one of the best pieces of advice ive ever recived was from you. "instead of worried about what to get/what skill to train you can be doing wood cutting (different video) or slayer and gaining xp and figuring it out." great advice thank you
I see where you're coming from, but I think he more meant if you don't have magic damage boosting gear you are better off focusing on higher prayer bonus than magic accuracy, as per his example of mystic.
Wow, cancel culture is really getting out of hand these days. Back in my day, we did every slayer task we were given, and we liked it that way. We even had to walk in three feet of snow, uphill both ways, to get to our slayer tasks!
I got perma muted because I said "there's only 2 genders, and pride is a pedo agenda" I got perma muted pretty quick. Imagine not having free speech. They can mute me in game but not irl. Fuk gagex.
Counterpoint for making cannonballs on an ironman: Slayer is such a crucial skill for unlocking so many things that you can really burn out trying to unlock everything. There's been so many times where I just wanted to hold off on content until I have a whip or an occult necklace and it can be demotivating. Cannonballs give you a way to do something else while still making progress on the most important skill in the game.
The most efficient way to play is what you're most consistent with. If that's cannonballs then it's worth it. Individual preference aside, cannonballs are not objectively an efficient mwthod.
@@ANONM60D You're right actually efficiency is the only thing that matters. If we don't make enough OSRS progress we will have children and they will see us as sad failures :( It's really sad that we can't focus on making our own goals and finding ways to make it interesting but it's really for the greater good.
@@jessesmink8532 Cannon is worth for ironmen with double mold this is bad advice its so worth for things like daggonoth or bloodveld tasks, can afk it and its ehp especially early game slayer. Win-Win.
I agree with you about cannonballs for normal slayer tasks for irons, I only make the cannonballs and use them for risky wildy tasks just to make the actual task itself quicker so I can get in and out lol
Same, I vastly prefer to spend time outside of the wilderness to expedite the time I have to spend in it. Also, the wilderness slayer cave tasks where you can cannon are ridiculously lucrative.
I disagree with cannonballs being inefficient for Ironmen and here's why. You play RuneScape for a living so you have "unlimited" time to actively play the game. But with my more traditional office job I only have 1-4 hours a day to actively play the game. But I can make cannonballs while I'm working and since that is time that I absolutely cannot be training slayer, the cannonballs are essentially zero-time to make.
Like I said in the video, of course you should do what you enjoy and fits best with your playstyle. But the point of the video is for players to be aware of how different methods fit into the macro picture of progressing their account. Because some newer ironmen aren't aware that it's objectively inefficient and will use their active time to make cannonballs As for my personal playstyle, I don't have unlimited active play time as my living requires me to afk a few hours a day so I can edit. If I'm on a slayer grind I'll afk in the catacombs with proselyte since its 1 click every 5-10 mins. Or if I have a boss task I'll just do redwoods/karambwans which is 4-5 minutes of afk, because I don't consider the 1 minute of idle time that you get with cballs to be afk enough
I’ve really struggled with the intricacies of slayer and gear setup etc… there’s nothing really in game to help out with this stuff but this guide is actually so helpful tysm
My thing is that it feels so expensive at mid levels since the drops suck and the alchables don’t really cover the price of food/pots/ammo/runes. You gotta get lucky on the task or get a higher slayer level to start consistently profiting
Small correction: Imbued heart doesn't increase damage much for barrage tasks, as max hit isn't calculated by mage level for offensive spells as opposed to powered staves
that dbaxe combo at the POH is brilliant. I always just brought a bunch of regular attack potions to counteract the loss for dirt cheap but that's way better. I was mainly using the POH spec to boost my prayer points by like 25 and save prayer potions, especially during shorter boss encounters, but now I'll definitely do that too.
I'm an iron who's stingy as hell with my ppots, and a religious Ancient Mace prayer booster. My one BIG recommendation to POH prayer boosting with beyond using a dbaxe to str boost first, is ALWAYS flick Piety. I find it particularly useful for bosses if you're POH restoring each kill and the extra 25-35 prayer guarantees a ppotless kill (or 3), and love to pre-boost before GWD runs where the boost can help me get an extra kill before fully restoring with the altar.
When it comes to barraging smoke devils, it is worth not wearing proselyte armor. Despite the level 1 magic they have, the 600 magic defense does come into play. Going from proselyte to mystic gives roughly a 25% increase to DPS. Could also bring vestments which give decent prayer bonus, and will get roughly 20% more DPS
@@zackjoseph9127 on most barrage tasks, the vestments over prossy is an incredibly small difference in DPS. At the end of the day it doesn't matter to much either way. Virtus wins anyway :p
Addendum to the cballs thing for ironman. I haven't got the calculations on hand, but the specific angle I went for it is that the cannoning ranged xp is removing time that would have been spent gathering and using chins. I found that factoring in the time saved on ranged xp, and the time saved on the tasks, it's pretty much neutral or slightly negative. As someone who hates hunter, and doesn't have alts for stacking monkeys, it's saving some time on a high effort activity (hunting for and using chins) by doing a lower effort activity (making cballs), at a slight cost of efficiency. I wouldn't go out of your way to gather or purchase ore to make cballs, but if you have the steel bars from blast furnace you would have done, or from drops, it's a somewhat okay thing to do in my eyes. But I don't care too much for max EHP.
The Lumbridge Swamp shack is also a convenient way to reach Chaeldar, low requirements and it lands you in the fairy ring just south of her, as opposed to the one across the wheat field
Ironman here, I agree cannonballs are waste of time to make for slayer. for the dragon war hammer grind, I made up about 25k of them and ended up getting the hammer with 15k left over. Now that I have them and have been using them for slayer, I don’t know if I can go back 😂
A couple more tips: The Witchwood icon is actually not needed for cave horrors if you pray melee. You will have to sit through some annoying dialogue if you didnt bring one though. For non irons, bring max gear. Use stat boosts. Use Piety. You can always use the time you saved to make back the GP lost burning those prayer/boost pots.
As a mobile IM, making cannonballs is amazingly efficient. You can AFK mining coal for hours and get several thousand steel bars a day with very, very little effort. By the time I'm done with a 10hr shift at work, I have enough cannonballs to AFK Slayer for at least a few days. Definitely in my top 3 favorite investments.
Afk methods are good as long as they're not done on active play time, but which are best for a person's account? Narb fishing, redwoods, melee's are usually better than cannon balls
I don’t have ancestral or virtus, but for nechs I use verac top and bottom for bursting/barraging. Great balance between prayer and defense and allows you to pretty easily tank Necryarchs + adds without dying or having to run to lose ad agro. I do camp blood barrage or burst to clutch the superior kill.
24:50 Whole purpose of being able to cannon your slay monsters is because sometimes you want to play actively and not skip a task but rather rush it out. Afk playing is only for when your doing something else as well. So that's why you want to keep a stack of c balls for your slay tasks.
You can even upgrade the target dummy to the undead version to get even higher max hits with a slayer helm on (or salv ammy of course), with 80 prayer and doing this trick I can go a full 10 minute afk in the catacombs with prayer gear. Quick tp back to house to repeat and another 10 minutes of afk. Its super nice.
Mabye someone has already said this by now, however imbued/or saturated heart doesn't help with barrage slayer, as these spells don't get damage boost from magic level, only accuracy. Your thinking of powered staffs, these are what gets a damage boost from magic level. Hope this helps
Tbh you should probably max your account before you even touch slayer. The most important thing in this game is completing every other facet of the game to maximize being efficient at the thing you are doing.
@@Nagatoobito i was just joking around and poking fun at ppl that will do 50 hr grinds to save 2 ticks here and there. That being said though, an inefficient hours better than no hour, ya know? Stuff like nmz and cooking arent good uses of active time, but if its an hour you would otherwise not be doing anything in game its nice. Like for me, smithing cballs is a bad use of time for an Ironman, but it makes use of time i would otherwise just not be logged in and is ridiculously useful for slayer.
I like to use the Edgeville fairy ring to get to Chaeldar. Stock up on like, two dozen glories and let ‘em rip, then you get a bunch of chances at an eternal glory at once when you go to recharge them.
Dude , melee daganoth task can take like an hour , with cannon it's 15 mins. I am pretty sure I can make enough cannonballs for task in 45 mins and have some to spare. So ironmen should use cannon especially if they have iron bars stacked
white bracelet expid is super nice for rushing those 9 for low slay masters. the slaughter i keep on whenever its a monster i can afk a bit. so i can spend more time with my alt. or if im cooking/eating :D
i wanted grotesque guardians pet so getting it granted me enough enhanced cannonballs for 99 slayer and enough granite dust for another 3+ years of enhancing cannonballs
98 slayer, been using Duradel since unlocked. I still go Ardy -> Brim -> cart -> village. I justify it by grabbing coconuts or replanting in Brim on my way through.
Cannonballs do an average of slightly under 15 damage each, if you make 2k cannonballs in an hour thats 30k damage or 30k slayer experience an hour. Considering especially for early slayer before bursting many tasks can be between 10 and 30k slayer xp/hr and the fact that cannons make slayer more afk it is by a large margin worth making cannonballs. Another point you partially missed is you can npc contact get a task from krystillia if its burstable or revs do it if not turael skip it then every 10th task do duradel/nieve and every 50th konar. Another thing missed is that pvp worlds can allow you to use ice sacks and blighted supplies to make early bursting on an iron a lot cheaper.
Youre not including the time it takes to use the cannon. And if you're using it on a singles task it's no where near 30k slayer xp an hour. You can't just do a 1:1 comparison on that lol
@@serialflipper5857 you're mistaken once the cannon is down and firing it is 0 time since you'd be slaying anyways during that time so the only value is the time it takes to acquire ammo
@@serialflipper5857 changing spellbooks takes under 2 minutes burstable tasks aren't overly common and there are altars you can put in your house to spellbook swap even faster
I would really love a guide on how to make money with Slayer. Even keeping the tasks limited to those that are on the easy list, I go through a ton of potions and food working on the tasks, and that costs gold.
been watching your vids for some time now, and i always enjoy them. I probably should have subscribed a while ago but today i finally did because i loved that pic spook drew of the alternate reality yall, super adorable. #goalsAF
Hell I make cannonballs on my main all the time. Great afk task while also giving some smithing xp (I know it’s barely any). Plus I do gargoyles for afk melee xp all the time so I tend to have steel bars in the bank
Pro tip for anyone struggling against a superior nechryael the spawns don't attack you if the main superior isn't hitting you. So if you safe spot it before you agro it. You take 0 damage. In salyer tower basement you can safe spot it on the buckets on the floor. I do it with a dragon hally and got myself an imbued heart so it's definitely worth it!
You can also safespot behind the table on the top floor of the Slayer Tower (obviously), and in the Western area of the Catacombs, you can run up to the greater demons, pray protect melee if the aggro, and cast (I'll bring a full magic damage swap if meleeing, or at least a trident swap if burst/barraging). If burst/barraging it's not uncommon to hit the superior when it spawns. If it summons spawns, running 10 tiles out of range of them will de-aggro them, and you can then safespot effectively. This also works for melee by just running out of range any time the spawn are summoned, but you can still expect to take moderate damage each time if you're unlucky, so always pack a few good food items if this is your planned method for handling Nechryarch.
id also say "dont make cannonballs" is a meh take. Yes, avoid making cannonballs if u dont have steel bars, but if u do have steel bars, cannonballs is by far the most efficient use for them. Theres also the fact that cannonballs is smth u can set up for 30s and then do for hours on end, u cant just go to a slayer master and choose an afk task. So for short sessions of afk or if u have a task u want to keep but dont want to do right now, why not just make some cannonballs
great tip; lower levels should do wildy slayer. by default you dont want to bring but 3 items + an item you're comfortable with loosing. +1 isnt guaranteed.. be ok with loosing.. plus better points. my point; the cannon is viable for 90% of tasks, the gp at lower levels is unmatched. by default your gear is cheap & nce you get to lv 50 or so wildy, you're way ahead in pts &'s very unerlooked imo.
idk im still team iron cannon. 2,000 cannonballs lasts a good while, if i can put in 30 mins when i dont really wanna play or if im watching something to make a ton of future tasks go by quicker, im in. gargoyles is also a great source of bars
@@serialflipper5857 yeah and like every 4th task is one that it makes sense to cannon so 12-24 doing a few per day max, sometimes a couple days between tasks, 30 mins every so often at that rate really ain’t that bad
No main should ever buy a Rune Pouch or Herb Sack using Slayer Points. Rune Pouch should be bought on GE via Rune Pouch Note, and Herb Sack can be brought from Tithe Farms.
You did know that the javelins are not saved by Ava’s device. It’s in your trailblazer league video when you did demonic gorillas. You built a heavy ballista and used javelins to mess around.
For the longest time I thought you got regular points between 10 and 50 streak. I figured the fastest method for points would be to do 9 Turael then 1 other task then reset. Don't be me, keep your task streak going as long as you can.
22:39 But canon is so expensive! I'm trying to save money and profit from slayer. Losing like 300k-500k gp per task is not worth it unless you are very rich. Xp is nice, but not at such high cost that drive you to poverty
should of put tureal skipping for end game irons going for occult or hydra (ive watched this video over the course of 2-3 days so if you did sorry I forgot). I started skipping and resetting my streak at 91 slayer and am at 94 now, lots faster in my opinion to get occult, and to get hydra tasks (when I get there) for barraging and cannoning tasks. to me, making cannonballs for bursting smoke devils is 100% worth the time
can someone explain if/how it works what he said at 15:30 about the heart boosting barrage damage? i thought that worked for charged staves but not spells
As an Ironman, I like using a cannon for lizaran shammans, it's a task I have to do for the hammer but I can't stand doing it without the cannon, I can't think of any other uses for it though
I have been using the bracelets but I have gotten all the gems for them passively from other content. Haven't yet tried mining them so I guess it's fast to mine relevant gems and therefore will not fall into that cannonball category of "could have just done Slayer task instead during that time"
If you get your coal from miscellanea then you only have to worry about the iron which if you care about the mining gloves or your clan does a mining skill of the week you can end up with a lot of iron. As an iron who hates slayer the time I spend making the cannonballs is good because I wouldn't have been doing slayer anyway. I will never melee a bloodveld. Cannon go brrr. But if you are someone that doesn't need the cannon as slayer motivation more power to you.
I made 30k cannonballs during 100% afk time and did cannon slayer when i could play actively. Cannon slayer is something that I find very enjoyable despite being macro EHP inefficient in theory. But if I wasn't making cballs I probably wouldn't log in to do it and wouldn't be as motivated to train slayer. So for me it's macro efficent
My tip. Don't do certain quests until you hit 99 slayer. For example if you don't ever want elves don't do regicide. You'll never get elevs and can use your blocks on other things. It's like a free block. You can do the same with other tasks.
I have 99 slayer why did I watch this lol, When it comes to ironman and canon though I think the only time it's fine to make them is when you're on a boss task you don't want to skip but need to afk, doing it in this frequency you can pretty much just use up the steel bars you get from slayer drops and upkeep fine. Generally there's usually something better you can be doing with your time though. If the iron makes it to corp that is a good way of getting cballs too. I wish I had this video when I was new haha
Tbh I do cballs when I'm playing other games. You can easily get over 2k steel bars in an hour buying ore and coal and smelting at blast furnace, and then making the cballs is the most afk shit ever. So essentially I consider it 8k cballs/hr of active time, so when considering how much slower some tasks are without the cannon, it's more efficient to use it. Plus it just takes some tasks from a boring afk hour of sipping ppots to a task that will get 70k range xp and 60k slayer xp/hr vs 0 range xp and 20k slayer xp/hr.
I have never made cannon balls on my ironman however some monster was dropping them and I have like 2k banked. So I’ll shoot those ones I get but I’ll never make them lol. I think I got most of these from my Calvarion d-pick grind.
That demo of inventory setups was exactly what I needed. This will make swapping tasks so much easier.
Just wait until you hear about bank tag imports
Edit: Ah I commented too soon, kip goes over it my bad
one of the best pieces of advice ive ever recived was from you. "instead of worried about what to get/what skill to train you can be doing wood cutting (different video) or slayer and gaining xp and figuring it out." great advice thank you
you must be retarded if you're standing in lumbridge wondering what to do, glad you're cured
My man really just said "Don't use an adamant crossbow, use a twisted bow"
“dont use mystic, use ancestral!” ok buddy 😂
Dust off that old junky twisted bow. It turns out that it is pretty useful in niche cases.
@@ChaseR_SvG Damn it, I dropped it when I got it from a goblin in Lumbridge as a lvl 3
Exactly how I felt
I see where you're coming from, but I think he more meant if you don't have magic damage boosting gear you are better off focusing on higher prayer bonus than magic accuracy, as per his example of mystic.
The Nieve and mudkip picture is so cute!!
Wow, cancel culture is really getting out of hand these days. Back in my day, we did every slayer task we were given, and we liked it that way. We even had to walk in three feet of snow, uphill both ways, to get to our slayer tasks!
Well we had the thing where you could go to the Burthope master and substitute your Duradel task for a quick n easy one
Really? I had to climb mountains, swim through lava, kiss vorkath and spank duradaddy for my tasks
I got perma muted because I said "there's only 2 genders, and pride is a pedo agenda" I got perma muted pretty quick. Imagine not having free speech. They can mute me in game but not irl. Fuk gagex.
Top comment haha
Cut to Mudkip fishing his 1203498235092348th karambwan while writing a script saying how inefficient it is to use your afk time for making cannonballs
heron pet isn't gonna follow itself
@jeteper5530 maybe the real heron is the friends we made along the way
@@Xepent dont you mean Harem?
@@randykeith1203 lmao
Counterpoint for making cannonballs on an ironman: Slayer is such a crucial skill for unlocking so many things that you can really burn out trying to unlock everything. There's been so many times where I just wanted to hold off on content until I have a whip or an occult necklace and it can be demotivating. Cannonballs give you a way to do something else while still making progress on the most important skill in the game.
The most efficient way to play is what you're most consistent with. If that's cannonballs then it's worth it. Individual preference aside, cannonballs are not objectively an efficient mwthod.
@@ANONM60D You're right actually efficiency is the only thing that matters. If we don't make enough OSRS progress we will have children and they will see us as sad failures :( It's really sad that we can't focus on making our own goals and finding ways to make it interesting but it's really for the greater good.
@@Emptynogin1 lol
Can't wait until the guy needs ammo for his crossbow and has 1 smithing.
Just make cannonballs you dipshit.
Thumbnail: Don't use cannon. Video: Use cannon
With ironman logo more like dont use this ironman
@@jessesmink8532 Cannon is worth for ironmen with double mold this is bad advice its so worth for things like daggonoth or bloodveld tasks, can afk it and its ehp especially early game slayer. Win-Win.
Clickbait is op
I was literally looking through the video to be like "why"
thanks downvoting the vid for this
"Slaying with your combat bracelet and obby cape" fuckin sent me lol
I agree with you about cannonballs for normal slayer tasks for irons, I only make the cannonballs and use them for risky wildy tasks just to make the actual task itself quicker so I can get in and out lol
Same, I vastly prefer to spend time outside of the wilderness to expedite the time I have to spend in it. Also, the wilderness slayer cave tasks where you can cannon are ridiculously lucrative.
I disagree with cannonballs being inefficient for Ironmen and here's why. You play RuneScape for a living so you have "unlimited" time to actively play the game. But with my more traditional office job I only have 1-4 hours a day to actively play the game. But I can make cannonballs while I'm working and since that is time that I absolutely cannot be training slayer, the cannonballs are essentially zero-time to make.
Like I said in the video, of course you should do what you enjoy and fits best with your playstyle. But the point of the video is for players to be aware of how different methods fit into the macro picture of progressing their account. Because some newer ironmen aren't aware that it's objectively inefficient and will use their active time to make cannonballs
As for my personal playstyle, I don't have unlimited active play time as my living requires me to afk a few hours a day so I can edit. If I'm on a slayer grind I'll afk in the catacombs with proselyte since its 1 click every 5-10 mins. Or if I have a boss task I'll just do redwoods/karambwans which is 4-5 minutes of afk, because I don't consider the 1 minute of idle time that you get with cballs to be afk enough
I trained so much slayer during work. AFK bell hounds/dagganoths/Abbys/bloodvelds in catacombs
@@WildMudkipall fair points, including inexperienced players using active time on cannonballs. Hadn't thought about that. Thx for the reply
@@evanren8516I wouldn't call any enemy that isn't aggressive (like Abby demons or bloodbelds) afk, even if it is incredibly laid back
@@quagleskarff with venator bow they're surprisingly afkable. Particularly bloodvelds
Oke of the better slayer videos I've watched. Really solid stuff dude
I’ve really struggled with the intricacies of slayer and gear setup etc… there’s nothing really in game to help out with this stuff but this guide is actually so helpful tysm
My thing is that it feels so expensive at mid levels since the drops suck and the alchables don’t really cover the price of food/pots/ammo/runes. You gotta get lucky on the task or get a higher slayer level to start consistently profiting
Small correction: Imbued heart doesn't increase damage much for barrage tasks, as max hit isn't calculated by mage level for offensive spells as opposed to powered staves
Thanks, I added that edit for the description
Yeah you dumbo lol jk nice vid @@WildMudkip
that dbaxe combo at the POH is brilliant. I always just brought a bunch of regular attack potions to counteract the loss for dirt cheap but that's way better. I was mainly using the POH spec to boost my prayer points by like 25 and save prayer potions, especially during shorter boss encounters, but now I'll definitely do that too.
I'm an iron who's stingy as hell with my ppots, and a religious Ancient Mace prayer booster. My one BIG recommendation to POH prayer boosting with beyond using a dbaxe to str boost first, is ALWAYS flick Piety. I find it particularly useful for bosses if you're POH restoring each kill and the extra 25-35 prayer guarantees a ppotless kill (or 3), and love to pre-boost before GWD runs where the boost can help me get an extra kill before fully restoring with the altar.
speaking of the ways to edgeville dont forget about the canoe system super niche for ironmen or low lvl accounts
When it comes to barraging smoke devils, it is worth not wearing proselyte armor. Despite the level 1 magic they have, the 600 magic defense does come into play. Going from proselyte to mystic gives roughly a 25% increase to DPS. Could also bring vestments which give decent prayer bonus, and will get roughly 20% more DPS
I use vestments at all my barraging tasks. The dps is more inportant than the negligible ammount of extra prayer
@@zackjoseph9127 on most barrage tasks, the vestments over prossy is an incredibly small difference in DPS. At the end of the day it doesn't matter to much either way. Virtus wins anyway :p
@@Xeno_11 :p
twice ive been told to feel bad making cannonballs, as im making cannonballs watching your video, "are you in my walls?"
Addendum to the cballs thing for ironman. I haven't got the calculations on hand, but the specific angle I went for it is that the cannoning ranged xp is removing time that would have been spent gathering and using chins. I found that factoring in the time saved on ranged xp, and the time saved on the tasks, it's pretty much neutral or slightly negative. As someone who hates hunter, and doesn't have alts for stacking monkeys, it's saving some time on a high effort activity (hunting for and using chins) by doing a lower effort activity (making cballs), at a slight cost of efficiency. I wouldn't go out of your way to gather or purchase ore to make cballs, but if you have the steel bars from blast furnace you would have done, or from drops, it's a somewhat okay thing to do in my eyes. But I don't care too much for max EHP.
ty I am ready to slay now
The Lumbridge Swamp shack is also a convenient way to reach Chaeldar, low requirements and it lands you in the fairy ring just south of her, as opposed to the one across the wheat field
okay, glad you said something about tarn's lair, was needing that to help my obsession with shades of mort'ton so I did the right thing
I havent had slayer points since like 86 slayer 4 years ago. Turial is the best master in game tbh
Mudkip, your videos are truly underrated
"it makes it almost like theres an aggression potion in the game"
Goading potion: "am i a joke to you?"
Ironman here, I agree cannonballs are waste of time to make for slayer. for the dragon war hammer grind, I made up about 25k of them and ended up getting the hammer with 15k left over. Now that I have them and have been using them for slayer, I don’t know if I can go back 😂
perfect, in time for my clans slayer compitition week
Yo if youre doing prizes be careful. I got bonked for giving out prize money with no chance of appeal
@@Jude-yk9uc sure you did
@@fuckyoutube647 ???
A couple more tips:
The Witchwood icon is actually not needed for cave horrors if you pray melee. You will have to sit through some annoying dialogue if you didnt bring one though.
For non irons, bring max gear. Use stat boosts. Use Piety. You can always use the time you saved to make back the GP lost burning those prayer/boost pots.
uploaded on my b day, good present!
As a mobile IM, making cannonballs is amazingly efficient. You can AFK mining coal for hours and get several thousand steel bars a day with very, very little effort. By the time I'm done with a 10hr shift at work, I have enough cannonballs to AFK Slayer for at least a few days. Definitely in my top 3 favorite investments.
Afk methods are good as long as they're not done on active play time, but which are best for a person's account? Narb fishing, redwoods, melee's are usually better than cannon balls
Mining coal? Yikes....
@@user-wx7mi5dj8u This guy's never been to motherlode mine or miscellania huh.
Mining coal afk Yea 3 ticking sandstone i usually do for afk Mining
I don’t have ancestral or virtus, but for nechs I use verac top and bottom for bursting/barraging. Great balance between prayer and defense and allows you to pretty easily tank Necryarchs + adds without dying or having to run to lose ad agro. I do camp blood barrage or burst to clutch the superior kill.
Assuming quest cape and base 70s with 95 slayer, you generally have a higher chance of getting a kraken task from Konar over nieve/duradel
Yeah but then you have to deal with Konar tasks
24:50 Whole purpose of being able to cannon your slay monsters is because sometimes you want to play actively and not skip a task but rather rush it out. Afk playing is only for when your doing something else as well. So that's why you want to keep a stack of c balls for your slay tasks.
that ancient mace spec trick is actually really good
You can even upgrade the target dummy to the undead version to get even higher max hits with a slayer helm on (or salv ammy of course), with 80 prayer and doing this trick I can go a full 10 minute afk in the catacombs with prayer gear. Quick tp back to house to repeat and another 10 minutes of afk. Its super nice.
Mabye someone has already said this by now, however imbued/or saturated heart doesn't help with barrage slayer, as these spells don't get damage boost from magic level, only accuracy. Your thinking of powered staffs, these are what gets a damage boost from magic level. Hope this helps
I got one early and it was nice because I could use ice barrage at a lower magic level
Pro slayer tip: get 99 farming before you start slayer to get the most out of your seed drops!!
And don't forget to get max combat stats, Piety, Rigour, Augury, and 99 prayer to maximize your efficiency!
Tbh you should probably max your account before you even touch slayer. The most important thing in this game is completing every other facet of the game to maximize being efficient at the thing you are doing.
@@BoHornnot really efficient sitting at nightmare for 100s of hours lol
@@Nagatoobito i was just joking around and poking fun at ppl that will do 50 hr grinds to save 2 ticks here and there. That being said though, an inefficient hours better than no hour, ya know? Stuff like nmz and cooking arent good uses of active time, but if its an hour you would otherwise not be doing anything in game its nice. Like for me, smithing cballs is a bad use of time for an Ironman, but it makes use of time i would otherwise just not be logged in and is ridiculously useful for slayer.
@@Nagatoobito theyre memeing
I like to use the Edgeville fairy ring to get to Chaeldar. Stock up on like, two dozen glories and let ‘em rip, then you get a bunch of chances at an eternal glory at once when you go to recharge them.
Dude , melee daganoth task can take like an hour , with cannon it's 15 mins. I am pretty sure I can make enough cannonballs for task in 45 mins and have some to spare. So ironmen should use cannon especially if they have iron bars stacked
2k cannonballs is 25 min, 500 Steel bars blast furnace 10 min
white bracelet expid is super nice for rushing those 9 for low slay masters.
the slaughter i keep on whenever its a monster i can afk a bit. so i can spend more time with my alt. or if im cooking/eating :D
i wanted grotesque guardians pet so getting it granted me enough enhanced cannonballs for 99 slayer and enough granite dust for another 3+ years of enhancing cannonballs
98 slayer, been using Duradel since unlocked. I still go Ardy -> Brim -> cart -> village.
I justify it by grabbing coconuts or replanting in Brim on my way through.
Why don't you just plant a spirit tree at brim then house tree to brim to cart to vill
Cannonballs do an average of slightly under 15 damage each, if you make 2k cannonballs in an hour thats 30k damage or 30k slayer experience an hour. Considering especially for early slayer before bursting many tasks can be between 10 and 30k slayer xp/hr and the fact that cannons make slayer more afk it is by a large margin worth making cannonballs. Another point you partially missed is you can npc contact get a task from krystillia if its burstable or revs do it if not turael skip it then every 10th task do duradel/nieve and every 50th konar. Another thing missed is that pvp worlds can allow you to use ice sacks and blighted supplies to make early bursting on an iron a lot cheaper.
Youre not including the time it takes to use the cannon. And if you're using it on a singles task it's no where near 30k slayer xp an hour. You can't just do a 1:1 comparison on that lol
Also, how can you npc contact if you're bursting?
@@serialflipper5857 you're mistaken once the cannon is down and firing it is 0 time since you'd be slaying anyways during that time so the only value is the time it takes to acquire ammo
@@serialflipper5857 changing spellbooks takes under 2 minutes burstable tasks aren't overly common and there are altars you can put in your house to spellbook swap even faster
Take a dagganoth or troll task for example. 150 plus kills in 15 minutes soley because of using a cannon. Ill take that xp rate any day
Using the cannon to save on prayer potions and I get roasted.
I would really love a guide on how to make money with Slayer. Even keeping the tasks limited to those that are on the easy list, I go through a ton of potions and food working on the tasks, and that costs gold.
been watching your vids for some time now, and i always enjoy them. I probably should have subscribed a while ago but today i finally did because i loved that pic spook drew of the alternate reality yall, super adorable. #goalsAF
When silver jewelry was still new. I did 77 slayer with slaughter bracelets. Thinking they were the ones that sped up tasks. 😅
Hey dude, nice vid. Thanks for the tips, I'm currently grinding out 80 slayer and need to know any ways I can speed it up!
If you're a main and have an extra 2.5-3m to throw around, you can also purchase a rune pouch note on the GE instead of playing LMS.
Hell I make cannonballs on my main all the time. Great afk task while also giving some smithing xp (I know it’s barely any). Plus I do gargoyles for afk melee xp all the time so I tend to have steel bars in the bank
Also the people who are doing AFK cannonballs are not the people who have 90 wc to cut redwoods…
As an ironman, I only use cannonballs if it makes the task afk, like bloodvelds. Although that might change when we get the aggression potion
Pro tip for anyone struggling against a superior nechryael the spawns don't attack you if the main superior isn't hitting you. So if you safe spot it before you agro it. You take 0 damage. In salyer tower basement you can safe spot it on the buckets on the floor. I do it with a dragon hally and got myself an imbued heart so it's definitely worth it!
You can also safespot behind the table on the top floor of the Slayer Tower (obviously), and in the Western area of the Catacombs, you can run up to the greater demons, pray protect melee if the aggro, and cast (I'll bring a full magic damage swap if meleeing, or at least a trident swap if burst/barraging). If burst/barraging it's not uncommon to hit the superior when it spawns. If it summons spawns, running 10 tiles out of range of them will de-aggro them, and you can then safespot effectively. This also works for melee by just running out of range any time the spawn are summoned, but you can still expect to take moderate damage each time if you're unlucky, so always pack a few good food items if this is your planned method for handling Nechryarch.
you can always buy the rune pouch at ge
id also say "dont make cannonballs" is a meh take. Yes, avoid making cannonballs if u dont have steel bars, but if u do have steel bars, cannonballs is by far the most efficient use for them. Theres also the fact that cannonballs is smth u can set up for 30s and then do for hours on end, u cant just go to a slayer master and choose an afk task. So for short sessions of afk or if u have a task u want to keep but dont want to do right now, why not just make some cannonballs
"it's kind of as if there is like an aggression potion in the game", 6 months later varlamore part 2 introduces an aggression potion LOL
watching this while making cannonballs
Great video!
great tip; lower levels should do wildy slayer. by default you dont want to bring but 3 items + an item you're comfortable with loosing. +1 isnt guaranteed.. be ok with loosing.. plus better points.
my point; the cannon is viable for 90% of tasks, the gp at lower levels is unmatched. by default your gear is cheap & nce you get to lv 50 or so wildy, you're way ahead in pts &'s very unerlooked imo.
I can't explain to you how badly I needed to see this video, so just look up my stats to see instead.
Shh babe Mudkip uploaded
idk im still team iron cannon. 2,000 cannonballs lasts a good while, if i can put in 30 mins when i dont really wanna play or if im watching something to make a ton of future tasks go by quicker, im in. gargoyles is also a great source of bars
2k cannonballs is like 6 tasks, 3 if they're in multi
@@serialflipper5857 yeah and like every 4th task is one that it makes sense to cannon so 12-24 doing a few per day max, sometimes a couple days between tasks, 30 mins every so often at that rate really ain’t that bad
Yeah, most of the time I'd rather load my time into afk making cannonballs than slowly slogging through a cannon task without a cannon.
Great video, despite the anti cannon rhetoric 😁
No main should ever buy a Rune Pouch or Herb Sack using Slayer Points. Rune Pouch should be bought on GE via Rune Pouch Note, and Herb Sack can be brought from Tithe Farms.
But Ironman. lol
And neither of those were options for my main at the time. Still worth.
UIMs actually should basically never buy rune pouch with slayer points, it's just way better to get it from LMS
You need some actual ability to get points in LMS. I can't do it for shit.
You did know that the javelins are not saved by Ava’s device. It’s in your trailblazer league video when you did demonic gorillas.
You built a heavy ballista and used javelins to mess around.
For the longest time I thought you got regular points between 10 and 50 streak. I figured the fastest method for points would be to do 9 Turael then 1 other task then reset. Don't be me, keep your task streak going as long as you can.
the spell book tele is useless when an easy diary item gives u litteraly unlimited teles w no runes required
If you unlock task storage and store a task, do you get it again if its stored? Like an extra block?
The most important tip for slayer is get the Bonecrusher and the Ash Sanctifier ASAP!!!
22:39 But canon is so expensive! I'm trying to save money and profit from slayer. Losing like 300k-500k gp per task is not worth it unless you are very rich. Xp is nice, but not at such high cost that drive you to poverty
should of put tureal skipping for end game irons going for occult or hydra (ive watched this video over the course of 2-3 days so if you did sorry I forgot). I started skipping and resetting my streak at 91 slayer and am at 94 now, lots faster in my opinion to get occult, and to get hydra tasks (when I get there) for barraging and cannoning tasks. to me, making cannonballs for bursting smoke devils is 100% worth the time
"with your combat braclete and obby cape" I caught your little diss there lol and I use a regen and hide cape tyvm
My mom before slaying bloodvelds has me dead.
can someone explain if/how it works what he said at 15:30 about the heart boosting barrage damage? i thought that worked for charged staves but not spells
it doesn't. Someone corrected him in the comments, and he added the correction to the description.
Haven’t watched yet, but nothing you say is gonna stop me from doing exclusively burst/cannon/boss tasks on my iron.
As an Ironman, I like using a cannon for lizaran shammans, it's a task I have to do for the hammer but I can't stand doing it without the cannon, I can't think of any other uses for it though
You mentioned an aggression potion in game...hmmm sus now that the goading potion is out
I have been using the bracelets but I have gotten all the gems for them passively from other content. Haven't yet tried mining them so I guess it's fast to mine relevant gems and therefore will not fall into that cannonball category of "could have just done Slayer task instead during that time"
Sick video
You know nothing about slayer if you are unlocking the broad bolts before the slayer helm
MildWhutkipp strikes again ❤
Thank you for this
Honestly Osrs needs a deaths task system like rs3 i hate how much of a pain it is hunting for boss task
If you get your coal from miscellanea then you only have to worry about the iron which if you care about the mining gloves or your clan does a mining skill of the week you can end up with a lot of iron. As an iron who hates slayer the time I spend making the cannonballs is good because I wouldn't have been doing slayer anyway. I will never melee a bloodveld. Cannon go brrr. But if you are someone that doesn't need the cannon as slayer motivation more power to you.
I made 30k cannonballs during 100% afk time and did cannon slayer when i could play actively.
Cannon slayer is something that I find very enjoyable despite being macro EHP inefficient in theory.
But if I wasn't making cballs I probably wouldn't log in to do it and wouldn't be as motivated to train slayer.
So for me it's macro efficent
My tip. Don't do certain quests until you hit 99 slayer. For example if you don't ever want elves don't do regicide. You'll never get elevs and can use your blocks on other things. It's like a free block. You can do the same with other tasks.
One thing I do for fairy ring teleports is have Varrock medium diary done and teleport to G/E
Ardougne cape is right there...
But making cannonballs is AFK AND safe to just completely quit paying attention until you log out. Key difference from slayer AFK
I disagree with cannonballs being inefficient for irons because you didn’t say “hey how’s it going”
Salve Graveyard home portal is so clutch I just have a spirit tree in my poh instead of ring (not high enough for both atm)
im still making cannonballs
should of mentioned bloodveld tasks in the darkmyer labs, venatorbow plus cannon there is so op and gp gets made still (if using amethyst arrows
I would give everything to go to Nieve again... She's just not there anymore...
Hell, zombie Nieve would be better than Steve 😅
Id argue with herb sack, alot of tasks drop good amounts of herbs early on like abby specs and kurasks but thats just me
I have 99 slayer why did I watch this lol, When it comes to ironman and canon though I think the only time it's fine to make them is when you're on a boss task you don't want to skip but need to afk, doing it in this frequency you can pretty much just use up the steel bars you get from slayer drops and upkeep fine. Generally there's usually something better you can be doing with your time though. If the iron makes it to corp that is a good way of getting cballs too. I wish I had this video when I was new haha
Tbh I do cballs when I'm playing other games. You can easily get over 2k steel bars in an hour buying ore and coal and smelting at blast furnace, and then making the cballs is the most afk shit ever.
So essentially I consider it 8k cballs/hr of active time, so when considering how much slower some tasks are without the cannon, it's more efficient to use it.
Plus it just takes some tasks from a boring afk hour of sipping ppots to a task that will get 70k range xp and 60k slayer xp/hr vs 0 range xp and 20k slayer xp/hr.
You can also afk train on gargs for a bunch of skill ing supples and gp
Disagree on the cannon but good video
"First tip, buy everything"
"you should always use a cannon... 1 sec later, never make cannon balls." umm XD
I wonder what a slayer matters raid would look like
I have never made cannon balls on my ironman however some monster was dropping them and I have like 2k banked. So I’ll shoot those ones I get but I’ll never make them lol. I think I got most of these from my Calvarion d-pick grind.
20:22 well now there is ;)