I’d like to see a close up of the sensor position. It looks like it’s on the backside of the latch but I don’t see how there’s any space to get the two pins in the holes. The mechanism also hits the whole sensor in that spot. If I put it in the front side of the latch, there’s nothing there to open and close the metal sensor bar. I’m also wondering what would happen not to use the sensor at all, removing it from the alarm system…? Thanks!
my latch is still only catching on the secondary lock even after replacement. The hood release line is in there and it works when I pull the lever from the inside but it still never catches the primary lock. Any tips?
Check the alignment and the height of the latch and check the catch on the hood. Also the core support may not be positioned correctly or it might even be broken and sagging.
Just got an 05 golf TDI as my first car and the hood won’t close so I’m hoping this works, also great job on keeping the video simple
Thank you hope it fixes your issue
I’d like to see a close up of the sensor position. It looks like it’s on the backside of the latch but I don’t see how there’s any space to get the two pins in the holes. The mechanism also hits the whole sensor in that spot. If I put it in the front side of the latch, there’s nothing there to open and close the metal sensor bar.
I’m also wondering what would happen not to use the sensor at all, removing it from the alarm system…? Thanks!
Que pasa si elimina ese sensor de la chapa que funcione pierde
Cart tell you how many time iv fix my car with your vidows cheers man
my latch is still only catching on the secondary lock even after replacement. The hood release line is in there and it works when I pull the lever from the inside but it still never catches the primary lock. Any tips?
Check the alignment and the height of the latch and check the catch on the hood. Also the core support may not be positioned correctly or it might even be broken and sagging.
I just got those same headl8ghts lol that's a lot of purple in that engine bay, did u happen to turbo ur 2.0 while u were in there?
No, I would have liked too but I ended up selling the car cause financial issues
What’s the torque specs on the bolts I used an inch Milwaukee but not sure if there tight enough ?? Thanks from Gibraltar
75-85 ft. Lbs.
Best mecaniker
so how do you unbolt the grill? Also this the same on a MKIV GTI?
My grill just snaps in. It should be the same on the gti
@@royzcustomz I removed mine years ago but forget... It has bolts I think... :(
@@neccros007 I know there are bolts in the bumper cover behind the grill on mine.
two on the top of the grill
Part number?
I just typed in mk4 golf hood latch in amazon.
Sometimes, car parts are expensive...lol!