
Ma simt onorat in privinta alegerii becurilor. Sa te tina cat mai mult!
Dpdv al "sunetului" aditivii sunt cei care fac liniste sau galagie....dpdv al protectiei, conteaza baza uleiului
Daca esti perfectionist si tii la masina ( evident din ce observ), mai mult de 6 luni/an nu lasi uleiul in motor, indiferent de preferat sa-l schimbi inainte de iarna si apoi primavara-vara, asa te asiguri ca ai ulei proaspat si aditivi la datorie inainte de inghet/temperaturi ridicate
Daca vrei si mai multa liniste, cauti uleiuri cu Molibden langa faptul ca e "friction modifier", molibdenul este responsabil pt tamponarea tacanitului de culbutori, came etc etc....
La LM exista Liqui moly molygen 5w40, nu are aprobari pt ca nu s-au chinuit sa le obtina......insa din indici pare un Leichtlauf high tech cu molibden in plus....
Daca doresti si mai multa liniste si performanta......exista uleiuri de nisa, dar scumpe
Am 1 an si peste 50 000 km cu becurile...inca nu s-au ars.....
Schimb uleiul o data pe an dupa ~8500km. O sa ma uit de uleiul pe care mi l-ai recomandat. Daca viitoare ma gandeam sa incerc acest tip:
E impresionant cat te-au tinut pana acum
m3rovingian Da, LM synthoil este un full sintetic de gr 4 - PAO....este un ulei mai bun ca leichtlauf sau molygen, doar ca nu are aprobari decat pt norme ACEEA are aprobari de la constructori
Deci depinde de ce anume preferi, peace of mind sau ....
Din cate am inteles, chiar daca nu are aprobarea constructorului, nu inseamna ca nu e bun pentru masina respectiva. La fel e si cu antigelul. important e sa respecte specificatiile de vascozitate si in cazul asta full sintetic
uleiul asta o recomandati pentru bora 1.6 16v AUS?
Da, cu toata increderea. Sa adaugati si aditivul Liqui Moly CERATEC si va face minuni la reducerea consumului de ulei, atat timp cat nu o turati foarte tare si nu mergeti cu 140km/h+
Pentru scaderea consumului de ulei aditivul de la Liqui Moly Oil Stop e de asemenea foarte bun.
La urmatorul schimb de ulei o sa bag si in Renault-ul meu Clio uleiul asta cu Ceratec
Dar daca vreti cel mai bun ulei, mai bun decat acesta luat Liqui Moly Synthoil High-Tech. Costa cu 50 lei mai mult bidonul de 5 litri insa merita pe deplin. l-am folosit la un Polo IV 9N3 din 2004
Is this good for fiat abarth 500
Brrrrrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrrrrrr It'll make it shoot out thunders on the exhaust in the morning :D Very good as long as you can use 5W-40
Poți sa imi spui te rog dacă pot pune pe Mercedes e class 2007 cdi fără DPF ?
Fara nicio problemă, atata timp cat aceasta este vascozitatea pe care o foloseste motorul. 5W40. Fiind din 2007 cu siguranță se poate. Uleiul este perfect. Am fost foarte mulțumit de el. Dacă vrei unul si mai bun atunci ia varianta Synthoil High Tech 5W40 de la Liqui Moly
@@m3rovingian mulțumesc frumos
@@anamaria546 Cu multa placere, oricand!
@@m3rovingian eu recent am cumpărat mașina și azi mam uitat la cartea de întreținere a mașini și am văzut ca fostul proprietar a făcut revizia la Mercedes așa e ștampila de Mercedes acolo ai am văzut ca ii a fost băgat 7 ani încontinuu doar ulei elf Evolution 900 NF 5w-40,, ce imi recomanzi sa continui tot așa sau sa trec la uleiul asta ? Mulțumesc
@@anamaria546 Perfect. Si eu am avut in primii 2 ani uleiul ala, masina fiind in garanție si facand reviziile la Renault. Ala e uleiul folosit de ei. Dupa ce am trecut pe Liqui Moly nu am mai avut probleme cu supraincalzirea motorului la drumuri abrupte de munte. Nu mi-a mai pornit racirea automata niciodată. Iti recomand cu toata încrederea orice Liqui Moly 5W40 fie ca e Leichtlauf sau Synthoil High Tech. Sunt deosebite si mult mai bune. O sa vezi.
Hello, would be suitable for a bmw e82 123d, n47 biturbo with DPF OFF and stage 1 soft? Thank you!
If you can use the 5W-40 viscosity it'll be perfect. A better one would be the 5W-40 Synthoil High Tech I reviewed here:видео.html
I use this oil in my 08 Subaru legacy.
Very good choice. May your car run as smooth as possible all the time!
@@m3rovingian my car runs more smoothly and the engine is more quiet than when I was using penzoil ultra platinum full synthetic.
@@KamaSyl Yes, it's made especially for a smoother engine. It's very good. if you want even better get the LM 5W-40 Synthoil High Tech.
Azi in sfarsit schimbai filtrele ulei si aer.....cel de habitaclu nu-l schimbai, mi-a fost lene sa-l caut ( am adaptat aeroterma, masina nu prevedea asa ceva) profitat de vremea frumoasa si am si "imbalsamat" caroseria cu ulei si vaselina.....preventiv, pt rugina - tu nu ai probleme de genul asta, e renault nou si nu are 14 ani ca a mea....
Sper ca nu te deranjeaza comentariile mele, sa imi zici - nu vreau sa poluez videoclipurile...
Ma bucur pentru tine! Si in Brasov s-a facut frumos si deja ma pregatesc sa cumpar si eu filtrele mahle. Eu o sa le schimb pe la vara, cum am facut in ultimii ani.
La capitolul rugina nu i-am dat cu nimic pe dedesupt, in schimb am dus-o de vreo 3 ori la ceruit. Acum am lasat-o mai moale. Mi-a zis acum cativa ani tipul de acolo ca avea un punct de rugine pe undeva. Nu l-am vazut, insa momentan nu am probleme de genul asta. In viitor sper sa mai merg, inainte de iarna sa-i fac un tratament de protectie.
Imi face o deosebita placere sa discut cu tine. Asa ca te rog sa comentezi cat doresti. Eu iti promit ca voi raspune la toate comentariile tale. Doar sa-mi apara in notificari :)
Multumesc mult pt apreciere, sentimentul este reciproc....sunt foarte onorat si privilegiat sa vorbesc cu un om ca tine, se gasesc rar astfel de indivizi- cu atat mai mult in Romania
A mea are ceva rugina.....chiar daca a fost versiune de "top", tratamentul pt rugina s-a facut ca la romani, cu atat mai mult ca este lowcost.....i-am facut reviziile cu ceruirea dupa cum a zis Fabrica si tot a ruginit
De 2 ori i-am schimbat aripile spate cu totul si tot a ruginit....asa ca acum, de ceva timp ii aplic tratamentul meu personal.....ulei cat incape ( pana curge pe la praguri si incheieturi) si vaselina topita injectata in spatele aripilor, usilor, peste tot....
Asa tin si dacia lui tata din '70 fara pic de rugina......
O sa testez zilele astea pt Vmax uleiul, sa vad cei poate capul.....e frantuzesc 100%, sa vad ce face rivalul lui Motul...
Foarte fain ca ai grija de masini in felul asta. Recunosc si aici sunt ignorant. Eu mai mult de a da cu WD40 pe la balamale si incuietori nu am facut nimic la ea.
Recent m-a lovit si pe mine nostalgia fata de Dacia 1310 pe care am dat-o la remat cand am luat Clio. S-au mirat aia ce bine arata. Era din 96, tot fara rugina.
SPer sa se ridice la inaltimea asteptarilor uleiul. Sa toarca lin de tot :)
Which oil is more better?
Leichtlauf High-Tech 5w-40 or X-Cess Gen2 5w-40?
Which oil are you use now?
Get the Liqui Moly one. It'll be better.
For 3 years now I use the Liqui Moly 0W-40 Synthoil Energy. it's the best one I could put for my type of car.
@@m3rovingian I looked technical specifications. Leichtlauf High-Tech and X-Cess Gen2 oils specifications more better than Molygen, Synthoil and Motul Specific Series and Motul 300V. I looked test videos and saw ; Castrol EDGE Titaninum FST, X-Cess, Mannol Extreme 5w40 more better than another oil.
Technically, I am think Leichtlauf High-Tech and X-Cess Gen2.
Because Viscosity Index 190-186, T.B.N 10.2 - 10.1, HTHS 3.5 - 3.8 (low : fuel economy, up: engine protection), sulfated ash 1/1.6 - 1.10, Pour Point -45/-45, Fire Point 230 - 228
But in Synthoil : Viscosity Index 170, T.B.N 10.5, HTHS 3.5, sulfated ash 1/1.6 - 1.10, Pour Point -48, Fire Point 230.
What do you think about?
@@ozkan3488 Feel free to get whichever you like. But I used both Liqui moly and Motul oils. I liked Liqui Moly ones the most.
@@m3rovingian I have a Fiat 9.55535-M2 standart Linea 1.4 8 valf 57kw LPG/CNG. For LPG, which oil is be more better? Oil is in LPG, fast getting old and decreasing. Is not thin 0w-40? What are you recommend?
@@ozkan3488 I also have LPG on my car. It runs amazing with the oil I use. No it's not thin. It's a amazing for the cold start. I recommend you to get my oil.
great video
Thank you!
Nu inteleg scopul testului de zgomot cu decibel-meter. Ai comparat zgomotul motorului care inca are uleiul vechi cu zgomotul produs de motor cu uleiul nou, I mean... what's the point?
Si chiar si asa, pe baza decibelilor aratati pe telefon, diferenta de zgomot era infima, aproape 0. Cred ca a fost mai mult placebo pentru tine, parerea mea.
Stiu ca e un comentariu la un video vechi de 7 ani, dar afirmatia ca uleiul X e mai bun decat uleiul Y pe baza testului facut de tine, mi se pare neconcludent si pripit, poate unii chiar vor lua in considerare si vor face o decizie pe baza filmarii tale.
Cred ca ambele uleiuri isi fac treaba daca sunt schimbate intr-un interval corect.
Pe principiul tomayto / tomahto
Este adevarat, nu am avut un aparat profesional de masurat decibelii. Insa am incercat pe cat s-a putut atunci sa prezint datele respective.
Acum in privinta calitatii unui ulei fata de altul pot sa-ti spun experienta mea avuta cu Elf si Motul X-cess pe care le-am avut anterior pe masina. Cu Elf, dupa un drum de munte in care am turat motorul numai cu vitezele 1 si 2, fiindca mai mult nu puteam, la oprirea motorului, mi-a pornit racirea lui vreo 5 minute. Asta s-a intamplat cand masina era practic noua, avea vreo 4000km cu nivelul uleiului cat se poate de bun. La fel am patit si cu Motul. Cu Liqui Moly nu am mai experimentat situatia asta. Acum tu poti sa cumperi ce vrei. Eu sunt multumit de uleiul acesta. Pana acum l-am cumparat de pe diferite site-uri, precum emag si uleideulei, insa la urmatoarea achizitie il voi lua direct de la automoly, singurii distribuitori ai lor in Romania. Repet, cumpara ce ulei vrei tu si daca esti multumit, aia e tot ce conteaza.
@m3rovingian fair enough 🙂
Am văzut Liqui Molly la niste oferte acum de blackfriday iar dintr-una in alta am inceput sa caut informații despre el și așa am dat de videoul tau.
Îl voi incerca de curiozitate
@@ilarionispas5104 Orice ai lua, ia-l de aici ca sa ai garantia originalitatii. Ai toate tipurile acolo. Eu numai de la ei voi lua de la urmatorul schimb.
@@m3rovingian multumesc de sfat, chiar acum ma uit prin produsele lor
Nu e mare diferenta de pret fata de alte magazine care il vand la oferta si intr-adevar, ai garantia autenticitatii.
@@ilarionispas5104 Exact ;)
This is not FULL SYNTETIC!! :) Only on syntetic base ---> this is full syntetic SYNTHOIL HIGH TECH 5W-40
Very true. that one and the Synthoil Energy 0W40 one.
Now I have in my car the one you've mentioned and on my next oil change I will test the 0W40 one.
Here's the last oil change with the Synthoil High tech 5W40:видео.html
@@m3rovingian Yeah i have also in my car for the first time HIGH Tech 5w40 oil from LM. And also i notice that in Leichtlauf High Tech 5W40 vs synthoil HighTech 5w40 is difference in dB about 10 or 12dB is Quieter Synthoil HIGH TECH. And you had motul 8100 xcess i am planing next year this oil. Which is better? LM or Motul for you? Any word or comparison?
@@mptraxx5317 I had Motul. Personally I stick to Liqui Moly. In my next oil change I with use the LM Synthoil Energy 0W40 and I think I will stay with that oil for the rest of the lifetime of my car. it is simply the best they offer with that viscosity.
@@m3rovingian Dont think that 0W40 is ok... personally 5W40 is best... 0w40 is like water it is also not so good.
@@mptraxx5317 No man, trust me the 0w40 is superior. It has better fluidity in the cold starts and it has the same viscosity like the 5W40 in the high temperatures of the engine. Just look at the price of it. And the highest damage occurs in a engine at the cold starts, when the oil hasn't penetrate all the parts of its interior. Like 3-4 seconds it is metal on metal and then up to 12 seconds it need for the oil to go everywhere inside the engine. the thinner the oil at cold start the better.
bine romane ;)
Mersi mult! ;)
suitable for camry sv32 ?
Only if you use 5W-40 in your car