We have a group like that in our city. One of the guys ran the stop sign and cartwheeled himself over my neighbors car. Broke his collar bone and destroyed his bike. When the cyclist took him to small claims court, my neighbor bought the dash cam footage. Now all of a sudden traffic laws apply to them.
@@martinkent333 Hey i ride a bike just cause I enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I'm not courteous. I will move dangerously far to the edge of the road to let a car pass.
In Finland we call these people "full body dicks", because they look like ones with their skinsuits and bad behavior. They are very dangerous because they don't care about rules when riding in the traffic.
If they are that predictable why aren't police waiting for them instead of a camera crew? I'd be embarrassed to be a police officer in that town watching this video.
I drive cars and ride bikes myself and I can't stand cyclists like this, when I ride my bike on the road I would move to the right and allow the car to go by.
Ive only been cycling a few months and i always cycle solo so i always give the cars and faster vehicles a way to pass me. It just disappoints me to see groups behaving like this because then it gives cyclists like you and me who always do the right thing and we cop abuse on the roads when we don’t deserve it as individuals.
@Igor M i dont know about you,. but in my country (Croatia), a group of 10 or 20 (not sure about the number) and more cyclist are considered as one cyclist. so if first goes through green light, everyone can follow through even if the light changes
@@simondr70 Cyclists like these are arrogant and stubborn in the way they ride. They put themselves at greater risk for injury and death when they exercise their assumed privilege on the road, I've seen plenty of examples. It's not a threat, it's the reality of what acting like this exposes a cyclist to. Not complicated. You're clearly working through some personal things; if you reply, keep it relevant. If you continue to be juvenile, you'll be ignored.
So if this happens every Sunday why not have a few patrol cars pull the entire bunch over for stop sign violations ? After several tickets even these self-entitled jerks would get the message.
Leonard MacAulay in this edited video? Or in real life on a daily basis? In real life on a daily basis I see almost NO drivers stopping their cars for stop signs or right turns on red. Oh they may slow enough to make sure their precious paint won't get damaged but only that much. And if you're in the crosswalk you better look out. You want to talk about a self entitled bunch, it's car divers.
@@JohnDoe-if2uo I don't care that it's not "your joke" your comment was on the money ! besides since when did we not use phrases that we've heard before, Aidan is being a knob !
Yeaaaa i got mine and is an air one ! thats coming from a cyclist but some guys think they own the road wichc is very stupid and ridiculous blast them with the train horn 😁
James T I totally agree with you. When we ride in a group the call filters through that there’s a vehicle and everyone slots into single file. The majority of vehicles toot or wave. Everyone is happy.
Theres a blatant question that's not being asked in the report: can a car overtake cyclists safely (assuming they're riding single file) without crossing over to the oncoming lane... from my experience if you are all the way to the side then cars try to overtake while staying in the same lane, which then leaves me no space at all. This would be solved if they split the group into smaller groups so it's easier for cars to overtake safely.
When you can't pass them without taking the oncoming lane, riding abreast is actually better for the passer, as the time staying in the oncoming lane is a lot shorter.
Speaking as a cyclist, I see this type of riding as nothing less than flaunting their right to riding by purposely disrespecting other users of the road.
It's because you are a slower vehicle and you have to let pass any more powerful vehicle than you. Honestly you are the most pissing vehicle on the road thinking ya'll above anyone
@@mrcavallo335 I'm glad you called them a vehicle, meaning they have the same rights as other vehicles on the roads and if you don't like being behind other vehicles you should take up walking.
@@warlord1usw you sure you wanna put it that way? You are 10 times smaller than a car, truck o whatever you want (apart from motorbike) and that's it. The point is, no vehicle can drive in double, and more, stack even motorcycles. So I don't see where is the point . Y'all bikers ride like this.
This is why motorists are licensed and cyclists are not. Would you say the same thing if it were a little old lady crossing the road? Or a woman with a baby carriage? But no, I guess your right to get where you want as quickly as possible trumps all that...
Me too, now I'm old. I'm guessing I've peddaled at least 60,000 in my lifetime. My last bike had 30,000 miles on and it was worn out. It took me 10 years to get that many miles, but it was a full suspension trail mountain bike, not a road bike.
I'm a cyclist and behaviour like this really makes me mad. So selfish and inconsiderate - and gives drivers who are so inclined a reason to dislike ALL cyclists. In situations like this, the best strategy is to ride double file (to create a shorter obstacle to pass), and break up into several small groups (again, to create a shorter obstacle).
I usually try to defend the cyclist from road hog cars, HOWEVER, this group needs to spend a few days in jail listening to constant sermons about road manners. A large group is perfectly capable of breaking into smaller groups.
I am a cyclist and that pisses me off. SHARE THE ROAD! Move over in single file! This is what gives cyclists a bad name. I confront cyclists that ride two abreast shooting the chit riding slow and holding up the line too. Nobody wins in this BS.
Riding two abreast is actually safer when in larger groups. It forces over taking vehicles to actually pass on the other lane rather than squeezing past on your lane wich is dangerous. Don't need to do it if there is only 2-4 of you but if you have lets say 10 cyclists all in a line that means the vehicle overtaking has to overtake something that is 10 bicyles plus a few gaps long wich means that vehicle is in on coming traffic for longer. I mean lets face it you only ever see this with roadies and they do 25-30mph on the flats in groups Hows that holding anyone up for more than a couple of seconds?
@@fahhhque2255 Personally I only Ride main roads if I have to, There is a couple of main roads in my area I won't touch because of how dangerous they are.
Sonata727 I can all but gaurantee you that they are all entitled leftists (yes, I'm bringing politics into this). They get off over impeding traffic and they know that in liberal states, the backwards laws are on their sides.
What’s odd is I’ve noticed the ones riding for transportation stay off the road or follow laws. The spandex cowboys riding for recreation in the road are the height of entitlement.
Thats me. I am riding my bike to work with my car being in the body shop. I dont want to ask for rides plus it will allow me to get in shape. I have seen a solo rider literally stay in the middle of the road slowing everyone else down with me staying on the shoulder as much as I can. Just the nice thing to do. These dumbasses in this video need to learn.
Ngl it’s not like this anymore, it’s flipped. We never see somebody just traveling in the city on their bike. It’s always as if they want to take up the most space in the world, but whenever I see groups of guys cycling for exercise, they get out the way. Idk maybe it’s a DC thing. They think we don’t have enough bike lanes. What needs to happen is there should be certain streets for bikes. Not every street makes sense for bike and car traffic.
The cyclists were ignoring the law. Yes, they have the right to be in the lane, but they are not supposed to ride abreast in the lane. It's very clear in the video what they're supposed to be doing by law.
zazzleman so. First of all you emphasized the wrong word in your insult. Second of all road laws are not the same in all places. For example. In British Columbia where this video was shot, it is illegal for byciclists to ride side by side as seen. They are required BY LAW to ride AS FAR TO THE RIGHT AS POSSIBLE as to allow CARS TO PASS THEM.
When I was a paramedic working the Hotter-N-Hell Hundred, we would be called to an emergency in volving one of the cyclists. Even with lights and sirens, they wouldn't move over. Even if it meant helping out one of their own.
seems that is a crime to impede the path or flow of an emergency vehicle. Someday they'll be in the ditch flies buzzin' round their eyes. blood on their saddle. . . I'm sure they'd all have a bird an a 1/3 to be written up for not yielding to emergency vehicles, ride home an call up a lawyer.
"You are creating a very dangerous situation" -- Cycling with one hand on the bike and the other with his phone in hand while not paying attention to the road.
overtake them then drive like 12 mph in front of them, slowing them down and see how they react. Cause thats what they are doing to the cars by not sharing.
Especially on the downhill. Dont let them take advantage of the speed. Hell, get in front of them on the uphill too so they have to keep stopping and build up momentum again.
Casualguy 939 then again you're giving them some draft hehe. Just slow down then speed up slightly then slow down again. Its really annoying for cyclists hehe. Im not saying brake check
kompera kompera I got one better, do that in a big Diesel Truck & then start Rolling Coal on them, normally I’d say that’s cruel but these jerks deserve it!
Does anyone else have a problem with cyclists in their town just straight up running stop signs? Idk what it is about being on a bike that makes you think you suddenly don't have to obey traffic laws, but in my neighborhood for some reason that's what happens. They don't even realize they danger they put themselves in when they do it. They drive me crazy. No pun intended.
They basically are asking to get hit. Someone's going around a corner too fast and it will be too late. I grew up in road bike culture and these people are acting like spoiled children in a parking lot.
Oh the hypocrisy of these entitled cyclists! They constantly complain about not getting respect from motorists. Perhaps if they learned how to share the road and follow the rules, they'd get a lot more respect from drivers.
Bad Drivers Of Napa Valley Cyclists have just as much right to a full lane as a car or truck. If a cyclist chooses to ride in the middle of the lane instead of the side they are well within their rights to do so. The fact that you have this notion that cyclists are somehow subordinate to motorists shows that you probably aren't mature enough to be driving on publics roads at all.
Julian Scales - I'm not saying they're subordinate to motorists. I'm going by what the law says. In my state, cyclists are required to stay in the dedicated bike lane when there is one available and must stay out of the vehicle's travel lane when a bike lane exists. Cyclists are not allowed on freeways. Cyclists who are travelling slower than vehicles must move as far to the right as is practicable to allow faster moving vehicles to pass by. They are not allowed to ride two or more abreast in many situations. Cyclists are allowed to use the full lane in SOME cases, but not all. Would you like me to cite the Vehicle Code sections for you? Because the law is the law. And in this video, the cyclists were breaking the law and being idiots. Don't be one too.
+Julian Scales, No they most certainly do NOT have right to the whole road! There is a reason cities have cycling lanes, and the ones that don't typically have a city ordinance about how many can ride side by side, and most is TWO, not FIVE!!!!!
Section 163 of the Highway Code states road users should: "Give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car." Whether the cyclist is riding in the gutter or in the middle of the road is irrelevant because motorists, by law, should be giving them a 3ft birth anyway.
I'm a cyclist and, of course, I also drive a car. I get just as annoyed as you by poor road manners on the part of cyclists. So please, don't assume that all cyclists are obnoxious. This video even shows samples of cyclists sharing the road properly. Please note also that the laws do very from place to place. I know of places where the signs actually state that cyclists may use the entire lane. Even where that is the case, I believe that cyclists should be courteous by making room for cars to pass where safe. And drivers should show a little patience as cyclists might need to take few moments to safely file into a line where the road is safe and passing is advisable.
as a cyclist I don't ride like this, nor drive like this. Those cyclist also drive, and i bet anything they drive the same way, zero respect for anyone else on the road.
the reason they get away with this kind of behavior is because there is no repercussion. If cops started to ticket them like they ticket cars, there would be far less cyclists breaking the law.
As a cyclist, I'd be down with this. But there does need to be some concessions - in some places, the rules of the road for vehicles just don't make sense to bikes. The trick is making that exception to the norm visible to other road users, so they know what to expect. The real trick with road safety is predictability.
ticketing isn't for safety - it is for revenue generation. otherwise, wouldn't people actually stop doing the things you want them to not do? we have drunk drivers and speeding on basically every major road. there are huge consequences for these actions but they are hardly ever enforced until it's almost too late.
Ticketing will make many people think twice about doing the same stupid actions over and over. Police just need to start acting on this kind of behaviour.... I'm sure this group of road hogs is out every weekend, so they won't be hard to track down.
Looks like someone had enough of the entitled cyclist in Show Low, AZ June, 19th, 2021. Ended up with several bikes in the grill of the big truck. Payback suckers.
he "Share the Road" sign is a highway sign that reminds drivers that the road is a shared space where everyone has rights and responsibilities. The sign's purpose is to increase drivers' awareness of bicyclists' rights and the need for mutual respect on the roadway.
I've been a cyclist most of my life, I'm 68, and the cycling etiquette has gone for the most part. Not just on roads but park trails where the space is 'shared' by pedestrians. Different era!
I had a friend, Marty Shaw who loved biking , ten speeder that is. A woman in Attleboro ran a stop sign and killed him. I hope she lives everyday with the thought she robbed a wife her husband. It never had to happen, but it did.
@@raymondgarafano8604 This is why I'm very leery to get into road cycling. I love everything about it except having to ride with cars. I think it does help riding in groups, but you still do hear about groups being hit. Cars rule America, and like you said, it doesn't have to be that way.
I ride a decent amount and last year I bought a bike rack so I can ride more on the trails. The more I spend time on the bike paths, the less I want to ever be on the road! I don't want to be around cars any more.
These are your typical weekend warrior know-it-alls. As a full time bike rider I've see these people all the time. They give the rest of us bike riders a bad name.
Thats exactly what I said, but still took flak from people who think they know better. IF THEY RIDE IN SMALLER GROUPS AND SPACE EACH GROUP APART 100 YARDS OR SO THEN EVERYONE IS HAPPIER. simple.
+Jimiel Joseph Why??? They athletes in training, they are better than you, why they would have to share the road??? They are on a bike therefore they have the road and you on the way to your job maybe as a nurse or a doctor have to wait for them because they are on a bike............. That is how this weekend warriors see themselves.
I’m a cyclist but I don’t like groups like this. These guys are asses. They should have been riding in single file Pelotons, not blocking the road hoards. They need to break up into smaller groups to ride Peloton style and share the road.
Jonathan Hansen Actually this is a peloton, albeit a sloppy and slow one. What you are referring to, single-file riding, is a paceline. And yes, that’s how a group should ride when cars are around.
I live in a small town in Oregon where we have a cyclist rally thing called reach the beach and they do this all the time. I watched a state trooper wait at a intersection four way stop and just write ticket after ticket after ticket after ticket it was very funny
@@davidbutler1857 I have zero points, and a telematic device in my car by my choice that proves you wrong. Even if I did, have does that justify these idiots?
Shameful. As a cyclist I'm embarrassed by such stupid behavior. Someone should have called the police on them to explain the law. No more than two abreast where I live. Anyone with brain switches to single file if a car is approaching from behind or rides the shoulder if paved. If it was a race the road would be posted and there would be a sag vehicle with flashers on. They're just being jerks.
Even riding only single or double file does not make a solid yellow line a passing lane. Anybody who lacks the patience to pass only once they have a clear passing lane lacks the patience to drive, and needs to be removed from the road. I have certainly removed my share.
Yooper Cyclist sadly, those who ride like the ones in the video... Are the same ones who have threatened people's lives. Two police chiefs in our county finally resigned because of the threats to their families.... Simply because their officers were writing tickets at a four way stop. They had cars destroyed, their offices vandalized.. So now, if you do call the cops on a bicyclist, the cops won't show up.😥
I’m a cyclist from mountain biking to road never really like big groups and stay away from busy streets. Always finding a safe route with less traffic. I’m just doing it for fitness no need to risk a accident or severe injury.
hahahaha, translation: "I didn't actually watch the video, I just wanted to spout my mouth off based on the thumbnail alone...." hahahaha THOSE EXACT WORDS, "it's actually illegal to cycle in that manner," WERE SPOKEN VERY CLOSE TO THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO (that you didn't watch).
Depends where you are. Unbelievably in Oregon 2 bikes can ride side by side. I guess its Oregon. Believe it. Honking your horn and holding it does get results.👍😄
this is Canada (BC). this video is also littered with many, many signs stating bikes and cars need to "Share the Road" But I would definitely do the horn thing, relentlessly.
@@bigring6424 eh I'm having a hard time believing that. Last thing I read on the issue was that cycling is the most dangerous way to commute but I could be wrong. Can you cite a study saying that it's less dangerous than walking? I'd like to read that.
Only way you can use a dead persons organs is by braindeath. If you run them over you cause damage and ischemia to organs causing necrosis, meaning the organs would be unfunctional.
Not true at all. I lived there for 47 years and was a competitive cyclist and trained on those roads often, Very few riders drive to a location to do a training ride. Almost all of them ride to a meeting point or get picked up along the way by the pack.
Call cops on them, that's like 5 grand worth of tickets each time. Edit : It's against the law thus there's a punishment for breaking it and if they try to run that becomes a felony.
What you are saying seems to be the solution. One police car could stop the whole group for tickets----and then go after the one who runs. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Result: A whole new attitude for this group.
It would take alot of police power to ticket them all. Its basically impossible to pull over a squad of riders that big. If you get behind them and try to pull them over, maybe one or two stop. If you set up a roadblock you will talk to one or two at the front while the rest turn around. Plus you would have to be able to process a bunch of people who aren't carrying IDs quickly. If you were processing one or two riders the rest would ride off. Fleeing is a stretch. You cant be expected to be detained for long periods of time over a traffic ticket. Especially when the police officers you are supposedly fleeing from are engaged in a traffic stop with someone else and do not pursue.
@@vanbikeskiandfishboilermak1516 Fleeing from the police is a much bigger deal than a bike ticket. The police could just forget about all those who stopped, and even if they only got one of those who fled, the consequences would be serious enough to give obnoxious bike groups pause----they aren't hard core criminals usually, anyways. The police can do more than just wait for you to stop. They can call up resources, say, motorcycle cops or even bike cops, and send you to the ground. Even a well timed little push by a police car is possible. Fleeing is a big deal.
They're on bicycles. Top speed maybe 35mph for a block or 2. Also mostly on road bikes. Only way to leave pavement is pick up bike a d rind in bright neon clothes and cleats not made for running. I could throw a 12 foot castnet and grab about 20
Eric Maher yep I wouldn't even ride a motorcycle; i.e. using my skin as a car-frame, seat-belt AND air-bag. But hey, they can feel the wind... whistling through the holes in their heads.
The scene where they are blowing through the stop sign as a bunch, I wonder how that would play out legally if the crossing vehicle naively pulled out into the middle of them?
are they supposed to stop at the stop sign one after the other? doesn't make any sense. Where I live groups of more than 15 cyclists are treated like a single vehicle.
@@pxlhoboo It is, but as a cyclist, I know that even in a group you have to obey the laws that keep you safe, which includes riding more than two abreast in some regions (not where I live, but there's other laws that apply to me). I'll happily admit that I break minor laws that don't make me or the motorists any safer. I'll go through a stop sign by just slowing down a lot to look for cars and then pedaling through when there isn't a cop nearby because that is what is safest for everyone and I disagree with the law that requires cyclists to stop at stop signs (signs specifically, not lights).
I’m a Club cyclist and this is appalling behaviour. If any of our members behaved like the guy in black and green, there would be stern words and possibly disciplinary action.
Seeing stuff like this makes me feel almost embarrassed to admit that I'm a cyclist too. These clowns are being deliberately provocative and deserve whats eventually going to happen when they provoke someone too far. They certainly wont get any sympathy from me.
Looks like someone had enough of the entitled cyclist in Show Low, AZ June, 19th, 2021. Ended up with several bikes in the grill of the big truck. Payback suckers.
Thanks for the video. My problem is cyclist like that are the 1st to complain when a car goes by them close or to fast. Like the lady said cyclist have to obey the law and most don't
As a League of American Bicyclists Cycling Instructor (LCI), I couldn't agree more. These are the type of cyclists that give us all a bad name... and typically consistently refuse to take the League's Road 1 classes because they already "know" how to ride. Part of safe, legal, and responsible cycling or motoring is to work with other roadway users to help make the experience better for EVERYONE out there. Thanks for calling them out!
study shows that riding 2 miles on a busy road ,is like smoking 2 cigarettes worth of carbon monoxide . Albuquerque Tramway study . Breath deep my friends .
I can't cross the road in NYC anymore (and sometimes walk down the sidewalk) without worrying that yet another cyclist is going to hit me again or come close to colliding with me. How do we as a society educate these people?
Randy, yes it's a bit of a problem. We need to balance safety with courtesy, and sometimes we get it wrong. Taking a narrowish lane I think makes sense, especially in a big group, as anyone overtaking would have to do so dangerously to get past 30 riders in single file. But, we need to make sure we don't wander across lanes, and we need to make sure that we make concessions to motorists where we can - we ask them to wait and treat us safely, we should (and I do) have fair turn about also. If I am taking a narrow lane, I'll try to speed up, and when it gets wider again I might move over and slow down a bit to let a few vehicles get past.
i have a question, why are you driving a vehicle? there are better, more healthy and reliable ways of transportation. like by foot, or bicycle. you aren't actually hauling cargo around all the time. wouldn't you want to be healthy and fit, so you don't die if you ever have to run from a wild animal?
Richard they actually do. Look it up. Cyclists have ALL the rights and responsibilities of motor vehicles. This includes the FULL lane. If you need to pass, change lanes like with any other vehicle. That’s just the way it is.
I'm a regular cyclist who uses a bike to go to work and for shopping, and I'm not a fan of this group. Most cyclists, especially those who commute by bike, obey the rules. It's not often you see stuff like this happening.
Then you get fined for excessive use of the horn. It a fine here in Australia for incorrect use of the horn. A horn beep as driving away from visiting a relative ? If police catch you, it a fine.
Laying on her horn is what made the cyclists spread out over the whole lane to begin with. If you are rude to cyclists then it is very likely that one of them will be rude back to you and the vicious cycle of rudeness will continue.
No, it doesn’t. It’s just Why would you apply that logic - the actions of one group of cyclists - to *all* cyclists? That’s an inaccurate generalization.
What's with middle-aged men flocking to their local bike store and asking for what appears to be the 'professional-looking kit, please'..?? Is it like their last-ditch effort to be 'good' at something or to at least appear to be good at something?
That or more realistically they lost touch with their friends because clearly they suck as human beings, so then they decided they'd get a bike and some spandex and go hang out with other old lonely men.
What's with entitled idiots on the internet making stupid comments about a subject for which they are entirely ignorant. Is it their last ditch attempt to be good at something, because they couldn't escape their mums basement?
I am a cyclist and a driver. I go out of my way to make sure that it is safe for cyclists when I am driving, and to not be a hindrance for drivers when I am cycling. In this case, I just might drop a box of thumbtacks on the road in front of them at the bottom of a long downhill where they dont have time to stop. That way, almost all of them would get a flat. A very large box of thumbtacks.
Casualguy 939, thanks for the tip. Back in the old days I used to carry a box of roofing nails in my truck just in case the po po were getting to close. It worked too.
This time we can let them speak for themselves. What I find ironic is that these guys are generally upper crust and educated... Likely all drive bmw's without signal lights too. A db is a db in any context.
All what? Expensive bikes, expensive lady pants, expensive sunglasses, and horrible entitlement... You're right, must be the the Subway night shift on their collective way to work. Anything else, my defensive friend? Pick a battle.
Geoff Chiles all it takes is one drunk old guy driving a f-250 King ranch with a rammer in front and those cyclist will all be dead because they had their noses so far up their asses they became oblivious
I had a really bad experience with a cyclist, he was the breaking the law and I honked so he'd know I was behind him/to move. At the stop sign he came up to my window and started banging on it and screaming at me, it was so scary and now I have a terrible impression of cyclists
Lilly - Glad to hear you are pro-gun now. Guns are especially important for a woman to have, as long as she is smart enough to not let anyone take it from her. They are the great equalizer.
Signs in much of Virginia are being changed to "Cyclists may use full lane." "Share the road" was initiated so that cars would share the road with cyclists, but that has been mutated to cycists should get out of the way of automobiles. Also, the Virginia laws have been updated to all rolling "stops" at stop signs.
This was uploaded almost 3 years ago. I'd love to know if there is a follow-up video, like seeing all of them pulled over being ticketed by the police.
They finally started doing that where I live, and predictably the crybaby's are screaming bloody murder. A group of 4 just got hit with a $120 ticket each for running a stop sign...right in front of a cop. Of course they are getting lawyers to fight it... I am sure that will cost less than the ticket...lol.. Fuckin idiots.
@@charliedee9276 Great. Bikers will have to follow the laws now! Of course auto drivers will have to wait for each cyclists in the group to stop and go through the intersection legally, one at a time. These long legal stops will definitely cause backups at stop signs. Drivers are patient though. Extra time waiting probably won't bother them.
@James Flint Agreed. Insane amounts of precious oil/fuel is wasted by the internal combustion engine. When automobiles have to brake and accelerate they waste even more fuel. What percentage of a car's wasted energy is due to bicycles being on the roads?
We have a group like that in our city. One of the guys ran the stop sign and cartwheeled himself over my neighbors car. Broke his collar bone and destroyed his bike. When the cyclist took him to small claims court, my neighbor bought the dash cam footage. Now all of a sudden traffic laws apply to them.
LOSERS RIDE BIKES. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@martinkent333 Hey i ride a bike just cause I enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I'm not courteous. I will move dangerously far to the edge of the road to let a car pass.
@Nigel Buckham lots of fat wannabe “cyclist pro” d1ckh3@ds where I’m from
I can't stand cyclists and I am one. Bunch of spandex clad narcissist's
@@HoloScope well dont do that either always do whats safest for both of ya
Don’t be this kind of cyclist
In Finland we call these people "full body dicks", because they look like ones with their skinsuits and bad behavior. They are very dangerous because they don't care about rules when riding in the traffic.
The only kind of cyclist smh
I am a cyclist myself and I totally agree with you. this kind of behaviour is very stupid
Skin suits are called Lycra.
And no im a mountain biker.
e hroad a
If they are that predictable why aren't police waiting for them instead of a camera crew? I'd be embarrassed to be a police officer in that town watching this video.
Some police are riding with them ... 🤣🤣🤣
@@corneilcorneil exactly
That’s true
Sadly there aren't as many cops as there used to be. But they will get a ticket it they're caught.
How many cops are in that bicycle group?
I'm a cyclist myself, but the self entitled attitude I see from so many of the others is just disgusting
I drive cars and ride bikes myself and I can't stand cyclists like this, when I ride my bike on the road I would move to the right and allow the car to go by.
@@BenjaminWillis-24 absolutely
@spacedinvaders3693 right or way or nor, at some point common courtesy should kick in and let the faster cars go by.
@@spacedinvaders3693 me either
I'm a cyclist and this is pathetic!!!! The crowed I ride with would NEVER allow this to happen. Those guys are idiots
Ive only been cycling a few months and i always cycle solo so i always give the cars and faster vehicles a way to pass me. It just disappoints me to see groups behaving like this because then it gives cyclists like you and me who always do the right thing and we cop abuse on the roads when we don’t deserve it as individuals.
It is allowed in germany
@@ano2425 This is not Germany.
@Igor M i dont know about you,. but in my country (Croatia), a group of 10 or 20 (not sure about the number) and more cyclist are considered as one cyclist. so if first goes through green light, everyone can follow through even if the light changes
@Igor M there is a differance between 1-3 or up to 5 drivers and 20.
Cyclists like these are the ones that end up with "I had the right of way" written on their gravestones.
ha ha ha
@@engrey Oh so nothing whatsoever like motorists...!?!
@@tangomoggy I'm thinking YOU are as pathetic as those idiots on the bikes. One other thing, those IDIOTS don't pay for the roads, MOTOR VEHICLES DO.
Omg , what a sorry ass loser remark , for heaven sake, remove what you said to save face , omg what a self centered loser you are ...
@@simondr70 Cyclists like these are arrogant and stubborn in the way they ride. They put themselves at greater risk for injury and death when they exercise their assumed privilege on the road, I've seen plenty of examples. It's not a threat, it's the reality of what acting like this exposes a cyclist to. Not complicated. You're clearly working through some personal things; if you reply, keep it relevant. If you continue to be juvenile, you'll be ignored.
Pass them and then go like 15 mph... when they try and pass just speed up so they cant get by lol
James Goodwin this is genius lol
@@ZantheonWOW ....I second that brilliance! What could they POSSIBLY argue against that?
as a cyclist (unlike those in the video) I laughed!
Then they kick your mirrors
@@joejosa8467 Nah, i don't think they really can speed up that fast to you. Driver can easily accelerate
There's always a-holes who are above the rules of the road. In cars and on bikes.
So if this happens every Sunday why not have a few patrol cars pull the entire bunch over for stop sign violations ? After several tickets even these self-entitled jerks would get the message.
Because the self entitled jerks are driving fast cars.
Seriously? How many fast cars did you see going through the stop signs? The entitlement of some of these spandex warriors is astonishing.
Leonard MacAulay in this edited video? Or in real life on a daily basis? In real life on a daily basis I see almost NO drivers stopping their cars for stop signs or right turns on red.
Oh they may slow enough to make sure their precious paint won't get damaged but only that much. And if you're in the crosswalk you better look out.
You want to talk about a self entitled bunch, it's car divers.
Morons on both side you idiot, it's so stupid to turn the blind eye on this one.
Bicyclists in the U.S. are that rare combination of arrogance and idiocy.
Blokes acting like tour de France. Youll be doin tour de hospital if yous keep it up
That’s not your joke
I'd give credit, but I cant find the original
Even the Tour de France will go single file when they are using occupied roads.... they KNOW how to behave.
or tour de morgue, depending.
@@JohnDoe-if2uo I don't care that it's not "your joke" your comment was on the money ! besides since when did we not use phrases that we've heard before, Aidan is being a knob !
This is where a train horn would come in handy.
Yeah attached to a simi, and if they don't move DRIVE THRU!!
Yeah, that and a fire hose
I have 2 train horns 😂
I was thinking the same thing and the marine air horn before I saw these comments 😂😂
Yeaaaa i got mine and is an air one ! thats coming from a cyclist but some guys think they own the road wichc is very stupid and ridiculous blast them with the train horn 😁
These are the kinds of cyclists that get knocked off.
It only takes a mustang to make them rethink their lives
Revving my WRX tends to work wonders as well lol
Why it has to be a mustang?
Young One, it only takes my neighbor’s wife and her suv for them to rethink their lives. She ran over two of my sons bikes on my front lawn.
YODA TRDOR mustangs are known for being a crowd stopper
I cycle, thousands of miles a year. And I HATE cyclists who behave like this. They make my life, and other respectful cyclists' lives miserable.
James T I totally agree with you. When we ride in a group the call filters through that there’s a vehicle and everyone slots into single file. The majority of vehicles toot or wave. Everyone is happy.
Same I cycle in a group and we respect the rules of the road. These guys are just asking for a crash.
Same here. They make people think we're all like this.
@@guywilliam6065 The news should have called to see what the cops have to say, and to see if they do anything at all.
I feel sorry for you as I am sure frustrated drivers take it out their anger on you when you don’t deserve it .
They’re like one of those gangs from a broadway musical
You just made my year 😂😂
tunnel snakes rule!
Theres a blatant question that's not being asked in the report: can a car overtake cyclists safely (assuming they're riding single file) without crossing over to the oncoming lane... from my experience if you are all the way to the side then cars try to overtake while staying in the same lane, which then leaves me no space at all. This would be solved if they split the group into smaller groups so it's easier for cars to overtake safely.
When you can't pass them without taking the oncoming lane, riding abreast is actually better for the passer, as the time staying in the oncoming lane is a lot shorter.
Keep your low speed little toys off of narrow high speed roads
@@timmay6545 since when are city streets narrow high speed roads? In which parallel universe do those exist?
@@timmay6545 learn to drive
Speaking as a cyclist, I see this type of riding as nothing less than flaunting their right to riding by purposely disrespecting other users of the road.
Those "a-holes" ruin it for the law abiding cyclists.
Those dumbasses are lucky im not tryna catch 34 manslaughter cases
These are the sort of douchebags that give cyclists a bad name.
Bunch of total as*holes. 😡🤬
Going through stop signs etc, have they got a death wish.
If your not prepared to abide by the rules of the road, then stay off the road or suffer the consequences of your actions.
"Law abiding cyclists" Where?
I’am a cyclist and the reason I follow the rules is because I also drive. I hate being stuck behind a cyclist who doesn’t get it.
It's because you are a slower vehicle and you have to let pass any more powerful vehicle than you. Honestly you are the most pissing vehicle on the road thinking ya'll above anyone
@@mrcavallo335 I don't think that you can read.
@@mrcavallo335 I'm glad you called them a vehicle, meaning they have the same rights as other vehicles on the roads and if you don't like being behind other vehicles you should take up walking.
@@warlord1usw you sure you wanna put it that way? You are 10 times smaller than a car, truck o whatever you want (apart from motorbike) and that's it. The point is, no vehicle can drive in double, and more, stack even motorcycles. So I don't see where is the point . Y'all bikers ride like this.
That why I bike at park or neighborhood 🤗 but im a runner
Provoking a driver that's controlling a 2ton death machine is certainly the smart thing to do.
This is why motorists are licensed and cyclists are not. Would you say the same thing if it were a little old lady crossing the road? Or a woman with a baby carriage? But no, I guess your right to get where you want as quickly as possible trumps all that...
@Jay Barker Cyclists:"Share the road!"
Cyclists:*Don't share road*
Me:"haha dead dinos go brrrrrr"
Neither is doing all that work when there's engines.
@Jay Barker Are you a Christian too ? If you say you are you don't seem to be sticking to Christian teachings at all.
Peter Mills
Zero similarity, move your cyclist ass over.
End of story.
I am so grateful I ride a bike alone, so this scenario cannot happen to me.
Me too, no drama I go where I want at the speed I want, hopefully not annoying other road users.
I do also.
Me too, now I'm old. I'm guessing I've peddaled at least 60,000 in my lifetime. My last bike had 30,000 miles on and it was worn out. It took me 10 years to get that many miles, but it was a full suspension trail mountain bike, not a road bike.
must be a lot easier to hit you
When you ride single, you SHOULD ride in the middle ofthe lane, so cars are forced following rules and change the lane to overtake you!
Attenborough voice "Here we see the male Karen in his natural habitat. They travel in groups for protection."
Kyle is the male version of Karen.
I'd take a bet there will be a decent percentage of females in that group of cyclists, cycling isn't just a mans sport you know.
Nicole M. Rodgers "let's test out that protection against a Humvee with a bumper-guard..."
@@WildPhotoShooter It is in groups like that, they don't want men watching their pedaling butts.
@@stephanbushnell6090 Sausage Cycles
Causing all these cars to drive slowly and burn more fuel is really bad for the environment these cyclists are responsible for global warming
Burning lots of gasoline everyday actually burns LESS gasoline. Science.
mikfax keep up the good work
Are you dumb? The higher the speed, the more fuel you burn because of the resisting forces.
It’s hard to take a guy wearing tights very serious when he tries to be a tough guy. My mother holding up a wooden spoon is a more imposing figure
Jack graves mothers holding wooden spoons can only mean one of two things.
1. Delicious spaghetti sauce
2. An ass whopping
@@jacobmorales1563 or some interesting foreplay.
I bet you would sing a different tune if it was The Rock in tights .
I'm a cyclist and behaviour like this really makes me mad. So selfish and inconsiderate - and gives drivers who are so inclined a reason to dislike ALL cyclists.
In situations like this, the best strategy is to ride double file (to create a shorter obstacle to pass), and break up into several small groups (again, to create a shorter obstacle).
I usually try to defend the cyclist from road hog cars, HOWEVER, this group needs to spend a few days in jail listening to constant sermons about road manners. A large group is perfectly capable of breaking into smaller groups.
"Road hog cars"
Roads are meant for cars...
Jesse Ohlsson
I don't see those insectoids paying license, registration and gas taxes.
They are not normal. most do not want to die.
How much a year are license tabs for a bicycle?
I am a cyclist and that pisses me off. SHARE THE ROAD! Move over in single file! This is what gives cyclists a bad name. I confront cyclists that ride two abreast shooting the chit riding slow and holding up the line too. Nobody wins in this BS.
Riding two abreast is actually safer when in larger groups. It forces over taking vehicles to actually pass on the other lane rather than squeezing past on your lane wich is dangerous. Don't need to do it if there is only 2-4 of you but if you have lets say 10 cyclists all in a line that means the vehicle overtaking has to overtake something that is 10 bicyles plus a few gaps long wich means that vehicle is in on coming traffic for longer. I mean lets face it you only ever see this with roadies and they do 25-30mph on the flats in groups Hows that holding anyone up for more than a couple of seconds?
Can I ask, why do you guys always ride on main roads, when there are so many back roads?
@@fahhhque2255 Personally I only Ride main roads if I have to, There is a couple of main roads in my area I won't touch because of how dangerous they are.
@@fahhhque2255 May i ask why this bothering you where i am cycling if it`s not your business?
@@JanKowalski-pe9lo I'm guessing it's because of the video he or she just watched. Do you ride like these guys do?
What do they get out of riding together at that pace in groups of 30?
They like looking at each other's ass.
Sonata727 I can all but gaurantee you that they are all entitled leftists (yes, I'm bringing politics into this). They get off over impeding traffic and they know that in liberal states, the backwards laws are on their sides.
my man keeping it real using bullet points in the comments you the real mvp
Sonata727 wannabe one nutters think they can't get the same from an exercise bike
Herd behaviour.
What’s odd is I’ve noticed the ones riding for transportation stay off the road or follow laws. The spandex cowboys riding for recreation in the road are the height of entitlement.
The MAMIL’s, middle aged men in lycra
Thats me. I am riding my bike to work with my car being in the body shop. I dont want to ask for rides plus it will allow me to get in shape. I have seen a solo rider literally stay in the middle of the road slowing everyone else down with me staying on the shoulder as much as I can. Just the nice thing to do. These dumbasses in this video need to learn.
Ngl it’s not like this anymore, it’s flipped.
We never see somebody just traveling in the city on their bike. It’s always as if they want to take up the most space in the world, but whenever I see groups of guys cycling for exercise, they get out the way.
Idk maybe it’s a DC thing. They think we don’t have enough bike lanes. What needs to happen is there should be certain streets for bikes. Not every street makes sense for bike and car traffic.
Spandex cowboys 😂😂😂
That’s exactly why I mounted a train horn with a compressor to my car
Wes Hardesky cool!!!
You should video this that would be hilarious
Why not?
They should have had a police officer with them. I wonder how self-entitled they would've been then.
not as entitled as the wankers who drive cars who think they should push as cyclist over to the edge. IT is their lane, not yours you fuckwit.
zazzleman did you even watch the video?
The cyclists were ignoring the law. Yes, they have the right to be in the lane, but they are not supposed to ride abreast in the lane. It's very clear in the video what they're supposed to be doing by law.
i'm bike to school everyday and these guys are dickheads
zazzleman so. First of all you emphasized the wrong word in your insult. Second of all road laws are not the same in all places. For example. In British Columbia where this video was shot, it is illegal for byciclists to ride side by side as seen. They are required BY LAW to ride AS FAR TO THE RIGHT AS POSSIBLE as to allow CARS TO PASS THEM.
When i ride my bike i complain about car drivers.
When i drive my car i complain about bike riders.
I'm a cyclist and I do the same thing.
That's because our infrastructure is just AWFUL.
Look at the Netherlands to see how proper infrastructure can bring peace and safety for both
When I drive my car I mostly complain about other car drivers.
And of course we ALL complain about truck drivers. Who naturally reckon that pedestrians are terrible. Have we left anyone out?
Exact reason why drivers get very annoyed at cyclists. Those bunch of jerks!
When I was a paramedic working the Hotter-N-Hell Hundred, we would be called to an emergency in volving one of the cyclists. Even with lights and sirens, they wouldn't move over. Even if it meant helping out one of their own.
ego is one hell of a drug.
They have a weird 'WIN at all costs' attitude, it seems.
seems that is a crime to impede the path or flow of an emergency vehicle.
Someday they'll be in the ditch flies buzzin' round their eyes. blood on their
saddle. . . I'm sure they'd all have a bird an a 1/3 to be written up for not
yielding to emergency vehicles, ride home an call up a lawyer.
@@raymondgarafano8604 despite not winning anything
"You are creating a very dangerous situation" -- Cycling with one hand on the bike and the other with his phone in hand while not paying attention to the road.
Paul C That should warrant a distracted driving ticket. Just saying.
I hope you feel the same about drivers who drive with one hand, while texting with their other hand.
@@tubeworm339 Of course but we're talking about the cyclists who are the issue here
@@stuart3178 i like your response cool; polite and too the point
You don't have to obey the rules of the road as long as you put on a parakeet costume and pretend you're Lance Armstrong.
They look like Power Rangers lol.
My parakeets said they do not appreciate that comparison...
Epic reply...high five!
Safety always comes before the rules of the road.
James Carroll
If I was backing up traffic in my car going 25mph I’d be pulled over
The lane is too narrow for cars to pass safely, let them ride their bikes.
@dannyphantom121 if they weren't ignorant there would be plenty of space and opportunities to pass safely.
overtake them then drive like 12 mph in front of them, slowing them down and see how they react. Cause thats what they are doing to the cars by not sharing.
Especially on the downhill. Dont let them take advantage of the speed. Hell, get in front of them on the uphill too so they have to keep stopping and build up momentum again.
Casualguy 939 then again you're giving them some draft hehe. Just slow down then speed up slightly then slow down again. Its really annoying for cyclists hehe. Im not saying brake check
kompera kompera key placement of carpet tacks will curb them. Bang pow. Pop. Flat tires. Ha ha ha ha
Slow down really fast for a dog on the road when you pass them, they would drop like dominos.
kompera kompera
I got one better, do that in a big Diesel Truck & then start Rolling Coal on them,
normally I’d say that’s cruel but these jerks deserve it!
Gang mentality
Gay gang mentality
just like the average police!
@@7s7rg77 Please delete this ignorance...your stupidity is showing.
Road hogging high horse douchenozzle gang mentality.
J K hmmm.. Biker gangs aren't what they used to be. For one thing no rockers on their backs.
Does anyone else have a problem with cyclists in their town just straight up running stop signs? Idk what it is about being on a bike that makes you think you suddenly don't have to obey traffic laws, but in my neighborhood for some reason that's what happens. They don't even realize they danger they put themselves in when they do it. They drive me crazy. No pun intended.
Oswald Thatendswald deal with it i do what i want
Kellen Mitchell No you don't. You do what I tell you to do.
Um preeeetty sure i can cross the street without dying
Kellen Mitchell Not if I see you
Kwejeebo no one is scared of u
As a Cyclist, these guys are bloody selfish. But most are NOT LIKE THIS
They basically are asking to get hit. Someone's going around a corner too fast and it will be too late. I grew up in road bike culture and these people are acting like spoiled children in a parking lot.
Here in Europe, most road cyclists cycle in this way. It's safer.
Well then clearly we need to ban cars if they're that dangerous
That person driving around the corner too fast is the problem. They could hit all sorts of things other than cyclists.
I ride road bikes, and guys like this are why drivers make my rides dangerous
@@treyhart6861 must have rode with terrible cyclists if they're constantly fluctuating speed like that.
@LftHvyLftFst cause it's cyclists causing all of the vehicle deaths around the world? lmao
Bicycles have the right of way over the cars... motorists are the ones that are dangerous!
@@danstafford5977 In most countries yes but not in the states.
@LftHvyLftFst That much is obvious from your mentality.
These are the same guy's that drive there BMW's like pricks
and hit players from behind in beer league hockey games.
I'd have no problem running them down like dogs.
On behalf of bmw owners we’d rather mow them down.
you mean prius in the left lane doing 5 under the limit, but i get it
I have been a cyclist for 60+ years and still am. I have never or would never do something like this.
Oh the hypocrisy of these entitled cyclists! They constantly complain about not getting respect from motorists. Perhaps if they learned how to share the road and follow the rules, they'd get a lot more respect from drivers.
True. It’s like a handicap person bullying you.
Bad Drivers Of Napa Valley Cyclists have just as much right to a full lane as a car or truck. If a cyclist chooses to ride in the middle of the lane instead of the side they are well within their rights to do so.
The fact that you have this notion that cyclists are somehow subordinate to motorists shows that you probably aren't mature enough to be driving on publics roads at all.
Julian Scales - I'm not saying they're subordinate to motorists. I'm going by what the law says. In my state, cyclists are required to stay in the dedicated bike lane when there is one available and must stay out of the vehicle's travel lane when a bike lane exists. Cyclists are not allowed on freeways. Cyclists who are travelling slower than vehicles must move as far to the right as is practicable to allow faster moving vehicles to pass by. They are not allowed to ride two or more abreast in many situations. Cyclists are allowed to use the full lane in SOME cases, but not all. Would you like me to cite the Vehicle Code sections for you? Because the law is the law.
And in this video, the cyclists were breaking the law and being idiots. Don't be one too.
+Julian Scales, No they most certainly do NOT have right to the whole road! There is a reason cities have cycling lanes, and the ones that don't typically have a city ordinance about how many can ride side by side, and most is TWO, not FIVE!!!!!
Section 163 of the Highway Code states road users should: "Give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car." Whether the cyclist is riding in the gutter or in the middle of the road is irrelevant because motorists, by law, should be giving them a 3ft birth anyway.
I severely dislike cyclists because of their elitist behavior.
Kinda reminds you of a certain group of persons these days...
I'm a cyclist and, of course, I also drive a car. I get just as annoyed as you by poor road manners on the part of cyclists. So please, don't assume that all cyclists are obnoxious. This video even shows samples of cyclists sharing the road properly.
Please note also that the laws do very from place to place. I know of places where the signs actually state that cyclists may use the entire lane. Even where that is the case, I believe that cyclists should be courteous by making room for cars to pass where safe. And drivers should show a little patience as cyclists might need to take few moments to safely file into a line where the road is safe and passing is advisable.
As a cyclist, I apologize. Not every cyclist is like this.
@@domino52o26 yeah democrats.
as a cyclist I don't ride like this, nor drive like this.
Those cyclist also drive, and i bet anything they drive the same way, zero respect for anyone else on the road.
the reason they get away with this kind of behavior is because there is no repercussion. If cops started to ticket them like they ticket cars, there would be far less cyclists breaking the law.
As a cyclist, I'd be down with this. But there does need to be some concessions - in some places, the rules of the road for vehicles just don't make sense to bikes. The trick is making that exception to the norm visible to other road users, so they know what to expect.
The real trick with road safety is predictability.
ticketing isn't for safety - it is for revenue generation. otherwise, wouldn't people actually stop doing the things you want them to not do? we have drunk drivers and speeding on basically every major road. there are huge consequences for these actions but they are hardly ever enforced until it's almost too late.
Ticketing will make many people think twice about doing the same stupid actions over and over. Police just need to start acting on this kind of behaviour.... I'm sure this group of road hogs is out every weekend, so they won't be hard to track down.
JJJ J the corollary is they are also super easy to avoid.
How about getting licensed to operate a bicycle on the same roadway for cars?
If they ride single file they would take up 5x the distance. It is easier to pass when they are bunched up.
Why is the police not doing something about this ?
because there will be more than a few cops in that group....
cops are retards now unfortunately.
@@m.w.2979 how did I know that was gonna be the answer....
becoz dey cannot do the pit maneuver on d bicycle ,,, its dangerous
Police, politicians, government workers and business men do cycling. Yeah its also the same here in the Philippines
Dude , that's at least 100,000 points right there.
At least a x2 multiplier
Carmageddon, baby!
They're just itching for confrontation....so they shouldn't be surprised when they find it.
Looks like someone had enough of the entitled cyclist in Show Low, AZ June, 19th, 2021. Ended up with several bikes in the grill of the big truck. Payback suckers.
someone should scratch that itch for them
They're.. really not. They're just taking the lane. They have rights, just like cars. Take a different road
@@ayolotl4830 Unless you're a super human who can cycle at 60 mph then get off the road. These morons deserve every injury they get for their idiocy.
he "Share the Road" sign is a highway sign that reminds drivers that the road is a shared space where everyone has rights and responsibilities. The sign's purpose is to increase drivers' awareness of bicyclists' rights and the need for mutual respect on the roadway.
The sign is there for all road users. It's a two way street.
I've been a cyclist most of my life, I'm 68, and the cycling etiquette has gone for the most part. Not just on roads but park trails where the space is 'shared' by pedestrians. Different era!
I remember back in the 80's early 90s when passing a cyclist you'd get a friendly wave, now its a more of "get the f___ out of my way"
@@jamiebalson4260 Yeah I remember nice cyclists. I wonder what turned them all evil.
I had a friend, Marty Shaw who loved biking , ten speeder that is. A woman in Attleboro
ran a stop sign and killed him. I hope she lives everyday with the thought she robbed a wife her husband. It never had to happen, but it did.
@@raymondgarafano8604 This is why I'm very leery to get into road cycling. I love everything about it except having to ride with cars. I think it does help riding in groups, but you still do hear about groups being hit. Cars rule America, and like you said, it doesn't have to be that way.
I ride a decent amount and last year I bought a bike rack so I can ride more on the trails. The more I spend time on the bike paths, the less I want to ever be on the road! I don't want to be around cars any more.
Well they believe "share the road" means don't hit them. So that sign doesn't apply to them. Obviously the signs don't apply to them including "stop".
"Share the road" does mean "don't hit them."
And they apply to your cagers???
These are your typical weekend warrior know-it-alls. As a full time bike rider I've see these people all the time. They give the rest of us bike riders a bad name.
Thats exactly what I said, but still took flak from people who think they know better. IF THEY RIDE IN SMALLER GROUPS AND SPACE EACH GROUP APART 100 YARDS OR SO THEN EVERYONE IS HAPPIER. simple.
+Jimiel Joseph Why??? They athletes in training, they are better than you, why they would have to share the road??? They are on a bike therefore they have the road and you on the way to your job maybe as a nurse or a doctor have to wait for them because they are on a bike............. That is how this weekend warriors see themselves.
Anyone know if this was resolved?
I’m a cyclist but I don’t like groups like this. These guys are asses. They should have been riding in single file Pelotons, not blocking the road hoards. They need to break up into smaller groups to ride Peloton style and share the road.
Jonathan Hansen Actually this is a peloton, albeit a sloppy and slow one. What you are referring to, single-file riding, is a paceline. And yes, that’s how a group should ride when cars are around.
Lol I hope some madman type kills em all.
I live in a small town in Oregon where we have a cyclist rally thing called reach the beach and they do this all the time. I watched a state trooper wait at a intersection four way stop and just write ticket after ticket after ticket after ticket it was very funny
Hope he didn’t get writers cramp
LOL. I was a motor officer for 11 of my 28+ years. I wrote many many cyclists for moving violations. Majority of them were prima donas.
LOL I was about to leave this same comment. Pacific City.
@ronnie doorzon lol
I suggest you fit a train horn in your car. There are videos u can watch😈
Get right behind them and lay on the horn for about 20 miles.
Probably illegal. Motorists have a licence to lose.
It's more fun to get in front of them and start applying brakes
A train horn would fix them real good!
Matt Matt Make sure you slame on them. Then speed off. Let them chase and do it again til they are all laying on the ground.
John Dooley what? Go back to you.moms basement libtards troll. Perfectly legal. Done it many times.
I hate these idiots. I run into this all the time. They have the nerve to give dirty looks while they break the law.
You probably speed all the time
@@davidbutler1857 I have zero points, and a telematic device in my car by my choice that proves you wrong. Even if I did, have does that justify these idiots?
Shameful. As a cyclist I'm embarrassed by such stupid behavior. Someone should have called the police on them to explain the law. No more than two abreast where I live. Anyone with brain switches to single file if a car is approaching from behind or rides the shoulder if paved. If it was a race the road would be posted and there would be a sag vehicle with flashers on. They're just being jerks.
Yooper Cyclist not calling the cops but witnessing a crime is a crime in itself.
Even riding only single or double file does not make a solid yellow line a passing lane. Anybody who lacks the patience to pass only once they have a clear passing lane lacks the patience to drive, and needs to be removed from the road. I have certainly removed my share.
Yooper Cyclist ik right
Pack mentaliy. Whether it be bicyclists, police, government officials or any group. Rules get tossed to the wayside.
Yooper Cyclist sadly, those who ride like the ones in the video... Are the same ones who have threatened people's lives. Two police chiefs in our county finally resigned because of the threats to their families.... Simply because their officers were writing tickets at a four way stop.
They had cars destroyed, their offices vandalized..
So now, if you do call the cops on a bicyclist, the cops won't show up.😥
I always wash my windscreen as I go past them. Gives them a nice cool spritz
I'm so using the lol
Adam Hart omg I love that 😂😂
since i always drive alone and my spritzers are tripple nozzles,the outter most nozzle doesnt actually aim at my window :3
Thanks much appreciated, but I wouldn't let you past
I’ll honk usually makes one jump cause most cyclists have headphones in they can’t hear the horn makes them jump
If this is India the car will honk a few times . If they don't give way Indian car drivers will force their way through the group.
W J i am a cyclist too
I would if I had a beater car.
That’s how it’s done!!!
Too many stupid rules in Canada
And India has a huge mortality rate on the roads...
I’m a cyclist from mountain biking to road never really like big groups and stay away from busy streets. Always finding a safe route with less traffic. I’m just doing it for fitness no need to risk a accident or severe injury.
Well actually the route that they take are remote.
a couple guys with paintball guns can solve this
orphanof CROM dude lmao
Actually I'd rather see strong laws, aggressively enforced, instead of any vigilante action.
so you'd rather see people in jail over something small rather than them learning the lesson a easy way lol cmon dude
Yeah but you can peg an entire group of people with paint from a considerable distance and speed with a gun. Plus you get to hear the cries of agony.
orphanof CROM i like you
Its actually illegal to cycle in that manner....
Jason Brisco that's the whole point of this video
Twent V
Ha. I don't even know what to say.
hahahaha, translation: "I didn't actually watch the video, I just wanted to spout my mouth off based on the thumbnail alone...." hahahaha
THOSE EXACT WORDS, "it's actually illegal to cycle in that manner," WERE SPOKEN VERY CLOSE TO THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO (that you didn't watch).
Depends where you are. Unbelievably in Oregon 2 bikes can ride side by side. I guess its Oregon. Believe it. Honking your horn and holding it does get results.👍😄
this is Canada (BC). this video is also littered with many, many signs stating bikes and cars need to "Share the Road"
But I would definitely do the horn thing, relentlessly.
At least once someone's had enough, they'll leave some wonderful, healthy organs behind for those in need.
Cycling to work is safer than walking, regardless if you measure by time or distance.
@@bigring6424 eh I'm having a hard time believing that. Last thing I read on the issue was that cycling is the most dangerous way to commute but I could be wrong. Can you cite a study saying that it's less dangerous than walking? I'd like to read that.
Throw away the brain ?
Only way you can use a dead persons organs is by braindeath. If you run them over you cause damage and ischemia to organs causing necrosis, meaning the organs would be unfunctional.
You don’t want them single file. Double file and to the right - less distance to pass.
The ironic part about these type of cyclists is that they typically drive to these areas to bike around.
Exactly,I have seen one with the bike rack on their car honking at a person on a bike.
Not true at all. I lived there for 47 years and was a competitive cyclist and trained on those roads often, Very few riders drive to a location to do a training ride. Almost all of them ride to a meeting point or get picked up along the way by the pack.
P.G. Reitsma 'the pack' lol! grrr we're a pack!
Yes, a pack of spandex wearing douchebags.
Youpeople Arecrazy - instead of a pack of fat lazy sweat suit wearing phone zombies floating aimlessly around in car douchbags.
Call cops on them, that's like 5 grand worth of tickets each time.
Edit : It's against the law thus there's a punishment for breaking it and if they try to run that becomes a felony.
What you are saying seems to be the solution. One police car could stop the whole group for tickets----and then go after the one who runs. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Result: A whole new attitude for this group.
It would take alot of police power to ticket them all. Its basically impossible to pull over a squad of riders that big. If you get behind them and try to pull them over, maybe one or two stop. If you set up a roadblock you will talk to one or two at the front while the rest turn around. Plus you would have to be able to process a bunch of people who aren't carrying IDs quickly. If you were processing one or two riders the rest would ride off. Fleeing is a stretch. You cant be expected to be detained for long periods of time over a traffic ticket. Especially when the police officers you are supposedly fleeing from are engaged in a traffic stop with someone else and do not pursue.
@@vanbikeskiandfishboilermak1516 Fleeing from the police is a much bigger deal than a bike ticket. The police could just forget about all those who stopped, and even if they only got one of those who fled, the consequences would be serious enough to give obnoxious bike groups pause----they aren't hard core criminals usually, anyways. The police can do more than just wait for you to stop. They can call up resources, say, motorcycle cops or even bike cops, and send you to the ground. Even a well timed little push by a police car is possible. Fleeing is a big deal.
@@vanbikeskiandfishboilermak1516 not if the tickets are pre-filled out
They're on bicycles. Top speed maybe 35mph for a block or 2. Also mostly on road bikes. Only way to leave pavement is pick up bike a d rind in bright neon clothes and cleats not made for running. I could throw a 12 foot castnet and grab about 20
I wouldn’t risk my life like that in the angry world we live in right now. But hey, who listens to me, right?
Eric Maher yep I wouldn't even ride a motorcycle; i.e. using my skin as a car-frame, seat-belt AND air-bag.
But hey, they can feel the wind... whistling through the holes in their heads.
The scene where they are blowing through the stop sign as a bunch, I wonder how that would play out legally if the crossing vehicle naively pulled out into the middle of them?
are they supposed to stop at the stop sign one after the other? doesn't make any sense. Where I live groups of more than 15 cyclists are treated like a single vehicle.
They are supposed to stop. They didn't even slow down.
The dead ones would hopefully still be cited for ignoring traffic signs.
A brake check could fix things
Or a mustang
inbreds drive mustangs, inbreds who have sex with their siblings post about mustangs
I'm a cyclist and I hate when in a pack I have to say " come on guys, smarten up".
Its safer to ride as a group.
@@pxlhoboo It is, but as a cyclist, I know that even in a group you have to obey the laws that keep you safe, which includes riding more than two abreast in some regions (not where I live, but there's other laws that apply to me). I'll happily admit that I break minor laws that don't make me or the motorists any safer. I'll go through a stop sign by just slowing down a lot to look for cars and then pedaling through when there isn't a cop nearby because that is what is safest for everyone and I disagree with the law that requires cyclists to stop at stop signs (signs specifically, not lights).
@@pxlhoboo Find a bike lane, wide shoulder or a bike path if you're concerned about safety.
I’m a Club cyclist and this is appalling behaviour. If any of our members behaved like the guy in black and green, there would be stern words and possibly disciplinary action.
Bailiff, whack his pee-pee.
Kris Sangani Nobody cares if you’re a club soda.
Doubt it...
Kris Sangani lol idk if this is a joke
Kris Sangani oooooh. stern words. oh my.
This is why I ride as a loner most often or much smaller groups.
Now I understand why Jeremy Clarkson said "cyclists are lunatics who are waging some kind of idiotic war with anyone normal."
Anna Elizabeth hahahahaha
Seeing stuff like this makes me feel almost embarrassed to admit that I'm a cyclist too.
These clowns are being deliberately provocative and deserve whats eventually going to happen when they provoke someone too far. They certainly wont get any sympathy from me.
Looks like someone had enough of the entitled cyclist in Show Low, AZ June, 19th, 2021. Ended up with several bikes in the grill of the big truck. Payback suckers.
The person they will eventually provoke will end up in jail. It won’t end until the police do something but when…..?
Thanks for the video. My problem is cyclist like that are the 1st to complain when a car goes by them close or to fast. Like the lady said cyclist have to obey the law and most don't
The Observer because cyclists can die when a car passes too close. And these drivers are all upset about ‘muh feelings’
That road looks like an actual nightmare
As a League of American Bicyclists Cycling Instructor (LCI), I couldn't agree more. These are the type of cyclists that give us all a bad name... and typically consistently refuse to take the League's Road 1 classes because they already "know" how to ride. Part of safe, legal, and responsible cycling or motoring is to work with other roadway users to help make the experience better for EVERYONE out there. Thanks for calling them out!
study shows that riding 2 miles on a busy road ,is like smoking 2 cigarettes worth of carbon monoxide . Albuquerque Tramway study . Breath deep my friends .
I see it in Houston too. When you say something, they yell nasty stuff at you.
I can't cross the road in NYC anymore (and sometimes walk down the sidewalk) without worrying that yet another cyclist is going to hit me again or come close to colliding with me. How do we as a society educate these people?
Randy, yes it's a bit of a problem. We need to balance safety with courtesy, and sometimes we get it wrong. Taking a narrowish lane I think makes sense, especially in a big group, as anyone overtaking would have to do so dangerously to get past 30 riders in single file.
But, we need to make sure we don't wander across lanes, and we need to make sure that we make concessions to motorists where we can - we ask them to wait and treat us safely, we should (and I do) have fair turn about also. If I am taking a narrow lane, I'll try to speed up, and when it gets wider again I might move over and slow down a bit to let a few vehicles get past.
i have a question, why are you driving a vehicle? there are better, more healthy and reliable ways of transportation. like by foot, or bicycle. you aren't actually hauling cargo around all the time. wouldn't you want to be healthy and fit, so you don't die if you ever have to run from a wild animal?
In the immortal words of snow cat... Spandex wearing granola munchers.
crispyspa so? They still have a legal right to take the lane.
Jeff Harris They don't
Richard they actually do. Look it up. Cyclists have ALL the rights and responsibilities of motor vehicles. This includes the FULL lane. If you need to pass, change lanes like with any other vehicle. That’s just the way it is.
Also. Those cyclists are taking up less space than one single occupant suv. Drivers need to check their entitlement.
Jeff Harris They're obstructing traffic which is illegal
I'm a regular cyclist who uses a bike to go to work and for shopping, and I'm not a fan of this group. Most cyclists, especially those who commute by bike, obey the rules. It's not often you see stuff like this happening.
That's when you just obnoxiously lay on your horn the entire time.
Then you get fined for excessive use of the horn. It a fine here in Australia for incorrect use of the horn. A horn beep as driving away from visiting a relative ? If police catch you, it a fine.
@@wonniewarrior lol have fun with that buddy. This clearly isn't in Australia.
Laying on her horn is what made the cyclists spread out over the whole lane to begin with. If you are rude to cyclists then it is very likely that one of them will be rude back to you and the vicious cycle of rudeness will continue.
@@wonniewarrior Not everyone lives where basic human rights have been taken by totalitarian governments
incorrect. clear video shows they take up the entire lane, because they are entitled homosexuals.
This group gives all cyclists a really bad name.
No, it doesn’t. It’s just Why would you apply that logic - the actions of one group of cyclists - to *all* cyclists? That’s an inaccurate generalization.
The problem is these idiots who are not cyclists do give real cyclists a bad name.
Almost all cyclists give cyclists a bad name.
What's with middle-aged men flocking to their local bike store and asking for what appears to be the 'professional-looking kit, please'..??
Is it like their last-ditch effort to be 'good' at something or to at least appear to be good at something?
Yeh they think they are in the touredefrance haha
That or more realistically they lost touch with their friends because clearly they suck as human beings, so then they decided they'd get a bike and some spandex and go hang out with other old lonely men.
god forbid someone wear a football jersey
what about all the people that wear basketball and football jerseys? Nothing wrong with liking a sport.
What's with entitled idiots on the internet making stupid comments about a subject for which they are entirely ignorant. Is it their last ditch attempt to be good at something, because they couldn't escape their mums basement?
Get in front of them and turn your windshield washer on and let it run!
I like how the reporter says “watch yourself” to the guy arguing with him 😂😂
Alright spandex calm down XD
He was talking about watching where he was biking
I think he was advising the driver the bike was getting close.
I think the reporter wanted to smash his face in.
It's hilarious when cyclists try to act tough 😂🤣
no testosterone from all the cardio
@@holisticcatalyst kagel champions.
@IzzyFizzy LMAO... a two ton car crushes a cell phone, crushes the bicycle and turns the cyclist into a quadriplegic....
@@robertlee4714 ... and gets a long prison term for the driver.
Tougher than you'll ever be...
I am a cyclist and a driver. I go out of my way to make sure that it is safe for cyclists when I am driving, and to not be a hindrance for drivers when I am cycling. In this case, I just might drop a box of thumbtacks on the road in front of them at the bottom of a long downhill where they dont have time to stop. That way, almost all of them would get a flat.
A very large box of thumbtacks.
Casualguy 939, thanks for the tip. Back in the old days I used to carry a box of roofing nails in my truck just in case the po po were getting to close. It worked too.
I see that you watched the old James Bond movies too braddah. I never could get the oil slick to work though ;)
You’re not racing Tour de France. Share the goddamn road.
This time we can let them speak for themselves. What I find ironic is that these guys are generally upper crust and educated... Likely all drive bmw's without signal lights too. A db is a db in any context.
they don't seem to be educated but rather hold some sort of degrees and get paid well.
And you know all this because ...?
All what? Expensive bikes, expensive lady pants, expensive sunglasses, and horrible entitlement... You're right, must be the the Subway night shift on their collective way to work.
Anything else, my defensive friend? Pick a battle.
Geoff Chiles all it takes is one drunk old guy driving a f-250 King ranch with a rammer in front and those cyclist will all be dead because they had their noses so far up their asses they became oblivious
I had a really bad experience with a cyclist, he was the breaking the law and I honked so he'd know I was behind him/to move. At the stop sign he came up to my window and started banging on it and screaming at me, it was so scary and now I have a terrible impression of cyclists
Lilly Newsom you should of shot him in the chest
Jade Helm well I wasn't quite in fear of my life, just drove off freaked out. And I wasn't pro gun then
I would have shot his legs
Lilly - Glad to hear you are pro-gun now. Guns are especially important for a woman to have, as long as she is smart enough to not let anyone take it from her. They are the great equalizer.
Lilly Newsom carry pepper spray in car...that will teach him a lesson
Where are those ‘rolling coal’ trucks when you need them?
Terrorising Antifa at the moment lol.
@@armchairgeneralissimo Just imagine what a tiny sprits of bear mace would do if you drive in front of them.
Just thinking the same thing, as we all know blood will wash off.
Roll coal and blast a train horn.
At the small penis support group
Signs in much of Virginia are being changed to "Cyclists may use full lane." "Share the road" was initiated so that cars would share the road with cyclists, but that has been mutated to cycists should get out of the way of automobiles. Also, the Virginia laws have been updated to all rolling "stops" at stop signs.
That wasn’t a rolling stop . That wasn’t a stop at all
Paintball guns and water balloons 😉😂 that would be a funny scene
Airsoft. Leaves no trace lol
@James Flint, lol. I gotta ask about the thorns. Can you be more detailed?
Marbles would be much more fun.
train Horn
Slashing car tyres, that would be a funny scene.
This is a tough biker gang we got on our hands
LOSERS RIDE BIKES. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peddle Pushers with there speedo 's raving havic on the roadway
This was uploaded almost 3 years ago. I'd love to know if there is a follow-up video, like seeing all of them pulled over being ticketed by the police.
They finally started doing that where I live, and predictably the crybaby's are screaming bloody murder. A group of 4 just got hit with a $120 ticket each for running a stop sign...right in front of a cop. Of course they are getting lawyers to fight it... I am sure that will cost less than the ticket...lol.. Fuckin idiots.
@@charliedee9276 Great. Bikers will have to follow the laws now! Of course auto drivers will have to wait for each cyclists in the group to stop and go through the intersection legally, one at a time. These long legal stops will definitely cause backups at stop signs. Drivers are patient though. Extra time waiting probably won't bother them.
@James Flint Agreed. Insane amounts of precious oil/fuel is wasted by the internal combustion engine. When automobiles have to brake and accelerate they waste even more fuel. What percentage of a car's wasted energy is due to bicycles being on the roads?
@@MichaelGustavsonArchitect your one of the idiots in the video! Say it ain't so! LOL. IJS
@G Guard Walker Why are you being so mean?
They should complain about the lack of bicycle lanes in United States and anywhere else in North America. Got it!
I got a snow plow on the front of my truck, thats all I'm sayin'.
Just look left, and gas it. No harm done. I like your way of handling the sutuation. Bike Plow 2.0.
@@JOSHUAK71 drive up behind them with that baby scraping the pavement and I bet there would be some dirty shorts in front of you.
It has a nice effect on slow poke car drivers too.
It only takes one hit but I doubt half of them would learn from it so really it is not worth scratching your plow with bicycles.